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Fusion11 install guide

This document is provided as an aid to the installation of Crestron Fusion Cloud
software for deployment on servers or virtual machines running on-premises or
hosted in a data center that has network connectivity to on-premises devices.
Refer to the Crestron® website for release notes on the features and fixes added
to the latest release of the Crestron Fusion Cloud software. For information
regarding best practices for using the Crestron Fusion Cloud software, refer to the
Crestron Fusion Cloud On-Premises Software Best Practices (Doc. 7891) at

The following sections cover all requirements needed to successfully install
Fusion 11.
- Fusion Server Requirements
- SQL Server Requirements
- Fusion Server & SQL Server Configuration
- Additional Requirements & Considerations
- Installing Fusion
- Verification

Fusion Server Requirements

Supported OS versions
- Windows Server 2008R2 – English only*
- Windows Server 2012 – English only*
- Windows Server 2012R2 – English only*
- Windows Server 2016 – English only* (from Fusion v
*Multilanguage OS support is currently under development

Recommended hardware specs

- Two Dual Core Intel Xeon 2.8Ghz (or similar)
- 200GB Disk Drive
- Physical or Virtual

SQL Server Requirements

Supported SQL versions
- SQL Server 2008R2
- SQL Server 2012
- SQL Server 2014
- SQL Server 2016
- Express versions are not supported
Supported server collations
- AS (Accent Sensitive) or CI (Case Insensitive)

Recommended hardware specs

- 4Core @ 3Ghz
- 16GB RAM
- 200GB Disk Drive
- Physical or Virtual

Fusion Server & SQL Server Configuration

- The Fusion server must have all Windows Updates installed
- The SQL Server must have TCP enabled as the communication protocol

- If the target Fusion server is joined to a domain:

o A service account is required to install and run Fusion
o Service account must be a domain user
o Service account must have local administrator rights on the target
Fusion server & must be able to log on to the target server
o Service account must be able to log on to the SQL Server using
Windows Authentication
o Service account must have sysadmin rights on the SQL Server*
o Service account must have a ‘.’ As the Digit grouping symbol

- If the target Fusion server is not joined to a domain:

o The local administrator account is required to install and run
o Must be able to log on to the SQL Server using SQL Authentication
o SQL account must have sysadmin rights on the SQL Server*

* After Fusion is installed and fully configured the SQL rights of the Fusion
account can be lowered to “db owner” for the Fusion database

Additional Requirements & Considerations

- The Fusion server and SQL server need to be separate servers
- SQL agent must be running on the SQL server
- SQL Server needs AS (Accent Sensitive) CI (Case Insensitive) as server
- SQL dynamic ports are not supported
- The Fusion server and SQL server time should not exceed 5 minutes in
- The Default database for the SQL Fusion user must have an entry
- When the target Fusion server is joined to a domain, verify whether the
server is subject to any restrictive Group Policies
- Fusion must be installed on the C: drive of the server
- The Fusion server name should not exceed 15 characters
- If a Fusion upgrade is performed make sure the current Fusion database is
backed up prior to performing the upgrade (requires sysadmin rights)
- Determine upfront which authentication mechanism you will be using for
authentication users to the Fusion web interface.
o Windows Authentication required a Fusion Administrator group
name during configuration.
- If Domino will be used as schedule provider, make sure a supported Notes
client is installed on the target Fusion server prior to installing Fusion.
Installing the Notes client must be done using the same account that will
be used to install Fusion (OLH 5342)
- The Fusion installation process typically takes up to 1 hour, which may
vary per environment.

Installing Fusion
- Make sure all aforementioned requirements are met by checking them off
- Read any important notes on the Fusion download page on
- Make sure you are logged on with the required service account or local
administrator when downloading and installing Fusion 10.

The next few screenshots illustrate a Fusion installation on a Server2008R2

joined in a domain “CTI.local”. A service account will be used to install Fusion:

To install Fusion, the service account must be logged on to the server.

Download the Fusion10 installer file from Once downloaded,

right click => run as admin
During the initial steps of the installation process, a script will install all required
server roles & features:

Eventually, once this process is completely finished, the Fusion Setup Wizard will
Prior to continuing it is advised to verify whether the script installed all required
roles and features correctly. Go to Server Manager and verify whether the
following roles & features are present. Do not close the Fusion Setup wizard!


Application Server
 .Net Framework 3.5.1
 Web Server (IIS) Support
 COM+ Network access
 TCP port Sharing
 Windows Process Activation Service Support
o Http Activation
o Message Queuing Activation
o TCP Activation
o Names Pipes Activation
Web Server (IIS)
 Common HTTP Features
o Static Content
o Default Document
o Directory Browsing
o HTTP Errors
o HTTP Redirection
 Application development
o .NET Extensibility
o ISAPI Extentions
o ISAPI Filters
o Server Side Includes
 Health and Diagnostics
o HTTP Logging
o Logging Tools
o Request Monitor
o Tracing
o ODBC Logging
 Security
o Basic Authentication
o Windows Authentication
o Digest Authentication
o Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
o IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
o URL Authorization
o Request Filtering
o IP and Domain Restrictions
 Performance
o Static Content Compression
o Dynamic Content Compression
 Management Tools
o IIS Management Console
o IIS Management Scripts and Tools
o Management Service
o IIS6 Management Compatibility
 IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
 IIS6 Managament Console

Active Directory Lightweight Services


 Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

o Compact Server
 Message Queuing
o Message Queuing Services
 Message Queuing Server
 Message Queuing Triggers
 HTTP Support
 RPC over HTTP Proxy
 Remote Server Administration Tools
o Role Administration Tools
 AD DS and AD LDS Tools
 AD LDS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools
 Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell
 Web Server (IIS) Tools
o Feature Administration Tools
 SMTP Server Tools
 SMTP Server
 Windows Process Activation Service
o Process Model
o .Net Environment
o Configuration APIs
 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features
o .NET Framework 3.5.1
o WCF Activation
 HTTP Activation
 Non-HTTP Activation

If these roles & features are correctly installed, continue the installation process
by hitting next in the Fusion Setup Wizard:

Carefully read the license agreement and if you agree, check “I accept the
agreement” and hit next:
Leave at default location and hit next:

Leave at default and hit next:

Create a desktop icon if desired:

It the “Install” button:

Fusion will now install further:

Once the Setup Wizard finishes, the Fusion Configuration Manager will open.
If you are working with a service account (server is joined to a domain), use the
service account credentials as shown below, by clicking “Use Specified Account”.
(if the server is not joined to a domain, leave the “Local System Account” checked)
Click “Install”
The Fusion configuration manager will now continue:

Hit “Next”. This next page will allow you to determine the Authentication Method
for the Fusion web interface. This selection should be based on the client
requirements. Typically, if the server is joined to a domain, “Windows
Authentication” can be selected. This will allow users to use their Windows
Credentials to log on to the Fusion web interface. This requires a domain group to
be entered which will serve as the Administrator group for Fusion. (note that this
field is case sensitive – the domain\groupname must be entered as specified in
the AD environment – see screenshot below)
When the server is not joined to a domain, “Forms” authentication can be
selected. This will allow users to enter a separate username and password in a
form, when browsing to the Fusion web interface.

Note how cti\fusionadmins is entered in lower casing, as this is the way the
domain and group have been specified in Active Directory Users and Computers:

The Main Database window allows you to specify the details of the SQL database.
Database Install/Update Credentials
 If server is joined to a domain, select ”Windows”. Use service account
credentials in UPN format
 If server is not joined to a domain, select “SQL Server”. Use the SQL Server
login method and enter account credentials
Main Database Access
 Enter Database Server name. Must be in FQDN format
 Authentication mode
o If server is joined to a domain, select “Windows”
o If server is not joined to a domain, select “SQL Server” and use the
SQL Server login method and enter account credentials
 Database Name: Enter the desired name of the Fusion database that will be
created. Keep the name short and do not use any International characters.
Database Options
 Leave the “Use Log Database” unchecked

Once all details are entered, hit the “Test Connection” button to verify the
connection to the SQL Database.

Once the connection can be established, hit Next.

Refer to the licensing chapter in this guide for more information on Licensing. For
now, hit next.
The Services window allows you to specify the identity of the Fusion instance.
If the server is joined to a domain, enter the service account credentials by
selecting “Use Specified Account”. If the server is not joined to a domain, select
“Local System Account”. Leave the Web Site entry at “Default Web Site”

Last page of the Configuration Manager allows you to apply all settings you have
made. By hitting “Apply”, the Fusion instance will be set according to the details
you have provided and the SQL database will be created. This process can take a
long time to complete.
Once this process is finished, verify the Messages Log for any errors or
notifications. Hit the “Play” button to start the Fusion instance.

The Fusion instance will now start. Once started, the Fusion Configuration
Manager can be closed by hitting the Exit button.
The installation can verified by reviewing the Windows Services menu and the IIS
manager for the Fusion services and application pools. Note the “log on as” or
“Identity” columns contain the service account details (if server is joined to a
The Fusion web interface can now be tested. This can be done from the Fusion
server itself or from any other computer within the network. Based on the
authentication method selected, users will either be automatically logged on
(Windows Authentication – when user is in the selected Fusion administrator
group), or when “Forms Authentication” is selected, the default username
“Admin” and password “Admin” will need to be used.
URL: http://FusionServerIP/Fusion/Webclient

The below example shows the Fusion web interface being accessed from the
Fusion server. Note that in this example we are logged on to the server with the
Fusion service account. For this user to be able to access the Fusion web interface,
he must be a member of the Fusion administrator group we specified earlier:
Licensing Fusion
The Fusion software supports up to 0 outgoing room connections when
unlicensed. A Fusion License will allow for an unlimited amount of rooms,
although a maximum amount of 750 rooms is recommended, also based on the
specs of the used server. More Fusion servers can be added in case more rooms
are required.
The Fusion license will need to be ordered for FusionRv and FusionEm, in case
both packages will be used.

To license a Fusion server, please follow these exact steps:

1) Log on to the Fusion server using the service account (server is joined to a
domain) or local administrator (server is not joined to a domain)
2) Open the Fusion Configuration Manager and go to the “Licensing” page
3) Click the “Update” button for the package you wish to upgrade
4) A Customer ID is shown, copy/paste this customer ID in your Fusion
License order
5) Close the Crestron Licensing window by hitting the X in the upper right
6) Keep the Configuration Manager open while awaiting the License Key
(Closing the Configuration Manager might trigger the Customer ID to
change, rendering your received key useless)
7) Once the License Key has been received, stop the Fusion instance by
clicking the “Stop” button of the Fusion instance:

8) Once the Fusion instance has stopped, click the “Update” button again. Enter
the received license key and hit OK:

9) The “Date Licensed” window now says “Key Entered”.

Go to the apply settings page and apply the changes:

10) Once the settings are applied, start again the Fusion instance by hitting the
play button. Go back to the Licensing page. The “Date Licensed” field should now
contain the date when the Fusion software was licensed.
At this point, “sysadmin” can be removed for the Fusion account and be put to
DB_owner for the Fusion database.

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