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Task 1:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different
employment status.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.

Leisure time in a typical week in hour- by sex and employment status, 1998-99.

The graph given illustrates how much time to spare for leisure activities employers of
distinct statuses had over a year period commencing in 1998, distinguished by

Looking at the bar chart, one can recognise with ease that the unemployed, along
with the retired, possessed the most amount of leisure time, and that the amount of
leisure time which the male had exceeded that of the female in certain cases.

As per the male, it seems that the unemployed workers registered roughly 85 hours,
followed by pensioners with marginally less leisure time. The employed stood at
virtually 45 hours, registering about half of the aforementioned two. As for women, it
is instantaneously obvious that the unemployed and the retired reign supreme into
the bargain, dominating the podium with a slightly smaller amount of leisure time
than that of the male, nearly 80 hours, and almost doubling the leisure time the
employed had, regardless of either part-time or full time. Registering about 50 hours,
the housewives claimed third place on the podium.
Task 2:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people feel that the design of newly constructed buildings in big cities should be
controlled by governments. Others believe those who finance the construction of a building
should be free to design it as they see fit.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

You should write at least 250 words.

There have been divergent opinions apropos of whether the governments ought to
be the one who is responsible for how newly erected constructions are designed or
the one that goes to the expense of those buildings. In this essay, both sides of
perspectives are going to be analysed thoroughly, and there will be a personal
viewpoint at the end.

On the one hand, there are a considerable proportion of individuals holding the
sentiment that the design of any new buildings is obliged to be handled by
governments owing to several rationales, one of which is the fact that as people of
the upper echelon who grasp the penchant of buildings in the region they govern, it
is of the likelihood that they may come up with felicitous designs, thwarting the
prospect of asymmetry. A case in point is Kyoto prefecture full of archaic buildings
that hark back to the Edo era. Not a single contemporary construction can be
spotted as the government forbids it. Over and above, it can be perceived that all the
designs must fulfil a range of criteria as regards safety; hence not posing any hazard
to the residents.

On the other hand, many believe that those investing in the buildings are permitted
to design them without let or hindrance on account of the following reasons. To
commence with, it is only natural that those who spend money on the buildings can
legitimately shape them according to their preference. Besides, the distinction of
these buildings may contribute to the diversity of the city; thus, enticing tourists. To
exemplify, one of the piece de resistance of Ho Chi Minh city is the Bitexco tower, an
imposing building playing an indispensable role as the city landmark due in no small
part to its exceptional design.

All in all, albeit each has its own perks, I still gravitate towards the notion that the
governments should be in charge of the design.

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