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The establishment of a new society

Audio version on our YouTube channel:


They are telling me:

“Next year, (2022 for people on Earth), all will not be over, but there will be the beginning of the establishment of another society, of
another civilization.

Obviously, in the beginning, this will be very difficult. Human beings will not know in which direction to go because they will have to face
some problems that they are not yet aware of.

Around you, you must help beings who have, in a certain way, been trapped in firmly believing what your governments have said;
therefore you must help some people in a certain distress, in a certain incomprehension, however we know that all of you are ready to
help around you, all the people who will need it, because you will be like a pillar for them, a support.

They will come towards you to be reassured, in order to have new confidence, and no matter what those who surround you may be
experiencing in relation to the vaccine and other things because it will not only be about the vaccine, there will be other fears; you have
the force to reassure them, you have the force to show them the new path; those who will have the desire to go towards this new path will
have opened up certainly, and at that moment, you will accompany them.

We would like to ask you to have much confidence and faith. Each of you is asking yourself the question: “What is my mission? What have
I come to Earth to do, if it is not to experiment life through all daily experiences, no matter what they are, good or bad?”

Besides, there are no bad experiences, there are only experiences that make you grow in Love or some difficult experiences that make you
grow at the level of your consciousness.

What you think is terrible at this time is really a dying civilization and there is no longer any future for it. We could say, using your
terrestrial words, that capitalism is being lived in an outrageous way, and at a certain moment, too much capitalism kills capitalism. It is
totally unjust, even through the Divine Laws, that a small part of humanity places eighty to ninety percent of the rest of humanity in

So, obviously there are many human beings who do not have the impression of being enslaved because they live life as they are told to live
it, they follow the rules. We agree about following the rules, but only if they are just, that they allow you to evolve and that they allow you
to keep your freedom.

Instead of following the rules, we would like to tell you: follow the Divine Laws, The Divine Laws, Children of the Earth, are written in the
deepest part of you. You are not yet aware of it, but you know in the deepest part of yourself, what you must do and what you must not do.

You know what is not allowed. Those who do not know this do not yet have the open consciousness for the new world but little by little the
consciences that are not totally awakened or reawakened will awaken all of a sudden. They could awaken due to several events that cause
some psychological shocks, some shocks at the level of fear.

For the moment, the human being is functioning obviously through relatively difficult experiences, but very soon these will no longer
have a reason to be since the human being who will live on planet Earth will have understood.

Not only will he have understood who he is, but he will not make mistakes; there will no longer be the need for this because he will know!
He will know which direction to take, he will know what he must do and what he must not do, he will know how to remain in integrity
and will not have to obey all the iniquitous laws that have been in place for hundreds of years, and especially in this era.

Your world is really on the move! You have passed through the narrow bottleneck where you have been enslaved and in obscurity, but in
a certain way it was the obscurity of the consciousness; you have just liberated yourself, but you are not yet at the end of the tunnel. By
formulating this in a different way, you are not yet on the other side of the bridge. A few dozen meters remain to cross to arrive on the
other side.

What do these meters correspond with? They can correspond to several months, to less than several months or to a little more than
several months; given the rapidity of events, a rapidity of which you are not aware, being given that all is accelerating in you and around
you, the months and the years are going to shrink in relation to terrestrial time.

This acceleration of time corresponds to a great vibratory elevation of planet Earth; therefore, time is shrinking, the vibratory frequency
of the planet and of all that lives on it will increase more and more, up to the summits that will not be measurable with your terrestrial
instruments, no matter what they are.

Mother Earth is still in evolution, she is following the consciousness of planet Earth. Soon there will be like a liberation, but before that
there will still be manifestations of Mother Earth. Earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, etc., are the manifestations of Mother Earth
that purify her to go much higher, and also to make humans understand that they cannot control nature that is really the master of the

If your Mother Earth really wanted to react to eradicate many human beings, it would take very little, and she would do it very rapidly,
almost instantaneously if she wanted to. You must also understand that there is a great relation, conscious or unconscious, between the
global consciousness of humans and the consciousness of planet Earth; there is a relation of Love.

Some humans have the consciousness to connect themselves to Mother Earth, to feel her Love and to offer that Love, but many others
have lost that consciousness and the notion that Mother Earth is not just a planet made of stones, of earth, of trees, etc., that she is a sphere
of very intense life.

Mother Earth, just as everything that lives on her and in her – we are truly saying on her and in her - is in the process of evolving in an
extremely rapid way, just like you, Children of the Earth. Everything evolves in an ascensional way.”

They are showing me a sort of elevator that men and Mother Earth are taking and that is rising in an extraordinarily rapid way.
“So, obviously, in order for this ascension of the Earth, this total vibratory change of the Earth and humans not to go too fast and even gets
stopped, the forces of the somber light are there to prevent their climb, especially because humanity would escape them.

In this ascension, in this evolution, all the kingdoms are concerned. There are, therefore, the human being and all the animal kingdom.
You could notice how much your little animal companion friends will understand and how much they will be receptive to all that you say
to them; telepathy can be created between them and you.

Whether it will be companion animals, whether it is free animals of the forests that you call “wild” but that we call “free”, no matter where
they are, all the animals are also preparing themselves for this immense transformation and to go to this new world where there will be
total communication between the animal kingdom and the human kingdom; this communication will also be made with the mineral and
vegetable kingdoms because you will understand to which point the kingdoms are useful to life and to which point they are useful to the
evolution of man.

If you cut yourself off from nature you will no longer evolve, and this is a great, a very great mistake for all those who intentionally
mutilate it without being aware that the Earth is a living sphere, of all those who mutilate it by digging in it, by extracting minerals or
precious metals from it, etc. This is a great suffering for the planet Earth!

All will be healed. There are still some moments to get through (the small passage that remains) and an unimaginable equilibrium will
create itself between the different kingdoms and human beings.

Tomorrow, you can communicate with the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, just as some people already do, like our channel. Life
will be completely different, because if you make the mineral kingdom suffer, you will feel it, it will communicate its suffering; therefore,
you will be in the respect of the different kingdoms.

If you cause suffering gratuitously, that is to say that you cut down the forests gratuitously – not gratuitously because those who cut down
the forests profit from it, obviously – but if you mutilate in an incorrect way the vegetable kingdom, it will make you feel it, and this will
cause a bad feeling in you.

There is much destruction of the forests, as in the region where your channel lives and this is very difficult because you feel the suffering
of the vegetable kingdom and the lack of beauty; you are being deprived of your view of beauty and you are also being deprived of the
feeling of energy. All of this is done due to a lack of respect for the vegetable kingdom and unfortunately for profit.”

They are telling me:

“Now we are leaving you.

We love you infinitely!

We are happy to be in your presence!”

They are telling me with words that humans would use:

“We are proud of you!”

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