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Partial Reinforcement and Stimulus Control

*Ratio Schedules-based on number of responses

-Fixed ration and –variable ratio

*Interval Schedules- based on time elapsed

-Fixed interval and –variable interval

Chapter 7:Memory

Memory is defined as the mental system for receiving,

encoding, storing, organizing, altering, and retrieving

*Encoding: Converting information into a form in which it will be

retained in memory.

*Storage: Holding information in storage for later use.

*Retrieval: Recovering information from storage in memory.

Memory Systems

*Sensory Memory -Registers incoming information from the

environment through our senses for a few seconds or less.

-Iconic Memory: an exact copy of what you see (less than 1 sec)

-Echoic Memory: An exact copy of what you hear (less than 4


*Short-Term Memory: holds a small amount of memory to be used


-Limited capacity of information

-Sensitive to interruption and interference

-A working of sorts

*Features of Short-Term Memory

-STM’s capacity is typically about 7 bits of information (+2).

STM’s duration is typically 12-18 seconds.

>Chunking: Reorganizing information into chunk. (phone


>Rehearsal: Repeating information

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