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Nama : M IQBAL


Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

l. Introduction
We hereby present a report on the dangers of mobile phone
usage among teenagers in Indonesia. In this rapidly evolving era of
information technology, mobile phones have become an
inseparable part of teenagers' lives.

While providing unprecedented convenience and connectivity,

mobile phone usage also carries potential hazards that need to be
acknowledged and addressed by relevant authorities. This report
aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the health risks faced
by teenagers due to excessive and uncontrolled mobile phone

ll. Purpose
This report is prepared with the following objectives :
1. Highlighting the dangers of excessive mobile phone usage on the
health of teenagers: The report aims to raise awareness among
policymakers, parents, and educators about the potential risks and
adverse effects of excessive mobile phone usage on the physical
and mental health of teenagers.

2. Presenting information on the risks and negative impacts of

uncontrolled mobile phone usage: The report intends to provide
empirical evidence and research findings on the detrimental effects
of prolonged mobile phone usage, including its correlation with
mental health issues, sleep disturbances, and physical discomfort
among teenagers.

3. Encouraging awareness and preventive actions to address this

issue: The report seeks to inspire relevant authorities to take
proactive measures, such as developing educational campaigns,
implementing screen time guidelines, and fostering responsible
mobile phone usage habits to protect the well-being of teenagers .

III. Background
The use of mobile phones among teenagers is on the rise with
advancing technology. Teenagers spend hours playing games,
engaging in social media, and consuming other digital content
through their mobile phones. However, excessive screen time poses
adverse effects on teenagers' overall health.

IV. General Classification

The dangers of mobile phone usage among teenagers can be
classified as follows:

1. Mental Health: Excessive mobile phone usage can lead to mental

health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress due to social
pressures on social media.
2. Physical Discomfort: Prolonged screen exposure leads to physical
discomfort like neck strain, muscle tension, and vision problems.
3. Sleep Disturbance: Using mobile phones before bedtime and
keeping them near while sleeping can disrupt sleep patterns and
lead to insomnia.
4. Dependency: Teenagers may develop dependency on their
mobile phones, feeling uncomfortable and anxious without access
to their devices.

V. Description
a) Mental Health: Excessive mobile phone usage, especially on social
media, triggers feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and comparison with
others. The constant exposure to idealized and curated versions of
others' lives can lead to feelings of social isolation and dissatisfaction with
one's own life.
b) Physical Discomfort: Teenagers spending extended periods staring at
mobile phone screens are at risk of experiencing physical discomfort,
such as neck strain, muscle tension, and vision problems. Prolonged
smartphone use with poor posture can lead to musculoskeletal issues.
c) Sleep Disturbance: Using mobile phones before bedtime suppresses the
production of the sleep hormone melatonin due to the blue light emitted
by the screens. The resulting sleep disturbance can lead to daytime
fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability.
d) Dependency: Some teenagers become dependent on their mobile
phones, feeling restless and anxious when separated from their devices.
This dependency can affect their ability to focus on other activities and
may lead to a decrease in face-to-face social interactions.

VI. Conclusion
Based on the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that the dangers
of mobile phone usage among teenagers require serious attention. The
mental and physical health risks, sleep disturbances, and dependency
issues faced by teenagers due to uncontrolled mobile phone usage are
concerning problems that need to be addressed.
Therefore, we recommend relevant authorities, especially the
Indonesian Department of Health, to take appropriate preventive
measures, education initiatives, and regulations to safeguard the health
and well-being of Indonesian teenagers from the dangers of excessive
mobile phone usage.

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