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TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN Ngày thi: 14/06/2021
LÊ HỒNG PHONG Môn thi: Tiếng Anh – Khối 10
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút

(Đề thi này có 10 trang)


I. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE (5 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following
1. _______ aged, he goes weight training in a gym twice a week.
A. Despite B. Although C. Notwithstanding D. Otherwise
2. “We don’t expect he could pass the exa ms with flying color, _______?” – said James.
A. do we B. could he C. couldn’t he D. don’t we
3. Had I known about his _______ my car without my permission, I would have stopped him
A. usage B. use C. using D. to use
4. The secretary and inspector _______ over some documentaries when the manager came.
A. was going B. went C. were going D. go
5. It is imperative that the young _______ keenly aware of the cybercrime.
A. are B. is C. was D. be
6. Stood far behind the mountain, _______.
A. I find it impossible to observe the cottage clearly. B. the cottage is too minuscule to perceive.
C. it is unfeasible to see the cottage D. seeing the cottage is out of the question.
7. If you resolve to do exercises, you’d better get _______ .
A. going B. go C. went D. to go
8. Alexander Graham Bell is reasonably assumed by the historians to _______ at 2 a.m on August 2,
A. have been moribund B. have moribund C. moribund D. be moribund
9. I’d sooner you _______ the assignments by the end of the week.
A. have submitted B. submitted C. will submit D. submit
10. A third of the Olympic contestants _______ about to be awarded the medals.
A. are B. is C. will be D. has been
II. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS: (5 PTS) Choose the best options to complete the
following sentences.
11. The judge came ________ fierce criticism because of the wrongful conviction.
A. up with B. around C. in for D. by
12. Time is ________ away without waiting for anyone, so you’d better commence your work to
A. slipping B. stowing C. sweeping D. beavering
13. The rain was ________ down all day and the roads were engulfed in water.
A. playing B. backing C. bringing D. lashing
14. Today is a red-letter day, so tuck _______ and enjoy your time.
A. away B. in C. on D. beyond
15. The financial manager is _______ the eight ball owing to the sequestration of his company.
A. behind B. beyond C. beneath D. under
16. Peter _______ all his hardships to his close friend who is undoubtedly all ears whenever he is on
the spot.
A. dumps on B. hammers on C. pours out D. drums out
17. The United Nations _______ six principal organs to run a very tight ship.
A. takes out B. takes off C. takes in D. takes over
18. Having been tricked _______ $40,000 by his best friend, he vowed not to place trust in anybody.
A. in with B. out of C. under D. down
19. The COVID-19 is believed to have impingement _______ the welfare of civilization on Earth.
A. in B. on C. under D. with
20. The coffee shop _______ in a small valley in Paris is prestigious.
A. tucked away B. popped on C. stuck out D. hovered over
III. WORD CHOICE: (10 PTS) Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. Many teenagers jumped on the _______ to have their hair cut identical to Korean pop idols in the
first decade of the 21th century.
A. copper B. bandwagon C. stake D. lounge
22. The pandemic is _______ worse even in the minor provinces in Vietnam.
A. progressively B. extremely C. awfully D. discerningly
23. Greece is _______ with various stories of myth and legend.
A. imbued B. implanted C. soaked D. notorious
24. He is definitely a(n) _______ person with plenitude of close shaves.
A. blasphemous B. credulous C. intrepid D. plodding
25. The girl was _______ undermined by her teacher’s verbal abuse.
A. absolutely B. unfeasibly C. steadily D. subtly
26. She experienced a sense of great _______ when she was able to comprehend what the teacher
A. epiphany B. euphoria C. utopia D. depravity
27. They cut it _______ in the nick of time when the train was about to depart.
A. well B. large C. perfect D. fine
28. Employees in this company pulled themselves together with such _______ that they were all
A. peal B. zeal C. pearl D. gaiety
29. He is a man with _______ beliefs who looks down on God and Buddha.
A. sacrilegious B. venerable C. illustrious D. garrulous
30. The trial was _______ until October due to the pandemic.
A. condemned B. held C. spotted D. adjourned
31. They all have to follow the rules, and none of them is _______ the law.
A. over B. within C. above D. onto
32. They_______ the aid of the United States but did not receive it.
A. asked B. found C. sought D. obtained
33. The police spokesman said he was _______ to believe that the arrested man was the serial killer
they had been looking for.
A. inclined B. seemed C. suspected D. supposed
34. I'm sure your bank manager will lend you a _______ ear when you explain the situation to him.
A. merciful B. sympathetic C. pitiful D. compassionate
35. It's difficult for a teacher to _______ her students' interest for a whole semester.
A. sustain B. resist C. account for D. recognize
36. Although I explained the situation he didn't seem to _______ the degree of danger he was in.
A. seize B. grab C. catch D. grasp
37. In many places in Wales we found that place-names in English had been _______ with green
paint - the work of ardent Welsh Nationalists.
A. suppressed B. disguised C. obliterated D. destroyed
38. When he turned up in a _______ new sports car, I thought he must have won the football pools!
A. glittering B. glowing C. shimmering D. gleaming
39. Of course you won't become more intelligent if you eat a lot of fish - that's just an old _______
A. maids' B. ladies' C. mothers’ D. wives'
40. I found all the information about this subjects in the encyclopedia but I can’t give the _______ on
A. spick and span B. odds and outs
C. wear and tear D. chapter and verse
IV. GUIDED CLOZE (10 PTS): Read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each
The North Coast 500
Pitched as Scotland’s answer to America’s Route 66, the North Coast 500, as the name would
(41)_______ is a roughly five-hundred-mile coastal route around the northernmost part of the island
of Britain. It was conceived by the Scottish tourist authority as an effort to (42)_______ new life into
the remote, rural Highlands by attracting a new (43) _______ of foreign tourists. Much hype
accompanied the launch of the new route, but does it really live up to its (44)_______ as one of the
greatest road trips on the planet?
Well, as the circular route (45)_______ the top-most part of the island, it certainly offers its fair
share of spectacular scenery. There are fairy-tale castles aplenty, (46)_______ beaches with not a
soul to be found on them, which you can truly have all to yourself for so long as you wish, and,
between the ancient ruins and the incredibly scenic and oft-misty landscapes, there is also more than
enough romanticism to go around.
That’s not bad for a start. But the route has other surprises in store, too, such as the
(47)_______ of quaint little villages dotted along its way, not to mention the incredibly friendly and
welcoming local folk who call these places home. Hospitality is very much the (48)_______ of the day
in these parts.
So, as epic motoring routes go, the North Coast 500 certainly (49)_______ all the right boxes.
It is, (50)_______, therefore, worthy of serious consideration for all those eager road-trippers out

(41) A. assume B. impound C. imply D. exert

(42) A. initiate B. inject C. institute D. invest
(43) A. tide B. wave C. stream D. swell
(44) A. billing B. accolade C. crown D. caption
(45) A. pilots B. steers C. skirts D. evades
(46) A. enriched B. routine C. tarnished D. pristine
(47) A. scarcity B. boom C. torrent D. plethora
(48) A. box B. order C. slant D. concept
(49) A. tick B. blots C. shifts D. signs
(50) A. unquestionably B. disputably C. venerably D. ironically

When you (51)_______ mountain climbers scaling Mount Everest, what probably comes to
(52)_______ are teams of climbers with Sherpa guides leading them to the summit, equipped with
oxygen masks, supplies and tents. And in (53)_______ cases you'd be right, as 97 percent of
climbers use oxygen to (54)_______ to Everest's summit at 8,850 metres above sea level. The thin
air at high (55)_______ makes most people breathless at 3,500 metres, and the vast majority of
climbers use oxygen past 7,000 metres. A typical climbing group will have 8–15 people in it, with an
almost equal number of guides, and they'll spend weeks getting to the (56)_______ after reaching
Base Camp.
But ultra-distance and mountain runner Kilian Jornet Burgada ascended the mountain in May
2017 (57)_______ , without an oxygen mask or fixed ropes for climbing.
Oh, and he did it in 26 hours. With food poisoning. And then, five days later, he did it again, this time
in only 17 hours. Born in 1987, Kilian has been training for Everest his whole life. And that really does
(58)_______ his whole life, as he grew up 2,000 metres above sea level in the Pyrenees in the ski
resort of Lles de Cerdanya in Catalonia, north-eastern Spain. While other children his age were
learning to walk, Kilian was on (59)_______ . At one and a half years old he did a five-hour
(60)_______ with his mother, entirely under his own steam. He left his peers even further behind
when he climbed his first mountain and competed in his first cross-country ski race at age three. By
age seven, he had scaled a 4,000er and, at ten, he did a 42-day crossing of the Pyrenees.

(51) A. simplify B. picture C. dispute D. disagree

(52) A. hand B. mouth C. head D. mind
(53) A. no B. most C. another D. other
(54) A. ascend B. descend C. contend D. assess
(55) A. engagement B. attitudes C. altitudes D. commitment
(56) A. norm B. prototype C. standard D. top
(57) A. alone B. lonely C. herself D. individual
(58) A. found B. sharpen C. mean D. point
(59) A. skis B. findings C. attachment D. security
(60) A. hike B. rope C. entrance D. fixity


Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins
hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water
arc sucked into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage
to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast
amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora
and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence.

The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any
liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids
contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the
ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water
during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm
and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent.

Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the
highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb
and store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water
dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a
great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of
the world these minerals arc being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation of salt is widely
practiced, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea water along
the American Gulf Coast.

61. According to the passage, fish can survive in the oceans because _______.
A. vaporization and deliquescence constitute a water cycle.
B. there are streams in the oceans.
C. oxygen is not essential to them.
D. ice is buoyant.
62. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of water?
A. Water can soak up heat B. Water is good solvent
C. Water diminishes freezing D. Water swells when it is icebound
63. The author’s tone in the passage can be best described as _______.
A. dispassionate B. biased C. speculative D. dogmatic
64. The author neatly structures the passage by _______.
A. juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas B. comparison and contrast
C. general notion exemplified by subjects D. hypothesis and proof
65. Which of the following statements would be the most likely to begin the paragraph immediately
following the passage?
A. Water is capable of eroding land.
B. Droughts and torrent are two types of catastrophes affiliated with water.
C. Another remarkably property of ice is its consistency.
D. Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes.

On the night of September 2, 1666, a fire broke out in a baker's shop near Fish Street Hill in
London. Before the flames were finally extinguished, nearly the entirety had been reduced to ashes.
Over thirteen thousand homes, fifty churches and numerous public buildings and hospitals were lost
in the blaze. For all practical purposes, London was destroyed.
The Great Fire was not seen as a total tragedy, however. The deplorable conditions of the city
had been attacked by physicians and humanitarians for years before the fire; thus, with the
opportunity dearly presented to create a shining new day, artists and craftsmen from all over England
hurried to submit their designs for the rebuilding of London.
Among those who submitted plans was Sir Christopher Wren, one of England's leading
architects and the Surveyor of London. The task of rebuilding the city was given to him. Wren realized
that the Great Fire would not have been so damaging if the city had been better laid out: broader
streets were needed to replace the crooked, narrow alleys overhung with dilapidated wooden houses
and shops. He also felt that redesigning the main thoroughfares of London would result in increased
and more effective transportation within the city.
Shortly after Wren began working on his first drafts for the rebuilding. King Charles I issued a
proclamation prohibiting the construction of any house or shop within the city limits until after the
plans were completed. When the plans were unveiled to the citizens of London, however, they were
overwhelmingly rejected. The most vocal leaders of the opposition were the landlords, who feared
that such a drastic widening of the streets would reduce the amount of land available for

Winter was approaching; consequently, it was necessary for the rebuilding to proceed at once.
Permission was, therefore, granted for the townspeople and landlords to commence reconstruction of
their houses and shops at the sites where they had been before the fire. Had the need for immediate
action not been so pressing, some kind of compromise could likely have been reached. This was not
to be, however, and the ideas that could have made London one of the world's most beautiful cities
never came to pass.

66. Which of the following would be an appropriate title for the passage?
A. "The Life and Times of Sir Christopher Wren"
B. "The Rebuilding of London"
C. "The Holocaust of Fish Street Hill"
D. "The London That Might Have Been"
67. Which of the following was probably among the deplorable conditions of the city?
A. lack of adequate lightning
B. the rough streets and alleys
C. the run-down condition of many houses and shops
D. all of the above
68. What did Sir Christopher Wren describe as the reason for the damage of the city?
A. the configuration B. the construction C. the landscape D. the pathway
69. What became of the plans for the rebuilding of London?
A. Nothing - they were never finished.
B. They were adopted in modified form.
C. They were followed and London was rebuilt at once.
D. Nothing - London was rebuilt as it had been before the fire.
70. Which of the following describes the author's probable attitude toward Sir Christopher Wren's
A. He feels it would have been a mistake to rebuild London according to Wren's designs.
B. He feels it was a mistake for London not to have been rebuilt according to Wren's designs.
C. He feels that someone rather than Wren should have been chosen to plan the rebuilding.
D. He feels that Wren's ideas had much more influence than commonly acknowledged.

Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner, and more economical than their predecessors, but the
car of the future will be far more pollution-free than those on the road today. Several new types of
automobile engines have already been developed than run on alternative sources of power, such as
electricity, compressed natural gas, methanol, steam, hydrogen, and propane. Electricity, however, is
the only zero-emission option presently available.
Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, compact battery or other
dependable source of current is available, transport experts foresee a new assortment of electric
vehicles entering everyday life: shorter-range commuter electric cars, three-wheeled neighborhood
cars, electric delivery vans, bikes and trolleys.
As automakers work to develop practical electrical vehicles, urban planners and utility
engineers are focusing on infrastructure systems to support and make the best use of the new cars.
Public charging facilities will need to be as common as today’s gas stations. Public parking spots on
the street or in commercial lots will need to be equipped with devices that allow drivers to charge their
batteries while they stop, dine, or attend a concert. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the
most convenient parking in transportation centers might be reserved for electric cars.
Planners foresee electric shuttle buses, trains, buses and neighborhood vehicles all meeting at
transit centers that would have facilities for charging and renting. Commuters will be able to rent a
variety of electric cars to suit their needs: light trucks, one-person three-wheelers, small cars, or
electric/gasoline hybrid cars for longer trips, which will no doubt take place on automated freeways
capable of handling five times the number of vehicles that can be carried by freeway today.

71. The following electrical vehicles are all mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _______.
A. vans
B. trains
C. trolleys
D. planes
72. The author’s purpose in the passage is to _______.
A. describe the possibilities for transportation in the future
B. narrate a story about alternative energy vehicles
C. support the invention of electric cars
D. criticize conventional vehicles
73. The passage would most likely be followed by details about _______.
A. electric shuttle buses
B. pollution restrictions in the future
C. automated freeways
D. the neighborhood of the future
74. According to the passage, public parking lots of the future will be _______.
A. as common as today’s gas s tations
B. equipped with charging devices
C. much larger than they are today
D. more convenient than they are today
75. In the second paragraph, the author implies that _______.
A. a single electric vehicle will eventually replace several modes of transportation.
B. everyday life will stay much the same in the future.
C. electric vehicles are not practical for the future.
D. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed

The first peoples to inhabit what today is the southeastern United States sustained themselves
as hunters and gathers. Sometimes early in the first millennium A.D., however, they began to
cultivate corn and other crops. Gradually, as they became more skilled at gardening, they settled into
permanent villages and developed a rich culture, characterized by the great earthen mounds they
erected as monuments to their gods and as tombs for
their distinguished dead. Most of these early mound builders were part of the Adena-Hopewell
culture, which had its beginnings near the Ohio River and takes its name from sites in Ohio. The
culture spread southward into the present-day states of Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Its
peoples became great traders, bartering jewelry, pottery, animal pelts, tools, and other goods along
extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America and as far west as the
Rocky Mountains.

About A.D. 400, the Hopewell culture fell into decay. Over the next centuries, it was supplanted
by another culture, the Mississippian, named after the river along which many of its earliest villages
were located. This complex civilization dominated the Southeast from about A.D. 700 until shortly
before the Europeans began arriving in the sixteenth century. At the peak of its strength, about the
year 1200, it was the most advanced culture in North America. Like their Hopewell predecessors, the
Mississippians became highly skilled at growing food, although on a grander scale. They developed

an improved strain of corn, which could survive in wet soil and a relatively cool climate, and also
learned to cultivate beans. Indeed, agriculture became so important to the Mississippians that it
became closely associated with the Sun – the guarantor of good crops. Many tribes called
themselves "children of the Sun" and believed their omnipotent priest-chiefs were descendants of
the great sun god.

Although most Mississippians lived in small villages, many others inhabited large towns. Most
of these towns boasted at least one major flat-topped mound on which stood a temple that contained
a sacred flame. Only priests and those charged with guarding the flame could enter the temples. The
mounds also served as ceremonial and trading sites, and at times they were used as burial grounds.

76. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The development of agriculture
B. The locations of municipal constructions along the United States
C. The primitive civilians and cultures of United States
D. The erection of burial mounds
77. Which of the following resulted from the rise of agriculture in the southeastern United States?
A. The advancement of commerce in North America
B. The introduction of permanent settlements
C. Hostility among Native American groups over land
D. A migration of these peoples to the Rocky Mountains
78. According to the passage, how did the agriculture of the Mississippians differ from that of their
Hopewell predecessors?
A. The Mississippians produced more long-lasting and larger crops of food
B. The Mississippians could only grow plants in parts with modest warmth and moisture.
C. The Mississippians placed their food on the market for other groups
D. The Mississippians produced exotic foods to their religious linchpins.
79. Why does the author mention that many Mississippians tribes called themselves “children of the
A. To ascertain why they were submissive to their priest-chiefs
B. To argue about the top priority of religion in their culture
C. To depict the great importance they put on agriculture
D. To prove that they were intrinsically born by the god of Sun
80. According to the passage, the flat-topped mounds in Mississippians towns were used for all of the
following purposes EXCEPT _______.
A. religious ceremonies B. meeting places for the entire community
C. sites for trade D. burial sites


I. CLOZE TEST: (20 PTS) Read the texts below and complete each space with ONE suitable
When the COVID-19 pandemic (81)_______ the Great Plains in early 2020, the Cheyenne
River Sioux Tribe set (82)_______ checkpoints on all roads passing through the Cheyenne River
reservation in a robust (83)_______ to protect tribal members. But over the past year, Indigenous
leaders - from Alaska to Western New York - have made strides in vaccination rates. The pandemic

has hit Indigenous communities disproportionately (84)_______, compounded by generations of
historical trauma and mistrust. According to an independent study done by the APM Research Lab
published in March 2021, Indigenous Americans have the highest actual COVID-19 (85)_______
rates nationwide, accounting for 256 per 100,000 deaths in the United States. Indigenous
communities came to (86)_______ that the only way to beat the spread of infection was through
community efforts, transparency, and (87)_______ to the vaccine—and historic resilience. “We
(88)_______ massacres, wars with the U.S., the laws the U.S. made against us. We survived
prejudice, racism, genocide, sterilization, and boarding (89)_______,” says Remi Bald Eagle,
Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator for the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. “This is j ust (90)_______
thing to survive.”

The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda is impenetrable in more ways than (91)_______.
Not only is it nigh on impossible for visitors to trek through the thick undergrowth in their quest to spot
the famed guerrilla inhabitants of the area, (92)_______ literally can the forest’s former residents, the
Batwa pygmy people, penetrate it at all.
Strictly (93)_______, of course, the dense foliage does not prevent tourists from going in
search of the great apes which dwell there; it just severely encumbers them as they trek. However,
notwithstanding the difficulty encountered as soon as they enter the leafy habitat, (94)_______ in
mind that at least they can access this magical place. Entry is not an option afforded any longer to its
original human inhabitants, the Batwa or Twa people.
The Batwa were evicted from the land in 1992 based on the Ugandan government’s desire to
make it exclusively a guerrilla reserve – great for the ape inhabitants, yet you can’t help (95)_______
wonder how fair that was on the Batwa. They appear to have got the (96)_______ straw to say the
least, receiving (97)_______ compensation on account of not being official landowners (98)_______
their traditional nomadic way of life.
Since that time, they have been in a never-ending struggle for their very existence. They
cannot afford to (99)_______ big and dream of a very cozy, rich lifestyle. Instead, they want only
(100)_______ which everyone deserves – a decent existence.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
101. At its worst, the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is _______ to spiritual repression.
102. Loose, wet soil during an earthquake is undoubtedly attributed to _______. (LIQUID)
103. He was arrested because no witness could prove him innocent; nonetheless, due to _______
evidence from the lawyer, he wasn’t condemned to death. (EQUAL)
104. Not only are employees disenfranchised from most policy decisions, they are also taken away
the ability to lead a rebellion against _______ and tyrannical supervisors. (CENTER)
105. A(n) _______ book enables students to browse for their necessary documents and facilitates
their preparation of the upcoming exams. (COMPASSION)
106. He has spent countless hours _______ his prepared presentation to guarantee the high scores.
107. All the citizens must go through _______ process to be able to live in another foreign country
legally. (NATURE)
108. She is such a _______ woman that everyone shows deep respect to her. (BREED)
109. He was immersed in historical _______ and also published his papers on social subjects.

UNILISH Trang 10
110. They were _______ to find that all the shops were closed on Saturday. (WILD)

PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate forms from the words given in the box.



Shadow puppetry is a traditional art form that often goes (111)________ in modern times. A
large part of the (112)__________of puppet shows is the (113)_________ behind the creation of the
actual puppets. In shadow puppetry, on the other hand, the puppets remain (114)__________, so the
real artistry is in the presentation. The combination of the puppets’ shape, the background screen,
and the light itself creates the overall effect of the shadow puppet show. The task of the director is to
ensure these elements are working together (115)________ in order to produce the optimal
experience for the audience. The screen is the medium through which the audience experiences the
performance, so selecting the best screen is among the greatest (116)________. One unique
challenge for the director is that the presentation is two-dimensional. The screen is flat, so puppets
can only move forwards and backwards. Having chosen a screen and designed the set, the next step
is to determine the light that will be used. There are several factors to be considered:
(117)_________, spread, and angle. Therefore, finding the optimal (118)_________ of light, shadow
involves careful (119)________ and scrupulous design. Every detail must be controlled in relation to
others, making shadow puppetry an art of (120)__________.

III. ERROR CORRECTION: (10 PTS) The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and
correct them.
Three Lions by Baddiel, Skinner and the Lightning Seeds has returned to the UK Top Five, leads a
wave of football favourites in the charts as excitement building towards Sunday’s Euro 2020 finality
between England and Italy. The song was released ahead of the 1996 European Championship and
its central lines “football’s coming home” has been revived as the mantra of England’s fanbase in
recently years, a statement of international pride and self-belief that has sometimes seemed
borderline delusional in the past, but which is now more tantalising to sing if ever. Three Lions
reached No 1 off release, and a rerecorded version peaked the chart during the 1998 World Cup. The
original returned to the Top 10 for World Cups in 2006 and 2010, before topping the chart another
more during the 2018 campaign, powered by England’s successfulness in reaching the semi -finals. It
is at No 4 this week.
121. 126.

122. 127.

123. 128.

124. 129.

125. 130.

UNILISH Trang 11
IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (20 PTS) Rewrite the following sentences using the words
131. Harry is very knowledgeable about cultures of England. (MINE)
132. My father had to rid himself of alcohol to be healthier due to the doctor’s advice. (WAGON)
133. The children planned to go hiking with full excitement. They have to delay because of the storm.
134. I only realized the full implications of what had happened until sometime later.
It was_________________________________________________________________________
135. It is necessary to free our business from the influence of the bureaucracy right now. (HAND)
We need_______________________________________________________________________
136. I’m in two minds about which place to go on holiday. It’s difficult to choose. (BETWEEN)
137. You’ve been looking miserable all day. (MOON)
138. His parents allowed him to buy an iPhone 12 after they had considered it for three weeks.
Having mulled___________________________________________________________________
139. Tom is forever teasing Daisy for having spoonerism. (MICKEY)
On account_____________________________________________________________________

140. My father was livid with anger when he found that I left his car with wear and tear. (CEILING)

Unilish chúc các bạn làm bài tốt!

UNILISH Trang 12
TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN Ngày thi: 14/06/2021
LÊ HỒNG PHONG Môn thi: Tiếng Anh – Khối 10
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A

II. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS: (5 PTS) following sentences.

11. C: come in for criticism = to receive blame or criticism
12. A: slip away = (of time) pass or elapse
13. D: lash down = (of rain) fall very heavily
14. B: tuck in = eat food heartily
15. A: behind the eight ball = at a disadvantage
16. C: pour out = express one's feelings in an unrestrained way
17. C: take in = include or encompass something
18. B: trick out of = use deception to deprive someone of something
19. B: impingement on = influence on
20. A: tucked away = be located in an inconspicuous or concealed place
21. B: jump on the bandwagon = join others in doing or supporting something fashionable or likely
to be successful
22. A: progressively worse (collocation) = bad thing that is unpleasant, harmful or undesirable
23. A: imbue with = fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality or idea
24. C: intrepid = fearless or adventurous
25. D: subtly undermine (collocation) = injure, weaken or impair
26. A: epiphany = a moment of sudden revelation or insight
27. D: cut it fine = allow a very small margin of something, especially time
28. B: zeal = great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective
29. A: sacrilegious = involving or committing violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred
30. D: adjourn = break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later
31. C: above the law = not required to follow current laws, standards
32. C: seek aid = ask someone for advice or help
33. A: inclined to do something = feel willing or favorably disposed toward (an action, belief, or
UNILISH Trang 13
34. B: lend a sympathetic ear (idiom) = to listen to someone with sympathy
35. A: sustain something = continue or maintain something for a period of time
36. D: grasp = fully comprehend, understand
37. C: obliterate = destroy utterly
38. D. gleaming = (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished
39. D: an old wives’ tale = a superstition or traditional belief that is regarded as unscientific or
40. D: give the chapter and verse on something = give exact information about something

41. C 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. C

46. D 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. A


51. B 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C

56. D 57. A 58. C 59. A 60. A



61. D 62. C 63. A 64. C 65. A


66. D 67. B 68. A 69. D 70. B


71. D 72. A 73. C 74. B 75. D


76. C 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. B



81. reached 82. up 83. effort 84. hard 85. mortality

86. realize 87. access 88. survived 89. schools 90. another


UNILISH Trang 14
91. one 92. nor/neither 93. speaking 94. keep/bear 95. but
96. short 97. little 98. given 99. think 100. that


101. tantamount = virtually the same as
102. liquefaction = the process of making something, especially a gas, liquid
103. unequivocal = leaving no doubt
104. egocentric = thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others
105. all-encompassing = including or covering everything or everyone
106. perusing = read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way
107. naturalization = the admittance of a foreigner to the citizenship of a country
108. well-bred = having or showing good breeding or manners
109. metallurgy = the branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and
their production and purification
110. bewildered = very puzzled and confused

111. appreciated 112. appeal 113. craftiness 114. unseen 115. harmoniously
116. essentials 117. intensity 118. combination 119. planning 120. precision


121. leads → leading 126. international → national

122. building → builds 127. if → than
123. finality → final 128. off → on
124. lines → line 129. peaked → topped
125. recently → recent 130. successfulness → success


131. Harry is a MINE of information about/on cultures of England.
- a mine of information about/on something : someone who has a lot of knowledge about

132. My father had to be on the WAGON to be healthier due to the doctor’s advice.
- be on the wagon : abstaining from drinking alcohol

133. Had it not been for the storm, the children would have gone with a SWING to go hiking as
- go with a swing : to be lively and excited

134. It was not until sometime later that I realized the full implications of what had happened.
135. We need to free our business from the dead HAND of bureaucracy.

UNILISH Trang 15
- the dead hand of : an undesirable persisting influence

136. I’m caught BETWEEN two stools to choose which place to go on holiday.
- be caught between two stools : fail due to difficulty in choosing between two alternatives

137. You’ve done nothing but MOON around/about all day.

- moon around/about : to spend time without any clear purpose

138. Having mulled it over for three weeks, his parents gave him the GO-AHEAD to buy an iPhone
- mull something over : think about something
- give someone the go-ahead : To grant someone permission to proceed with some action or task

139. On account of her spoonerism, Tom is forever taking MICKEY out of Daisy.
- take Mickey out of someone : tease someone

140. Having found that I left his car with wear and tear, my father hit the CEILING.
- hit the ceiling/roof : very angry

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