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. - .

. Kamala qas (1934,,.2009) was born in Malabar, Kerala. \

· She is recognised as one of India's foremost poets. Her- • I

works are known for their originality. versatility and i .

·1, the indigenous flavour of the soil.· Kamala Das has
'published many novels and short stories in English and
Malayalam under the name 'Madhavikutty'. In addition
.\ war

to five books of _poetry. She is a sensitive writer who

· c_a ptures the complex subtleties of human relatlop.ships
· \Thi

in l~cal idiom, My Mother at Sixty-six is an example: . 1.
.. Before you read 3.

=-=--=-------=---·,___. ;
Ageing is a natural process: have you ever thought what our
- - -e.-,Jd __e._'Il_ts
_e._-r.._-Jy_ p_ar. _ exp
__e_c_t _ffi..;.v._m_ u_s_?_. 4.
ptj r_yN I 5.
Driving from my parent's
home to \Cochinllast Friday _ . .
morning~ I saw my. mother,
beside me, ' . .
. qofu open mouthed, her face
·~§lien' like that .
of 8: corpse and realised _with
pain .
that ·she was as old as she
. looked but ·soon
put that tho
looked out
l,yTrees. sprinting, the merry children sp
out of their homes, but after the airpo
- security che.c k, standing a few yards

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