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Vocabulary - Lord of the Flies

Chapter 1

clambering v climbing with difficulty

solemnly adv seriously

specious adj deceptive

enmity n ill-will; deep-seated hatred, state of being an enemy

decorous adj exhibiting approprite behavior or conduct

strident adj harsh and loud

clamor n loud din or outcr; great expression of discontent

mortification n feeling shamed or humiliated

loitered v stayed around without purpose or left slowly

bastion n stronghold or fortification

contemptuously adv behaving as though other people are inferior or useless

hiatus n a gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause

Chapter 2

smart v to feel a stinging pain

hindering v slowing down someone’s or something’s progress

induced v moved, influenced, or caused

conspiratorial adj describes two or more people joining together for an immoral reason

martyred adj suffering

ebullience n zestful or spirited enthusiasm

indignant adj describes being upset over something that is unfair

recrimination n the act of accusing someone who has previously charged you with wrongdoing

tumult n commotion of a great crowd; disorder

tirade n a long, angry or violent speech; a diatribe

Chapter 3

unheeding adj someone who is not paying attention

inscrutable adj not easily understood

vicissitudes n difficulties or hardships

contrite adj feeling sorrow or regret

Vocabulary - Lord of the Flies
compulsion n irresistible impulse or force

incredulous adj not believing or doubtful

tacit adj it is implied or believed without being spoken aloud

Chapter 4

discounted v ignored or doubted

subsided v sunk to a lower or normal level or became less active

belligerence adj an aggressive, stubborn atittude

impalpable adj something you can’t touch

taboo n a ban or prohibition, usually one that comes from a particular society’s customs

ravenously adv hungrily

implications n the logical conclusions of an action

malevolently adv doing something with ill will or intent

Chapter 5

perpetually adv infinitely or lasting for an indefinitely long period of time

apex n summit

reverence n a deep feeling of respect

ludicrous adj laughably and obviously absurd; foolish

ineffectual adj not enough to accomplish the task

effigy n representation

jeer v to abuse vocally; taunt or mock

lamentation n an audible expression of deep grief and sorrow

inarticulate adj unable to speak clearly and intelligibly

decorum n proper manners and good taste

mimicry n the act of imitating someone’s speech or behavior

Chapter 6

taut adj pulled tight

menace n a potential danger

interminable adj seeming without end

embroiled v involved in conflict

Vocabulary - Lord of the Flies
obscured v difficult to see

diffidently adv with hesitation and respect

mutinously adv unruly; insubordinate or constituting a mutiny

Chapter 7

curtly adv briefly and rudely

crestfallen adj dispirited and depressed; dejected

glowered v stared angrily

sagely adv wise

daunting adj discouraging

impervious adj it cannot be penetrated or affected

bravado n foolhardiness

enterprise n an undertaking or business organization; industrious

Chapter 8

rebuke v to criticize or reprimand sharply

sanctity n holiness; inviolability

demure adj modest

fervor n great intensity of emotion

reeking adj sending off a strong odor

illusive adj something that is an illusion, not really there

Chapter 9

interspersed v spacing things out at intervals

corpulent adj with a large, bulky body, rotund

derision n ridicule

sauntered v strolled

demented adj insane

superficial adj near the surface or insignificant

surged v billowed out or moved forward like waves

Chapter 10

torrid adj scorching

Vocabulary - Lord of the Flies
assimilating v taking in and integrating

dredged v unearthed

purged v cleaned; freed

compelled v forced or driven; exerted a strong, irresistible force on

exulting v rejoicing

Chapter 11

luminous adj emitting light; full of light; glowing

myopia n near-sightedness

sniveling v to sniffle; complain or whine tearfully

vitality n it has the power to live and grow

multitudinous adj consisting of innumerable parts

quaver v tremble; speak in a trembling voice

truculent adj aggressive, disagreeable

cessation n an ending

parried v deflected or warded off; avoided

talisman n an object believed to have magic power

Chapter 12

savoring v appreciating a taste or smell

acrid adj unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste or smell

rouse v to stir up or awaken

ululation n a howl

ensconce v to put in a safe place

cordon n a line of people or ships stationed to guard

simpleton n a person without good sense or lacking in intelligence

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