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2021-22 FALL
Verbs That State Effects
→ Working at a computer may cause injuries.

cause effect

lead to
→Working at a computer may ……………………………….. injuries.
………………………………..result in
bring about
give rise to
give rise to
lead to
bring about
A paragraph consists of:
(1) A topic sentence

1st supporting idea

(2) Supporting ideas 2nd supporting idea + Supporting details

3rd supporting idea

(3) A concluding sentence

Question: What are the negative effects of using cell phones?

• health problems
• carelessness • inability to focus

• overusing • radiation

• social media • accidents

addiction • sleeping disorders

(-) Effects of cell phones

1st Effect 2nd Effect 3rd Effect

accidents inability to focus
high risk of cancer
in daily life
e.g. carelessness of
e.g. overusing
drivers, texting while e.g. addiction, social
driving media
Writing a topic sentence
Question: What are the negative effects of using cell phones?

→ Using cell phones has some negative effects.

adverse influences.
significant impacts.
dramatic consequences.
Writing supporting ideas + details:
→ To begin with, a great number of car accidents are caused by the carelessness of drivers.
(+ details)

→ Another drawback of using a cell phone too much is the high risk of cancer. (+ details)

→ A final consequence of using cell phones is the inability to focus in daily life. (+
Writing supporting details:
→ A final consequence of using cell phones is the inability to focus in daily life. Nowadays,
especially young people are addicted to their phones because of the Internet and they have
a constant need to follow social media. Therefore, they frequently look at their phones even

during the classes and they cannot focus on their lessons.

Explain / prove or support the idea with details!

Topic sentence (several effects)
First of all, ...........................
(explain + example)
Secondly, ............................
(explain + example)
Finally, .................................
(explain + example)
In short, (summarize)
Cell Phones

Studies on health and life have demonstrated that in addition to their benefits, cell phones can
have various dramatic effects (if they are used too much). To begin with, a great number of
car accidents are caused by the carelessness of drivers. Since some people use their cell phones
while they are driving their cars, they cannot focus on the road and this brings about several car accidents.
Another drawback of using a cell phone too much is the high risk of cancer. According to the
researchers, overusing cell phones triggers cancer. In other words, the more you use your cell phone, the
higher risk of cancer you have. A final consequence of using cell phones is the inability to focus in
daily life. Nowadays, especially young people are addicted to their phones because of the Internet and
they have a constant need to follow social media. Therefore, they frequently look at their phones even
during the classes and they cannot focus on their lessons. In short, people’s lives can be affected by cell
phones adversely in terms of accidents, diseases and carelessness.
Adapted from
- Sharpening Academic Skills

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