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• Definition

Green theory (Theory Lawrence Green) is a theory that analyzes human behaviour with
the level of health of a person or society influenced by behavioural factors and non-
behavioural factors. The behaviour of a person or society is determined by the
knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, traditions and so on of the person and society concerned.

• Factor
Based on the basic theory developed by Lawrence Green (1991) in Notoatmodjo (2014)
behavioral factors (behavior causes) are influenced by three factors, namely
predisposing factors which include age, occupation, education, knowledge and
manners, enabling factors manifested in the physical environment and distance to
health facilities and reinforcing factors resulted from the support provided by families
and community leaders.

1. Predisposing factors are manifested in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, beliefs,

values and so on.
2. Supporting factors (enabling factors) that are manifested in the physical
environment, the availability or unavailability of facilities or infrastructure.
3. Reinforcing factors that are manifested in the attitudes and behavior of officers
who are a reference group for community behavior.

• Sequential process
Activities or human activities that can be observed directly or indirectly by outsiders, in
this case behavior is a belief about the availability or not of the necessary opportunities
and resources. In Notoatmodjo (2014) explains that everyone faces a new behavior in
them, a sequential process occurs, namely:

1. Awareness where the person is aware in the sense of knowing in advance the
structure or object ( Awareness ).
2. Where the person or persons experience an interest ( Interest ).
3. Weighing the good and bad of the stimulus ( Evaluation ).
4. Where people have tried a new behavior ( Trial ).
5. Where the subject has behaved in accordance with the new knowledge of the
stimulus ( Adoption ).

A very good day i bid to Ms. Vinami and my fellow classmate. Today, my group will be
presenting on the Lawrence Green model
• Strategies to obtain behaviour change
The most important thing in health behaviour is the problem of forming and changing
behaviour, behaviour change is the goal of health education or health education as
other health support. The changes in question are not only covert behaviour but
also overt behaviour . Here are some strategies to obtain behaviour change, namely:

1. Using power (push), this changes behavior by being forced on the target so that
the person is willing to perform the expected behavior. For example, the
government enforces physical distancing to all Indonesian people, like it or not,
people must follow the protocol issued by the government.
2. Providing information, with information about how to achieve a healthy life, health
care, how to avoid disease and so on will increase public knowledge.
3. Participatory discussion, this one method is the development of the second
method in which the delivery of health information is not just a straight line
(unidirectional) but is carried out in a participatory manner. That way, the
community is not only passive recipients but also actively participates in
discussions about the information conveyed.

In which health information is delivered in a participatory manner rather than in a straight path
(unidirectional). As a result, the community is not only passive recipients of information, but
also actively participates in discussions about it.
Why the Lawrence Green theory, because it is summarized in the acronym Precede
namely predisposing, enabling and reinforcing causes in educational daignosis and
evaluation. This Precede is a direction in analyzing, diagnosing and evaluating behavior
for health education (promotion) interventions. Precede is defined as the problem
diagnosis phase.

Hence, the green theory, which is based on the precede – proceed model, precede helps in
looking at the factors that may shape the health status of a person or community. With the
information gathered, it can then help the health promotor or educator to focus on building a
target for intervention. This strategy aids in providing specific objectives and evaluation criteria.
Eventually in proceed, the stages of policy and implementation process can be carried out to
overcome the problem.
This will be our content throughout our presentation which includes the introduction, factors
influencing behaviour, the sequential process of behaviour, strategies to obtain behaviour
change and lastly conclusion.

To start off, Lawrence Green is a specialist in public health in the united states and best known
as the creator of the PRECEDE model and co-developer of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Now,
the model has been used to guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of health
program interventions around the world and has resulted in over 1000 published studies,
applications, and commentaries on the model in the professional and scientific literature.
Precede stands for Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling, Construct in Educational /
Environmental Diagnosis and Evaluation whereas proceed stands for Policy, Regulatory and
Organizational Construct in Educational and Environmental Development

Green’s Theory is a theory that examines human behaviour in terms of a person's or society's
state of health as influenced by behavioural and non-behavioural factors. According to Green,
knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, traditions and other factors influence a person's or society's

According to the basic theory developed by Lawrence Green, three factors influence
behavioural factors, namely predisposing factors such as age, occupation, education,
knowledge, and manners, Next is enabling factors such as the physical environment and
distance to health facilities, and lastly, reinforcing factors such as family and community
leaders' support.

Behaviour is one of the activities or human activities that can be observed directly or indirectly
by outsiders. In this case, behaviour is a belief on the availability or unavailability of the
essential opportunities and resources. In Notoatmodjo explains that everyone faces a new
behaviour in them, a sequential process, namely:

The difficulty of forming and modifying behaviour is the most essential aspect of health
behaviour; behaviour change is the purpose of health education or health education as a form
of other health assistance. It is not only covert but also overt behaviour that is being discussed.
The following are some ways for achieving behaviour change:

Firstly, is power. Power can implement changes in behaviour as it is dealt by force on the target
so that the person is willing to perform the expected behaviour. For example, the government
enforces physical distancing to all people when they are outside of their home. Whether they
like it or not, they have to follow the protocol issued by the government.
Secondly, is provide information. The purpose of spreading information is to increase the public
knowledge on certain important issues or details which will help them overcome future
problems or diseases. For example, providing information about how to achieve a healthy life,
how to avoid diseases, general knowledge on health care and so on.
Thirdly, is through participatory discussion. This strategy is the development of the second
strategy, whereby the health information is delivered in a participatory manner rather than in a
straight path (unidirectional). As a result, the community is not only passive recipients of
information, but also actively participates in discussions about it.

Hence, the green’s theory helps in looking at the factors that may shape the health status of a
person or community. With the information gathered, it can then help the health promoter or
educator to focus on building a target for intervention. This strategy aids in providing specific
objectives and evaluation criteria. Eventually, the stages of policy and implementation process
can be carried out to overcome the problem.

We have reached the end of the presentation. We hope this presentation was informative to
everyonel and we thank you for your time and attention.

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