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NIM :2001060073




Unit 1

 What is Science?
 Branches of Science
 Word Formation

What is Science?

1. What do the following words mean? Match them with their definitions
science a science scientific scientist

– the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge obtained about
– a particular area of scientific knowledge and study, or the study of an area of a human behavior
(a science)
– describes things that relate to science ( scientific)
– someone who works in science ( scientist)

2. What is the difference between ‘science’ and ‘a science’?

Branches of Science

1. Which branches of science study each of these areas?

Environment living things=environmental science

human mind and behavior matter and forces=psikology
language money, industry and trade=economy
numbers, quantities and shapes celestial objects=physics
people, society and culture water=sociology
substances and their reactions rocks and soil weathers=chemistry
society and social behavior=physicology

political systems=politicial science

2. What is the difference between economy and economics?

he economy is, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, “the relationship between

production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region”, so we can say, for

The economy is in recession.

Economics is a science that studies economies and develops possible models for their functioning,

He studied economics at the LSE (London School of Economics).

3. Can biology be further subdivided?

Yes.because Due to the breadth of biological study materials, biology is divided

again into branches of science. Zoology, a science

learn about animals. Botany, the Science

learn about plants. Physiology, the Science

learn about physi / work functions of the body.

4. Put the branches of science into the following 4 main groups.

I. Mathematics and logic

- not based on experimental testing but they can be considered a part of science because they are
essential tools in almost all scientific study.

. Arithmetic

Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that studies modern mathematics.

Usually the material taught in arithmetic is about number theory, social arithmetic, FPB, KPK,
sequences and series.

2. Logic

Logic is a branch of mathematics that studies the combination of thinking with proof, therefore the
results obtained must be in accordance with valid evidence.

The material taught in logic is usually in the form of mathematical induction, mathematical logic and
science association.

3. Algebra

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies the relationship between the symbol x and y and
mathematical formulas in order to get results from equations.
Usually the material in algebra taught is in the form of equations and inequalities, quadratic functions,
basic algebra and logarithms.

4. Two Dimensional Geometry

Two-dimensional geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies elements, spatial shapes and
calculating flat shapes.

In two-dimensional geometry, it will usually focus more on the aspects of angles, lines and shapes.

5. Coordinate Geometry

Coordinate geometry or commonly known as analytical geometry is a branch of mathematics that

studies geometry with algebraic theory.

Usually in coordinate geometry uses a system called the Cartesian system so it is often said to be the
art of determining coordinates.

6. Trigonometry

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the theory of congruence space, especially

In trigonometry you will recognize the terms sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent.

7. Three Dimensional Geometry

Three-dimensional geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the measurement of space shapes.

Construct these spaces like blocks, cubes, prisms, cones, spheres, pyramids and tubes.

Usually in three-dimensional geometry it will look for breakpoints, angle geometry, distance
geometry, sections and sections.
8. Matrix

The matrix is a branch of mathematics that studies the techniques for composing numbers, symbols or
other numerical elements. In the matrix elements are called the elements or members of the matrix.

9. Vector

Vector is a branch of mathematics that studies the distance traveled.

Objects in a vector have a quantity, direction and can be extended to other vectors.

To measure vectors, algebra can be used such as addition, subtraction, cross or dot product.

10. Geometry Transformation

Geometry transformation is a branch of mathematics that studies the determination of

coordinate points.

Coordinate point determination is done to determine a new position in a plane. Usually done
by means of translation, reflection, rotation, dilation or stretching.

11. Calcucus

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that studies elemental changes in mathematics.

The changing elements of mathematics focus on limits, integrals, derivatives and infinite
series. Calculus is divided into two types, namely differential calculus and integral calculus.

Differential calculus focuses on the value of the derivative of a function, whereas integral
calculus focuses on continuous addition.

12. Opportunities

Opportunity is a branch of mathematics that studies a possibility that will occur. Media of
odds such as cards, dice or balls that come out.

By studying the material of odds, we can estimate the probability of winning a game.
13. Statiska

Statiska is a branch of mathematics that studies data processing.

Statiska is divided into two types, namely single data and group data.

Single data is data where there is no interval between the calculated values, while grouped
data is data that has an interval between the calculated values.

In statistics, there are several terms that must be known, namely the mean (average value),
mode (the most frequent value) and median (middle value).

Selengkapnya tentang te

II. Physical science

- examines the nature of the universe

Astronomy, sometimes referred to as astronomy or astronomy, is a branch of natural science

that studies celestial bodies (such as stars, planets, comets, etc.) as well as natural phenomena
that occur outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as cosmic background radiation).

III. Life science

- also called biological sciences or biology, the study of living organisms
The following is a list of the branches of life sciences:
Medical tools.

IV. Social sciences

- deal with the individuals, groups and institutions that make up human society.
Political science

5. Where would you put e.g. history, literature, religion, philosophy?

History of Literature Literary criticism and literary history is the study of literature, religion, and
philosophy. Boeckh's philology is based on the need to study classical works, a branch of philology,
as a whole culture of culture

6. What is the main difference between sciences and humanities?

Social Sciences is associated with the basic elements of human culture which ensure general
patterns of human behavior. On the contrary, Humanities focuses on special elements of human
culture especially those that seek to express spiritual and aesthetic values and to determine the
meaning of life.
7. How do we call the scientists who specialise in the following fields of study? How are the
names formed?

Ecology=ecolog anthropology=anthropology

Psychology=psycholog chemistry=chemist
Linguistics=linguis meteorology=meteorolog
Biology=biolog sociology=sociolog
Physics=physics political science=political
economy=econom mathematics=mathematician


Are there any other words that can be formed from these words?

Word Formation

1. Combine the words in brackets with suitable SUFFIXES to complete the sentences.
Choose from the following suffixes:

-er, -or, -ing, -ion, -ness, -ity

1. A boiling (boil) is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated.
2. compressity (compress) is the reduction in size of data in order to save space or
transmission time.
3. In chemistry, the denseness (dense) of many substances is compared to
the (dense) of water.
4. transmition (transmit) is the act of passing something on.
5. harder (hard) is the characteristic of a solid material expressing its resistance to
permanent deformation.
6. Combustion process is also called heatity (heat).

-ful, -less, -ous, -al, -ive

1. It can be usefull (use) to write a summary of your argument first.
2. Metals containing iron are called ferumleous (ferrum).
3. You can ask him if you want to but it’s useless (use). He doesn’t want to talk about
4. Hydrogen and oxygen are chemistryal (chemistry) elements.
5. I f any material is conductive (conduct), it means it conducts electric current.

-ify, -ise/-ize
1. I think this plan is too complicated. You should simplise (simple) it.
2. There used to be some disputes between the 2 countries but recently they have managed to
normalise (normal) their relations.
3. I hope you realize (real) that you are wrong.
4. When a liquid substance becomes solid, it solidify (solid).

What part of speech do the words you have just created belong to?

2. Match the following PREFIXES with their meanings.

bi-, mono-, multi-, poly-, dis-, in-, mal-, un-, de-, over-, ultra-, super-, re-, mis-


degree or size:in




Now match the following words with appropriate prefixes. Some words can be combined with
several prefixes.

sub Lingual un Expected sub Atomic un compose

ad Advantage ion Function re Hydrate ultra Violet
ad Accuracy un Cellular hoar Frost a live
ad Understand un Charge over Flow in take
re Open

3. The following words can have 2 meanings – they can be CONVERTED. What are they?

Chemical Smile Smell=taste

Work Diet=rest Taste
Love Rest

4. Match the words on the left with those on the right to form COMPOUNDS.

Class=room brush
Self= control tax
Science=fiction lights
Tooth=brush control
Income=tax fiction
Traffic=room house
Green=lights room
Generation=gap gap


Exercise 1 Fill in the correct prefix. Use mega- , under- , hyper- , sub-

1. under water - used bellow the surface of wate

2. under weight - weighing less than normal
3. sub way - a path that goes under a road (GB) / an electric underground railway (US)
4. mega watt - a million watts
5. sub title - text added to foreign language movies
6. sub structure - the lowest supporting part of a structure
7. under phone - a cone-shaped device used for making one’s voice louder
8. sub graduate – a university or college student studying for their first degree
9. sub statement - less than true
10. sub standard - of secondary quality
11. under size - smaller than normal
12. sub section - a secondary part of a thing
13. under nourished - not well fed
14. sub normal - bellow normal average
15. sub pay - not to pay well enough
16. pyper sonic - less than the speed of sound
17. sub merge - to go under (water)
18. under line - to emphasise
19. under -urban - lying in the outskirts of a town or city
20. sub tension - blood pressure higher than normal
21. Sub text - text store in a computer system that contains links that allow the user to move
between texts
22. sub bole - exaggeration

Adapted from:

Exercise 2 Choose the correct alternative to complete these statements.

1. If you can see very clearly through a material, the material is

a translucent b translucid c transparent
2. If you cannot see through a material, it is
a opal b opalescent c opaque
3. A substance that dissolves in liquid is
a dissolute b dissolvable c soluble
4. A liquid that dissolves substances is a
a solvent b soluent c solutent
5. A material that is hard but breaks easily is
a battle b brittle c bristle
6. If a material bends easily, it is
a bendible b flexible c flectable
7. A material that does not bend easily is
a rancid b rigorous c rigid
8. A metal that can easily be beaten into new shapes is
a beatable b malleable c mullible
9. A material that conducts electricity is
a conducive b conductive c conductor
10. A material that catches fire easily is
a flameable b flammable c inflammable

MASCULL, Bill. 1997. Key Words in Science and Technology. Collins Cobuild, 1997, p. 133.

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