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ATG online knee ability

Monday, Wednesday, Friday x 12 weeks Deload
1- TA Raise x 25
2- FHL Raise x 25
2b- TA Raise x 25
3- KOT calf raise x 25- knee bent solueus rasie
4- Patrick step x25- standing single leg heel tap, reach as far as you can
5- ATG split squat 5x5
6- KOT squat 5x5
7- Elephant walk x 30 per leg
8- L sit x 60 secs
9- Couch stretch
10- Outer glute stretch

1- Reverse step up 6” +slant board or 8” + heel elevation @50% BW 10x8 both legs in 20
2- Dense seated good morning 5 mins 50%
3- TA raise with bar 12.5 x 100
1- Dumbell push pull 5x5 each in min @ 25% BW /hand
2- Dense ER 10% BW 5x5 5 mins per arm
3- Slant calf rasie to Jefferson curl- 25%
1- ATG split squat flat ground 50% bw10x5 both legs in 20 mins
2- Hip flexor 3x20 10% BW
3- Calf raise 10x10 per leg without breaks
1- Thorcis super set Lat pull with Y -25% and 2.5%
2- ZOttman curl
3- Loaded groin stretch
4- Piriformins stretch head to foot rasied
1- VMO squst 25% BW 10x10 in 10 mins
2- Nordic flat bench 5x5 in 5 mins

8 lower body
1- Reverse step +100% BW 8” step no slant board x 12
2- Ankle flexion bar 25% x 20
3- Knee flexion MSL up/ J-Ed down x 3 reps flat
4- Hip flexion 10% x 20
5- ATG split squat 100% Bw flat ground bar on front x 6
6- Sl back extention 100% BW x 6 w full lockout
7- ATG squat 100% bw + 50% bands x 3
8- SL hamstring DL 100% x 6
7 mobilty standards
1- Tibialsis flexed calf raise 15 x25%
2- Slant board Jefferson curl 15 x 25%writs below toes
3- Reverse Nordic shoulders to floor
4- Piriformis good morning 15 x 25% head to foot
5- Loaded butterfly 15 x 25% knees to floor
6- Pancacke good momring 15 x 25% chest to floor
7- QL 15 25%
4 upper body standards
1- Incline barbell press 146% x 6
2- Full range scott curl 28% x 6
3- Incline DB press 25% x 15
4- Lean away chin up 5 strict

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