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Results analysis
4.1. Tabulation of results
A slump value of 30 mm was measured.

After 7 and 14 days, the cubes were removed in water and the lengths (L), breadths (B) and
heights (H) were measured using a Vernier caliper. The mass of the cubes were also measured
using an electronic balance. The measurements are tabulated below.

Compressive Strength after 7 days

Cube number 1 2 3
L/mm 100.325 100.025 100.500
B/mm 101.225 100.125 100.300
H/mm 101.300 100.450 98.400
Weight/g 2585.3 2509.2 2502.0
Table 1Dimensions of cubes after 7 days

The compressive strength of the concrete cubes are using the formula below:

Fc = A ,
Where :
Fc = compressive strength
P = maximum load
A = cross sectional of specimen

Cube number 1 2 3
Maximum load (N) 284.4 289.3 274.2

Cross sectional area 10155.398 10015.003 10070.100

Compressive 28.005 28.887 27.229
strength ( N/mm2)
Table 2 Compressive strengths of the cubes
Compressive strength after 14 days

Cube number 1 2 3
L/mm 100.35 100.55 99.60
B/mm 100.15 100.75 99.33
H/mm 100.40 100.00 102.00
Weight/g 2560.1 2544.2 2540.4
Table 3 Dimensions of the cubes after 14 days

Cube number 1 2 3
Maximum load (N) 353.6 364.1 314.1

Cross sectional area 10050.0525 10130.4125 9893.2680

Compressive 35.184 35.940 31.75
strength ( N/mm2)
Table 4 Compressive strength of the cubes after 14 days

4.2. Analysis and Discussions

The result of the slump test by using the above proportions of cement, water, fine aggregate
and coarse aggregate is 30 mm slump. This value recorded is not within the specified range of
75 – 125 mm. This may be because the concrete mix is too dry or stiff. The reason behind this
may be due to insufficient water content for mixing. The proportions of the fine and coarse
aggregate may be too high since they will absorb much of the water. During the time water is
added to the mix and slump test is started, in this lapses of time, hydration of cement particles
continued and thus free water is used from the mixture. Therefore, since the amount of water
has decreased, the concrete become more difficult to work with. Since slump is a measure of
the workability of the concrete, the workability decreases and so does the slump.
The concrete mix of slump value 30 mm obtained in this experiment may be used in
foundations with light reinforcements.

After the slump test was done, the cubes were casted into the moulds and placed on a vibrating
table. After 7 and 14 days, the cubes were removed from the moulds and their dimensions
were measured. It can be seen that the dimensions varied slightly. This may be due to the
moulds which may be not perfectly cubical or due to shrinkage of the concrete during curing.
The variations in weight may be because the mass of the fine and coarse aggregates to cement
is not equal in all six cubes. Then a compressive strength test was performed.
The table below shows the compressive strength gained by concrete after 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28
days with respect to the grade of concrete.

Age Compressive strength/%

1 16
3 40
7 65
14 90
28 99
Table 5 Compressive strength gained by concrete

After 7 days, the average value of the compressive strength is:

Average value =
= 28.0 KN/mm2
This value obtained is very close to the value that should be obtained after 7 days. (65% of 40)

After 14 days, the value of the compressive strength of the third cube is rejected. Thus the
average value is:
Average value =
= 35.56 KN/mm2
This value is correct since it is close to the compressive strength shown in the table above. (90%
of 40)

The compressive strength increases with time. A possible reason for this may be due to the fact
for further hydration to take place, water has to pass through the hydrated layer of a cement
particle during the process of hydration before reaching the unhydrated layer.
The longer the age of curing, the higher will be the compressive strength.

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