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FMC 2020

September 30, 2020



Problem 1. Let n be a given positive integer. Prove that there does not exist a positive
divisor d of 2n 2 such that d 2 n 2  d 3 is a square of an integer.

Solution. Let we suppose the contrary: There exists d a positive divisor of 2n 2 such that
d 2 n 2  d 3  m 2 , for some integer m . From the condition of the problem that d is a divisor of
2n 2 there exists a positive integer k such that
2n 2
2n 2  d  k , so d  .
4 n 6 8n 6
m2  d 2 n2  d 3   3 .
k2 k
m 2 k 4  4n 6 k 2  8n 6 k ,
equivalent to
(mk 2 ) 2  4n6 (k 2  2k ) .
We deduce that k 2  2k must be a perfect square. From the inequalities
k 2  k 2  2k  k 2  2k  1  (k  1) 2 ,
we obtain a contradiction. Finally, we can conclude that we cannot find a positive divisor d of
2n 2 such that d 2 n 2  d 3 is a square of an integer.
Problem 2. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that
ab(b1)(c 1)
 bc(c1)(
1  1
a 1) ca( a 1)(b1)
 3 .
(1 abc)2

Solution. The given inequality is equivalent with the following inequality

c ( a 1) a (b1)b(c 1)

abc ( a 1)(b1)(c 1)
 3 ,
(1 abc )2
i.e. with the inequality
(1  abc)2 (ab  bc  ca  a  b  c)  3abc(ab  bc  ca  a  b  c  abc  1) .
Let m  a  b  c, n  ab  bc  ca and x3  abc . Then the last inequality gets the following form
(m  n)(1  x3 )2  3x3 ( x3  m  n  1)
(m  n)( x6  x3  1)  3x3 ( x3  1) .
Using AM-GM we get m  3x and n  3x2 , so m  n  3x( x  1) . According to this it is enough to
prove that
x( x  1)( x6  x3  1)  x3 ( x  1)( x 2  x  1) 
x6  1  x 4  x 2 
( x 2  1)2 ( x 2  1)  0,
which is obviously true.
Problem 3. Let k , n be positive integers, k , n  1 , k  n and a n  n grid of unit squares is
given. Ana and Maya color the grid in the following way: each one in turns colors in with black
color a unit square in such way that no two black cells have a common side or vertex. Find the
smallest positive integer n , such that they can obtain a configuration in which each row and
column contains exactly k black cells. Draw one example.

Solution. First let we note that in every 2  2 square, maximum one cell can be colored
black. Let us consider any two consecutive rows in the given grid. They must contain exactly 2k
cells colored in black. By dividing the cells of the two rows into 2  2 squares starting from the
left, we can see that the number of 2  2 squares must be at least 2k  1 (the last black cell can
be alone in the rightmost column). Hence, n  2  (2k  1)  1  4k  1 .

Now, let we assume that n  4k  1. Out of the black colored cells in any two consecutive
rows, at most 2k  1 can be in the leftmost 4k  2 columns. Thus, one cell colored in black must
be located in the last column. But then the second to last column can not have any cells colored
in black in it. As this holds for any consecutive rows of an n  n grid, the second to last column
of the entire grid can not contain any cells colored in black. This is a contradiction to the
assumption that each column contains k cells colored in black. Hence, n  4k .
One suitable construction for n  4k is the following: take four grids of size 2k  2k , in
which exactly those cells that are in odd rows and even columns have been colored black and
place them around a midpoint by rotating them 90 with respect to each other. In continuation it
is given example of one coloring for k  3 .
Problem 4. Let ABC be a triangle such that BAC  60 . Let D and E be the feet of the
perpendiculars from A to the bisectors of the external angles of B and C in the triangle ABC ,
respectively. Let O be the circumcenter of the triangle ABC . Prove that circumcircle of the triangle
BOC have exactly one point in common with the circumcircle of ADE .

Solution. Let X is the

intersection of the lines BD and CE .
We will prove that the point X lies on
the circumcircles of the triangles ADE
and BOC . Then we will prove that the
centers of these circles and the point X
are collinear, therefore these two circles
have only one common point.
We will use the notations  MNP  and
OMNP for circumcircle and center of the
circumcircle of the triangle MNP ,

We have
ADX  AEX  90  90  180
 X   ADE  , OADE  AX . (1)

Let I be the center of the incircle in the triangle ABC .

 180  
IBX  IBC  CBX    90 .
2 2
Similarly, ICX  90
IBX  ICX  90  90  180
 X   BIC  , OBIC  IX . (2)

Since   60 , we have
BOC  2 BAC  2  120
   
BIC  180   IBC  ICB   180      90   120
 2 2 2
 O   BIC 
  BIC    BOC  , OBIC  OBOC . (3)
It is easy to show the bisector of the internal angle at A and bisectors of external angles at B
and C are congruent (the center of excircle opposite of A ), so the points A  I  X are collinear.
Combining this with (1), (2) and (3), we can conclude that the points OADE  OBOC  X are collinear.

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