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An immense interior power that you ignore

Audio version of this message on our YouTube channel:



“Children of the Earth, Children of the Stars, Brothers of the Stars, it is always with immense pleasure that we come to you and be certain
that it is truly with much pleasure. We know that we can help you to cross certain thresholds, especially in this very particular and very
important period for your evolution, and it is always with immense joy that we come to you.

Imagine what you represent: you are instructors, you are beings who have understood everything, at least at the level where you are, (just
as us at the level where we are) and you are in charge of many souls who are only asking to open up, to understand and to advance. Here
is our role.

When we succeed in making it so that a soul awakens, that it begins to understand who it really is, that it is unique, that it is also a part of
the All, it is an immense joy to be able to allow it to connect itself to what we are, to itself, to an immense interior power that it ignores.

Sometimes you begin to discover it, and at that moment you feel an immense and profound interior joy. Sometimes you experience some
marvelous things, and the more that continues the more you will succeed in managing what you are, the more we will succeed in making
you understand what you are, who you are. At that moment, the moments of grace, the moments of serenity, of joy and of Love will be
more and more frequent in your heart and it matters little what is happening outside of you; what is important is what will happen inside
of you and that you can feel. You will be nourished by the Love that will emanate from you. You will nourish yourself as well with exterior
Love because everything around you is Love.

Love Vibration is everywhere! The Love Vibration is in the air that you breathe, it is in everything that you eat, provided that it is not
cooked. The Love Vibration is in the water that you drink, water from a source, water from pure rivers. You can nourish yourself with this
Love that emanates from yourselves and from the Love that emanates from the entire Universe. All vibrates with Love; nothing can live
except by Love! You have this enormous power in you, and you often ignore it.

If you had much more confidence in this immense power of Love that dwells in you, you could regenerate yourself with great facility, you
would no longer have any disharmonies, you would no longer be touched by all the exterior events or all the sometimes difficult or
ambiguous relationships that you could have with your family or with the beings you are close to.

This is the unawareness of the Love that dwells in you that makes you fragile beings and sometimes weak. It is the awareness of that
immense power that animates you that also allows you to live because this Love is a part of your Divine Part, which is itself a tiny part, but
real, of God the Father-Mother.

Our mission is essentially to open the doors of Wisdom, of Love of yourselves to yourselves.

Human beings always seek outside of them, but they forget that inside themselves there are treasures to be found. Often, they prefer to
attend courses, they prefer to try intellectually to understand what does not pass by the intellect but by the heart. They do not arrive at the
goal because the intellect is a precious tool, but in the evolution of beings, it does not serve anything. It is the heart, it is intuition, it is that
new consciousness that is in the process of blossoming, of awakening in each of you AND it is this new consciousness that will allow your
positioning in relation to the experiences of life if that is necessary.

So yes, it is always with immense pleasure that we come to you, the pleasure of seeing you awakening, of seeing you advance, even
through tribulations no matter if they are personal or planetary. All of this is coming to an end.

You have already covered much of the path, you have been scratched by thorns, you may have flown over piles of rocks that towered over
your path. You have done this once, twice, three times and the more you advance the less you will find thorns on your path, and the less
you will find stones piled one upon another that you must fly over, all provided that you can awaken to yourselves, that you become
aware of the marvelous beings that you are.

We are not here to try to put you to sleep with beautiful words, we are here to awaken you with our words, which is totally different. As
each human being is what he is in his incarnation is matter, it is always necessary that he be vigilant so that the human ego does not have
the upper hand and does not dominate him. He can live with the ego that is necessary to allow him to advance but it is not useful in the
opening of the consciousness, in his profound transformation.

Expect many small doors to open up for you. All the doors cannot open up at the same time because then there would be too much Light,
too much knowledge that you would have difficulty in assimilating, in integrating. A small door opens and when you have understood,
integrated what is found behind it, there will be another, and then another and another.

The destiny of humanity is really to liberate oneself from all the false concepts, from all the false laws, to liberate oneself from these
artificial prisons. You have no need for any prison! A being who really is in prison can feel totally free. Consciousness cannot be
imprisoned! Matter can be imprisoned, certainly, but matter is only matter and the spirit and consciousness are totally something else and
no one can have a harmful action upon your consciousness.

If we are telling you this, it is because you will still be subjected to some manipulations, because you are in a period of great confrontation
between the shadow and the Light which will manifest itself more and more in matter up until the moment when there will be a shifting
and when everything will change.

Those who dominate right now will be annihilated because the destiny of humanity is the blossoming, the revelation of the reality of the
world, the realization of what you are as a human being.

Not only has your reality has been hidden from you, but also your history. You have been prevented from blossoming; you have been
prevented from connecting yourself to the spiritual essence that is necessary to life. You have been fooled, just simply to prevent you from
evolving, so that human beings could serve other human beings who have simply understood the devastating power that they have on
beings who are perhaps more fragile, but this devastating power is ending!

Soon, harmony, serenity and peace will be re-established in this world, not the peace that men conceive of, inner peace, and from that
moment when they will have this inner peace, they will also be able to have exterior peace. The men of tomorrow will no longer support
the duality. This will be a vibration that they will reject, whether it be the duality in themselves or the exterior duality.

Everything is in the process of putting itself into place gently, Children of the Earth, Brothers of the Earth, during your nights, during your
sleep, during your moments of meditation and even during your waking moments.
If you knew Brothers of the Earth, if you knew Children of the Earth, how much you are helped! There are your Guides, there are Beings of
Light, there are your Galactic Brothers. You are not alone, far from it! Sometimes you have the impression of being abandoned, of being
alone. If you connected yourself a little bit more, you would feel our presence!

A human being must never feel alone because he is never alone! Already, within, there is a life that boils, the life of all that he is in reality,
the life of all that he does not have access to momentarily, that is to say of all his experience. All of that is in him, all of that is in you.

One day, a door or a window will open, and at that moment, you will know who you are. You will know it because you will have access to
all the experiences that you have lived through in incarnation after incarnation, but you are not yet ready. You are not yet ready to accept
the truths, because there is only one truth.

Only God the Father-Mother knows the truth, but there is a truth for each plane. On your planet there is also a truth for each people who
have some customs that are not the same from one people to the next; one people will say that they are in the truth, and another will say
that they are also in the truth. The truth, definitively, will be a lie in evolution; we wish to say that the truth is a lie since it evolves, and
that the truth of yesterday will not be that of tomorrow.

You are going to evolve towards another truth that is called “Wisdom”, a truth called “Love” and we can tell you that you will discover so
many beautiful things inside that you will end up really loving yourself. The goal of our presence among you the goal of all our meetings,
the goal of our mission is to awaken yourself to yourselves, to allow you to become aware of who you are, to become aware of this
immense Love that only asks to exteriorize itself, to be offered, first to yourselves and then to the outside world.

Have a thought of Love for yourselves, even if it is fleeting, even if your “adapted” religions have taught you that it is not good to love
oneself, that it is egotistical. How can you love life if you do not love yourself? How do you wish to love others if you do not succeed in
loving yourselves?

The keys to evolution are Love, wisdom, accepting your corners of shadow that are there and remind you they are there by telling you: “I
exist!” And you, what must you do at that moment? Recognize that these corners of shadow exist and inundate them with Love because in
the corners of shadow there is also Love, but not the same. Love is infinite, and the least little parcel of life cannot exist if it is not
animated by Love.

Even evil beings, no matter what they are, human or non-human, have this immense Love in them. Even the evil galactic beings have this
parcel of Love in them since they have been created, and from the moment that there is a creation, there is Creation in Love and by Love.

Never judge others! Never judge them if you have the impression that they lack Love, that they are animated by forces that are not yours
in the moment. Each of you, in this immense transformation, in this immense mutation, can one day be animated by powerful forces of
Love, and the next day be perturbed by the powers of the shadow. Therefore, be tolerant with yourselves as you must be with others.

We think that we have said what must be weighed, understood, integrated, and assimilated because this is important.”

Does Divine Justice exist? If so, how does it manifest itself?

“Obviously Divine Justice exists! It applies itself constantly, but what you have not necessarily understood is that Divine Justice, in the
worlds of density, in worlds of the third dimension, can sometimes only manifest itself through the shadow, through what is still in

It is not because right now on your planet there is so much shadow manifesting that you must believe that Divine Justice does not exist. It
is perfection in its global manifestation but sometimes it uses other assets, that is to say to make life evolve it uses all that is not yet Light,
all that is not yet enlightened.

Divine Justice expresses itself in all beings. When others cause you “misery” and you say: “I am not helped, Divine Justice does not exist!”
of course it exists! During a moment of your life, if you have need to go through some difficult things, it is for your evolution and Divine
Justice acts depending on your evolution, depending on your programming. Whether it is individual or collective, it acts for the best of
evolution. At this time, Divine Justice is acting for the great mutation of humanity, but the mutation sometimes passes by destruction so
that a much more magnificent rebirth takes place in the Light.

Be certain that Divine Justice is a reality! So often human beings get angry with God and say: “this is not possible, why all of this suffering,
all this misery?” All is just, all is a part of the rebirth, all is a part of the Plan, the Divine Plan.

This is what we wished to respond to your question.

Now we will leave you. May peace, joy and Love inundate your lives permanently.

Do not forget that you are never alone! Do not forget that we are there to hold your hand! And above all, no matter what happens to you,
do not feel guilty because as it has been told you, sometimes the path is long, and you want to sit by the side of the road before continuing
on the path. Know that to travel on the path that leads you to another reality of life, you are accompanied and that we are there.

We love you infinitely, be blessed.”

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