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Margaret E. Sangster once quoted, “No one should teach who is not in love with
teaching.” Truly and indeed, that teaching is not only comes from the mind, but this is an action
taken by heart. You should have the love and passion for it, you to be able to attain what you
want to conquer. Once again, good morning every one.
My practice teaching here in this very academe gives me an unforgettable experience. I
consider this experience as a stepping stone to reach what I really want to be in the future. It
provides a lifelong experience that even how many decades will pass, all the memories and
experiences I have encountered will remain forever. Student teaching has never been a piece of
cake, it requires hard work, perseverance and faith. There were innumerable sleepless nights for
the making of lesson plans, creating IMs, and brainstorming. It was even a challenge to cope
with the different behaviors displayed by students and addressing their very diverse personalities.
Actually, there were times when I almost tried to give up but I just remember a very
inspirational line that says, “When you are about to give up, always remember why you started.”
It just reverberates into my psyche and reflect to it. In any circumstances when we are about to
quit, always inculcate into your minds what the reasons why you were doing it and to whom you
are going to present your triumph. With my great passion and determination, I was able to
surpass all the hurdles I have encountered in this roller coaster ride they called “teaching”.
To our respective cooperating teachers, we will not be weary to extend our heartfelt
gratitude to all of you! Kudos to all the suggestions, comments, and experiences you have
shared. We will never forget all the things that you have taught us even if we are not anymore in
the four corners of your classrooms. You have imparted things not only beneficial to teaching but
learnings we can use to surmount life!
To my co-practice teachers, we are now one step closer to our dreams. I hope that
everyone will not stop unless we reach what our heart desires. If life seems so immeasurable and
unpredictable, que sera sera (whatever will be, will be). Let us always remember what Paulo
Coelho said, “What makes our dreams impossible to achieve is the fear of failure”. Let us not be
frightened to try and to fail, because it will always be part of the learning process.
Before I formally close our Exit Conference, let me leave you a quotation that says, “Not
all endings are the end; sometimes, it is a beginning to a bigger, bolder and better life ahead of
us.” This is not yet the halt of everything but rather the start of novel and challenging days as we
go on and fight for our dreams. Let us always in mind that life will not always work on our favor,
let us all be strong and determined to what we really fight for. Thank you and once again, good

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