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Musical Elements during the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque
This lesson contains a series of learnings of Music from Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period for
Grade 9 students. This set of instructional materials is based on the philosophy, objectives, and list of learning
competencies of the K to 12 curricula by the Department of Education. The first topic of Western classical music
history as understood traditionally begins with plainchant (also called "Gregorian" chant), the vocal religious practice of
the Roman Catholic Church from the Medieval Period. The Renaissance's grandest, most highly valued works of vocal
music were polyphonic settings of the ‘Ordinary of the Mass’. The Ordinary Mass is composed of five texts--Kyrie,
Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei (the first words of the texts) that were included in every Mass, not only in
Masses that celebrated special occasions. The Baroque era of Western classical music is usually defined as the
period from 1600 to 1750. Two stylistic tendencies that partially define the Baroque where there is an increased
interest in the solo voice and a rise in the status of instruments and instrumental music.

Music of Medieval Period

 Medieval music was both sacred and secular .  Gregorian Chant— a monophonic or unison,
 Monody or Monophonic Music meaning one liturgical music in Roman Catholic Church.
sound or single line melodies  Lute—one of the early music
 Plainsong or plainchant is a monophonic  Later Middle Ages it gradually yielded to
consisting of one or unaccompanied single polyphony

Suggested Music: Listen to the link that features a Gregorian chant of the Medi-eval Period.

Music of Renaissance Music

The three basic purpose of Renaissance Music
1. Worship in both Catholic and burgeoning Protestant Churches
2. Music for the entertainment and edification of the courts and courtly life.
3. Dance Music

Characteristics of Renaissance Music

1. The birth of polyphonic “Golden Age of Polyphony”, 5. Bass register was used for the first time.
vocal polyphony reaches a high degree of perfection 6. Rhythm is more gentle flow than a sharply defined
with four or more voices of equal importance. beat
2. Imitation among voices are common 7. Clarity, balance, euphony within well-regulated limits
3. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner prevails
4. Express in moderate, balanced way, with no extreme 8. Modality (the use of church mode) still prevails in both
contrast of dynamics, tone color or rhythm sacred and secular.

Madrigal – a form of secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It was written and
expressed in poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings. It is the most important secular form during the
Re-naissance period.
A. Characteristics of Madrigal-
 Polyphonic  Through – composed
 Sung acapella  Number of voices varies from 2 to 8 and
Frequently from 3 to 6
Suggested Music: Listen to April Is in My Mistress Face by Thomas Mor- ley Guide

Mass – is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
A. Characteristic of the Mass
1.Polyphonic 3. Text may be syllabic (one note to each syllable), neumatic
2. Maybe sung acapella or with orchestral (few notes to one syllable), or melismatic (many notes to
accompaniment one syllable).
Motet— is a polyphonic choral works in Latin text. It can be used in any service of the churches and usually in
acapella. Sound smoothing and imitative in nature.

Music of the Baroque Period

The word baroque can be traced from the ancient Portuguese noun barocco – a pearl that is not
round but of unpredictable and elaborate shape or pearl of irregular shape .
Baroque became popular and successful because the Roman Catholic Church encouraged its
development. The Catholic Church decided at the time of the council of Trent that the arts communicate
religious themes through man s direct and emotional involvement.

Characteristics Baroque Music

1. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
2. Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
3. Dynamic contrast– alteration between loud and soft , also known as Terrace Dynamics
4. Music genres—operas, oratorio, suites, tocatas, concerto grosso, fugue
a. Opera—a dramatic work or genre of classical time
b. Oratorio—a religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and voices performed without
costume, scenery or action.
c. Suite— a set of instrumental compositions for dance style.
d. Concerto Grosso—instrumental from for small group of soloist and full orchestra
e. Fugue— contrapuntal composition in which a short melody is introduced by one part and
successively taken up by others and developed by interweaving the part.
5. Harpsicord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used.
6. Orchestra consists of strings and continuo


A. Answer the following analogy on a piece of paper. Find your answers on the box below and write
your answer on a piece of paper.
1. Baroque: barocco; Renaissance: __________
2. Liturgical music: ___________; Secular music: Nonreligious
3. Renaissance: Golden Age; Medieval: __________
4. Harpsicord: ____________; Lute: Renaissance
5. Motet: Medieval; _________: Renaissance
6. Imitation of Voices: __________; Dynamic Contrast: Baroque
7. ___________: Monophonic; Renaissance: Polyphonic
8. Mass: Eucharistic Liturgy; __________: Poetic text
9. Medieval: Churches; Renaissance: _________
10. __________: Group of Singers; Instrumental Music: Voice with Instrument Accompaniment



Elements and Principles of Arts in Western and Classical

This lesson was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the Elements
and Principles of Art style in Western and Classical Arts. The scope of this module permits it to be used in
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

Elements of Art

These are basic elements that are used by artist in creating art; they are what you use to create an
aesthetically pleasing work. When we make art, we need to understand and apply these seven elements of

1. LINE- A mark made by a tool such as a brush, pen or stick; a moving point.
2. SHAPE A flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width. Artists use both
geometric and organic shapes.
3. COLOR Is one of the most dominant elements. It is created by light. There are three properties
of color; Hue (name) Value (shades and tints,)and intensify (brightness.)
4. VALUE Degrees of lightness or darkness. The difference be- tween values is called value
5. FORM Objects that are three-dimensional having length, width and height. They can be viewed
from many sides. Forms take up space and value.
6. TEXTURE Describes the feel of an actual sur- face. The surface quality of an ob- ject; can be
real or implied.
7. SPACE Is used to create the illusion of depth. Space can be two- dimensional, negative and/ or
posi- tive.

Principles of Art

These are the standards or rules to be observed by artist in creating works of Art; they are how to
create and organize Artwork. When elements are utilized with the principles in mind, outstanding artwork is

1. BALANCE A distribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis. Symmetrical balance
uses the same characteristics. Asymmetrical uses different but equally weighted features.
2. CONTRAST The arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth, small vs.
large, etc...) in a composition so as to create visual interest.
3. EMPHASIS Uses to make certain parts of an Artwork stand out. It creates the center of interest
or focal point. It is the place in which an Artist draws your eye to first.
4. MOVEMENT How the eye moves through the composition; leading the attention of the viewer
from one aspect of the work to another. Can create the illusion of action.
5. PATTERN The repetition of specific visual elements such as a unit of shape or form. A method
used to organize surfaces in a consistent regular manner.
6. RHYTHM Regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to create cohesiveness and interest.
7. UNITY Visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design. It is the feeling that
everything in the work of Artworks together and look like it fits.
A.DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. An element of design that appears three-dimensional and encloses volume such as a cube, sphere,
pyramid, or cylinder.
a. Shape b. Form c. Value d. Space
2. It deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out.
a. Contrast b. Unity c. Emphasis d. Movement
3. The surface quality of an artwork usually perceived through the sense of touch. It can also be implied,
perceived visually though not felt through touch.
a. Texture b. Value c. Form d. Color
4. It is a combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
a. contrast b. pattern c. balance d. rhythm
5. An art element with three properties: hue, value, and intensity. Also, the character of surfaces created
by the response of vision to wavelengths of reflected light.
a. Line b. Form c. Texture d. Color

B.DIRECTION: To figure out the elements and principles of art, Arrange the jumbled letters to form the
correct word.

1. INLE ____________________ 6. PEHAS ____________________

2. LANCBEA ____________________ 7. TRACONST ____________________
3. ROLOC ____________________ 8. SISPHAME __________________
4. VEMONEMT ____________________ 9. EULVA _____________________
5. ROMF ____________________ 10.TERNPAT ____________________



Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Assessment

This lesson will determine the readiness of the student to participate in physical activities by
answering Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire ( PAR – Q ). The capability of the student in
performing various physical activities can be determined through their health background. The health
conditions of the student will be assessing before performing. You are expected to answer the Physical
Activity Readiness Questionnaire ( PAR –Q ) with the guide of their parent, execute the suggested physical
fitness activity and record the base result in each activity and value the importance of being physically
active by doing some house chores at home.

The physical fitness test is a set of measures designed to determine one’s level of physical fitness. It has
two components namely: Health Related and Skill Related.
Health related and skills related involves the exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve
your physical health and stay healthy particular in the categories of cardiovascular endurance, muscular
strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and body composition.
Cardiovascular fitness- the ability to exercise your entire body for long period of time.
 Muscular Strength- the amount of force your muscles can produce
 Flexibility- the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
 Muscular endurance- the ability of the muscles to work for a long period of time
 Body Composition-the amount of total fat and muscles in the body
Skills related fitness consists of six components: agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and
reaction time.
Agility – ability to rapidly and accurately change direction of the whole body in space.
Balance – ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving.
Coordination – ability to use senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and
Power – amount of force a muscle can exert.
Reaction Time – ability to respond quickly to stimuli.
Speed – amount of time it takes the body to perform specific task
Read carefully the following statements and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in
your notebook.
1.The physical fitness consists of two components:
A. Health-related fitness involves the exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve your physical
health and stay healthy particular in the categories of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength,
flexibility, muscular endurance and body composition.
B. Skills related fitness consists of six components: agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and
reaction time.
2. The proper execution of suggested physical fitness tests is important in achieving the accuracy of the
assessment results of one’s physical fitness. (Same choices)
3. Physical fitness tests that can be done at home amid of COVID – 19. (Same choices)
4. The value of understanding the health background of some one is necessary before undergoing the
different kinds of physical activities. (Same choices)


Health- (WEEK 1)
Community and Environmental Health

We live in a place where our family members and neighbors are interacting to do their regular
activities and share resources. During this time of pandemic and in many cases where disasters,
calamities and other unavoidable situations happen in our country, our lives and living are affected. There
are many changes and adjustments that our family and other members of the community need to do in
order to cope up with the different situations. In this lesson, you will learn to define your community and
environmental health. Specifically during this time that corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is declared as
a pandemic disease, our community and the rest of the country is under the declaration of Community
Quarantine by the Inter Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).
There are different levels by which a certain community is declared under Enhanced Community
Quarantine (ECQ), Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) or General Community Quarantine
(GCQ) depending on the number of cases of infected people in a certain community or locality. Are these
related to environmental health?
A community is defined as a group of people living in the same place or having a particular
characteristic in common. Study the characteristics of a healthy community. Are these characteristics
present in the community that you are in today?

Characteristics of a Healthy Community

1. Access to quality education
2. The community naturally blends into its environment.
3. Health care and preventive health services
4. Access to healthy food.
5. Fitness and wellness opportunities.
6. A community should have enough security and safety for all the people.
7. People in the community should love and unify with each other.
8. People in the community should be free from any vices.
9. A community should have access on affordable healthy foods, clean air, clean water and quality
10. A community should have an educational facility for all the children and youth.
11. A community should have enough jobs and transportation for all the people.
Community Health is the art and sciences of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all
members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts. Related to the study of
community is the place where a community immediately live and respond to the changes that happen in
their locality. This is where the community live or is their habitat. This is called an environment.
Technically, environment is the sum total of all the surroundings whereby living organism,
including natural forces and other living things interact. This provides also the conditions for the
development and growth as well as of danger and damage that might happen. There are different types of
environment and each is characterized by certain conditions. Environment mainly consists of atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.
Some of these types of environment are:
1. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally. It is
made up of naturally occurring resources like water, land, air and all organisms that live in nature. It
comprises the nature of the living space. This is in contrast to artificial environment or man-made
environment like in a fishpond.
2. Industrial environment is a term used to describe working conditions that may be outside of your
home. Industrial environments are usually harsher than normal work environments, such as in an office. In
an industrial environment, people and equipment are exposed to more extreme conditions.
3. The social environment consists of the sum total of a society's beliefs, customs, practices and
behaviors. It is, to a large extent, an artificial construct that can be contrasted with the natural environment
in which we live.
Study the characteristics of a healthy environment. Can you add more on these?
1. Clean 6. Garbage cans are always closed
2. Neat 7. No flies and mosquitoes breed
3. Looks beautiful 8. Many plants are grown
4. Feels comfort 9. Enough space to work and play
5. No rubbish in sewage 10. Waste are segregated properly

Why is there a need to grow more plants in our environment? It is said that “more plants; more
oxygen”. That’s why we need to plant more trees. The air that surrounds us make us feel comfortable and
fresh. Is there a river around your house? Are rivers and ditches clean? Bodies of water like rivers,
streams, and seas are considered healthy if the water is clean, clear. There are no garbage thrown in
these bodies of water. Usually, a clean water environment will give a good harvest of fishes and other
organisms that live in the river or in any bodies of water. Each part of your house should always be
cleaned. Garbage must be dumped off regularly in appropriate places. Clean the sink to avoid clogging that
will affect effective water flow.

A.Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your notebook.
A. _________________environment that is harsher than normal work environment.
A Industrial environment C. Social environment
B. Natural environment D. None of the above
2. This refers to a group of people living in the same place or having particular characteristics in
A. Community C. School
B. Family D. Society
3. This refers to unwanted materials in all forms that can cause harm.
A. Medicine C. Toxic waste
B. Mineral D. Water
4. The following activities are beneficial to the environment EXCEPT:
A. Avoid burning plastic materials C. Proper waste disposal
B. Dump toxic waste to the river D. A and C
5. The following are characteristics of a healthy environment ECEPT one:
A. Access to a healthy food C. Access to massive alcohol intake
B. Access to quality education D. Availability of healthcare facilities

B.Give two (2) situations that show characteristics of a healthy community .

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________

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