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Online class rules

Must follow, no exceptions unless unforeseen events

1. Attendance will be taken at the start of the class.

2. Class start time may vary due to internet and/or electricity issues.
3. After joining the class, please MUTE MIC. When there is a query, unmute and talk.
4. I expect asking questions during any time of the lecture. Do not hesitate.
5. If you have queries after a class, send email. Reply will be given ASAP.

Online exam/assignment rules

Failing to follow these rules will lead you to a poor grade. Do not say that you expected a
better grade!!!

1. DO NOT copy and paste answers from slides, Google search, friends’ messenger (you
read it right, messenger) and other sources.
2. It means I expect answers in your own words. Write a sentence by yourself that you read
or learned. This will ensure a fair possible grading.
3. For assignment if you are taking anything from sources, you must put them as references
at the end of the assignment.
4. DEADLINE: you must submit any exam and assignment by the mentioned date and time.
After that no submission is allowed. For medical issues, submit documents. You will be
considered in this case.

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