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Exercise 8.1.

C, D, G are manifolds. A, B, E, F are not manifolds.
Exercise 8.1.2
For R⃗x ∈ U0 , we have x0 ̸= 0, and
R⃗x = R = R(1, y1 , . . . , yn ).

U0 = {R(x0 , x1 , . . . , xn ) : x0 ̸= 0. xi ∈ R} = {R(1, y1 , . . . , yn ) : yi ∈ R}

Then we have invertible map

(y1 , . . . , yn ) ∈ Rn ←→ R(1, y1 , . . . , yn ) ∈ U0 .

This is the homeomorphism between Rn and U0 .

The other homeomorphisms are similar.
The homeomorphisms for complex projective spaces are also similar. For example, we have

U0 = {C(1, y1 , . . . , yn ) : yi ∈ C}

Then the invertible map

(y1 , . . . , yn ) ∈ Cn = R2n ←→ C(1, y1 , . . . , yn ) ∈ U0

is the homeomorphism between Cn and U0 .

Exercise 8.1.4
Consider the Möbius band as obtained by identifying the left and right of rectangle, as indi-
cated by the black arrows (red and blue arrows are not identified). The rotation of the rectangle
by 180◦ preserves the identifications by black arrows, and therefore gives a homeomorphism of
the Möbius band to itself. We also see the red and blue arrows (used only for directions, not
identifications) are changed from the left to right. This shows the boundary of the Möbius
band is reversed.
Exercise 8.2.1
The projective is P 2 is defined as the disk, with opposite points (for example, the pair of
dots on the left) on the boundary circle identified. We divide the disk into two parts B and
M . They are blued together along the (red) circle. The M part is actually a Möbius band.
Specifically, the black circle has opposite points identified, and gives the center circle in M . The
two radial intervals (blue and green) combine to give intervals in M . Therefore P 2 is obtained
by glueing a Möbius band and a disk together.



Exercise 8.2.2
Consider the Möbius band as obtained by identifying the left and right of rectangle, as
indicated by the black arrows. The top and bottom edges form the boundary circle of the
Möbius band. Shrinking the boundary circle gives the disk on the right, with left and right
boundary edges identified as indicated. This is the projective space P 2 .

Exercise 8.2.3
Not well-defined. Let S1 = T 2 ⊔ 2T 2 and S2 = T 2 . If we take the connected sum for the
first component T 2 of S1 , then we get 2T 2 ⊔ 2T 2 . If we take the connected sum for the second
component 2T 2 of S1 , then we get T 2 ⊔ 3T 2 . The two results are different.
Exercise 8.2.4
The torus T 2 is obtained by identifying the boundary of a square according to two pairs
a and b as indicated. We may delete the disk from the center of the square to form M . The
flip with respect to the dashed line preserves the identifications a and b, and therefore gives a
homeomorphism from M to itself. Moreover, the flip clearly reverses the center circle, which is
the boundary of M .

a a

Exercise 8.2.5
The commutativity and associativity comes from the same properties for sets: X ∪ Y =
Y ∪ X, (X ∪ Y ) ∪ Z = X ∪ (Y ∪ Z).
We have S 2 − B̊ 2 = B 2 . Therefore in the connected sum S#S 2 = (S − B̊ 2 ) ∪ (S 2 − B̊) =
(S − B̊ 2 ) ∪ B 2 , we basically delete a disk B 2 from S and then glue a disk back again. Therefore
the result is still S.
Exercise 8.2.6
We take a disk region from the surface S (bounded by dashed line) and then delete two
disks (bounded by solid lines) from the region to get A. Then the self connected sum means
connecting a tube T between the two holes. There are two ways of connecting the tube. Then
the self connected sum is S − B̊ 2 (boundary is the the dashed line) union with A ∪ T . In the
first case, we have A ∪ T = T 2 − B̊ 2 . In the first case, we have A ∪ T = K 2 − B̊ 2 (K 2 is the
Klein bottle). Therefore the self connected sum is (S − B̊ 2 ) ∪ (T 2 − B̊ 2 ) = S#T 2 in the first
case, and is (S − B̊ 2 ) ∪ (K 2 − B̊ 2 ) = S#K 2 in the second case.



Exercise 8.2.7
The double connected sum can be constructed in two steps. First we form a single connected
sum S1 #S2 . Then we form a self connected sum (from Exercise 8.2.6) of S1 #S2 . Therefore the
result is S1 #S2 #T 2 or S1 #S2 #K 2 .
In particular, the double connected sum of two T 2 is T 2 #T 2 #T 2 = 3T 2 or T 2 #T 2 #K 2 =
6P , and the double connected sum of T 2 and P 2 is T 2 #P 2 #T 2 = 5T 2 or T 2 #P 2 #K 2 = 5P 2 ,

the same 5P 2 .

S1 S1

S2 S3

Exercise 8.2.8
The union (S1 − B̊ 2 ) ∪ (S2 − B̊ 2 ) as described in the triple connected sum is actually
S1 #S2 − B̊ 2 . Then the triple connected sum is (S1 #S2 − B̊ 2 ) ∪ (S3 − B̊ 2 ) = S1 #S2 #S3 .
In particular, the triple connected sum of K 2 , T 2 and 2T 2 is K 2 #T 2 #2T 2 = 8P 2 .
Exercise 8.3.1
A point in a 1-dimensional simplicial complex is either in the interior of a 1-simplex, or is a 0-
simplex. If it is in the interior of a 1-simplex, then around it is an open interval, homeomorphic
to R. If it is a 0-simplex, then either it is shared by exactly two vertices, which means an open
interval around it (and homeomorphic to R), or it belongs to exactly one edge (and an interval
around it is homeomorphic to R+ ). If the simplicial complex is finite and connected, then this
means that the edges either form a circle, or a closed interval.
Exercise 8.3.2
We need to additionally allow the possibility of locally homeomorphic to R2+ . This means
we need to update the two conditions to:

A’. Each edge is shared by exactly two faces, or belongs exactly one edge.
B’. For each vertex, all the faces containing the vertex can be cyclically ordered as σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σn ,
such that σi and σi+1 share one edge that contains the vertex. Here σn and σ1 may or may not
share one edge that contains the vertex.
Exercise 8.4.1
We see the identification on the boundary of the square on the left is the same as the
identification on the boundary of the disk on the left. The identification on the boundary circle
is the antipodal points. Therefore we get P 2 .

b b

a a a a

b b

Exercise 8.4.2
If the Möbius band is changed to the usual disk B 2 , then the identification of the boundary
circle according to aba−1 b−1 gives T 2 . Then changing the disk B 2 back to the Möbius band
means removing the disk from T 2 and glueing M = P 2 − B̊ 2 back. The result is the connected
sum P 2 #T 2 = 3P 2 .


In general, identifying the boundary circle of S − B̊ 2 according to aba−1 b−1 means removing
the disk from T 2 and glueing S − B̊ 2 back. The result is the connected sum S#T 2 .
Exercise 8.5.1
The boundary of the Möbius band is cd. Identifying two cd’s together means identifying
the boundaries of two Möbius bands.
If we first glue d-edges together, then we get the first picture. In the second picture, we
cut the square along e, into two parts (1) and (2). In the third picture, we first glue c-edges of
(1) and (2) together. Note that the left and right edges are f = b−1 a, and are identified in the
twisted way. Therefore we may relabel the left and right by f . Then the square with edges e
and f is the Klein bottle.

c c e
a a a e (2) a a b
d f (1) f
(1) c
b b b b b (2) a
c c e

Exercise 8.5.2

b b b a a a

a a a a a a a b a b a b

b b b b b b
T2 K 2 = 2P 2 P2 S2 P2 2P 2

Exercise 8.5.3
Label the three triangles by (1), (2), (3). Then we get three combinations.

a a b
(2)c (3)c (3)c
b b b b a b
(1) (1) (2)
a a a
K = 2P 2
T2 P2
Exercise 8.6.1
By Lemma 8.5.1, we have K 2 = 2P 2 . By Lemma 8.5.2, we have T 2 #P 2 = P 2 #P 2 #P 2 =
3P 2 . Therefore

T 2 #K 2 = T 2 #P 2 #P 2 = 3P 2 #P 2 = 4P 2 ,
K 2 #K 2 = P 2 #P 2 #P 2 #P 2 = 4P 2 .

Exercise 8.6.2
By Lemma 8.5.2, we have T 2 #P 2 = P 2 #P 2 #P 2 = 3P 2 . Then

mT 2 #P 2 = (m − 1)T 2 #T 2 #P 2 = (m − 1)T 2 #3P 2

= ((m − 1)T 2 #P 2 )#2P 2 = ((m − 2)T 2 #P 2 )#4P 2
= · · · = (T 2 #P 2 )#2(m − 1)P 2 = 3P 2 #2(m − 1)P 2 = (2m + 1)P 2 .

Then for n ≥ 1, we have

mT 2 #nP 2 = (mT 2 #P 2 )#(n − 1)P 2 = (2m + 1)P 2 #(n − 1)P 2 = (2m + n)P 2 .

If n = 0, then mT 2 #nP 2 = mT 2 .
Exercise 8.6.3
1. We may combine ab and let c = ab. Then abab = cc = p2 .
2. We may combine c = ong and get hckch−1 k −1 . The planar diagram of hckch−1 k −1 is on
the left. We cut along a and get two pieces (1) and (2). Then we glue the two pieces along c to
get the planar diagram on the right. The surface is the connected sum of h−1 khk = K 2 = 2P 2
and aa = P 2 . The result is 3P 2 .

h c h a
(2) c
k (1) a k k (1) a
h c h k

3-6. The cut and paste is too complicated. We will use simpler method in Exercise 8.7.6.
Exercise 8.7.1
Any surface S = (S − B̊ 2 ) ∪S 1 B 2 . Therefore

χ(S) = χ(S − B̊ 2 ) + χ(B 2 ) − χ(S 1 ) = χ(S − B̊ 2 ) + 1 − 0 = χ(S − B̊ 2 ) + 1.


χ(S1 #S2 ) = χ((S1 − B̊ 2 ) ∪S 1 (S1 − B̊ 2 )) = χ(S1 − B̊ 2 ) + χ(S2 − B̊ 2 ) − χ(S 1 )

= (χ(S1 ) − 1) + (χ(S2 ) − 1) − 0 = χ(S1 ) + χ(S2 ) − 2.


χ(gT 2 ) = χ((g − 1)T 2 #T 2 ) = χ((g − 1)T 2 ) + χ(T 2 ) − 2

= χ((g − 1)T 2 ) + 0 − 2 = χ((g − 1)T 2 ) − 2,
χ(gP 2 ) = χ((g − 1)P 2 #P 2 ) = χ((g − 1)P 2 ) + χ(P 2 ) − 2
= χ((g − 1)P 2 ) + 1 − 2 = χ((g − 1)P 2 ) − 1.

Then we get

χ(gT 2 ) = χ((g − 1)T 2 ) − 2 = · · · = χ(T 2 ) − 2(g − 1) = 0 − 2(g − 1) = 2 − 2g,

χ(gP 2 ) = χ((g − 1)P 2 ) − 1 = · · · = χ(P 2 ) − (g − 1) = 1 − (g − 1) = 2 − g.

Exercise 8.7.2
1. In closed simplicial surface, the boundary of each face consists of three edges, and each
edge is shared by exactly two faces. Therefore if we count the number of edges as boundary
parts of faces, then we get 3f , and each edge is counted twice in this number. This implies
3f = 2e.
2. The euler formula is v − e + f = χ(S). Substituting 3f = 2e into the formula, we get
v − 21 f = v − 32 f + f = χ(S). Then f = 2(v − χ) and e = 32 f = 3(v − χ).
3. Since there is at most one edge between any two vertices, the number of edges is no
more than the number of pairs of vertices. In formula, this means e ≤ 21 v(v − 1). Substituting
the formula for e in terms of v and χ, we get 3(v − χ) ≤ 21 v(v − 1). This is the same as
v 2 − 7v + 6χ ≥ 0. Solving the quadratic inequality, we get
1 p
v ≥ (7 + 49 − 24χ(S)),
1 p
v ≤ (7 − 49 − 24χ(S)).
For connected surfaces, we have χ ≤ 2. Then the second inequality implies v ≤ 3, which cannot
happen (one simplex already has three distinct vertices). Therefore the first inequality holds.
Exercise 8.7.4
If a surface is not orientable, then by Lemma 8.7.2, it contains the Möbus band. In con-
structing the connected sum, we may remove the disk away from the Möbus band. Then the
connected sum still contains the Möbus band. By Lemma 8.7.2 again, the connected sum is
not orientable.
If both S1 , S2 have orientations, then in the connected sum S1 #S2 , we compare the orien-
tations on the two sides of the glueing circle S 1 . If the two orientations are compatible, then
we get an orientation of S1 #S2 . If they are not compatible, then we keep the orientation of S1
and change the orientation of S2 . Combining the two, we still get an orientation of S1 #S2 .
Exercise 8.7.6
For the last one, we have a1 a2 · · · an a1 a2 · · · an = cc = P 2 .

h o n g
(1) χ(S) = 3 − 5 + 1 = −1
k k
S = 3P 2
h g n o

a b c d
(2) χ(S) = 2 − 5 + 1 = −2 e
S = 4P 2
d e c a

a b c d e
(3) χ(S) = 6 − 6 + 1 = 1 a f
S = P2
b c d e f

a b c d b e a f
(4) χ(S) = 2 − 9 + 1 = −6 g
S = 4T 2
i e f i c h g d

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
(5) χ(S) = 1 − n + 1 = 2 − n a a6
S = n2 T 2 for even n
a5 a4 a3 a2 a1

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
(5) χ(S) = 2 − n + 1 = 3 − n a a7
S = n−1
T 2 for odd n
a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1

Exercise 8.7.7
Different way of identifying boundary circles does not change the Euler number and the
orientability of the connected sum. Then by Theorem 8.7.4, the connected sum remains the
same surface.
Exercise 8.7.8

b a b b c a

a (1) c (2) b a (1) c (3) d a (2) d (3) c

d d d a b b
−1 −1 −1 dadabb −1
aba b d d acac bb
T 2 #S 2 = T 2 P #P 2 = 2P 2
K #P 2 = 3P 2

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