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One San Vicente West, Urdaneta City 2428, Pangasinan


A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science


At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

A. Identify the center of the solar system and its eight planets.

B. Demonstrate knowledge of the solar system by arranging spherical

objects of different sizes in an order that represents the eight planets
and the sun.

C. Appreciate the importance of the eight planets, most especially the

planet Earth where we live in


Topic: The Solar System
Materials: Pictures of the eight planets, Astronomy bigbook, Cartolina,
Laptop and a Short video presentation about the solar system
Reference: Science for Daily Use


A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer

“Before we start our discussion Miss ____, (One student will lead the prayer)
lead the prayer.’’

2. Greetings

“Good morning class!

You may now take your seats.’’ ‘’Good morning teacher.
Good morning classmates.’’
3. Checking of attendance
“There’s none ma’am.”
“Who are absent for today?’’

“That’s good to hear.”

4. Review

“Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s

have a short review about our topic “Our topic last meeting was all about the
yesterday. So what was our topic last moon.”

“Very good class. Seems like you really “Yes ma’am because our last topic was
listened to me last meeting.” very interesting!”

“Today’s topic is interesting and fun to “We are excited for today’s lesson ma’am.”
learn as well.”

B. Developmental Activities

5. Motivation

“I will first show a video that will make

come up to an idea about what is going to “Yes ma’am.”
be our topic for todays’ meeting.”

“Alright. Did you enjoy watching the “Of course ma’am because it’s all about
video?” the planets.”

“Before our discussion, we still have (Students raise their hands)

another activity. I need 8 pupils to arrange
the eight plants according to their “Alright ma’am.”
distances from the sun using the planetary
mnemonic (My Very Educated Mother Just (The eight (8) chosen students will arrange
Served Us Nachos).” the planets according to their distances
from the sun)

“Very good class. You’ve done the activity

so well because you properly arrange the
eight planets. Always remember that
mnemonics because it will help you to “Yes teacher!”
memorize the planets in order.”
C. Lesson Proper

“With those activities, what do you think is “About the planets ma’am”
our lesson for today?”

“Very good. Another answer?” “About the Solar system teacher.”

“Excellent. So today’s topic is all about our

solar system. Have you ever looked up in (one student will answer)
the sky and wonder what was there? “We would love to see the outer space
Higher than the birds, passed the clouds, ma’am.”
seeing all the fascinating objects outside
the outer space.”

“Let’s imagine for a moment that we can

leave the earth behind and explore the “Sounds so fun teacher!”
solar system.”

“This is what the Solar System looks like.”

(The teacher will show a picture of the
Solar System)

(The teacher will show a picture of the sun)

“Hello there Mr. Sun.”

“We call it a solar system because
everything in it is centered around the sun
and solar means something to do with the
sun. Don’t you know that the sun is a star, “Is the sun as huge as the earth teacher?”
just like any of the stars that you can see
in the night sky, though many times closer
to us, still the sun is very very far away
from here.”

“Definitely not sweetie, the sun is 100

times larger than the Earth, in fact the sun
is the largest object in the solar system.”

More than that the sun is what holds the

solar system together, its massive gravity is
what keeps the Earth and all the other “Wow the sun is so powerful.”
planets circling around it instead of drifting
off in the space.”

“Let’s leave the sun now to explore the


“As we move away from the sun, the first

planet we will encounter is Mercury.”

(The teacher will show a picture of


“It doesn’t look like Earth teacher.”

“Yes because Mercury is the smallest planet

in the solar system, much smaller than the
Earth. Mercury is a lot like our moon “I wouldn’t want to go there.”
because it’s small with a rocky surface with
craters on it. It has no moon on its own
and no oxygen to breath, you probably
wouldn’t enjoy to visit mercury.”
(The teacher will show the picture of

“It’s so beautiful teacher!”

“Next is Venus the second planet. Some

“Venus is color orange-red. Is it hot there
people call Venus Earth’s twin because the
there teacher?”
two planets are very close in size and
gravity but they are very different on the

“Yes because Venus is the hottest planet in

“Oh it might be really hot in there.”
the solar system because of its thick
atmosphere of carbon dioxide helps it to
trap heat and there are also clouds of
sulfuric acid in it.”

“It maybe not fun to visit but it is very

“Because it has a very bright color ma’am.”
beautiful to look at because of its color.”

(Teacher will show picture of the Earth)

“The planet where we live! Planet Earth!”

“After Venus comes Earth, the third planet

from the sun. Ofcourse you know all about
Earth because that’s the planet where we

live. As far as we know it is the only planet

where there are living things because it is “The Earth is so beautiful. It’s so blue.”
the only planet that can support life.”

“Yes it has a lot of color blue because “Earth really has a lot of oceans!”
Earth's oceans cover about 70 percent of
the planet's surface which makes it color

“Let’s leave Earth for a moment again to

visit Mars.”

(The teacher will show a picture of Mars)

“It is color red ma’am.”

“Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. “Is it possible to live in Mars teacher?”
Mars is known as the Red planet because
iron oxide, a material like rust in the soil
gives it a reddish color.”

“There is water ice on Mars. Scientists are

very interested in Mars because they think “Planet Mars is quite interesting. I hope I
that people could live there with the help of could go there.”
some special equipment. But let’s still see it
in the near future if Mars really can support
“Jupiter comes next. The fifth planet from
the sun.

(The teacher will show a picture of Jupiter)

“Jupiter has a lot of colors.”

“Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar “How big Jupiter compared to the Earth
System. It is called a gas giant because it is ma’am?
really big and it is made mostly of gases.”

“Jupiter is so big that you will have to place “Wow that’s really huge!”
eleven Earths into it.

“Also Jupiter has at least 63 moons that “That’s a lot. Earth only have one.”
circles around it. One of its moon is the
largest moon in the solar system.” “Teacher what’s that spot on Jupiter?”

“That is the great red spot of Jupiter. It is a

giant storm.”

“After Jupiter comes Saturn, another gas

(The teacher will show a picture of Saturn)

“What is that circle around Saturn ma’am?”

“That’s Saturn’s rings. This planet is known

for its beautiful rings. Although they look
solid from a distance, the rings are actually
made from many many small ice particles
as well as rocks and dust.”

“Saturn also has 60 moons orbiting arouit.”

“That’s also a lot just like Jupiter.”

“After Saturn, here comes Uranus. The

seventh planet from the sun.”

(The teacher will show a picture of Uranus)

“It’s pure blue.”

“Uranus is another gas giant. Unlike other

planet in the solar system, it is tilted so
much that it actually spins sideways.”
“Uranus is covered with blue clouds made “Oh, that’s why it is color Blue because of
of methane which creates its lovely color.” its blue clouds made of methane.”

“Yes very good.”

“We are now down to the eight and last

planet from the sun. Very similar to
Uranus, this is Neptune.”

(The teacher will show a picture of


“The color of Uranus and Neptune are

quite similar.”

“Yes because like Uranus, it has methane

in its atmosphere that also looks Blue but
“Maybe Neptune has oceans too just like
Neptune has a darker blue color than
the Earth.”
Uranus, Scientists aren’t sure why.”

“There are no oceans in Neptune. Maybe

what makes it darker blue than Uranus is
“Oh, thanks teacher.”
its distance from the sun.”

“Neptune has the longest orbit of any

“That’s too long. Earth only need 365 and
planet in the solar sytem. It takes 165
¼ days to orbit around the sun.”
years to complete a single orbital period.”

“It’s really long, (student’s name).”

(Teacher will show a picture of Pluto)

“Now you may think that I forgot someone,

Pluto. Pluto was discovered last 1930 and
was listed as the ninth planet, as it was
studied longer, scientists had realized how “That’s why Pluto is not considered as a
small it is. In 2006, after 76 years being planet anymore.”
listed up as a planet, Pluto was declared as
a dwarf planet.”

“Yes. That leaves us with eight official

planets in the solar system.”

D. Generalization

“I hope you enjoyed exploring the solar “We enjoyed the topic so much ma’am. It
system with me today.” was so interesting to learn.”

“I know that you’ve learn a lot from this

days’ discussion. So let me ask, you what (Pupils raise their hands)
are the eight planets of the solar system?”








“Very good everyone. Let us clap our

hands. (Pupils clapping)

“Thank you. It is very important for

students to learn about our solar system
because it is where our planet belongs.”

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the best word to complete the

Mars Venus Sun

Earth Neptune

Mercury Uranus Jupiter

1. _____________________ is the largest planet in the Solar System.

2. The planet _____________ is the only planet that can support life.
3. _____________ is the planet known for its rings.
4. The smallest planet in the solar system is ________________.
5. _____________ is the hottest planet in the solar system because of its thick
atmosphere of carbon dioxide.
6. The __________ is the center of the solar system.
7. Planet ____________ is the only planet that tilts sideways.
8. Our planet Earth only have one __________.
9. Planet __________ is also called as the Red Planet.
10. _______________ has the longest orbit around the sun.

V. Assignment:
In your notebook, draw a diagram of the solar system from information
learned in the lesson and from your textbook.

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