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Name: ________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ________________ Date: _______________





Background Information for Learners

Marked as the first three period of Western Music History, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
music has its distinctive characteristics, historical and cultural background.

The Medieval Period, also known as the “Dark Ages” began after the fall of the Roman Empire. Much
of the music during this Period emerged from the churches of Europe, composed for religious
purposes, and are referred to as sacred music. Focused on the setting of Latin text to mass, this
monophonic plainchant, later known as Gregorian chant, was named after Pope Gregory I, who
made this as the approved Catholic Church. Gregorian chant are monophonic (one melodic line),
free meter, modal , uses the Neume notation and are sung unaccompanied only by men. Salve
Regina is an example of a Medieval plainchant.

Secular Medieval music was dominated by the travelling entertainers known as the Troubadours.
Originating from France, their music is not bound by Catholic traditions. Troubadour music are
usually monophonic, sometimes with improvised accompaniment, tells tales of chivalry and courtly
love, and were written in the French language. Richard Coeur-DeLion - Troubadours et Trouvères /
Trovadores is an example of this type of music.

Arts flourished during the Renaissance Period, funded by art-loving rich folks and royalty with no
taxes. Renaissance came from the word renaitre which means “rebirth”, “revival” and “rediscovery.”
Italy was the country and the culture that dominated the Renaissance. During this period, music
became popular as an entertainment and activity for amateur and the educated. The influence of
the Catholic church started to decline, and secular music became more prominent. This era became
the golden age of a capella choral music.

Music of the Renaissance period are mostly polyphonic, imitation among the voices is common, uses
word painting in texts and music, melodic lines move in a flowing manner, and melodies are easier
to perform because these move along a scale with a few large leaps. Mass and Madrigal were the
vocal of the Period. Mass is a form of sacred musical composition that sets text of the Eucharistic
liturgy into music. It is polyphonic, may be sung a capella or with orchestral accompaniment, with
text that may be syllabic ( one note set to each syllable), neumatic (a few notes set to one syllable or
melismatic (many notes to one syllable), and has five sections: Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy); Gloria (Glory
to God in the Highest); Credo (Apostle’s Creed); Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy ,Holy and Blessed is
He); and Agnus Dei (Lamb of God). Gloria by Josquin de Prez is an example of a section of Mass.
Madrigal on the other hand is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition originating from Italy. It
was the most important form of music in the Renaissance. Madrigals were most usually composed
for four unaccompanied voices which were written and expressed Secular Medieval music was
dominated by the travelling entertainers known as the Troubadours. Originating from France, their
music is not bound by Catholic traditions. Troubadour music are usually monophonic, sometimes
with improvised accompaniment, tells tales of chivalry and courtly love, and were written in the
French language. Richard Coeur-DeLion - Troubadours et Trouvères / Trovadores is an example of
this type of music.

Arts flourished during the Renaissance Period, funded by art-loving rich folks and royalty with no
taxes. Renaissance came from the word renaitre which means “rebirth”, “revival” and “rediscovery.”
Italy was the country and the culture that dominated the Renaissance. During this period, music
became popular as an entertainment and activity for amateur and the educated. The influence of
the Catholic church started to decline, and secular music became more prominent. This era became
the golden age of a capella choral music.

Music of the Renaissance period are mostly polyphonic, imitation among the voices is common, uses
word painting in texts and music, melodic lines move in a flowing manner, and melodies are easier
to perform because these move along a scale with a few large leaps. Mass and Madrigal were the
vocal of the Period. Mass is a form of sacred musical composition that sets text of the Eucharistic
liturgy into music. It is polyphonic, may be sung a capella or with orchestral accompaniment, with
text that may be syllabic ( one note set to each syllable), neumatic (a few notes set to one syllable or
melismatic (many notes to one syllable), and has five sections: Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy); Gloria (Glory
to God in the Highest); Credo (Apostle’s Creed); Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy ,Holy and Blessed is
He); and Agnus Dei (Lamb of God). Gloria by Josquin de Prez is an example of a section of Mass.
Madrigal on the other hand is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition originating from Italy. It
was the most important form of music in the Renaissance. Madrigals were most usually composed
for four unaccompanied voices which were written and expressed


Describe the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque Music. (MU9MRB-Ib-f-5)

I. Determine the Period where the following performance practices belong.

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of troubadour music?

a. Uses nueme notation
b. Sometimes with improvised accompaniment
c. Polyphopnic in nature
d. Used word painting in text and music
2. A form of musical composition that sets text of Eucharistic liturgy is__
a. Maas
b. Plainchant
c. Madrigal
d. Concerto
3. This vocal music is usually composed for four unaccompanied voices.
a. Madrigal
b. Mass
c. Oratorio
d. Fugue
4. What form of orchestra music employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra?
a. Concerto grosso
b. Concerto
c. Oratorio
d. Suites
5. Which of the following is a characteristic of baroque music?
a. Contrapuntal texture
b. Free meter
c. A capella
d. Modal

II. Identify the period in which of the following elements were established or use. Write A for
Medieval, B for Renaissance and C for Baroque. Write only the letter of your answer.
6. Dynamic variation.
7. Sometimes used improvised accompaniment
8. Melodic lines miving in flowing manner
9. Major and minor tonality were created
10. Elaborate and ornamental melodies

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