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2021-22 FALL Chapter 2 – Cause Paragraph

B1 LEVEL Writing Week 1


A) Complete the sentences in A using BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF and an idea from B. Use each idea in B
only once.
1. He phoned the police a) his bad leg
2. I didn’t have any lunch b) I thought it might rain
3. Our plane was delayed c) I wasn’t hungry
4. He went to Paris d) he’d lost his wallet
5. I took an umbrella e) the fog
6. He couldn’t run very fast f) he wanted to learn French

1. …. He phoned the police because he’d lost his wallet. ……………………..

2. …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………

B) Choose the correct answers:

1. As / As a result it was such a beautiful day, we decided to have a picnic.

2. It was his birthday because / so we decided to buy him a present.
3. As a result / Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand.
4. The banks were closed and as a result / because we couldn’t get any money.
5. I didn’t find the book very interesting and so / as I didn’t finish it.
6. We couldn’t drive across the bridge as a result / because it was closed.
7. I haven’t got much money as / so I can’t afford a new car.
2021-22 FALL Chapter 2 – Cause Paragraph
B1 LEVEL Writing Week 1

C) Write sentences using the given phrases.

1. Mental stress – overcrowding – give rise to


2. Malaria – mosquitoes - cause


3. Icy conditions – road accidents – result from


4. Soil erosion - heavy rain – bring about


5. Lack of rain – drought – the result of


6. Juvenile crime – broken homes – due to


7. Beriberi disease – Lack of vitamin B1 - lead to


8. Paralysis – damage to the spinal cord – caused by


9. Deafness – loud noise – result in


10. The expansion of metals – a rise in temperature- the effect of

2021-22 FALL Chapter 2 – Cause Paragraph
B1 LEVEL Writing Week 1

……………………………………………. Answer Key ……………………………………………

A) 1.d (because) 2. c (because) 3. e (because of) 4. f (because) 5. b (because) 6. a (because of)

B) 1. As 2. so 3. Since 4. as a result 5. so 6. because 7. so

C) 1. Overcrowding gives rise to mental stress. 5. Drought is the result of heavy rain.

2. Mosquitos cause malaria. 6. Juvenile crime is due to broken homes.

3. Road accidents result from icy conditions. 7. Lack of Vitamin B1 leads to Beriberi disease.

4. Heavy rain brings about soil erosion. 8. Paralysis is caused by the damage to the spinal cord.

9. Loud noise results in deafness. 10. The expansion of metals is the effect of a rise in temperature.

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