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Dear Sisters today we rejoice with Sr………. as she celebrates her gift of life, thanks God
and whispers in her heart that she wants to make her life a meaningful offering in loving

Dear Sr………. as you grew lovingly and affectionately in the loving hands of your dear
and near ones years back there was a gentle yet firm hand working, loving yet powerful
hand holding, shining yet sharp eyes watching each of your steps. It was your creator,
owner and master. You were a clay and God our Father bent down, picked you up in His
loving hands, molded and shaped you as He wished. He watched over you tenderly and
led you in a wonderful way towards Him. Sometimes the path was painful but it was the
time of grace and because of those painful and difficult moments you have become a
strong and wonderful person. Today is the day and now is the time to recall and thank
God for the love and care you experienced through various ways and different people and
thank Him for all those who have played a great role in your growth. As we look back
over the years of your life we give thanks to God, for the gift of your life, your vocation,
for the faith of your home people, for the generosity of your choice of life, your
perseverance and constant yes to God in service especially to the less privileged children.

We are here to express the joy to the creator and lord who is the source of life. Now I
welcome Sr………. to praise and honor God with a triple arathi.

The Lord worked marvels in the life of Sr……… let us rejoice, appreciate and thank her
for the entire beautiful thing she has done in the garden of each ones life. Let us sing the
hymn with joyful lips L 37 after each verse let us pause for a while for a short prayer.

1st verse: As every tiny star gives brightness in the dark night and every morning due
gives hope to the plant, as a spark of fire gives joy to the heart and the butterfly adds
beauty to the garden so Sr……….. Brightens the lives of the little ones giving hope to the
darkened minds and lifts up the dripping spirit. She is that spark of fire burning in the
furnace of God’s love, giving warmth, comfort and setting the world ablaze with love,
adding joy and colour to the lives of many. Sr………. each of these tiny creatures of
God has drawn you closer to the creator.

2nd Verse: Every ocean wave that breaks upon the seashore, Sr……….. you are like the
ocean wave that came upon the shore of difficulties making the life of the people
pleasant. like ocean wave brings to the surface all that is in the depth of the sea so too
you selflessly dedicate all your energies for the service of others by the simplicity of your
life. Like the wheat which gives joy to the creator, the silver stings gushing down over
rocks singing a joyous song, so to your life is a melodious song to the creator even in the
midst of difficulties, hardships and demands much. Like the eagle you have been aiming
warm, if the creator would have you so, be it high or be it low, in success or failures we
wish you be a drop of sweetness and a ocean of love to all.
Reading : Phil:Ch: 1: 3-7.
Hymn O.E.W Hymn No. 193.
Life is made up of living, giving and sharing, knowing and showing, daring and caring.
Life is made for dreaming pursuing of dreams, sowing and growing, revealing and
feeling, and finding that you must learn how to take it to make it come true. Along with
its ups and downs, life is made for losses , crosses and crowns.
Dear Sr……………. you are loving, serving, caring, sharing have been a asset and and
blessing to our Generalate community here. Your person is a grace and blessing to the
entire congregation. , for this we are grate3ful to God and to you. We rejoice with you on
this your great day and extend our warmest wishes to you. We are happy to express our
love, fellowship and solidarity with you. Through your friendly nature and understanding
attitude you attract many to you and through you to God. We pray that you may have life
in its fullness, live it to its fullest. May happiness be yours on the path ahead, peace and
good health be yours, love and joy of Christ accompany you in your journey through His
O.E.W Hymn No. 396.
Lighiting of the Lamp:

Every ones life is strengthened with the Co-Operation of one another . As the lamp
requires some one to oil it and others can light it. So also let us join Sr.Susheela to pray
in the words of the psalmist saying send forth your light and truth to be my guide and
lead me to your holy will to your tabernacle then shall I come to the alter of God , the
God of my joy.
Dear Sr.Susheela as you step into another year of your life, now I request you to come
forward and light the big candle and remain holding it. I also request all the sisters to go
forward one by one to light the smaller candles from the lighted candle which
Sr.Susheela is holding as the sign of our contribution in her life of growth and in the

After everybody finishes lighting the candle, Sr.Susheela will pray a prayer before the

Now I invite you sisters to express your love and gratitude to God in the form of a hymn
or prayer.
Today our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude because the Almighty and our creator
has gifted us with the precious gift of life to dear ………….. Whom we remember fondly
and thank God for her person. Yes we are here to praise and thank God for the very
person of Sr…………… who is loving, generous and ever ready to help others in any
kind of need.

Dear Sr………….. today we would like ask God our loving Fathetr to bless you with His
choicest blessings so that, you may be able to continue the mission of Christ and build
His kingdom here on earth.
lighiting of the Lamp:
Every ones life is strengthened with the Co-Operation of one another . As the lamp
requires some one to oil it and others can light it. So also let us join Sr.Susheela to pray
in the words of the psalmist saying send forth your light and truth to be my guide and
lead me to your holy will to your tabernacle then shall I come to the alter of God , the
God of my joy.
Dear Sr.Susheela as you step into another year of your life, now I request you to come
forward and light the big candle and remain holding it. I also request all the sisters to go
forward one by one to light the smaller candles from the lighted candle which
Sr.Susheela is holding as the sign of our contribution in her life of growth and in the
After everybody finishes lighting the candle, Sr.Susheela will pray a prayer before the


Loving Jesus I stand in awe in your presence to shout my thanks to you for the gift of my
life. The lighted candles attracts others and me with their brightness, so I find my life.
You have cherished every fiber of my being, my life vibrates continuously the melody of
thanks as puts down. The giver may forget the gifts but the receiver will never forget the
giver has given.
I understand with your grace, my life had folded and unfolded many things. You have
shown me my beauty and warmth; you have seen good in me that which I have realized
through others. So I thank you my being, my parents, brothers, sisters, friends and sisters
of my Congregation, specially Srs.Doreen, lily, Jeraldine, Alice, Jenny, winny, and
Sumana with whom I live and have gathered here to pray for me and through them all I
have met you at care.
O give thanks to the Lord for You have created me for your steadfast love experienced by
me. O give thanks to the God of Gods for your love, care and understanding. O give
thanks to the Lord of Lord’s for your unique gift you have given me. I praise the name of
the Lord for you have filled me with simplicity, spontaneity; love and openness, for you
have chosen me for yourself. May the Lord be blessed for the good moments of my life.
May the Lord be blessed for the years of my life.
May the Lord be blessed for the love I have received through my dear and near ones.
Specially during my difficulties, problems, and ill health, constantly I thank my God for
the beauty in me and people around me through which you have made me strong an
Guard and guide, protect and direct, strengthen and uphold, all those who have loved me
and will still love me, those who cared for me and will still care for me as the apple of
your eyes.

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