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1. What is the meant by community outreach?

Are a standard way for groups such as social service agencies, nonprofit groups, and
church or other religious groups to identify a certain specific need in its community and
provide services to the people who need it.

2. Give 5 reason why community outreach program is important?

Community outreach is about giving, contributing, and helping those who cannot help
Community outreach also allows us to influence younger generations to give back to the
It helps the community grow in a substantial way.

3. In today situation what is the purpose of community outreach program? What are the
activities that will benefit to the community especially in this time of pandemic?

The three main goals of an outreach program are to improve learning, promoting civic
engagement, and strengthening communities through addressing their societal needs.
An outreach program creates a partnership between the communities and the
educational institutions. In this time of pandemic there are activities that will benefit to
the community, like helping the community, follow your local government’s
regulations, shelter in place if you can support those who can’t, practice social
distancing, but stay connected, put your diy power to good use, create and inspire
during quarantine, give to charities serving at-risk communities and those on the front
lines, spend real time with your kids, strengthen your immunity and our collective vision
and landing a hand. It is important for us to be as one most especially in this time of

4. Short essay. How does the community outreach program help to develop one’s skill?

One can enlist students to help with public outreach efforts. Gaining experience
communicating science to nonscientific audiences can help students develop skills and
contacts that will be useful later in their careers, especially if they are planning to work
at the interface between science and society. Community outreach will strive to ensure
that’s students are emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy, have the ability to
make responsible choices and take responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing.
Community outreach will aim to promote diversity and student development while
enhancing skills and knowledge to serve in diverse communities.


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