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One day very cold, the day seemed some sad, I looked out the window and the
street was alone, the people were at home and I felt lonely; I had worked all week
and I was very tired, I just wanted to take a brake and drink a coffee but I had to do
many papers to the other week and I didn’t have more option that start working. It
is curious to think that unexpected news arrives in the most exhausting days; I had
been watching the screen for one hour, but I didn’t know what I could write, the
papers weren’t going to be written alone but my mom said I had to stop it and listen
her, because she had to say me something important: she was going to have a
baby. My mom had been single for two years when she met her husband, they
lived together for 2 years and they had decided to have a baby previous time and
they wanted to tell my brothers and me but they didn’t have the opportunity to do
so; my brothers were Charlie and Ted, that moment Charlie was 12 years old and
Ted was 17 years old.

The news was unexpected but I couldn’t accept the idea that I was going to have a
little brother, I was very angry and I went to my room; my mom was sad of my
reaction and cried for one hour. Although I was angry, I felt bad; I couldn’t permit
which my mom was unhappy. I left my room and I gave her a smile and a hug.
Today, my little brother is 2 years old, and we are the happiest brothers. He goes
to the kinder garden and I’m sure he will be very intelligent, because he learns
faster than me. This story won’t finish, because every day will be an unforgettable

Steven Cely Iza

Specialized 2

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