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Let's link it
A. Underline the conjunctions in these sentences.

- He is slow but he is careful.

Cows moo and horses neigh.

He was late so he did not watch the film.

You will succeed if you work hard.
Since you insist, I will agree.
Neither you nor he is going to the beach.

Either I will go to the park or I will watch a film.

I was late, but the teacher was not angry.
We reached the station after the train had left. ----.... Not only
did he break the vase, but he also broke the table.
You already know that conjunctions are
words which are used to connect
sentences and phrases. Let's revise the
different types of conjunctions.
Coordinating conjunctions
Read these sentences.

• Bees gather nectar and make honey.

• Butterflies are gentle but bees sting.

The words and and but join two independent clauses and are called coordinating conjunctions. There
are seven such conjunctions: and, but, for, nor, yet, so. and or.

B. Join these pairs of sentences using suitable coordinating conjunctions. Write them in your notebook.
1. ., ...

/ have to clean the house. I have to cook food.

The seat was empty. I sat down.
Sheena is a good dancer. Radha is a good dancer too.
I did very well in the interview. I cleared the written test as
5. Well.
6. RaJ·iv is a very good sportsman. His brother is a very good rt

She is intelligent. She is smart.
spa sman.

--~J '.:ihe ·,s ... \n -\e\\ icai:.n+ o-nd Stn.G\i t.

~2 \ ha"'e_ \-a c.\enn \-he._ hcuse.- °'nd caa \< -toed. J·lhe.... _

seed: was e.tnftt'j ::so \ ':::Qt dawn. ~ ~Skm.___ nod

Yodbas ~e ~aac\ danCE)'.S - 1------S· \ cleONe.d fut::. , .JS'C'fl•ko
\ _ ~ ... chd. ~:y~ ' '~ __ \..\\e\ \ ,n ,-\-be. ,n:te:YV,elJ..1 ., 6 · %rv
, '

and \.)S h~!?rlbe<'f me. \Jr,<i:j- ~pod sp$bmen t---- 1. · \__ ~ od

\be. ro a.p 'but _L__bu:,,.ce,__ b \e.d_ 1:s1 decbl\X~q ... _ 'i .. -\.1s
ke~~ ~a b.,,_,,_,_N_,__..__
---2J_ ~CA1cL:B-ie--rcem -\-h_~e, -t1xY\e_~ ~e_t \.. ~,d r---- :no
L u nde,"i s 10._0d 'd-s rn.eo-n \n.;:i .
---- 3:D~Q+_ -h:r<~t ~a\j<i urn~e\\o_ f0, ~~ \'Y~~t\- .. j£1 \D U"L
k e,\Je:.o \ f\ ~ \J....\,, \e, C.:,0 \°\\ 1 n q b:~,'--_ \.:: _ l\J'Rishl Y'IQ"< __
\'\\\<.hi\ da, {·\. Kntlw -\\,~ ~1.J 'ta. - -\he, c~"'r(J'it.
the blanks using subordinating conjunctions.

He was asleep.
c;" tired +h(~+ he fell
---'-S.P-ln~ce---'-,_ it's my birthday, I am treating
She knew __ ~-:-~_._h-=-=0 ....... ,, '--C-· _ she •was going to be in
trouble soon.
He was 5D drenched ----=- !! ::Ic~~---"·-"-t "'---- he
was dripping all over.

As you want to attend the concert, I am trying for the passes. Many changes have
occurred in his life ~i~ oJ::.eJ he met his guru. The weather forecast for today says -~h:_
J- there will be some rain in the afternoon.
As he is courageous and confident, nothing can stop him from achieving success.
Mr Gupta was sure that he'd catch the bus ~~~ he had reached the bus stop. ii

. Most of the commuters were happy getting out of the train be.crn.lSF the journeyhabeen just
too long.

.. . -~~~~~~~~--- ~G d08~ '0 a· ·----.....-------------.~~-

4--"-~~I\:._ ~ G. ~ a-.sbJ
--------tl~....___...........,._ffilccl_. ~<-y_e:~±+~~-=-- " .
-----~~~.-new_ c.o.--x _ \S beth _£(),:;:,_\ <1.nd c..0,m£0..""bb\e. __ ----~---
i,._ _

U-.1.::ii...,.....--Ll~ no S~C2ln.eN e..:::l2,0-ped hls._l1~~ _\ha.a_,_ hs ------#-

et s crack it
A. Identify the underlined words as preposition or onJ
1. I will help you for you are my friend.
2. They left after the party was over.
3. After the rain, the sun came out.
I could not do my work since I was ill.
5. Until you return, I will remain here.
6. I will wait here till you return.
7. All the girls but Sheela wore pink.
8. The guard stood before the front door.

9. Drink your milk before you go to play. - 10. The cat chased after the mouse.
11. It seems we know each other since time immemorial.

12. I will wait for /OU but try to come soon.

13. She studied till six in Lhe eve11ing.

14. I have bi-ought a letter for your granclfc1lher.

15. Since morning you have been anxious.

Let's perfect it
A. Complete the sentences using suitable conjunctions. Then state whether they are coordinating or
subordinating conjunctions.

1. The sick man died S\O<:f I he did not get proper medical care.
2. She could not sleep _.,,\Jh:a\~b she was very tired.
3. 10. 11. 12. tomorrow CT-) I have to work late. Ifs 10
am, '-Ir-':\- Sheela hasn't woken up. /w ,
_\; __ \\;...._'LLJ~.__e _____ they were
4. sleeping, their house The city has changed beyond recognition
was burgled. ~\DCe,.) I last visited it. I waited s-\\\\
5. the train arrived.
6. Sh e would have come __ __,! \~ ......... :t Do not go he~{;!)~~ I go.
7. Bread nnc\ eggs make a good
8. breakfast.
___ you had invite d h er. I will see you
You will not succeed \...\n\e&..-... you
work hard. 13. 14. 15.
Pamela got married \ .. ~ '"t:. she was 25
sc S~nc-P., it was a public holiday, all the
years old.
sc shops were shut. C ·,nrP you say so, I
must believe it.
~ ~ -sc__ ('~ e, C
I managed to sleep o\\~.n.,~ there was
a lot of noise.
sc u. ~c-
F.. Complete the sentences with suitable conjunctions. 1.
Be careful 0:1 you will fall.
2. I have two brothers t)u .\ I have no sister. 3. He is slow
b,r\ hard-working.
Two (1\\(\J, two make four.
I wrote her many letters b ~/ received no response.
He will not come £ it rains.
\j(\\; \ you drive fast, you cannot overtake him. 7.
The vase will break \ \ you drop it.
9. Man proposes _ __;:; ~::,,,,::.:Js._.,__ f>....._,(l.....,.,. __ God disposes.
10. She wnites slowly ___ '.C}=-t .... "-- it: __ neatly.
11. 12. 13. 14.
, \OC'f:..., you are so tired, I w ill let you rest now.
Will you please wait ~ 1 \ he calls you?
· l1~ Monty \), r\ Sutara are participating in the competition. I wrote in my diary :t'n u-'t__ I had been gifted with a new
bicycle by my father. ,'1e_\-\-h(?j did he steal r':QC'{ he ~~,;:1 lied.
I 1•

. . h the underlined words are prepos1t1ons or conjunct· In these sentences, 1dent1fy

whet er ~- ions. 1. Wait here till he gets back.
2. Be careful and look around yourself before you leap.
3. He tried many times but had little success. 11. They reached the station on time, but the train was
running behind schedule.
4. Prerna waited near the bookstall until it was six.
12. He was awarded Best Actor for his brilliant
5. I have not seen him since last Saturday.
performance as Bhagat Singh.
6. The soldiers fought for their country.
13. The firemen reached after the fire had been put out.
7. The soldiers fought bravely for it is their duty to the
14. They have been in business since the partition of
country. 8. No one but you would believe in his words India. 15. A few people took shelter at a bus stop while
after all his trickeries. 9. She comes from a world below the rain lasted.
this one.
10. He stood before the painting closely .observing its C
fine features. p
---....;.--- p --
A. State whether these statements are u or I .
1. Abhishek and Anushka ate not very cxcilccl lo sec Ruskin Bond.
2. Ruskin Bond says that he likes living in srnzil l, quiel towns and
even in big cities.
3. Ruskin Bond writes books for adults and 0hildren.
4. The children are happy that their meeting with Bond has ended.
5. The children are happy at the end of their meeting with Bond.
B. Answer these questions.
1. Why, according to Mr Bond, do children read less these days?
--.-.-b~" "\S,',,.),c\ \est::> Df'" \,_ • , ('' a

2. How did Mr Bond come to have good handwriting?

Mt' J '{ C. ~ l

3. Who is your favourite author? What would you ask your favourite author if you had a chance to meet him or her?
, ,~~rtlr ~:_J:, r''"'' .1\~x: ~, \J\<\ ch ho owsx~ he:¥~~ ..4 .... 1..,L: .. \ _ _'.__li___JL~- ""'!\ i ,~.
'l\ ~ • \ ~--' \...

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