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Name: _____________________________________________________  

  Date: _______


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Across 17. the science of collecting, 3. a number computed by adding all

4. a subset of the population that is organizing, summarizing, and analyzing the values of the variable in the data
being studied information to draw conclusions or set and dividing by the number of
answer questions observations
5. serve as cutoff points for
determining outliers 18. the most frequent observation of 6. a person or object that is a
the variable that occurs in the data set member of the population being studied
7. occurs when the effects of two or
more explanatory variables are not 19. the degree to which the data are 8. the square of the standard
separated spread out deviation
11. : the difference between the 20. a graph constructed by drawing 9. The list of observed values for a
largest and the smallest data value rectangles for each class of data variable
12. a statement regarding a Down 10. a type of diagram that lists the
characteristic of one or more 1. : the characteristics of the equally likely outcomes of an
populations individuals within the populations experiment using branches
14. the value that lies in the middle of 2. a type of diagram that represents 13. a numerical summary of a
the data when arranged in ascending events as circles enclosed in a rectangle population
order 15. the distance that a data value is
16. each repetition of an experiment from the mean in terms of the number
of standard deviations

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