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How technology and gadgets affect the studies of children?

As we all know, technology has become an integral aspect of our lives. The world would be a
horror if technology did not exist. The world is changing as a result of new technologies and advanced
gadgets. It reduces the size of the globe to a fraction of what we previously believed.

Gadgets provide several benefits to students, including independence in learning, more learning
possibilities, self-motivation, and communication. However, it not only has great impacts on students,
but it also has negative effects on pupils due to the use of devices.

Excessive usage or misuse of electronics or technology has a number of negative consequences.

Students' self-motivation, ability, and interest in studying may be harmed by excessive usage of devices
or children addicted to technology/gadgets such as tablets, laptops, computers, cellphones, video
games, and so on. It is dangerous for a student to use technologies beyond their limits.

Video games, smartphones, and other devices that keep children/students anchored in one
spot. Parents have also discovered a simple solution by providing their children with electronics to use
and keep stable in one location.

Many students may be thinking about how do I stop being addicted to gadgets. In this essay, I
will be listing some negative effects of gadgets to students and how to prevent gadgets addiction.

Gadgets effect on sleep.

Children and students who are addicted to technology and use it excessively may lose track of
their sleeping patterns. The artificial blue light emitted by electronic devices may suppress the sleep-
inducing hormone melatonin, making it difficult for students to fall asleep.

Students who find it difficult to turn off their devices late at night may postpone going to bed. It
will become a habit over time, and it will be difficult to sleep at night. And pay less attention to other

Gadgets effect on eyesight.

Many children nowadays use glasses, and I, too, have worn glasses since sixth grade. Although
not all students have poor eyesight, spending more time in front of a computer from a close distance
might produce blurriness in vision due to excessive usage of electronic devices. It will also be difficult to
sleep at night.

Gadgets effect on health.

Children that are addicted to technology/gadgets may have negative consequences that lead to
an unhealthy lifestyle. Too much time spent in front of the screen can lead to bad posture and weight
gain. Children who are addicted to devices or video games may forget to drink water, eat their meals on
time, or spend too much time in the same spot.

Many children and students throughout the world suffer from back discomfort, neck pain, hand
pain, headaches, eye problems, and a higher risk of macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness.
Addiction to electronics is also caused by diabetes, obesity, gas problems, and other medical conditions.

Gadgets effect on behavior and mental changes.

Children and students spend more time playing games. Playing video games can also stifle brain
development. Students who spend a lot of time on devices are more likely to become violent, lose
interest in other aspects of their environment, become lazy, lose interest in other hobbies, and lose
interest in academics. This issue causes children/students to develop negative personalities.

Gadgets effects on learning things.

While using gadgets is beneficial, misusing them or spending too much time with them would
limit one's ability to learn and engage in other outside activities. It forces you to forego other learning
opportunities and makes you feel as if you have no time for anything else, which is extremely damaging.
Make it tough for the pupil to do their assignment. It makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their
studies. If kids are addicted to technology or misuse it, gadgets can wreak havoc on internal time

Gadgets effects on social.

The excessive use of electronics isolates the learner from real-time human interaction. Students
who are found to be spending too much time on their devices are losing contact with their real-life
social ties. They may interact with online buddies more frequently than offline friends. They are
apprehensive about interacting with others face to face. It makes it tough for students to face the
public. They prefer to be alone.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. In addition, technology/gadgets are an inevitable

element of modern living. Although students may become addicted to, prohibiting them is not the
answer. How can you keep your technology addiction under control? Make certain guidelines and
limitations for them to follow in order to make kids feel more at ease when using electronics. Please
don't abuse technology; it could lead to addiction.

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