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Name Pablo Manases Martinez Marsical Listening VI Sem

You Are Special

by Max Lucado
Who are the Wemmicks? Small wooden people.

Who is Eli? A wood worker.

What same thing did the Wemmicks do all day, every day? Give each other stickers

How could someone get a star? If it was pretty if they had smooth wood and find paint. If they were talented.

How could someone get a dot? If the wood was rough and the paint chipped. If you make a mistake. The oppositive of a


Describe Punchinello: He tried to be like the other ones, the ones with the stars.

How was Lucia different to the other Wemmicks? She didn’t have any sticker.

Why did Punchinello go see Eli? He wanted to be different.

Why did the craftsman know Punchinello’s name? He knew the name because he was the maker.

What did Eli think of Punchinello? He thought that he was very special.

Why didn't the stickers stay on Lucia? Because she went to see her maker every day to remind her that she was special.

How could Punchinello get rid of all his marks? By being secure his self and he remember that he was special.

Think about….

1. If you were a Wimmick, would you get more stars or dots? A little bit of both.
2. What would 5 of the stars/ dots in your life be for?
3. Do you have a Lucia or Eli in your life? I think I´m Eli

May all your dots fall silently to the ground, for if given by man, they matter only to other men, if given by God, no one
questions, the scars that make up our lives. (When given the choice, pass out stars, drop the dots in the trash.) 

- Max Lucado

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