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Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which of the following is not used in API Development?


Direction : Choose the best answer.

What web browser used the first versions of JavaScript?

-Netscape Navigator

Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which is not the file extension of Linux applications?

-not applicable

Direction : Choose the best answer. Which of the following was not helped by technology to advance
further in their respective fields?

-None of the choices

Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which is not a version of Shell?


Direction : Choose the best answer.

What domain deals with microcontrollers?

- Embedded Systems Development

Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which platform do C# not yet support as of 2016?


Direction : Choose the best answer.

What domain deals with server configurations?

-Back-end Development

Direction : Choose the best answer.

What type of software that acts as translators for the hardware components of the computer?


Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which is not a subdomain of Application Development?

-UI Applications

Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which is not an application of Embedded Systems Development?

-All of the choices

Direction : Choose the best answer.

What domain deals with analytics?

-Data Science

Direction : Choose the best answer.

What domain deals with web applications?

-Cloud Development

Direction : Choose the best answer. What do you call the distribution of information when stored on a
physical disk?


Direction : Choose the best answer.

Which language ranked Top 5 of the most used languages in GitHub as of 2016?

Computer Programming 1 Final Quiz 1

It is created to initialize operations for the class upon declaration.


A group of statements within a code block is called body of the function.


The Methods [Class] is used to give primary information centered on the object.


It is a subset Object-Object Programming which focuses in abstract representations of the objects.


It informs the application that the function shall not return any data.

-Void/Void Return Type

The index declares which element of the array is on being process.


A programming language specialized in simulations is called Simula.


It serves as an entry point of any C++ application.

-int main( )

A function shall return as its final execution is called reoccurrence data type.

It limits the access to the properties and methods under it to only the class where they are defined is
called protected scope.



It is used as an alias as reference to the function.

Function Name

In the discussion, what is the allocated size for an int data type?

-32 bits

It is an array of characters.


It is a group of statements contained by a code block.

-Body/Body of Code Blocks

In the discussion, what is the allocated size for a double data type?

-64 bits

A function can call several other functions.


Exception is the result of incorrect action committed unexpectedly.


It is an abstract representation of objects.

It makes the properties and methods under it accessible to anywhere within and outside the class is
called public scope.


Function name and variable name are similar?


Computer Programming 1 Midterm Exam 49-50

A ______ statement ends the execution of the entire loop.


Global variables are variables declared _____________ int main() code block.


Fundamentals of computer programming are learned easily through the use of GUI.


The compiler that presents a minimalistic approach for Windows is called _________________.


__________________ is a looping statement where the body is executed first before the condition is


Local variables are accessible throughout the code.


Implicit Data Types can store _____ type of values.


The ____________ looping statement evaluates the condition before executing the body and the


Variables defined within a code block is called ____________ variables.


The ________ statement mainly uses integers as value to be evaluated.


One cycle of repetition using loops is called an iteration.


__________ statement is used in undefined conditional expressions.


A series of statement repeated when a specific condition is met is called looping.


The phase in looping that indicates the statements under the loop is called _________.


There are three (3) components that build up the phases of looping statements.


The open source community of Microsoft to share software publicly is called ________________.

The ________________________ tool enables better code management through backups and source

-Version Control

Anonymous Variables are labeled by the _____________.


_______________ is the phase in looping statements that are evaluated.


The _________________ phase decreases the value of the counter.


Visual Studio Code is an IDE that supports multiple programming languages under multitude of
operating systems.


The free and web-based repository that allows distributed version control is called GitOpen.


Classes are part of ____________________ Data Types.


________ statement is used to output a string to inform the user about the conditions need.


Conditions within a while loop are evaluated after the execution.

The looping statement in C++ where the condition appears on the last part of the statement is called
________________ loop.


The ________ rights allow users to escalate the permission granted.

- Administrator

The newly developed IDE from Microsoft that supports various programming languages and acts as a
subset of Visual Studio is called ________________.

-Visual Studio Code

Compilers build the application from source codes.


______________ variables are bound to only one type of values.


___________ enabled developers to repeat a sequence of statements given the right conditions.


We use ___________________ to test the system path if defined.

-Command Prompt

A conditional is used to perform specific actions depending on the evaluated expressions.


__________________ allows developer to support scenarios in the application.

Converting a data type to another data type is called ___________.


The ____________ statement uses defined constants in evaluating conditions.


A way to organize configurations is called Repository.


Version Control allows users to revert changes and download copies of the changes from the client.


The phase in loops where the counter is changed is called Variation.


A statement wherein the increment/decrement always occurs after the statements of the body is called
________ statement.


Iteration is the special variable that controls the flow of loops.


There is only one data type that can handle textual values.


A group of related statements are called code blocks.

Unnamed variables are accessible using the unmarked symbol.


The most efficient data type to use for flags like gender is _________________.


The only data type that can store large values until 65,535 is _________________ _______.

-Unsigned Short

Explicit Data Types are also called Variants.


These variables that may not declare their data types are called ____________ Data Types.


Values are limited by their data types.


Unnamed variables are called Anonymous Variables.


Computer Programming 1 Midterm Quiz 1

These are the only data type to handle textual values.


Direction : Choose the best answer.

They organize source codes and development artifacts.


Structures are part of Referenced Data Types.


This is a way to organize the development files and configurations in a centralized repository.

-Version Control

Explicit Variables are declared outside the context of the application.


Variables can go away without declaring the data types.


These are declared variables.

-Explicit Variables

-9 is treated as true.


This command prompt-like window that will help build fundamentals in computer programming.


This is the act of getting stored values from variables.


Long can store up to 65,535 in value.

Direction : Choose the best answer.

Compared to the rest of the setup, this installation process will take several steps to complete.


What is needed to be installed to support C and C++ applications for Visual Studio?


These are limits placed to handle specific data.

-Data Types

It is made using Native Windows Application.


These are fully-integrated software that contains various features dedicated to software development.

-Integrated Development Environment

Open Source Community's most famous and most used online version control repository since 2016.


It is one of the main thing we consider when undergoing Software Development.

-Operating System

It is a free and public web-based repository that allows distributed version control and source control
management tool that uses extended Git functionalities.


This is the act of saying we will be using a variable of a specific data type.


These are temporary storage of data


Data Types limit the naming convention in variables.


Converting long to int introduces naming problems.


Explicit Data Types are also called Variants.

Midterm Quiz 2

#include is the act of a function saying everything inside is belongs to it.


This phase in looping statements that dictates whether the loop should stop or continue.


A statement wherein the used is to terminates the execution of the entire loop is called Continue


The Case Statement is part of IF Statement.


Is for statement a range-based?


This special variable manages the flow of the loop.

The increment/decrement happen at the start of the body.


Code Block is a series of programming statement that is located outside of curly brackets/braces;
opened by "{", and closed by "}".


Statement wherein it terminates the execution of the current iteration is called Break Statement.


A statement where the body is executed first before the condition is evaluated is called do while


True or False:

Flowcharts are created using spreadsheet applications.


_________________ is a graphical representation that shows a series of actions in computer



True or False:

In 3,000 B.C., the Greek Abacus was invented.


The _________ programming language is mainly used by OSX and iOS.

True or False:

An application is made to run for platforms.


True or False:

The pseudocode for accepting user values is called INPUT.


__________ keyword accepts user values.


True or False:

The category in pseudocodes that deal with decision making is IF ... THEN ... ENDF.


True or False:

The characteristic of Technical Work Items that deals with clarity is called Clear.


Some word processing applications can create _______________ and pseudocodes.


True or False:

One possible application of Embedded Systems Development is in Home Automation.


All _______________ are convertible to ________________.

-Pseudocodes, Flowcharts
A scheme that focuses on entertainment and activities is called _________ Development.


True or False:

One characteristic of Technical Work Items is Classifiable - being able to distinctively classify the purpose
or aim.


True or False:

A Decision Symbol is the flowchart equivalent of switch keyword in pseudocode.


True or False:

A characteristic of Problem Solving that focuses on the quantity of test data is called Verifiable.


True or False:

As of 2016, Cloud Computing is not yet supported by C#.


A storage of _________________ is called variables.


__________________ is defined as a systematic approach to solve the main problem.

-Problem Solving

The _________ responsible for sending data to computers are called Input Devices.

A symbol used to identify which of the possible approaches will be taken based on the conditions called


True or False:

The characteristic of Technical Work Items that deal with consistency is called Nonce.


A computer component that deals with miscellaneous instructions of software is called ____________.

-Central Processing Unit/CPU

True or False:

All pseudocodes are convertible to flowcharts.


There are ______ terminator symbols per flowchart.


True or False:

Database applications can create pseudocodes.


There are at least ______________ arrows in Decision Symbols of flowcharts.


The symbol used to set or retrieve values is called ___________.


Process is an instance that indicates a specific action done in the ________________ activity.

The END terminator is placed as the _______________ symbol in the entire flowchart.

-End of the last page

James Gosling developed the ________ programming language.


True or False:

Server configurations are dealt using Data Science.


The OUTPUT keyword in pseudocodes ____________________.

-Displays a value

C++ Programming Language was designed by _______________.

-Bjarne Stroustrup

An application can process, _______ and be developed within an operating system.


True or False:

Data is a symbol used to compare two discrete values.


The symbol used for Data is shaped like a ______________.


A _________ storage in the computer that is randomly accessed is called RAM.


Technical Work Items is an ___________ step prior creating flowcharts.


Client computers that sends requests to a ________ is processed in transmissions.


Terminator is always the _________ symbol that can be found at the top-most of all flowcharts.


There are _______ scenarios per decision symbol in flowcharts.


The practical result involving more than one programming language is called __________________.


True or False:

Given the problem, "Write a program to organize paper bills by their corresponding denomination", a
possible work item would be "to ask the user for nickname and address".


The top most terminator uses ___________ arrow.


True or False:

The fragmentation of information when stored on a logical disk is called Sectoring.

_______________ are created using word-processing applications.


True or False:

Given the following work items: (a) "To ask user for age" and (b) "To ask user for item price", the
problem being addressed is about prices and interests.


True or False:

A variation in the conditions keyword is IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... WEND.


Overlapping arrows are _______________ in flowcharts.

-Not allowed

It is a symbol with two and only two out-going paths possible.


It is a symbol in flowcharting used to display value to the user.


It is a variant of the IF-THEN-END keywords wherein there can be more than one condition, and a
separate block if none of the conditions specified matched.

-IF ... THEN ... ELSE IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END

It is a symbol used to indicate a specific action to be done.


It is a symbol used to set values.

What flowchart symbol is the equivalent for the pseudocode SET ... TO keyword?


True or False:

Given the problem, "Write a program to calculate the BMI of the user", is the following work item(s)

"To ask the user for blood type"


It is one of the characteristics of problem solving in computer programming that deals with assessing the
validity of the solutions.


It is one of the characteristics of technical work item that deals with being clear in nature.


It is one of the characteristics of problem solving where the practicality of the solution is
counterchecked against a range of test data.


It is a keyword that specifies a condition to repeat a block of statements.

-WHILE ... DO ... LOOP

Given the problem below, that is the most probable last work item of the solution?

"Write a program that displays the section of the user"

-"To display section"

It is one of the characteristics of technical work items to be distinctive in purpose or aim.

Given the work item below, what is its most probable problem that it answers?

"To display appendFirstLastname"

-"Write a program to display the complete name of the user"

What is the equivalence of the flowchart DISPLAY in pseudocodes?


True or False:

The two (2) pseudocode keywords that are the equivalent for the Data symbol in flowcharts are INPUT


True or False:

All pseudocodes are convertible to flowcharts.


It is one of the characteristics of technical work items to be written shortly.


True or False:

Given the problem, "Write a program to categorize bills by denomination", is the following work item(s)

"To ask the user for nickname"


True or False:

Flowcharts do not support multi-paged configuration.


It is one of the characteristics of technical work items to be written direct to the point.

What flowchart symbol is the equivalent for the pseudocode CALL keyword?


It is a symbol in flowcharting used to initialize values and routines.


True or False:

Given the following work item(s):

"To ask user for age"

"To ask user for item price"

The most probable problem being addressed is "write a program to determine the discounted price of
an item given the item price and age as entered by the user."


What is the minimum number of pseudocode keywords is needed for the following problem (excluding
the terminator symbols)??

"Write a program to display the product of three numbers from the user."


What flowchart symbol is the equivalent for the pseudocode IF ... THEN ... END keyword?


What is the minimum number of pseudocode for this problem?

"Write a program that displays 'Hello World'."


It is one of the characteristics of problem solving where the problem is non-quality oriented.

Computer Programming Final Exam (47/50)

What is the allocated size of a 3D float array with size 2, 4, 8?

Answer: 2,048 bits

It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "to clear all values stored in the variables".


It is the part of Visual Studio Code where the contents of the files are previewed and edited.


These are the parts of Object-Oriented Programming that deals with the different internal variables of
the class.


It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "to display the account number in masked text".


These are data types that are numerical in nature because C++ stores them as zero (0) or zero (1),


Procedures are non-essential in C++, hence there can be a source code with no procedures.


Functions are essentially a code block of related statements that allow varying values of its variables.


It is a free and public web-based repository that allows distributed version control and source control
management tool.

It is the characteristic of Problem Solving that focuses on the testability of the identified solution.


It is the characteristic of Technical Work Items that ensures the work item falls into a specific action.

-Classifiable as INPUT, PROCESS, or OUTPUT

It is the part of Visual Studio Code where additional programming support and miscellaneous add-ons
are managed.


It is the complex, fully functional software where we write, organize and manages our source codes and
related files.

-Integrated Development Environment

These are functions in C++ that changes the address of a variable to another address.

-None of the choices

It is an integrated development environment (IDE) which houses mono develop as its base framework.


These are data types that are taken depending on how they are stored or used.

-Implicit Data Types

It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "to accept a user input and add the value to a

-None of the choices

This is a part of a function that indicates the final value of the function.
-Return Type

It is a symbol of Flowcharting used to initialize something.


What is the allocated size of a 3D string array with size 12, 4, 10?

-Insufficient Data

These are variables in C++ that can manipulate the values of the address it points to without accessing
the address itself.


It is a small script that uses the built-in terminal commands

-Bash Script

These are looping statements where the condition is evaluated right before the body is executed.


It is the main software where we develop and run our software application.

-Operating System

This is the maximum value for booldata type.

ANswer: 1

These are high-level description of the processes in Computer Programming.


It is the characteristic of Technical Work Items that talks about a single entity being manipulated or task
being accomplished.

These are looping statements where the increment/decrement is evaluated right after the condition is

-None of the choices

Is the given looping statement fundamentally correct?



It is the programming language that ranked as the Top 3 most used language in 2016 based from GitHub


It is a subset in the internet where documents are relating to other documents using hypertext links.

-World Wide Web

These are the parts of Object-Oriented Programming that gives meaning to the classes through the
availability of accessible data.


What will be the result of the following statement?

shortc[1] = { 32768 };

-The statement will induce integer overflow.

This is the minimum value for unsigned long data type.

Answer: 0

These are the parts of Object-Oriented Programming that deals with the constraint placed in variables
and functions regarding where they can be accessed.

What will be the result of the following statement?

int b[2] = { 1, 2 }; cout << b[2];

-The statement will induce array out of index.

It is a symbol of Flowcharting used to connect two or more symbols in the same page.

-On-page Connector

It is the equivalent of the DECISION symbol of Flowcharts in Pseudocodes.


These are data types that do not have any other components like properties and internal functions.

-Primitive Data Types

This is the minimum value for intdata type.

Answer: -2,147,483,648

These are conditionals that extend the functionality of if where in several other scenarios are accounted.

-If ... Else If ... Else

It is the period or time when computers start to emerge.

Answer: 3,000 B.C.

It is the version of Shell that uses the alias ksh.

-Korn Shell

It is a specific device running a specific operating system.

Is the given conditional statement correct?

if (1) { cout << endl; }


What is the allocated size of a 5D bool array with size 2, 5, 10, 1?

-100 bits

It is the keyword in Pseudocodes that indicates a value being stored to a temporary storage from any
source excluding user entry.

-SET ... AS ...

This is the value for "NUL (null)" character of char data type.

-Answer: 0

This is the minimum value for signed shortdata type.

Answer: -32,768

These are undeclared variables used by the developer.

-Anonymous Variables

Computer Programming 1 Final Quiz 2

Accessor is a method which enables the retrieval of values hidden by scopes.


High-level programming language allows developer to focus on the logic of the application they are

Mid-level Programming Languages exhibit strong abstraction and mid-range access to the memory and
operating system.


Prototype-based is a subset Object-Object Programming that focuses in abstract representations of the



Unprocessed values are the values that changed from original to the current value.


Changes done to the value of the reference will change the value of the variable it points to.


A copy of the value is the result of retrieving a value from a variable?


Function calls can be pointers.


Pointers are used to point to addresses in the memory.


Pointers are the special variables in C++ that points to a sector in the memory.


This property states that the value cannot be changed.

The main function serves as an entry point of any C++ application.


What is the first computer created using Object-Oriented Programming?


Does C++ allow array of dynamic sizes?


It is used to itemize the input values of the function.


Is it possible for a constructor to have a same number of parameters?

-False NS

The one that dictates the maximum value stored by an array is called proportions.


It is used as an alias as reference to the function.

-Function Name

It is an abstract representation of objects.


The index declares which element of the array is on being process.


He is one of the creators of the open source programming language, Go, at Google, Inc in 2007.
-Ken Thompson
These are conditionals that matches the value of the variable-under-check with their literal counterpart.

It is the characteristic of Technical Work Items that focuses on the precision of the given work item.

It is the equivalent of the DATA symbol of Flowcharts in Pseudocodes.


This is the minimum value for long data type.

Answer: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808

It is the part of the computer that processes all graphical outputs.

-Graphics Processing Unit

What is the allocated size of a 3D short array with size 2, 3 and 4 respectively?
-None of the choices

This is the maximum value for signed short data type.

Answer: -32,768

These are the parts of Object-Oriented Programming that deals with extended functionality of the class.

These are declared variables that are never used in the source code.
-None of the choices

What is the allocated size of a 3D int array with size 10, 5 and 6 respectively?
Answer: 900 bits NS
Is the given looping statement correct?
for(i=5; i>0; i--){ cout << endl; }

This is a part of a function that indicates the alias of the function.

-Function Name

It is the characteristic of Problem Solving that focuses on the solution to meet a specific singular end.

This is a part of a function that can indicate the function will not pass a value.
-Return Type

Is the given conditional statement correct? if (cout << endl);


These are conditionals that are only executed when the condition-under-check succeeds.

These are data types that are objective by nature.

-Referenced Data Types

This is the minimum value for unsigned short data type.

Answer: 0

It is the characteristic of Problem Solving that focuses on the practicality to provide a solution that takes
a finite number of resources.
-Doable in finite steps
It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "all user entries".

It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "to add the numbers stores in a variable".

These are data types that are declared and defined.

-Explicit Data Types

It is a special lightweight software that organizes and manages the different changes done to our source
codes and related files.
-Version Control

It is a special lightweight software that converts our source code to computer executables.

These are looping statements where only the initialization, condition and increment phases occur within
the parentheses of the statement.
-None of the choices

It is the part of Visual Studio Code where the project structure is displayed.

What is the allocated size of a bool array with size 50?

ANswer: 500 bits

This is the minimum value for booldata type.

Answer: 0

These are functions in C++ that allows varying sizes of arrays.

-Dynamic Memory Allocation

It is the characteristic of Technical Work Items that focuses on shortly written work items.

It is the classification of Technical Work Items for "all displayed information".


It is a series of programming statements that are grouped together.

-Code Block

These are the restriction we place to variables to handle only specified data.
-Data Types

What is the allocated size of a 3D char array with size 12, 5 and 5 respectively?
Answer: 900 bits

What is the allocated size of a 3D long array with size 2, 4, 8?

Answer: 4,096 bits (integral)

This is a part of a function that passes value into the function.


This is the maximum value for int data type.

ANswer: 2,147,483,647

It is the equivalent of the INPUT symbol of Pseudocodes in Flowcharts.


What is the allocated size of a 3D double array with size 2, 4, 8?

-4,096 bits

Is the given looping statement correct?


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