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1. Topic 1: This is part of a letter you received from your pen friend, John.

I’ve just got a letter from Mai, your friend. She said she is going to take a
course in Australia next month and asked if she could stay with my family.
Can you please tell me about her. I want to know if she will fit in with my
 Now write a letter, answering John’s questions
 You should write about 120 words.
Dear John,
I’m sorry that I was unable to react your email soon in view of the distinction time region. I’m
surprised that Mai sent a letter to you for your permission for stay at your home. Surely I’m glad to
tell you a little about her.
Mai is an extrovert person. She is glad to make companion with everyone, particularly with foreign
friends. Besides, we have been together for a long time so I can totally ensure that she is a very honest
girl and you may a point about her.
Additionally, she is interested in sports, such as swimming or playing tennis. She also enjoys reading
and she could spend all day reading a bunch of her favorite books.
As Mai’s friend, I hope that you will accept her offer. We will be glad to hear that.
Thanks and best regard,

2. Topic 2:
This is part of a letter you received from your pen friend, Beth.

What do you like doing in your free time? Playing sports is very important. Do
you usually play sports? What kind of sport do you prefer?
 Now write a letter, answering Beth’s questions
 You should write about 120 words.
Dear Beth,
I am writing this letter in response to your letter, which I received yesterday. In my spare time, I
frequently take part in playing sports with my friends.
Recently, I have taken up swimming. You probably know that swimming is one of the healthiest
sports because it strengthens all of the muscles equally. I also play tennis and squash when I can but I
don't really get the time to do them as well every we ek.
I do quite a lot of sport actually. However, swimming is my favourite sport since I was a kid. In
addition to this, I really get into the feeling that I can float as free as a fish when I am in the water.
By the way, what do you often do in your free time? What kind of sport do you prefer?
I am looking forward to your response soon

3. Topic 3:
This is part of a letter you received from your pen friend, Beth.
I like learning English but I don’t know how to master it. Can you tell me the reasons for
your study of English and the ways you have been learning it?

 Now write a letter, answering Beth’s questions

 You should write about 120 words.
Dear Beth,
I am writing this letter in response to your letter, which I received yesterday. There are many reasons
I decided to learn English, and I want to share with you some ways that can enhance your English
Firstly, I choose English because I want to expand my knowledge about the world and I can
understand more about other countries' traditions. Besides, in some international companies, English
is very important. Therefore,learning English also helps me to find jobs more easily.
To do that, I have attended an English course for 2 years and practiced it a lot at home. In addition, I
also learn English via movies or Youtube and review all the vocabulary everyday.
I hope that these tips will be useful and help you to improve your English skills.
4. Topic 4:
 This is part of a letter you received from an English friend
I know that you take part in a film club. Are there many films from different
countries? Have you seen any interesting Vietnamese one recently? I’d like to
hear about it. Could you tell me in your next letter?

 Now write a letter , answering your pen friend’s questions

 You should write about 120 words.
Dear Daisy,
I’m sorry that I was unable to react your email soon in view of the distinction time region. As a
member of a film club, I have seen all kinds of films that come from different countries. But recently,
I have watched a Vietnamese movie which is called “ The Age of Youth”.
This film tells the story of Linh – the daughter of a well-off family. She went to Korea to live and
study. Here, Linh accidentally met Junsu – the son of the innkeeper. Then they fell in love with each
other. However, Junsu had an accident and he lost his memory. After so many difficulties, the two of
them have come together.
Youth is a Korean-style film, and it helps you to understand the value of love. Do share your review
after watching this movie.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
5.Topic 5:

You went to a party last weekend, didn't you? Did you have a good time there? Tell me
about that party?

 Now write a letter, answering John’s questions.

 You should write about 120 words.
Dear Jonh,
I am very glad to receive your letter. I am writing this letter to tell you about the party I went to
last week. That was my best friend’s birthday party.
The party began at about three in the afternoon. There were about twenty guests gathered in her
house. Everyone, especially Huong was very happy. We gave our presents to her and she happily
opened them. After that, her father brought out the birthday cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to
Huong. Then we continued to play some games like “ Musical Chairs”.
Finally, at about six in the evening, the party came to an end. We were all tired but happy and I
walked home with a very good feeling .
That's all for now. Hope to see you soon.
5. Topic 6:
This is part of a letter you received from your pen friend, Beth.

Vietnam is a beautiful country and we have a plan to go there for our

holiday. Which sea city do you advise us to visit ? What do you think is the
best time of year to visit?

 Now write a letter, answering Beth’s questions

 You should write about 120 words.
Dear Beth,
I am very happy to hear that you will choose Vietnam for your holiday. I am writing this letter to give
you some interesting information about my country.
Vietnam is a friendly country so you can travel anywhere you want. But I highly recommend that you
should visit Nha Trang City because this is a beach city which has a beautiful coast and a lot of
delicious seafood restaurants. Moreover,it also has different cuisines and souvenirs so you can buy
anything you like for your family.
The weather in my country is very special. The Northern Vietnam has 4 seasons, but in Southern
Vietnam, it has only 2 seasons. In the summer, the weather is even better because of the fresh air and
blue sky, which is the best time for you and your friends to visit.
I hope you will enjoy your trip to Vietnam .
Best regard,
Essay 1:

Some people think that ebooks are the death of paper books while others
think paper books will never disappear. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, e-books are gaining popularity. Though many people anticipate that with the
evolution of e-books, but some believe that printed books will still be preferred by many
others. In my opinion, I believe that both reading mediums will continue to be used in the
future, depending on what they are used for.
On the one hand, people prefer using e-books due to its convenience. As everything is
available with one click online, readers can access to a vast variety of books in an online
library and bring everywhere. Moreover, with deforestation at its peak, cutting down more
trees for publishing books can be harmful to the environment. Therefore, e-books are
pocket-friendly, eco-friendly and convenient to use. In addition, e-books are retrievable
online, which eliminates the purpose of going to bookstores to purchase books and save a
lot of time.
On the other hand, some people prefer reading from physical books compared to e-books.
To start with, you don’t need an internet connection to read a hardcover book. While it is
true that it does have some weight and occupy some space, it is never too heavy to carry in
your backpack. Another advantage is that anybody can read them at any time. This feature
of printed books makes them particularly suitable for the elderly who may find it difficult
to use an ebook reader. Besides, printed books do not cause eyestrain like ebooks.
Therefore, though e-books are vivid and colorful, they cannot provide the same impact as
physical books to the bookworms.
In conclusion, I believe that both traditional books and digital books have their own
readers. Even though the majority of people are currently advancing into utilizing e-books,
written books should still be preserved.

Essay 2:
The most important consideration when choosing any career or job is having a high
income. Do you agree or disagree?

 Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

 You should write about 250 words.
Nowadays, there is plenty of standards should be considered while choosing a career. In
my opinion, I agree high extent of the statement of salary being a main factor of hunting
jobs. I am going to provide you some details to support this observation.
To start with, high income is inevitable for fulfilling one’s basic needs in both present and
future time. Obviously, when someone earned more money straight away, then they can
afford to acquire expensive purchases such as house, car and other things to satisfy their
needs. If they have an opportunity of having a high-salary job, their life can be better by
affording those malfunctioned. Moreover, employees could pursue a good standard of
living or even luxurious holidays.
Besides, having a decent salary job and rewarding perk will encourage employee to try
hard and enhance the level of performance. For example, if the director of a company give
the high salary for member of the staffs who has outstanding contribution in business, that
will motivates the other employees achieving better result in job performance. In addition,
earning more money throughout early work life means more secured future. Having
enough money can allow someone to pay debt, maintain health, and acquire life’s desires. 
For instance, with our savings, we are able to travel around the world after retirement
without worrying about money.
In conclusion, it is certainly true that money can be an important impact for many people
when choosing prospective job,. Although, taking a career that a worker is so passionate
about can be fulfilling, however, financial stability is worth considering over passion

Essay 3:

Nowadays many people have access to computers and a large number of children enjoy
playing video games. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games
for children?

 Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

 You should write about 250 words.
In recent years, the technological revolution has advanced rapidly resulting in an increase
in the number of juveniles playing electronic games. In this essay, both the benefits and
drawbacks of this activity will be taken into consideration .
To start with, as education is becoming more demanding for many young people,
computer games can provide a way of relaxing and reducing stress. Computer games can
take us into different worlds where we can escape from reality. Moreover, playing
computer games can develop children’s cognitive skills. From educational
perspective,these games enhance imagination and creativity, as well as analyzing and
problem-solving skills, all of which are useful skills outside the game context. Many
popular games require abstract and high level thinking skills in order to win such as “
Brain out”.
There also remain a lot of disadvantages of playing video games in children. If children
take a seat in front of the computer for a long time constantly, it will make them sleep-
deprived and altogether depleted. Therefore, their grades will doubtless come down due to
less concentration on lecture. Besides, a few games are fairly violent and unsuitable for
their ages. For instance, many games involve children helping their character to kill, kick,
stab and shoot. This may lead to increased aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.
Another disadvantage is missing on out social interactions which is really important for
the overall development of children.
To sum up, there are both pros and cons with computer games. Nowadays, video games
are very popular amongst children, parents need to exercise caution and monitor their
children's activity as some games may be more suitable than others.

Essay 4:
In the past, most people used to travel to their place of work. With increased use of
computers, the internet and smart phones, more and more people are starting to work from
home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?
 Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
 You should write about 250 words.

Nowadays, instead of traveling to work, a greater number of people are working from home
thank to the advent of the internet. Although this has some major benefits, there are also some
drawbacks, and both will be considered below.
On the positive side, the ability to work from home gives a person more freedom. By not
sitting in a car in traffic, they can not only save time, but avoid stress, and this should make
them be able to work more effectively. Moreover, working from home can mean that people
have more control over their lives. Besides, individuals can get many choices for spare time
and residential areas without commuting. In addition, urban areas with costly properties are
not an option for their home, but the countrysides are also one, due to being free from travel
to offices.
On the other hand, working from home can be lonely and this may lead to feelings of
isolation. Not having co-workers to chat with and help you out if you have a problem that
cannot be fixed online is a serious disadvantage. For this reason, that many companies
introduced the work way to provide their employees with mental healthcare services.
Furthermore, everyone who has ever tried to organize a conference call knows that face-to-
face interactions are normally more time-efficient and productive than trying to communicate
via Internet.
In conclusion, since many companies instituted a work from home policy, many workers have
chosen it because it has made their life easier. However, having everyone in their homes all
day is probably not the best solution either.
Essay 5:
New technologies and ways of buying and selling are transforming the lives of consumers.
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
 Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
 You should write about 250 words.
The latest technologies and ways of purchasing and selling products are
transforming the lives of consumers. I partially agree with this statement as several
positive and negative changes can be arisen from this common tendency.
Firstly, current shopping is not only much easier but also faster than ever. Instead of
traveling for a long distance to purchase some items, you can just place an order for the
thing you need using apps on your smartphone such as shoppe and tiki while sitting in the
office or at home. It is possible to buy virtually anything from what has effectively
become a worldwide retail market: foods, clothes, electronic devices, and so on. This new
way of merchandising has given us consumers more time to focus on other important
aspects of our life.
Secondly, the buyer can have more control over the process. The existing of price
comparison websites help us filter and compare products based on price,
features, reviews and along with other criteria. and shoppers can browse for as long as
they like without pressure from sales assistants.
On the other hand, this phenomenon also has drawbacks. since the new ways are
turning mainstream. for that reason traditional shopping becomes irregular. Citizens who
do not have smartphones or other electronic devices connected with the Internet, places
are not equipped with modern technological infrastructure which disrupt online purchases
would be impossible to trade goods online.
In conclusion, new technologies and trading methods help people buy and sell
goods easily, particular in COVID-19 pandemic. However, we could not deny
disadvantages of this trend, which is inconvenient for the one not being good at

Essay 6:
Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online.
Is this a positive or negative development?

 Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

 You should write about 250 words.
More and more universities nowadays offer their school curriculums and
documents on the Internet to promote online studies. From my perspective, although there
are some drawbacks, I would argue that this is a positive development. This essay will
explain, firstly, the benefits of online schooling and, secondly, the problems associated
with it before reaching a conclusion.
In modern times, the internet has enabled universities to offer online education.
There are numerous benefits related to this. Firstly, online education helps those who can’t
access higher learning can now easily grant a high level of knowledge through the internet
at a cheaper price. Secondly, it gives students to learn in a flexible way whenever and
wherever it is convenient to do so. And finally, it also supports students in their school
lessons. Due to its flexibility, students can rewind, watch and pause lectures where they
don’t understand and get a better grasp of them, which gives students more time to think
about advanced questions to ask in their lessons at school.
But there are comparatively few drawbacks related to online courses such as lack of
human interaction and a sense of community. Online courses lessen the opportunities of
interactions for students and teachers. These interactions can help develop students’
confidence in the long term, which includes communicating with each other about
homework, discussing various topics and asking teachers’ questions.
In conclusion, despite a few disadvantages, online course is a positive development
which offers a huge benefit to the people. I believe over time we can solve those problems
and make online schooling even more beneficial to people.


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