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aerialAstronomer, Thief of Space in the Land of Frogs and Spectrums

Lead Designer, Editor

pixelatedPeripatetic, Thief of Void in the Land of Cathedrals and Magnetism

Lead Writer, Editor

Homestuck RPG 1.1 Credits

umbralAeronaut, Forger of Void in the Land of Neon and Melody

cobaltKinesis, Seeker of Reason in the Land of Ghosts and Shadow

madLurker, Mage of Mind in the Land of Haze and Motion

apocryphalCartographer, Scribe of Time in the Land of Night and Circuits

schoolSpeedrunner, Seer of Doom in the Land of Shade and Relics

utilitarianTurnabout, Rogue of Light in the Land of Shrines and Quartz

daringHero, Scourge of Moments in the Land of Conflict and Derp

Last updated on
March 23, 2016


Homestuck RPG: Second Edition is presented under the Open Gaming License. See page 169 for the text of
the Open Game License. All game mechanics and statistics are to be considered Open Game Content. These
rules found their spiritual genesis in Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, a property of Wizards of the
Coast LLC. The intellectual property of Homestuck is the sole purview of Andrew Hussie, creator of All characters, character names, and canon art are copyrighted by Andrew
Hussie. The mention of, or reference to, any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to
the trademark or the copyright concerned.
Table of Contents
Introduction - - - 1 Exploring The Game Of Sburb - - - 104

Rules of Play - - - 3 The World of the Medium - - - 108

• 2d10 Core Mechanic
• Brutal Affronts & Grave Combat Encounters - - - 110
Skill Encounters - - - 112
• Communication
• Alchemy and Sylladices Player Death - - - 114
• Resistances
• Other Rules Companions - - - 115

Character Creation - - - 6 Bestiary - - - 119

• Character Title • Underlings
• Determining Statistics • Carapacians
• Character Advancement • Agents
• Classes • Consorts
• Aspects • Denizens
• Character Templates • Creatures
• Concatenation Oath • Universe Killers

Skills - - - 42 Prototyping Templates - - - 157

Servers - - - 44 Glossary of Terms - - - 164

Sprites - - - 46 Open Game License - - - 169

Sylladices & Gear - - - 48

Alchemy - - - 52
• Rarity
• Building Alchemy
• Alchemy Traits

Epic Boons - - - 75
• Class Paragon Statistics
• Aspect Paragon Statistics
• God Tier
• Signature Alchemy

Welcome to the Second Edition of the Homestuck RPG! Our names are Michael and Bobby,
dashing Thieves of Space and Void at your service. Over the past few months, we've been
hard at work updating, revising, and expanding the old Homestuck RPG 1.1 rules. We believe
that we have crafted a more user-friendly playing and GM'ing experience, while still
deepening the rules and mechanics and striving to stay true to the goofy-yet-serious-yet-
goofy spirit of Homestuck. Here's a list of what new things you can expect to find in this

All Canon Classes!

The four missing Classes from 1.1 (Rogue, Bard, Prince, and Maid) have been added, with full rule sets and powers.

Reworked Classes and Aspects!

All Classes and Aspects have been reworked in some way, with many receiving entire overhauls. For example, the Sylph
was a charging brawler in 1.1, but has now been turned into a more canon-compliant spritely combat medic. Particular
attention has been paid to using mechanics as a means of storytelling – mechanics that imply and reinforce ideas about
what the classes and aspects mean.

More Character Templates!

New Common Templates like Seadweller, Vampiric, and Addicted have been added, and there have been some minor
adjustments to a few older templates.

Concatenation Oaths!
Skaia's light is a transformative one. Starting at Level 4, you may be able to take a packages of extra traits that reflect some
aspect of your character, like Palemates, Disturbing Obsession, and Tentacle of Oglogoth. You may be able to work with the
DM to choose an Oath that fits your character, but the DM may also bestow a mandatory Oath upon you depending on how
you have been roleplaying your character.

Resistances and Elemental Damage!

Resistances and Elemental Damage are more prevalent in this edition, adding an extra dimension of strategy to battles.

More Skills!
Two new skills, Healing and Nature, have been added, bringing the total to an even... 12. Well, it's technically an even
number, I guess. In addition, what skills have been assigned to which classes and aspects has been tweaked to make more

Completely Overhauled Inventory Management!

The Sylladex system has been completely overhauled. Gone are the days of fuddling around with confusing card-based
systems. Instead of cards, items are now grouped in a series of tabs. Weapons can be drawn at will and using weapon
Encounter Powers causes you to switch to that weapon. Most importantly, there are a variety of fun new ways to access
your armor, trinkets, and other items in battle. 8 modi have been added, from the incredibly random Miracle Modus, to the
DC-based Array Modus, to rap battling for your items with the Rhyme Modus, playing blackjack against the DM with the
Game Modus, and more!

Completely Untouched Sprite and Server Combat!

Yeah, that stuff was pretty good so we didn't really mess with it.

More Alchemy Options!

Traits and powers for alchemized items have been expanded with some minor balancing tweaks here and there. All card-
based alchemy traits from 1.1 have been folded into the main traits pool.

So Many Common Tab Items Like Wow!

The Common Deck has been renamed the Common Tab, and is stuffed to the brim with nearly DOUBLE the amount of
items available in 1.1! Use everything from classics like the Pogo Ride to new items like nice, cooling Shaving Cream and
even powerful items like the Rings of Life and Void, the Fourth Wall, and a Pumpkin. Wait, what pumpkin? What are you
talking about?

High Level Content!

The game has been redesigned to extend to Level 15 for PCs, with scads of new high-level content and different interesting
progression paths for Level 10+ players to take. Oodles, even.

Claspect Paragons!
There are two new alternative high-level paths to going God Tier: Class Paragons, and Aspect Paragons. Each class and
aspect now has a specialized path for high-level traits, powers, and boons. I really can't stress how much new content there
is here – there are just so many neat powers and things, you'll want to play multiple campaigns just to try out all the flashy
new shit!

Signature Alchemy Now a Path!

Those who did not find what they were looking for in the roles Skaia imposed upon them may now instead follow a more
scientific path in higher levels. Signature Alchemy has been expanded from a one-time deal to a full high-level path,
allowing for three levels of Signature Alchemy, resulting in some truly monstrous gear, as well as some nifty bonuses and
traits, like expanded access to the Common Tab and the ability to completely disregard modi (moduses?) and just grab the
item you want, when you want.

Revamped God Tier!

The God Tier path has been greatly expanded upon. In addition to flight and your God-Tier Skill, you now gain a somewhat
handicapped Signature Alchemy, specialized weapons and armor, and can even snag a couple aggrievements from the
aforementioned Claspect Paragon paths! Plus, if you reach level 15, you and your DM can work together to craft the
Ultimate Fraymotif – a special Daily Power of monstrous strength, to make even the most horrific of monsters quake in fear.

Let Us Tell You About Homestuck!

In an attempt to make running the game more friendly for those with only a passing interest in or knowledge of Homestuck,
if at all, there has been more info about how the mechanics of Sburb works, including a revised guide to Exploring Sburb, a
new atlas to the various locations of the Medium, and a glossary for those of us who mix up our Alchemiters with our

Companion Characters!
We have added a new standardized way of creating friendly, helpful, combat-ready NPCs, from Consorts, to Carapacians,
to irritating Guardians, to even the odd friendly Imp or helpful Basilisk!

More Prototypings!
The list of Prototyping Templates for Scary Monsters (and Nice Sprites, if you have the Sprite Amulet) has been expanded,
with fun new additions like JPEG Artifacts, Sexual Anatomy, and A Goddamn Dragon.

Come and slam, and welcome to our highly expanded Monster Manual! Entries for a variety of Carapacians, Consorts,
Denizens, creatures, and even terrifying end-game Universe Killers, like Lord English or The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors,
have all been added, as well as a few tweaks here and there in the rest of the manual.

And Much More!

Well, not THAT much more, since I've already detailed all the important stuff, but the book is filled with tweaks, fixes, new
flavor text, and all sorts of fun goodies.

Have fun!

aerialAstronomer & pixelatedPeripatetic

Rules of Play
In many respects the Homestuck RPG runs off of the same basic system that underpins the 4th
Edition of Dungeons and Dragons on which it was based. Those rules shall not be
duplicated here; however the Wizards web site offers a free online Quick Start Rules
PDF that contains the entire rules framework needed. We will note only where
deviations from those rules exist. If you're looking to get into the Homestuck RPG fast, go
straight to page 9 where we have the basics for character creation and Alchemy laid out for you!

2d10 Core Mechanic

As in any RPG, there are many things you will likely attempt to accomplish where your
character's success or failure are in uncertainty. In order to resolve these actions, perform the
following sacred ritual: Take in hand two (2) of the venerable Decagons of Fate then cast them
upon your tabletop, preferably while intoning an oath or pledge seeking the favor of the Fickle
Ones. In simpler terms, roll 2d10, and add the relevant skill or attribute modifier. Compare
the total to a target number. If the number exceeds the challenge or defense, it is a
success. If the two rolled d10 dice have the same value (two 6s or two 1s for example)
then you have a potential Brutal Affront on your hands! See the next chapter for an
explanation of how to handle them.

Why 2d10?
The decision to go with Core Mechanic rolls of 2d10 rather then the much-loved 1d20 was not made lightly. It was a design
goal to capture the outrageous quirks of the MS Paint Adventures style, which include all manner of tragic pratfalls and
outrageous Brutal Affronts on the part of the protagonists as well as similarly upped antes by the opposition. Unfortunately,
adding another layer of critical randomness on top of the already fickle d20 was decided to be a dangerously unbalancing
act. Instead, a compromise: the stability of a 2-dice bell curve is juxtaposed against a 10% probability of critical effects that
include both good results and awful reversals of fortune. A side effect of replacing the d20 is that static bonuses to attack
and skills become much more powerful: you'll notice that in many of the class powers/traits that follow, +1 or -1 modifiers to
attacks and skills are the general rule rather then +2/-2. Above the curve of statistical probability it is harder to miss, and
below that curve it can be a real struggle to hit. Teamwork is paramount in the Homestuck RPG to keep your rolls in the high

BLUH!! I want my d20s back!

Okay, sure! If your gaming group wants to go with a traditional d20 for your core mechanic dice rolls, then try out the
following system. Have every player pick one d20 result of 9 or below, and another d20 result of 11 or above, to be their two
Brutal Affront die results (2 dice results out of a d20 = 10% chance of rolling such a result). Whenever a player comes up
with one of their two numbers, let them attempt a Brutal Affront confirmation using a 1d10 as normal!

Examples: Terezi picks her two critical dice to be a 4 and 13, because those are
the numerals of the blind prophets! Vriska likes the number 8 a little 8it too
much, so naturally she picks 8 as well as its multiple 16 for her critical die
scores. Dave thinks attaching significance to the numbers is pretty lame so he
simply picks 1 and 20. It would be pretty ironic to roll the lowest possible value
but turn it into a sudden success, or the highest value and still fail abjectly,
which would also be pretty ironic he supposes.

Brutal Affronts and Grave Blunders

When making Combat rolls, rolling doubles on your d10s offers you a potential for a Brutal
Affront... or perhaps just a Grave Blunder. You may choose to either accept the normal dice
result, or instead immediately make a confirmation dice roll, consisting of a roll of d10. If
the third d10 comes up as....
• Positive (5+) - Brutal Affront! Your attack is now a success, regardless of the original roll and
the defense being targeted. Apply maximum damage from the original attack, as if you
had rolled the highest score possible on your regular damage dice. If you are at least
level 2, then you may also apply the Brutal Affront benefit you gain from your class as well.
If you are level 6 or higher, then stack both of your Brutal Affront effects together to
determine what happens. Any bonus damage dice you gain must be rolled for normally.
• Negative (1-4) - Grave Blunder! Your attack is an unmitigated failure, regardless of the original roll
and the defense being targeted. If you are at least level 2, you take damage equivalent to your Brutal
Affront bonus (not the original attack) as well as any relevant effects. Remember that once you hit
level 6, your effects stack up, raising the stakes of failure as well.

In a Skill test, the rules are quite similar. Roll your confirmation, and then consult this chart:
• Positive (5+) Brutal Affront! - If your original roll was a success, you succeed more, perhaps

uncovering a spontaneous, tangentially related breakthrough or unlocking a side-challenge through a fluke of luck related to your
original effort. If your original roll was a failure, then you've somehow found the silver lining to the cloud: unlocking a parallel
course of action that might help circumvent the problem or a nearly-equivalent treasure unrelated to your original pursuit.
• Negative (1-4) Grave Blunder! - If your original roll was a success, you have succumbed to some sort of complicating side-effect
that renders your successful effort... less so. If your original roll was failure, then you have managed to render further
advancement in the effort you attempted impossible. Examples include breaking a vital tool, destroying clues, or enraging the
Weasel Ambassador beyond the point of rational discourse.

Note that you are never required confirm a Brutal Affront. If you decide that the potentially disastrous results of a Grave
Blunder are not worth the risk in your present circumstances, you may choose to simply accept the standard results of your
dice roll as if doubles had not been rolled. Simply compare the score to the target difficulty as normal and take a normal
success or failure. You must choose whether to make a confirmation roll before seeing the results of your action!

Make sure to keep in mind that when you apply your Brutal Affronts, you apply ALL of your Brutal Affronts! Your Class and
Aspect both provide one Brutal Affront as you level up, in addition to dealing maximum damage. This can work in your favor,
but it can just as easily ruin you, since you are also susceptible to the effects of both Grave Blunders!

The range keyword Communication, which you will find many times on the following pages, is intended to allow certain
powers to function in a cooperative role, even when the party is separated across long distances. Whenever you are
pestering somebody on the instant message application of your choice, close enough to hear each other shout, or simply
talking face-to-face, you are said to be Communicating, or able to Communicate, with that player. Communication requires a
two-way exchange of ideas: simply watching someone on a Trollian view screen does not in itself mean you are in
communication with them. Subsequently hassling their iShade chat client counts as Communication, assuming they are
willing and able to respond.

Alchemy And Sylladices

Alchemy and Sylladices are the replacement for Magic Items in D&D. There are two entire chapters devoted to these topics
later on, but for now there are just a couple important things to take away for them. Sylladex items represent items
contained in your data structure-based inventory system or discovered in your journey that become randomly available to
provide you with numerous different types of advantages. You and your friends in the game will possess Common Tab items
from a shared pool, but you will all also have your own individual Sylladices that represent your personal items, within which
you create the items for yourself.

Resistances are more common for players to have in the Homestuck RPG, most often from a Template but also through
Aspect abilities and Alchemy powers. Unless a specific type of attack is specified to be what you are resistant to, the
defensive bonus is applied to any and all damage that you take. For example if you have Resist 2, any effect that would hurt
you deals 2 fewer damage. Resistances do not stack unless otherwise noted… so you may normally only apply the single
highest possible Resistance that you have against an attack.

Other Rules
Action Points do not exist as such in the Homestuck RPG. Many Classes and Aspects grant a Boon that functions quite
similarly to the concept however.
Second Winds are handled slightly differently. They are a Minor action and grant hit points equal to your bloodied value
(there is no third “second wind” HP value to keep track of), but they are otherwise identical in function and still may be used
once in an encounter. The Homestuck RPG does not have Healing Surges to keep track of.
Aggrievement Power Range is assumed to be the range of the weapon currently equipped, except when noted otherwise. If
a power simply states that it is "Melee- or Rangedkind" without any other qualifiers, then whenever you use it with a Melee-
kind Abstratus, you may attack any creature in an adjacent space to you. If you use it with a Melee Abstratus that grants
Reach, you may attack any creature within 2 spaces of you. If you use it with a Ranged Abstratus, the power range is
identical to the range of the weapon you wield. If the power states that it is "Melee-kind (Close Burst 1)" or "Ranged-kind
(Close Blast 3)" then that power’s stated range takes precedence over the weapon's statline... wielding a Reach weapon
does not allow you to extend the size of a Close Burst or Blast, for example.
Short Rests are treated slightly differently in the Homestuck RPG. Since Healing Surges do not exist, when a group
performs a Short Rest, they heal ¼ of their hit points at the end of the Short Rest. A Short Rest (and the subsequent hit
point recovery) cannot be taken again for an hour. During a Short Rest, a character trained in the Healing Skill may make a
Healing check on a character that has taken damage in order to recover an additional ¼ hit points during that rest.

Character Creation
(For a Quick-Start Guide on Creating a Character, Leveling up your character, or working with Alchemy, go to Page 9)
Sburb finds it's way into numerous individual universes, resulting in countless kinds of players being summoned forth to aid
Skaia and complete it's innumerable and impenetrable mysteries. Whether you're a young human, eager to start playing the
new Beta you got in the mail, or an ambitious troll seeking to prove your skill in a hostile game, or even something more
bizarre, the world of Sburb has an opening for you. There are several steps required to develop your character:
1. Decide on an Exclusive Template (pg. 34). Your group and your GM should have a discussion about what kind
of Session you all want to run. Will you be humans, trolls, or something even weirder?
2. Determine your Title by rolling for your character's Class and Aspect (pg. 5). The instance of Skaia that you
access assigns each player who enters a seemingly 'randomized' title composed of two elements. Progress in the
game will reveal, however, that roles given are often strangely insightful. Very often it will seem as though the role
is assigned in order to directly challenge you or even cater to a strength of yours, but either way Skaia's purpose
seems to be to cause the players to experience some form of personal growth on their journey. This is a coming-of-
age story after all! For the purposes of the Homestuck RPG, we will go about this process in reverse by generating
your Title first and then iterating further character details out of that. Roll a 1d12 on your Title chart, and a 1d12 on
your Aspect chart in order to determine your role.
3. Assign Ability scores (pg. 6). Your ability scores describe your player's inherent abilities in four different areas
crucial to any Skaian adventurer, whether green skylark or seasoned rumpus-rustler: Mangrit, Pulchritude,
Imagination, and Acumen. The Title you previously rolled for will dictate your primary and secondary ability scores,
the other two must be assigned.
4. Determine your skills (pg. 42). Your Class and Aspect each grant you bonuses to specific skills, and you also
gain another +4 bonus to one other skill. If you like, you may consider these skills a reflection on a personal hobby
or pursuit from your character's life prior to their entry into the world of Skaia, and use them as cues to begin
fleshing out your idea of what your character is like.
5. Allocate a Kind Abstratus to your Strife Specibus (pg. 48). You'll need to arm yourself for protection as you
travel the many deadly worlds awaiting you, so at this point you should take stock of your abilities and choose
some form of weaponry that complements your fighting style. Be wary of the fact that in a world dominated by the
capricious rules of the Captchalogue system, it is much more difficult then you might imagine to simply switch
between a variety of different weapons willy-nilly. Until you can upgrade your Strife Portfolio you’re stuck with your
one choice, so you'd better pick wisely.
6. Select an Armor type and Common Tab Items (pg. 50). Every adventurer needs supplies to stay protected and
prepared. Make sure to choose an armor type to use from Light, Medium, and Heavy varieties. You ought to also
choose two Common Tab Items, which are basic items that offer flexibility and dependability in small packages.
7. Pick a Sylladex Modus (pg. 50). Every player character in the Homestuck RPG is afforded a simple and easy-to-
use inventory management system. Wait, did we say simple and easy-to-use? Not exactly... Every Modus has
options to it, so choose wisely!
8. Decide on a Common Template (pg. 35). While not required, it can make things more interesting when your
character has some unusual feature specific to them. You have numerous choices, from telepathic powers, a
physical handicap, or even wings!
9. Fill out the rest of your numbers (pg 6). The Character Statistics chart at the bottom of this page will help you
complete the rest of the numbers on your character sheet. Keep in mind that Titles and Templates often have traits
that grant bonuses to a lot of statistics, so don't forget to keep an eye out for those!
10. So... just who are you? At this point you should sit back from your sheet, let your eyes unfocus a bit, and ponder
just what sort of strapping young lad or lass resides in between all of these numbers. While many of the classes
and aspects on the following pages will suggest details of a personality archetype or possible motivations for why
your character does what they do, these are only suggestions and should be re-interpreted or ignored in any way.

Character Title
The worlds generated by your instance of Skaia are constructed in order to challenge you. Your worthiness to accept the
ultimate treasure of the game is in question, and your very lives are the stakes! Fortunately, you have an edge. Each player
who enters Skaia through the portals of Sburb is granted a TITLE, which is both a gift of power and a promise of further
greatness to come. In order to determine your Title, roll one d12 for your class and one d12 for your aspect and consult the
tables below for each result. These components represent (in part) the path of personal growth that Skaia has selected for
you. For example, a roll of 7 for your Class and 2 for your Aspect marks you as a Thief of Time.

Roll Class Roll Class Roll Class

1 Knight 5 Mage 9 Bard
2 Page 6 Seer 10 Prince
3 Heir 7 Thief 11 Maid
4 Witch 8 Rogue 12 Sylph

Roll Aspect Roll Aspect Roll Aspect
1 Space 5 Blood 9 Rage
2 Time 6 Breath 10 Hope
3 Doom 7 Mind 11 Light
4 Life 8 Heart 12 Void

Your GM, if they are feeling particularly kind, may give you a chance to re-roll one of the rolls if you disliked your initial
result, or perhaps instead allow you to choose your Title outright. No matter what, the ways of Skaia are mysterious and part
of the journey is learning to reconcile the occasionally bizarre choices of the game with your own path. With that said if two
or more players end up with the same Class or Aspect it is probably good grounds to seek a re-roll. Those should be unique
to all players. A more diverse set of players will be better able to combine their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses!

Determining Statistics
Physical strength, stamina Presence, Force of will


Reflexes, Intuitive thinking Intelligence, reasoning

Unlike the common 6-attribute system, the Homestuck RPG uses a 4-attribute character system (pictured above!). Place an
18 in your Class primary attribute, and a 16 in your Aspect primary attribute (look at the Class and Aspect entries on the
following pages to determine what attributes these are). Classes allow you to choose between two attributes, so make your
choice before calculating your statistics. If your Class and Aspect both have the same primary attribute score, place a 20 in
that attritube and then an 8 in one other attribute of your choice. Either way you will now have two remaining ability scores
that are empty. You have the choice of two differing ability score arrays for the final two numbers.

Choice 1: “Balanced” Choice 2: “Specialized”

12 and 10 14 and 6

Most often, you will be using the modifier of your attribute scores to help determine success or failure of your attacks and
actions. Look at it this way; an ability score of 10 is dead average. At ability score 10, there is no inherent bonus or penalty
being applied to your efforts. Therefore the modifier for that ability is a 0. For every two points above 10 your ability score is,
you gain a stacking +1 modifier to any related rolls. So, for example, an ability score of 18 grants a +4 modifier to all attacks
and skills related to that ability score.
If your score in an attribute should place you at a number lower then 10, the exact same logic applies in reverse. A score of
8 gives a -1 penalty to any skills or attacks related to that ability score, while a 6 grants a -2 penalty. Once you have rolled
for all of your attribute scores, you are now ready to derive the secondary values for the rest of your mathematical statistics.
Use the section on Character Statistics below to see how this works.

Character Statistics
• 1st level Hit Points: Your Mangrit attribute value + Pulchritude value. Note that this is one of the only places
where it is your full score and not simply your modifier that is counted! (ie. Mgt 16 and Plc 12 = 28 starting HP)
• Hit Points per level gained: 2 + the higher of your Mangrit or Pulchritude modifiers (ie. From the above example,
a Mgt of 16 [+3 modifier] means that the character would gain 5 additional hit points per level).
• Fortitude defense: 10 + your level + your Mangrit modifier.
• Reflex defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Imagination or Acumen modifiers.
• Will defense: 10 + your level + your Pulchritude modifier.
• Armor Class: 10 + your level + armor bonus + Auto-Parry (if applicable); if wearing light armor, add the better of
your Imagination or Acumen modifier.
• Speed: 6 (+ or - modifiers from your Armor and Class)
• Initiative modifier: the better of your Acumen or Imagination modifier + your level + other modifiers.

Character Advancement
When your character first enters the Medium, they will find themselves placed into your Land, a world that has been in
anticipation of their arrival for some time. You, and by extension your session's fellow players, are the prophesied Heroes of
your respective Lands. The nature of your personal "quests" in that world may vary wildly according to the occasionally non-
sequitor logic of Skaia's formulaic world construction. However, there are certain predictable patterns at work. The
components of your Title are significant clues. The first section of your title, the Class, is the most simple. Whether
knowingly or unknowingly, most players fairly quickly find themselves stepping into the patterns of the Knight or the Seer as
predetermined by their personality and various circumstances, all somehow foreseen by the powers that sustain Skaia. The
second portion of your title, the Aspect, is generally more abstract and takes more time in the game to manifest. However
they represent the most supernatural and most powerful abilities at your disposal, and are also the most closely-tied to the
grand destiny you must fulfill to take hold of the grandest treasure that Skaia has to offer.
Boondollars Level Title Benefit
0 1 - Gain traits and choose two Aggrievements from your Class
- Gain Class and Aspect skill bonuses.
75,000 2 - Brutal Affront benefit from class
- Create your first Alchemy item
150,000 3 - Class Boon
250,000 4 - Gain trait from Aspect
- Gain access to Concatenation Oaths
- Gain a +1 bonus to two Ability Scores
350,000 5 - Fraymotif from Class
- Retraining option
500,000 6 - Brutal Affront from Aspect
650,000 7 - Aspect boon
900,000 8 - Choose an Aggrievement from either Class or Aspect
- Gain a +1 bonus to two Ability Scores
1,200,000 9 - Fraymotif from Aspect
- Retraining option
1,500,000 10 - Choose an Epic Boon
1,900,000 11 • God-Tier
• Signature Alchemy
2,400,000 12 • Aspect Paragon
3,000,000 13 • Class Paragon
3,700,000 14
4,500,000 15
As a 1st-level character, the majority of your power is defined by your natural talents and abilities, represented as skills and
ability scores, as well as your Class, which represents rudimentary fighting styles and techniques that become gradually
more deeply ingrained the further you adventure. As you continue to adventure however, you will discover that more and
more your abilities are enhanced by the ever-expanding roster of Alchemy items that you create as well as the blatantly
supernatural abilities bestowed upon you by the awakening Aspect within you.
At 10th level, a character in the Homestuck RPG has about 60% of his or her potential represented by their Class, Aspect
and Epic Boon, and/or the powerful Sylladex items they have created.

What is up with Boondollars?

Boondollars are a form of Skaian game currency that have absolutely no legitimate use, aside from paying off the
occasional parking citation and screwing with your Land's economy for fun and (dubious) profit. In the Homestuck RPG they
serve as a measure of your level advancement functioning like experience points. If you should feel the need to somehow
dispense with your Boondollars in some frivolous way go ahead... just use the aggregate of your personally earned
Boondollars to date with regards to your character's advancement (not counting any expenditures or additions).
Gaining Levels
Every time your character level increases, your Level Bonus improves. Your Level Bonus is a measure of your overall
ability and skill level. The Level Bonus effects most of the things you do. It is a part of your defense scores, attack bonuses,
the damage of several attacks, your initiative and skill check modifiers. The bonus itself is a reflection of your Character
level; a 5th level Heir of Heart will have a Level Bonus of 5.

As indicated on the Title benefit section of the Character Advancement chart, you also gain benefits from your Class and
Aspect at various points as you gain levels. You begin with two Aggrievements chosen from among the options in your
Class. At second level you gain the Brutal Affront benefit from your Class. At third level you gain the Boon from your class,
and so forth. These Title benefits are explained in detail on the Class and Aspect pages that follow. Don’t forget to increase
your Hit Points every time you gain a level; in accordance with the Character Statistics chart two pages back.
There is a later chapter on Alchemy in which the process of building your alchemized item items is explained in more detail,
but for now the important thing to remember is that you receive a certain number of Alchemy Points every time you level up,
in order to represent the Grist collected from defeating Underlings. You must spend all of your Alchemy Points at once every
time you gain a level, as they may not be hoarded! It may be helpful to plan out your Alchemy one level in advance so that
you do not need to call a stop to the action as soon as your characters attain a new level. One benefit listed on the
Character Advancement chart is that at 4th and 8th Level, your character increases their Ability Scores, adding +1 to two
scores. Thus, a character with an 18 in Mangrit and a 16 in Imagination could apply their bonus, increasing those totals to
19 and 17 respectively. Finally, players may gain access to Retraining, which allows you to change your Aggrievement
choices. Once at 5th and 9th Level you have the option to change one of the choice of Aggrievements you previously made
if you are not satisfied with the way an ability is working for you. You do not have to Retrain if you do not wish to.

Example: John Egbert, who is an Heir of Breath, chooses the Aspect aggrievement 'Descend'
at 8th level, to go along with his two prior choices of 'Guarding Strike' and 'Gritty
Stance' that he made at 1st level. He discovers that he is using 'Descend' quite a bit and
it has become his primary method of attack in place of the 'Gritty Stance' attack, so at
level 9 he decides to retrain and remove 'Gritty Stance' in favor of 'STRONG Stomp' to
diversify his power set-up, justifying the new attack as just another differing
manifestation of his Windy Thing powers.

At level 10, you will have to make a choice of Epic Boon. This is the point when most players have to determine if they will
ascend to the God-Tiers or instead remain regular players! How the story has gone so far will certainly go some distance to
dictate this decision, but your play-style will certainly influence the decision as well. Epic Boons are described in full detail
on page 74.
oh i see you opted to chat up one of those dbags
instead of talk to the guy who saved you from a
swirling shitstorm of angry flaming wizards
i was worried your priorities might have been out
of whack but no i was dead wrong
- Dave Strider

Quick-Start Character Creation
For those people in a rush, those who don't have time to read up on all the rules of the game, or simply those who are ready
to dive headfirst into it, use this Quick-Start Guide to Character Creation, Leveling Up, and Alchemy.

Character Creation
1. Your group should have decided on an Exclusive Template to share together. Apply that Template, or one from the list that
applies more to your character. Exclusive Templates can be found on page 34.
2. Determine your Class and Aspect to form your Title. You can either do this by rolling from the lists provided on page 5 or by
choosing two yourself. Make sure to avoid sharing Classes and Aspects with other players. Classes can be found on page 10
and Aspects can be found on page 22.
3. Next, assign your Ability Scores. These will determine most of your statistics, and are determined by your Title. You can find
information on assigning Ability Scores on page 6.
4. Once your Ability Scores are set, you can determine your Skills. You are Trained (gain a +4 bonus to a Skill) in three Skills, two
of which are determined by your Class or Aspect. The last one Skill is determined by rolling for it or by deciding on it yourself.
More information on Skills can be found on page 42.
5. Now, allocate a Kind Abstratus to your Strife Specibus, or more simply, you must choose a weapon. Weapons in Homestuck
work in sets that you can expand upon, but you start out with only one set, which you must decide upon initially. More information
about your Strife Specibus can be found on page 48.
6. Pick your Armor and Common Tab Items. Information on Armor can be found on page 50 and information concerning Common
Tab Items can be found on page 64.
7. Choose a Sylladex Modus. Information on the Sylladex can be found on page 50.
8. The last big decision concerning the start of your character is whether or not to take on a Common Template. A variety of
options exist, like telepathic powers, handicaps, physical additions and even undeath. Information on Common Templates can be
found on page 35.
9. You can finally fill out the entirety of your Statistics now that the heavy lifting is done. Use your Attribute Scores, Templates,
Traits, Weapons, Armor, and other character features to complete your stats and flesh out your character. Use the equations on
page 6 to get your final totals and finish your character.

Character Advancement
1. The first thing necessary in the process of leveling up is increasing your Level Bonus. Your Level Bonus affects many features of
your character, so increasing it by one every time you level up is vital.
2. Equally important is increasing your Hit Points. Your Hit Points go up by a certain value every level, with that value being 2 + the
higher of your Mangrit or Pulchritude modifiers. Simply add that value on top of your existing Hit Points and you should be ready
to go.
3. With every level, your character gains more features and options to develop and become stronger. These include additional
Traits, Fraymotifs, Retraining, Ability Score Increases, access to Concatenation Oaths, and even Epic Boons at high
enough Levels. What new features you're eligible can be found on the Character Advancement table on page 7.
4. With every level, your character earns more Alchemy Points, which allow them to create more advanced and dangerous
weapons, armor and tools. A player gains Alchemy Points equal to their level – 1. More information about Alchemy can be found
on page 52.

Creating An Alchemy Item

1. Before making the item, you must decide whether you are building a Weapon Item, an Armor Item, or a Trinket Item. Weapons
serve as your means of attack, Armor serves to defend you from injury, and Trinkets offer you powers and special abilities. You
must also be aware of your Alchemy Point total before making items. Remember, you must spend at least .5 points per item!
2. Next, you must determine how you will be applying your points. Weapons, Armor, and Trinkets all have different pieces to them
that require point purchases. With Weapons, you can purchase Collectible Traits, which grant constant bonuses while using that
weapon, and Power Traits, which grant strong improvements to a weapon's Power. With Armor, you can also purchase
Collectible Traits and Power Traits. However, Powers do not come automatically with Armor, and you must make them by
purchasing an Activation Trait in addition to a Power Trait. Finally, with Trinkets, you may purchase a Power Trait and an
Activation Trait, but you must also purchase a Duration Trait to determine how long the effect lasts.
3. Once you have decided what sort of item to make and what parameters need to be filled, you may begin spending points.
Green Traits offer bonuses at the cost of points, black Traits are free but tend to not offer much effect, and red Traits often carry
negative effects while offering you a refund of points if you choose to take one.
4. Finally, once you've selected your Traits and are certain you're within your Point budget, you may assemble the item. Be sure to
name your Alchemy Item, list what sort of objects you used to create it, and create an Encounter Power if your item has one.
Don't forget to record what traits you purchased for the Item in question, in case you decide to upgrade or remake the Item.

Knight (Defender)
As a Knight, you exploit your aspect for the good of your friends. Your sword is both a weapon of
destruction and a shield to your allies. You may not always be upfront with those around you, but you
truly care for your friends and would do anything to help them. Plus, its not like it’s your fault
enemies seem to gravitate towards you - all these motherfuckers wanna be you.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Imagination

Skill: It’s Time To Get Ripped - Gain a +4 bonus to Athletics Checks
Traits: Knight's Training - Gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
All Eyes On Me - Upon a successful hit against an enemy, that enemy is now marked until the end of your next turn. Whenever a
marked enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack
against that target as an Immediate Interrupt.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Mad Hacks Yo - The attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target suffers a -1 penalty to attack until the end of its
next turn, and a further -1 penalty if it doesn't include you as a target with any attacks it makes during that time. (Grave Blunder: You take
1d10 damage and suffer -1 to attack until the end of your next turn, and an additional -1 penalty if you don't attack the same target you
Blundered against.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)

Welcome to Nam Flattery Gets You Nowhere

Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Standard action – At-will Melee-kind

Target: One creature Target: One creature

Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage. Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage, and if the target
was marked by you before this attack, it is knocked prone.
Effect: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

The Buck Stops Here Knights Into Reams

Standard action – At-will Close Burst 2 Immediate Interrupt – Encounter Close Burst 2
Target: One creature Trigger: A target you have not marked makes a successful attack
roll against an ally within the burst radius.
Attack: Mgt/Img + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage Target: The enemy whose attack triggered this power
Effect: The target is pulled one square to a square adjacent to you. Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
If the target was marked before this attack, deal an additional 1d6
damage to them. Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage, and the target is
dazed until the end of your next turn.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

It's Good To Be the Knight

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Personal

Trigger: An ally you can communicate with fails a skill roll or misses with an attack.
Effect: The ally may re-roll the skill or attack roll, and they gain 3 + your level temporary hit points.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Come at Me, Nookchompers!

Standard Action – Encounter Close Burst 2

Target: Three enemies in burst
Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage.
Effect: Any targets within the burst that are already marked by you may not attack anyone other than you until the end of your next turn.

Page (Defender)
You might not be the brightest, the strongest, or the largest, but gosh darn it, you have gumption.
While you aren't always aware of it, your tireless work and effort is an inspiration to everyone
around you. Despite what you sometimes think, your friends all look up to you, and if you manage to
believe in yourself, you will be capable of feats you would have never imagined. Even a Page can grow
up to lead an army.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Acumen

Skill: Gentle Soul - Gain a +4 bonus to Nature Checks
Traits: Hardened Body: Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude
Keep Trying!: Once per encounter, whenever you or an ally you can communicate with suffers a Grave Blunder, you may reroll
the confirmation roll with a +1 bonus and take that result instead.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Take a Page From My Book - The attack deals 1d6 extra damage and an ally of your choice within 10 spaces may
make a basic attack as a free action. (Grave Blunder: The target may make a basic attack as a free action.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
A Servant’s Honor We Will Not Go Quietly Into The Night!

Immediate Interrupt – At-Will Melee-kind (Close Burst 1) or Standard action – At-will Melee-kind
Ranged-kind (Close Burst 2)
Trigger: An ally in the burst is hit by an enemy's melee attack. Target: One creature
Target: The enemy whose attack triggered this power. Attack: Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision -1 vs. Fortitude
Attack: Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Acu modifier + your level damage, and either you or
one ally adjacent to you gains temporary hit points equal to 2 + your
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage and the target's attack misses level.
automatically, and you do not get a Standard action on your next
Special: This power may not be used if the triggering attack is a
Brutal Affront.

Words of Challenge Turn The Page

Minor Action – At-will Close Burst 5 Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature in burst Target: One creature
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked by you Attack: Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
until you use this power against another target. The first time the
target makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, it takes Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Acu modifier + your level damage, and the target is
damage equal to 3 + your level. dazed and takes a -2 penalty to their AC until the end of your next

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Try Some More!

Minor action – Encounter Communication

Target: One ally you can communicate with.
Effect: On their next turn, the target ally may gain a second Standard action in place of their Move action.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Oath of Resolve

Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Acu modifier + twice your level damage, and you or an adjacent ally may regain hit points equal to twice your level.
Effect: Each ally who can communicate with you gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and may shift 1 space as a Minor action until the
start of your next turn.

Heir (Defender)
Selflessness is never a trait you really connected yourself with - after all, thinking of your friends
first isn't selflessness, it’s what any good person would do, right? Besides, you do have a tendency
to be made the center of attention. You don't exactly seek the spotlight, but it does seem to be
thrust upon you rather often. With the help of your Aspect, however, you will grow strong enough to
withstand almost anything, AND protect your friends. Given enough time, you may even embody your
Aspect itself.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Pulchritude

Skill: Inherited Intuition - Gain a +4 bonus to Mysteries Checks
Traits: Strength of Character - Gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude
Determination - Whenever an enemy you are adjacent to shifts away from you, you may make an Opportunity attack against them,
and then shift one square. You may still only make one Opportunity attack between turns.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Warded Assault - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to one defense of your choice until
the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage and suffer -2 to one defense of the enemy’s choice until the end of your
next turn.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Guarding Strike STRONG Stomp

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – At-will Close Blast 3
Target: One creature Target: All creatures in Blast
Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Plc modifier + your level damage, and the next Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Plc modifier + your level damage, and the target is
attack that causes damage to you or an ally is reduced by 2 + your marked until the end of your next turn.

Shifting Stance Wrinklefucked

Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Plc modifier + your level damage and the target is
marked and knocked prone.
Effect: The next time the target of this attack moves or shifts away Effect: If the target is already marked by you before using this
from you, you may immediately shift adjacent to them and deal 1d8 power, all enemies adjacent to the target take your level damage.
damage to them.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Lead By Example

Free Action - Encounter Personal

Trigger: You or an ally who can communicate with experiences a Brutal Affront or Grave Blunder
Effect: The next time you would make an attack roll against a creature, you may immediately make a Confirmation Roll for a Brutal Affront
as though you had rolled doubles against the target.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Call The Shots

Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Mgt/Plc modifier + your level damage, and the target takes Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Effect: You gain Regeneration 5 until you reach your Maximum Hit Point total.

Witch (Controller)
Change has always been a part of your life, either by its constant presence, or its conspicuous
absence. Skaia’s guiding light has given you a chance to no longer simply be affected by change, but
to be an agent of it. The capacity to enact great change in the world around you is a true gift, but
you must remember to also be open to transformation yourself. If you can do this, truly unimaginable
power to reshape the very universe around you shall be yours.

Attribute: Imagination OR Pulchritude

Skill: Tell Me Everything - Gain a +4 bonus to Chumming Checks.
Traits: Brightest Witch of Their Age: Gain a +2 Bonus to Will
Flipendo! - When an enemy misses an attack against you, you may immediately slide it 2 square.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): According to My Research - The target and one other enemy of your choice within 5 spaces of it is weakened (save
ends). (Grave Blunder: You and one ally of the enemy's choice within 5 squares are both weakened until the end of your next turn.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Petrificus Totalus Shuffle Sigil

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action - At-will Area Burst 1 within Range
Target: One creature Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Img/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Img/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and the target is immobilized until Hit: 1[W] + Img/Plc modifier damage, and you may slide each
the start of your next turn. enemy in the Burst up to two squares.
Special: You may not use this power on the same target on your Special: If you confirm a Brutal Affront using this attack, you may
next turn. instead teleport each enemy in the burst up to five squares.

It's LeviOsa! Which Witch is Which?

Standard action – At-will Close Blast 5 Standard Action - Encounter Close Burst 5
Target: One creature or object, up to 500 lbs. Target: 3 unoccupied spaces within the burst
Attack: Img/Plc + your level + weapon precision – 1 vs. Will Effect: You place three illusory copies of yourself within five
squares. You then immediately become invisible until the end of your
Hit: Target is lifted 20 feet into the air until the start of your next next turn. The copies are controlled by you and fall behind you in
turn. You may use a Free action to either drop or lower the target at Initiative order but can do nothing but take Move actions. A copy will
any time. You may spend a Move action while this power is active instantly disappear when hit, dealing 1d8 + your level damage to the
to move the target your speed both horizontally and vertically. You attacker. An enemy cannot pass through the square a copy
take -2 to all of your defenses while this power is active. occupies, and the copy functions for the purposes of flanking. The
Sustain: You may spend a Standard action each turn to sustain illusory copies disappear at the end of the encounter.
this power. At the start of your turn you must make a Attack Roll
against the target's Will to sustain this power.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Do You Believe In Magic?

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Communication

Target: You or one ally you can communicate with
Trigger: You or an ally is pushed, pulled, slid, or teleported by an adjacent enemy
Effect: The target may make a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy. You then slide the enemy 5 squares.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Carpe Retractum

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 3

Target: All enemies in Burst
Attack: Img/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Img/Plc modifier + your level damage.
Effect: All enemies in the Burst are slid 2 squares, and then slowed (save ends). Any allies in the Burst gain a +1 bonus to Speed until the
end of their next turn.

Mage (Controller)
Knowledge is power, and you have the power. Your childhood was likely spent in study, in wonder and
fascination about things known and unknown. But while you fed your mind, you did not neglect your
body. Whether it be physical, via psionic powers, or some other method, you are as strong in body as
you are in mind. Your knowledge and keen intellect will help in unlocking the mysteries of Skaia, just
as it will inform your body how to best protect yourself and your friends from lurking dangers.

Attribute: Imagination OR Mangrit

Skill: Access to Gamefaqs - Gain a +4 bonus to Skaian Lore Checks
Traits: Library Walls: Gain a +2 Bonus to Will
Pushing the Limits: You may spend a Minor action each turn to extend the range of any of your powers that use Bursts or Blasts by
1 square.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Overwhelming Intellect - The attack deals 1d10 damage and the target grants combat advantage until the start of
your next turn. (Grave Blunder - You take 1d8 damage and grant combat advantage until the start of your next turn.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Hit Its Weak Spot For Massive Damage The Flaw In The Plan

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind (Close Blast 2) or
Ranged-kind (Area Burst 1
Target: One creature within Range)
Attack: Img/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Target: All creatures in Burst or Blast
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and the target gains Vulnerability 5 Attack: Img/Mgt + weapon accuracy + your level vs. AC
to two types of damage of your choice, or Vulnerability 2 to all
damage until the end of your next turn. Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and if a target makes an attack
against you before your next turn, you take only half damage. You
may only take half damage from one attack.

Scramble The Board Swords Into Plowshares

Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind (Close Blast 3) or Standard action – Encounter Melee-kind (Close Blast 2) or
Ranged-kind (Area Burst 2 within Ranged-kind (Area Burst 1
Range) within Range)
Target: All creatures in Burst or Blast Target: All creatures in Burst or Blast
Attack: Img/Mgt + your level + 1 vs. AC Attack: Img/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and you slide the target 1 square. Hit: 1[W] + Img/Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target
takes a -2 penalty to attack until the end of your next turn.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Keep Both Eyes Open

Free Action - Encounter Personal

Effect: Before the encounter begins, you may either add a +5 bonus to your Initiative roll, or not be caught Surprised.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)


Standard action - Encounter Melee-Kind (Close Burst 2) or Ranged-kind (Area Burst 1 within
Target: All creatures in Burst or Blast.
Attack: Img/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Img/Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

Seer (Controller)
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. A wise-man once said that - you think
it was Mark Wahlberg, famed poet and primate enthusiast. Yes, you are sure it was Mark Wahlberg. And
Marky Mark was certainly correct - while knowledge is indeed important, and you have plenty of it, it
is the imagination to utilize that said knowledge that defines a true genius, and imagination you have
in spades. While sometimes your layers of machinations and ingenious plots can make it hard for others
to connect with you, you care deeply for your funky bunch, and do everything within your power to not
just keep them safe, but make it so harm never even comes their way.

Attribute: Imagination OR Acumen

Skill: See Right Through You - Gain a +4 bonus to Insight Checks
Traits: Mental Fortress - Gain a +2 bonus to your Will
Piercing Intellect: Whenever you make a successful attack or skill roll against an enemy, you may grant a -1 penalty to that enemy's
attack rolls against you, which may stack up to a maximum penalty of -3. The penalty disappears at the end of the encounter.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Sting of Sight - The attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target loses its next Move action. (Grave Blunder: You
take 1d10 damage and lose your next Move action.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
You Shouldn't Do That... Vigilant Observation

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Move action – At-will Close Burst 2
Target: One creature Target: Three creatures in Burst
Attack: Img/Acu + weapon precision + your level vs. AC Effect: Until the end of your next turn, all targets take a -2 to all
defenses and all attack rolls.
Hit: 1[W] + Img/Acu modifier damage.
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, any creature that starts their Special: You may not use this power again until the start of your next
turn within two squares of you takes automatic damage equal to turn.
1d6 + your level. At 7th Level, you instead deal 2d4 + your level.

Obey My Will Tricky Deduction

Standard action – At-will Close Blast 3 Standard action – Encounter Close Burst 2, or Area Burst 2
(Ranged 10)
Target: Three creatures in Blast
Attack: Img/Acu + your level vs. Will Target: All creatures in Burst
Hit: 1[W] + Img/Acu modifier damage. If the target is subject to a Attack: Img/Acu + your level vs. AC
Brutal Affront during this round or the next round, the target is
immobilized (save ends). Hit: 2[W] + Img/Acu modifier + your level damage.

Special: If you confirmed a Brutal Affront using this power, all Effect: The target grants combat advantage (save ends).
targets lose their next Standard action.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Educated Guess

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Personal

Trigger: You or an ally fails a skill or attack roll.
Effect: You may immediately add a +2 power bonus to the triggering roll. If the roll still does not succeed, the target gains Resist 5 until
the start of their next turn.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

You've Activated My Trap Card

Standard action - Encounter Ranged or Melee-kind

Target: Three creatures in range
Attack: Img/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Img/Acu modifier + twice your level damage, and all squares adjacent to and occupied by the target become Difficult terrain
for enemies for the rest of the encounter.

Thief (Striker)
You want it all, and you want it now. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person - you just recognize that
there’s a lot of shit out there in the world, and you own an unfairly small portion of it. You tend to
be a bit of a loner, and have no problem going up against a big brute single-handedly - bigger targets
are easier to hit, and they’ll never see you coming anyway. That doesn’t mean you only think about
yourself - in fact, you could say you practically carry the team. You do care for your friends, but
someone’s got to show them how a real Hero gets things done, and as usual, it’s up to you.

Attribute: Acumen OR Imagination

Skill: Walk the Shadows - Gain a +4 bonus to Stealth Checks
Traits: Artful Dodge - Gain a +1 bonus to your Reflex and a +1 bonus to your Speed
Sneak Attack - Whenever you successfully attack an enemy granting combat advantage to you, you deal additional damage with
that attack. At Level 1, you deal 1d6 additional damage. At Level 5, you deal 2d6 additional damage. At Level 10, you deal 3d6
additional damage. You may only apply this damage to one attack during your turn.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Show You My Stabs - The target takes an additional 1d10 + your level damage and grants combat advantage to you
(save ends). (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 + your level damage and grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Scorpion's Strike Smooth Criminal

Minor action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Special: You may only use this power once per turn. Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Hit: 1[W] damage. Effect: For the rest of the encounter, each time you hit the target
you slide it 1 square.
Miss: You may not use this power again until the end of your next

Greased Lightning Savage Aggrievance

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC, two attacks
Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Img modifier + your level damage, and the target Effect: If you have moved more than 4 spaces from your starting
grants combat advantage to you until the start of your next turn. position before making this attack this turn, you may target Reflex
rather than AC with this attack.
Hit: 2[W] + Acu/Img modifier + your level damage

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)


Free action – Encounter Personal, Communication

Trigger: You fail a skill roll or miss with an attack.
Effect: One ally you can communicate with may immediately make a melee basic attack or attempt a skill roll as a free action with a +1
power bonus to the attack or skill roll.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Flawless Organ Strike

Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One enemy
Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC; roll the attack twice and choose which result to use.
Hit: 3[W] + Acu/Img modifier + twice your level damage, and the target falls prone.

Rogue (Striker)
You’re not gonna lie - you like stuff. And things. Stuff and things. You love the thrill of the hunt,
of seeking out and finding rare items. You just… you aren’t as into the whole “collecting” thing. Vast
hoards of treasure aren’t really your style - you’d much rather share what you’ve stolen with your
friends. That’s really all there is to say about you - you’re a simple person with simple needs: the
basic necessities for yourself, the world and more for your friends, and the darkest reaches of hell
for anyone who tries to get in your way.

Attribute: Acumen OR Pulchritude

Skill: I See The Shiny - Gain a +4 bonus to Perception Checks
Traits: Catlike - Gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex
Share The Wealth - Whenever you successfully attack an enemy granting combat advantage, one ally within 5 squares of you gains
temporary HP equal to your level. You may only apply this damage to one attack during your turn.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Expose The Weakness - The target takes an additional 1d10 + your level damage and is immobilized (save ends).
(Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 + your level damage and are immobilized until the end of your next turn.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Sly Concussion Ghostly Strike

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Plc + your level damage, and the target is either Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Plc modifier + your level damage, and you may shift
slowed or weakened until the end of your next turn. a number of squares equal to your Class Ability modifier and make a
Stealth check to become hidden.

Frigglish's Pounce Conquer Through Confusion

Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – Encounter Close Burst 2
Target: One creature Target: Two enemies in Burst
Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC, two Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] and the target grants combat advantage until the end of Hit: 2[W] + Acu/Plc modifier + your level damage
your next turn.
Effect: For each target you hit, choose for them to either be blinded
or dazed. You must choose a different status condition for each
target. The condition lasts until the end of your next turn.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Leave A Calling Card

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally is attacked by an enemy.
Effect: If the attack successfully deals damage, it instead only deals half damage. The target of this power may immediately shift their

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Slippery When Threat

Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Acu/Plc modifier + twice your level damage, and you can shift a number of squares equal to your Acu/Plc modifier
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time the target enters a square adjacent to you, you may immediately deal 1d6 damage to
that target.

Bard (Striker)
You've always been kind of an oddball among your friends. Your hobbies and actions have baffled and
mystified the people around you, and in the world of the Incipisphere, that is no different. From one
battle to the next, you alternate from a complete mess to an Underling-destroying machine. Either way,
your actions invite and inspire consequences no one can truly perceive until everything falls upon
them, like an ocean wave.
Attribute: Acumen OR Mangrit
Skill: Court Jester - Gain a +4 bonus to Acrobatics Checks
Traits: Slow Dance with Death: Gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex
Procrastination: Every time you miss an attack, you get +2 power bonus to your next attack roll.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Why So Serious? - You may charge another enemy in range as a Free action. Your movement during the charge
does not provoke Opportunity attacks. If there is no qualifying target in charge range, your attack instead deals 1d10 extra damage to the
target. (Grave Blunder: The target may make a melee basic attack against you for free).

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Balancing Act Combat Trapeze

Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind Standard action - At-Will Close Burst 2

Target: Two creatures Target: Three creatures in Blast
Attack: Acu/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex, two Attack: Roll a 1d20 for each target in the blast. A roll of 8 and higher
attacks results in a successful hit. A roll of 7 or less results in failure. Do not
count the benefits of Procrastination for this roll.
Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + your level damage per hit.
Special: You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + your level damage per hit
at the end of a charge.

Cartwheel Pirouette En Passant

Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind Standard Action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Acu/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + your level damage. Hit: 2[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + twice your level damage
Special: You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack Effect: You may shift up to 2 spaces and make this attack again
at the end of a charge. against a different target. You may not apply this effect on the new
Miss: Roll a 1d10. On a roll of 6 or better, deal 1[W] damage to the
target. On a roll of 5 or less, you may not use this power on your
next turn.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Loaded Dice

Free Action - Encounter Personal, Communication

Target: Yourself, one enemy or one ally in the Encounter
Trigger: The target makes a roll.
Effect: The target makes the roll again. You may apply either a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the roll.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Joker's Wrath

Standard action - Encounter Close Blast 3

Target: All creatures in Blast
Attack: Acu/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + your level damage per hit
Effect: For every hit, roll a 1d10, and apply (until the end of your next turn) the resulting condition to the target creature: 1 - Blinded; 2 -
Dazed; 3 - Deafened; 4 - Dominated; 5 - Helpless; 6 - Immobilized; 7 - Prone; 8 - Slowed; 9 - Stunned; 10 - Weakened.

Prince (Striker)
It’s an unfortunate but true fact; some people are simply better than others. Whether by birth or by
training, there are just some people who are more capable. You are one of these people. By training
your mind and body, you’ve become better than; better than anyone around you at slaughtering those
that stand in your way, and better than anyone at removing obstacles, even if they leave you
vulnerable for a time. No one ever said making progress was going to be safe, after all.

Attribute: Pulchritude OR Mangrit

Skill: Regal Disdain - Gain a +4 bonus to Trolling Checks
Traits: Swift Steps: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative
Royal Quarry: At the beginning of your turn, you may spend a Minor action to designate a nearby enemy as your Quarry. This
designation lasts until the Quarry is defeated or you designate a different target. Once per turn you may deal additional damage
when hitting your Quarry. At Level 1, you deal 1d6 additional damage. At Level 5, you deal 2d6 additional damage. At Level 10, you
deal 3d6 additional damage.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Devastation - The attack deals 1d12 extra damage and the target loses its next Move action. (Grave Blunder: You
take 1d12 damage and lose your next Move action.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Intimate Transgression Breaking The Shell

Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind (Close Blast 3) or Standard action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Ranged-kind (Area Burst 1 within
Range) Target: One creature

Target: Each creature in Burst or Blast Attack: Plc/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Attack: Plc/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + your level damage
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage Special: You may choose to deal an additional 1[W] damage to the
target. If you do so, you take -1 to all defenses until the end of your
Special: You may choose to deal an additional 1[W] damage to the next turn.
target. If you do so, you take an additional 1d6 damage whenever
you are hit by an attack until the start of your next turn.

Mutually Assured Destruction Kneel Before Me

Standard action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Will Attack: Plc/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage and the target gains Vulnerability 3 Hit: 3[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + your level damage.If the target takes
until the end of your next turn. At 7th Level the target gains damage from one of your attacks during your next turn, they are
Vulnerability 5 until the end of your next turn. knocked prone.
Miss: You take 1d8 damage and cannot use this power on your
next turn.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Success Begets Confidence

Free action - Encounter Personal

Effect: Once before the end of the Strife or Scrutiny, you may add +2 to one of your dice rolls before you make it. If this Boon is applied to
an attack roll and the attack roll succeeds, the attack deals additional damage equal to your level.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

The Consequences Of Hubris

Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + your level damage and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: You take Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Maid (Leader)
You’ve always had a knack for creation. Whether it was knitting, playing with building blocks, or
cooking, you always made stuff. When you entered this game, Skaia’s light illuminated the path for you
- second verse, same as the first. Only this time, you wouldn’t be merely creating with yarn or
eggshells or cheaply molded plastic, but the building blocks of the universe itself. You live to serve
- but whether you serve your friends, your own creative interests, or some third party is up to you.

Attribute: Pulchritude OR Acumen

Skill: Intelligent Streak - Gain a +4 bonus to Science Checks
Traits: Creator’s Boon: Gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Realize Aspect: At the start of every turn, you can spend a Minor action to create a physical manifestation of your Aspect. The
Realized Aspect can be placed within 10 squares of you, and once placed is immobile. The Realized Aspect can be used for
flanking purposes and enemies cannot pass through its occupied square. The Realized Aspect persists until moved or until the
encounter ends. You may only have one Realized Aspect out at a time.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Empowering Allegiance - The attack deals 2d6 additional damage and one ally within five squares gains 10
temporary hit points. (Grave Blunder: You take 2d6 damage and one enemy within five squares gains 5 temporary hit points.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Aspect's Sympathy Aspect's Empathy

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage, and you or an Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage, and you or an ally
ally within 3 squares of you regains additional hit points equal to within 3 squares of you gains a +2 bonus to their next saving throw
the 2 + your level. or against Opportunity attacks targeting you or your ally.
Special: You may use this power from either yourself or your Special: You may use this power from either yourself or your
Realized Aspect. Realized Aspect.

Aspect's Antipathy Another Brick In The Wall

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - Encounter Close blast 3
Target: One creature Target: All creatures in Blast
Attack: Plc/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc/Acu + your level vs. Will
Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage, and you or an Hit: 2[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage, and all creatures
ally within 3 squares of you makes a free basic attack. within the blast are knocked prone.
Special: You may use this power from either yourself or your Effect: For the rest of the encounter, whenever an enemy ends its
Realized Aspect. turn adjacent to you or your Realized Aspect, it is knocked prone.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

Watch Your Back

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Communication

Trigger: An enemy attacks an ally you can communicate
Effect: The ally being attacked gains a +3 bonus to all of their defenses. The bonus disappears when they attack or at the end of your
next turn.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Make Them Pay

Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC. Roll the attack three times.
Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage. For every hit after the first, add 1d4 damage.
Special: If you hit the target while you are adjacent to a Realized Aspect, add +1[W] damage and the target is now stunned until the end
of your next turn.

Sylph (Leader)
Whether it was with your words, your actions, or with more Hydrogen Peroxide than your guardian(s)
should have made available to a child of your age, making things better is something you’ve always
liked to do. And while it’s true that by now you have progressed in your healing abilities, this game
has allowed your mending expertise to grow even more. Whether it’s mending bodies, minds,
relationships, or the very stuff of reality, you’ve never felt as comfortable as you do now, swiftly
running around the battlefield, healing, mending, and patching up everything in your sight.

Attribute: Pulchritude OR Imagination

Skill: I Saw This On Grey's Anatomy - Gain a +4 bonus to Healing Checks
Traits: Sylvan Swiftness: +1 to Speed, +1 to Reflex
Angel of the Battlefield: When an ally is healed through your actions, you gain +1 to movement speed until the end of your turn.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 2): Leech Life - The attack deals 1d8 additional damage, and you and an ally regain 1d8 hit points. (Grave Blunder: You
take 1d8 damage and your enemy regains 1d8 hit points.)

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)
Übercharge The Sound Of Progress

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc/Img + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Img modifier + your level damage Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Img modifier + your level damage, and you or an ally
within 5 spaces of you gains hit points equal to 5 + your level.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any time you use a power
that grants hit points or temporary hit points to an ally, add hit
points equal to 2 + your level.

Hippocratic Wrath Healing Rant

Standard Action - At-Will Close Burst 2 (Melee-kind) Minor Action - Encounter Close Burst 10
Target: All creatures in burst Special: If this power's user is level 1 to 10, this power can be used
twice per encounter, but no more than once per round. If this power's
Attack: Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC user is level 11 or above, this power can be used three times per
Hit: 1[W] + Plc/Img modifier + your level damage, and all allies encounter, but no more than once per round.
within the burst may choose to either gain temporary hit points Target: One ally within this power’s range, or the user.
equal to 2 + your level, or to make a saving throw.
Effect: The target regains hit points equal to ¼ the target’s total hit
points (rounded down) + your level.

Boon (Lv. 3) (Gain the following power)

But It Is Not This Day!

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Communication

Target: One ally you can communicate with.
Trigger: The ally fails a death saving throw
Effect: The ally rerolls their saving throw and gains a +2 bonus to the new roll.

Fraymotif (Lv. 5) (Gain the following power)

Physician-Assisted Homicide

Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Plc/Img modifier + twice your level damage
Miss: Half damage, and you fall prone
Effect: One ally within range may recover hit points as though they had spent their Second Wind, without actually spending it.

As a Hero of Space, your domain is that of one of the very stratum of reality - location,
substance, and where you exist on the spatial axis. It is also closely related to science,
and in general the STUFF that holds the Universe together and makes it do the things it

Attribute: Imagination
Skill bonus: Spatial Reasoning – Gain a +4 bonus to Science checks
Traits (lvl 4): Translocation - When you shift as a Move action during your turn, you may end your movement in another creature's space. If
you do so with a Medium or smaller being, they are immediately teleported into the space you just left. With a Large or larger
creature, slide it one square in a direction of your choosing, so long as it provides an empty space for you to occupy.
Existential Stability - Whenever you are hit by a power that would slide or teleport you against your will, you may choose to
make a saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds you are not affected by the slide or teleport.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Shift Molecules - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can teleport the target 5 spaces into an unoccupied
space (you may not teleport them into a hazard or over an empty space). (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage, and your target teleports
you 5 spaces with the same restrictions.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Twist The Fabric

Minor action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You may teleport up to 6 spaces and gain another Standard action in this turn. Until the end of your next turn you may teleport 1
space as a Free action whenever an enemy enters a space adjacent to you.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Thinking With Portals

Move action - At-Will Close Burst 10

Target: Two unoccupied spaces in Burst
Target: One enemy adjacent to one of the selected squares.
Attack: Img + your level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Img modifier + your level force damage, and the target is pushed 1 space away from the origin square.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies may choose to treat the two spaces as adjacent for the purposes of movement,
line of sight, and line of effect.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)


Standard action - Encounter Area Burst 3 (Ranged 10)

Effect: Each creature in the burst is either pushed or pulled (your choice per individual creature) 2 spaces relative to the origin square.
Target: Each creature within or adjacent to the origin square after the forced movement.
Attack: Img + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d12 + Img modifier + your level force damage, and the target falls prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

As a Hero of Time, your domain is that of one of the very stratum of reality - the future,
the past, moments, where (or more accurately, when) you exist on the temporal axis. It is
also closely related to music, keeping time, and the inexorable onward march of the aging
of the universe.

Attribute: Acumen
Skill bonus: Seen it All – Gain a +4 bonus to Mysteries
Traits (lvl 4): Rewind - Once per encounter when you make an attack or skill roll and fail, you may choose to use this class ability. If you do
so, you cancel all actions you have taken this turn, returning to your starting space if you moved and regaining the use of any
powers and actions you have expended. You may start your turn over from the beginning exactly as if nothing you did in the
intervening time had ever happened.
Disc Skip - When you shift on your turn as a Move action, you may shift one extra space.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Paradox Onrush - The attack deals 1d6 extra damage and you may create a Time Clone in an unoccupied space
within 5 spaces of you as a Free action, even if you do not have the Time Clone power. The Time Clone acts immediately after your current
turn is over. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 damage and are removed from play and unable to take any actions until the end of your next
turn. If your space is occupied when you return, you are slid to the nearest unoccupied space of the GM's choice.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Do It Yourself

Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You would be bloodied or be reduced to 0 hp by an enemy's attack.
Effect: You take half damage from the triggering attack and may create a Time Clone in an unoccupied space within 5 spaces of you as a
free action (even if you do not have the Time Clone power). This Time Clone acts immediately after the triggering enemies' turn, and then
disappears at the end of your next turn.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Time Clone

Standard action - At-will Close burst 5

Target: 1 unoccupied space in burst
Effect: You create a Time Clone of yourself in the target space. The Time Clone acts in the initiative order directly after you and can take
all the actions that you can take, except that it can't use Encounter powers, Daily powers, and Sylladex powers. Its statistics are the same
as yours, except that it has only 1 hit point. Your Time Clone disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or at the start of your next turn.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Me's A Crowd

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 3

Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Acu + your level + 3 vs. AC
Hit: 3d6 + Acu modifier + your level force damage.
Effect: The power creates a zone in a Close Burst 3 that moves with you. The zone grants cover to you and your allies, and any enemy
that willingly leaves a space within the zone triggers a free melee basic attack from you as an Opportunity Action, even if you normally
would not have Reach or Range to the target's space. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn.

As a Hero of Doom, your domain is that of destruction. You have control over decay, over
entropy, over the stagnation of growth and the blight of life. This doesn’t necessarily
mean you’re a bad person or can only do bad things with your powers. After all, life
unchecked is a tumor killing the body from the inside, or weeds choking the shrubs and
bushes around them. Sometimes a little selective pruning can continue the existence of the
whole ecosystem.

Attribute: Acumen
Skill bonus: Prophet of the Apocalypse – Gain a +4 bonus to Skaian Lore
Traits (lvl 4): Certainty of Fate – Whenever you are bloodied, you gain Resist 3 to all damage. The resistance granted by this Trait stacks
with any other Resistances you may have.
Aura of Angst - Any enemy adjacent to you takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Crippling Paranoia - The attack deals 1d10 additional damage and the target of the attack may not make opportunity
attacks against its enemies, but is forced to take every Opportunity Attack triggered by its own allies (save ends). (Grave Blunder: You take
1d10 damage and may not make opportunity attacks against your enemies, only against your allies [save ends].)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Shroud of Blight

Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are bloodied or reduced to 0 hp by an enemy's attack.
Effect: You gain a +3 bonus to defenses against the triggering attack. If the attack would now miss, the target grants combat advantage
to you and you may take an additional Standard action on your next turn.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)


Standard action - At-will Ranged 10

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu + your level vs. Will
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -4 penalty divided up between your choice of attack, defenses, and saving throws.
You must distribute the penalty between at least two of those choices (ie. Examples include -2 to attack and -2 to defenses, or -2 to
Attacks and -1 to Defenses and saving throws… but not -4 to saving throws).

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Twisted Fate

Standard action - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu + your level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + your Acu modifier + twice your level necrotic damage. Whenever the target makes an attack roll, you may roll 2d10 and choose
to replace its roll with yours (save ends). In addition, choose an ally within 5 spaces of you. For the rest of the encounter, when one ally of
your choice attacks the target; you roll 2d10 and can replace the ally’s roll with yours.
Miss: Half damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to its next attack roll.

As a Hero of Life, your domain is that of creation and growth, and of the continuation of
‘all that is’ into ‘all that ever will be’. You have access to the fundamental drives of
the universe, to expand, to procreate, to continue to live. The raw power that fuels
Creation itself is yours to wield. Do so wisely.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Skill bonus: Wellspring of Life – Gain a +4 bonus to Healing.
Traits (lvl 4): Pacifying Aura – Whenever an enemy is adjacent to you, its damage rolls are reduced by an amount equal to your
Pulchritude modifier.
Life’s Vigilance - For as long as you are not bloodied, you do not grant Combat Advantage.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Vital Surge – One ally within 10 spaces of you regains hit points equal to twice your level. (Grave Blunder: You lose
hit points equal to your level, and one enemy within 5 spaces gains temporary hit points equal to your level.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Gift of Rejuvenation

Minor Action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You gain an additional Standard action on this turn and 10 temporary hit points. One ally within 10 spaces of you gains
Regeneration 5 until their hit points are fully restored.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Life Transfer

Minor action - At-will Ranged 5

Special: You may only use this power once per turn.
Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target takes damage equal to your Pulchritude modifier + your level, and you or one ally within 5 spaces of you gains temporary
hit points equal to your level.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Beacon of Life

Standard action - Encounter Ranged 10

Target: One unoccupied space
Effect: You create a Beacon of Life in the target space. The Beacon has 10 hit points and defenses identical to yours. Any ally within 2
spaces of the Beacon has Cover and cannot grant Combat Advantage, while any enemies within 2 space of the Beacon are weakened.
So long as the Beacon remains, you gain the following action:
Minor action – At-will (Once per round only)
Close burst 2 (from the Beacon)
Effect: One ally in the burst regains 10 hit points.

As a Hero of Blood, your domain is that of the connections between people. Families,
friendships, and the ties that bind fall under your purview. Maybe you’ve always had a
large social group. Maybe you’ve had a small tight-knit circle of friends. Maybe you’ve
never had either, and always longed for more. Whatever the case, this game has given you
the ability to more keenly sense and in some way manipulate the bonds that keep us all together.

Attribute: Mangrit
Skill bonus: Strength from Unity – Gain a +4 bonus to Athletics
Traits (lvl 4): Exsanguine - Whenever you deal damage to a bloodied target, you may re-roll a single damage die of your choosing and
take the better of the two results.
Coagulation - Whenever you first gain Ongoing damage from an attack or effect, you may make an immediate saving throw. If
you pass the saving throw you are no longer effected by the Ongoing damage, though any other effects still apply.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Blood Drain - The target of the attack gains Ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). (Grave Blunder: You take 5
damage, and 5 more damage at the start of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Diet of Iron

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are bloodied or reduced to 0 hit points by an enemy's attack.
Effect: You may immediately use one of your unexpended Aggrievements or Fraymotifs as a Free action with a +1 power bonus to the
attack roll. You then gain temporary hit points equal to your level. If you would have been reduced to 0 hp or fewer, you now have 1 hit
point in addition to the other effects of this power.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)


Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind

Requirement: You must be bloodied.
Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Mgt modifier + your level necrotic damage.
Effect: The target takes Ongoing 5 necrotic damage.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)


Standard action – Encounter Close Burst 5

Target: All bloodied creatures
Attack: Mgt + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d10 + Mgt modifier + twice your level damage, and the target gains Ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends)
Miss: Half damage and the target gains Ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).

As a Hero of Breath, your domain is that of freedom, as well as direction,
independence, and the ties that break. Having friends is wonderful, but people must
have their own desires, their own plans, and their own directions to be fully realized
individuals. Only by sometimes scattering to the winds and later returning together, may goals be
achieved, may groups truly coalesce, and may individuals become a force to be reckoned with.

Attribute: Acumen
Skill bonus: Leaf on the Wind – Gain a +4 bonus to Acrobatics
Traits (lvl 4): Breath’s Guidance - You never take falling damage, regardless of distance. You may still end up prone on a failed Acrobatics
Unfettered - Whenever you are slowed or immobilized by an attack or effect, you may make an immediate Saving throw. If
you pass the Saving throw you are no longer affected by the slow or immobilize condition, though any other effects still apply.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Leap of Fury - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can fly your speed as a free action. You do not trigger
Opportunity Attacks for the first square you leave during this movement. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage, are slid 2 spaces by the
target, and fall prone.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Spirit of Freedom

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are hit by an enemy's attack.
Effect: You may immediately fly 4 squares, avoiding opportunity attacks during this movement. On your next turn you may take an
additional Standard action and have a Fly speed of 6 for that next turn. If you already have a Fly speed, add a speed of 6 to your current
Fly speed on your next turn.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)


Standard action - At-will Close Burst 2

Requirement: You must have flown, jumped, or fallen a distance of at least 3 spaces since the end of your previous turn.
Target: 1 creature in Burst
Attack: Acu + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10 + Acu modifier + twice your level thunder damage.
Effect: You may push the target and each creature adjacent to you up to 1 space, and cannot use this power again until the next time you
fulfill the power's Requirement.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Zephyrous Roar

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 4

Target: Each enemy or unattended object in Burst
Attack: Acu + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + your level thunder damage, and you slide the target 3 spaces.
Effect: You gain a Fly speed of 6 (hover), until the end of your next turn.

As a Hero of Mind, your domain is that of the external self. Your path is of the choices
and opportunities presented to you by the world, and how you react to them. You have the
power to manipulate what people choose to do, how they (after viewing all available
evidence) choose to behave, and the consequences of their actions.

Attribute: Imagination
Skill bonus: Sharp Intuition – Gain a +4 bonus to Insight.
Traits (lvl 4): Mental Superiority – You cannot be marked or forced to attack a target against your will. If a power would place a mark on
you or dominate you, ignore those effects.
Labyrinthine Mind – You gain a +1 bonus to Will. You also have Resist 5 to any attacks that target your Will defense. The
resistance granted by this Aspect Trait stacks with any other resistances that you might have.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Confounding Strike - The target is stunned until the end of its next turn. (Grave Blunder: You are stunned until the
end of your next turn)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Clarity of Thought

Free action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You gain an additional Move action for this turn and your next turn, and you may immediately end any Stunned or Dazed
conditions that are affecting yourself and one ally within 10 spaces of you.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Pull The Strings

Standard Action - At-will Ranged 5

Target: One creature.
Attack: Img + your level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: The target takes one of the following effects:
• The creature uses a free action to make a basic attack against a target of your choice with a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
• You slide the target up to 3 spaces and immobilize them (save ends).

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Contagious Madness

Standard action - Encounter Ranged 5

Primary Target: One creature

Attack: Img + your level + 2 vs. Will
Hit: The target takes Ongoing 15 psychic damage and is dazed and slowed (save ends for each effect).
First Aftereffect: One other enemy within 5 squares of the target takes ongoing 10 psychic damage and is dazed (save ends for each
Second Aftereffect: One creature within 5 spaces other than the primary target takes 1d10
+ Img modifier + your level psychic damage.

As a Hero of Heart, your domain is that of the internal self. Your path is of what, in a
vacuum, freed from external forces, you would choose to do. It is emotions, it is your
beautifully terrible and terribly beautiful id, it is your soul. You have the power to
manipulate what people want to do, what they long for, within that internal drive that
keeps them struggling and surviving day after day after day.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Skill bonus: Heart of Gold – Gain a +4 bonus to Chumming
Traits (lvl 4): Shipping Wall – Allies gain a damage bonus equal to half your level + 2 to attacks made while they are flanking with you.
Defiance – After a successful attack roll, you gain +2 bonus to all defenses against the enemy you hit. You may only apply
these bonuses to the last person you hit.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): By Our Powers Combined – You and an ally within 5 spaces of you gain temporary HP equal to your level. (Grave
Blunder: Your target gains temporary HP equal to your level.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Incredible Valor, Respectable Muscles!

Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are bloodied.
Effect: You gain an additional Standard action this turn, and until the end of your next turn allies within 5 squares of you gain +2 to all

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Take Me Instead

Immediate Interrupt - At-will Communication

Trigger: An enemy attacks an ally within your movement speed
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: Move adjacent to the target. The triggering attack is now aimed at you. You gain +2 to all defenses against this attack, and a +1
bonus to attack the target until the end of your next turn. You do not get a Move action on your next turn and you cannot use this power on
your next turn.
Special: If you move adjacent to an enemy attacking with a ranged power, you may make an Opportunity attack against the target.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Our Soul Salvation

Move Action - Encounter Close Burst 2

Target: One target in Burst

Attack: Plc + your level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the start of your next turn.

As a Hero of Rage, your domain is that of fear. The kind of fear that leaves you
paralyzed and unable to make a decision, that narrows the scope of what you believe
reality can be. Through fear and anger, you have to ability to manipulate tunnel vision
to the point that only one path - the path you choose - seems remotely viable to others
around you.

Attribute: Mangrit
Skill bonus: We Are Legion – Gain a +4 bonus to Trolling
Traits (lvl 4): Payback – After being attacked by an enemy, you gain a +2 bonus to damage on all attacks against that enemy until the end
of your next turn.
Don’t Touch Me, Motherfucker – When an enemy makes an opportunity attack against you, you may make a melee basic
attack against them with a -2 penalty to the attack roll. On a hit you instead deal 1[W] damage + Mgt modifier.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Raging Hard-on – The attack deals an additional 1d12 damage and you add 1d12 + your level damage to the next
successful attack that you make before the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d12 damage, and take your level additional
damage on the next successful attack against you.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Sudden Aggression

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You may shift up to your speed and then take a Standard action. If you deal damage to an enemy using this Standard action, they
then take a -2 to all defenses (save ends).

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Building Anger

Standard Action - At-will Personal

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain Resistance to all damage equal to half of your level, rounded up. For as long as you have
this Resistance, record the total amount of damage that was not dealt to you thanks to this Resistance and any other Resistances you
possess. Deal that damage at the start of your next turn to one enemy within 5 squares of you.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

All-Consuming Rage

Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature

Attack: Mgt + your level + Weapon Precision vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Mgt modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the end of your next turn.

As a Hero of Hope, your domain is that of belief. It is about the belief that your
choices matter, that the whole of reality itself is open to you, if only you make the
right decisions. Through optimism and hope, you have to ability to make an
unimaginable variety of scenarios not just seem plausible, but to make them possible. After all, the
more you believe in something, the less fake it becomes.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Skill bonus: Sing With All the Voices of the Mountain – Gain a +4 bonus to Nature
Traits (lvl 4): Dream of Defiance – Whenever you or an ally within 5 spaces makes a Saving throw, you or that ally get a +2 bonus to
Saving throws for the rest of the Encounter.
Raising Spirits - Whenever you or an ally within 5 spaces reduces a non-Minion enemy to 0 HP, they gain temporary HP
equal to your 2 + your level.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Turn the Tide – The target gains Vulnerable 5 to all attacks until the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You gain
Vulnerable 5 until the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Demand Greatness

Minor action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You and one ally of your choice within 10 spaces may make a Basic Aggrievement as a free action with a +2 power bonus to the
attack roll.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Noble Onslaught

Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind

Requirement: You or an ally adjacent to you must be bloodied.
Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + your level + your weapon precision vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Plc modifier + your level radiant damage, and until the end of your next turn each ally who attacks the target has a +2 power
bonus to the attack roll.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Never Back Down

Immediate Reaction - Encounter Close Burst 5

Trigger: You or an ally is reduced to 0 HP by an enemy in the Burst

Target: The triggering enemy in burst
Attack: Plc + your level + 2 vs. Will
Hit: 3d12 + Plc modifier + your level thunder damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: You or the ally that triggered this power regains 15 hit points.

As a Hero of Light, your domain is that of information. Data, clarity, probability,
importance - all these are playthings to you. Not just what is, not just what was, but
also what, when looking at all the previous evidence, is likely to be. Not only can you
shed some light on the situation, you can shape the very data that comprises the situation
itself, to your own understanding and approval.

Attribute: Imagination
Skill bonus: Searchlight – Gain a +4 bonus to Perception
Traits (lvl 4): Natural Luck – You gain a +2 power bonus to all saving throws.
Vision Infinitum – You can never be blinded or have a penalty to attack rolls worse than -2.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Overwhelming Light - The target takes 1d8 additional damage and is blinded until the end of its next turn. (Grave
Blunder: Every target you attack has total concealment from you until the end of your next turn. This penalty bypasses the normal
immunities of Vision Infinitum.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Steal Luck

Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal

Trigger: An enemy within 10 spaces of you makes an attack.
Effect: The attack fails and you gain an additional Standard action on your turn.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Retributive Radiance

Standard Action - At-will Close Burst 10

Target: One creature in Burst.
Requirement: The target must have included you in an attack since the end of your last turn.
Attack: Imagination + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Img modifier + your level radiant damage, and one ally within the burst gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the targeted
creature until the end of your next turn.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Bliiiinded by the Liiiight!

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 4

Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Img + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + your Img modifier + your level radiant damage, and the target cannot see you (save ends).
Miss: The target grants combat advantage (save ends).
Special: If you scored a Brutal Affront using this attack, select one target. That target cannot see you for the rest of the encounter.

As a Hero of Void, your domain is that of obfuscation. Mystery, darkness, uncertainty,
irrelevance - all these are playthings to you. Not just what isn’t, not just what never
was, but what never can be, by your own whim. Shadow, destruction of knowledge, and
relegation to ignorance and obsolescence are your chisels as you shape the universe
through selective obfuscation of what shouldn’t be, and what should never have been.

Attribute: Mangrit
Skill bonus: Obfuscate – Gain a +4 bonus to Stealth
Traits (lvl 4): Cloak of the Abyss – You gain Resist 10 to any environmental damage, such as that incurred from inclement weather,
natural hazards, extremes of temperature, poisonous environments, and falling.
Shroud of Silence – You may spend a Move action on your turn to gain partial concealment until the start of your next turn.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Shadow’s Embrace - The attack deals 1d8 additional damage to the target, and you gain partial concealment until
the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 damage, and the target gains partial concealment until the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 7) (Gain the following power)

Master of Darkness

Minor action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You gain an extra Move action this turn, and may gain total concealment or Resistance 5 to all damage, with either effect lasting
until the end of your next turn. If you make an attack against an enemy this turn, you may apply additional damage equal to your level.

Aggrievements(Lv. 8, either this one or another from your class)

Encroaching Emptiness

Immediate Reaction - At-will Close Burst 2

Trigger: A creature in the Burst hits you with an attack and deals damage.
Target: The triggering enemy.
Attack: Mgt + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target gains Ongoing cold damage equal to half your level and takes a -1 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
Effect: You lose your Minor action on your next turn.

Fraymotif (Lv. 9) (Gain the following power)

Umbral Sphere

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 2

Target: Each creature and object in Burst

Attack: Mgt + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Mgt modifier + your level cold damage. The attack deals 1d10 extra damage to unattended objects.
Effect: The power’s area creates a zone of Difficult Terrain for any creature besides you. All allies within the zone gain partial
concealment. This zone lasts until the end of the encounter.

There are two different categories of templates. First are Exclusive templates, which represent major archetypes or racial
features. Any player may only ever have one Exclusive template at a time, for they represent major modifications to the
balance of defenses and statistics that make up your character sheet. For example, nearly every troll has the Troll template,
unless they are actually more of a Robot or a Ghost, in which case the latter template will take precedent. It can be quite
common for a ‘session’ of SBURB to consist of players who share a single Exclusive template… an all Troll group of
players, or all Human or all Bestial. Exceptions will be major ones, like the one robot player out of a group who uses the
Construct template rather then the Exclusive template employed by the rest of the team.
The second category of templates consists of Common templates, although some of these are anything but ‘common’. They
represent less major alterations that can be utilized in conjunction with an Exclusive template, or even combined with other
Common templates to form some sort of weird pastiche like a telekinetic flying zombie. As a general rule of thumb, if you
are applying more then two common templates on top of your Exclusive template, then you might be trying a little bit too
hard with your character concept. If you have more than three Common templates and an Exclusive template that differs
from the rest of your group, then you probably have a serious case of special snowflake syndrome on your hands. However,
it is ultimately up to the GM to set limits on the usage of templates within your game. If your setting is one wherein it is
normal to have cybernetic ghost people with bonus metal appendages, well… Who am I to try to stop you?
Over time, players may add, lose, or change Templates through shenanigans. Templates themselves are not set in stone.
However, Template changes represent major physical changes and should be treated as such. Your DM will in the end
decide whether a Template change is appropriate for you, so talk to them first before setting your mind on something.

Exclusive Templates
• Your tough skin grants you Resistance 1 to all damage. At 4th level this improves to Resist 2, and at 8th level to Resist 3.
• Whenever you are below 0 hit points but still not dead, you do not fall unconscious until you have failed your first saving throw.
While in this state you may only take up to one action on your turn, may not make immediate actions, and grant combat
advantage to all attackers (in every way as if you were Dazed). If you receive healing while in this state you recover hit points
from 0 as normal for a Dying character.
• Strife is a way of life on Alternia. You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls.
• While your body is tougher than the weak flesh of some other species, your internal biology makes it less easy to bounce back
from severe wounds. When you use a Second Wind, the hit points you regain are only 1/2 of your Bloodied value + your level.
• If you have any skill bonuses to Chumming at the end of character creation, you may choose to exchange the skill bonus for
equivalent bonuses to Trolling instead.
• Depending on your exact genetic makeup, you have sharpened animalistic instincts or increased physical talents above the
human norm. You may choose to apply a +2 to your choice of Acrobatics, Athletics, or Perception. You take a -2 penalty to
• You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex, but a -1 penalty to Will. Your speed increases by +1.
• Unfortunately, the esoteric 'science' behind Skaia's alchemy-based item creation system just comes across as completely
befuddling to you. At each level, you gain half of a point fewer Alchemization points then you normally would. Therefore you'll
have only .5 of an alchemy point at 2nd level, 1.5 at 3rd level, etc.
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Natural Weapons:

Natural Weapons

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt or Acu + your level vs. Reflex. Make the attack two times.
Hit: 1d6 + twice your level damage.
Effect: If you hit with both attacks and you used Mangrit as the ability score for this attack, then you may push the
target 1 space and slow it until the end of your next turn. If you used Acumen as the ability score for this attack, then
you instead give the target a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Construct / Robot
• You no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe. You also gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude.
• Depending on your form and design purpose, you may be either coldly intimidating, easily capable of strenuous physical labor, or
have advanced built-in cogitator arrays. You may choose to apply a +2 bonus to your choice of Trolling, Athletics, or Science. You
take a -2 penalty to Chumming.
• You can never gain the benefits of a Second Wind or any other forms of Hit Point restoration in battle, although you may still
benefit from temporary hit points and may auto-repair yourself to full HP at the end of hostilities just as other characters do. While
dying, you may always choose to take the better of your rolled death saving throw or an automatic ‘5’ on the d10 roll.
• You gain Resistance 2 to all damage. At 4th level this changes to Resist 3, at 6th level to Resist 4, and at 9th level to Resist 5.
• If you 'die' and your remains can be recovered, a competent ally may restore you to life (assuming they possess the proper tools
and resources) with a hard Science check (or a series of lesser checks and more time spent at the task).

• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Vice Grip:

Vice Grip

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt or Acu + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + twice your level damage, and the target is immobilized and grants combat advantage until the end of your
next turn. If you leave a space adjacent to the target the effect immediately ends.
• Your advanced computerized mind allows you to process some specific type of data input more quickly than others, but you are a
bit too detached to easily analyze emotions. You may choose to apply a +2 to your choice of Perception, Science, or Mysteries.
You take a -2 penalty to Insight.
• Because of your integrated body/machine nature and ability to disassociate mental tasks from one another, you do not
automatically grant combat advantage while dazed, and your multiple active subroutines allow you to take one Move or Minor
action on your turn while you are stunned.
• When damaged your body requires special care to recover, and the complex nature of your internals makes it harder for you to
simply “dig deep” and fight through blood loss and organ trauma like more organic beings. You must spend a Standard action,
rather than a Minor action, to take your Second Wind.
• Your mechanical parts guard your squishier vital organs. You gain Resistance 1 against all damage. At 4th level this improves to
Resist 2, and at 8th level to Resist 3.
• You gain 1/2 your normal hit points at first level, and 1/2 of the hit points you normally would every time you level up (round down
fractions). Whenever you would be restored hit points or granted temporary hit points, you instead gain half of what you normally
would receive.
• Your carrying weight is only 1/5 of what is normal for your Mangrit score.
• You have the Insubstantial property.
• You take no penalties for squeezing into tight spaces that can contain at least a Tiny creature.
• Your base speed is unchanged, but you may also hover above the ground as you move.
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Phasing Strike:

Phasing Strike

Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind

Effect: Both before and after the attack, you may move 2 spaces. You may ignore any barriers or enemies in your path
as if you had Phasing during this movement, but you provoke Opportunity Actions as normal.
Target: One creature
Attack: Mangrit/Acumen/Pulchritude/Imagination + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage.
Special: The ability score used for attack and damage is determined by the Kind Abstratus in use.
• Your bug exoskeleton lets you take a beating and resist damage. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and +1 Fortitude and Will.
• Unfortunately, your buggy insides are a lot softer than your outsides. You have 4 fewer hit points than normal at first level. At 4th
level this changes to 8 fewer hit points, and to 12 fewer hit points at level 9.
• Your base speed decreases by -1, and you take a -2 penalty to Initiative rolls.
• Whenever you are pushed or pulled, you may reduce the distance of the effect by 1. This means that you can choose to
completely ignore any push or pull effects of only 1 space.
• Whenever an attack would knock you prone, you may make an immediate saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds you may
remain standing.

Common Templates
• After taking this template, you must designate one object, practice, or intoxicant to be the subject of your addiction.
• If you have gone longer than a day without tending to your addiction, you take a -2 penalty to your AC, and gain Vulnerable 2 to
all attacks.
• If you have tended to your addiction within a day, you gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls, and deal additional damage equal to half
your level + 2.
• Your willpower is weakened thanks to the effects of your addiction. You take a -2 penalty to Will.
• You are addicted to something, which may entail many other story effects.

• You take a -6 to either vision or hearing-based Perception checks, and you no longer can use Ranged weapons properly if you
are blind. However, you can read body language far more easily now, granting you a +2 bonus to Insight.
• If you are the subject of flanking, you take a -2 penalty to your AC. Keeping track of all these moving bodies is hard!
• If you are blind, you gain an immunity to radiant damage. If you are deaf, you gain an immunity to thunder damage. You can’t
damage what already doesn’t work!
Empathic Connection
• Whenever an ally who also has this template takes damage equal to their level + 5 or more, you take damage equal to your half
your level that cannot be reduced by any means.
• Whenever an ally who also has this template receives healing or temporary hit points, you regain health or temporary hit points
equal to your level (divided by) 2, rounded up.
• Whenever an ally who also has this template scores a Brutal Affront, you gain a +1 power bonus to skill and attack rolls until the
end of your next turn.
• Whenever an ally who also has this template rolls a Grave Blunder, you gain a -1 penalty to skill and attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Extra Appendages
• For whatever reason you have more useful arms then most sorts of people. Once on your turn, you may switch between
weapons as a Free action. You may also switch between weapons as often as you want, provided you spend a Minor action after
switching weapons using your initial Free action.
• Your multitude of appendages offer you additional combat options, but when hemmed in during close combat it can be difficult to
properly defend your whole body from glancing attacks as your many extended limbs make for easy targets. When enemies gain
combat advantage from flanking you, they receive an additional +1 bonus to attacks.
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class’s starting Aggrievements with Flailing Limbs.

Flailing Limbs

Minor action - Encounter Melee 1

Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Mangrit or Acumen + your level + 3 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10 + your level damage. You gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to the number of targets.
• While on the ground you are just a little bit awkward, as your wings throw off your center of gravity a touch. You have -1 AC and
Reflex unless you are flying.
• You gain a Fly speed of 8. If you have moved less then 4 spaces from your starting square, you may hover between turns for one
round. You must always land at the end of a turn that you began while in flight, and cannot spend another turn hovering until you
have spent one full combat round on the ground. If you begin a turn in the air and do not have enough movement to reach a flat
surface, you fall at the end of your turn.
• Whenever you move with your fly speed or begin a turn in flight, you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your turn.
• If you wear heavy armor, your Fly speed decreases to 6.
Lucid Dreamself
• Once per encounter, you may re-roll a failed Mystery or Skaian Lore check. If you do so and still fail, you fall asleep immediately
and may no longer act in the encounter for 1d8 minutes.
• Your dreamself is awake, which may entail many other story effects.
Physically Challenged
• Your base speed is reduced to 4 and may not be improved or modified by any other template or class trait OR you may only ever
wield one-handed Strife Specibi and cannot hold anything in your off-hand (you may never wield Randomkind or gain an Auto-
Parry defense bonus).
• You may distribute +1 bonus to any two skills of your choice besides Athletics and Acrobatics. You take a -2 penalty to both
Athletics and Acrobatics.
• Alchemy comes easily to you, and you can come up with item combinations that others might not have considered. At each level,
you gain one half of a point more Alchemization points then you normally would. Therefore you'll have 1.5 alchemy points at 2nd
level, 2.5 at 3rd level, etc.
• An open mind can be a dangerous thing. You take a -2 penalty to Will. Whenever you are dazed, you take a -2 penalty to attack
and skill rolls for as long as the effect lasts.
• Thanks to your underwater upbringing, you have a body built for the sea. You gain a +4 bonus to Athletics while swimming.
However, your senses aren’t adapted to conditions outside of water, resulting in a -2 penalty to Perception when out of water.
• You now have gills and can breathe indefinitely underwater.
• You gain the ability to change your face and body structure to match someone else. You cannot change your size significantly
however, but you can change your bodily structure, your gender, your appearance, and surface details. While in a different form,
you gain a +6 bonus to Chumming to convince others of your different appearance.
• Maintaining a disguise is hard, and this has lessened your focus for your own defense. You take a -2 penalty to your AC, and an
additional -2 penalty to your AC while in disguise.
• Because of your heightened mental sensitivity, you take a -1 penalty to Will. You also have Vulnerability equal to your level to

attacks that target Will, which overrides any Resistances you may have.
• You can manipulate unattended objects from up to 5 spaces away from you as if you were holding them in your hand. For
example, you can open a door as a minor action or push a boulder as a standard action. You take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls
of attacks you make using this trait.
• You can shield yourself with a flickering field of mental energy, or perhaps a cloud of hovering detritus that blocks attacks. When
you use your Second Wind, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC and Reflex defenses in addition to the normal defense
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements with TK Crush. If your character has chosen to
completely ignore a standard Strife Deck in favor of telekinetic attacks solely, you could represent this through a representative
Kind Abstratus such as Heavy Rangedkind or something similar. Otherwise you may use this power alongside any other
Abstratus of your choice to represent more of a 'dabbling' in mental powers.
TK Crush

Minor action - At-will Ranged 5

Target: One creature
Attack: Imagination or Acumen + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + twice your level psychic damage, and you may push the target up to 3 spaces.
• Because of your heightened mental sensitivity, you take a -1 penalty to Will. You also have Vulnerability equal to your level to
attacks that target Will, which overrides any Resistances you may have.
• You gain a +1 bonus to Insight and your choice of either Chumming or Trolling.
• While you are conscious, you can mentally communicate with each ally within 10 spaces of you.
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements with Psyche Lance. If your character has chosen to
completely ignore a standard Strife Deck in favor of telepathic attacks solely, you could represent this through a representative
Kind Abstratus such as Light Rangedkind or something similar. Otherwise you may use this power alongside any other Abstratus
of your choice to represent more of a 'dabbling' in mental powers.
Psyche Lance

Standard action - At-will Ranged 10

Target: One creature
Attack: Imagination or Pulchritude + your level vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + your level psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
• You are slow to react to danger. Take a -2 penalty to all Initiative rolls and a -1 penalty to Reflex.
• At the start of any turn in which you are conscious, you may regain lost hit points equal to your level.
• You may replace one of your starting Aggrievements with Death Touch.
Death Touch

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One creature
Attack: Mangrit or Acumen + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d12 + Mgt or Acu modifier + your level poison damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
• You are the speedy shadow of the night, resulting in you gaining a +1 to your Speed. You also gain a +2 bonus to Stealth while in
low light conditions, and a +4 bonus to Stealth in darkness.
• Vampires sure hate light! You gain Vulnerability 5 to Radiant damage. Whenever you are in areas of intense brightness, you take
a -2 to Perception.
• If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Life Drain.
Life Drain

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One creature
Attack: Imagination or Acumen + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d12 + Img or Acu modifier + your level necrotic damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to 4 + your

Concatenation Oath
Within any session of SBURB, players will be called upon to make choices. These choices could determine their power,
their success, or perhaps their very soul. A player, depending on choices made in the game or by their own personal
volition, may gain a Concatenation Oath that affects a great deal about the player’s strengths, weaknesses and
propensities by granting them additional traits. Players get access to Concatenation Oaths at 4th Level and all subsequent
levels. A player may only have one Oath, and must lose the benefits of a prior Oath if their behavior warrants a change in
attitude. GMs must approve any selection the player makes, and more often than not, a GM will require that a player take
on a Oath to reflect their behavior. Some Concatenation Oaths have a requirement, and some are permanent without a
significant and momentous change in a character’s personality or well-being. Oaths add to your Traits, so when one is
added to your character, make sure to add the traits afforded by your Oath to your Traits List.

Servant of Tyranny (Derse) / Arbiter of Justice (Prospit)

You have given yourselve to causes beyond yourself and act as a puppet for higher powers. They can be
forces of amazing good or amazing villainy depending on how they decide to align themselves.

Requirement: You must have accepted a quest from Prospitian or Dersite Royalty.

Dark Power (Derse) / The Light of Justice (Prospit): As a Minor action once per turn, you may invoke the power of your
benefactor. On the next successful attack you make that turn, you roll an additional die of weapon damage. If you miss every
target with the attack, you instead take 1d6 damage that cannot be resisted.
Shadowy Whispers (Derse) / The Clouds Know Best (Prospit): Gain a +1 to Reflex and Will
Chilling Insight (Derse) / Future Knowledge (Prospit): -2 to all Chumming, Trolling, and Insight rolls. +4 to Skaian Lore.
Hollow (Derse) / Selfless (Prospit): You take -2 HP per level.

Tentacle of Olgogoth
The Dark Ones make a lot of sense in what they say. The fact that you're insane now isn't of any

Requirement: You must have conversed with the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors.

Shatter Minds: Once per turn, you may take a -2 penalty to all defenses until the start of your next turn to gain a +2 bonus to one
roll during your turn before you make it.
Oglo-Parry: Gain a +1 to Reflex and Fortitude
Broodfester Throes: Take a -4 penalty to Chumming checks. Gain a +4 bonus to Mysteries checks.
The Moist Beyondhood: Take a -2 HP penalty per level, and gain Vulnerable 5 to Radiant damage.

On a Mission
Whether they have taken the stuffed bunny you were going to give to your daughter or they’ve killed
you, this time IT’S PERSONAL.

Requirement: Someone or something has set you on a course of action to get things done.

Ahab’s Quarry: As a Minor action, you may swear an Oath against one enemy visible to you. Only one enemy may have an
Oath from you at a time. Once per encounter when attacking a target that is so marked, you may reroll a missed attack roll.
Single Minded: You take a -1 penalty to AC. You gain +2 AC against attacks from foes that you have sworn an Oath to.
Monomaniacal: You take a -2 penalty to Mysteries and Perception, but gain +2 to Insight.

Insufferable Prick
You’re ahead of the curve and you know it. While your friends are still debating, you go out there and
get things done. After all, what else does the coolest guy in the room do? If they don’t like it, it’s
their problem.

Razor Wit: You have combat advantage against any target that has a lower place in the Initiative order than you.
I’m No Hero: You have Vulnerability (half your Level Rounded up) to all damage from opponents that have a higher place in the
Initiative order then you.
Too Cool: Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative. You may never Delay or Ready actions in combat (in short, the initiative score you roll at
the start of combat cannot normally be changed).
Sick Fires: -4 to Chumming, +2 to Trolling
I Don’t Give A Fuck: Take a -2 penalty to Mysteries and Skaian Lore, and a +1 bonus to Will

As a friendleader, or sometimes known as a palhoncho, you have done an amazing job. You have come up
with a plan, and politely requestordered your loyal team to execute it. It is all falling into place
perfectly. You are quite sure you have not failed to account for even a single thing.

Requestordered: Once per encounter, all allies within 3 squares gain temporary hit points equal to your level + 3.
Optimism: Gain a +2 bonus to Chumming

Burdens of Leadership: -2 to Insight, and you take an additional 1d6 damage from sources that have Combat Advantage
against you.
Oh you’re the cutest little thing I ever seen, yes you are. How could those mean old imps ever want to
attack you? Don’t worry, your friends will have those meanies taken care of soon. You just stand there
and keep looking cute, alright?

Protect The Cute One: Allies do additional damage equal to half your level to enemies within 3 spaces of you.
Save Me!: One per encounter, an ally can shift to a space adjacent to you and make an Opportunity attack against one enemy.
Charming Chumming: Gain a +3 bonus to Chumming, and take a -3 penalty to Trolling.
Too Cute For This: Your take a -3 to your damage rolls. You always deal at least 1 damage to targets.

None can escape the web of deceit you weave, no matter how hard they try. Sure, some might insult your
plans, calling them “blunt” or “overly direct” or “completely idiotic”, but you know they’re just
jealous. After all, there’s no one better at this than you!

Jedi Mind Trick: Once per encounter you may spend a Move action to control a willing ally. You may then immediately spend a
Free action, Standard action, or Minor action as this player without using your own action or your ally’s action. Once this power is
used your turn immediately ends and you take a -1 to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
8luh 8luh Huge 8itch: Take a -2 to Chumming and Insight, and gain a +4 to Trolling.
Impulsive: When you shift on your turn, you may choose to move one additional square.
2x PLANFAIL COMBO: You take 1d8 more damage from Brutal Affronts against you, and from your own Grave Blunders.

Guardian’s Mantle
You can’t stand this bunch of fools you call a party. They’re reckless, they’re rude, they’ve messed
up more times than you can count... and damn it, they’re your best friends. You can’t just let some
ogre walk over and rip their heads off.

Take Me Instead: As a free Immediate Interrupt, any attack against an ally adjacent to you can be redirected instead towards
you. This does not apply to Area of Effect attacks.
Perseverance: Gain +2 HP per level
It’s All My Fault: If an ally adjacent to you takes damage you suffer half your level damage.

Skaian Avatar
You alone know the truth. Skaia is no mere planet. Skaia is not even a highly advanced automated
process to create universes. Skaia is alive. Skaia talks to you, and you listen. You agree. You act.

In the Clouds: Gain a +3 bonus to Skaian Lore

Cosmic Bond: Each turn, you may designate one ally within 5 squares of you to receive a +1 bonus to AC.
Destiny Defense: Gain a +1 bonus to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude.
Friend To All Creatures: Take a -2 to all damage rolls, and a -1 to all attack rolls.

Meddling Fussyfangs
our web of friends and connections is vast and complicated, but it would be even more so if you
weren't around to nudge things along into where they should be. In particular, there's this one person
that just seems to cry out for some old fashioned nagging... You really do wish they would wear nicer
clothes more often. And not fall into as many traps. And die less. Ah, well. Such is the life of a
Professional Meddler.

Requirement: You must designate one ally to be the target of your meddling as long as you bear this Concatenation Oath.

The Village Bicycle: Once per encounter, you may prevent your designated ally from taking damage resulting from a Grave
Lets Work Together!: Any time you are flanking with your designated ally, the target takes additional damage equal to your level
per hit.
And No One Understands: Take an additional -1 to all numeric debuffs.

Disturbing Obsession
Some might call your interests... strange. This is a sign of poor taste. How could anyone say your
interests odd? Perhaps you do... fixate on them a bit too much. But when such fine examples abound,
how can you keep from staring?

Requirement: You must have an obsession with something. This is not an addiction in the traditional sense, as to alcohol or drugs, but more
an obsession with items, be they collectible cards, pretty gems, model ships, or pictures of horses attacking football players.

I Neeeeeed It: Take a -2 penalty to Will.

Fi%ation: Gain a +4 to Science or Mysteries
Addiction is a Powerful Thing: Once per encounter, all enemies adjacent to you may choose to take either a -2 to all defenses
or a -2 to attack and damage rolls (save ends).
Turn Down for What?: Whenever you suffer a numeric debuff, it lasts an extra turn.

Death Cheerleader
You’ve learned through your travels and experiences that death is not an end. Death is but a
beginning; the soul continues on past time and space and understanding, and in this, there is
potential and hope. If only you could convince your friends of this fact… But you’ll convince them in
time when they see the power you’ve tapped into.

Requirement: You must have made contact with a dead individual.

The Spirit Moves You: You may slide one enemy one square whenever you shift on your turn.
Spirited Away: Once per encounter, you may slide all enemies within two squares of you up to 2 squares.
Beyond Such Things: Take a -2 to all Saving Throws.
Don't Tell A Soul: Take a -3 to Chumming and Trolling

Your friends may be ignoring the architecture of their houses, and they may be ignorant of the
esoteric techniques behind alchemization, but you sure aren’t. You’ve used gadgets, gizmos, and a
little willpower to turn yourself into a factory of creativity and construction. Sure, all of this
stuff is a bit bulky, but it’s worth it when you can protect yourself and everyone around you with the
blink of an eye.

Groundbreaking: Once per encounter, you may create an Area Burst 1 of difficult terrain within 5 squares of you. The effect lasts
until the end of your next turn and can not be placed underneath squares occupied by any current combatants.
Barricade: Once per encounter, you may create a barricade in a single square within melee range. The effect can not be placed
underneath squares occupied by any current combatants. This barricade may be destroyed if the attacker does more than [8 +
your level] damage in a single blow.
Rigid: Take a -2 to Reflex and a -1 to Speed.

You have had it up to here with this game’s apocalypse. Seriously? Meteoring everything on your home
planet? It makes you so mad you’re going to wreck the shit out of the Medium!

Set The World On Fire: Once per encounter, instead of dealing damage on a successful hit, you may instead force the target to
take Ongoing damage equal to half your level + 2 (save ends). You must choose the type of damage being dealt.
Watch the World Burn: Take a -2 penalty to Fortitude and a -3 to Insight
Rise Against: Whenever your attack roll is reduced by an enemy power, you may deal an additional 1d8 damage if the attack

Lord of All Consorts

These funny little guys just seem to love you! They’re always blowing bubbles in your face and nakking
nonstop. They may not be particularly bright or particularly polite, but they seem eager to make
themselves useful.

Consort with Consorts: You automatically gain a Companion Character with the Consort template created by the DM,
appearing at your level -1. If your Consort dies, leaves, or is otherwise permanently removed from contact, you may spend 1
Alchemy point to gain a new Consort upon achieving your next level.
It’s Curtains For Us: You take your level in damage when your Consort is bloodied or dies.
Lacy, Gently Wafting Curtains: You gain a -3 penalty to Insight and Trolling
Listen to the Jungle Song: You gain a +3 bonus to Nature and Chumming checks against Consorts.

Royally Flushed/Hatefriends
Your relationship is complicated and difficult to describe to your teammates. They just ‘don’t get
it’’. But they don’t really have to. You know your partner like the back of your hand, and together
you’re going to tear the Medium a new asshole before you get back to snogging like it’s going out of

Requirement: You must be linked to another character who also takes this Oath.

YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM!: You may deal additional damage equal to your level when you are adjacent to your linked
Absence: Take a -2 penalty to your attack roll when you are greater than five spaces from your linked character.
Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Gain a +2 to Chumming or Trolling depending on the nature of your relationship with your linked

They’re always there when you need someone to lean on, or someone to calm you down. No matter what
happens, you’ve got each other. They’re more than just a best friend… your palemate is someone you can
always count on.

Requirement: You must be linked to another character who also takes this Oath.

Diamond Strength: You take a -2 penalty to Will, and gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude.
Pale Shield: Whenever you end your turn adjacent to the character you are linked to, you gain 3 temporary hit points, up to a
maximum of 15 temporary hit points gained this way.
Best Friend: Gain a +2 bonus to Insight and Chumming.
We’re All In This Together: Whenever the character you are linked to has a status condition inflicted on them, you must
immediately roll a Saving Throw. Failing your saving throw results in you also having that status condition inflicted on you.

Doomed Prophet
Being doomed isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and you know it. You’ve been waiting for the day when
the crap hits the fan… but maybe you’ll just have to wait a bit longer. After all, you can practically
guarantee that these guys giving you a mean glare are way closer to their due date than you are.

S.M.H.: You gain a +2 to Will and a +2 to Insight and Trolling.

Third Time’s The Harm: You can now only fail two Death Saving Throws instead of three before you die.
This Will All End In Tears: Whenever an ally you can communicate with drops to zero hit points, you take damage equal to your
Fight the Inevitable: Whenever an enemy moves into a position that causes you to be flanked, you may make an Opportunity
action against them.

thii2 ii2 2o iimmature, iim ba2iically ju2t

laughiing here at how iimmature you are.
- Sollux Captor

d12 Skill Key Ability Class/Aspect Granting Bonus
1 Acrobatics Acumen Bard – Breath
2 Athletics Mangrit Knight – Blood
3 Chumming Pulchritude Witch – Heart
4 Healing Imagination Sylph – Life
5 Insight Pulchritude Seer – Mind
6 Mysteries Acumen Heir – Time
7 Nature Acumen Page – Hope
8 Perception Imagination Rogue – Light
9 Science Imagination Maid – Space
10 Skaian Lore Imagination Mage – Doom
11 Stealth Acumen Thief – Void
12 Trolling Pulchritude Prince – Rage

At the end of character creation, you will have 3 trained skills. One is granted by your Class, one comes from your Aspect,
and one is randomly determined by rolling a d12 and comparing to the table above (although your DM may allow you to
choose your skill if they are so inclined). You gain +4 to a skill from training. If you gain training in the same skill from
multiple sources, these bonuses stack. (If you are the Knight of Blood, you gain +8 to Athletics, for example) If your random
skill is a skill you already have trained once or even twice from your Title, your GM might allow you to reroll your third skill.
Whenever you make a skill check, your total roll is determined by this formula:

(2d10) + (Level + Key Ability Modifier

+ Training + Template bonuses/penalties)
Acrobatics (Acu): Acrobatics is the skill for feats of agility. If it’s a physical activity and it’s based more on dexterity than
brute strength, it’s probably Acrobatics. You take a -1 Armor Check penalty when using this skill while wearing Heavy Armor.
With this skill, you can:
* Perform an acrobatic stunt
* Balance
* Escape from grabs and restraints
* Safely drop from a great height

Athletics (Mgt): Athletics is the skill for feats of strength. If it’s a physical activity that relies mainly on the power of your
muscles or endurance, it’s probably Athletics. You take a -1 Armor Check penalty when using this skill while wearing Heavy
Armor. With this skill, you can:
* Climb, or catch yourself from falling
* Escape from grabs
* Jump a great distance
* Swim

Chumming (Plc): Chumming is the skill for friendly interaction. You can’t get anywhere without friends, after all. With this
skill, you can:
* Change opinions and inspire good will
* Haggle with vendors and patrons
* Seek out information
* Perform negotiations and diplomacy in good faith

Healing (Img): Healing is the skill for aiding and assisting the injured. It is a complex activity that relies on knowledge and
patience. With this skill, you can:
* Help a person use their Second Wind without spending an action
* Stabilize the dying
* Grant a saving throw
* Treat a disease
* Recover 1/4 of a character's hit points while taking a short rest

Insight (Plc): Insight is the skill for reading others. If this is high enough, they might as well not even try lying. Your
“Passive” Insight score is equal to your total modifier to the skill + 10, and may be referenced by your GM to occasionally
offer you clues about a character’s intentions or hidden meanings without your having to explicitly declare you are

attempting this skill check. With this skill, you can:
* Determine the truthfulness of a person
* Determine a person's motives, moods and attitudes
* Recognize an effect as illusory
* Sense outside influences on a person

Mysteries (Acu): Mysteries is the skill for “practical” knowledge and applied learning about the game world. It includes
both intuitive guesses about riddles and practical problems as well as puzzle-solving or lockpicking ability. With this skill,
you can:
* Make Mysteries Knowledge checks for information about esoteric knowledge
* Disable traps and open locks
* Interact with machines and devices
* Intuit knowledge about a puzzle or riddle

Nature (Acu): Nature is the skill for interacting and surviving in nature, as well as withstanding the elements. It relies on
intuition, experience, and being in tune with one’s surroundings. With this skill, you can:
* Make Monster Knowledge checks
* Make Nature Knowledge checks for information about the natural world
* Enduring the elements and ill effects
* Forage for food and water
* Handle and interact with an animal or plant

Perception (Img): Perception is the skill for noticing things. Your “Passive” Perception score is equal to your total modifier
to the skill + 10, and may be referenced by your GM to occasionally offer you clues about a character’s intentions or hidden
meanings without your having to explicitly declare you are attempting this skill check. With this skill, you can:
* Perceive something
* Find a hidden creature or object
* Spot hidden doors and traps
* Follow tracks

Science (Img): Science is the skill for, well, science and engineering… Both general knowledge of it and its applications.
With this skill, you can:
* Make Monster Knowledge checks
* Make Science Knowledge checks for information about science
* Use, make, and hack computer programs
* Build and interact with complex objects and processes

Skaian Lore (Img): Skaian Lore is the skill for knowing about how Sburb really works. With this skill, you can:
* Make Monster Knowledge checks
* Make Skaian Knowledge checks for information about Skaia and the Medium
* Interpret Sburb game mechanics
* Use your intuition to glean game information
* Gain information from Sprites and Consorts

Stealth (Acu): Stealth is the skill for, well, acting stealthy. Moving around and not being seen while you do it. You take a -1
Armor Check penalty when using this skill while wearing Heavy Armor. With this skill, you can:
* Conceal yourself
* Move silently
* Sneak up on people
* Pick pockets and perform sleight of hand

Trolling (Plc): Trolling is the skill for antagonistic interaction. Lying, cheating, disguising, regular old insults and aggressive
verbal sparring; it doesn’t matter. Got it, fuckass? With this skill, you can:
* Intimidate a person
* Tell a lie or cheat
* Craft disguises and forge documents
* Create diversions and gain combat advantage
* Interrogate others for information

As a Server Player operating to help your Client Player, most of the time your tasks will
involve the construction of ever-higher building construction on your client’s house, an
activity that will most often be a somewhat leisurely secondary task attended to whenever
you have a spare moment near a computer. However, when push comes to shove there is
nothing stopping you from using the tools of Sburb’s reality interaction software as an
offensive weapon to help your Client player survive!
If you are a Server Player for a Client who has just entered the Medium or is in the vicinity of
their house, you can help them fight enemies as well. Rather then actually fighting alongside the player as your normal
character, you temporarily don the guise of the “Server Cursor” in order to help out. Don’t forget any Communication abilities
or Traits you might have, which can also help from a long distance!
Cursor’s statistics
Hit Points: If a single attack deals damage to the Cursor equal to 6 + your level, the Cursor suffers a server time-out connection failure and
temporarily disappears. You must spend a Standard action to re-summon the Cursor, and it always appears in a square of your choice
within 5 spaces of your Client player.
Defenses: The Cursor has an Armor Class of 15 + your level, and Fortitude, Reflex, and Will of 12 + your level.
Size: The Cursor occupies it’s space just as a Medium-sized creature does. It can flank with your allies.
Movement: The Cursor has a movement speed of 8 with Flying. It sure can zoom around! It triggers opportunity attacks as normal
however, so be careful.
Skills: Since the Cursor is merely an extension of the Server player’s will, it cannot have any skill modifiers or an inherent initiative score.
Simply use the Server player’s values for these traits if they are found necessary.
Cursor Affront!: Whenever a Cursor scores a Brutal Affront, the target takes an additional 1d10 damage and is immobilized until the end of
it’s next turn. (Grave Blunder: The Cursor disappears.)
Play-style: Not everyone has the same aptitude for Server combat. The first time you begin a combat as a Server player, choose one of
the three following play-styles to represent your particular inclinations towards being a Server Player. Each Play-style grants a Cursor Boon
and an At-will power.
• Competent – You have pinpoint control of your cursor and use it to effectively jab and harm enemies whose guard is down. Any
ally adjacent to your cursor or flanking with it gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to your level + 1. You gain the Sharp Retort
Sharp Retort

Opportunity action - At-will Melee 1

Trigger: An enemy leaves a space adjacent to your cursor without shifting.
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d12 + your level damage.

• Bumbling – You can’t seem to figure out this Server thing too well, and the confused antics of your cursor are both indirectly
humorous to allies and confounding to enemies. Allies adjacent to your cursor gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, and you are so
used to suffering from connection drops that you can summon your cursor as a Minor action on your turn instead of a Standard
action. You gain the Distracting Server Crash power:
Distracting Server Crash

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One enemy
Effect: Your cursor disappears, and one ally within 5 spaces of the target enemy may make a basic attack with a +1
power bonus to attack and a power bonus to damage equal to your level.

• Antagonistic – Your cursor is a constant nuisance, drawing maximum attention possible to it and away from your Client ally. Any
ally who provokes an opportunity attack by entering or leaving a space adjacent to your cursor gains a +3 bonus to defenses
against the Opportunity attack. You gain the Cursor Pester power:
Cursor Pester

Standard action - At-will Melee 1

Target: One enemy
Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + your level damage, and one ally within 2 spaces of your cursor can shift 2 spaces as a free action.
Effect: The target is marked by your cursor until the end of its next turn. Any attacks that it makes that do not include
the cursor take a -2 penalty to the attack roll.

Aggrievements (Choose two of the following. Later, you may choose to gain a third at Level 8)

“Clean Up” Distracting Poke

Minor action - At-will Ranged 5 Standard action – At-will Melee 1

Target: One space (must be within 10 spaces of your Client player) Target: One enemy
Effect: The space becomes difficult terrain until the end of Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Fortitude
the encounter.
Hit: The target either grants combat advantage or is slowed until the
end of its next turn (Your choice).

Drop The Load Gaper Revise Room

Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 1 Move action - Encounter Close Burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst Target: One creature
Attack: Your highest Attribute score + your level vs. Reflex Attack: Your highest Attribute score + your level vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d12 + your level damage, and the target is pushed 2 Effect: Any areas of difficult or impassible terrain in the area of the
spaces away from the origin space. power are turned into normal terrain. Any walls in the area of the
power are removed... line of sight and line of effect, as well as
Miss: The target is pushed 1 space away from the origin movement may be freely traced through them now. These effects
square. last until the end of the encounter, perhaps permanently if your
Client is happy with your creative redesigns.

As you level up and your group of players find themselves adventuring together through the Medium more often, you may
find the Server Cursor to be increasingly less utilized except in those rarer battles that take place near the ever-growing
house in your Land. If you still find yourself wishing to upgrade the capabilities of Server Cursor combat then be on the
lookout for supplemental Common Tab items which can improve your Server Cursor abilities and extend its usefulness.

Each player who enters the Medium is granted (or more accurately, somewhat
unwittingly creates) a cryptic companion known as a Sprite. The Sprite begins life as a
Kernelsprite, which is a silent sphere (or possibly two-dimensional circle) that flashes
with an inner elemental light and is released when the Cruxtruder is first opened. The
Kernelsprite will hover about expectantly and spew tones in an irritating binary drawl
until a suitable object has been selected for Prototyping and offered to it, at which
point the Kernelsprite may reject or accept the prototyping on the terms of it’s own
baffling logic. Once the Kernelsprite is prototyped it changes to display an abstract
representational image of the prototyping and begins to spout slightly more
complicated babble, but is otherwise impossible to make comprehensible until the
Medium has been entered. Once in the Medium, the Sprite acts as a guide to the
player, describing game terms and explaining details, usually with an air of mystifying
vagueness. If you wish to learn information from your Sprite, your GM may request a
Skaian Lore or Insight check to discern the seeds of truth from the riddles that your
Sprite is programmed to tell you.
Aside from acting as a perplexing mentor to the game, the Sprite also has rather
strong powers intended for use to protect new players from succumbing to the dangers
of Skaia too early into the game. Whenever a player is at the table but unable to
directly participate in a combat due to distance, your GM may give them the
opportunity to take control of a Sprite and fight alongside the other players. Don’t
forget to use your Communication-keyword Class powers and Traits to help as well!

Sprite’s statistics
Hit Points: The Sprite has hit points equal to (your level x 6) + 20. When a Sprite drops to 0 hit
points, it is banished until the end of the encounter. A Sprite can benefit from temporary hit points
and health granted by powers as normal, but it does not have a Second Wind.
Defenses: The Sprite has an Armor Class of 16 + your level, and Fortitude, Reflex, and Will of 13
+ your level.
Skills: A Sprite has a skill modifier in either Trolling or Chumming equal to it’s level + 6. A Sprite
has training in Skaian Lore, but no set skill modifier. The extent of its knowledge (or perhaps
more precisely, its willingness to reveal what it knows in a clear fashion) is set by the GM.
Initiative: A Sprite has an initiative modifier of 3 + its level.
Size The Sprite occupies its space just as a Medium-sized creature does. It can flank with allies.
Movement: The Sprite has a movement speed of 6 with Flying. A Sprite may not leave the area
of its Player’s House until level 3.
Sprite Affront!: When a Sprite successfully confirms a Brutal Affront, the target takes an
additional +1d8 damage and grants combat advantage to the Sprite’s associated Player (save
ends). (Grave Blunder: The Sprite grants Combat Advantage to all attackers [save ends].)
Sprite Archetype: Depending on what they were prototyped with, Sprites may tend towards a
few different behavior patterns. If none of the following types works perfectly to describe the
nature of your sprite, just pick one close to what you want to achieve and re-flavor it to your taste.
• Trickster – Once per encounter as a free action, a Trickster can extend one of the effects it gives to an enemy to end at the end
of the next turn, rather then it’s current turn. A Trickster Sprite also gains an extra +1 bonus to attacks with Sprite Blast.
• Guardian – Whenever a Guardian Sprite attacks an enemy with a Melee attack, the Guardian Sprite marks that target until the
end of the Sprite’s next turn.
• Caring – Once per encounter as a Minor action, the Caring Sprite can allow an ally within 5 spaces to regain hit points equal to
their bloodied value.
• Malevolent – The Malevolent Sprite deals 1d10 extra damage to enemies that it hits when it has Combat Advantage against

Aggrievements (The Sprite has the following powers)

Sprite Strike Sprite Blast

Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Standard action – At-will Close Blast 3 or Ranged 10
(choose every time you make
Target: One enemy this attack)
Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Target: Each enemy in blast / One enemy in range
Hit: 1d12 + your level damage. Attack: 4 + your level vs. Fortitude
Special: This power is a Melee Basic attack, and may be used as Hit: 1d8 + your level damage, and the target is either slowed or
an Opportunity Attack, with a Charge, or anywhere else a Melee takes a -1 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn (your
Basic may be used. choice which).

Cryptic Communication Strike The Weakness

Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Close Burst 5 Standard Action - Encounter Melee 1 or Ranged 5 (choose
every time you make this attack)
Trigger: An ally in the burst is hit by an attack. Target: One enemy
Target: The triggering ally Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC
Effect: The ally gains a +2 bonus to defense against the attack. Hit: 2d6 + twice your level damage, and the enemy takes a -1
penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

At Level 3, your Sprite gains the boon of a Summoning Artifact and increased freedom to adventure along with you. It
should still only see use as an actor in Strife encounters in circumstances where the full player party is not gathered
together all in one place. If you find yourself relying on your Sprite often, be sure to look for the Sprite Amulet and similar
items in the Common Tab in order to gain further boons related to your Sprite.

Should I report to the others that my Kernelsprite

is a Lolcat?
Maybe Dave can take some screen captures and
overlay some poorly spelled captions.
Assuming he hasn't already.
- Rose Lalonde

Sylladices And Gear
Every player in Sburb has a large
array of options for armaments,
defenses, and methods of
inventory management at their
disposal. As time goes on,
developing and maintaining
equipment and systems of item
retrieval will become integral to
conquering the challenges Skaia
presents you. The right selection
of weapons, armor and modi can
make or break any budding

Choosing the Kind Abstratus
you wish to make a permanent
feature of your Strife Deck is a
pretty momentous step in the life
of any SBURBian, which is why
you should probably base the
decision on what you think will
make you look most awesome
when you strike a team pose. Or
you suppose that you could look at the chart on the next page and decide what will give you the best benefit for your fighting

There are several Kinds of Abstrata listed below, and at 1st level you must choose ONE to be the primary tool of
aggression for your budding player. Note that each Abstrata has two ‘Modes’ (usually one-handed or two-handed) that you
may swap between as a Minor action (you may only do this up to once per round however). You may only exchange a one-
handed attack modus for a two-handed one if the other hand is currently free! An Abstratus' statline tells you which of your
attributes you may use to perform a Basic Aggrievement with, the bonus you add to attacks with the weapon (precision),
and how much damage the weapon deals on a hit. See the example for a Basic Aggrievement after the Abstratus charts in
order to see how these apply.

Auto-Parry: Whenever a Player is wielding a weapon in a one-handed mode and

has nothing in their spare hand, their Armor Class is raised by +1 to indicate
the ease with which they may defend themselves as compensation for the lost
attack power. If you wish to make this a permanent feature of your character
concept by envisioning them as a shield-bearing warrior (or for that matter
with a dedicated parrying dagger or any other similar concept), then go right
ahead. While this may seem limiting at first, there is a potential benefit
down the road: a dedicated Shield is a valid alchemization point for Defensive
Alchemy, and in fact this is the only way to benefit from TWO Defensive
Alchemy collectibles at one time.

Finesse Meleekind – These are agile weapons that fit well in the palm of the hand and lend themselves to a pinpoint attack style.
Drown your opponent in a flurry of accurate jabs, and pair them up one to a hand for even more extreme jabbery. Finesse Melee-kind
weapons are special because they can either do pathetic pinpricks or on occasion more powerful spikes of damage, depending on the skill
and luck of the wielder at successfully hitting an opponent’s weak spots. When you successfully hit with a Finesse weapon, note whether
your final attack roll came up Odds or Evens. If the final roll result is Odds, use the first (lower) damage value. If Evens, use the italicized
second (higher) damage value to resolve your attack. Examples of Finesse weapons include small knives, clawed gloves, nunchaku, and
knitting needles (the kind you poke things with).

Bladed Meleekind - A step above Finesse in terms of dependable power, these include many sorts of reasonably large abstratii, such
as sickles, hatchets, gladius, longswords, cheap piece-of-shit katanas, and the like. These weapons lend themselves most to an artful two-
handed fighting style, although if you happen to be lacking an arm due to an unfortunate prototyping incident (or because you desire to
defend yourself with your off-hand) you might well find this style to your liking nonetheless.

Crushing Meleekind - It'll take some hefting and more then a little Grit (or perhaps a dashing devil-may-care insouciance born of
your overpowering Pulchritude) to wield these mighty weapons, but the effects are generally worth it. Or so you believe, though the
occasional catastrophic miss might convince your allies otherwise. This category extends to many kinds of hammers, flails, warpicks, power
gauntlets, chainsaws lipstick tubes, long-handled executioner's axes, claymores, zweihanders, and other unwieldy tools of destruction.

Fistkind - Sometimes the simplest really is the best, assuming that you've got what it takes to handle this most gritty of Kind Abstratii.
Fistkind is a unique category and benefits from a couple rules not covered above. First of all it's easy to see that while it is flexible and can
be either powerful or accurate, Fistkind is still a bit behind the others in damage curve. Fear not though, for you gain some handy side-
benefits as remuneration. First, Fistkind users are equally proficient at using their heads, knees, elbows, found items, and horns (?) for
attack, and thus suffer no penalty for holding items in both hands when they wish to exact a quick Jab or even a mighty Smash upon the
unwary. However, you will still need to have placed yourself in the Jab one-handed attack modus if you wish to benefit from Auto-Parry.
Finally, it's pretty hard to catch a Fistkind user in a situation where they don't have their weapons available to them.

Reaching Meleekind - Poke them from afar before they get close, utilizing a long-handled culling instrument, spear, whip, glaive,
naginata, grasping stick-mounted pincers, or flexible segmented canes. When using Reaching Meleekind in two hands, you may make a
melee attack from as far away as two spaces rather then directly adjacent as normal. The mode of 'Defensive Haft' is for all intents and
purposes the exact same as fighting one-handed with any other weapon in order to gain Auto-Parry, and may not be used to attack with

Finesse Melee-kind
One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d6 / 2d4 Acu or Img
Dual-wielding Precision: +3 Damage: 2d4 / 2d6 Acu or Img
Bladed Melee-kind
One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Plc
Two-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Plc
Crushing Melee-kind
One-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Mgt or Plc
Two-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 2d8 Mgt or Plc
Jab Precision: +3 Damage: 1d6 Mgt
Smash Precision: +2 Damage: 2d6 Mgt
Reaching Melee-kind
Defensive Haft Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Img or Acu or Plc
Long Prod Precision: +2 Damage: 1d12 Img or Acu or Plc

Light Ranged-kind - Here are organized your pistols, crossbows, pocket ballistae, throwing darts, shuriken, javelins, .22 rifles, pin-
point energy rays, slings, arrows, and outrageous fortunes.
Heavy Ranged-kind - All manner of heavy artillery, this category encompasses psychic eye beams, mighty rifles, harpoon guns,
harpoon guns which are mysteriously somehow also mighty rifles, the telekinetic use of bladed objects or rocks as giant hurled weapons,
the physical use of bladed objects or rocks as giant etc. etc., and of course knitting needles (the kind that you cast fearsome eldritch spells
with). Because they are generally either ponderous or distracting to use, any Opportunity attacks that you provoke by use of Heavy
Ranged-kind grant the attacker a +1 attack bonus against you, so be wary!
Randomkind - You'd have to be some kind of lunatic or gambling junky to seriously want to make this Abstratus work, but here it is.
Randomkind works well to represent the bizarre attacks of an unstable energy cannon, pleas to a capricious Higher Power that is somehow
responsible for your every offensive action, the spontaneous conjuration of unpredictable forces, or the fickle caress of the deadly Dicekind
Abstratus. Randomkind is a ranged power. Every time you prepare to attack with Randomkind, roll 1d4 first to determine the power,
precision, and range of your attack. If you find yourself out of range to make your attack, your action is lost as your attack fails immediately!
Also note, you may never gain an Auto-Parry bonus when you wield Randomkind (it is effectively always two-handed). Nobody said putting
your trust in Luck was going to be a fair deal!
Light Ranged-kind
One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Img or Plc Range: 5
Dual-wielding Precision: +3 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Img or Plc Range: 10
Heavy Ranged-kind
One-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Acu or Img or Mgt Range: 10
Two-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 2d8 Acu or Img or Mgt Range: 15
1d4 => 1 Precision: +1 Damage: 2d10 Acu or Plc Range: 5
1d4 => 2 Precision: +2 Damage: 2d8 Acu or Plc Range: 10
1d4 => 3 Precision: +3 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Plc Range: 10
1d4 => 4 Precision: +4 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Plc Range: 15

Whenever you just want to perform a simple whack/slice/shot using the weapon in your Strife Deck against an Imp or other
unruly Underling without any strange frill on the attack from your class, you are performing a Basic Aggrievement:

Basic Aggrievement

Standard action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img modifier+ your level damage.
Special: The ability score used for attack and damage is determined by the Kind Abstratus in use.

Probably the first thing you'll want to do after getting a working Alchemiter is to alchemize yourself some slick new duds.
That is obviously the most important thing you could possibly be doing right then. Fortunately, this actually really does help
defend you from the injustices and privations of a cruel SBURBan world, above and beyond the obvious self-esteem boost.
Armor Type Bonus
Light Armor (Plush robes, shirt and jeans, thin clothing, etc.) +3 to Armor Class
Add Img or Acu modifier to AC

Medium Armor (Suit & tie, lab coat, elaborately frilly dress, etc.) +5 to Armor Class
Heavy Armor (Plate armor, powered armor, chainmail, etc.) +7 to Armor Class
-1 to Speed
-1 Armor Penalty to Acrobatics,
Athletics, and Stealth

The statistics for weapons and armor listed above represent the most basic forms of their categories. As you progress in the
game and proceed to alchemize ever more advanced/ridiculous combinations of items, it is likely that you will end up
collecting and then using more advanced weapons and armor that enhance the statistics of the above items. In almost
every case you will find that alchemized items which you collect modify one or another statistic, but are otherwise equivalent
to a category. For example, the mighty hammer Fear No Anvil is identified as a Crushing Meleekind weapon. Therefore
aside from exceptions where noted on the Alchemy item for Fear No Anvil, it can be safely assumed that Fear No Anvil
could be used in a Basic Aggrievement with either Mangrit or Pulchritude as the attacking statistic for it, would grant a +2
precision bonus, etc.

Sylladices And Fetch Modi

Characters in Sburb have access to a powerful inventory management system known as the Sylladex. These systems
utilize an interchangeable subroutine known as a modus to allow different methods of drawing items out of Captchalogue
Cards, which contain all the information concerning the item in an easy-to-utilize format. In the Homestuck RPG, items are
split across four Inventory Tabs: The Strife Deck, the Armor Tab, the Trinkets Tab, and the Common Tab. Drawing items from
your Sylladex is a Free Action.
The Strife Deck functions as a high-speed digital weapon holster, allowing individuals to grab specific weapons from a
Captchalogue Card with a mere thought. Each Deck contains any number of the same type of weapon, and a Strife Portfolio
can hold multiple types of weapons, which are entirely at the disposal of the user. The Armor, Trinkets, and Common Tabs
make up the Captchalogue Deck. The Armor Tab holds clothing and protective items that are worn and can be switched
out by the user. The Trinkets Tab holds alchemized items which can be drawn out and used at leisure. The Common Tab
represents basic items that can offer an advantage to a player, whether that be healing Fruit Gushers or a worrisome
transportation device. Collectibles and important items that don’t fall within any of the abstract parameters of the Sylladex
are marked down outside of these Tabs, but are still considered to be included within your Captchalogue Deck.
Each modus uses a different method to draw out items, with different levels of effort and success. Some are simple,
requiring rolls to determine whether an item you wish to use is accessible according to your modus’ bizarre architecture.
Some modi require a degree of randomness in order to function. Pushing even further, some modi may require the use of
rhyme, debate, or plain groveling towards a higher power to function.

Each character starts out with one modus of their choice. Over time, characters gain options concerning their inventory
management systems, through finding new modi amongst treasure, as rewards for quests well done, or even handcrafted
themselves. At each new level, a character may choose a new modus or make one with the GM's assistance for the cost of
1.5 alchemy points. Players always have access to old modi and may switch whenever they so desire, although modi may
not be switched during an encounter. When using a Sylladex that requires a roll against a DC, use a d10 for the roll.

Individuals may switch weapons as a Minor action once per turn. However, Weapon Collectible Traits do not function
immediately, instead kicking in on your next turn, although the prior traits continue to stay in effect until your next turn.
Weapons can be switched instantly when the Encounter Power of another weapon is used during an Encounter. Weapons
from the Strife Deck do not require the use of modus to be retrieved, put away, or switched. This includes when you use an
Encounter Power from another weapon.
It is important to note that because you do not need to use a Modus to utilize the weapons in your Strife Deck, you may use
the Encounter Powers of those weapons whenever you want, without having to use your Modus to access them (provided
you have the actions necessary to do so). Thus, if you have weapon Encounter Powers you have not used, you may
choose to use them whenever you want! Because of this, it becomes important to balance out whether you want to cycle
through lots of weapons with strong Encounter Powers, or stick to a small number of weapons that offer steady bonuses.
A modus is not needed when out of an encounter - after all, even the Miracle Modus will get you precisely what you what,
given enough time. When you're in an encounter, you may freely use as many items as you wish a turn as your pool of
moves would allow, but upon failing to get an item, you no longer can retrieve items that turn. However, if you are using the
Random or Miracle Modi and get an item that requires a trigger that is not currently present, that item lies in wait to be used
at the player's discretion, when the appropriate trigger appears.
The list below is the initial set of Modi available to players. You may uncover more as you journey through the Medium. You
may even come to create your own Alchemized Modi with the help of your GM!
Array Modus
You may choose any item from your inventory. To access that item, you must roll and beat the item’s DC. Blue Items have a DC of 6, Red
Items have a DC of 5, Yellow Items have a DC of 4, and Green Items have a DC of 3.

Game Modus
You may choose any item from your inventory. To access that item, you must play one hand of blackjack against the DM, who serves as
the dealer. If you win, the item has a DC of 3. If you lose, the item has a DC of 7.

Chastity Modus
You may choose any item from your inventory. To access that item, you must ask the DM if it is the right time to use the item. You
may make this as sincere of a plea as possible, and even offer favors and perks in exchange for a particularly strong item.
Ultimately however, the DM has complete control over your item usage.

Debate Modus
You may choose any item from your inventory. To access that item, you must convince the DM that your use of the item is
necessary. The argument you set forth must be brief, but you can approach your plea from any angle, including the item’s necessity
in the plot, its potential applications, or even methods such as calling in favors from earlier.

Rhyme Modus
You may choose any item from your inventory. To access that item, you must construct an original quatrain that rhymes, which also uses
acceptable meter, uses the item’s name, and describes the situation in which the item is being used.

Random Modus
You must choose a tab in your inventory. To access an item, roll d(n) where n is the number of items in that tab. You then gain access to
the item that corresponds with the number you rolled. Should the item that you land on require a trigger, you may use that power
whenever the trigger's conditions are met. If you acquire an item you have already used, the attempt fails and you must wait until your
next turn to attempt to retrieve anything again.

Rotating Modus
You must choose an item from a random tab. To access the tab, roll a d4 and choose an item from the corresponding tab (1 = Armor Tab,
2 = Trinkets Tab, 3 = Common Tab, 4 = Reroll).

Miracle Modus
Your choice of item is entirely randomized! Roll a d4 for which tab you will draw from (1 = Armor Tab, 2 = Trinkets Tab, 3 = Common Tab, 4
= Reroll), then roll a d(n) where n is the number of items in that tab. You then gain access to the item that corresponds to the number you
rolled. If the item that is chosen has a Power that has already been used this encounter, you can reuse that Power. Should the item
chosen require a trigger, you may use that power whenever the trigger's conditions are met.

Along with the Sylladex, all
Homestuck characters have
access to a wellspring of nearly
limitless creative potential:
Alchemization. Designing all
manner of highly exotic
combinatorial items through
advanced science is really
simple too; all you have to do
is follow these concise
instructions! First, take some
captchalogue cards for items
found around your house or in
your Land. Put one of these
cards (or just a blank card,
really) into the Punch Designix.
Enter the code for the card into
the Designix and it will punch a
series of holes in the card to
generate a unique code for the
Totem Lathe to the... you know
what, we think you get it. For
the purposes of the Homestuck
RPG, here is how you
At various breaks in the action following entry into the Medium your characters may find themselves with the opportunity to
fool around with their Alchemiters. When this happens, it’s time to build some Alchemy items! Some alchemizations are
simple and obvious (Gun + another Gun = MORE Gun), others are much less so. You can use any kind of explanation you
want to explain the effects you create for your alchemy, whether you alchemized found items in your house, were given
captchalogue card codes from another player, acquired the item from a Quest and then reverse-alchemized it, your future-
self stole it from your Denizen and gave it to you through timeline shenanigans… whatever! The results are ultimately the
Story Items and what the Sylladex Really Means
While many players may behave sanely and simply pick up objects of obvious significance,
other players will behave more whimsically and decide to gather up every rock, leaf, and
piece of junk they stumble across. This seems to present a problem in terms of carrying
capacity. Surely I can carry around more than a random few items at a time, as this
Sylladex system seems to imply? The answer is simply Yes. You can carry a theoretically
infinite number of towels, plot-important paperweights, pillows and other useful things
trapped in your Sylladex by useless junk. The Sylladex system represents an abstracted
form of the various luck- or skill-based Sylladex draw systems that exist… they are
simply too diverse to attempt to model in all of their different varieties. And even if
one were to do so it would simply create a game balance nightmare. Instead we rely on the
system of Tabs to simplify the problem down to easier-to-manage item usage.

But what about stone frog puzzle pieces, SBURB game discs, priceless heirloom stuffed
bunnies, and other plot-important items? Do they have to suffer from the lack of a
dedicated tab? These are special Story Items as determined by your GM, and the answer to
the above question is an emphatic No. The Sylladex system in the Homestuck RPG is
intended to be a source of power where you draw humorous items and powerful alchemized
gadgets to add to your combat strength and skill abilities. If you have any items that
the plot hinges around your being able to use, then they are going to be easily
accessible. Simply note the item down on your character sheet in a separate section and
use it when you need to use it, assuming that your character has the presence of mind to
carefully arrange such important items such that they will be (relatively) easy to
retrieve from your Sylladex in a pinch.

Items in the Sylladex are rated by a rarity index, which indicates the complexity and expense of each item in question. Each
rarity level has specific rules attached to it which affect how the item is used and the consequences of use for an item of
that rarity. The colors of rarity are, from lowest to highest, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Black. Common Tab items are
always either Green or Yellow, with Common Tab items being Yellow rarity from level 5 up. Alchemized items are either Red,
Blue, or Black depending on how many points spent on them. Only Signature Alchemy items may be Black-colored.

• Green: Items of Green rarity have no rules attached to them, and are able to be freely used without complications. Only Common
Tab items of Level 4 and below may be Green rarity.
• Yellow: Items of Yellow rarity are Common Tab items that are Level 5 or higher. You may only use one Yellow item a turn.
• Red: Items of Red rarity are Alchemized objects created from level 2 – 5, or at higher levels when the total cost of the item is less
than [(your level) – 2]. Items of Red rarity have no rules attached to them, and are able to be freely used without complications.
• Blue: Items of Blue rarity are Alchemized objects which can only be created at level 6 or higher. These powerful objects are
designated Blue when the item has a total Alchemy Point cost of [(your level) – 2] or greater at the time that you create the
item. These powerful items are exceedingly strong but also exceedingly difficult to use. Once you use an item of Blue rarity, you
cannot use any other items during your turn. If you suffer a Grave Blunder while using the Encounter Power of this item, you take
an additional 1d12 damage.
• Black: Items of Black rarity are created through the path of Signature Alchemy, which is an Epic Level Path that results in the
creation of exceedingly powerful items. These Objects of Fate have their own rules governing them, which are described in the
Epic Level Advancement section (pg. 74)

1. Before making the item, you must decide whether you are building a Weapon Item, an Armor Item, or a Trinket Item.
2. Next, you must determine how you will be applying points. Each section details which traits you can and must spend points in.
3. Now you may begin spending points. Green Traits offer bonuses at the cost of points, black Traits are free but tend to not offer
much effect, and red Traits often carry negative effects while offering you a refund of points if you choose to take one. Your item
must in the end cost at least .5 points!
4. Finally, once you've selected your Traits and are certain you're within your Point budget, you may assemble the item. Be sure to
name your Alchemy Item, list what sort of objects you used to create it, and create an Encounter Power if your item has one.
Don't forget to record what traits you purchased for the Item in question, in case you decide to upgrade or remake the Item.

Alchemy is powered by various raw materials left behind by the game whenever certain enemies (such as Underlings) die.
These various types of “Grist” are a gaming abstraction that mysteriously disappears as soon as you touch it and is
magically whisked away to an invisible Grist Repository. The expenditure of these materials as well as your imaginative
ability are the raw components that determine the limits to what you can alchemize. In the Homestuck RPG, this convoluted
process is abstracted further for sanity's sake. Every time you level up, the number of points that you have to spend on
Alchemy is equal to the value of your level -1 (so at level 2 you will have gained 1 point, therefore it is the first level you can
make any Alchemy items). You can create as many items as you have points for. Of course, it hardly needs to be said that
the GM has final authority on the legality of any item created. Any vetoed items must be rebuilt until a compromise is
Alchemy Points gained at level up = [(Your new level) – 1]

At first when you alchemize the most sensible thing to do will be to create one item at a time. From levels 2 through 5, any
time that you create a new weapon, item, or suit you are creating an Red item regardless of how many points are spent on
the item. Once you reach level 6 however, the rules change a bit. If you spend more then [(your level) – 2] points on any
individual Alchemized item at that point forward, then you are creating a Blue item. Now your choice has become a bit more
complex… spend your full allotment of points on incredibly powerful items that will cause complications, or build up a larger
collection of weaker items that will flow through your inventory well?

Blue items [at level 6+ only] = any Alchemy item that has
a total Alchemy Point cost of [(your level) – 2] or
greater at the time that you create the item.

Most of the charts that display points costs for Alchemy include at least a few options that have a negative point value. As
you might expect these are negative traits that reduce the innate abilities of the item in question and grant you a refund in
Alchemy points for their purchase. Note that it is impossible to create a item with a cost of 0 or less. You must spend at
least half of a point on every item you create, and any refunds you gain from negative alchemy traits may only be spent
back on the item they were gained from, never transferred to another item you create simultaneously. Finally, it is not
possible to buy multiples of the same Alchemy Trait on a single item except where it is stated you can by the Trait. However
some traits have scaling costs that let you buy them at greater or lesser power. In those cases the cost will display as “ 1 (2)
[3]” and the effects of the trait will make it clear what the higher point expenditures change on the item.

Weapon Items
“Weapons consist of Collectible Traits (which grant a permanent bonus
when using the Weapon), and Power Traits (which improve the Encounter
Power of the Weapon). Every Weapon comes with an Encounter Power so long
as you spend at least .5 points on Collectible Traits.”

A weapon item always consists of two parts: First is the Encounter power that you gain access to when you have the
weapon in your Sylladex. The second component is the Collectible Traits that grant a set of permanent bonuses to your
attacks with a particular Strife mode (ie. Crushingkind, or Heavy Rangedkind) after the first time you draw the weapon in
combat. You may only ever benefit from a single Collectible weapon’s benefits at a time. When you switch between
weapons, you must wait one turn before the Collectible traits that are active switch to the new weapon. However, the old
traits will stay active during this period and will still grant bonuses until the next weapon's traits come into effect.

Collectible Items Example: John has three different hammers collected in his
Strife Deck (Hammerkind): the Pogo Hammer, the Wrinklefucker, and Fear No
Anvil. Whenever he wields his Wrinklefucker and then switches to Fear No Anvil,
the Collectible Traits applied to the Wrinklefucker last for one extra turn
while John is using Fear No Anvil.

Note that you cannot benefit from a weapon Sylladex item that is not of the Kind Abstratus that you chose to wield at first
level... normally. If you want to diversify your Strife Deck, perhaps earning a Ranged weapon to balance out your melee
options or vice versa, buy the Strife Portfolio collectible upgrade.
The chart below outlines the Collectible traits that may be purchased for your Weapon items:

Cost Trait Name Offensive Alchemy[Collectible traits]

This Weapon suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls, and when you miss an
attack with it you must drop it and immediately switch to another
-3 JPEG Artifacts Weapon (or your basic Kind Abstratus if you have collected no
alternative). If this happens you may not switch back to this Weapon
until after the end of your next turn. {This trait cannot be combined with Accurate
or Unreliable.}

-2 Cursed When you miss with this Weapon, you suffer a Grave Blunder.
-1.5 Unreliable You take a -1 penalty to Weapon Precision while wielding this Weapon.
This Weapon take a -2 penalty to damage rolls. You cannot deal less than
-1 Weakened 1 point of damage.
This Weapon feeds its power off of a piece of armor, or cannot be
wielded without some sort of assisting item. Choose an Armor item that
-1 Linked must be equipped as a Collectible or have this Weapon's Encounter Power
be unusable unless you have used a specific Item Encounter Power.
If you suffer a Grave Blunder while using this Weapon, you must drop
-1 Fumble this Weapon.
You may receive this refund when you build a Weapon item that includes
-0.5 Upgrade/Duplicate at least all of the same traits as a Weapon you have Alchemized earlier.
You do not remove the old Weapon from your Sylladex.
When you miss with this Weapon, you are immobilized until the start of
-0.5 Unbalanced your next turn.
You may add +5 points of damage to any damage rolls made with this
0.5 Destructive Weapon against objects.
You gain a +1 to Speed when charging or running while wielding this
0.5 Momentum Weapon.
0.5 (1) Warning You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to Initiative while wielding this Weapon.
0.5 (1) Skillful You gain a +2 (+4) item bonus to one Skill while wielding this Weapon.

0.5 (1) Longshot You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to your Weapon's Range. {This trait can only be taken
by ranged weapons.}

You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to any damage rolls made with this Weapon when
0.5 (1) Backstabbing attacking targets that grant combat advantage to you.
Your Weapon can be used with two different Kind Abstrata. Traits
1 incompatible with one mode may not be taken. You may wield it and any
Duality other Weapon of the same Kind Abstrata without penalty.

Strife Portfolio You may choose a Kind Abstratus that you do not own. The Weapon you are
1 crafting is now of that type, and you may wield it and any other Weapon
Upgrade of the same Kind Abstratus without penalty.
You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against Opportunity Actions you
1 Evasive trigger while wielding this Weapon.
1 Extended Reach Your Weapon gains Reach 1. {This trait can only be taken by melee weapons.}

You may either: Shift 1 square on your turn, Slide a target 1 square on
a hit, or Push a target 2 squares on a hit While wielding this Weapon.
1 Movement Effect You may purchase this trait multiple times, either to gain a separate
effect, or to stack an effect.
After a successful charge or bull rush, you may push the target 1
1 Forceful additional square while wielding this Weapon.
1 (2) Swift Your Speed increases by 1 (2) while wielding this Weapon.
You gain 2 (4) temporary hit points whenever you successfully hit a
1 (1.5) Sanguineous target while wielding this Weapon.

Whenever you successfully push, pull or slide a target while wielding
1 (2) Inertia this Weapon, you may push, pull or slide the target an additional 1 (2)
Add +1 (+2) [+3] points of damage to any damage rolls made while
1(2)[3] Sharpening wielding this Weapon.
A successful hit with this Weapon slows the target until the end of your
1.5 Slowing next turn, in addition to any other effects.
A successful hit with this Weapon causes the target to take a -1 penalty
1.5 Fazing to attack rolls until the end of your next turn, in addition to any
other effects.
Your weapon now deals a damage type of your choice. Your weapon can deal
Elemental acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant,
1.5 or thunder damage. You can stack damage types by purchasing this trait
You may deal 2 (5) damage whenever you miss with an attack, unless the
1.5 (3) Inescapable attack already has a Miss: effect. This trait cannot be used to kill
Increase the weapon's damage die one position up the damage track: 1d6=>
1d8 => 1d10/2d4 => 1d12 => 2d6 => 2d8 => 2d10 => 2d12 => 3d8 Buying the
1.5(3.5) Hardened Edge second cost advances the weapon two positions up the damage track. {Note:
Randomkind and Finesse Meleekind apply the purchase of this trait to each of their damage values
on an individual basis.}

Whenever you miss an attack while wielding this weapon, you gain a +2
2 Learning item bonus to your next attack roll against the same target.
A successful hit with this weapon causes each enemy adjacent to the
2 (4) Spreading target to take damage equal to half your level (damage equal to your
Whenever you suffer a Grave Blunder while wielding this weapon, only
2.5 Epic Fail apply the damage dealt by the Grave Blunder and ignore all other
You gain a +1 bonus to Attack rolls and Brutal Confirmation rolls
2.5 Regicidal against Elite and Solo enemies while wielding this weapon.
This weapon always ignores cover and concealment from targets that you
can see. While wielding this weapon you know the location of any
2.5 Trueshot invisible or hidden enemies within 10 spaces, and you suffer a -2
penalty to attack rolls instead of the normal -5 penalty.
While wielding this weapon, you may teleport 2 squares as a free action
2.5 Flickering whenever you score at least one successful hit. This weapon deals full
damage to incorporeal targets.
3 Accurate You gain a +1 item bonus to all attacks while wielding this weapon.
You gain a +2 bonus to Brutal Affront confirmation rolls while wielding
3 Legendary this weapon.
When you successfully push, pull, or slide a target, your allies can
3 Take a Trip take Opportunity Actions against that target.
While wielding this weapon, a successful attack roll knocks the target
3.5 Mighty prone, in addition to any other effects.
While wielding this weapon, any successful attack roll causes the target
3.5 Frostcutter to be Restrained until the start of your next turn in addition to any
other effects. Your Weapon now deals Cold damage.
When wielding this weapon, any successful attack roll causes the target
to take damage equal to 2 + your level at the start of its next turn.
3.5 Afterburner You also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against Ongoing Damage while
holding this weapon. Your Weapon now deals Fire damage.
A hit with this weapon causes Ongoing 5 damage (save ends), in addition
4 Entropic to any other effects.
When making Attack rolls, a result of 10 on either d10 is treated as if
4 Gutsy you had rolled doubles and threatened a Brutal Affront or Positive

So long as you spend at least half of an Alchemy point on the passive benefits of your weapon from the table above, you
also gain a generic Encounter Power on the Weapon Item. The beginning template for the Encounter Power starts out
looking like this:

Weapon Sylladex Power

Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img modifier+ your level damage.
Effect: You immediately switch to the weapon this power is attached to upon using this power if you are not already
using it.

You determine the ability score used for attack and damage, but it must be one of the primary ability scores for the Kind
Abstratus and Mode you are basing the Weapon on. Any Collectible Traits purchased that modify the weapon’s attacks
automatically apply to this Power… don’t forget to factor them in!
The chart below outlines the Power traits that may be purchased for your Weapon items:

Cost Trait Name Offensive Alchemy[Power traits]

You must remove all modifiers to the Attack roll, and instead rely
-3 Passive entirely on your dice roll to determine whether you hit with an attack.
-1 Overzealous Effect: You are slowed until the end of your next turn.
-0.5(-1) Accuracy decrease This power’s attack bonus decreases by -1 (-2).
-0.5 Damage decrease This power’s damage decreases to 1[W].
Effect: You take a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next
-0.5 Reckless turn.
You may apply a minor effect that is not a standard condition, penalty
Misc. Minor to the target, or numerical bonus to yourself or allies that would apply
Effect during combat. {EX: Free Skaian Lore check on a hit target, changing appearance to match
the target if the attack defeats it, etc.}

Prankster's Effect: The target may not make Opportunity Actions against you for
0.5 moving out of a threatened square after hitting with this Weapon.
0.5 Slowing Hit: The target is slowed until end of your next turn.
You may use this power in place of a melee basic attack at the end of a
0.5 Charge charge. {This trait cannot be combined with Opportunistic}
You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack when making an
0.5 Opportunistic opportunity attack. {This trait cannot be combined with Charge}
0.5 Deafening Hit: The target is deafened until end of your next turn.
You may either: Shift 2 squares on your turn, Jump/Fly 4 squares on your
turn, Slide a target of one of your attacks 1 square on a hit, Push this
power's target 2 squares on a hit, or Move your speed as a free action
0.5 Movement effect after a successful hit against this power's target. You may purchase
this trait multiple times, either to gain a separate effect, or to stack
an effect.
Change the power's damage modifier to "...+ twice your level" instead of
1 Extra Damage "...+ your level".
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your
1 Shattering next turn.
1 Uncertainty The target may not take Opportunity Actions until end of its next turn.
1 Immobilizing Hit: The target is immobilized until end of your next turn.
1 Major This power deals an additional +1[W] on a hit.
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks until the end of
1 Parrying your next turn. {This trait cannot be combined with Blocking.}
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to AC against ranged attacks until the end
1 Blocking of your next turn. {This trait cannot be combined with Parrying.}
1 Weakening Hit: The target is weakened until end of your next turn.
Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to their next attack. If you suffer a
1 Guilty Grave Blunder using this power, you take a -2 penalty to your next

1 Focus Hit: You gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll. {This trait can only be taken by
melee weapons.}

1 Quick Whip Effect: Your weapon has Reach until the end of your next turn. {This trait
can only be taken by melee weapons.}

Hit: The target is knocked prone and triggers Opportunity Actions

1 Sassacrusher whenever it stands up until the end of its next turn.

1 Accuracy Hit: You gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll. {This trait can only be taken by
ranged weapons.}

1.5 Nauseating Hit: The target can only make Move actions until end of your next turn.
1.5 Blinding Hit: The target is blinded until end of your next turn.
Hit: The target runs 1d6 squares directly away from you, provoking
1.5 Fear Attacks of Opportunity as normal.
1.5 Seismic Hit: The target falls prone.
Change one Power Trait that is normally (until the end of targets/your
1.5 Effect Duration next turn) to (Save Ends).
Change your attack from Melee-kind to "Close Burst 1" or “Close Blast
1.5 Area Attack 3”, or from Ranged-kind to "Burst 1 within Range." The attack targets
each creature in the area.
Defense The attack targets a defense of your choice other than Armor Class,
1.5 between either Fortitude, Reflex, or Will.
1.5 Marking Hit: The target is marked until the end of your next turn.
1.5 (2) Warp Hit: The target is teleported up to 2 (4) squares.
Make 2 [3] attacks against the same target. The damage dealt to the
1.5(2.5) Multi-attack target is reduced to 1[W] on each attack after the first. {This trait cannot
be combined with Damage Decrease.}

2 Dazing Hit: The target is Dazed until end of your next turn.
Change one Trait you have bought for this power that is "Hit:" to
2 Auto-Effect "Effect:".
Hit: You may regain hit points equal to half the damage dealt by this
2 Vampiric power.
You may apply any unusual custom status conditions that the GM will
2 Esoteric Attack allow until end of your next turn. {EX: Target can no longer swim, whenever the
target attempts to talk they instead scream loudly.}

Hit: You deal an additional +1[W] damage and the target is blinded until
2 Blinding Smite the end of your next turn. Miss: You gain +5 temporary Hit Points.
Hit: You may push or slide the target +2 additional squares. If you
2 Homerun succeed with a Brutal Affront, you may push or slide the target +4
additional squares.
Hit: The target gains Vulnerable 5 to one damage type (all damage) until
2 (3) Defense-breaker end of your next turn.
2 (4) Multi-target You may use this power against 2 [3] different targets in range.
Miss: This power is not expended. You must wait until the start of your
2.5 Reliable next turn to use this power again. {This trait cannot be combined with Feinting or
Unreliable, or any traits that provide a penalty to Hit or provide a miss effect..}

Hit: You gain a +1 power bonus to all attack rolls and defenses against
2.5 Dueling the target until the end of the Encounter.
2.5 Split Second This power requires a Minor action instead of a Standard action.
2.5 Entropic Hit: The target takes Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
3 Stunning Attack Hit: The target is Stunned until end of your next turn.
Effect: You deal +1[W] damage and gain a +2 power bonus to your attack
3 Legendary Attack roll. Miss: You deal half damage.

Armor Items
“Armor consists of Collectible Traits (which grant a permanent bonus when
using the Armor), and Power Traits (which make up the Encounter Power of
the Weapon). You must create the Encounter Power of the item by buying an
Activation Trait, which dictates what Action must be taken to use the
Power in question.”

Much like weapon items, defensive Alchemy is composed of two parts. One part is a broad Collectible benefit that is gained
from collecting the item and wearing it regardless of it’s presence in your Sylladex hand, the other is an Encounter Power

that can be used from your Sylladex. You may only wear one Defensive Alchemy item at a time… unless you buy the Shield
trait for the item, making it a Defensive Alchemy that you can hold in an offhand. Switching between the Collectible traits of
suits or shields that you own is a Minor action.
The chart below outlines the Collectible traits that may be purchased for your Armor items:

Cost Trait Name Defensive Alchemy[Collectible]

-1 Flimsy This Armor's AC bonus decreases by -1 point.
-0.5(-1) Burdensome This Armor imposes a -1 (-2) penalty to Speed while equipped.
You may receive this refund when you build an Armor item that includes at
-0.5 Upgrade/Duplicate least all of the same traits as a piece of Armor you have Alchemized
earlier. You do not remove the old Armor from your Sylladex.
You gain a +2 (+4) item bonus to a skill of your choice while wearing
0.5 (1) Skill Bonus this Armor.
This Armor is not worn on the body, but rather a Shield or Parrying item
that you can wield in an off-hand whenever you are in a One-handed Kind
Abstratus. When held in one hand it grants Collectible effects even when
0.5 Shield you wear another Collectible defensive item, although you may only apply
the Collectible effects of one piece of Armor at a time. Choose either
Heavy, Medium, or Light: this item counts as that type of Armor for the
purposes of what other traits you may purchase for it.
You gain Resist 5 against environmental hazards and terrain effects while
0.5 Insulated wearing this Armor.

0.5 (1) Aggressive You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to Initiative while wearing this Armor. {You may
apply this trait to Light or Medium Armor only.}

For the purposes of calculating AC only, your Acumen modifier is

1 Reflexive considered to be +4 while wearing this Armor. {You may apply this trait to Light
Armor only.}

1 Custom-Tailored This Armor does not penalize your Speed when worn. {You may apply this trait to
Heavy Armor only. This trait cannot be combined with Burdensome.}

You do not need Cover to make Stealth checks when hiding while you are
1 Chameleon wearing this Armor. {You may apply this trait to Light Armor only.}

1 Health Your maximum Hit Point value is increased by +5 while wearing this Armor.
{You may apply this trait to Heavy Armor only.}

While wearing this Armor, whenever you push or slide a marked target, you
1 Rubber Bonding may shift up to 2 squares towards them.

Esoteric Defense Choose one defense other than Armor Class, between either Fortitude,
1 (2) Reflex, or Will. You gain a +1 (+2) bonus to that defense while wearing
Boost this Armor.
1 (2) Sturdy You gain a +1 (+2) bonus to all Saving Throws while wearing this Armor.
You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to defenses against Opportunity Attacks
1 (2) Trickster triggered by your movement. {You may apply this trait to Light or Medium Armor only.}

While wearing this Armor, whenever you are damaged by a melee attack, you
1.5 Vicious gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls against the enemy who attacked you until
the end of your next turn.
You gain Resist 2 (Resist 5) to Blast or Burst attacks while wearing this
1.5 (3) Fortifying Armor. {You may apply this trait to Heavy Armor only.}
You gain a +1 (+2) bonus to all defenses against Blast or Burst attacks
1.5 (3) Dodging while wearing this Armor. {You may apply this trait to Light Armor only.}
While wearing this Armor, when you push or slide an enemy out of a
2 Stepping Up square, you may shift into their previously-occupied square.
While wearing this Armor, when you shift next to a marked target, you may
2 Fake Out slide them 1 square.
While wearing this Armor, whenever you shift or are forced to shift into
2 Quick Feet a square, you may then shift 1 additional square in any direction you
want. {You may apply this trait to Light Armor only.}
You gain Resistance 5 (10) to a damage type of your choice while wearing
2(3) Resistance this Armor.
While wearing this Armor, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to you
2 (3)
Damaging Aura takes 2 (4) [6] points of damage. You must choose the damage type dealt
[4] by this armor. {You may apply this trait to Heavy Armor only.}
While wearing this Armor, whenever an enemy hits you with an attack, you
2.5 Kinetic gain a +1 bonus to Speed and AC until the end of your next turn.

While wearing this Armor, when an attack misses you, you may push the
2.5 Shove attacking opponent 1 square.
3 Tough This armor grants an extra +1 bonus to AC.
While wearing this Armor, when an opponent misses an attack against you,
3 Bouncy you may shift 1 square. {You may apply this trait to Light or Medium Armor only.}
While wearing this Armor, whenever you are afflicted with a condition
3 Immunity that a saving throw can end, you may make an immediate saving throw
against it. {You may apply this trait to Heavy Armor only.}
While wearing this Armor, whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack,
they are Slowed until the end of their next turn. You also gain a +2
4 Cryosuit bonus to saving throws against the Immobilized condition while wearing
this armor.

The primary difference between Defensive and Weapon Alchemy comes in the Encounter Power. The Power created by
Defensive Alchemy has no set template, as nearly every component is subject to change, although it will always be set to
an ENCOUNTER usage. For the specific case of Defensive Alchemy, any point refunds that you gain from taking negative
Power traits must only be spent on the Power itself and not the Collectible chart, in order to prevent abuse of the system to
get better Collectibles at the expense of the power. There are two categories that the Defensive Power must be built
around: the Activation and the Effect. You must buy one trait from each chart. You cannot buy two or more Activation traits.
As soon as you activate the Sylladex Power of an Armor item, you automatically switch to wearing that armor and now have
all of the Collectible traits of that armor. If you switch Collectible traits to another set of armor while you still have any
ongoing Armor Power effects, those effects immediately end.
The chart below outlines the Activation traits that may be purchased for your Armor items:
Cost Trait Defensive Alchemy[Activation]
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are
-3 Trigger: Downed reduced to 0 HP or less. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
-1.5 Standard This power is activated as a Standard action.
-0.5 Move This power is activated as a Move action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are
0 Trigger: Bloodied bloodied by an attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered on the first
0 Trigger: First round of the Encounter. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
0.5 Minor This power is activated as a Minor action.
Trigger: Melee The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
0.5 by any melee attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
0.5 Trigger: Defense by any attack that targets Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You must also buy
an Immediate Action.
Immediate This power is activated as a Immediate Reaction action. You must also buy
Reaction a Trigger.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
1 Trigger: Hit by any attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when the target
1 Trigger: Miss misses an attack against you. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
Immediate This power is activated as a Immediate Interrupt action. You must also
Interrupt buy a Trigger.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an Ally is
2 Trigger: Ally attacked by a creature.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an enemy
2 ends their turn inside an adjacent square. You must also buy an Immediate
Proximity Action.
Trigger: The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an enemy
2 Opportunity makes an Opportunity Attack against you. You must also buy an Immediate
Attack Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when your turn
2 Trigger: End ends. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
2.5 Free This power is activated as a Free action.

The chart below outlines the Power traits that may be purchased for your Armor items. If the power has an Activation
already attached, you must also buy that Activation:

Cost Trait Name Defensive Alchemy[Power]

-2 Overwhelming When you use this power you are dazed until the end of your next turn.
When you use this power you are immobilized until the end of your next
-1 Armor Lock turn.
-1 Overzealous When you use this power you are slowed until the end of your next turn.
When you use this power you gain Vulnerable 5 to a damage type of your
-1 Weak Point choice until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your level (twice your
0.5(1.5) Guarding level).

0.5 (2) Escaping Effect: You may shift up to half your speed. {You must spend the second point cost
if this ability is bought along with the Immediate Interrupt or Free Action triggers.}

1 Soaring Effect: You may fly with a speed of 8. (This trait must be purchased with Standard
or Move actions. You may apply this trait to Light Armor only.)

1 Blowback Effect: You may push the enemy 1 square. (This trait must be purchased with

Effect: You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to all defenses against the triggering
1 (2) Sudden Defense attack. (This trait must be purchased with Triggers.)
Effect: At the start of each of your next turns, you gain 1 Temporary Hit
1.5 Barrier Point. These Temporary Hit Points stack, and disappear at the end of the
1.5 (2) Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that ends its turn
Damaging Burst adjacent to you takes 3 (5) [8] damage.
Effect: You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to all defenses until the end of your
1.5 (3) Defense Up next turn. This trait may not be combined with Sudden Defense. {This trait
cannot be combined with Sudden Defense.}

Effect: You gain Resist 5 (10) to a damage type of your choosing until
1.5 (3) Resist the end of your next turn. You may only choose one damage type per usage.

2 Blinding Effect: The attacker is Blinded until the end of its next turn (This trait
must be purchased with Triggers.)

Effect: You may reroll your death save and choose between the first and
2 First-Aid second result. (This trait must be purchased with Trigger: Downed.)
Effect: When an enemy is up to 4 squares away, you may pull them up to 4
2 Hookshot squares towards you. You then mark the enemy.
Effect: You may remove all negative effects on you and gain 3+(2 x Level)
2 Zeal Temp HP. Temp HP last until the end of the encounter. (This trait must be
purchased with Triggers.)

Effect: If the triggering attack is from an adjacent enemy, deal 1d6 +

2 (3) Retribution your level damage to the target (1d12 + twice your level). (This trait must
be purchased with Triggers.)

2.5 Dazing Effect: The attacker is Dazed until the end of your next turn. (This trait
must be purchased with Triggers.)

Ranged As Retribution above, but this power is not limited by distance to the
2.5(3.5) target.
2.5(4.5) Life-support Effect: You gain Regeneration 2 (5).
3 Blinking Effect: You may teleport a number of squares up to your Speed.

Trinket Items
“Trinkets consist of purely of Power Traits (which make up the Encounter
Power of the Weapon). You must create the Encounter Power of the item by
buying an Activation Trait (which dictates what Action must be taken to
use the Power in question), and a Duration trait (which dictates how long
the effect of the item lasts).”
Trinket items are miscellaneous effects, such as healing Gel Viscosity pills, Plush Monsters that distract or disturb your
opponents, or jetpacks that help you fly. Trinkets do not have a Collectible component and are instead composed only of an
Encounter Power, making them a cheap and very flexible way to enhance your abilities compared to the generally pricier
and more specific effects of Weapon and Armor items.Trinket Alchemy is comprised of three components: the Activation
Trait, the Duration Trait, and the Effect Trait(s). You may only pick one Activation Trait and one Duration Trait.
The chart below outlines the Activation traits that may be purchased for your Trinket items:

Cost Trait Trinket Alchemy[Activation]
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are
-3 Trigger: Downed reduced to 0 HP or less. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
-1.5 Standard This power is activated as a Standard action.
-0.5 Move This power is activated as a Move action.
Trigger: The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are
0 bloodied by an attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered on the first
0 Trigger: First round of the Encounter. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
0.5 Minor This power is activated as a Minor action.
Trigger: Melee The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
0.5 by any melee attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
0.5 Trigger: Defense by any attack that targets Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. You must also buy
an Immediate Action.
Immediate This power is activated as a Immediate Reaction action. You must also buy
Reaction a Trigger.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit
1 Trigger: Hit by any attack. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when the target
1 Trigger: Miss misses an attack against you. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
Immediate This power is activated as a Immediate Interrupt action. You must also
Interrupt buy a Trigger.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an Ally is
2 Trigger: Ally attacked by a creature.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an enemy
2 ends their turn inside an adjacent square. You must also buy an Immediate
Proximity Action.
Trigger: The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when an enemy
2 Opportunity makes an Opportunity Attack against you. You must also buy an Immediate
Attack Action.
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when your turn
2 Trigger: End ends. You must also buy an Immediate Action.
2.5 Free This power is activated as a Free action.

The chart below outlines the Duration traits that may be purchased for your Trinket items:
Cost Trait Name Trinket Alchemy[Duration]
The traits gained last only for as long as the action you used to
-0.5 Duration: Short activate them.
0 Duration: Normal The traits gained last until the end of your current turn.
1 Duration: Long The traits gained last until the end of your next turn.
2 Duration: Encounter The traits gained last until the end of the encounter.

The chart below outlines the Power traits that may be purchased for your Trinket items:
Cost Trait Name Trinket Alchemy[Power]
You may receive this refund when you build a Trinket that includes at
-0.5 Upgrade/Duplicate least all of the same traits as a Trinket you have Alchemized earlier.
You do not remove the old Trinket from your Sylladex.
When applied to a Trinket, this Trait allows you to create one effect
?? Miscellaneous! that your GM will allow. Buy a Duration and an Activation for this trait
if your GM deems it necessary.
Make an attack roll against a single target within 10 squares.
Attack: Level + 6 vs AC.
0.5 Projectile {You must buy at least a single Hit: effect. You can buy traits from the Weapon Power Trait table
when Alchemizing one of these items. Alternatively, you can remove the attack roll and make a
power that targets allies. In that case, you must buy positive traits from this or the Armor
Power Trait tables.}

Effect: All spaces in a Burst 2 or a Blast 5 are illuminated, and those

0.5 Flashlight squares count as bathed in bright light. {You must buy a Duration trait.}

Effect: You are able to breath in any kind of environment, including in
0.5 Respirator toxic gases, underwater, and in a vacuum. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
At the GM's discretion, you may make the Trinket and one Trinket Alchemy
trait attached to that Trinket Collectible (like Common Tab items) in
0.5 Collectible addition to a Power trait. The GM determines what effects and limitations
the Collectible will have.
Effect: Upon activation, you gain a +3 (+5) item bonus to one skill
0.5 (1) Skillful chosen at the time this item is crafted. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
0.5 (1) Energize Effect: You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to your next damage roll.
Effect: You may add a +1 (+2) power bonus to either your next attack
roll, saving throw, or skill roll, or to a single defense score until
0.5 (1) Symbol after the next time you are attacked. You must decide what bonus the
Symbol trait will grant before applying it to a Trinket.
1 Flying Effect: You gain a Fly Speed of 8 (Hover). {You must buy a Duration trait.}

Effect: You may shift up to your Speed, or ignore difficult terrain, or

1 Movement any similar effect permitted by the GM. You must decide what the Movement
trait will do before applying it to the Trinket. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: You are prevented from being Surprised by sneaking enemies,
1 Sensory alerted automatically when you are in the presence of treasure, or any
similar effect permitted by the GM. {You must buy a Duration trait if the GM declares
it necessary.}

Effect: You are provided the space and supplies necessary to enjoy
restful sleep and protection from the elements for up to 10 hours. This
1 Resting includes a tent, campfire, sleeping bags, and enough minor camping
equipment to support up to 4 people at one time.
Effect: You can manipulate unattended objects up to 5 squares away from
Telekinetic you as if you were using them yourself. For example, you can open a door
Reach as a Minor action or swing a club as a Standard action. {You must buy a
Duration trait.}

Hit: The target is now knocked prone until the start of their next turn
1 (1.5) Flattening (save ends). {You must buy an Attack: trait.}
Effect: You shoot forth a rope at a target or location up to 3 (5)
1 (1.5) Grappler squares away and pull yourself adjacent to it.
1 (1.5)
Damage Hit: Deal 1d10 (2d6) [3d6] + your level damage. {You must buy an Attack: trait.}
Hit: All squares within the affected area grant Partial Concealment
1 (2) Smokescreen (Total Concealment). {You must buy an Attack: trait. You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: You gain Temporary Hit Points equal to half of your bloodied
1 (2) Guarding value (your bloodied value).
Effect: You may dig a 10 foot hole that fills one square (all squares in
1 (2) Digging a Close Blast 2).
Effect: You may make an immediate Saving Throw against a condition (all
1 (2) Cleansing conditions) that you are currently afflicted with.
Effect: You may either gain a +4 bonus to Chumming, or may provide all
1 (2) Musical allies in the Encounter a +1 bonus to attack rolls thanks to the
enchanting nature of the trinket towards enemies (Do both).
Effect: You gain permanent, painless, hands-free communication for the
1 (3) Ansible rest of the Encounter with one ally (all allies) that also has used a
Trinket with the Ansible trait.
Make an attack against a creature you can see.
1.5 Frightening Attack: Level + 6 vs Will.
Hit: The target is weakened and slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You gain a +4 Athletics bonus towards climbing, including against
surfaces that would prohibit climbing, such as smooth rock faces. You
1.5 Climbing also gain a +2 bonus to saving throws and skill rolls if you fail an
Athletics check while climbing. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: You gain a +4 Chumming bonus towards animals, and may ride the
1.5 Barding target animal upon a successful Chumming check. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: You can extend the Range of ranged attacks by 2, or the Range of
1.5 Rangefinder Bursts and Blasts by 1. You must pick one option when making your
Trinket. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: All squares adjacent to you are considered difficult terrain to
1.5 Hazard enemies for the rest of the Encounter.

Make an attack on every creature in a Close Blast 3 (4).
Attack: Level + 6 vs Reflex.
1.5 (2) Spray {You must buy at least a single Hit: effect. You can buy traits from the Weapon Power Trait table
when Alchemizing one of these items. Alternatively, you can remove the attack roll and make a
power that targets allies. In that case, you must buy positive traits from this or the Armor
Power Trait tables.}

Make an attack on every creature in a Ranged Burst 1 (2) within 10

Attack: Level + 6 vs Reflex.
1.5 (2) Area Attack {You must buy at least a single Hit: effect. You can buy traits from the Weapon Power Trait table
when Alchemizing one of these items. Alternatively, you can remove the attack roll and make a
power that targets allies. In that case, you must buy positive traits from this or the Armor
Power Trait tables.}

Make an attack on every creature in a Close Burst 1 (2).

Attack: Level + 6 vs Reflex.
1.5 (2) Aura Attack {You must buy at least a single Hit: effect. You can buy traits from the Weapon Power Trait table
when Alchemizing one of these items. Alternatively, you can remove the attack roll and make a
power that targets allies. In that case, you must buy positive traits from this or the Armor
Power Trait tables.}

Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn (save
1.5 (2) Entangle ends). {You must buy an Attack: trait.}
Effect: You regain hit points equal to 1/2 of your bloodied value (your
1.5(2.5) Healing bloodied value).
Effect: You gain a +2 (+3) bonus to a single defense of your choice
1.5(2.5) Impervious between AC, Will, Reflex, and Fortitude. You may buy this trait multiple
times, with each purchase applying to a different defense. {You must buy a
Duration trait.}

2 Recharge Effect: You may recharge a power that has the Recharge keyword.
You may place the Trinket in a square adjacent to you.
Trigger: A creature willingly moves adjacent to a space containing the
2 Landmine/Trap Attack: Level + 6 vs Reflex.
{You must buy Immediate Interrupt or Immediate Reaction. You do not need to buy a Trigger. You
must buy at least a single Hit: effect. You can buy traits from the Weapon Power Trait table when
Alchemizing one of these items. Alternatively, you can remove the attack roll and make a power
that targets allies. In that case, you must buy positive traits from this or the Armor Power
Trait tables.}

Miss: This power is not expended. You must wait until the start of your
2.5 Reliable next turn to use this power again. {This trait cannot be combined with Feinting or
Unreliable, as well as any Traits that provide a penalty to attack rolls or provide a Miss:

2 (3) Shielding Effect: You gain Resist 5 (Resist 10) to a damage type of your choosing.
{You must buy a Duration trait.}

Effect: Until the end of the Encounter, you can see the location and
activities of 1 individual that you previously specify. They must be
2 (3) Divination someone you have previously met (you can see a location, whether or not
the location is occupied by an individual. You can only see locations
that you have previously visited).
Hit: All squares within the affected area are considered difficult
2 (3) Debris terrain. {You must buy an Attack: trait.}
2 (3) Night Vision Effect: You can see in dim lighting (darkness). You must pick a duration.
Effect: You gain Partial Concealment (Total Concealment) against all
2 (3.5) Blur enemies. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Effect: One target (all targets) within a Close Burst 1 gains8 Ongoing 5
2 (4) Degeneration Damage (save ends).
Effect: You may briefly speak, communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings, or
2.5 Telepathic intentions telepathically with one creature. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
2.5 (4) Max Shielding Same as Shielding above, but applies to all damage types.
3 Heroism Effect: You may make an additional Standard action this turn.
Effect: You create a small vehicle. While riding in/on it, you gain a +2
3 Vehicle bonus to AC, and may double your current Speed. {You must buy a Duration trait.}
Hit: 2d10 + your level fire damage.
3 Firecracker Effect: The target takes 5 fire damage at the start of its next turn. {You
must buy an Attack: trait.}

Effect: You may teleport yourself and up to 4 adjacent allies up to 10

3.5 Pan-Dimensional squares, so long as you all end the movement adjacent to each other.
Hit: The target makes a melee basic attack against an adjacent creature
4 Brainwash of your choice. {You must buy an Attack: trait.}

Encounter Requirements:
“You may apply Encounter Requirements to any Encounter Power on any item.
These grant additional points to use on an item, at the expense of the
Power having to meet an activation requirement.”

You may decide to apply Requirements to your Weapon, Armor, or Trinket Powers. These negative attributes make it so that
Encounter Powers must meet certain requirements before they can be employed. A Power may only have one Requirement
applied to it at any one time.
The chart below outlines the Requirement traits that may be purchased for your items:

Cost Trait Name Alchemy[Requirement]

You must make a successful Skill roll of your choice and beat a
-1(-1.5)[-2] Complicated DC of 15 (DC 20) [DC 25]. {You cannot take this Requirement if your Skill
bonus equals the DC you choose for this Trait}

-1 Berserk (Finisher) You (Target) must be bloodied.

-1 Deranged (Zen) You must be (must not be) bloodied.
-0.5 Loner (Teamwork) You must not be (must be) adjacent to an ally.
-0.5 Focused (Singled Out) The target must be (must not be) adjacent to an enemy.
-0.5 Uncannybrutal You must have confirmed a Brutal Affront on the previous turn.
-0.5 Sneaky The target must grant combat advantage.
-0.5 Quick Attack The target must be Dazed, Stunned or Slowed.
-0.5 Jousting The attack must be made as part of a charge.
-0.5 Feinting You must have missed an attack on the previous turn.
-0.5 Skirmishing (Steady) You must have (must not have) moved this turn.
-0.5 Wrath (Sloth) The target must have (must not have) moved on its last turn.

Common Tab Items:

From the very beginning, before the crazy combinatorial methods of Alchemy, players will have access to objects,
mementos, and heirlooms from their lives that grant powers and bonuses to them. These items are called Common Tab
Items. Ranging from Wicked Elixirs to programming books to computers and beyond, Common Tab Items offer cheap,
expendable Encounter Powers to expand a player's pool of moves in the hostile world of the Medium.
At 1st Level, a player may choose two Lv. 1 Common Tab Items. At all subsequent levels, they may choose one new item
from the power level that corresponds with their player level or below. For example, a 5 th level player will have 5 items
already in their Common Tab, and will be able to choose one Lv. 5 item or below to complement their inventory. Don't forget,
however, that all Common Tab Powers are Encounter Powers.
You may choose to not select a Common Tab item upon level up, but if you do choose to take one on, it must be chosen
when you level up. Otherwise, you miss your chance to grab it. Common Tab items range in power from Lv.1 to Lv. 9, and
no new items may be acquired when a player reaches 10th level. The only exception to this rule is with characters traveling
the Signature Alchemy Epic Boon after reaching 10 th Level. These characters eventually gain the ability to access all
Common Tab items that their allies are in possession of.
The chart below outlines the Common Tab Items which you may acquire at every level:
Card Name Level Effect Collectible Tags
Standard Action - Ranged 5
Attack: Level + 5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
this item by rolling a d10 when you use
Weaponized its power:
Green (1) 5+: You successfully launch a deadly object. Supercharge
The power deals 2d8 + twice your level
damage, and the target grants combat
advantage until the end of your next turn on
a hit.
1-4: Your sylladex ejects something useless.
The power fails and your turn ends.
Pogo Ride Green (1) Minor Action – Personal Unstable
Effect: Until the end of the encounter,
you may Move your speed + 2 and ignore
Difficult terrain. You may also move
through enemy spaces, although you will

still trigger Opportunity Attacks as
normal. At the end of every move action
in which you moved over difficult
terrain or went faster than your speed,
roll a d10.
5+: You actually maintain your balance on the
Pogo Ride. Nice Save!
1-4: You are knocked prone and you lose all of
the benefits of the Pogo Ride for the rest of
the encounter.
A level 1 player can
collect the Smartphone.
You can now Communicate
with other players even
Minor Action – Personal
while away from your
Effect: You can use the Aid Another
Smartphone Green (1) action on an ally with unlimited range
computer. Beware, Collectible
taking or sending
and no line of sight needed.
messages grants an
Opportunity Attack to
any enemies within
Reach of you.
Move Action – Personal
Effect: You regain hit points equal to 5
+ your level.
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
Fruit this item by rolling a d10 when you use
Green (1) Supercharge
Gushers its power.
5+: You cram Gushers like a champ. You regain
HP equal to your bloodied value instead.
1-4: Blegh! You regain no health, and are
dazed until the end of your next turn.
Minor Action - Close Burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Effect: The target may not make
opportunity attacks until the end of
your current turn. In addition, if your
Green (1) party attempts to ABSCOND from the
Pellets Strife before the end of the current
round, you and any allies within 5
spaces of you gain a +3 bonus to all
skill checks related to successfully
disengaging from the fight.
Minor Action – Personal
Effect: Gain a +1 item bonus to a single
dice roll you make before the end of
Magic 8 Ball Green (1) your next turn. You may add the bonus
after seeing the final dice score but
before knowing the action's results.
Immediate Interrupt – Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an enemy's
Effect: Roll 1d10, if the result is:
Beagle Puss 5+: The enemy is nonplussed by your baffling
Green (1) Unstable
Aegis disguise. You take half damage from the
triggering attack.
1-4: You fail the Gambit! You take a -2
penalty to attacks against the triggering
enemy until the end of your next turn.
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Attack: Level + 5 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dazed and slowed
until the end of its next turn.
Effect: Make a Chumming skill check with
Musical a +3 item bonus on a target that can
Green (1) Unstable
Instrument hear you. Every time you choose to use
this power, roll 1d10:
5+: The melody works as intended!
1-4: You take a -2 penalty to attack and skill
rolls until the end of your next turn (apply
the penalty to your current attack or skill
roll immediately).

Standard Action
Effect: Roll 1d4 to determine the suit
of the Minor Arcana card you have
pulled. Roll 1d10 to then determine the
number (n) of the card:
Tarot Deck Green (1) 1: Swords: An adjacent enemy takes (n) damage. Unstable
2 - Wands: Enemy within Range (n) takes (n)
3 - Cups: You gain (n) hit points.
4 - Coins: An ally within Range (n) gains (n)
hit points.
Minor Action – Personal
Effect: You gain a +3 to Perception
until the end of your next turn. All
squares within a close burst 2 of you
are brightly lit for the rest of the
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
Flashlight Green (1) this trinket by rolling a d10 when you Supercharge
use its power.
5+: Man, these batteries are lasting forever!
You gain a +3 to Perception until the end of
the encounter. All squares within a Close
Burst 3 of you are brightly lit for the rest
of the encounter.
1-4: Aaargh, you shined it into your eyes! You
are Blinded until the end of your next turn.
Immediate Interrupt – Personal
Trigger: Your hit points have been
reduced to 0.
Effect: Triggering attack has no effect
on you, and you gain +2 to all defenses
Teddy Bear Green (1) until the end of your next turn.
Special: You may not use the Teddy Bear
again until the next in-game day or
real-world game session, whichever comes
Minor Action – Personal
Ridiculous Effect: You gain +3 to AC against all
Green (1) Opportunity Attacks until the end of
your next turn.
L E V E L 2
A level 2 player can
collect the Server
Plug-in. Your Server
Cursor now requires 3
additional points of
damage greater than
normal to cause a
Green (2) disconnect. In Collectible
Plugin addition, choose one
Server trait that you
do not already possess.
You gain the cursor
boon and the At-Will
power granted by that
server trait.
Standard Action - Close burst 10
A level 2 player can
Target: Your sprite.
collect the Sprite
Effect: If your sprite has been reduced
Amulet. Your sprite
to 0 hit points during this encounter,
Sprite gains a Prototyping
Green (2) it revives with hit points equal to half
Template identical to
Amulet of its HP total. The Sprite may revive
one granted to the
in any square adjacent to you, and it
Underlings by your
takes its place in the initiative count
immediately after your current turn.
~ATH Code Green (2) Immediate Interrupt – Personal A level 2 player can Collectible
Book Trigger: You are reduced to 0 hit points collect the ~ATH Code
by an enemies' attack. Book. You gain a +2
Target: The triggering enemy bonus to Science checks
Attack: Your level + 5 vs. Will related to computers.

Hit: The target takes 2d12 damage and is
dazed until the end of its next turn.
You gain a +2 bonus to your first Death
Saving Throw on your next turn.
A level 2 player can
Minor Action – Ranged 10
collect the FLARP
Target: One creature you can see
Manual. You gain a +2
FLARP Manual Green (2) Effect: The target takes a -1 penalty to
bonus to Skaian Lore
a Defense score of your choice (save
checks related to
Move Action - Close Burst 3
Effect: Choose one space in the area of
the burst. The Smuppet is thrown into
that square, but does not prevent anyone
else from occupying it. For as long as
nobody but the Smuppet occupies the
Green (2) space, you and your allies may flank
Smuppet with the Smuppet. In addition, your
enemies may not flank from the space
occupied by the Smuppet. The Smuppet
lasts until the end of the Encounter or
until somebody picks it up (a Move
action due to its pliant texture).
Move Action - Personal
Effect: When you use this item, roll a
d10. If the result is a:
1-4: Bluh! You are Dazed until the end of your
Wicked next turn.
Green (2) Unstable
Elixir 5-8: Gain temporary HP equal to 5 + twice your
9-10: Recharge an Encounter attack power of
your choice. You may exchange this result for
temporary HP equal to 5 + thrice your level.
Free Action – Personal
Effect: When you use this item, you must
immediately use another item from either
Cookalizer Green (2) your Trinket Tab or your Common Tab.
That item's effects, good or ill, are
doubled for this use only.
Minor Action – Personal
Effect: You gain a +1 to Speed and a +2
Tab Green (2) to Reflex until the end of your next
Standard Action - Close Blast 3
Target: All creatures in Blast
Effect: Target takes Vulnerable 5 to
Fire damage (save ends)
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
Shaving this trinket by rolling a d10 when you
Green (2) use its power. Supercharge
5+: You spray SO MUCH shaving cream. The
target is blinded until the end of its next
1-4: You had it pointed the wrong way! You
take Vulnerable 5 to Fire damage and are
Blinded until the end of your next turn.
Standard Action – Personal
Sneezing Effect: Creatures take a 4 + your level
Green (2) penalty to Stealth around you, until the
end of encounter.
L E V E L 3
Portable Green (3) Power: Encounter A level 3 player can Collectible
Computer Standard Action - Communication collect the Portable
Effect: You may make a Skaian Lore, Computer. You can now
Mysteries, or Science check with a +3 act as a Server Cursor
bonus for your client player
no matter where you
are, as well as
Communicate. Beware,
both of these actions

grants an Opportunity
Attack to any enemies
within Reach of you.
A level 3 player can
Free Action - Communication
collect the Hands-Free
Effect: An ally you can communicate with
Computing Device. You
does not grant combat advantage until
Hands-Free can now Communicate as
Green (3) the start of their next turn. Collectible
Computing OR...
a free action (even
during battle, and
An ally you can communicate with gains a
without triggering
+2 bonus to a roll they just made.
Opportunity Attacks!).
Minor Action - Personal
First Aid Effect: You or an adjacent ally may
Green (3)
Kit regain hit points equal to 5 + twice
your level.
A level 3 player can
collect the Drawing
Tablet Computer. You
Alchemy Boon - Ghost Captchalogue Codes: can now Communicate
Drawing If you choose to alchemize 3 or more with any other players.
items that cost at least 1 Alchemy Point Beware, taking or Collectible,
Tablet Green (3) total each when you gain a level, you sending messages grants Alchemy
Computer gain +1 Alchemy Point that you may an Opportunity Attack
distribute as you wish. to any enemies within
Reach of you. You also
gain a +1 bonus to
Science or Mysteries.
Standard Action – Personal
Effect: You place a Fort in your square
and immediately enter it. While inside
the Fort, you take no damage from
attacks, you cannot make any attacks,
and can do nothing that requires much
movement. Forts have 25 HP. If you are
Fort Green (3) inside a Fort when it breaks, you take
1d8 damage. You and any other ally may
exit or enter the Fort using a Minor
action from an adjacent square, and when
you exit a Fort, you must exit onto an
unoccupied square. Only one person may
occupy the Fort at a time.
A level 3 player can
Immediate Interrupt - Personal
collect the Turtle
Trigger: You are hit by an attack while
Defender. You gain a +1
Turtle bonus to defense
Green (3) Effect: The attack deals 2 + your level Consort
Defender less damage to you, and you lose the
against targets
flanking you, and a +1
passive benefit of this trinket until
bonus to Insight and
the end of the encounter.
A level 3 player can
Move Action - Close burst 3
collect the Crocodile
Target: An adjacent enemy
Warrior. You gain a +2
Effect: If there is an empty space in
bonus to melee damage
Crocodile the burst from which you could flank the
Green (3) rolls against targets Consort
Warrior target with an ally were it occupied,
that you have combat
you gain combat advantage from flanking
advantage against from
the target until the end of your current
flanking, as well as a
+1 bonus to Trolling.
A level 3 player can
Free Action - Personal collect the Iguana
Trigger: You miss every target with an Skulker. You gain a +1
attack made on your turn. bonus to Stealth checks
Green (3) Effect: You may shift 4 spaces and make and may make a Stealth Consort
Skulker a Stealth check to hide at the end of check without a penalty
the movement (normal Stealth rules after moving up to 4
apply). spaces (rather than 2
spaces as is normal).
Salamander Green (3) Minor Action - Personal A level 3 player can Consort
Cultist Effect: You gain concealment until the collect the Salamander

Cultist. You gain a +1
bonus to Mysteries and
once per encounter one
of your Companions may
use one of your
Aggrievements in place
beginning of your next turn.
of one of their own.
This does not expend
that Aggrievement, only
the action they used to
use that Aggrievement.

L E V E L 4
Standard Action - Reach 1
Effect: You may place Shark Clamp within
a 1 square reach. When anybody steps
into this square, they take 1d10 damage
and are immobilized. To remove the
Shark Clamp Green (4) immobilization effect, the target must
spend a Move Action. Shark Clamp remains
active on the field until either it's
triggered or the end of the Encounter,
whichever happens first.
Free Action – Personal
Effect: You can ignore Difficult Terrain
until the end of your next turn.
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
this trinket by rolling a d10 when you
Google Maps Green (4) use its power. Supercharge
5+: This route is perfect! You can ignore the
effects of Difficult Terrain until the end of
the encounter.
1-4: It detoured you into the ocean. You are
immobilized (save ends).
A level 4 player can
collect the Intellibeam
Free Action - Personal
Laserstation. You may
Trigger: Your server cursor suffers a
be the Server and
disconnection due to exceeding its
Intellibeam participate in battles
Green (4) damage threshold.
as a Server Cursor for
Laserstation Effect: You may re-summon your Server
any other player, not
Cursor within 10 spaces of an allied
just the original
player immediately.
client you began the
game with.
Alchemy Boon - Card Recycle: Choose one
item you have Alchemized. You may
destroy this item permanently and it is
no longer a part of your tabs. If you
Green (4) have created items that were Upgraded Alchemy
Designix from this item, you lose those items. If
you destroy an item using this effect,
you gain an extra .5 Alchemy Points for
this level.
Alchemy Boon - Download Grist: You gain
1 point of Alchemy to create items with
at this level. Two willing allies of
your choice have .5 Alchemy points fewer
than normal for their level. If you do
not have 2 allies willing to take the
Green (4) Alchemy penalty, you may not take this Alchemy
.exe boon.
Alchemy Boon - Upload Grist: One ally of
your choice gains an extra .5 of an
Alchemy point to create items with at
this level at the expense of .5 of your
own Alchemy points.
Jar of Bugs Green (4) Minor Action - Close Burst 3 Supercharge
Target: One creature in Burst
Effect: Target grants combat advantage
until the end of their next turn.

Special: You may attempt to Supercharge
this trinket by rolling a d10 when you
use its power.
5+: Explosive hit! The Target and all
creatures adjacent to the target grant combat
advantage to you until the end of your next
1-4: Oh shit, you totally flubbed that one!
There are bugs all over you! You decide to
totally wig out right about now. You grant
combat advantage until the end of the

Standard Action - Close Blast 3

Target: All creatures in Blast
Attack: Level + 7 vs Will
Mind Honey Green (4) Hit: 2d8 + level psychic damage
Effect: You take a -1 to AC and a -2 to
Will for the rest of the Encounter
Standard Action - Burst 3
Target: One creature in the Blast
Effect: Target takes Vulnerable 5 to a
Squiddle Green (4) damage of your choosing, and you take
Vulnerable 5 to Necrotic damage for the
rest of the encounter.
L E V E L 5
Minor Action - Ranged 10 A level 5 player can
Requirement: This power can only be used collect Frog
against Carapacians. Contraband. You gain a
Frog Effect: When this power is used on a +2 bonus to Chumming
Yellow (5) Prospitian, they gain a +2 bonus to AC
Contraband when dealing with
against the next attack targeting them. Prospitians, and a +2
When used on a Dersite, they take a -2 bonus to Trolling when
penalty to their next attack roll. dealing with Dersites.
Minor Action – Personal
Effect: You gain +3 to Will until the
end of your next turn. A level 5 player can
Special: You may attempt to Supercharge collect This Ocean
this trinket by rolling a d10 when you Charles. You gain +2 to
This Ocean Supercharge,
Yellow (5) use its power: Mysteries and Insight
Charles Collectible
5+: The big man... has the answers. You gain as long as your current
+3 to Will until the end of the encounter. Modus is the Rhyme or
1-4: How high do you have to be to understand Debate Modus.
this stuff? You take -1 to Will until the end
of the encounter.

Painting of Free Action – Personal

a Horse Trigger: You are about to make a roll.
Effect: Roll a d10. If you roll evens,
Attacking a Yellow (5) the triggering roll gains a +3 bonus. If Unstable
Football you roll odds, the triggering roll takes
Player -3.
Minor Action – Communication A level 5 player can
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, collect the Exit Mouse.
you and all allies you can communicate You gain a +2 bonus to
Exit Mouse Yellow (5) with gain a +10 bonus to all skill Mysteries when looking
checks involved in ABSCONDing from a for an exit from a
combat encounter. dungeon.
Move Action – Personal
Lucky Coin Yellow (5) Effect: You may shift half your speed.

Pumpkin Yellow (5) Standard Action – Personal Unstable

Effect: Roll a d10. If you get a:
1: You promptly slam the pumpkin down and
around your head. Your turn ends immediately,
and you are blinded until you or an adjacent
ally uses a Move action to remove the pumpkin.
2-5: What pumpkin? Seriously, what are you
talking about? No effect.
6-9: Mmmmm.... delicious pumpkin... You nosh
down and gain HP equal to your level + 5.
10: You brandish your pumpkin menacingly. All
creatures in Close Burst 3 take -2 penalty to
Will until the end of your next turn. You can

also instead throw the pumpkin at one creature
within Close Burst 3, Stunning it until the
end of its next turn, causing 1d4 damage.
L E V E L 6
Standard Action – Personal
Effect: Roll a d4. On a roll of 1 or 2,
you recharge a Power with the Recharge
Psi Caramel Yellow (6) keyword. On a roll of 3 or 4, you can Unstable
recharge an Encounter power you've
expended this encounter.

A level 6 player can

collect the Modus
Control Deck. You may
switch modi at any time
as a free action,
Yellow (6) including during the Collectible
Control Deck middle of an encounter.
When you add this item
to your Common Tab, you
may immediately gain
one Modus.
Minor Action - Personal
Effect: Choose one of the following
effects. Either gain hit points equal to
Memento From
Yellow (6) your bloodied value,
Another Life OR...
Recharge your Aspect Boon if it has been
used and has not yet been recharged.
Immediate Interrupt – Personal
Rabbit's Trigger: You get a roll you do not like,
Yellow (6) but you do not yet know the result.
Effect: You may reroll with a +1 bonus.
Alchemy Boon - Preview Item: The Upgrade
Holopad Yellow (6) trait now costs -1 instead of -.5. Alchemy

Minor Action – Personal A level 6 player can

Effect: You flip to a random page and collect the Vintage
gain some wicked learning up ins. Roll a Gamebro. Every time you
d12. Gain a +2 skill bonus for the rest gain a level, starting
of the encounter depending on what page with the level when you
you flip to: first get this item,
1: Do a Flip, Bro!: Acrobatics you scrounge around and
2: Do You Even Lift, Bro?: Athletics find a different old
3: I Love You, Bro!: Chumming
Vintage issue you had
Yellow (6) 4: That's Deep, Bro: Insight Collectible
Gamebro 5: That's Weird, Bro: Mysteries squirreled away. Roll a
6: Bro, Where's My Car?: Perception d12. Use the list on
7: It's Fucking SCIENCE, Bro!!!: Science the left to determine
8: Dennis was so wasted, ha ha. I mean damn: which skill you will
Skaian Lore gain a +2 to. This
9: Pipe Down, Bro!: Stealth bonus lasts until the
10: I Hate You, Bro!: Trolling
11: Help Me, Bro!: Healing
next time you gain a
12: Big Ups to Mother Nature, Bro!: Nature level, whereupon you
roll for a new bonus.
L E V E L 7
Move Action – Personal
Effect: You may Fly at twice your
regular speed until you crash. You can
only move in a straight line (diagonal
movement counts), and you must move at
least your regular speed each turn, or
Yellow (7) the board stalls and you crash, knocking
Skateboard you prone. You can get off the board at
will as long as you haven't moved on the
same turn.
Sustain: Each turn you must roll a d10.
If evens, you stay on the board. If
odds, you crash, and are knocked Prone.

Standard Action – Personal
Effect: Make a Mysteries check or a
Grimoire for Skaian Lore check with a DC of 20. If
Summoning you succeed, you summon a Lesser Terror
the Yellow (7) under your control in any unoccupied Unstable
Zoologically space within 5 spaces. If you fail, you
Dubious are Dominated by a Horrifically Ugly
Unholy Force (save ends) and temporarily
go Grimdark, giving you a +2 to attacks.
Free Action - Personal
Trigger: You make a dice roll and
dislike the result.
Effect: Roll a d10. If you get a:
1: The Cueball explodes in your face. You take
2d12 damage and lose the rest of your turn due
White to shock.
Yellow (7) Unstable
Cueball 2-4: You fail to divine anything useful from
the mystery sphere.
5+: Due to either VISION EIGHTFOLD or some
other sort of unique divination advantage, you
gain the briefest glimpse of pure fate. You
gain a bonus of 1d8+1 on the triggering dice
Standard Action - Personal
Effect: Roll a d10. If you get a:
1: The toy turns on you. You take 2d12 damage.
2: The toy turns you on, remembering the way
you treated it during those "experimental"
years. You are Dazed until the start of your
next turn.
3: The toy makes a high-pitched noise.
Creatures get a +10 to Perception against you
until the start of your next turn.
4: The toy turns inside out, which is somewhat
unsettling. You take a -1 to Will until the
start of your next turn.
5: The toy turns off. No effect.
6: The toy reminds you of happier times. You
gain +2 to Will and Chumming until the start
of your next turn.
7: The toy reminds you of hard times. You gain
Child's Toy, a +1 to AC and a +2 to attack rolls until the
Yellow (7) end of your next turn. Unstable
Ascended 8: The toy reminds you of reminders. You gain
an extra Minor Action this turn, and a +3 to
either Perception or Mysteries until the end
of your next turn.
9: The toy reminds you to eat your vegetables.
You gain hit points equal to your bloodied
10: The toy reminds you that the best defense
is a good offense. Choose a creature in Close
Burst 4. That creature takes 2d8 damage.
Sustain: If you roll a 6-10, after the
effect has been completed, roll another
d10. If you roll 1-5, the toy stops
functioning. If you roll 6-10, on your
next turn you must use this Power again,
using up a Standard Action again. This
continues until you roll between a 1 and
a 5.
L E V E L 8
Fourth Wall Yellow (8) Minor Action - Close Burst 1 A level 8 player can Collectible
Target: One creature in burst collect the Fourth
Effect: You break the Fourth Wall and Wall. You can make
ask the DM for some really juicy either a Mysteries
personal gossip on the target, or maybe check or a Perception
their secret shame. You whisper the check to be able to
forbidden secrets into the target's ear. view the activities of
The target is Stunned, Dazed, and any person at any time.
Surprised, each with a separate (save You cannot use the
ends). You may not use the Fourth Wall Fourth Wall this way
in any way until the next in-game day or during a combat
real-world game session, whichever comes encounter. If you fail
first. your roll, you may not

use the Fourth Wall in
any way until the next
in-game day or real-
world game session,
whichever happens
first. Your GM will
determine the DC
required to be able to
observe the person in
question. The Fourth
Wall cannot be used on
particularly powerful
Minor Action - Personal
Effect: Choose one of the following: You
First may either recharge your Aspect Boon if
Guardian it has been used,
Yellow (8) OR...
Sequence One unconscious or dead ally adjacent to
you is resurrected with hit points equal
to their bloodied value.
Immediate Interrupt - Burst 1
Target: One creature in the burst
Juju-Breaker Yellow (8) Trigger: A creature uses a Power.
Effect: The Power is not used, and the
creature is dazed (save ends).
Standard Action – Communication
Effect: Roll a d10. If you roll evens,
all allies you can communicate with
Yellow (8) regain half their Bloodied value. If you Unstable
Juju roll odds, all allies you can
communicate with (including you) take
half your Bloodied value in damage.
L E V E L 9
Standard Action – Personal
Effect: You may Teleport up to five
squares using your Move Action every
turn until you cancel this power, or the
end of the encounter, whichever comes
The Treasure Yellow (9) first. You may cancel this power at any
time as a Free Action.
Secondary Effect: You take Ongoing Force
damage 10 as long as this power is
active. You cannot use a Resistance to
Force damage to block this damage.
Standard Action – Personal
Effect: Roll 2d10. If both dice land on
evens, the next time in this encounter
that your hit points equal 0, you
The Rings of immediately gain one quarter of your hit
Life and Yellow (9) points. If both dice land on odds, you Unstable
Void gain partial concealment until the end
of the encounter. If one die is even and
the other is odds, you are immobilized
(save ends) and take Ongoing 5 necrotic
damage (save ends).

These items share names with many items that appear in the Homestuck canon, but they do not necessarily represent the
actual items in question, but rather approximations of items with significant power that you may able to find and utilize
across your journey. The Mystical Juju item isn't necessarily a mystical juju, just an item with similar or striking abilities.
Items with extreme significance will be found during your journey as rewards for completing quests and making progress in
the game.
While this list includes a large variety of Common Tab items to choose from, your GM may choose to remove or add to this
list at their own discretion. If you decide to alter or update this list, you are encouraged to choose items that relate to your
life, such as your own self-propelled vehicle of choice, food items you enjoy, celebrated heirlooms, presents and shared
treasures, and other valuable items that are or aren't suited to Alchemy. Even if you don't decide to alter the effects of the
items, feel free to change the names to better suit your session!

Epic Boons
Your progress through the game has made you an ultimate power, with the ability to decide the fate of your Session laid in
the palm of your hands. The knowledge and understanding you have gleaned from the riddles written into stone and the
puzzles pieced together has granted you knowledge and strength. It is now time to channel that energy and forge a new
path towards a new level of ability. Whether you decide to follow the lessons of your Class, the mysteries of your Aspect, the
science of Alchemy, or perhaps even the designs of the gods, you will be able to transform the world around you in your
image and render it in your own image.
At level 10, all characters must choose an Epic Level Path. There are four paths to choose from: Class Paragon, Aspect
Paragon, Signature Alchemy, and God-Tier. Paragons gain heightened powers from Class and Aspect respectively, while
those who take Signature Alchemy instead focus their minds towards developing an Alchemy creation that surpasses all
others in strength. Finally, the greatest and most difficult path to achieve is God-Tier. Players must find their Quest Beds,
and then subsequently must be slain while lying on them. Only those capable of the effort, sacrifice, and courage to end
their lives on their Quest Beds may become Gods, meaning that achieving God-Tier is a rare feat (although it is possible to
become a God without making the decision in the first place!).

Class Paragon
Aspects are cool and all, and you definitely took advantage of the various powers and abilities granted you by your aspect, but it just…
never really clicked with you. But your class? Your class has always been with you, always been a part of you from the very beginning.
Probably, now that you think about it, your whole life, even if you didn’t realize it. By delving deeper into what your class means, and what
you are supposed to do, you have achieved your true role, and a mastery rivaled by very few.
• You may use your level 10 alchemy points as you normally would, but only gain 5 points that can be spent as part of Alchemy
creation each level thereafter.
• At level 10, you gain an additional two points towards the primary attribute of your class.
• At level 11, you gain Class Paragon Traits and Affronts in addition to your current Class Traits and Affronts
• At level 12, you gain a Paragon Boon
• At level 13 you may choose one of the Paragon aggrievements to use, or choose another aggrievement from your class.
• At level 14, you gain the option to retrain one of your aggrievements.
• At level 15, you gain an Ultimate Fraymotif.

Aspect Paragon
Classes are dope and such, and you definitely took advantage of the various powers and abilities granted you by your class, but it just…
never really clicked with you. But your aspect? When you started engaging with your aspect, you felt… well, not just more alive than you
ever had, but more… yourself. Your connection to who you are, deep down, has never been so clear. By delving deeper into what your
aspect means, and who you are supposed to be, you have achieved your true role, and a mastery rivaled by very few.
• You may use your level 10 alchemy points as you normally would, but only gain 5 points that can be spent as part of Alchemy
creation each level thereafter.
• At level 10, you gain an additional two points towards the primary attribute of your aspect.
• At level 11, you gain Aspect Paragon Traits and Affronts in addition to your current Aspect Traits and Affronts
• At level 12, you gain a Paragon Boon
• At level 13 you may choose one of the Paragon aggrievements to use, or choose another aggrievement from your aspect.
• At level 14, you gain the option to retrain one of your aggrievements.
• At level 15, you gain an Ultimate Fraymotif.

Signature Alchemy
Just because you were named a Something of Some Other Thing by some semi-mystical unseen force, didn’t mean you were gonna follow
the rules. Not that you have anything against rules - in fact, you have always been quite comforted by understandable, closed systems with
logical rule sets. That was why the concept of Alchemy was so… alluring. While your friends focused on “inheriting their role” or whatever,
you were hard at work diving deeper and deeper into the system, emerging with knowledge of how the game works, knowledge that could
help save you and your friends. Of course, you also ended up with some hellaciously sweet gear. Like seriously, just look at this thing! Who
needs (admittedly rather comfy-looking) colorful pajamas when you can make... this!
You gain the use of these traits as you progress through your Signature Alchemy process:

Level 10: Hack into the Mainframe - You have full access to your Sylladex. Modi are now a thing of the past. When you want
something, it appears in your hand (or claw, or tendril, or variation thereof). Restrictions on Encounter Powers and all other
restrictions on use do still apply, however. You no longer gain Alchemy Points normally, but you may spend the 9 points you
would have earned upon reaching 10th Level.

Level 11: Signature Alchemy, Tier 1 - You gain 12 Alchemy Points, and must spend them all on a single Alchemy Card. Any
template-based penalties or bonuses you normally gain to Alchemy Points on level-up do not apply, and you may not add or
subtract points from this total through any other means. The item you create may not have greater than 2 points of negative
attributes applied to it. If the resulting alchemized item has an Encounter Power, that power becomes At-Will. The Alchemized
item cannot be disarmed, stolen, lost, or in any other way removed from the owner’s possession against their will. When the
Alchemized item is used, no other items may be used on that turn. Using these items while flanked provokes an Opportunity
action from anyone flanking you. If you suffer a Grave Blunder while using the Encounter Power of this item, you take an
additional 1d12 damage.

Level 12: Master-at-Arms - The 1-turn waiting period for Collectible Traits on Encounter Power-based Weapon switching no
longer applies - as soon as you switch to a new weapon, its Collectible Traits are active.

Level 13: Signature Alchemy, Tier 2 - You gain 14 Alchemy Points, and must spend them all on your prior-constructed Signature
Alchemy. You must take the Upgrade/Duplicate Collectible Trait and then spend your extra points upgrading your Signature
Alchemy. All rules attached to the prior tier of Signature Alchemy continue to be in effect with this tier.

Level 14: Master of Trinkets - You have complete access to all items that you and your allies own in their Common Tabs. This
trait is affected by Hack into the Mainframe - you treat all Common Tabs just like your Sylladex, and can pull from it and use
Common Tab Items at will.

Level 15: Signature Alchemy, Tier 3 - You gain 16 Alchemy Points, and must spend them all on your prior-constructed
Signature Alchemy. You must take the Upgrade/Duplicate Collectible Trait and then spend your extra points upgrading your
Signature Alchemy. All rules attached to the prior tier of Signature Alchemy continue to be in effect with this tier.

You’ve been through a lot of shit. You even had to lay down your own life at least once. In return, Skaia has gifted you with the ability to…
die a lot more? And some neat pajamas? But as you rise from your Quest Bed, heart pounding and hands cool, death and life lingering
about you in equal measures, you find in yourself a wholeness, a completeness for which you have always longed but never quite been
able to name. You have realized both what you need to do, and the tools with which to do it. All shall shake before you, as you travel any
path you wish. You have become a literal God.

• You do not gain your level 10 Alchemy Points as you normally would when you reach level 10, as you have ascended to God-
Tier. You also no longer gain Alchemy Points upon reaching a new level.
• At level 10, you gain the ability to Fly. You also gain your God-Tier Clothing and God-Tier Weaponry, and the Revival Power.
• At level 11, you may apply a permanent +2 bonus to the primary attributes of your Class and Aspect. You may also choose one
of the Aspect or Class Paragon aggrievements to use. You may only choose from your Class and Aspect.
• At level 12, you gain your God-Tier Skill. You also gain Resist 5 to one damage type of your choosing.
• At level 13, you may create your Signature Alchemy
• At level 14, you may choose one of the Aspect or Class Paragon aggrievements to use. You may only choose from your Class
and Aspect.
• At level 15, you gain a Transcendental Fraymotif.

You gain a Fly speed 8 (hover), with no penalties. If you already had the Flight template or the ability to Fly on command from a different
source, you gain Fly Speed 12 (hover) and have an additional +1 to Armor Class whenever you are hovering. However, you retain any
other prior penalties from flight. Alternatively, you may discard your old flight abilities and simply take the first bonus.

God-Tier Weaponry
You choose a new weapon befitting your new godly status. The weapon must be of your primary
Strife Specibus, and you must choose between possessing an Ascended Armament, a Weapon of
the Gods, or Deific Ordnance. Your new godly weapon cannot be modified except by modifying it
in conjunction with your Signature Alchemy trait. Each weapon gets four points of Alchemy traits
applied to it when it is first granted, with the traits chosen by the player. You may not add negative
traits to the weapon. The weapon comes equipped with a Weapon Sylladex Power automatically.
Ascended Armament:
One Handed
+3 weapon Precision
2d10 damage
• You may shift between melee, and ranged 10 as a free action once per round
during your turn.

Deific Ordnance
One Handed
+3 weapon Precision
2d8 damage
• You may shift between reaching and ranged 15 as a free action once per
round during your turn.

Weapon of the Gods:

One Handed
+3 weapon Precision
2d12/2d6 damage
• You may shift between melee, and ranged 10 as a free action once per round
during your turn. Flip a coin when you hit with this weapon, on heads it deals 2d12 damage, on tails it
deals 2d6 damage.

God-Tier Armor
You gain a powerful new outfit that reflects your new status as a vaunted immortal, known as the Godhood. All God-
Tier Armor counts as Medium Armor, but you must use the statistics included for each individual Armor set instead
of the standard statistics for Medium Armor. Your new godly clothing cannot be modified except by modifying it in
conjunction with your Signature Alchemy trait. Each armor gets four points of Alchemy traits applied to it when it is
first granted, with the traits chosen by the player. You may not add negative traits to your armor.

+4 bonus + aspect attribute modifier to AC
+20 HP

+5 bonus + aspect attribute modifier to AC
+2 to all other defenses

+6 bonus + aspect attribute modifier to AC
+2 to saving throws

You gain the Revival Power.


Immediate Reaction - Encounter Personal

Trigger: You are reduced to 0 HP.
Effect: You revive with 10 HP, and your bloodied value in temporary HP. For the rest of the encounter
you have +2 to attack and +1 to damage.
Special: You cannot use this power again this encounter. If you die during the encounter, you are
removed from the encounter, and have the chance of permanently dying based on whether your
death was heroic or just.

God-Tier Skill
A new skill category is created for every God Tier player once they ascend. The new skill modifier total is based on their highest attribute
modifier + level + 1, and its name is any agreed-upon derivation between the player and game-master with a relation to their ASPECT.
Example: the God-Tier Light player’s skill might be called “All of the Luck,” while a God-Tier
Breath player’s skill could be simply “The Windy Thing.”

The player may declare that they are using their God-Tier skill in place of another skill to tackle a challenge or alter a situation. The GM has
final control of whether any requested application is a valid usage of the God-Tier skill. The Skill may not be used to directly attack or
hinder enemies in combat, however it may be used to radically alter the circumstances of a battle.

Signature Alchemy
You gain the Signature Alchemy, Tier 1 trait available to players that take the Signature Alchemy path. The Trait may only be used to
improve either your God-Tier Armor or your God-Tier Weaponry. You may use any traits that have restrictions based on armor or weapon
type, such as restrictions for Light or Heavy armor. You also gain access to free Collectible Traits for either your weapon or for your armor
based on your Aspect. The free traits count only towards the minimum effect if the effect can be upgraded, but you need only spend the
remainder of the necessary cost if you wish to upgrade the trait further.

Blood Hope Rage

Weapon Trait: Sanguineous, Weapon Trait: Learning, Spreading Weapon Trait: Mighty
Hardened Edge Armor Trait: Fortifying, Sturdy Armor Trait: Aggressive, Vicious
Armor Trait: Tough
Life Space
Breath Weapon Trait: Legendary Weapon Trait: Elemental Infusion,
Weapon Trait: Gutsy Armor Trait: Health, Fortifying Hardened Edge
Armor Trait: Trickster, Dodging Armor Trait: Dodgy
Doom Weapon Trait: Accurate, Sharpening Time
Weapon Trait: Fazing, Inescapable Armor Trait: Elemental Aura, Weapon Trait: Entropic
Armor Trait: Immunity Esoteric Defense Boost Armor Trait: Stepping Up,
Heart Mind
Weapon Trait: Forceful, Learning Weapon Trait: Accurate, Warning Void
Armor Trait: Shove Armor Trait: Kinetic, Skill Bonus Weapon Trait: Flickering, Evasive
Armor Trait: Chameleon, Resistance

Transcendental Fraymotif
You gain a Transcendental Fraymotif. This power is a representation of the synergy between your Class and Aspect, manifested by
supreme divine power and your total understanding of your Role in the game. This supreme power is a consecration between your Class
and Aspect and represents the ultimate extreme your power can reach when your godly hand is forced.

The Transcendental Fraymotif is a power crafted between yourself and the GM. You must collaborate together to produce a strong power
befitting the way your Class affects your Aspect, and your Aspect affects your Class. It must be a Daily Power, and it can not be dealt from
your weapon, but instead from the pure force of your Aspect. Beyond this information, the limits of this Power are up to the GM to decide,
although your preferences, ideas and options will form the basis of what this power can do.

If crafting a new Fraymotif isn't your fancy, you may instead opt to use the Ultimate Fraymotifs available to Class or Aspect Paragons in
place of your Transcendental Fraymotif.


- Karkat Vantas

Paragon Knight
As a Paragon Knight, you have learned your true role - to exploit not just your aspect, not just
enemies, but the very game itself, so you can better defend your friends.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Imagination

Traits (Lv. 11): Determination – Gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Strong Back – You may ignore the normal penalties associated with wearing Heavy Armor.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Grand Expletive – The attack deals 1d10 + your level extra damage and the target suffers a -2 penalty to attack
until the end of its next turn, and a further -2 penalty if it doesn’t include you as a target with any attacks it makes during that time. (Grave
Blunder – You take 1d10 damage + your level and suffer -2 to attack until the end of your next turn, and an additional -2 penalty if you don’t
attack the same target you Blundered against.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Knight's Shield

Minor Action – Recharge Personal, Communicate

Effect: You and one Ally you can communicate with gain a +5 to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

En Garde! Taken In Stride

Standard Action – At Will Melee-kind Immediate Interrupt – Encounter Personal

Target: One Creature Trigger: A creature does damage to you

Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Target: The triggering creature
Hit: Deal 2[W]+ Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Special: If the target is already marked, deal an additional 1[W]. Hit: Deal 3[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + your level damage, and one ally
within 5 squares of you only takes half damage the next time they
take damage.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Tilting At Giants

Standard Action - Daily Melee-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + twice your level damage and the target is stunned.
Miss: Deal half damage and the target is dazed.
Special: If the target is of a size category larger than you, deal 5[W] + Mgt/Img modifier + twice your level damage instead, and the next
ally that is attacked by the target of this attack gains a +4 bonus to their AC.

Paragon Page
As a Paragon Page, you have learned your true role - it’s been a long hard road, but you grew into a
truly respected and capable leader, one who cares for their friends and subjects more than they do for
their own selves.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Acumen

Traits (Lv. 11): Hardy Constitution – Gain a +4 bonus to your Fortitude.
As Above, So Below – Once per encounter, whenever you or an ally you can communicate with suffer a Grave Blunder, you
can negate the effects of that Grave Blunder.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Communion – The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and two allies of your choice within 10 spaces may make a
basic attack as a free action. (Grave Blunder: The target and one creature of its choice within 10 spaces may make a basic attack as a free

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)


Immediate Reaction – Recharge Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally you can communicate with would be reduced to zero HP
Target: The person who would have had their HP reduced to zero
Effect: The target regains hit points as though they had spent their Second Wind and may shift their speed, but may not attack on their
next turn.
Special: The target that triggers this effect cannot trigger its effect a second time.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Come And Get Me! Act In Confidence

Standard action – At will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature Target: One creature in range.

Attack: Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Attack: Mgt/Acu + you level + weapon precision VS. AC
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Mgt/Acu + your level damage and the target is Hit: Deal 3[W] + Mgt/Acu + twice your level damage to the target.
marked. The next time the target of this attack enters a square Make a secondary attack in a Burst 3 around the primary target.
adjacent to you, immediately deal 1d8 damage against them.
Secondary Attack: Each creature in the Burst, excluding the
primary target, Mgt/Acu + your level + weapon precision v. AC
Hit: 1d8 damage

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Journey's End

Minor Action – Daily Personal

Effect: You create a Bastion to occupy, directly on the spot you are in. As long as you occupy the same space as the Bastion, all foes
within a three square zone of the Bastion are marked and take Ongoing 10 damage. You also may make a Mangrit check, opposed by an
enemy's Mangrit check, to determine if you are pushed, pulled, or slid. The mark and the Ongoing damage cease once the target has left
the zone or once you leave the Bastion. If you leave the Bastion, or are pushed, pulled, slid, or teleported out of the same square as the
Bastion, it ceases to exist.

Paragon Heir
As a Paragon Heir, you have learned your true role - to not just walk in the footsteps of giants, but
to become one yourself.

Attribute: Mangrit OR Pulchritude

Traits (Lv. 11): Unconquerable - Gain a +4 bonus to Fortitude.
Boundless Determination - Once per encounter, before you make a roll, you may add a +3 bonus to that roll.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Take A Knee – The target takes 1d10 + your level damage and is knocked prone. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 +
your level damage and are knocked prone)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Don The Mantle

Minor Action – Recharge Personal

Effect: All enemies within a Burst 3 are marked until the end of your next turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Inheritance Tax Crowning Glory

Standard Action – At Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Plc + Your Level + Weapon Precision vs. AC Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2[W]+ Mgt/Plc modifier + your level Hit: 3[W]+ Mgt/Plc Modifier + your level damage, the target is
knocked prone.
Effect: Any target hit by this ability cannot make any attack until the Effect: You gain bonus damage equal to your level on the next
end of its next turn. attack you make. Should the next attack you make miss or be
negated, this bonus is not lost, but is lessened by 1 for each miss
Requirement: The enemy targeted by this ability has not been until an attack is successful.
targeted by this ability previously, and must also be marked.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Inherit Greatness

Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 3

Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Mgt/Plc + your level vs. Will
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Mgt/Plc modifier + twice your level damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Deal half damage and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: You become Insubstantial until the end of your next turn. All targets within the Burst can only target you until the end of your next

Paragon Witch
As a Paragon Witch, you have learned your true role - to grab a hold of the very stuff of reality
itself, and put one hell of a ding in the universe.

Attribute: Imagination OR Pulchritude

Traits (Lv. 11): Occlumency – Gain a +4 bonus to Will
Grade on a Curve – Once per turn, whenever you succeed on an attack or a skill roll, one enemy within 10 squares of you
takes a -4 penalty to their rolls to confirm Brutal Affronts or Positive Complications until the start of your next turn.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Double Trouble - The target and one other enemy of your choice within 5 spaces of it takes 1d10 extra damage and
is weakened until the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: you and one ally of your choice within 5 squares both take 1d10 damage and
are weakened until the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Felix Felicis

Minor action – Recharge Personal, Communication

Target: You or one ally you can communicate with.
Effect: Either remove one status condition the target is afflicted with, or the target automatically succeeds at their next saving throw.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Stern Reproach Something Wiccan This Way Comes

Standard Action – At-will Close Blast 3 Standard Action- Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: All creatures in Blast Target: One creature
Attack: Img/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Img/Plc+ your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Img/Plc modifier + half your level damage, and you may Hit: 3[W]+ Img/Plc mod + your level damage, and any enemies that
push them up to three squares away from you. are adjacent to Allies you can communicate with are pushed one
square away.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Fire Burn And Cauldron Bubble

Standard Action - Daily Area Burst 2 (Ranged 10)

Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Img/Plc + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 3[W] + Img/Plc modifier + your level damage. All targets are pulled towards the origin square of the Burst until they are adjacent
to the origin square. If they cannot be pulled adjacent to the origin square, they are pulled as close as possible to the center. All targets
that are adjacent to the origin square take Ongoing 10 fire damage. The pulling effect ends at the start of your next turn, as does the
Ongoing damage.
Miss: Deal half damage.
Sustain: Spend a Standard action each turn to sustain the pulling effect and the Ongoing damage. You must remain within range of the
Burst or the effect ceases.

Paragon Mage
As a Paragon Mage, you have learned your true role - to gain true understanding of the world around,
and use that understanding to kick some friggin’ ass.

Attribute: Imagination OR Mangrit

Traits (Lv. 11): Upgraded Hardware – Gain a +4 bonus to Will.
Sacrificial Edge – Whenever an enemy succeeds in confirming a Brutal Affront against you, that enemy is dazed (save
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Halt and Catch Fire – The attack deals 2d6 extra damage and the target is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
(Grave Blunder: You take 2d6 damage and lose your next Move action.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)


Minor action – Recharge Ranged 10

Target: Five empty squares in range, they must all be adjacent to at least one other affected square
Effect: Target squares become a wall which shares your defense scores and has 10 hp. This effect ends at the end of your next turn.
Once one portion of the wall is destroyed, all squares affected by this power cease to have walls.
Sustain: Spend a Minor action every turn for the effect to persist.
Special: You may only have one wall in effect at a time.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Devastating Intellect System Crash

Standard Action – At-will Close Blast 2 Standard Action – Encounter Close Blast 4 (Melee) or Area
Burst 2 (Ranged 10)
Target: All creatures in Blast Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Img/Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Img/Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. Will
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Img/Mgt modifier + half your level damage and the Hit: Deal 3[W] + Img/Mgt + half your level damage, and the next
target is knocked prone. time the target makes an attack against an ally, no effects are dealt
to your ally besides damage.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Delete System32

Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 5

Target: One creature in Burst
Attack: Img/Mgt + your level +1 vs. Will
Effect: If the target has a maximum HP total under 150 hit points, they disappear into nothingness and are removed from the encounter. If
the target has a maximum HP total that is 150 hit points or more, they are immobilized (save ends) and take Ongoing 15 damage (save
Miss: Deal 2[W] + your level damage and the target is slowed.

Paragon Seer
As a Paragon Seer, you have learned your true role - BUTTS. That is - buts. You have learned many
things, among the most important being when a well-timed “But”, followed by your own more efficacious
plan can turn the tide of battle, and maybe even save some lives in the process.

Attribute: Imagination OR Acumen

Traits (Lv. 11): Mental Palace – Gain a +4 bonus to Will
Infallible – You do not grant combat advantage to invisible enemies, and you no longer take a penalty to Perception when
you are blinded.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Rapier Wit – The attack deals 1d8 + your level damage and you gain a +2 power bonus against that particular
target for the remainder of the encounter. (Grave Blunder – You take 1d8 + Your level in damage and the target gains a +2 bonus against
you for the remainder of the encounter.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Scrutiny Unseen

Minor Action – Recharge Personal, Communication

Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and all allies within communication range may each re-roll one attack, skill, or saving throw and
take the better of the two rolls. During this time, enemies that attack you or allies within communication range roll twice for their attack
rolls and take the lesser of the two rolls.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

The Hanged Man Stunning Insight

Standard Action – At-will Area Burst 1 (Ranged 10) Standard Action – Encounter Area Burst 3 (Ranged 10)
Target: All creatures in Burst Target: All enemies in Burst
Attack: Img/Acu + level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Img/Acu + level vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Img/Acu modifier + half your level damage, and the Hit: All targets take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses until
target grants combat advantage to all allies until the end of your the end of their next turn. For each target hit, your allies gain +1 to
next turn. attack rolls and all defenses against the target, up to a maximum of
+4, until the end of your next turn.
Miss: You grant combat advantage to that target until the end of
your next turn.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Survey Infinity

Minor Action - Daily Ranged 10

Target: One creature
Effect: The target no longer gains the benefits of defense bonuses, concealment or cover, and you and all allies gain a +2 bonus to their
attack rolls against the target of this power for the remainder of the encounter. The target can also be attacked through walls or barriers as
though the walls are not present, and no creature can block or absorb the attack in place of the target of this power.

Paragon Thief
As a Paragon Thief, you have learned your true role - to rob your enemies of everything, including
their weapons, their armor, their advantages, their element of surprise, and their very dignity, and,
incidentally, keep said stolen boons for yourself. After all, good work deserves good pay, does it

Attribute: Acumen OR Imagination

Traits (Lv. 11): Cut and Run – Gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex and +2 Speed.
Stolen Splendor – Once per encounter, you may spend a Minor action while using one of your powers to instead use one of
your ally's expended powers. When using an ally's power, you may substitute that power's ability modifier with your highest
modifier. You may not use an ally's Daily or Recharge powers in conjunction with this trait.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Glory of Prometheus – The target takes an additional 2d8 + your level damage. (Grave Blunder: You take 2d8 +
your level damage.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)


Move action – Recharge Personal

Effect: You may shift up to your speed. You may move through enemy spaces during this shift.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

One Born Every Minute This Is Mine Too

Standard Action – At will Melee- or Ranged-kind Immediate Interrupt – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One or two enemies in range. Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC; two Target: The enemy whose attack triggered this power.
Hit: Deal 1[W] + Acu/Img + your level damage and target creature Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
is weakened (save ends).
Hit: Deal 3[W] + Img/Acu modifier + your level damage and target is
stunned (save ends).

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Nocturnal's Champion

Standard Action - Daily Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Acu/Img modifier + twice your level damage, and the target is immobilized and takes Ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
For the rest of the encounter (including this turn), the Sneak Attack trait grants 5d8 when used against this target.
Miss: Deal half damage and the target takes Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Paragon Rogue
As a Paragon Rogue, you have learned your true role - to enact a forceful redistribution of wealth,
for the good of all citizens of Skaia. And by “forceful” you mean “deadly and one-sided”. And by “all
citizens” you mean “your friends”.

Attribute: Acumen OR Pulchritude

Traits (Lv. 11): Pantherlike – Gain a +4 bonus to your Reflex
Eyeshine - You gain permanent darkvision.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Southpaw – The target takes an additional 1d12 + your level damage and deals only half damage on its next
successful attack. (Grave Blunder: You take an additional 1d12 + your level damage and deal half damage on your next successful attack.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Constant Vigilance

Minor Action – Recharge Personal, Communication

Target: You or one ally you can communicate with.
Effect: The target no longer grants combat advantage or can be flanked for the rest of the encounter.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Achilles' Heel Deep Forest's Cloak

Minor Action – At will Melee 1 Standard Action – Encounter Close Burst 4

Special: You may only use this power once per turn. Target: All allies in burst
Target: One creature Effect: The target ally gains 20 temporary hit points and partial
concealment until the end of their next turn.
Attack: Acu/Plc + Level + 1 vs. Reflex
Hit: Deal 2d10 + half your level damage and if the total damage
dealt to the the target is an odd number, the target is immobilized
until the start of your next turn.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Hero Of Sherwood

Standard Action - Daily Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Acu/Plc modifier + twice your level damage
Miss: Deal half damage, and two allies near you gain temporary hit points equal to your 3 + your level.
Effect: You may distribute temporary hit points among all allies within 5 squares of you from a pool of the damage you dealt to the target.
No ally may receive more than a third of the total pool. If there aren’t enough allies to achieve this condition, apply a third to each and
discard the remaining temporary hit points.

Paragon Bard
As a Paragon Bard, you have learned your true role - to allow the forces of destruction to work
through you. You have given up some of your autonomy, and in turn, invite damnation through your
actions - or lack thereof. The forces of chaos - they are using you, and you are the fool.

Attribute: Acumen OR Mangrit

Traits (Lv. 11): Juggle Knives – Gain a +4 bonus to your Reflex.
Schadenfreude – Whenever you miss with an attack, or fail a Brutal Affront or Positive Complication confirmation roll, you
may make a free melee basic attack.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Cry “Havoc” – The target takes an additional 1d20 damage. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d20 damage.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Fortune's Fool

Immediate Interrupt – Recharge Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally you can communicate with is attacked by a creature
Target: Triggering creature
Effect: Roll a 1d4. With a result of 1, the target disappears from the encounter, pro. With a result of 2, a duplicate of the target appears
adjacent to the original target, with the exact same spent powers and half of the original target's hit points, which falls directly behind the
original target in initiative order. With a result of 3, you or an ally receive a +5 bonus to the targeted defense, and the attack continues with
the new defense score. With a result of 4, the enemy receives a +2 bonus to their attack roll, and the attack continues with the new attack
roll total.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Bardic Knack Skaian Roulette

Standard action – At will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Special: Roll a 1d4. A result of 1 causes you to become immobilized
after the attack resolves (save ends).
Attack: Instead of making a typical attack roll, roll 2d10 and add Target: One creature in range.
your result with the Skill Bonus of your choice. Your target must
make an opposing check using the same Skill. Deal damage if your Attack: Acu/Mgt + you level + weapon precision vs. AC
roll exceeds that of your target. Hit: Deal 4[W] + Acu/Mgt + your level damage, and the target takes
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Acu/Mgt + your level damage. Ongoing 10 damage (save ends). The next time the target attempts
to make an attack, they must roll a 1d10. If they roll a 5 or less, all
Miss: You cannot use the same Skill Bonus next time you use this effects of the attack are instead directed back towards the target.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Winter Of Your Discontent

Standard Action - Daily Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu/Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 5[W] + Acu/Mgt modifier + twice your level damage
Miss: Deal half damage.
Special: If during your attack roll your 2d10s do not roll either both evens or odds, you now are forced to make death saving throws,
although you continue to remain alive. If you fail three rolls in a row, you die. If you roll a 20 on your saving throw, you no longer must roll
death saving throws. An ally may make a Healing check on you to attempt to stabilize you, but not on the same turn you perform this

Paragon Prince
As a Paragon Prince, you have learned your true role - the forces of destruction are yours to wield,
and yours to command. While you ended up not utilizing your aspect itself to many great lengths, you
have learned exactly how to most effectively destroy through it.
Attribute: Pulchritude OR Mangrit
Traits (Lv. 11): Fashionably Early – Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative.
Sword of Damocles – When you damage an enemy that has taken no damage during this encounter, you may make a free
basic attack against them.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Class Warfare – The attack deals 3d6 extra damage and the target cannot target you on its next turn. (Grave
Blunder: You take 3d6 damage and cannot attack the target on your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Shatter Trust

Immediate Reaction – Recharge Personal

Trigger: A creature you have marked as your Royal Quarry attacks you
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever an enemy starts its turn adjacent to the target or moves into a square adjacent to the
target, the enemy takes damage equal to half your level.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Pride Goeth Before The Fall

Standard Action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc/Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + twice your level damage. Hit: Deal 3[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + your level damage.
Special: Until the end of your next turn, any damage dealt to the Special: You may deal an additional 1[W] damage. If you do and are
target is instead dealt to you, and any damage dealt to you is hit by an attack by the start of your next turn, you are knocked prone.
instead dealt to the target.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Ascend The Throne

Standard Action – Daily Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 5[W] + Plc/Mgt modifier + twice your level damage, and you gain a temporary Artifact called the Prince’s Crown. The Prince’s
Crown, when worn, provides a +2 bonus to all attack rolls and defense scores. It can be removed and given to an ally. It can also be
stolen by an enemy with a successful Stealth check, opposed by a Reflex save. The Prince’s Crown disappears at the end of the
Miss: Deal half damage.

Paragon Maid
As a Paragon Maid, you have learned your true role - you are the creator, it’s you. The ability to
construct and make things has never been more present than in you, and you wield the awesome power to
make things where once there was not, to devastating effect. You have become not just a creator, but
the Creator.

Attribute: Pulchritude OR Acumen

Traits (Lv. 11): Building Up – Gain a +2 bonus to Reflex, Will, and Fortitude.
Popular Support – During an ally's turn while they are adjacent to your Realized Aspect, that ally may spend a Minor Action
to gain a +2 to bonus to one attack roll or one defense score of their choice.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Danger Zone – The attack deals 2d6 additional damage, and an additional d6 of damage for each ally adjacent to
or flanking with your Realized Aspect. (Grave Blunder: You take 2d6 damage and and an additional d6 of damage for each enemy adjacent
to your Realized Aspect.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Lead The Charge

Minor Action – Recharge Personal, Communicate

Effect: You and one ally you can communicate with gain a +2 to all attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Warded Land Elements Of Control

Standard Action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Acu + Level + weapon precision VS. AC Attack: Plc + level + weapon precision vs. Reflex
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Plc/Acu modifier + your level damage Hit: Deal 3[W] + Plc/Acu + twice your level damage
Special: After this attack, whenever you or an ally is adjacent to a Miss: You are slowed until the end of your next turn.
Realized Aspect, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. This effect persists
until the Realized Aspect is moved or the encounter ends. Effect: After this attack, whenever an enemy is adjacent to a
Realized Aspect, that enemy is Dominated until the end of its next
turn. An enemy can only be Dominated once per encounter this way.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Fondly Regard Creation

Standard Action - Daily Ranged 5

Effect: You create a vortex of Aspect energy which, depending on your Aspect, affects a zone of a Burst 3 around the origin square. The
effect lasts until the end of your turn unless sustained. You must remain within range of the origin square. Otherwise, the zone ceases to
• Doom, Rage, Mind, Void: All enemies within the zone take Ongoing 10 damage. The damage ends once they leave the zone.
As long as your allies remain in the zone, they may add your level in damage whenever they make an attack.
• Life, Blood, Heart, Hope: All allies within the zone gain Regeneration 10. The regeneration effect ends once they leave the
zone. As long as your allies remain in the zone, they gain a +1 bonus to either all attack rolls or all of their defenses.
• Space, Time, Light, Breath: All enemies within the zone are slowed, weakened, and can be slid one square once per turn. The
effects end once they leave the zone. As long as your allies remain in the zone, they cannot suffer any effects from enemy
attacks except for damage.
While your zone remains active, you may place up to two Realized Aspects within the zone.
Sustain: Spend a Move action each turn to maintain the Aspect zone.

Paragon Sylph
As a Paragon Sylph, you have learned your true role - to mend not just people, not just minds or
bodies or souls or hats or emotions or dreams - to not just mend and fix and heal all that which makes
up reality, but to heal reality itself. The world isn’t a perfect place. You’re going to change that.

Attribute: Pulchritude OR Imagination

Traits (Lv. 11): Make Way, I’m a Doctor – Gain a +2 bonus to Reflex and +1 Speed.
Another Successful Procedure – Once per encounter, you may choose to spend your Second Wind, but instead of healing
damage yourself, you instead heal one ally you can communicate with the same amount you would have been healed.
Brutal Affront (Lv. 11): Giga Drain – The attack deals 2d8 additional damage, and you or an ally regain 2d8 hit points. (Grave Blunder:
You take 2d8 damage and your enemy regains 2d8 hit points.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

First Aid

Immediate Reaction – Recharge Personal, Communication

Target: You or one ally you can communicate with
Trigger: When you or an ally are afflicted with a status condition
Effect: The status condition ceases to affect the target, and they gain hit points equal to 3 + your level.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Kritzkrieg Medical Symposium

Standard Action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc/Img + Level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc/Img + Level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Plc/Img modifier + your level damage Hit: Deal 3[W] + Plc/Img modifier + your level damage
Effect: One ally you can communicate with gains a damage bonus Effect: If you have already used all of your uses of Healing Rant this
equal to their level on their next attack. encounter, you may regain them all again as though that Power was
not expended.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Let's Go Practice Medicine

Standard Action – Daily Personal, Communication

Target: You or one ally
Effect: You or one ally you can communicate with is entirely restored, bringing their hit points up to their maximum and removing all status
conditions, negative effects, and Ongoing damage. If the target is dying, they are returned to a conscious state, and receive the same
effects. The target then gains Regeneration 5 until the end of your next turn, or for as long as it is sustained.
Sustain: Spend a Minor every turn to sustain the Regeneration effect on the target.

Paragon of Space
As a Paragon of Space, you have learned your true role - to affect the spatial strata of
reality, and all that encompasses. Mass, inertia, location and more are your playthings.

Attribute: Imagination
Traits (lvl 11): Center of Gravity - You can no longer be pushed, pulled or slid by any means unless you allow yourself to be.
Space Cadet - All squares adjacent to you become difficult terrain for the purposes of enemy movement. This does not affect
your allies’ movements.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Spacequake – The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the squares adjacent to the target become difficult terrain
until the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 extra damage and the squares adjacent to you become difficult terrain until
the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Smooth Apparater

Move Action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You can teleport up to your speed.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Give Me Some Space Speedy Thing Goes In, Speedy Thing Comes Out

Minor Action - At Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Move action - At-Will Close Burst 10
Target: 1 or 2 creatures Target: Two unoccupied spaces in Burst
Attack: Img + level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Effect: Until the end of your next turn, whenever you or your allies
are adjacent to one of the squares, they may, as a free action,
Hit: Deal 2d8 + half your level force damage, and you slide the teleport so that they are adjacent to the paired space. If they teleport
target two squares. and an enemy is adjacent to the square they teleport to, they make a
Special: You may only use the power once per turn. free melee basic attack against the enemy with a +2 power bonus
and an additional 1d10 damage bonus. You and your allies may only
teleport once between squares each turn.
Sustain: Spend a Minor action each turn to sustain this power.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Event Horizon

Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 5

Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Img + level + 1 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 2d10 + Img modifier + twice your level force damage
Effect: All targets adjacent to the origin square instead take 4d10 + Img modifier + twice your level force damage and are immobilized. All
targets two and three squares away from the origin square are immobilized. All targets four and five squares away from the origin square
are slowed. These effects last until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Paragon of Time
As a Paragon of Time, you have learned your true role - to affect the temporal axis of
reality, and all that encompasses. Time is your fabric, and you’re one bitchin’ seamstress.

Attribute: Acumen
Traits (lvl 11): Fast-forward - Once per encounter, you may make an Immediate Interrupt to shift one space when an
enemy targets you with an attack.
Intermezzo Improvisation – Whenever you would trigger an opportunity action for leaving a threatened square, roll a 1d10.
On a roll of 6 or better, you cannot be subject to that opportunity action.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Counterpoint – The attack deals 1d8 + your level additional damage and you may switch places with one enemy of
your choice within 10 squares of you. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 damage and an enemy may switch places with one of your allies of
their choice within 10 squares of them.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

It Goes Ding When There's Stuff

Minor Action - Recharge Personal

Special: You must be adjacent to a creature for this power to function.
Effect: You gain the benefits of flanking, even if you are the only person adjacent to the creature. If you are flanking a target with an ally
when you use this power, you and your ally both gain a +4 bonus instead of the +2 bonus granted by combat advantage.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

GoTo Loop Rewrite

Minor Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature Trigger: A creature within range moves.
Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Target: The triggering creature
Hit: Deal 3d6 + half your level force damage Effect: The target returns to its starting location, and you teleport
adjacent to the target before attacking.
Effect: Before or after this attack, you may shift one square.
Special: You may only use the power once per each turn. Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 3d10 + Acu modifier + twice your level force damage

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Hasta La Vista, Baby

Standard Action - Daily Personal

Effect: You may choose one of three actions:
• All allies currently in the encounter gain a +3 bonus to their attack rolls and defenses, and can add your level in additional
damage to their attacks until the end of your next turn.
• You may create two Time Clones adjacent to you. The Time Clones disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or at the start of
your next turn.
• You may deal 3[W] + twice your level damage to all enemies currently in the encounter at once.
Sustain: You may spend a Standard action each turn to sustain the first effect or second effect.

Paragon of Doom
As a Paragon of Doom, you have learned your true role - to affect entropy and decay, and
all that encompasses. Before your gaze, civilizations will crumble into dust, or cease from
even being built.

Attribute: Acumen
Traits (lvl 11): Sacrificial Intent - When you are the victim of a Brutal Affront, all allies within 5 squares of you gain temporary hit points
equal to your level.
Aura of Apathy - If an enemy ends its turn adjacent to you, it gains Vulnerability 5 to necrotic and poison damage (save
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Crippling Agoraphobia – The target grants combat advantage and you may make it re-roll any attack it makes,
taking the worse result. Both effects end at the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You grant combat advantage, and may be forced to
re-roll any attacks you make against the target. Both effects end at the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Doomed Fate

Standard Action - Recharge Ranged 5

Target: One creature
Effect: The target loses their Standard and Move actions on their next turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

In A Doom Mood, Ani? Rebuke Undead

Minor Action - At-Will Melee or Ranged 10 Standard Action - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Acu + level + 1 vs. Will Attack: Acu + level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: Deal 2d8 + half your level poison damage and the target takes Hit: Deal 3d10 + Acu modifier + your level necrotic damage, and if
a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. the target is killed, it regains 1 HP and is under the control of this
player. If the target is healed, it dies. Otherwise, the target is immune
Special: You may only use the power once per turn. to damage except for Radiant and Fire damage. The target ceases
to be alive after the end of the encounter.
Special: This power may only be used on targets that are one level
or more below the user.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

The Black Omen

Standard Action - Daily Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Acu + level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 4[W] + Acu modifier + twice your level necrotic damage, and the target suffers -4 penalty to attack rolls, all defenses, and to
Brutal Affront Confirmations until the end of your next turn. The target may no longer make Opportunity attacks and takes a -1 to all attack
rolls for the rest of the encounter.
Miss: Deal half damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls when targeting you for the rest of the encounter.

Paragon of Life
As a Paragon of Life, you have learned your true role - to affect growth and creation, and
all that encompasses. As you watch, whole ecosystems will flourish under your control.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Traits (lvl 11): Life is Beautiful - Whenever an ally is flanking with you, any damage taken by them is reduced by an amount
equal to your Pulchritude modifier.
Don’t Fear The Reaper - Once per encounter when an ally drops to zero hit points, they may immediately spend their
Second Wind as a Free action if they haven’t already.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Quick-Fix – One ally within 5 spaces of you regains hit points equal to three times your level. (Grave Blunder: You
lose hit points equal to your level, and one ally within 5 spaces gains temporary hit points equal to twice your level.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Sugar Rush

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Communication

Trigger: One ally you can communicate with uses their Standard action
Effect: The target gains an additional Standard action on this turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Convection Of Life Briar Patch

Minor Action - At Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc + level +1 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 3d6 + half your level fire damage, and you gain 5 HP Hit: Deal 3d10 + Plc modifier + your level poison damage.
Miss: You lose 3 HP. Effect: All squares adjacent to the target become difficult terrain till
the end of your next turn. Any enemies that end their turn within the
Special: You may only use the power once per each turn. difficult terrain take 3d6 damage each turn and are slowed (save

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Wellspring Of Life

Immediate Reaction - Daily Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally die.
Effect: The target of this power returns to life with their hit points at their bloodied value. They immediately follow after you in initiative

Paragon of Blood
As a Paragon of Blood, you have learned your true role - to affect the connections
between individuals, and all that encompasses. Whether you become a renowned leader, or
scatter once-tight friends to the corners of Paradox Space, your name shall be

Attribute: Mangrit
Traits (lvl 11): Blood from Stone – If you are bloodied, all allies you can communicate with may spend their Second Win using a Free
Action instead of a Minor action.
Red Cross – Each time an enemy takes damage from Ongoing damage you caused, an ally you can communicate with
regains hit points equal to the damage being dealt to that enemy.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Wilford Brimley – The attack deals 1d10 additional damage and the target takes Ongoing 10 damage until the end
of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 additional damage and take Ongoing 5 damage until the end of your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)


Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally are bloodied
Effect: The target may immediately regain hit points as though they had spent their Second Wind. The target then gains a +2 bonus to
their next attack roll.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Diabeatdown Bad Blood

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude Special: You gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll and deal an
additional 1[W] if the target is suffering from Ongoing damage.
Hit: 2[W] + Mgt + level and the target takes Ongoing 5 necrotic
damage (save ends). Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Mgt + level poison damage and the target takes a -2
penalty to its Saving throws for the rest of the encounter.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)


Standard Action - Daily Melee-kind

Requirements: You must be bloodied.
Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 4d12 + Mgt modifier + twice your level necrotic damage.
Effect: You may shift up to three spaces and make a secondary attack, dealing 4d8 + Mgt modifier + your level necrotic damage. If you
successfully hit the target during your secondary attack, you may shift up to three spaces and make a tertiary attack, dealing 4d6 + Mgt
modifier + your level necrotic damage.

Paragon of Breath
As a Paragon of Breath, you have learned your true role - to affect the paths that
people take, and all that encompasses. Whether you show individuals the best road to
their true destiny, or the best road to the nearest active volcano, your name shall
never be forgotten.

Attribute: Acumen
Traits (lvl 11): Be The Leaf - You may shift one square as a Minor action once per turn.
On The Wing - Each time you make a successful attack against an enemy before using your Move action, you may choose
to Fly your speed if you use your Move action.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Don’t Tread On Me – All enemies within two squares of you suffer 1d10 damage and are pushed one square away
from you. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage, and all allies within two squares of you suffer 1d10 damage and are pushed one square
away from you.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Swift As The Wind

Minor Action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You gain +2 Speed, may not be targeted by Opportunity actions and may not be knocked prone until the end of your next turn.
Sustain: Use a Minor action each turn to sustain this Boon.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Airbending Slice Frigid Hurricane

Standard Action - At-Will Close Burst 1 Standard Action - Encounter Power Close Burst 3 or Area Burst 3
(Ranged 10)
Target: 1, 2, or 3 creatures in Burst Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Acu + level + 2 vs. AC, three attacks Attack: Acu + level vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Acu + level thunder damage, and the target is slid 2 Hit: Deal 3d10 + Acu modifier + level cold damage, and the target is
squares slowed until the end of your next turn, and is pushed 2 squares away
from the origin square.
Miss: Slide the target one square
Special: If you had used your Move action to Fly before using this
power, you may instead push the target 4 squares and then shift 2

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

The Eye Of The Storm

Standard Action - Encounter Area Burst 2 (Ranged 10)

Target: All creatures in burst
Attack: Acu + level + 1 vs. Reflex
Hit: Deal 4d10 + Acu modifier + twice your level thunder damage
Miss: Deal half damage.
Effect: Creates a zone of extreme wind from the origin square. If anyone is within the zone at the start of their turn, you may slide them
two spaces and inflict 2d6 thunder damage. The zone persists until the end of your next turn, and may be moved up to six squares at the
start of your turn as a Free action. Any enemy that the zone passes over suffers 2d6 thunder damage and may be slid 2 spaces.

Paragon of Mind
As a Paragon of Mind, you have learned your true role - to affect the external self, and
all that encompasses. What individuals choose to do, and how they react to the influences
of others and the world around them, are mere waypoints on a road map laid out before you.

Attribute: Imagination
Traits (lvl 11): Brain Food - Whenever you use an Immediate Interrupt or Immediate Reaction power, you gain temporary hit points equal to
your level + 5.
Mind the Gap - Any attack that would target your Will defense must also confirm a separate attack roll against your AC first
before it can succeed.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Imperio – You deal 1d10 additional damage and if your original attack would cause a status condition, you can
dominate the target instead of applying the intended status condition. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 additional damage and are weakened
and slowed [save ends].)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

You Shouldn't Have Done That

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: The attacking creature is dominated by you until the end of your next turn.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Blinded By Science Don't Mind If I Do

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature Trigger: You are attacked by an enemy
Special: You gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll if the target is Target: The triggering creature
Attack: Img + level + 1 vs. Will
Attack: Img + level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: Deal 3d8 + Img modifier + level psychic damage
Hit: 2d10 + Img modifier + level psychic damage. Roll a 1d10. On a Special: The next time you are hit by an enemy, that enemy is
roll of 8 or better, the target is blinded (save ends). dominated until the beginning of your next turn.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Mind Over Matter

Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 5

Target: All creatures suffering from a status condition, Ongoing damage, Vulnerability, and marks.
Attack: Img + level + 2 vs. Will
Hit: Deal 3d12 + Img modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and the target is immobilized and weakened.
Miss: Deal half damage and the target falls prone.
Effect: All status conditions, Ongoing damage, Resistances, or Vulnerabilities become permanent. A creature must make a basic attack
roll against your Will save to end the effect. A creature may make their basic attack roll at the end of their turn as though they were rolling
a saving throw.

Paragon of Heart
As a Paragon of Heart, you have learned your true role - to affect the internal self, and
all that encompasses. What individuals wish to do, and the myriad warring desires that
make up their inner soul, are mere entries in a journal you can read at your leisure.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Traits (lvl 11): You Got Soul - Once per encounter, you may apply your Pulchritude modifier to one ally’s saving throw or attack roll as a
bonus. You must announce you are using this trait before the roll is made.
You Got Class - Allies gain a damage bonus equal to half your level to attacks made while they are flanking with you.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Cardiac Arrest – You deal 1d10 additional damage and the target immediately makes a melee basic attack against
itself. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 additional damage and you immediately make a melee basic attack against yourself.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Sinew And Earth, Not Chalk And Theory

Minor Action - Recharge Personal, Communication

Effect: You and one ally gain temporary hit points equal to three times the number of creatures presently in the encounter.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Sold Your Soul The Company Store

Standard Action - At-Will Ranged 5 Standard Action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Special: You gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll if the target is Attack: Plc + level + weapon precision vs. Will
affected with a status condition or a mark.
Attack: Plc + level + 1 vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Plc modifier + level psychic damage, and the target is
dominated until the beginning of your next turn.
Hit: 2d10 + Plc modifier + level psychic damage.
Effect: You may grant one ally within 5 squares of you temporary hit
points equal to your level + 2.

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

The Heart Of The Matter

Standard Action - Daily Ranged 10

Target: One creature
Attack: Plc + level + 2 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated by you until the end of the encounter.
Miss: The target is stunned (save ends).
Special: The effect of this attack only functions if the target is your level or lower.

Paragon of Rage
As a Paragon of Rage, you have learned your true role - to affect fear, and all that
encompasses. Wherever you stalk, people sink to their knees in awe.

Attribute: Mangrit
Traits (lvl 11): Rat Out Of Cage - You can no longer be dominated or forced to take an action by an enemy.
Graceless - Whenever you attempt a coup de grace against a target below your level, the target automatically dies, even if
your attack would not have been enough to bloody the enemy.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Pound of Flesh – The attack deals an additional 1d12 damage and the enemy is forced to make a free melee basic
attack against another creature of your choice on its next turn. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d12 damage and are forced to make a free
melee basic attack against an ally on your next turn.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

I'm A Prickly Pear!

Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal

Trigger: You are attacked and take damage
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: Reduce the damage you’ve taken by half. Deal that damage to the triggering creature instead.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Fear Leads To Anger Anger Leads To Hate

Standard Action - At-Will Melee-kind Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Melee-kind

Target: The triggering creature Trigger: An enemy willing moves or shifts from a square adjacent to
Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Will
Hit: 3d12 + Mgt modifier + your level thunder damage Target: The triggering creature
Special: If the target attacks you on your next turn, you may make Attack: Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. Will
an immediate free melee basic attack against them. If you
succeeded on a Brutal Affront using this power, you instead may Hit: 4[W] + Mgt modifier + your level psychic damage, and the target
make two free melee basic attacks. suffers Ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Hate Leads To Suffering

Standard Action - Daily Melee-kind

Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt + level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 6[W] + Mgt modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and any damage dealt towards you until the end of your next turn is
instead dealt to an enemy of your choice within 10 squares of you.

Paragon of Hope
As a Paragon of Hope, you have learned your true role - to affect belief, and all
that encompasses. Wherever you roam, people sink to their knees in respect.

Attribute: Pulchritude
Traits (lvl 11): The Spirit Is Willing - Whenever you or an ally within 5 spaces reduces a non-Minion enemy with 65 or more hit points to 0
HP, they regain HP equal to your level.
Their Flesh is Weak - You can no longer be flanked, and any time you flank with an ally, you gain a +4 bonus in place of the
+2 bonus gained by combat advantage through flanking.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Multiple Choice – You deal 2d8 + your level additional damage and any creatures adjacent to the target take 1d12
radiant damage. (Grave Blunder: You take 2d8 + your level additional damage and any allies adjacent to you take 1d12 radiant damage.)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Springs Eternal

Minor Action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You gain a 1d8 bonus to damage, a +2 bonus to Speed, and Regeneration 5 until the end of your next turn.
Sustain: Spend a Minor action each turn to sustain this Boon.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Preach To The Choir Where Angels Fear to Thread

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - Encounter Close Burst 2
Target: One creature Target: All enemies in Burst
Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Attack: Plc + your level + 2 vs. Will
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Plc modifier + your level radiant damage, and the Hit: 2d6 + your level radiant damage.
target is slowed (save ends).
Effect: You create a zone of difficult terrain that affects all creatures
except for allies and enemies you designate. You can choose
whether or not to have the difficult terrain affect a creature as a free

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Seraphim's Call

Standard Action - Daily Personal

Effect: You conjure into existence a duplicate of any creature you can see or have met before. That creature shares all of the same
statistics as the original creature, has access to all of the same powers, traits, skills and actions, and behaves as though it were the same
as the real thing. The duplicate lasts until the start of your next turn and is under your complete control. As long as the duplicate exists,
you are immobilized and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. The duplicate acts immediately after you in initiative order.
Sustain: You must spend a Standard action each turn to sustain the duplicate.

Paragon of Light
As a Paragon of Light, you have learned your true role - to affect information, and all
that encompasses. Skaia’s Light shines upon you, leading you to victory, or allowing it to
be crafted into a fearsome weapon.

Attribute: Imagination
Traits (lvl 11): Learning From Mistakes - Whenever you fail a skill check by 5 or more, you may attempt to re-roll that check with a +2
insight bonus.
Vision X-fold - Invisible creatures are automatically visible to you.
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Illumination – You deal 1d8 + your level additional damage and the target gains Vulnerable 5 to radiant and psychic
damage (save ends). (Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 + your level additional damage and gain Vulnerable 5 to radiant and psychic damage
[save ends].)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

No Such Thing As Bad Data

Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal, Communication

Trigger: You or an ally miss with an attack
Effect: The target may make a free basic attack with a +4 bonus to their attack roll.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Agent Of Agency Predictive Analytics

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - Encounter Ranged 5

Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Img + level + weapon precision vs. AC Special: Make a Perception roll versus the target’s Stealth roll. If
you defeat the target’s roll, on a successful hit you can deal
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Img modifier + level radiant damage, and all allies additional damage equal to your level, and the target grants combat
that attack the same target gain a +2 bonus to their attack rolls advantage until the end of your next turn.
against that target until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Img + your level + 1 vs. Will
Hit: Deal 3d8 + Img modifier + twice your level radiant damage

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)


Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 3

Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Img + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 3d10 + Img modifier + twice your level radiant damage, and enemies cannot see any allies within the burst until the end of your
next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and you gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Effect: All allies within the Burst gain a +3 power bonus to their next attack rolls against all creatures caught within the burst.
Special: If you succeed with a Brutal Affront check on this attack, you and all allies in the Encounter immediately know detailed
information about all enemies within the Encounter, including hit points, defense scores, and Resistances/Vulnerabilities. Whenever allies
make a Knowledge check against an enemy, they gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy until the start of their next turn.

Paragon of Void
As a Paragon of Void, you have learned your true role - to affect obfuscation, and all
that encompasses. The Furthest Ring’s darkness wraps around you, guiding you out of
defeat, or allowing it to be crafted into nigh-invincible armor.

Attribute: Mangrit
Traits (lvl 11): Secret Tunnel - Once per encounter, you may spend a Move action to phase at your speed.
Must Be My Imagination - You are considered invisible in dim light or darkness, except to creatures with low-light vision or
Brutal Affront (lvl 11): Strike from Darkness – The attack deals 1d10 additional damage, and you become invisible until the beginning of
your next turn, or until you attack again. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 additional damage, and the target becomes invisible until the
beginning of your next turn, or until it attacks again)

Boon (Lv. 12) (Gain the following power)

Dark Side Of The Boon

Minor Action - Recharge Personal

Effect: You do not grant combat advantage, and are not affected by penalties that affect Defenses and Attack rolls until the end of your
next turn.
Sustain: Spend a Minor action each turn to sustain the effects of this Boon.

Aggrievements (Choose one of the following at Level 13)

Throw Shade Zone Of The Ender

Standard Action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind Standard Action - Encounter Close Burst 3
Target: One creature Effect: All Minions and enemies with a base hit point total of 65 or
under within the Burst radius disappear from the encounter.
Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: Deal 2[W] + Mgt modifier + your level cold damage, and if the
target is suffering from a status condition, replace that condition
with blindness (save ends).

Ultimate Fraymotif (Lv. 15) (Gain the following power)

Call Of The Abyss

Standard Action - Daily Close Burst 3

Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude
Hit: Deal 3d10 + Mgt modifier + twice your level cold damage and you cannot be seen by any enemies caught in the burst until the end of
your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and you gain total concealment until the end of your next turn. The concealment cannot be removed by any means.
Effect: All allies within the burst gain total concealment until the end of their next turn. The total concealment disappears as soon as the
ally makes an attack.
Special: If you succeed with a Brutal Affront check on this attack, all allies in the Encounter may, during an attack, make a free Stealth
check with a +2 power bonus against any targets in the Encounter. If they succeed they gain combat advantage against the target, which
ends immediately after the attack. This effect lasts until the end of the Encounter.

Exploring The Game Of
The short version
Sburb is a video game through which several players create a new
universe by sacrificing their planet.

The medium version

Each Sburb player must escape the destruction of their
home via meteors by transporting their house into
another realm known as the Medium. They accomplish
this through the help of a Server player, who deploys
various tools and reconfigures the Client player's house
to assist in various tasks. Before entering the Medium,
the Client player will (usually) prototype a Kernelsprite
into a friendly guide, most often by accident. They will
also have to pass a test of some sort, and do so before an
ominous counter hits zero, wherein the aforementioned
meteor destruction happens.

Upon entering The Medium, they player’s house will have been transported to a planet that was made
just for them, with all manner of quests and puzzles to encounter. They will have to progress through a
series of gates that takes them all around the Medium. They will also deal with Consorts, prototyped
Underlings, Denizens, and much more.

By entering and prototyping, the players have upset a delicate stalemate between the Armies of
Light and Darkness, sparking a vicious war on the Battlefield for the destruction of Skaia, a war
which the Army of Light is destined to lose. The players will complete a series of quests,
solve puzzles, fight enemies, and more, all in the service of one great goal: to create a new
universe, in their image.

The Army of Derse will try to stop the players, and the players will have to face the
Black King of Derse. The King is responsible for the Reckoning, which brings down
asteroids upon Skaia. Skaia in turn will redirect those asteroids for as long as possible through portals which
dispense the asteroids on a collision course with the former home of the players. Upon victory, the players will be given their
Ultimate Reward - a new universe, where they will live as literal gods.

Of course, something could happen along the way to fuck everything up.

The long version

Each player of Sburb receives two game discs, Server and Client. Installing the Client disk in conjunction with another
player installing their Server disk gives the Server player power over the area the Client player occupies. Ideally, all players
will have installed both discs eventually, acting as Server for one player and Client for another in a sort of daisy chain. Once
a Server and Client have connected, the Client player’s home will essentially be at the mercy of their Server player. The
Server player’s job is two-fold: To deploy the tools necessary for the Client to escape into the Medium before their house is
obliterated by asteroids, and modifying their Client’s house as necessary to make their escape as convenient as possible.

Several necessary devices are available within the user interface of the game, all located within the Phernalia Registry to be
deployed by the Server player. A device known as the Cruxtruder provides two important objects: an infinite number of
colored cylinders called Cruxite Dowels and a single flashing ball of energy called a Kernelsprite. The Cruxite Dowels are
then carved on a Totem Lathe, a device which encodes a Captchalogue Card's information into the dowel so that it can be
scanned. Next is the Alchemiter, which scans the carved Cruxite Dowel and produces the object encoded into the dowel
(provided the Client player has enough Grist, an in-game resource collected from fighting Underlings and completing
quest). Initially, Client players will be granted one Pre-Punched Card from the Registry. This vitally-important card allows
for the creation of the Cruxite Artifact, which presents itself as some sort of mundane item formed from colored Cruxite,

such as an apple or a piñata. Once activated (somehow), the Artifact whisks the Client player and their house away into the

Unfortunately, the process is not as safe or as easy as it appears. Once the Cruxtruder is opened, a timer appears on the
device, counting down to some unknown event. Should a Client player take a moment to look up in the sky, they may spot a
meteor barreling in their direction, approaching ever closer as the timer ticks down. It is the Client player’s job to find a way
to damage the Artifact in some way before the countdown ends, as the countdown obviously heralds the rapidly
approaching death of the Client player.

Meanwhile, the Kernelsprite must be Prototyped, a process as simple as picking some object and throwing it into the orb.
While most players do not realize this fact and ignore the Kernelsprite wholly, it is often the case that objects find their way
into the Kernelsprite by fate or by accident. When offered an item, The Kernelsprite may arbitrarily accept the item or decide
the object is unsuitable and reject it. Most successful items tend to be either a living being, the remains of a formerly living
being, or something resembling a living being. Whether any given item will work or not is ultimately up to the GM, who
should encourage creativity. The item Prototyped causes the Kernelsprite to change, taking on the attributes of the
Prototyped item. It also causes the forthcoming enemies of the Medium to take on the same attributes, so caution is advised
—players cognizant of the effects of Prototyping probably shouldn’t prototype that awesome Superman figurine unless
they're prepared to fight flying Imps with heat-vision. A Kernelsprite can be Prototyped a second time as well. If a
Kernelsprite is Prototyped before entering the Medium, the additional Prototyping will empower the coming monsters further.
If a Kernelsprite is Prototyped after entering the Medium, the Prototyping does nothing but improve the abilities of the Sprite.
Failing to prototype your Kernelsprite is a very bad idea: doing so prevents Skaia from changing form and maturing, causing
a void session and rendering the game unwinnable without a deus ex machina of the highest caliber. Once prototyped, the
Sprite acts as a sort of exposition machine for the player, cryptically providing hints and nudges in the right direction and
yielding background knowledge on the Incipisphere.

Once the Client player’s Artifact has been shattered or interacted with in the unique manner required, the Client player and
their house are transported to a dimension known as the Incipisphere. Nestled within this dimension is The Medium, a
solar system of sorts revolving around a massive world known as Skaia. Each player upon arriving is granted a Land, a
personal planet filled with creatures and quests. Each player’s Land is named according to a pattern: The Land of [Noun]
and [Noun]. The nouns can be as simple as “rocks” or as abstract as “thought” or “fear”. However, each Land is tailored to
its player, usually reflecting some aspect of the player’s Title and/or personality. From here, the game becomes a lot more

As players quest through their Lands and discover more about their surroundings, they shall learn over time that they are
great Heroes, long-awaited and long-praised, who are destined to save Skaia and utilize it to accomplish a monumental
task; a task so important that many would see Skaia destroyed and many would sacrifice themselves in the hopes that its
ultimate purpose might be fulfilled. The players will learn of their Titles, which represent a combination of a Class and an
A Class dictates the methods and style of a player. For example, a Knight harnesses their Aspect as a weapon, defending
the weak and warring against tyranny, while a Sylph heals those around them through their Aspect. Classes come in pairs,
one of which is active (-) and one of which is passive (+). Active classes tend to play direct roles and focus more on
themselves and their individual powers. Passive classes tend to play more supporting roles, often using their powers on
others around them. For example, Thieves and Rogues are a pair, with Thieves stealing from others to benefit themselves,
while Rogues steal to aid those around them.

An Aspect is the more convoluted component of a Title, representing primal forces of reality in many subtle shades. Aspects
dictate roles and powers, channeling or being channeled by Classes. For instance, a Hero of Breath controls winds and air
but more subtly controls personal direction and action, while a Hero of Void manifests powers of darkness and invisibility but
imperceptibly works to suppress knowledge and hide secrets. Aspects also come in pairs; however, paired Aspects
represent opposing concepts which seem like opposite sides of the same coin. For example, Heart and Mind are paired
Aspects. Heart deals with matters of emotion and motivation, while Mind deals with decision-making and logic. While the
two seem wholly different, they represent both the emotional and mental sides of the choices individuals make.

The Classes and Aspects offered up by Skaia intermingle together in unique ways to guide players through paths of self-
understanding and knowledge. A simplified interpretation of their relationship would be that Classes tell Aspects what to do,
and Aspects tell Classes how to do it. Some players find that they fit into the Titles presented to them quite smoothly, taking
on their Class roles and easily picking up the nuances of their Aspect. Some however may feel that they were granted a

Title not befitting them, their personality, or their abilities. In these cases, it seems that Skaia is challenging a player to grow
into a role and to learn from what it has to offer. Ultimately, some players will take up the mantle of the Title granted to them
and some won't, but all of them will learn this for themselves as they traverse the worlds around them.

Each player must progress through a series of Seven Gates, the first located high above their house and each one located
progressively closer to Skaia. The First Gate will take the player to another location on their Land. The Second Gate will
take them directly to their Server player’s house on their Land. The Third Gate will take them to another location on the
Server player’s Land, the Fourth Gate will take them to their Server player’s own Server player’s house, and so on. The
Gates connect to all Lands in Sessions with four players. Some Sessions may have more than four players, which results in
some Lands not having Gates that lead directly to more distant Land. In other cases, smaller Sessions may have Gates that
overlap, resulting in multiple Gates opening up to different locations on the same Land. No matter what, it is of great
importance that each player either Alchemize themselves some means of flight in order to reach the higher Gates, or have
the Server players continually build their Clients’ houses upward in defiance of all sane physics.

Upon reaching the Seventh Gate, a player is transported to the lair of their Denizen, the “boss” of their Land. Each player’s
personal journey will ultimately culminate in an encounter with their Denizen.
This encounter could take on many forms, with the Denizen acting as
the final boss of the Land, or instead offering players The
Choice, a striking and difficult decision often revolving
around choices of life and death. The encounter is a vital
objective in the game, as a Denizen not only is partly
responsible for terrorizing the populace of a Land,
but also guards a mighty Grist Hoard which when
unleashed begins the process of the Ultimate
Alchemy, the final and greatest quest of Sburb.

Early on, and over the course of their journey,

the players will become more aware that
they have stumbled into an eternal
stalemate between two great kingdoms,
one of light and one of darkness. The
kingdoms are made up of humanoids that
resemble chess pieces, and are called
Carapacians. The dark kingdom of Derse
covets the destruction of Skaia, while the
light kingdom of Prospit works to protect
Skaia from destruction. The players’ intrusions
will upset the balance, resulting in Derse
inevitably defeating Prospit, taking control of
Skaia. The Prototypings that each player brings
into the game will alter the kingdoms, most obviously
through the King’s Scepter and the Queen’s Ring,
which grant all the powers derived from Prototyping to the
royalty of each kingdom. The King serves as a field marshall,
commanding military forces on Skaia while the Queen maintains
order and stability within the kingdom.

Player Prototypings are doubly important in that they allow Skaia to grow and mature until it is
fully developed. After progressing through their Lands, players will end up on Skaia proper, which is an immense planet
shrouded in prophetic clouds and covered in chessboard patterns. Unless the players are able to stop the Black King from
acquiring the White King’s scepter, however, Skaia won’t last long—the Black King will use the scepter to set in motion the
Reckoning, a twenty-four hour event in which the Veil, a ring of asteroids and meteors along the border of the Medium, will
be hurled towards Skaia. In order to defend itself, Skaia opens up portals that catch the meteors and redirect them to the
players’ home planet. All the same, Skaia's defenses won’t last forever, and failing to defeat the Black King in time results in
the destruction of Skaia. Ideally, the Black King will be the final boss of a Session.

Defeating the Black King is made extraordinarily difficult by the fact that all of the Prototypings that affect Underlings (and to
a lesser extent, the Carapacians of both kingdoms) also affect the Kings and Queens of Prospit and Derse. Any Prospitian

or Dersite (and only a Prospitian or Dersite) who comes into possession of one of the royal Rings or Scepters can gain the
power granted by Prototyping as well. In the case that a player has Prototyped something particularly powerful, getting a
Prospitian or Dersite with a Ring or Scepter on their side may be the only hope for victory, or possibly the greatest mistake
anyone could make.

There are several ultimate objectives to win Sburb, all of which tie in to achieving the Ultimate Alchemy and solving the
Ultimate Riddle:

• The first objective is breeding the Genesis Frog. As players learn more about the Medium, they will uncover the
knowledge that their ultimate goal in the game is to create a universe tailored to their desires where they can live
as literal gods. Doing so requires that the players breed frogs so as to create one known as the Genesis Frog.
Space players generally have a Land bearing frogs in abundance, and often take charge in breeding duties. By
collecting a variety of frogs, breeding them together, and producing mutations in their DNA, a player can combine
the optimum genes to create the Genesis Frog.

• The second objective is to provide a home to the Genesis Frog by fueling the Ultimate Alchemy. The process of
the Ultimate Alchemy is simple: Each player confronts their Denizen and in some way obtains access to that
Denizen's Grist Horde, a massive pile of Grist that can provide energy for a new universe. Next, players finish
building their homes as high as possible so their tops come exceedingly close to Skaia. Then, each house will be
topped with a Grist Rig, a late-game device from the Phernalia Registry which pumps the Grist from the core of
the Land, through the towering house, and directly into Skaia. The final step is igniting the Forge, a massive
volcano that is always found on the Land of the Space player. Once all of these steps are complete, Skaia may
then act as a womb to the Genesis Frog.
• The third and final objective is to remove any dangers to Skaia as it begins to grow the Genesis Frog within it. The
most obvious danger is the Black King, who initiates the Reckoning and sets a twenty-four hour time limit to the
lifespan of Skaia.However, depending on the Session, the Black King may not be the only danger, and unknown
forces from both within and without the game may attempt to end the process before it reaches completion.
Once all the objectives are complete, the game is won. Players may travel to the Victory Platform underneath Skaia, where
a door will be awaiting the Heroes. The door serves as an entrance into the new universe, created and suited to the players,
where they can live as gods in their own paradise.
Along the way, there are numerous pieces and puzzles involved in Sburb, which fit in at various points, are a constant
portion of the game, or never appear. No matter what, players will find many things to do during their journey.
• Some Heroes will progress far through their Echeladders and eventually enter the ranks of God-Tier. This
vaunted set of ranks grants the powers of a god to a Hero, forging a strong bond between Class and Aspect and
granting immediate insight into both roles. God-Tier characters are adorned with new outfits, limited immortality,
flight, and other nifty abilities.
• In most cases, a player will discover that they have a duplicate of themselves, sleeping in one of the Towers of
Prospit or Derse. This Dream Self is many things: it is a second life should the player die, it is an early access to
the world of the Medium for those who awaken early, and it is an opening to the world of the Furthest Ring, the
terrifying realm outside of the Incipisphere (should the dream self die, of course). Dream selves are
representations a player's self-image, and are generally asleep when the player is dead, and vice-versa. Prospitian
dream selves see visions of the past, present and future when the moon of Prospit passes through the clouds of
Skaia, while Dersite dream selves hear the whispers of the Horrorterrors that inhabit the Furthest Ring during
Derse's lunar eclipses.
• Some players are in touch with a being called a First Guardian. First Guardians are the protectors of the home
planets that players come from, with one Guardian protecting one planet. Some are neutral and do not interfere in
the affairs of Sburb, some are benevolent and aid or live with certain players, and some are malevolent, working
for themselves or for others they serve. Each is powered by an immense and mighty object known as the Green
Sun, a star glowing in the depths of the Furthest Ring, which results in First Guardians being extremely powerful,
extremely intelligent, and ultimately unknowable.
• Paradox space is the reality in which Sburb takes place, composed of numerous universes, Sburb sessions, and
the Furthest Ring. The nature of paradox space is such that temporal paradoxes occur constantly, such that
paradoxes help propagate existence itself. This springs up in many interesting ways during a Session. For
instance, players may clone themselves as babies by collecting interdimensional DNA samples and processing
them through ectobiology, sending those babies back in time to the moment of each player's 'birth', and entirely by
accident have those babies turn out to be themselves sent back in time and across dimensions. Paradoxes are

frequent, confusing, and encouraged to happen. Space and Time players are especially susceptible to creating
and being subject to paradoxes. Just make sure you can keep track of all of your paradoxes before implementing
GM Tips for Running a Good Homestuck Story
• Get your players through their first solo challenges and together quickly. Even with a Sprite and a
Cursor, usually only 3 players will be involved in one Character’s combat scenarios, so getting
people together quickly and solving challenges together helps maintain player interest and keeps
everyone involved.
• Use Homestuck as a framework. While it’s important to keep enough canon mechanics to make the game
feel like a fun Homestuck game, it’s important to also not get bogged down in boring specifics. Your
players may not care much about the Battlefield and prefer to explore their own specially-tailored
planets, or they may prefer to engage in inter-kingdom political skullduggery. They may create
themselves in the ectobiology lab, or they could have been born under perfectly normal circumstances.
Some players may enjoy a long frog breeding puzzle, and some may find it entirely tedious.
• Special mention must be made of how in canon, a session must have a Space and a Time player to be
fruitful - don’t stick to this rule. Unless your players expressly wish to have a Void or Dead
session, err on the side of giving them cool adventures with lots of different things to do. If you
want to make their lack of a Space or Time player a plot point, and involve a universe-spanning quest
to grab a couple NPCs, go for it, but don’t bog down your players with specifics that don’t add to
the fun of the game.
• Embrace the weird. Homestuck is a weird story, and a game version of it should be just as weird, if
not more so. Be on the lookout for any in-jokes or recurring items or events, and incorporate it into
the story in surprising and humorous ways. Try to throw some red herrings and plot twists in there
Hussie-style if you can, but also be prepared for your players to try and take things off the rails
as well.
• Make fun, interesting NPCs that the players either want to help or hinder, but don’t make them the
focus of the story. Players should almost always feel like they have a real sense of agency, or the
game will not be fun for them.
• Come up with different personalities for your Denizens. Not all Denizens are brutish monsters that
will only attack your players on sight. In fact, some can even be somewhat helpful, and give players
important information, though often at a price. Come up with a variety of paths for players to
succeed in their encounter with their denizen, including solving riddles, beating challenges, and
straight-up brawling, and then see what paths your players stumble down.
• Unless you have to due to players definitely leaving the game due to real-life circumstances, don’t
kill off PCs permanently. There are many ways to get around death in Homestuck, including kissing
dead bodies to revive in Dream Selves, going God-Tier, becoming a ghost, going back in time and
stopping the calamitous event, or with the powerful Ring of Life. Dream Bubbles, a kind of afterlife
for players, also totally exist and are things living players may be able to explore with their dead
friends on a quest to resurrect them.
• Take all rules, especially these ones, with a grain of salt. The Homestuck RPG is designed to have
lots of rules to allow many types of play, but there are all sorts of adventures and types of play
that just cannot be covered by even the most exhaustive ruleset. Feel free to make up new
prototypings, monster types, Oaths, and more, to season your Incipisphere the way you want to.

The World of the Medium
The Medium is a strange and fantastic place. When your players pass their Entrance Test and enter the Medium, whole
new literal worlds will be opened up to them. Herein is a guide to the many places your players will explore, as well as some
of the features of those places.
Paradox Space
Paradox space represents everything in existence - all Incipispheres, all sessions, all universes, and the Furthest Ring. The
entirety of that which does, did, or will exist is encompassed by paradox space.

The Incipisphere
The Incipisphere is the Sburb game session itself. It is a small universe in a sense, encapsulating the Medium, Skaia, all the
players' Lands, Derse and Prospit, the Veil and everything else a group of players would encounter in a normal session.

The Furthest Ring

An infinite expanse of space-time, the Furthest Ring is the home of The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors, as well as the location
of the many dream bubbles they glub into existence. The Furthest Ring connects all Sessions together. It also houses the
many universes that compose paradox space. However, navigation of The Furthest Ring is extremely difficult, thanks to the
extreme instability the region suffers in regards to space and time. Going a foot in one direction could transport you a week
into the past, and waiting for a minute could end you up miles away from where you started. Space and time are nearly
meaningless here, but only nearly.

Dream Bubbles
When players die, they may end up in a Dream Bubble - a kind of afterlife bestowed upon fallen heroes - often regardless of
their morals and actions when they were alive. Dream Bubbles can be navigated and can bleed into each other, but moving
amongst them can be tricky. Oftentimes, numerous duplicates of the same person may find themselves as members of the
ghostly populations of these bubbles, thanks to the numerous doomed timelines that shoot off of the alpha timeline. When
players that have lost their dream selves sleep, they often find themselves awake and represented in dream bubbles,
allowing them to interact with the dead and explore the memories that paint the settings of the bubbles.

Derse is the planet of the Kingdom of Darkness. It lies just on the other side of The Veil, barely inside the Furthest Ring.
Dersites fight for the destruction of Skaia. There is a moon attached to Derse via a giant chain, and the dream selves of the
Derse Dreamers sleep there.

The Veil
The Veil is a ring of asteroids that demarcates the barrier between The Furthest Ring and The Medium. The many strange
labs and devices that create and birth the Carapacians of Derse And Prospit are housed here, as well as the Ectobiology
Lab that one of your players may enter so they may create themselves. These asteroids are the ones affected by The
Reckoning, and are incidentally the same ones that did/will/will have destroyed the players' home planet once the Black
King takes up the White King's Scepter.

Ectobiology Laboratory
Found on one of the asteroids in the
Veil, the Ectobiology Lab allows a
player to create paradox clones of
themselves and their friends, and send
them back in time to their old planet, at
the time of their apparent birth. It is all
a very confusing and silly process.

The Medium
The Medium is the mysterious realm
that forms part of the Incipisphere. It is
a ring of void between Skaia and the
Veil and is the space in which Prospit
and the players' Lands are housed.
Ironically, you can breathe in the
Medium despite it being a ring of void.

Each player is given their own planet
called a Land, filled with consorts,
creatures, and quests. These planets
are all granted a representative name
that describes the conditions of the
world and the aspects that are most
readily apparent. Lands also have a
Denizen, a monstrous creature that the
player may or may not have to face at
some point. These creatures can give
quests or advice, but may also be
enemies that the player must defeat.

Quest Beds
Quest Beds are large stone edifices
shaped like a bed, slab, or other resting
area, engraved with the insignia of the
player’s aspect. Each player has 2
quest beds. One can be found
somewhere on their Land, while the
other is hidden deep within the moons
of either Derse or Prospit, depending
on which kind of Dreamer they are. Dying on a Quest Bed causes the player to revive and ascend to God-Tier, achieving
unfathomable new powers and abilities.

Gates are a series of portals that can be found on every player's planet. The first one for each player is above their house,
many feet in the air, requiring architecture manipulation, flight, or some other method of transportation to reach. This Gate
will transport that player to somewhere else on their planet. The next Gate will connect them to their server player's house,
and then the next one to somewhere on that player's planet, and then to THAT player's server player's house, and so on.

Return Nodes
Similar looking to Gates, there are Return Nodes dotted around all the players' Lands that allow players to return to their

Prospit lies inside the Medium, near Skaia. Prospitians fight for the survival of Skaia, though they are always destined to
lose. There is a moon attached to Prospit via a giant chain, and the dream selves of the Prospit Dreamers sleep there.

Residing at the very center of the Medium and the Incipisphere itself, Skaia is a crucible through which the players may
obtain their Ultimate Reward. It is covered in clouds which show brief glimpses into the future. Skaia contains The
Battlefield, where the Armies of Light and Darkness engage in unending battle.

The Battlefield
The Battlefield is in essence a giant chess board that comprises the landmass of Skaia. Before any players enter the
Medium, it is a simple 3 x 3 chessboard. Upon the first prototyping, the chess board expands and becomes more complex.
The second turns it into a cube, and the third, a planet-sized sphere, comparable to the other planets in the Incipisphere.
Prototypings beyond 3 results in more complications and additions to the geometry and topography of the Battlefield. The
Armies of Light and Darkness wage eternal war on this structure, until the balance is upset by the entrance of the players,
coupled with their prototypings.

Eventually, your players are going to
have to engage in STRIFE. This
inevitable fact of life in Sburb is vital for
players to join in, seeing as combat
allows for characters to grow in strength
and gather valuable grist which will allow
them to build items of significant power
to carry them further through the game.

First Encounter
When your players enter the Medium
through their planets, they will almost
certainly still be level 1 and alone (save
for the attentions of their Server player
and a Sprite they have just prototyped).
If you have a 3rd character waiting on
the sidelines for their part in the story,
you can give control of the Sprite to them so that they can help the other players. Likewise, if you have a fourth or fifth
player on hand, you might like to give them control of the Imps for the first encounter or two! Don’t forget to remind players
of the bonuses they can grant from long distances via Communication as well. Take a map of the player’s home and place
some Imps (between 3 and 6 is a decent number) around the map, with no more then 2 grouped in a single location (such
as the Yard or the living room). Allow the character that has just entered the game a chance to run around and smash the
offensive ruffians. Imps are not particularly smart and are more inclined to creative mischief then rushing to the defense of
their allies, so don’t gang up on your player. It is not completely necessary to even give the starting Imps a Prototyping
template (except in cosmetic details, perhaps) as it may take a while for the Underlings to fully comprehend the
opportunities given to them through the Prototyping process.

Once that first combat and exploration has been finished, you might like to move the story to the other players as they enter
their Lands as well, giving them a similar time in the spotlight to battle some Imps and explore around their house. Grant the
experience (that is to say, Boondollars) gained from battles as if everyone had participated, so that nobody ends up left
behind in level.

Encounter Difficulty:
When you build combat encounters after the first few, use the following guidelines. First, decide how challenging you want
the encounters to be:

Easy – warm-up battle, a chance to teach the rules or practice, a battle against poorly prepared enemies. Level =
Characters -1 or -2.
Standard – the average encounter. Level = Characters +0 or +1.
Hard – a climactic final battle, fighting your way across the Battlefield in the middle of the Chess War, the
culminating fight of a quest arc. Level = Characters +2 or +4.

Multiply the number of Players in the group that you anticipate will participate in the battle (including those who have control
of Sprites or are acting as Server Players) with the Boondollar value of a single Standard monster of the encounter’s chosen
level. A 2nd-level encounter for 4 players would be 50000 Boondollars. This value is the “budget” of experience you should
use to build the encounter. Spend points from the budget on monsters, traps and appropriate Skill Challenges. The chart
below shows Boondollar experience values for creatures at all the various levels.

Next, spend the budget on monsters from the following pages. If your encounter includes Underlings (most encounters will
until their adventures take your players away from their Lands in the Medium) you will notice that the monsters there are
relatively simplistic for their level. This is intentional because those creatures are awaiting Prototyping with traits from
whatever the players have placed in their Kernelsprite through either choice or poor luck! Prototyping is the spice to the
creatures in your encounters; it grants them abilities of a little more complexity and distinguishes them from their basic
template by changing the way they fight and interact. Generally speaking at least one template should be used on each
Underling you use, in order to raise them to average difficulty for a creature of their level. For a little greater difficulty
consider having monster's with more than one Prototyping to them. Stacking templates in a completely literal fashion may
result in excessively complex or contradictory abilities however, so use some discretion. For example you may wish to give
only a single Encounter power out of two different templates while keeping all of the other traits from both.

Monster Level Standard Minion Elite Solo
1 10000 2500 20000 50000
2 12500 3100 25000 62500
3 15000 3800 30000 75000
4 17500 4400 35000 87500
5 20000 5000 40000 100000
6 25000 6300 50000 125000
7 30000 7500 60000 150000
8 35000 8800 70000 175000
9 40000 10000 80000 200000
10 50000 12500 100000 250000
11 60000 15000 120000 300000
12 70000 17500 140000 350000
13 80000 20000 160000 400000
14 100000 25000 200000 500000
15 120000 30000 240000 600000

As a general rule, when placing the starting positions of combatants on a map, a distance of 10 squares between the
Players and the Underlings should be the rule of thumb. In a particularly enclosed battlefield such as a player’s house or a
mystical ruin on their World, this can be lowered to 5 spaces. In a wide-open field on a flat sweeping plains World, this might
be increased to as much as 20 spaces.

If some of the monsters

have a sneaky Prototyping,
or the players are feeling
particularly tricky, one side
or the other might choose
to attempt to surprise the
other. Have the group that
is attempting to Stealth
make a Stealth check
(paying close attention to
the lowest Stealth result). If
none of the Stealth checks
are beaten by the opposing
sides highest passive
Perception (10 +
Perception check modifier)
then the opposing group is
Surprised for the first
round of the encounter,
and the sneaking group
may be able to start in a
better map position at your
discretion. Check the list of
conditions in the 4th Edition
Quick Start Rules to see all
that Surprise entails.

Once starting positions are determined have the players and the Underlings roll Initiative!

Skill Encounters
Skill encounters and usage (and more broadly Scrutiny, the non-combat tests of the world of Skaia) are more free-form then
combat encounters. Skills are the means which allow the game to flow smoothly outside of combat. Whenever a player
wants to do something where the outcome of their action is in reasonable doubt through a test of natural ability, luck, or
learning, a Skill or Ability check is the way to resolve it.

As a GM, either pick one of the twelve skills described in the Skills chapter, or if no skill applies instead choose an Ability
score. An example of an Athletics skill use is swiftly climbing a rock wall… having a high Mangrit score helps, but training
and aptitude also are a factor. An example of an Ability check is deadlifting a boulder… ultimately strength alone is what you
are dependent on. Generally speaking Ability checks should be easier then Skill checks.

Next, pick a difficulty for the check. As the GM, it’s between you and your players to determine the “tone” of your campaign,
and the general level skill difficulties that you select can certainly play a part in setting the mood for the story you want to

Don’t be afraid to combine Skill Checks and combat in the same encounter, once you think your players are comfortable
with their abilities in both. Mixing elements and giving the players multiple goals to attain can create a memorable

Character Level Easy DC Moderate DC Hard DC Epic DC

1 9 13 17 20
2 10 14 18 21
3 11 15 19 22
4 12 16 20 23
5 13 17 21 24
6 14 18 22 25
7 15 19 23 26
8 16 20 24 27
9 17 21 25 28
10 18 22 26 29
11 19 23 27 30
12 20 24 28 31
13 21 25 29 32
14 22 26 30 33
15 23 27 31 34

Skill Challenges
If you feel it appropriate, you may ask players to complete a series of Skill checks when they are attempting a longer
process or a difficult goal that does not involve combat. This is called a Skill Challenge. Successfully landing a haywire
Dersite dropship, traversing the thick jungle covering your Land, accomplishing great strides in frog breeding – all of these
require a series of tests in the form of Skill checks. A Skill Challenge takes long and complex tasks and breaks them down
into manageable checks.

The Skill Challenge operates thus:

The GM will either begin asking for Skill Checks from every player (sequentially or over a period of time). The Challenge is
completed either when a specific number of successful Skill checks is achieved, or when three failures are reached. If they
players complete the challenge through achieving a target number of successes, they succeed at the challenge. Otherwise,
they fail. Whether succeeding or failing, the players must accept the consequences and earn Boondollars from the effort.

Complexity: The complexity of a Skill Challenge determines the number of successful checks the players must accumulate
to succeed at the challenge. Use this table to determine the the numbers and kinds of Skill checks needed for different
levels of complexity:

Complexity Successes Advantages Typical DCs
1 4 - 4 Moderate
2 6 - 5 Moderate, 1 Hard
3 8 2 6 Moderate, 2 Hard
4 10 4 7 Moderate, 3 Hard
5 12 6 8 Moderate, 4 Hard

Succeeding at a Complexity 1 challenge is roughly equivalent to defeating one monster. Adding a grade of complexity is
akin to adding a monster to a combat encounter. A Complexity 5 challenge has the same weight in an adventure as a typical
Combat Encounter and awards a comparable amount of Boondollars. A Skill Challenge during a Combat Encounter typically
has a Complexity of 1 or 2 and replaces one or two monsters of the challenge's level.
Levels: Skill Challenges have levels, which helps determine the DC of the checks involved. A typical Challenge is the same
level as the characters. Most Skill Checks are against the Moderate DC of the challenge's level. However, after a character
has used a particular skill to to achieve a success against the Moderate DC, later uses of that skill by the same character
should be set to the Hard DC. When performing group checks, the difficulty should be set to the Easy DC, increased to a
Moderate DC if skills are used more than once. In high-complexity challenges, players should have ways of circumventing
the DC by being granted special advantages.
Advantages: A Skill Challenge that has a Complexity of 3 or more is considered to have a high Complexity. Such a
challenge should include ways for the players to gain an advantage of some kind. Without these bonuses, Skill Challenges
become unavoidable failures. For each success beyond six required in a challenge, one of the following advantages should
become available:
• A success against a Hard DC should count as two successes, against a Hard DC and a Moderate DC Skill check.
• A success against a Hard DC should remove a pre-existing failure, instead of counting as a success.
• A success against an Easy DC counts as a success against a Moderate DC.
• A success against a Moderate DC counts as a success even though the player making the check has already used
the same skill to gain a success against a Moderate DC.

Player Death
The Homestuck setting is a completely closed system, meaning that if one
of the player characters dies permanently they usually cannot be replaced
with a fresh new face. Much of the lore concerning Skaia, The Medium,
and the Ultimate Riddle requires that Heroes see their way through the
Alpha timeline. Thus, resurrection of some sort becomes a necessity to
allow the player of the deceased character to actually do anything. This
chapter is here to offer some possible ideas to make it easier for GMs to
bring the deceased back from the beyond and into the action once more.
• Dream Selves: If circumstances are right the whole process of a
resurrection quest may be curtailed with the kiss of life. With only
a few exceptions, players on both Prospit or Derse have a dream
self which sleeps in one of the towers of their respective planet's
moon, thus granting the player an 'extra life'. All that is necessary
is that an ally reach the dead player in time, and then kiss them.
Given that wounds propagate at a delay this is only an option if
an ally is near the deceased individual in question or is close
enough to the appropriate Gate to be able to rush through and
kiss the player. Otherwise, it is up to the GM to come up with a way to bring that character back. This only works
once, unless by some twist of fate, the character is granted two dream selves).
• Metamorphosis: Considering the physiology of the species selected there may be another easy way out. Perhaps
for some races, death is simply part of “puberty”. Getting mortally wounded results in the body undergoing a
metamorphosis and acquiring a template, such as for instance growing a pair of wings and developing a more
slender body structure. Such an option obviously only works once.
• Soulbot: Assuming a player possesses the appropriate scientific knowledge, a soulbot may be constructed for
their deceased comrade. Such a quest should involve gathering a specific type of grist or a specific object, such as
uranium grist for their reactor, a special material required to interact with their departed soul, or perhaps a specific
crystal from their Land. Upon completion of the soulbot, the deceased gains the Robotic template. They must
redraw a new Sylladex and lose all their Collectibles until they can return to their body. If the character should fall
again after that it is usually a matter of repair instead, which would require difficult Science checks to complete.
• God-tier: Upon reaching God-tier, most characters will be able to resurrect after falling to an enemy. The only
times when a character should truly die after achieving God-tier is if they have died a just death or a heroic death.
A heroic death requires that a character fall while opposing a corrupt adversary or through a noble self-sacrifice for
the greater good. A just death requires that they deserved to be killed, either through becoming corrupted and
being slain by a hero, or else through causing something terrible. It is up to GM discretion whether these qualities
have been achieved once the character in question has died, but in cases where a character dies thanks to a
cheap shot from a lich or by getting killed in a trap, they shouldn't be permanently dead.
• Time Aspect: If the Title of Time exists in that session and is still alive it is possible to declare that the timeline has
become doomed. This may or may not involve some preparation to save them with time travel. It could be as
simple as telling them not to jetpack to their denizen this early or complicated as saving them from a powerful
enemy pursuing them.
• Life Aspect: If the Title of Life exists in that session and is still alive it is possible to have them utilize their powers
to return the character to life. Keep in mind, this sort of power is difficult to manifest and would require either Ability
checks, God-Tier powers, or a focusing material that can allow the Life player to harness their abilities efficiently.
Alternatively, if the Life player in question falls, they may often times resurrect on their own without outside
intervention. Beware of using this too often however, as it may cheapen the impact of dying if used frequently.
• Ectoresurrection: A looser interpretation of canon allows for revival through the science of ectobiology. An
ectoresurrection station is an unusual variant of the typical one responsible for the existence of the players and
possibly their guardians. Instead of generating an infant it recreates the living body of a player. Awkwardness
ensues as they are brought back with only the bare minimum required for modesty. They must redraw a new
Sylladex and lose all their Collectibles until they can return to their body. seeking out an ectoresurrection station
should be no trivial task. First one must travel to the appropriate location of it. Then one must defeat the guardians.
Finally repair is usually necessary to get it in working condition. It often appears someplace “outside” of the Lands
such as on Skaia itself or an asteroid in the furthest rings.
• Sprites: Sprites make an excellent temporary character for the deceased. While engaged in a resurrection quest
simply grant the player control of a sprite as warranted to keep them engaged in the game and assisting their
allies. Alternatively, a character may be used to prototype a Sprite, thus giving them life back in a new (albeit
inconvenient) form.
• Dream Bubbles: While technically not bringing characters back from the dead, deceased players will end up in
dream bubbles, which act as a sort of afterlife, using the memories of the dead and the sleeping as a canvas to act
upon. It may be possible to run some adventures within dream bubbles. Some dead characters may even be able
to find strange artifacts hidden away in bubbles which can return them to life (with some caveats).

Not every being that your players meet in the
lands of Sburb will be an adversary or a passive
non-participant. Some may be friendly and
skilled in combat, or at least neutral and
potentially convinced to assist through mutual
interests, debts of gratitude, or simple
mercenary desires. You can use such
characters to help display themes of cause-and-
effect within the game, to put the player’s
actions in the context of a larger conflict
between greater forces, or simply to add an
interesting new social dynamic to the game.

Just like Sprites and Server Cursors,

Companion Characters can serve a very useful
purpose not only to advance the story but also
to give control of to players who aren’t currently
in the spotlight and therefore keep them
engaged. While it may be tempting to use one
of these characters as a personal stand-in or
permanent addition to the player’s group that allows you to add an influencing “voice” to their decision-making, be wary of
over-doing it. When overused, a companion character can diminish the sense of choice for your players and make them feel
like a sideshow to the ‘real’ story. If your whole party of Players is gathered together and the Companion Character’s
assistance is no longer required, you may find it best for them to discover important errands or decide to pursue personal
goals rather than linger about.

When designing combat encounters, treat a Companion Character as the equivalent of another normal Player for the
purposes of experience and difficulty. Thus if you were creating a Guardian for on of your PCs, you would want to make it at
a higher level.

Creating a Companion character

• Assign the companion character a level. You should almost always set this to be equal to the level of the players or within one
above or below the party level. A particularly overpowered or weak Companion might also make a decent plot device, but
preferably for only a short period of time.
• Choose their combat role. The role you choose determines not only the basic statistics of the character but also influences what
powers they may choose. There are 4 roles to choose from: Controller (influences battlefield conditions and limits enemy
options), Defender (draws attacks to themselves and away from other characters), Striker (attempts to isolate and finish off
individual enemies), and Leader (gives bonuses to allies).
• Determine hit points. If the companion character is a Leader or a Striker, it will have hit points equal to 18 + (5 x level). If they are
a Controller, it will be equal to 15 + (4 x level). If a Defender, their hit points will be equal to 20 + (6 x level).
• Calculate defenses. A Companion Character will have an Armor Class equal to 15 + level. If they are a Defender, add 2 points to
their armor. If a Controller, subtract 2 points. Their other three defenses will always, regardless of role, operate off a baseline of
13 + level. At your discretion, you may increase one non-Armor defense by 2 points and reduce another by 2 points to
• Select at least 2 and up to 3 powers for the character from the list after this section. At least one power should be an At-Will,
otherwise the Companion may run out of things to do very quickly!
• Pick 2 trained skills that are appropriate for the Companion. Ideally, at least one of these skills will be one that the Players are
already trained in. The companion will have a Skill check modifier of 6 + level for those skills, and 1 + level for all others. If
necessary, you can give the Companion one or two additional trained skills to fill out key gaps in the party’s abilities, but don’t
overdo it.
• If appropriate, modify the Companion’s statistics using a Companion Template from the list following this section. Only choose
one template. If two or more might apply, rather than combining them try to determine which template’s mechanical traits would
best represent the character.

Companion Character Powers
Melee Powers
Sinister Attack Mighty Smash

Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1 Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1

Requirement: This Companion must have the Striker role. Requirement: This Companion must have the Defender or Leader
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Attack: 5 + your level vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 3 + your level damage, and if the target is granting Hit: 2d6 + 3 + your level damage, and the target is knocked prone.
combat advantage it takes an additional 5 + your level damage.

Guardian Strike Long Reach

Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1 Standard Action - At-Will Melee 2

Requirement: This Companion must have the Defender role. Requirement: This Companion must have the Defender or
Controller role.
Target: One creature
Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 1d12 + 3 + your level damage, and the target is marked by you Attack: 6 + your level vs. AC
until the end of its next turn.
Hit: 1d12 + 3 + your level damage.

Rushing Strike Displacing Attack

Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1 Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1

Requirement: This Companion must have the Striker or Defender Requirement: This Companion must have the Defender or
role. Controller role.
Special: Before the attack, you may shift 2 spaces. Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: 6 + your level vs. AC
Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 3 + your level damage, and you may slide the target 1
spaces. It is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Hit: 1d12 + 3 + your level damage.

Twin Attack Leading Attack

Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1 Standard Action - At-Will Melee 1

Requirement: This Companion must have the Striker role. Requirement: This Companion must have the Leader role.

Target: One or two creatures Target: One creature

Attack: 6 + your level vs. AC; two attacks Attack: 6 + your level vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage. Hit: 1d12 + 3 + your level damage, and any ally who hits the target
before the start of your next turn gets temporary hit points equal to
half your level (round up).

Ranged Powers
Rapid Strike Blunderbuster

Standard Action - At-Will Range 10 Standard Action - At-Will Range 5

Requirement: This Companion must have the Striker role. Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: 4 + your level vs AC
Attack: 4 + your level vs Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 2 + your level damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage.
Effect: You may shift one square before or after the attack.

Fair Shake Pew Pew!

Standard Action - At-Will Range 5 Standard Action - At-Will Range 15

Requirement: This Companion must have the Striker role. Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: 7 + your level vs AC
Attack: 5 + your level vs AC, two attacks Hit:1d6 + your level damage.
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage.

Get Back Here! Missile Strike

Standard Action - At-Will Range 3 Standard Action - At-Will Range 10

Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller role. Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller or Striker
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: 5 + your level vs Reflex Attack: 7 + your level vs AC
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage, and pull the target up to two Hit: 2d8 + your level damage, and the target is knocked prone. All
spaces. enemies adjacent to the target take your level damage.

Area Powers
Suppressive Fire Sweeping Blow

Standard Action - At-Will Area Burst 1 (Ranged 10) Standard Action - At-Will Close Burst 1
Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller role. Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller or Striker
Target: All creatures in Burst
Attack: 4 + your level vs Reflex Target: All creatures in Burst
Hit: 1d6 + your level damage. The Burst lasts until the start of your Attack: 5 + your level vs AC
next turn. Any enemy who enters or starts its turn in the area takes
damage equal to your level. Hit: 1d10 + your level damage, and the target has -1 to attack until
the end of its turn.

Abjure Quaking Assault

Standard Action - Encounter Close Burst 2 Standard Action - Encounter Close Blast 5
Requirement:This Companion must have the Defender role. Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller role.
Target: All creatures in Burst Target: All creatures in Blast
Attack: 7 + your level vs AC Attack: 6 + your level vs AC
Hit: 1d12 + your level damage, and the target is marked until the Hit: 1d10 + your level damage, and the target area counts as difficult
end of its turn. terrain for the rest of the encounter.

Energy Blast Ferocious Slaughter

Standard Action - At-Will Close Blast 3, Area Burst 1 Standard Action - Encounter Area Burst 1 (Range 10)
(Range 10)
Target: All creatures in Burst Requirement:This Companion must have the Controller or Striker
Attack: 4 + your level vs. Fortitude Target: All creatures in Burst
Hit: 1d8 + your level damage, and the target is either slowed or Attack: 4+ your level vs AC
takes a -1 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn (your
choice which). Hit: 2d6 + your level damage, and the target takes your level
damage at the start of its next turn.

Utility Powers
Energizing Assail Auto-Parry

Standard Action - At-Will Range 5 Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Range 5

Requirement:This Companion must have the Leader role. Trigger: An enemy in range of this ability makes an attack on an ally.
Target: One ally
Effect:The ally may make an immediate Basic Attack with a +1 Target: One ally
bonus to attack and a bonus to damage equal to your level.
Effect:The ally gains a +2 to defense against the attack, and gains
temporary health equal to your level.

Guardian's Duty Abscond

Minor Action - Encounter Range 10 Standard Action - At-Will Range 5

Requirement:This Companion must have the Leader or Defender Requirement:This Companion must have the Defender or Striker
role. role.
Target: One ally Trigger:An enemy hits you or an ally.
Effect:This ally regains health equal to 5 + your level. Target: You or one ally
Effect:You or the ally may immediately shift up to your speed.

Aura of Authority Prankster's Gambit

Minor Action – At Will Close Burst 3 Move Action - At-Will Range 5

Target: All creatures in Burst Requirement:This Companion must have the Defender or Leader
Effect:Any enemy within Burst suffers -1 to attack rolls and -1 to all
defenses until the start of your next turn. Effect:The target ally ignores the first OA he triggers during his next

Companion Templates
• Humans are quick on their feet, and great in a fight. They gain a +2 to their Initiative rolls. They also gain +1 to their attack rolls.
• Humans also know a variety of things. They gain +1 to two skills.
Lusus/Guardian Animals
• These magnificent beasts are tough beings, born to fight and kill. They gain a +3 to all damage rolls.
• They are also toughened by their rough conditions on their planet. They have Resist 3.
• Carapacians are protected by their...well, carapaces. They gain +1 to Fortitude and AC.
• Carapacians have a good idea of the game and other puzzles. They have a +1 to Mystery skill rolls, and +2 to Skaian Lore rolls
involving their planet (Derse/Prospit).
• Underlings aren’t the toughest of creatures, but they can be hard to hit. The Underling has -5 to Hit Points, but gains +1 to AC
and Reflex, or gains +15 Hit Points, but loses -1 to AC, and -2 to Reflex, and gains the Large size.
• Underling Allies gain bonuses due to prototypings.
• Consorts aren’t great fighters, and usually leave the fighting up to their Hero or his allies. Consorts have -1 to attack and -2 to
damage rolls, but allies gain +1 to attack when they flank with a Consort.
• Consorts are proficient in a variety of tasks. Consorts gain +2 to one skill of the GM’s choice, or +1 to two skills.
• The tough skin of trolls grants them Resistance 2 to all damage, and they gain additional HP equal to half their level.
• Strife is a way of life on Alternia. Trolls gain a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls.
Construct / Robot
• Robots do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. They also gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude.
• Robots cannot heal in battle, although they may still benefit from temporary hit points and may auto-repair to full HP at the end of
hostilities just as other characters do. However, Robots gain additional HP equal to their level plus 2.

This section covers the wide variety of monsters you can utilize in encounters your players will be involved in. From wily
Underlings to loyal Carapacians to even some unusual creatures and mind-bending bosses, the Monster Manual should
provide most GM's with enough material for an entire campaign's worth of combat.

Building Monsters
While the variety of monsters provided in this chapter should suffice for a campaign, GM should be encouraged to build and
create their own monsters. Battling the same Underlings and Carapacians over and over can quickly become boring, so
developing unique bosses and monsters, including some related to player Lands or unusual roleplaying situations, can add
some spice to combat encounters and make for memorable gaming sessions.

Player Prototypings, especially in the beginning of a campaign, can greatly affect how Underlings and other prototypable
monsters attack and interact with players. Prototyping a Kernelsprite with a ninja action figure can lead to Imps constantly
attempting to sneak up on the players, for instance! A wise GM will use prototypings to their advantage to allow for
interesting tactics and combat scenarios, but beware of reusing the same tricks over and over! Mixing in a diverse variety of
prototypings within a combat encounter can inspire some interesting action.

When you are utilizing monsters from this chapter, it helps to consider where your players will be located, and how to take
advantage of that. Encounters that begin with monsters on one side and players on another are boring! Instead try these
options to spice up your encounters:
• Try to bring the terrain into play when you can. Players hopping around on scaffolds, while Imps slide down poles
and running up and down stairs can add an extra dimension, not just to the action, but to the fun as well.
• Are the bad guys engaged in an activity that the players need to interrupt? Have some of the monsters distracting
the PCs while the rest of the group continues to work towards their nefarious goals.
• Enemies aren't always courageous. Don't be afraid to make your monsters retreat, summon reinforcements, and
try sneaky techniques to get the upper hand. It'll make killing Underlings that much more satisfying for the players.
• Incorporating skill challenges into combat makes for tense and exciting moments of action. Having to juggle
combat while also hacking the mainframes and picking the lock to the massive crypt door makes for a satisfying
• When players try an inventive strategy to take on their foes, try to reward them for their ingenuity instead of
changing your encounter to account for their plans. If the PCs are successful in getting the drop on some baddies,
give them the upper hand and let them revel in their clever planning.

Monsters tagged with the keyword [Prototypable] indicate that the monster can apply a Prototyping Template. When
using monsters in an encounter that have the [Prototypable] keyword, you may apply one Template and use the
features of that Template to adjust the statistics and powers of that Monster unless that Monster has a Trait indicating
that it can use more.

Underlings are monsters created by Denizens on commission from Agents of Derse. They are
the enemies most often faced by the Heroes through the course of Sburb. Their job is purely
to oppose the players; unlike most Carapacians, they are physically affected by pre-entry
prototypings, although they usually don't take on the attributes of all of them. When
killed, Underlings explode into piles of Grist, which are the necessary components needed
for Alchemy. Each Underling is associated with and named after a specific type of Grist,
and drops that type of grist when killed, although they can also drop additional varieties
of grist.

By a vast margin the most numerous of Underlings, Imps are commonly one of
the first things to greet new Players entering their Land. At the
beginning of the journey Imps will pose a credible threat to most players
but a few levels up the Echeladder should see the average player
dispatching these creatures with ease. Basic imps are slippery and cunning
little devils that will try to gang up on players in melee but are easily
frightened off by high-level adversaries, although the effects of
prototyping can grant them any number of diverse abilities.

Imp Pest Imp Mook

Small Underling [Humanoid] Small Underling [Humanoid]
Level 1 Skirmisher Level 4 Minion (use four of these in place of a regular monster of its level)
[Prototypable] (10000 Boondollars) [Prototypable] (4400 Boondollars each)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +3 Speed: 6, Initiative: +6
HP: 29 (Bloodied: 14) HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion; Prototyping never
AC: 15 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 13 changes the Imp Mook's HP)
Perception: +2, low-light vision AC: 18 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 16
Vulnerable/Resist: None Perception: +4, low-light vision
Vulnerable/Resist: None
Clawkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) Prototyping Powers: Don't give the Imp Mook any
+6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6 damage, or 1d6+3 damage if the Imp Encounter powers from prototyping. If the Imp Mook
has combat advantage against the target. receives a bonus to its Basic attack damage or an
additional At-Will attack type, change the Damage of that
Imp Scrabbler ability to 7 total.
Small Underling [Humanoid]
Level 2 Skirmisher Clawkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
[Prototypable] (12500 Boondollars) +9 vs. AC. Hit: 5 damage.
Speed: 6, Initiative: +5 Shifty (Minor Action - At-will)
HP: 32 (Bloodied: 16) The Imp shifts one space.
AC: 16 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 15 Will: 14
Perception: +3, low-light vision Imp Mobber
Vulnerable/Resist: None Small Underling [Humanoid]
Level 6 Minion (use four of these in place of a regular monster of its level)
Clawkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) [Prototypable] (6300 Boondollars each)
+7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage, or 1d6+6 damage if the Speed: 6, Initiative: +7
Imp has combat advantage against the target. HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion; Prototyping never
changes the Imp Mobber's HP)
Shifty (Minor Action - At-will)
AC: 20 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 19 Will: 18
The Imp shifts one space.
Perception: +5, low-light vision
Vulnerable/Resist: None
Prototyping Powers: Don't give the Imp Mook any
Encounter powers from prototyping. If the Imp Mook
receives a bonus to its Basic attack damage or an
additional At-Will attack type, change the Damage of that
ability to 7 total.

Clawkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+11 vs. AC. Hit: 6 damage.
Shifty (Minor Action – At-will)
The Imp shifts one space.

Ogres are much larger and more imposing creatures then
puny Imps and will rarely hesitate to attack, unlike
their easily frightened brethren. While Ogres most often
seem to be granted the more brutish and melee-focused
Prototypings when possible, they can still benefit from
any of the abilities granted. Ogres flinging balls of
fire from afar or sneaking about like ninja may seem
comical to you, but get into a punching match with them
and you may not be getting the last laugh. Their bulk
makes them resistant to shock, but their weak brains
prevent them from defending against mental attacks.

Ogre Aggressor
Large Underling [Humanoid]
Level 2 Elite Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (25000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +3
HP: 94 (Bloodied: 47)
AC: 16 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +2
Prototyping Powers: If the Ogre Juggernaut gains an attack
power through prototyping, increase the damage by either +1
rolled damage die, or +2 bonus to a static damage value.
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 2 Thunder, Vulnerable 2 Psychic

Smashingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+5 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 damage.
Inspire Villainy - (Minor action – At-will)
Close Burst 3, Target: One ally in burst. Effect: The target gains a +1 power bonus to their next attack roll.
Tremor Stomp - (Standard action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 2, Target: Each enemy in Burst. +3 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d6+3 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Ogre Juggernaut gets an additional Standard action this turn and may choose to recharge either Tremor Stomp or an
Encounter Power that it gained through Prototyping.

Ogre Commander
Large Underling [Humanoid]
Level 3 Elite Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (30000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +3
HP: 114 (Bloodied: 57)
AC: 17 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 17 Will: 15
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +3
Prototyping Powers: If the Ogre Juggernaut gains an attack power through prototyping, increase the damage by either +1 rolled
damage die, or +2 bonus to a static damage value.
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3 Thunder, Vulnerable 3 Psychic

Crushingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 damage.
Inspire Evil - (Minor action – At-will)
Close Burst 3, Target: One ally in burst. Effect: The target gains a +2 power bonus to their next attack roll.
Shatter Stomp - (Standard action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 2, Target: Each enemy in burst. +4 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d6+3 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Ogre Juggernaut gets an additional Standard action this turn and may choose to recharge either Shatter Stomp or an
Encounter Power that it gained through Prototyping.

Ogre Juggernaut
Large Underling [Humanoid]
Level 4 Brute
[Prototypable] (17500 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +3
HP: 75 (Bloodied: 37)
AC: 17 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3 Thunder, Vulnerable 3 Psychic

Wreckingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+8 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+4 damage.

The Basilisks of myth could
breathe clouds of poison and
freeze the unwary with but a
sharp glance. This basilisk,
on the other hand, just likes
to grin obscenely and glare
at people. The effect can
actually be rather similar,
but more often than not the
creature just ends up
launching into an attack with
whatever absurd characteristics prototyping have granted it. They prefer warm environments and often
freeze to death without appropriate Prototypings to protect them while they are residing in frigid

Basilisk Stalker
Large Underling [Beast]
Level 3 Controller
[Prototypable] (15000 Boondollars)
Speed: 7, Initiative: +3
HP: 46 (Bloodied: 23)
AC: 17 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
Perception: +3, low-light vision
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 4 Fire, Vulnerable 4 Cold

Gnawingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the Basilisk Stalker's next turn.
Unnerving Glance - (Standard action - Encounter)
Ranged 10. +7 vs. Will. Hit: 3d8+3 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the Basilisk Stalker's next turn.

Basilisk Gazer
Large Underling [Beast]
Level 5 Controller
[Prototypable] (20000 Boondollars)
Speed: 7, Initiative: +6
HP: 63 (Bloodied: 31)
AC: 19 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 17
Perception: +5, low-light vision
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Fire, Vulnerable 5 Cold

Bitingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+5 acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the Basilisk Gazer's next turn.
Disconcerting Ogle - (Standard action - Encounter)
Ranged 12. +9 vs. Will. Hit: 3d8+4 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the Basilisk Gazer's next turn.
Flame Wave - (Standard action – Recharge |1|)
Close Blast 2, Target: All creatures in Blast. +10 vs. AC. Hit: 3d6+4 fire damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares.

Liches are fearsome monsters possessed of deadly draining attacks. They are
not inherently very cunning, but can reach a higher potential when they are
prototyped with a sneaky prototyping that allows them some combat mobility
or stealth skill. However, they will not hesitate to employ any prototyping
given them in an effort to find the advantage needed to weaken their foe and
make for an easier kill. Liches shun the light and often congregate at sites
of death, such as cemeteries and battlefields.

Lich Neophyte
Medium Underling [Humanoid]
Level 4 Lurker
[Prototypable] (17500 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +10
HP: 45 (Bloodied: 22)
AC: 18 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
Perception: +4, Darkvision
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 4 Radiant, Resist 4 Necrotic

Toxic Touch - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 poison damage, and the Lich Neophyte gains Partial Concealment
against the target of this attack.
Ray of Disruption - (Standard action - Encounter)
Ranged 10. +7 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10+4 necrotic damage, and the target takes Ongoing 5
necrotic damage (save ends).

Lich Underlord
Medium Underling [Humanoid]
Level 6 Lurker
[Prototypable] (25000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +11
HP: 60 (Bloodied: 30)
AC: 20 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
Perception: +6, Darkvision
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Radiant , Resist 5 Necrotic

Venom Touch - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+11 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 poison damage, and the Lich Underlord gains Total Concealment against the target of this attack.
Ray of Dissolution - (Standard action - Encounter)
Ranged 12. +10 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10+4 necrotic damage, and the target takes Ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
Death Grasp - (Standard action – Recharge |3|)
+11 vs. AC. Hit: 3d8+4 necrotic damage, and the target gains Vulnerability 5 to necrotic damage (save ends).

Giclopses are mighty and massive Underlings whose mere
footsteps can send creatures flying, and who on their own
could entirely devastate a Consort village, let alone
two. They are generally considered the strongest of the
Lower Underlings that players will face. While they won’t
win any awards for their intelligence or speed, Giclopses
more than make up for it with raw strength and size.
Factor in whatever Prototyping players have given it, and
it can be a walking death machine.

Giclops Destroyer
Huge Underling [Humanoid]
Level 6 Solo Soldier [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to f regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (125000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +8
HP: 300 (Bloodied: 150)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 21 Reflex: 18 Will: 20
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +4
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3

Jab – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

+12 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage.
Crush - (Standard action – Recharge |5||6|)
Area Burst 3 within Reach. Target: All creatures in the Burst. +12
vs. AC. Hit: 3d6+4 damage and the target is marked.
Mighty Sweep - (Move action – At-Will)
The Giclops Destroyer designates a zone around it the size of its Reach. At the start of its next turn as a free action, every
creature in the zone is subject to this attack. +10 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d6+4 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and
knocked prone.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Giclops Destroyer gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Encouraging Roar – (Free action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 2, Target: All allies in Burst. Effect: The target regains 1d8+1 hit points.

Giclops Devastator
Huge Underling [Humanoid]
Level 8 Elite Soldier (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (70000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +9
HP: 184 (Bloodied: 92)
AC: 26 Fortitude: 23 Reflex: 20 Will: 22
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 4

Punch – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

+15 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 damage.
Smash - (Standard action – Recharge |5||6|)
Area Burst 3 within Reach. Target: All creatures in the Burst. +15 vs. AC. Hit: 3d8+5 damage and the target is marked.
Tremendous Sweep - (Move action – At-Will)
The Giclops Devestator designates a zone around it the size of its Reach. At the start of its next turn as a free action, every
creature in the zone is subject to this attack. +13 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and
knocked prone.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Giclops Devastator gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Impressive Roar – (Free action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 2, Target: All allies in Burst. Effect: The target regains 1d10+1 hit points.

The weakest of the Upper Underlings, Titachnids are
mighty insectoid creatures that tower over the ground
on long stilt legs. They possess mighty jaws and large
abdomens which can be used for crushing. Like all
Upper Underlings, they appear once the Heroes of the
Medium reach a certain level of strength, or upon any
attempt to activate the Scratch Construct. Once they
emerge, they continue to appear, bolstering the forces
of darkness. A Titachnid's powerful exoskeleton is
resistant to virtually everything beyond powerful
Titachnid Nymph
Huge Underling [Beast]
Level 10 Elite Brute (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (100000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +9
HP: 262 (Bloodied: 131)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 24 Will: 22
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Acid, Resist 3
2x Prototypable: The Titachnid gains two
prototyping templates available to

Big Jaw – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack) +13 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d6+5 damage.
Stomach Slam - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
Close Burst 1. Target: Any creature in the origin space or
adjacent to the origin space. +13 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+5 damage
and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the end of the
Titachnid Nymph's next turn.
Step On - (Move action – At-Will)
The Titachnid Nymph moves half its speed. Every target that the Titachnid Nymph moves past is subject to a melee basic attack.
+11 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the target is pushed 1 space.
Elite Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Titachnid Nymph gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: Titachnid Nymph is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Titachnid Nymph is no longer affected by that

Titachnid Strider
Huge Underling [Beast]
Level 11 Solo Brute (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (300000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +9
HP: 585 (Bloodied: 292)
AC: 25 Fortitude: 26 Reflex: 25 Will: 23
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +8
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Acid, Resist 4
2x Prototypable: The Titachnid gains two prototyping templates available to Underlings.

Strong Jaw – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

+14 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 damage.
Body Slam - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
Close Burst 1. Target: Any creature in the origin space or adjacent to the origin space. +14 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+5 damage and the
target is knocked prone and dazed until the end of the Titachnid Strider’s next turn.
Walk Over - (Move action – At-Will)
The Titachnid moves half its speed. Every target that the Titachnid Strider moves past is subject to a melee basic attack. +12 vs.
Reflex. Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the target is pushed 2 spaces.
Ichor Drool - (Minor Action – Encounter)
+12 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d6+ 5 acid damage
Solo Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Titachnid Strider gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: Titachnid Strider is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Titachnid Strider is no longer affected by that

Acherons take the frame of an Ogre or an Imp and
amplify it a thousand-fold. These towering,
terrifying titans are among the strongest
Underlings the game can muster, comparable only
to Lich Queens. With massive jaws, outrageously
strong arms and the size to crush just about
anything underfoot, Acherons are more than a
match for even God-Tier players to handle.
Acheron Vanguard
Gargantuan Underling [Humanoid]
Level 12 Elite Soldier (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its
[Prototypable] (140000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +12
HP: 252 (Bloodied: 126)
AC: 30 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 26 Will: 24
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +8
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Force, Resist 4
2x Prototypable: The Acheron gains two
prototyping templates available to Underlings.

Crush – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

Target: Two creatures, +19 vs. AC, two attacks. Hit:
2d6+5 damage and one of the targets is marked.
Mighty Stomp - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
Close Burst 1 Target: Any creature in the origin space or
adjacent to the origin space. +19 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+5
damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Slamming Fist - (Minor Action – Encounter)
+17 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d8+5 thunder damage and the
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the
Acheron's turn.
Elite Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Acheron Vanguard gets an additional
Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Acheron Vanguard is affected by a Stun,
Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Acheron Vanguard is
no longer affected by that effect.

Acheron Condemner
Gargantuan Underling [Humanoid]
Level 13 Solo Soldier [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (400000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +12
HP: 670 (Bloodied: 335)
AC: 31 Fortitude: 28 Reflex: 27 Will: 25
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Force, Resist 5
2x Prototypable: The Acheron gains two prototyping templates available to Underlings.

Crunch – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

Target: Three creatures, +20 vs. AC, three attacks. Hit: 2d8+6 damage and one of the targets is marked.
Shattering Stomp - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
Close Burst 2 Target: Any creature in the origin space or adjacent to the origin space. +20 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+6 damage and the
target is pushed 3 squares.
Obliterating Fist - (Minor Action – Encounter)
+18 vs. Reflex, two attacks. Hit: 3d10 + 6 thunder damage and the target takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the
Acheron Condemner's turn.
Solo Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Acheron Condemner gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Press On! – (Minor Action – Encounter)
Close Burst 3. Target: All allies in Burst. Effect: The target gains an additional Standard action on their next turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Acheron Condemner is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Acheron Condemner is no longer
affected by that effect.

Lich Queens
The rarest and most powerful Underlings possible,
Lich Queens are towering skeletal figures with
immense wings. They rain devastation upon players
with their cunning minds and mighty carriages.
While lacking the strength of Acherons, Lich
Queens instead can use their superior intellect
to assault targets from a distance.
Lich Queen Harbinger
Gargantuan Underling [Humanoid]
Level 12 Elite Artillery (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its
[Prototypable] (300000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4 (flight speed 6 [hover]), Initiative: +10
HP: 194 (Bloodied: 97)
AC: 26 Fortitude: 24 Reflex: 26 Will: 27
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Psychic, Resist 5
2x Prototypable: The Lich Queen gains two
prototyping templates available to

Psychic Bomb – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

Area Burst 2, Ranged 15 Target: All creatures in Burst,
+17 vs. Will Hit: 2d6+5 psychic damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Eye Beams - (Minor action – Recharge |4||5|)
Ranged 10. +19 vs. AC, two attacks. Hit: 3d8+5 fire damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the Lich Queen's next
Psi Thunder - (Minor Action – Encounter)
Area Burst 3, Ranged 10. Target: All creatures in Burst. +17 vs. Will. Hit: 4d8+5 psychic and thunder damage and the target is
slid 2 squares and knocked prone.
Elite Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Lich Queen Harbinger gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Lich Queen Harbinger is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Lich Queen Harbinger is no longer
affected by that effect.

Lich Queen Annihilator

Gargantuan Underling [Humanoid]
Level 13 Solo Artillery [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (400000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4 (flight speed 6 [hover]), Initiative: +10
HP: 655 (Bloodied: 327)
AC: 27 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 27 Will: 28
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +11
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Psychic, Resist 5
2x Prototypable: The Lich Queen gains two prototyping templates available to Underlings.

Psychic Detonation – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack)

Area Burst 2, Ranged 15 Target: All creatures in Burst, +18 vs. Will Hit: 2d8+6 psychic damage and the target is slowed (save
Chakra Beams - (Minor action – Recharge |4||5|)
Ranged 10. +20 vs. AC, two attacks. Hit: 3d10+6 fire damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the Lich Queen's
next turn.
Psi Roar - (Minor Action – Encounter)
Close Burst 3 Target: All creatures in Burst. +18 vs. Will. Hit: 4d8+6 psychic damage and the target is slid 3 squares and
knocked prone.
Mind-Aid – (Minor Action – Recharge |1|)
Target: Two allies in the Encounter. Effect: The target gains 2d8 temporary hit points and may deal an additional 2d8 damage on
their next attack.
Solo Action - (Free action – Encounter)
Effect: The Lich Queen Annihilator gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Lich Queen Annihilator is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Lich Queen Annihilator is no longer
affected by that effect.

Carapacians are a species residing in The Medium as members of the kingdoms of Prospit and
Derse. They are present in every Sburb session, and are essential to the players'
performance in the game. All Carapacians with the exception of royalty are cloned,
possessing barcodes on their arms after being grown in the Veil. They resemble chess
pieces, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on their roles in society.
While many Carapacians fulfill needed roles at home, others fight for their kingdoms on
Skaia, either as pawns or as genetically engineered military units. While not directly
experiencing the effects of prototyping, when they possess the Queen's Ring or the King's
Scepter, they undergo an extreme transformation and take on those traits. In most sessions,
important Carapacians will end up becoming Exiles on the former home planets of the
players, in turn influencing events for players in their present.

These simple Carapacians form the bulk of the citizenry and military
for both Prospit and Derse. They live and work on their respective
planets, but are often conscripted to fight on the Battlefield in the
war for Skaia. They aren’t particularly smart or adept at fighting,
but they make for loyal and dependable soldiers and citizens. They
tend to be delivered to combat zones by Dropships, or work as part of
the crew for the capital ships duking it out in the skies. Compared
to other Carapacians, Pawns fall short in terms of constitution,
often falling quickly to poisons and toxins.

Pawn Footman Pawn Rifleman

Medium Carapacian [Humanoid] Medium Carapacian
Level 3 Minion (use four of these in place of a regular monster of its level) [Humanoid]
(3700 Boondollars each) Level 4 Artillery
Speed: 6, Initiative: +3 (17500 Boondollars)
HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion) Speed: 6, Initiative: +6
AC: 17 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 15 HP: 45 (Bloodied: 22)
Perception: +2 AC: 16 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 17 Will: 16
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Poison Perception: +4
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 3 Poison
Bladekind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack) +8 vs.
AC. Hit: 5 damage. Riflekind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Strength in Formation (Minor Action - Encounter) Ranged 15, Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks,
If the Pawn Footman is adjacent to an ally, it gains a +1 +11 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+4 fire damage.
bonus to either its attack roll or one of its defense scores Take Cover - (Move Action - At-will)
until the end of its next turn. You fall prone and gain a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls
and all defenses until the start of your next turn. You do
Pawn Archer not suffer the penalties to attack roles while you are prone
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid] due to this Power.
Level 3 Soldier Strength in Formation (Minor Action - Encounter)
(15000 Boondollars) If the Pawn Rifleman is adjacent to an ally, it gains a +2
Speed: 6, Initiative: +5 bonus to either its attack roll or one of its defense scores
HP: 46 (Bloodied: 23) until the end of its next turn.
AC: 19 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 4 Poison

Bladekind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 damage.
Bowkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10, +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage.
Strength in Formation (Minor Action - Encounter)
If the Pawn Archer is adjacent to an ally, it gains a +1
bonus to either its attack roll or one of its defense scores
until the end of its next turn.

Horribly mutated, cybernetically enhanced,
and horrendously strong, these former Pawns
have been given extreme strength and bulk,
turning them into the defenders and tanks of
the many platoons deployed throughout the
Battlefield. Some have been enhanced even
further, transforming them into mighty
castle-like Spider Walkers or Siege Titans.
While larger Rooks are practically immune to
poisonous environments and easily turn away
physical damage, they are vulnerable to
electricity which might short out their
computerized systems.

Rook Defender
Large Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 6 Soldier
(25000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +8
HP: 75 (Bloodied: 37)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 19 Reflex: 18 Will: 18
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Lightning, Resist
5 Poison Rook Siege Titan
Gargantuan Carapacian [Humanoid]
Clubkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack) Level 12 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters
+13 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage. of its level)
Direct Methods - (Standard Action - At-will) (350000 Boondollars)
Close Burst 1 Target: All creatures in burst, +13 vs. Speed: 4, Initiative: +10
AC. Hit: 1d10 + 2 damage and the target is marked. HP: 630 (Bloodied: 315)
Moving Castle (Move Action - Encounter) AC: 26 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 24 Will: 26
The Rook Defender moves half their speed. Any allies that Perception: +7
are adjacent to the Rook Defender when it ends its turn Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Lightning, Resist 20
gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of their next Poison, Resist 5 Thunder, Resist 5 Force
turn. Traits
Rideable - 2 Pawn Archers may ride on the
Rook Spider-Walker Siege Titan and attack on the same Initiative
Huge Carapacian [Beast] turn as the Siege Titan. If the Siege
Level 10 Elite Brute (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level) Titan is killed, the Pawn Archers die.
(100000 Boondollars) Immunity – The Siege Titan cannot be affected
Speed: 5, Initiative: +9 by Stun or Daze effects.
HP: 262 (Bloodied: 131)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 22 Will: 24 Multi-Fist - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Perception: +5 Target: One, two, or three creatures. Three attacks, +15
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Lightning, Resist 20 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 damage.
Poison, Resist 5 Thunder, Resist 5 Force Fling Boulders - (Standard Action - At-will)
Traits Area Burst 1, Ranged 15; Target: All creatures in burst,
Rideable - 1 Pawn Archer may ride on the +13 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the target is
Spider Walker and attack on the same Initiative pushed 2 squares from the origin square.
turn as the Spider Walker. If the Spider Walker is Slam Ground - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
killed, the Pawn Archer dies. Close Blast 3 Target: All creatures in the Blast. +15 vs.
Immunity – The Spider-Walker cannot be AC. Hit: 3d8+5 damage and the target is knocked prone.
affected by Stun or Daze effects. Moving Fortress (Move Action - Encounter)
The Siege Titan moves half its speed. Any allies that are
Impaling Legs - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack) on or adjacent to the Siege Titan when it ends its turn gain
Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks, +13 vs. AC. a +3 bonus to all defenses until the start of their next turn.
Hit: 2d6+5 damage. Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Frontal Assault - (Standard Action - At-will) Effect: The Siege Titan gets an additional Standard action
Close Blast 3 Target: All creatures in Blast, +11 vs. this turn.
Reflex. Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the target is slowed Fire Control – (Minor Action – At-Will)
(save ends). Close Burst 10. Target: One enemy in Burst. Effect: All
Moving Bastion (Move Action - Encounter) allies in the Encounter gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
The Spider Walker moves half its speed. Any allies that against the target.
are on or adjacent to the Spider Walker when it ends its
turn gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of their
next turn.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Spider Walker gets an additional Standard
action this turn.

These massive enhanced Pawns have been granted
significant bulk and significant brainpower,
allowing them to utilize advanced combat and
defensive magykks. They tend to play supporting
roles, aiding and orchestrating the battle from
behind. Some have even been mutated further,
transforming them into powerful Arch
Deaconstructors. Their armor serves as a powerful
defense against lasers and environmental hazards,
but they are vulnerable to dark spells and

Bishop Acolyte
Large Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 6 Controller
(25000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +6
HP: 72 (Bloodied: 36)
AC: 20 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
Perception: +4
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Necrotic, Resist 5

Wandkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Ranged 10; +10 vs. Will. Hit: 1d10+4 radiant damage and Bishop Arch-Deaconstructor
the target is slowed until the end of the Bishop Acolyte's Gargantuan Carapacian [Humanoid]
next turn. Level 12 Solo Artillery [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular
Mage Hand - (Standard Action - At-will) monsters of its level)
Close Blast 2 Target: All creatures in Blast, +11 vs. (175000 Boondollars)
AC. Hit: 1d6+4 force damage and the target is pushed 1 Speed: 4, Initiative: +10
square. HP: 615 (Bloodied: 307)
Triage (Move Action - Encounter) AC: 26 Fortitude: 24 Reflex: 26 Will: 27
The Bishop Acolyte moves half their speed. Any allies that Perception: +8
are adjacent to the Bishop Acolyte when it ends its turn Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Necrotic, Resist 20
gain 2d6 hit points. Radiant, Resist 5 Thunder, Resist 5 Force
Bishop Curate Immunity – The Arch-Deaconstructor cannot be
Huge Carapacian [Humanoid] affected by Stun or Daze effects.
Level 10 Elite Artillery (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its
Blaster Hand - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
(100000 Boondollars) Ranged 10; Target: One, two, or three creatures; Three
Speed: 5, Initiative: +9 attacks, +19 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 fire damage.
HP: 168 (Bloodied: 84) Gravity Assault - (Standard Action - Recharge |5|)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 22 Reflex: 24 Will: 25 Close Blast 5 Target: All creatures in Blast, +17 vs.
Perception: +6 Will. Hit: 3d8+5 force damage and the target is slowed
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 10 Necrotic, Resist 20 (save ends).
Radiant, Resist 5 Thunder, Resist 5 Force Scorched Earth - (Standard action – Recharge |1||2|)
Traits Close Burst 2, Target: All creatures in Blast, +17 vs.
Immunity – The Bishop Curate cannot be Reflex. Hit: 3d6+5 fire damage and all squares in the
affected by Stun or Daze effects. Burst are considered difficult terrain except to the Arch-
Deaconstructor until the end of your next turn.
Staffkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack) Caltrop Shot (Move Action - Encounter)
Ranged 10; Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks, Area Burst 2, Ranged 10 Effect: The burst radius is now
+15 vs. Will. Hit: 2d6+5 radiant damage and the target is designated a zone of damage. All creatures that end their
weakened until the end of the Bishop Curate's next turn. turn within the burst take ongoing 5 damage (save
Magnetic Blast - (Standard Action - At-will) ends). The zone lasts until the end of your next turn.
Close Blast 3 Target: All creatures in blast, +17 vs. AC. Solo Action - (Free Action - Encounter)
Hit: 1d8+5 force damage and the target is pushed 2 Effect: The Arch Deaconstructor gets an additional
squares and knocked prone. Standard action this turn.
Barrier (Move Action - Encounter) Regenerator – (Minor Action – At-Will)
The Bishop Curate moves half their speed. Any allies that Close Burst 3. Target: All allies in Burst. Effect: The target
are adjacent to the Bishop Curate when it ends its turn regains 2d4 hit points and can make an immediate saving
gain 2d12 temporary hit points and a +2 bonus to AC. throw.
Elite Action - (Free Action - Encounter)
Effect: The Bishop Curate gets an additional Standard
action this turn.

Knights are exceedingly large and exceedingly
powerful Carapacians, grown and mutated into the
shape of massive war-horses and cavalrymen whose
massive limbs can crush smaller combatants with
ease. These machines of death are more rare and
generally tend to fight others of their size
category, although they won’t hesitate to plow
through enemy ranks when they get the chance. The
sheer size and strength of Knights leaves them able
to shake off most damage easily, making them
especially difficult opponents to take down.

Knight Inquisiclops
Huge Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 10 Elite Skirmisher (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its
(100000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +12
HP: 212 (Bloodied: 106)
AC: 26 Fortitude: 24 Reflex: 25 Will: 22
Perception: +5
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3
Immunity – The Knight Inquisiclops cannot
be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Slide Punch - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks, +15 vs. AC. Hit:
2d6+5 damage and the Knight Inquisiclops may
immediately shift one square.
Dual-Grit Smash - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 1 Target: All creatures in burst, +13 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d10+5 thunder damage and the target is pushed 2
square and knocked prone.
Twin Strike (Move Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Target: One or two creatures; two attacks. +15 vs. AC Hit: 3d8+5 damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Knight Inquisiclops gets an additional Standard action this turn.

Knight Warhorse
Gargantuan Carapacian [Beast]
Level 12 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(200000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +9
HP: 615 (Bloodied: 307)
AC: 28 Fortitude: 26 Reflex: 27 Will: 24
Perception: +7
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 4
Immunity – The Knight Warhorse cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Ram - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Special: You may use this attack in place of a melee basic attack during a charge. +17 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 damage and the
Knight Warhorse may shift two squares.
Mega Stomp - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Blast 3 Target: All creatures in Blast, +15 vs. Reflex. Hit: 4d10+5 thunder damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Trample (Move Action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst; +17 vs. AC. Hit: 3d8+5 damage and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked
Solo Action - (Free Action - Encounter)
Effect: The Knight Warhorse gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Lambda Maneuver – (Move Action - At-Will)
Effect: The Knight Warhorse shifts three squares forward and one square left or right. All allies that the Knight Warhorse passed
by gain an additional hit die of damage and may shift 1 square on their next turn as a Free action.

The Royalty of the Medium, made up of a King and Queen, together present a
frightful foe that is not to be underestimated. Prototyped with all the
powers granted by the players, Kings and Queens are devastating combatants
that can destroy nearly anything in their path. Kings work behind the lines
on the Battlefield, commanding soldiers and organizing battle lines, while
Queens maintain their kingdoms, tending to the needs of their citizens.

[Phase One]
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 15 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 7, Initiative: +15
HP: 370
AC: 31 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 30 Will: 29
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Acrobatics: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3
Immunity – The Queen cannot be affected by Stun, Daze or Blind effects.

Ringkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks, +20 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+6 fire damage and the target grants combat advantage to the
Queen until the end of your next turn.
No Royal Road - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Area Burst 1, Ranged 5; Target: All creatures in Burst, +18 vs. Reflex. Hit: 4d10+6 damage and the target is immobilized (save
ends). Miss: Deal half damage and the Queen may shift half her speed.
Fast Track (Move Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Effect: You may shift your speed. If you pass by any enemies, you may make a melee basic attack against each one.
Check (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
+18 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10+6 damage and the target takes Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Special: If you have
combat advantage against the target, the target is blinded (save ends).
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Queen gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Summon Guards – (Move Action – At-Will)
Close Burst 10. Target: One ally in Burst. Effect: The target immediately teleports adjacent to the Queen. If the target teleports to
a square adjacent to an enemy, it may make an immediate melee basic attack.

[Phase Two]
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 15 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(600000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +15
HP: 370 (Target is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 31 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 30 Will: 29
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Acrobatics: +10
Prototyping Powers: If the Queen gains an attack power through prototyping, increase the damage by either +1 rolled damage
die, or +2 bonus to a static damage value.
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3
Fully Prototypable: The Queen gains all prototyping templates available to Underlings.
Immunity – The Queen cannot be affected by Stun, Daze or Blind effects.

Black Inches - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One, two, or three creatures; Three attacks, +20 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+6 damage and the target grants combat
advantage to the Queen until the end of the Queen's next turn.
Red Miles - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 20 Target: All creatures in burst, +17 vs. Reflex. Hit: 4d10+6 damage and the target takes ongoing 10 damage.
Special: If the Queen has combat advantage against the target, the target is dazed (save ends).
Queens Are Vain Creatures (Immediate Reaction - Recharge |5||6|)
Trigger: The Queen makes a successful attack against a target. Effect: The Queen becomes invisible until the end of her next
turn. If The Queen ends her current turn adjacent to a target, they take 3d10+6 damage.
Checkmate (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
+18 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10+6 damage and the target takes Ongoing 10 poison and acid damage (save ends). Special: If you
have combat advantage against the target, the target is blinded (save ends).
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Queen gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Summon Soldiers – (Move Action – At-Will)
Close Burst 10. Target: Two allies in Burst. Effect: The target immediately teleports adjacent to the Queen. If the target teleports
to a square adjacent to an enemy, it may make an immediate melee basic attack.

[Phase One]
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 16 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +13
HP: 267
AC: 30 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 28 Will: 30
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Athletics: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5
Rite of Succession: Whenever the King is attacked with a power that also
causes additional effects besides damage, the King can roll a d6. If the d6
lands on 1, the effects of that power do not occur, and the King merely takes
Immunity – The King cannot be affected by Stun, Daze or Blind

Scepterkind- (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One or two creatures; Two attacks, +19 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 radiant and
lightning damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
Rain of Meteors - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Area Burst 5, Ranged 10 Target: All creatures in Burst, +17 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d10+6
damage and the target takes Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Effect: The King
takes 3d8 damage from the attack. Miss: The target is knocked prone.
Incipisphere Tackle (Move Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Special: You may use this attack in place of a melee basic attack during a
charge. +19 vs. AC. Hit: 4d10+7 damage and the target is stunned (save ends).
Royal Inspiration (Move Action - Recharge |1|)
Close Blast 2 Target: All allies in burst; Effect: All allies in burst gain a +2 bonus to
attack rolls, and a +1 bonus to Speed.
Castling (Minor Action – Recharge |2|)
Target: One ally in the Encounter. Effect: The target immediately teleports adjacent to the King. The King then switches places
with the target, and the target gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the King's turn.

[Phase Two]
Gargantuan Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 16 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +13
HP: 267
AC: 30 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 28 Will: 30
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Athletics: +10
Prototyping Powers: If the King gains an attack power through prototyping, increase the damage by either +1 rolled damage
die, or +2 bonus to a static damage value.
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5
Rite of Succession: Whenever the King is attacked with a power that also causes additional effects besides damage,
the King can roll a d6. If the d6 lands on 1, the effects of that power do not occur, and the King merely takes damage.
Fully Prototypable: The King gains all prototyping templates available to Underlings.
Immunity – The King cannot be affected by Stun, Daze or Blind effects.

Scepter Smash - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One, two, or three creatures; Three attacks, +19 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+7 thunder damage and the target is marked.
Might of Reckoning - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Area Burst 4, Ranged 10 Target: All creatures in burst, +17 vs. Reflex. Hit: 4d10+7 fire and thunder damage and the target is
dazed (save ends). Effect: The King takes 3d10 damage from the attack. Miss: The target falls prone.
Rolling Stomp - (Minor Action – Recharge |5|)
Close Blast 2 Target: All creatures in Blast, +19 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+7 damage and the target is knocked prone. Special: If all
creatures in the Blast took damage from this attack, the attack immediately Recharges.
Shatter Ground (Move Action - Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 3 Effect: All squares within the Burst are difficult terrain. Any enemy within the Burst takes Ongoing 10 damage as
long as they are within the Burst radius. The effects of the Burst ends at the start of the King's next turn.
Serve The Crown (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
Close Burst 2 Target: All allies in burst; Effect: All allies in burst gain 15 temporary hit points.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The King gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Superior Castling (Minor Action – Recharge |2|)
Target: One ally in the Encounter. Effect: The target immediately teleports adjacent to the King. The King then switches places
with the target, and the target gains 10 temporary hit points and a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the King's turn.

[Phase Three]
Colossal Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 16 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
[Prototypable] (700000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +13
HP: 267 (Target is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 30 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 28 Will: 30
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Athletics: +10
Prototyping Powers: If the King gains an attack power through prototyping, increase the damage by either +1 rolled damage
die, or +2 bonus to a static damage value.
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5
Rite of Succession: Whenever the King is attacked with a power that also causes additional effects besides damage,
the King can roll a d6. If the d6 lands on 1, the effects of that power do not occur, and the King merely takes damage.
Fully Prototypable: The King gains all prototyping templates available to Underlings.
Immunity – The King cannot be affected by Stun, Daze or Blind effects.

Long Arm of the Law - (Minor Action - Recharge |1||2|)

The King gains Reach 1 and may make opportunity attacks against anyone in range until the end of his next turn.
Scepter of the Universe - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Target: One, two, three or four creatures; four attacks, +19 vs. AC. Hit: 3d8+7 damage and the target is marked.
The Great Undoing - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Area Burst 3, Ranged 10 Target: All creatures in Burst, +17 vs. Reflex. Hit: 4d12+7 damage and the target takes Ongoing 5
radiant and fire damage (save ends). Effect: The King takes 3d12 damage from the attack. Miss: The target falls prone.
Sport of Kings (Move Action - Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 3 Effect: Summon 1 Rook Defender and 1 Bishop Acoltye in squares adjacent to the King. If the square the Rooks
and Bishops are summoned into are adjacent to an enemy, they gain a permanent +1 power bonus against that enemy.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The King gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Superior Castling (Minor Action – Recharge |2|)
Target: One ally in the Encounter. Effect: The target immediately teleports adjacent to the King. The King then switches places
with the target, and the target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses until the end of the King's turn.
Opening Overture (Minor Action - Recharge |5|) ♦ Grand Finale
+19 vs. AC Hit: 3d10+6 damage. Roll a 1d20. On a roll of 14 or higher, the target is stunned (save ends).
Indentured Intermission (Minor Action - Recharge |5|) ♦ Grand Finale
Close Blast 2 Target: One enemy in burst; +17 vs. Will. Effect: The target is dominated until the start of their next turn.
The Reckoning Epilogue (Standard Action - Encounter) ♦ Grand Finale
+19 vs. AC Hit: 4d12+7 damage and the target takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends) and is teleported up to 10 squares

Grand Finale Opening

The King lets out a final battle cry, summoning forth his own mighty forces to attack you while he shatters the ground beneath your feet.
Grand Finale (No Action - Recharge at 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. Place 1 Arch Deaconstructor and 1 Siege Titan in any location on the map. An
aura of 2 squares around this monster counts as difficult terrain for four rounds. For the next four rounds, this monster can use
any power with the keyword “Grand Finale”.

Player Characters may make one of these skill checks at the start of the Grand Finale Opening:
Disable: (DC 25) You partially disable the biological and electrical mechanisms of the newly arrived war machines to give
yourself and your allies a small advantage. Skill: Science or Mysteries. Both the Arch Deaconstructor and the Siege Titan
grant combat advantage until the end of the Encounter.
Withstand: (DC 23) Through careful study of the ways of the King, you have learned the best ways to withstand his strength.
Skill: Insight or Skaian Lore. You may travel through the King’s aura as though it were not difficult terrain.

Agents are primarily high-ranking members of the Kingdom of Derse. They have a variety of
ranks (the Archagent being considered directly below Royalty in status) and are under the
direct command of the Black Queen. Agents work throughout the Medium to cause chaos,
disorder, and disruption to the quests of the Heroes and the Prospitian war effort. Beyond
that, Agents busy themselves sowing the seeds of control everywhere they can by subjugating
local populations, forging pacts with Denizens to produce Underlings, and by stealing away
resources for Derse. Prospit has Agents as well, but not to the level that Derse fields.
Prospitian agents are mostly Regulators, dedicated to maintaining order and peace
throughout the kingdom (as well as keeping unruly prisoners in check).

Regulators are the constables and officers that police both Derse and Prospit,
maintaining order and protecting the homeland from disruption. Prospitian
Regulators are outrageously polite and lenient in their punishments, while
Dersite Regulators are the opposite in every way. Nevertheless, they both
perform their jobs admirably and can be dangerous to aggravate.
Regulator Sentry Regulator Sergeant
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid] Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 3 Skirmisher Level 5 Elite Brute [Leader] (One of
(12500 Boondollars) these is equivalent to two regular monsters of
its level)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +6
(40000 Boondollars)
HP: 46 (Bloodied: 23)
Speed: 6,
AC: 17 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
Initiative: +4
Perception: +3
HP: 156 (Bloodied: 78)
Vulnerable/Resist: None
AC: 19 Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 17 Will: 19
Batonkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
+2 bonus to Saving
+8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 damage.
Pepper Spray - (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |1|)
Perception: +6
Trigger: You are attacked by an adjacent enemy. +6 vs.
Fortitude. Hit: The attacker takes 5 damage and is blinded
until the end of their next turn. Special: You may not use
this power on your next turn.
Truncheonkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
+11 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+4 damage.
Regulator Lug
Riot Armor – (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Effect: The Regulator Sergeant gains a +2 item bonus to
Level 4 Soldier
all defenses towards the next attack that targets it.
(17500 Boondollars)
Special: You may not use this power on your next turn.
Speed: 6, Initiative: +6
Call for Backup - (Move Action - Encounter)
HP: 58 (Bloodied: 29)
Effect: Two Regulator Sentries appear in two squares
AC: 20 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
adjacent to you, and fall in line directly behind you in
Perception: +4
initiative order.
Vulnerable/Resist: None
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Regulator Sergeant gets an additional
Clubkind - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Standard action this turn.
+11 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10 +3 damage.
Riot Shield - (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |1|)
Trigger: You are attacked by an adjacent enemy. Effect:
Reduce the damage the Regulator Lug takes from the
attack by 1d12. Special: You may not use this power on
your next turn.
Call for Aid - (Move Action - Encounter)
Effect: One Regulator Sentry appears in a square
adjacent to you, and falls in line directly behind you in
initiative order.

High-Ranking Agents
The Agents of Derse are a special force of ruthless, ambitious individuals determined to maintain an
oppressive state over the Lands of the Medium, while simultaneously undermining the forces of Prospit
and the progress of the Players. It is their hope that by interfering with the actions of do-gooders,
they can continue their efforts on the Battlefield with ease and bring about the Reckoning that much
faster. Agents, to this end, travel throughout the Medium, raise the banner of tyranny over Consorts,
direct Underlings to cause mischief, and act as a general thorn in the side of the Players. Dersite
Agents are strong foes, but they tend to prefer to work in the background where their efforts can’t be
detected. When cornered, they will strike with deft speed and strength, but would much rather
sacrifice their many subordinates in order to escape and cause trouble once more.

Field Agent
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 5 Elite Lurker [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
(40000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +10
HP: 102 (Bloodied: 51)
AC: 21 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 20 Will: 19
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +8 Stealth: +12 Trolling: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Poison

Low Blow - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage and if the attack hits an enemy granting combat advantage, the target is knocked prone.
Pick Your Poison - (Minor action - Recharge |1||2|) Target: One adjacent target. Attack: +8 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 2d8+4 poison
damage and the target is immobilized until the end of the Field Agent's next turn.
Take Him Instead - (Immediate Interrupt - At-will)
Trigger: The Field Agent is hit by a melee or ranged attack while bloodied. Effect: The target of the attack is now an adjacent
Underling or other ally of the Field Agent's choosing.
Disappear in the Crowd - (Minor action - Encounter) Effect: A Field Agent may make a Stealth check
to hide whenever he has cover from Underlings or other creatures. The effect lasts until the end of the
Field Agent’s next turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Agent Droll is affected by a Stun, Daze, or Blind effect. Effect: The Field Agent is no
longer affected by that effect.

Agent Droll
Small Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 4 Elite Controller (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
(35000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +4
HP: 110 (Bloodied: 55)
AC: 20 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +8 Chumming: +9, Trolling: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Poison

Drubbing - (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack)

+9 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+4 damage and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Head Full of Empty (Standard action – Recharge |5|)
Ranged 10; +8 vs. Will. Hit: 3d6+4 damage, and the Agent Droll may make a Chumming check. If the
Agent Droll beats the target's Trolling check with it's Chumming check, the target is dazed (save ends).
Hat Full of Bomb (Standard action - Encounter)
Area Burst 2, Ranged 10; Target: All creatures in Burst. Hit: 3d8+4 fire damage and the target takes a
-1 to all defenses until the end of its next turn.
Fist Full of Penis (Minor action, Recharge |1||2|)
Close Burst 5; +8 vs. Will Target: One creature in burst. Effect: The target is immobilized (save ends).
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Agent Droll gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Agent Droll is affected by a Stun, or Daze effect. Effect: The Agent Droll is no
longer affected by that effect.

Agent Brute
Large Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 5 Elite Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
(40000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5, Initiative: +4
HP: 156 (Bloodied: 78)
AC: 19 Fortitude: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 17
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +8 Athletics: +9, Trolling: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Poison

Pummel - (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack)
+8 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+4 damage and the target is pushed 1 space and slowed until the end of the Agent Brute's next turn.
Hurl Safe Door (Standard action – Recharge |5||6|)
Ranged 10. +6 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d8+4 damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand up (save ends).
Eat Torso, Deliver Stern Lecture to Legs (Minor action - Encounter)
+6 vs. Fortitude. Special: The Agent Brute must make a successful Grab attack against the target before using this power. Hit:
3d10+4 damage and the target takes Ongoing 10 damage and is immobilized (save ends).
Fight Harder, Ya Runts! (Minor action, Recharge |3|)
Close Burst 5. Target: One ally in burst. Effect: The target gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and takes half damage from all
attacks until the end of its next turn.
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Agent Brute gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Agent Brute is affected by a Stun or Daze effect. Effect: The Agent Brute is no longer affected by that effect.

Agent Dignitary
Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 6 Elite Soldier [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(50000 Boondollar)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +9
HP: 144 (Bloodied: 72)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 21 Will: 20
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +9 Mysteries: +9, Trolling: +9
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Poison

Cuestick - (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack)

Reach 1. +13 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage, and the target is marked.
Don’t Bleed on the Suits - (Standard action – Recharge |6|)
+11 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d6+4 damage, and the next time the target attacks someone other than the Agent
Dignitary, the target takes 1d10+4 poison damage.
Paint the Town Red - (Standard action - Encounter)
Close Blast 4. Target: Each creature in Blast. Attack: +11 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d8+4 fire damage.
Silent Frustration - (Immediate Reaction – Encounter)
Trigger: The Agent Dignitary is bloodied. Effect: The Dignitary recharges Paint the Town Red and uses the
power immediately. All allies adjacent to the Agent Dignitary regain 1d12+2 hit points.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Agent Dignitary gains another Standard action on his turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Agent Dignitary is affected by a Stun or Daze effect. Effect: The Agent Dignitary is no longer affected by that effect.

Medium Carapacian [Humanoid]
Level 6 Solo Lurker [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(125000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6, Initiative: +11
HP: 288 (Bloodied: 144)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 21 Will: 20
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10 Stealth: +12, Trolling: +10, Skaian Lore: +8
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Poison

Slow Stab - (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One or two creatures; two attacks, +11 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage, and if the Arch-Agent has combat
advantage against the target, the Arch- Agent becomes invisible until it next attacks or the end of it's next turn.
Quick Stab - (Minor action - Recharge |1||2|)
+9 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d6+4 damage
Block and Parry - (Immediate Reaction – At-will)
Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses the Arch-Agent with a melee or Close Burst attack. Effect: The Arch-
Agent uses Slow Stab on the target and can shift 4 spaces. Special: You may not use this power on your next
Bleed to Death Slowly - (Standard action - Encounter)
+9 vs. Fortitude, make the attack three times. Hit: 3d6+4 poison damage per hit, and the target takes Ongoing 10 poison damage
(save ends) if at least two attacks hit it.
I’ve Had It Up To Here, Kid - (Immediate Reaction – Encounter)
Trigger: The Arch-Agent is bloodied. Effect: The Arch-Agent recharges Solo Action and Bleed to Death Slowly, and uses the
latter power immediately if there is an adjacent target.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Arch-Agent gains another Standard action on his turn.
Clear Status – (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |6|)
Trigger: The Arch-Agent is affected by a Stun or Daze effect. Effect: The Arch-Agent is no longer affected by that effect.

Consorts are the amphibious or reptilian inhabitants of the various Lands populating the
Medium. These whimsical and energetic creatures are not particularly strong, large, or
smart, but they can be entertaining to interact with, and with some proper diplomacy (or
intimidation), they can be coaxed to perform tasks for server players while their client
players are away. While Consorts develop on separate Lands and form their own religious
understandings of the features of their worlds, they all worship the Genesis Frog, and work
tirelessly to erect monuments in his name, to the delight of the Prospitians. They are
often subjugated by Dersites and Underlings, who loathe their amphibious imagery and work
to make their lives intolerable. Many quests that Heroes must undergo are performed in
conjunction with these tiny creatures, many times revolving on improving their lives and
keeping them out of trouble.

These yellow amphibians are energetic little creatures that blow bubbles and make glub noises when
they are excited, which is often. They also have a fondness for new fashions, such as crumpled head
objects and wizardy robes. Salamanders are religious sorts, and tend to form cults around banal
subjects, especially magic.
Salamander Villager
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 2 Skirmisher
(12500 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +5
HP: 40 (Bloodied: 20)
AC: 16 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 2

Glub - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage and the Salamander shifts one square.
Behold Robes (Minor action - At-will)
One target within 5 squares is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Salamander Cultist
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 3 Artillery
(15000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +3
HP: 38 (Bloodied: 19)
AC: 15 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 15 Will: 16
Perception: +5
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Glub Glub - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

Ranged 10; +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 necrotic damage and the Salamander shifts one square.
Behold Magic - (Minor action - At-will)
One target within 5 squares takes a -2 to its next attack roll.
Cult Strike - (Standard action - Encounter)
Ranged 5; +8 vs. Will Hit: 3d6+3 necrotic damage and the target gains Vulnerable 5 to Necrotic damage (save ends).

Iguanas are quiet, skulking creatures that enjoy generally keeping to
themselves. Nevertheless, like most consorts, they are easily excitable
and make thip noises when they approve of something. They have a penchant
for music and thievery, more so than other consorts (although most
consorts love to rummage through the possessions of their Land’s hero).

Iguana Villager
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 2 Skirmisher
(12500 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +5
HP: 40 (Bloodied: 20)
AC: 16 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 2

Thip - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage and the Iguana shifts one square.
Find Shadow - (Minor action - At-will)
The Iguana no longer needs cover to make a Stealth check this turn. Special: This power cannot be used on your next turn.

Iguana Skulker
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 3 Lurker
(15000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +8
HP: 38 (Bloodied: 19)
AC: 17 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
Perception: +5
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Thip Thip - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 poison damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the Iguana Skulker's next turn.
Be Shadow - (Minor action - At-will)
The Iguana gains partial concealment this turn. Special: This power cannot be used on your next turn.
Backstab - (Standard action - Encounter)
+6 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6+3 poison damage Effect: If you have combat advantage against the target, deal an additional 1d6

Crocodiles are a somewhat more aggressive breed of
Consort. These reptiles frequently make threats concerning
eating people. However, this is simply a part of their
culture and should not be construed as a suggestions that
they are barbarous. After all, they’re just trying to be
friendly! They are excitable and frequently make nakking
noises, and they have a strong passion for complex
economies that are easily scammed.

Crocodile Villager
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 2 Skirmisher
(12500 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +5
HP: 40 (Bloodied: 20)
AC: 16 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Nak - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage and the Crocodile shifts one square.
Make Soup - (Minor action - At-will)
One adjacent target takes 5 fire damage, and the Crocodile gains 5 temporary hit points.

Crocodile Warrior
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 3 Brute
(15000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +3
HP: 57 (Bloodied: 28)
AC: 15 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
Perception: +5
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 2

Nak Nak - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+3 fire damage and the target is knocked prone.
Make Feast - (Minor action - At-will)
The Crocodile gains 5 temporary hit points (up to a limit of 10) or a +2 bonus to its next attack roll. Special: This power can not
be used on your next turn.
Break the Bank - (Standard action - Encounter)
+4 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6+3 fire damage Miss: Target takes half damage and the Crocodile is dazed until the end of its next turn.

These hard-shelled consorts are shy and skittish creatures that tend to
sweat and shake at the faintest sign of trouble. They frequently hide in
their shells until danger has passed, leaving them with a reputation of
being cowards. Turtles also tend not to get excited or vocalize their
enjoyment of something, making them a hard group of consorts to interact

Turtle Villager
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 2 Skirmisher
(12500 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +5
HP: 40 (Bloodied: 20)
AC: 16 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
Perception: +3
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 2

Silence - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage and the Turtle shifts one square.
Shelter Shell - (Minor action - At-will)
The Turtle gains a +2 bonus to one defense until the start of their next turn.

Turtle Defender
Small Consort [Beast]
Level 3 Soldier
(15000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +5
HP: 50 (Bloodied: 25)
AC: 19 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
Perception: +5
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Utter Silence - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack)

+10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 thunder damage and the target is knocked prone.
Defend Self - (Immediate Interrupt - At-will)
Trigger: The Turtle is attacked. Effect: The Turtle gains a +2 bonus to the targeted defense for this attack. The attack continues
as normal with the new defense score. Special: This power can not be used on your next turn.
Ignore Fear - (Standard action - Encounter)
+8 vs. Will Hit: 3d6+3 thunder damage and the target is marked.

Denizens are powerful and mysterious beings that lay dormant within each Land. At the start
of the game, Denizens sleep deeply within the core of the Land, but as players progress,
they begin waking up. Each Denizen is said to guard a mighty Grist hoard which is to be
released upon their defeat and used for the Ultimate Alchemy. However, this is not their
only purpose; they exist to offer players The Choice, the nature of which depends on the
player's quest. The Denizens are responsible for the Underlings that cover each Land, as
well as many of the problems plaguing the Land. Denizens speak to players in a language
only the player of that specific Land can understand, and certain Denizens may be
associated with specific aspects more often than not.

Hazard Denizen
[Phase One]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Controller (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +12
HP: 218
AC: 29 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 28 Will: 26
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Thunder 3, Resist Force 3, Vulnerable 5 Psychic
Earthbound: This creature ignores Difficult Terrain.
Immunity – The Hazard Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Thrash - (Minor Action - At-will; Basic Attack)

+18 vs AC, Hit: 1d10+6 damage.
Crush - (Standard Action - At-will; Basic Attack)
Ranged 5, +18 vs. AC, Hit: 2d8+6 damage and the target is knocked prone.
Empowered Slam - (Standard Action - Recharge |5||6|)
+17 vs. Reflex, Hit: 3d10+6 thunder damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares. The square adjacent to and occupied by
the target becomes difficult terrain. Miss: The target is pushed 1 square and is knocked prone.
Solo Action - (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Hazard Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.
[Phase Two]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Controller (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +12
HP: 218
AC: 29 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 28 Will: 26
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Thunder 3, Resist Force 3, Vulnerable 5 Psychic
Earthbound: This creature ignores Difficult Terrain.
Immunity – The Hazard Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.
Rock Smash - (Minor Action - At-will; Basic Attack)
+18 vs AC, Hit: 1d10+6 damage.
Tidal Wave - (Standard Action - At-will; Basic Attack)
Close Blast 3, +18 vs. AC,Target: All targets in Blast. Hit: 1d10+6 force damage and the target is knocked prone.
Omega Flare - (Standard Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Ranged 10, +17 vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d10+6 lightning and thunder damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares. A Carbuncle Trap is
summoned in the square formerly occupied by the target.
Phoenix Fire - (Standard Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Close Burst 2, +17 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 4d8+6 fire damage. Effect: Until the end of the Hazard Denizen's next turn, all targets that
end their turn within the Burst take ongoing 5 Fire damage (save ends).
Solo Action - (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Hazard Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.
Shattered Earth
Level 8 Minion Obstacle
(8700 Boondollars)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 21, Reflex: 20, Will: 20
HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion)
Initiative: +5
Special: The space adjacent to and occupied by the trap is considered Difficult terrain to enemies until the trap is removed.
Close Burst 1; +11 vs Reflex, Target: Each enemy in burst. Hit: 1d8+3 thunder damage. Effect: Roll 1d6 each time this trap is

activated to determine its effect:
1-2: 1d6+2 damage to all creatures in Close Burst 1.
3: Heal all adjacent allies for 1d6 hit points, and grants a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of their next turn.
4: Summon a Shattered Earth trap within Close Burst 3.
5-6: Summon a Carbuncle minion adjacent to this trap.
Mysteries: (DC 18) This trap may not make attacks, and may not be used in conjunction with Earthshattering Kaboom.
Small Underling [Beast]
Level 8 Minion
(8700 Boondollars)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +6
HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 21, Reflex: 20, Will: 20
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Force 2, Vulnerable 2 Psychic
Earthbound: This creature may travel through Difficult Terrain as though it were normal terrain.

Spark - (Standard Action - At-will; Basic attack)

+13 vs AC, Hit: 6 lightning damage.
Burn - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3 fire damage. You can spend a Minor action to expand the effect of this power.
Minor: The target is marked.
[Phase Three]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Controller (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(400000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +12
HP: 218 (The Hazard Denizen is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 29 Fortitude: 27 Reflex: 28 Will: 26
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Thunder 3, Resist Force 3, Vulnerable 5 Psychic
Earthbound: This creature ignores Difficult Terrain.
Immunity – The Hazard Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.
X-Strike - (Minor Action - At-will; Basic Attack)
+18 vs AC, Hit: 2d6+5 damage.
Breach Blast (Standard Action - At-will; Basic Attack)
Close Blast 4, +18 vs. AC; Hit: 2d6+5 thunder damage and the target is knocked prone.
Riot Blade (Standard Action - Recharge |5||6|)
+17 vs. Reflex, Hit: 3d6+5 thunder damage, and the target is slid 3 squares. If the target is slid into a square adjacent to an
enemy, they immediately make a melee basic attack against that enemy as a free action. Miss: The target is pushed 1 square
and the square they were standing on becomes difficult terrain.
Shatter Earth (Immediate Reaction - Encounter)
Close Burst 3 Target: Each creature in Burst Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6+4 damage and the Hazard Denizen may
summon 3 Shattered Earth traps within a Close Burst 10.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Hazard Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.
Quake Rush (Move Action - Encounter) ♦ Earthshattering Kaboom
Effect: This Hazard Denizen shifts 8 squares and may make a melee basic attack against each enemy it passed adjacent to.
Mended Body (Minor Action - Recharge |3||4|) ♦ Earthshattering Kaboom
Effect: Remove a Shattered Earth trap. All allies adjacent to it gain 15 hit points.
Ruby Light (Immediate Reaction – Recharge |5||6|) ♦ Earthshattering Kaboom
Trigger: This monster takes at least 20 damage from an attack. Effect: Summon a Shattering Mote minion adjacent to the
Hazard Denizen or on a square with a Shattered Earth trap.

Earthshattering Kaboom Opening

Your denizen lets out an earsplitting yell, plunging its many arms into the ground as flames burst from below you.
Earthshattering Kaboom (No Action - Recharge at 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. Place 5 Shattered Earth traps on the map. For the next three rounds, this
monster can use any power with the keyword “Earthshattering Kaboom” and may use Shattered Earth traps as a point of origin
for all of its attacks.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Earthshattering Kaboom Opening:
Withdraw: (DC 24) You escape from the waves of energy pouring through the ground. Skill: Acrobatics or Athletics. You may
ignore difficult terrain until the next time the Hazard Minion uses the Earthshattering Kaboom opening.
Withstand: (DC 26) Through careful study of the mysteries of the Lands, you have learned the best ways to withstand this
Denizen's might. Skill: Nature or Skaian Lore. You may immediately remove one Shattered Earth tile adjacent to you.

Trickster Denizen
[Phase One]
Huge Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Lurker (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 218
AC: 29 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 28 Will: 27
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Poison 3, Resist Acid 3, Vulnerable 5 Radiant
Quickened Reflexes: The creature may make an immediate Saving Throw when Immobilized or Slowed.
Immunity – The Trickster Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Shifting Strike – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

16 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d8+6 poison damage, and add an additional 1d8 damage if the target grants combat advantage. Effect: The
Denizen may shift two spaces before or after making this attack.
Trickster’s Gambit – (Minor Action – At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 5; +18 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+6 damage. Effect: The Trickster Denizen may immediately shift 2 squares.
Shock & Awe – (Standard Action – Recharge |5||6|)
18 vs. AC. Hit: 3d10+6 psychic damage, and the target is slowed. Effect: The Denizen may shift up to 2 squares and then make
the following attack:
16 vs. Will. Hit: 1d10+6 damage, and the target is slowed.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Trickster Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.

[Phase Two]
Huge Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Lurker (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 218
AC: 29 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 28 Will: 27
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Poison 3, Resist Acid 3, Vulnerable 5 Radiant
Quickened Reflexes: The creature may make an immediate Saving Throw when Immobilized or Slowed.
Immunity – The Trickster Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Back Blade – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One or two creatures; two attacks, 16 vs. Reflex, two attacks. Hit: 2d8+6 necrotic damage and the Trickster Denizen
gains invisibility until the end of its next turn, or until it is hit by an attack or makes an attack of its own.
Lunatic Voice – (Minor Action – At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 5; +18 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+6 damage and the Trickster Denizen rolls a 1d6. On a roll of 6, the target makes an immediate
melee basic attack against one enemy adjacent to it.
Glider Takedown – (Standard Action – Recharge |4|)
18 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+6 damage, and the Trickster Denizen gains a Fly Speed of 7 until the end of its next turn.
Surprising Development – (Free action – Recharge |5||6|)
Effect: Immediately summon one Distracting Prankster Minion. The minion acts at the same initiative as the Trickster Denizen.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Trickster Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.

Distracting Prankster
Underling [Beast]
Level 8 Minion
(8700 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +7
HP: 1 (a missed usually attack never kills a minion)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 20 Reflex: 20 Will: 21
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Poison 2, Vulnerable 2 Radiant

Frigid Distaction (Standard action - At-will; Basic Attack)

Ranged 5, +13 vs. AC. Hit: 6 cold damage, and the target is marked.
Flip Out (Standard Action – Encounter)
Close Burst 1, +11 vs. AC. Hit: 6 damage and the Distracting Prankster may shift up to its speed.

[Phase Three]
Huge Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Lurker (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(400000 Boondollars)

Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 218 (The Trickster Denizen is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 29 Fortitude: 25 Reflex: 28 Will: 27
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Poison 3, Resist Acid 3, Vulnerable 5 Radiant
Quickened Reflexes: The creature may make an immediate Saving Throw when Immobilized or Slowed.
Immunity – The Trickster Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Spinning Parkour – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

Target: One, two, three creatures; three attacks, 18 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 damage, and the Trickster Denizen gains a Climb
Speed of 4 until the end of its next turn. If the Trickster Denizen is in the middle of climbing when this effect ends, it must make
Athletics checks as normal in order to climb.
Judgment Bolt – (Minor Action – At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 15; +16 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d10+6 lightning damage.
Walls Up – (Standard Action – Recharge |5||6|)
Close Burst 10 Effect: The Trickster Denizen creates an illusory wall up to 8 squares long and 4 squares high within the Burst.
The wall can be any shape as long as the wall is contiguous. Creatures must make an Insight check with a DC of 25 in order to
determine that the wall is an illusion. Any creature that has not determined that the wall is an illusion takes 1d10+5 psychic
damage whenever it ends its turn adjacent to a wall square. The wall lasts until the end of the Trickster Denizen's next turn, and
can be sustained each turn with a Minor action.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Trickster Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.
Mirage Dive (Standard Action - Recharge |1||2|) ♦ Cunning Shift
Effect: This monster teleports 8 squares and may make a melee basic attack against each enemy it is adjacent to at the end of
its movement.
Ghostly Veil (Minor Action - Recharge |3||4|) ♦ Cunning Shift
16 vs. Will. Hit: 2d8+6 psychic damage and the Trickster Denizen gains invisibility until the end of its next turn, or until it is hit by
an attack or makes an attack of its own.
Diamond Dust (Immediate Reaction - Encounter) ♦ Cunning Shift
16 vs. Fortitude; Special: You may only use this move when the Trickster Denizen rejoins the encounter after the effects of the
Cunning Shift Opening. Hit: The target is blinded. Effect: Each creature that destroyed a Shifting Form takes 1d10+6 cold and
radiant damage.
Call For Lackeys – (Free Action – Recharge |5|) ♦ Cunning Shift
Effect: Immediately summon one Distracting Prankster Minion. The Minion acts at the same initiative as the Trickster Denizen.

Cunning Shift Opening

Your denizen sparkles and glitters brightly with searing light before phasing and disappearing before your very eyes.
Cunning Shift – (No Action - Recharge at 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. Remove Trickster Denizen from the map and replace it with 9 Shifting Form
Minions where the Trickster Denizen was previously, each with the same initiative position as the Trickster Denizen. After 3
rounds, or after the last Shifting Form is destroyed, return the Trickster Denizen within 5 squares of where it was removed.
Remove any remaining Shifting Forms. The Trickster Denizen gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls on its next turn for each Shifting
Form removed.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Cunning Shift Opening:
Witness: (DC 22) You can make sense of the illusions around you. Skill: Insight. You immediately mark the nearest Shifting Form
minion. That minion can no longer damage you.

Shifting Form
Huge Denizen [Beast]
Level 10 Minion Skirmisher
(12500 Boondollars)
Speed: 5
HP: 1 (a missed usually attack never kills a minion)
AC: 24 Fortitude: 22 Reflex: 22 Will: 23
+2 bonus to Saving Throws
Vulnerable/Resist: None
Quickened Reflexes: The creature may make an immediate Saving Throw when affected by Immobilization
or Slowing effects.

Quick Jab – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

+15 vs. AC. Hit: 6 damage, and if the target grants combat advantage, it immobilizes the target (save ends).
Tricksy Illusions – (Immediate Interrupt – At-will)
Trigger: The Shifting Form is targeted by an attack. Effect: It immediately gains +2 to all defenses against the attack,
and if it misses, the Minion may shift up to half of its speed and make a melee basic attack. Special: The Shifting Form
may not use this attack on its next turn.
You Blinked – (Move Action – At-will)
Effect: The Shifting Form teleports up to four spaces away.

Enraged Denizen
[Phase One]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Brute (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +10
HP: 223
AC: 27 Fortitude: 28 Reflex: 27 Will: 25
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Fire 3, Resist Cold 3, Vulnerable 5 Necrotic
Momentum: Add “Hit: Target is knocked prone” to any charge attack the Denizen makes.
Immunity – The Enraged Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Pulverize – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

+16 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+6 damage, and the target suffers -2 to its AC until the end of its next turn.
Throw – (Minor Action – At-will)
Ranged 5; +14 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d10+6 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Massacre – (Standard Action – Recharge |5||6|)
Close Burst 2. Target: All enemies in Burst. +16 vs. AC. Hit: 3d10+6 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Enraged Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.

[Phase Two]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Brute (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +10
HP: 223
AC: 27 Fortitude: 28 Reflex: 27 Will: 25
+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Fire 3, Resist Cold 3, Vulnerable 5 Necrotic
Momentum: Add “Hit: Target is knocked prone” to any charge attack the Denizen makes.
Immunity – The Enraged Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Sonic Slam – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

+16 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+6 force damage, and the target is pushed 5 squares. Any creatures that are adjacent to the target when it
ends its movement take 1d10 damage.
Demon Eye – (Minor Action – At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +14 vs. Will. Hit: 1d10+6 psychic damage, and the target is slowed.
Sabre Soul – (Standard Action – Encounter)
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares. Target: All enemies in range. +15 vs. AC. Hit: 4d8+6 damage, and all allies within the Burst may
make an immediate melee basic attack.
Build An Army – (Free action – Recharge |3||4|)
Effect: Immediately summon one Raging Beast Minion. The minion acts at the same initiative as the Enraged Denizen.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Enraged Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.

Raging Beast
Level 8 Minion
(8700 Boondollars)
Speed: 7
HP: 1 (a missed usually attack never kills a minion)
AC: 22 Fortitude: 21 Reflex: 20 Will: 20
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Fire 2, Vulnerable 2 Necrotic

Knock-out Strike (Standard action - At-will; Basic Attack)

+13 vs. AC. Hit: 6 damage, and the target is slowed.
Murderous Intent (Standard Action – Encounter)
+11 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 8 damage and the target is marked. If the target was already marked by another creature, deal
an additional 4 damage.

[Phase Three]
Gargantuan Denizen [Beast]
Level 13 Solo Brute (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(400000 Boondollars)
Speed: 4, Initiative: +10
HP: 223 (The Enraged Denizen is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 27 Fortitude: 28 Reflex: 27 Will: 25

+5 bonus to Saving Throws
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist Fire 3, Resist Cold 3, Vulnerable 5 Necrotic
Momentum: Add “Hit: Target is knocked prone” to any charge attack the Denizen makes.
Immunity – The Enraged Denizen cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Cut & Crumble – (Standard Action – At-will, Basic attack)

+16 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+6 damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the start of their next turn.
Chaos Wave – (Minor Action – At-will, Basic attack)
Close Blast 3; +14 vs. Will. Hit: 1d10+6 damage, and the Enraged Denizen may slide the target up to three spaces.
Armor Breaker – (Standard Action – Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 1. Target: All creatures in Burst. +16 vs. AC. Hit: 3d10+6 damage, and the target loses the benefits of any defensive
items they have equipped until the end of their next turn.
Divine Judgment (Immediate Reaction - Encounter)
Area Burst 3 within 5 squares. Trigger: The Enraged Denizen takes more than 40 damage in a single round. Target: Each
creature in Burst; +14 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d10+6 lightning damage and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Solo Action (Free action, Encounter)
Effect: The Enraged Denizen gains another Standard action on this turn.
Rupturing Stomp – (Standard Action – At-will) ♦ Final Flip Out
Close Blast 3 or Area Burst 1 within 10 squares. Target: All creatures in Burst or Blast. Effect: The target must pass a DC 20
Athletics or Acrobatics skill check or take 2d8+6 thunder damage and fall prone.
Raging Charge – (Standard Action – Recharge |4|) ♦ Final Flip Out
Effect: The Denizen may move up to twice his speed, and this movement may be made through enemy’s spaces. The Denizen
gets a +2 bonus to all defenses against Opportunity attacks during this movement. The Enraged Denizen must end its movement
in an unoccupied space. When entering an enemy space, the Denizen may make the following attack against that enemy: +16
vs. AC. Hit: 3d10+6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of their next turn.
Abyssal Maw – (Standard Action – Encounter) ♦ Final Flip Out
Requirement: The Enraged Denizen must be grabbing a target to be able to use this attack. Effect: While grabbing a target, the
Enraged Denizen makes another grab against the target as a part of this power. If the grab is successful, the target is swallowed
by the Enraged Denizen. While swallowed, the target takes Ongoing 15 Acid damage. The target may still take actions inside of
the Hazard Denizen, but can only leave the Denizen's stomach with an escape action.

Final Flip Out Opening

Your denizen shrieks and slams its various appendages against the ground, devastating the earth and scorching the area in fire.
Final Flip Out – (No Action - Recharge at 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. The ground rumbles and roars as the Enraged Denizen flips the fuck out. All
creatures within a Close Burst 5 of the Enraged Denizen take Ongoing 10 Fire damage (save ends) is knocked prone. 3 Raging
Beast minions are immediately summoned within 5 squares of the Enraged Denizen.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Earthshattering Kaboom Opening:
Avoid: (DC 24) You escape from the cracks and heat spreading through the ground. Skill: Acrobatics or Athletics. You only take
Ongoing 5 Fire damage and are not knocked prone.
Seal Away: (DC 25) The beasts aiding the Denizen are sealed away from the battle. Skill: Nature or Mysteries. No Raging Beast
minions are summoned during the Final Flip Out Opening.

Not all beings of Paradox Space fall into such easy categories. Some strange creatures
still lurk across the Medium, and some only appear in sessions of strange significance.
Others might even cross over from other realms of understanding, or only appear for
individuals fated to accomplish some task.

These horrifying demons are large, limbless
dragon-like beings with large feathery
wings. In some cultures, they are seen as
messengers of goodness; in others, they are
seen as harbingers of doom, brought to
usher in the demise of paradox space. They
are quick and easily enraged, and often are
associated with those embodying the aspect
of Hope.

Angel Cherubim
Medium Angel [Magical Beast]
Level 5 Elite Skirmisher (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
(40000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 (Fly Speed [hover] 8) Initiative: +8
HP: 126 (Bloodied: 63)
AC: 21 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 20 Will: 19
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 3 Radiant, Vulnerable 3 Necrotic

Holy Light - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Ranged 10; +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 Radiant damage, and the target grants combat advantage to the Angel Cherubim until the
end of the Angel Cherubim's next turn.
Usher In The End - (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
+10 vs. AC; Hit: 3d6+4 Radiant damage, and if the Angel Cherubim has combat advantage against the target, deal an additional
1d8 points of damage.
Pillar of Light - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2; +8 vs. Will Target: All creatures in Burst Hit: 3d10+4 damage and the target is blinded and gains Vulnerability 5 to
Radiant damage (save ends).
Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Angel Cherubim gets an additional Standard action this turn.

Angel Seraphim
Large Angel [Magical Beast]
Level 10 Elite Skirmisher (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of its level)
(100000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 (Fly Speed [hover] 8) Initiative: +12
HP: 212 (Bloodied: 106)
AC: 26 Fortitude: 22 Reflex: 25 Will: 24
Perception: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Resist 5 Radiant, Vulnerable 5 Necrotic

Sacred Light - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Ranged 10; +15 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+5 Radiant damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends).
Paradiso & Inferno - (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |3|)
+13 vs. Will. Trigger: An enemy moves into a square adjacent to you. Effect: The attacker takes 3d8+5 Radiant damage and the
Angel Seraphim may shift 4 squares. Special: You may not use this power on your next turn.
Carry The Finale - (Minor Action - Recharge |1|)
+15 vs. AC; Hit: 3d8+5 Radiant damage, and if you have combat advantage against the target, deal an additional 2d8 points of
Column of Radiance - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Area Burst 2, Ranged 10; +13 vs. Will Target: Every creature in burst Hit: 4d10+5 Radiant damage and the target is blinded and
gains Vulnerability 10 to Radiant damage (save ends).
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Angel Seraphim gets an additional Standard action this turn.

These rare creatures appear to those venturing into dead sessions of Sburb. They generally appear to
those seeking to follow the dangerous path of success through the intensely-difficult session laid
before the player. They are loyal and complex followers who are strong believers in chance.

Leprechaun Gnome
Small Leprechaun (Humanoid)
Level 5 Lurker
(20000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +10
HP: 51 (Bloodied: 25)
AC: 19 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Speed Up - (Move Action - Recharge |1||2|)

Effect: You may either shift your speed or move double your speed. You do not trigger opportunity attacks while using this power.
If you end your turn adjacent to an enemy, you gain combat advantage against them (save ends).
Slow Down - (Move Action - Recharge |3||4|)
Effect: You move half your speed, or shift one square, and then are immobilized until the end of your next turn. You gain a
+2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Lucky Break - (Immediate Interrupt - Encounter)
Trigger: You are attacked by an enemy. Effect: The attack instead targets the attacker and deals half damage back to them.
Past Trail - (Standard Action - At-Will, Basic attack)
+10 vs. AC Hit: 1d10+4 force damage Special: If you moved during your turn, you may choose to return to your starting location.
Improve Luck - Minor Action - At-will)
Effect: Add a +1 bonus to one roll before making it. Special: You may not use this power on your next turn.

Leprechaun Elf
Medium Leprechaun (Humanoid)
Level 5 Skirmisher
(20000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +8
HP: 62 (Bloodied: 31)
AC: 19 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 17
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Future Trail - (Move Action - Recharge |5|)

+10 vs. AC; Hit: 3d6+4 damage, and on your next turn, deal 1d6+4 force damage to that target.
Voodoo Hoodoo - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2; +8 vs. Will Target: One enemy in Burst. Effect: The target is removed from the
encounter for one turn. At the start of their next turn, they reappear within three squares of the spot
they previously occupied, and are dazed (save ends).
Stitch In Time - (Minor Action - Recharge |6|)
Effect: Regain 1d10+2 hit points, and remove one status condition inflicted on you.
Mow ‘Em Down - (Standard Action - At-Will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +10 vs. AC, two attacks Target: One or two creatures. Hit: 1d6+4 damage
Improve Luck - Minor Action - At-will)
Effect: Add a +1 bonus to one roll before making it. Special: You may not use this power on your next turn.

Leprechaun Goblin
Large Leprechaun (Humanoid)
Level 5 Brute
(20000 Boondollars)
Speed: 5 Initiative: +4
HP: 78 (Bloodied: 39)
AC: 17 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 17
Perception: +6
Vulnerable/Resist: None

Just A Flesh Wound - (Immediate Reaction - Encounter)

Trigger: You are bloodied. Effect: You regain half of your bloodied value.
Fat In The Fire - (Standard Action - Recharge |6|)
Close Blast 3; +8 vs. AC Hit: 3d6+4 fire damage and the target gains Vulnerable 5 to
Fire damage.
Multi-Moron - (Minor Action - At-will)
Close Burst 5; +6 vs. Fortitude Target: One creature in Burst. Hit: 1d6+4 damage.
Into Next Week - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
+8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8+4 force damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares.
Improve Luck - Minor Action - At-will)
Effect: Add a +1 bonus to one roll before making it. Special: You may not use this power on your next turn.

These descriptions comprise beings of extreme strength and vigor, whose very presence can damage or destroy an entire
universe. These make up the creatures that players can defeat only at the very height of their power, and only by bending
the laws of physics and reason to their whims. If you face any of these bosses at all, you will likely only face one.

Noble Circle of Horrorterrors

In the deepest reaches of the Furthest Ring lie the
eldritch abominations known only as The Noble Circle
of Horrorterrors. These masses of squirming
tentacles, wicked beaks, and searching, all-knowing
eyes are of such an immense size that no language
spoken by any sentient creature in the whole of the
multiverse has ever been able to adequately describe
them. To merely know of their existence is to invite
madness. To gaze upon them is to invite far, far
worse. While aligned with Derse and the forces of
destruction, Horrorterrors are not by nature
necessarily evil. They are not necessarily anything.
They make up and reside in the great void that
stretches between universes and houses the bubbles of
the Dreaming Dead. But there are tales where even the
void of infinite expanse became too cramped for these
monstrous beings, and they began to slowly creep,
inch by horrifying inch, mile by terrifying mile,
into neighboring universes.

[First Phase]
Huge Horrorterror [Magical Beast]
Level 17 Solo Controller [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters
of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +13
HP: 275
AC: 33 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 29 Will: 32
Perception: +9, Insight: +9, Skaian Lore: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Radiant, Resist 5 Necrotic
Gloaming Touch: Once per turn, you may slide one
target within 4 squares of you up to 2 squares, as
long as that movement would not place the target
over a cliff, on difficult or hazardous terrain, or would
damage them.
Immunity – The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors
cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Tentacular Slash - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+22 vs. AC, two attacks Target: One or two creatures Hit:
2d8+7 necrotic damage and you can push the target 1 square.
Discerning Ogle - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Will. Hit: 1d10+7 necrotic damage and the Horroterror gains a +1 bonus to its next attack roll against the
Gnostic Taint - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Effect: Until the end of the Horrorterror's next turn, whenever an enemy ends their turn within two squares of you, they must
make a saving throw to avoid taking 1d12 poison damage.
Shatter Reason (Minor Action - Recharge |1||2|)
Close Blast 3, +22 vs. AC Target: All creatures in Burst. Hit: 4d10+7 psychic damage, and if you have pushed, pulled, or slid the
target during this turn, they can be slid 1 additional square and take an additional 1d10 force damage.
Destroy Logic (Minor Action - Recharge |3||4|)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst; +21 vs. Will Effect: The target is slid 2 squares and gains Vulnerability 5 to necrotic
damage (save ends).
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors gets an additional Standard action this turn.

[Phase Two]
Huge Horrorterror [Magical Beast]
Level 17 Solo Controller [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +13
HP: 275
AC: 33 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 29 Will: 32

Perception: +9, Insight: +9, Skaian Lore: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Radiant, Resist 5 Necrotic
Gloaming Touch: Once per turn, you may slide one target within 4 squares of you up to 2 squares, as long as that
movement would not place the target over a cliff, on difficult or hazardous terrain, or would damage them.
Immunity – The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Tentacular Grip - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)

Ranged 5, +22 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 necrotic damage and the target is restrained (save ends). For as long as they are restrained,
you may slide the target up to 4 squares at the start of the Horrorterror's turn.
Cacodaemoniacal Ichor - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Will, two attacks. Target: One or two creatures . Hit: 2d8+7 poison damage and the target takes Ongoing 5
poison damage (save ends).
Profane Adulteration - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst, +21 vs. Will. Hit: 3d10+6 necrotic damage and the target is restrained until the start
of your next turn. Effect: If the target is already suffering the effects of Tentacular Grip, they are now dominated (save ends).
Vexatious Glower - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Ranged 5; +21 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 4d12+7 necrotic damage Effect: If the target is already suffering Ongoing damage from
Cacodaemonical Ichor, they now instead take Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
Warp Minds (Minor Action - Recharge |6|)
Close Burst 5, +21 vs. Will Target: One creature within Burst Hit: The target is now marked with the Warped Mind effect (save
ends). As long as the target bears the Warped Mind effect, whenever they attack you, they instead target one enemy within
range. If there is no enemy within range, they instead take 1d10+5 psychic damage.
Disturb Souls (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |5||6|)
Trigger: An enemy makes an attack roll against you. Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to their attack roll and a -2 to their
defenses against your next attack.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors gets an additional Standard action this turn.

[Phase Three]
Gargantuan Horrorterror [Magical Beast]
Level 17 Solo Controller [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(800000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +13
HP: 275 (Target is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 33 Fortitude: 31 Reflex: 29 Will: 32
Perception: +9, Insight: +9, Skaian Lore: +10
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Radiant, Resist 5 Necrotic
Gloaming Touch: Once per turn, you may slide one target within 4 squares of you up to 2 squares, as long as that
movement would not place the target over a cliff, on difficult or hazardous terrain, or would damage them.
Immunity – The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Miasmal Touch - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+22 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 necrotic damage and the target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Cyclopean Leer - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 5; +21 vs. Will, three attacks Target: One, two, or three creatures Hit: 1d10+7 necrotic damage and if the attack
bloodied the target, it cannot target the Horrorterror until the end of its next turn.
Thorncoddle - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst; +21 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d12+7 necrotic damage and the target is restrained (save ends).
Special: If the target is adjacent to a Tentacle Garden trap, they take Ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).
Dream Bubble Nightmare - (Immediate Reaction - Recharge |3||4|) ♦ Ladder To Hell
Trigger: A Homunculus is killed by an enemy. Effect: The Horrorterror gains a +2 to its next attack roll. All enemies adjacent to
the triggering enemy take damage equal to that target’s level.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The Noble Circle of Horrorterrors gets an additional Standard action this turn.
The Color Out Of Space - (Minor Action - Recharge |1|) ♦ Ladder To Hell
Effect: The Horrorterror may make free melee basic attacks against any enemies that are adjacent to a Tentacle Garden trap.
Tentacle Garden - (Minor Action - Recharge |5||6|) ♦ Ladder To Hell
Effect: Summon a Tentacle Garden trap into an unoccupied square within 5 squares of you, or within 3 squares of an existing
Tentacle Garden trap.
Summon Homunculi (Standard Action - Recharge |5||6|) ♦ Ladder To Hell
Effect: Summon two Homunculi into two unoccupied squares adjacent to you.

Tentacle Garden
Level 12 Minion Obstacle
Initiative: +5
AC: 18
Special: The space this trap occupies is considered Difficult terrain.
Close Burst 1; +15 vs Reflex, Target: Each enemy in burst. Hit: 2d8+3 damage. Effect: Roll 1d6 each time this trap is activated
to determine its effect:

1-2: 2 damage to all creatures in close burst 1.
3: Summon a Tentacle Garden trap within close burst 3.
4-6: Summon a Homunculi minion adjacent to this trap.
Mysteries: (DC 18) This trap may not make attacks, and may not be used in conjunction with The Color Out Of Space.

Homunculi Medium Horrorterror [Magical Beast]
Level 12 Minion
Speed: 5 Initiative: +12
HP: 1 (a missed attack usually never kills a minion)
AC: 26 Fortitude: 24, Reflex: 25, Will: 24
Vulnerable/Resist: Vulnerable 5 Radiant, Resist 5 Necrotic
Noisome: All targets adjacent to this creature gain Vulnerable 2 to necrotic damage.

Slash - (Standard Action - At-will; Basic attack)

+17 vs AC, Hit: 6 damage.
Duplicate Form - (Minor Action - At-will)
Effect: The Homunculi duplicates the form of one target in the encounter. This includes all features including size,
shape, and color. When killed while duplicating the form of a target, the subject of the duplication takes half of the
damage dealt to the Homunculus. The duplication effect lasts until the Homunculus duplicates another target. Special:
This power cannot be used on the Homunculi's next turn.

Ladder To Hell Opening

The battlefield is shrouded in the miasma of the wretched Furthest Ring. This mighty lord of the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors has had
enough of the insolence of puny mortals with no comprehension of the world outside of their own pitiful universe. Numerous portals appear
around this foul patrician, tearing open holes into the Furthest Ring.
Ladder To Hell (No Action - Recharge at 150 and 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. Three Tentacle Garden traps are summoned around this creature within 5
squares of it. Any target adjacent to the location where a trap is spawned is immobilized (save ends) and takes a -2 penalty to
their next attack roll. For the next four rounds, this monster can use any power with the keyword “Ladder To Hell”.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Ladder To Hell Opening:
Obfuscate: (DC 23) You use your knowledge of the esoteric and mind-bending to protect your mind from the wrenching horror
of the sight of the Furthest Ring in all it’s sickening splendor. Skill: Mysteries or Skaian Lore. You are not immobilized if a Tentacle
Garden trap is spawned next to you, and you may immediately shift two squares.
Transmutate: (DC 25) Your superior biological knowledge allows you to cease the machinations of the portals around you. Skill:
Science or Nature. You may disable and remove one Tentacle Garden trap.

First Guardian
Gifted with both near-omniscience and near-omnipotence, these beings
house unimaginably powerful green energy underneath their blank, white,
and often unassuming exterior. They are tasked with ensuring the stable
time loops that cause the existence of themselves, and the very universe
they protect. However, this does not mean that First Guardians are above
corruption from outside influences or pursuing their own agendas, and if
the players get in their way, they can make for truly fearsome and
legendary opponents.

[First Phase]
Medium First Guardian [Magical Beast]
Level 18 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +18
HP: 290
AC: 34 Fortitude: 30 Reflex: 33 Will: 32
Perception: +10, Insight: +10, Skaian Lore: +9
Graviton Shift: Whenever the First Guardian is pushed, pulled, slid, slowed, or immobilized, the effect ends and it can
teleport its speed. It then takes damage equal to the number of squares it teleported.
Immunity – The First Guardian cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Temporal Courser - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+23 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 force damage and the First Guardian may teleport 2 squares.
Photon Beam - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +23 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+7 radiant damage and any adjacent targets take 1d10+2 damage.
Aura of Radiation - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst, +21 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 4d10+7 poison damage Effect: Until the end of the First
Guardian's next turn, any targets that end their turn within the Burst take 1d10+2 poison damage.
Redirect Assault (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |5||6|)
Trigger: An enemy makes a successful attack roll against you. Effect: You may teleport adjacent to an enemy within 5 squares
of you and make a melee basic attack against them.
Remove Instigator (Minor Action - Recharge |4|)
Close Blast 3 Target: One enemy in Blast; Effect: The target is teleported 3 squares away from their starting location and takes
Ongoing 5 force damage. All enemies adjacent to the targeted enemy take a -2 penalty to their next attack rolls.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The First Guardian gets an additional Standard action this turn.

[Phase Two]
Medium First Guardian [Magical Beast]
Level 18 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +18
HP: 290
AC: 34 Fortitude: 30 Reflex: 33 Will: 32
Perception: +10, Insight: +10, Skaian Lore: +9
Graviton Shift: Whenever the First Guardian is pushed, pulled, slid, slowed, or immobilized, the effect ends and it can
teleport its speed. It then takes damage equal to the number of squares it teleported.
Immunity – The First Guardian cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Paradox Strike - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+23 vs. AC, two attacks. Target: One or two creatures Hit: 2d8+7 damage and you and you gain combat advantage against the
target (save ends).
Spatial Bolt - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 15; +23 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 damage and any enemies that are adjacent to you are pushed one square away.
Ionizing Blast - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Blast 5 Target: All creatures in blast, +21 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 4d12+7 force damage and the target is restrained until the start
of your next turn. Effect: If you have combat advantage against the target, the restraining effect now requires a saving throw to
Arms Race (Immediate Reaction - Recharge |6|)
Trigger: An enemy deals damage to you. Effect: Deal half of the damage you received to the enemy that triggered the attack. If
you have combat advantage against the target, you may choose to instead make a basic attack against them.
Sublimation (Minor Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Effect: The First Guardian becomes Insubstantial until the end of its next turn. If the First Guardian ends its next turn adjacent to
a creature, that creature takes 3d10+6 force damage.
Scatter Uranium(Standard Action - Recharge |4|)
Effect: Summon a Uranium Anemone within 5 squares of you
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The First Guardian gets an additional Standard action this turn.

Uranium Anemone
Level 13 Minion Obstacle
Initiative: +10
AC: 27 Fortitude: 26 Reflex: 25 Will: 25
Special: The space this trap occupies is considered Hazardous terrain. All targets within 2 squares of this trap gain ongoing 5
poison damage. All targets within 4 squares of this trap gain Vulnerable 5 to poison damage.
Close Blast 1; +17 vs Reflex, Target: Each enemy in blast. Hit: 2d8+3 damage and the target is weakened.
Science: (DC 18) This trap may not make attacks and instead provides healing radiation, granting 5 temporary hit points each
turn an ally is adjacent to it.

[Phase Three]
Medium First Guardian [Magical Beast]
Level 18 Solo Skirmisher [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +18
HP: 290 (Target is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 34 Fortitude: 30 Reflex: 33 Will: 32
Perception: +10, Insight: +10, Skaian Lore: +9
Graviton Shift: Whenever the First Guardian is pushed, pulled, slid, slowed, or immobilized, the effect ends and it can
teleport its speed. It then takes damage equal to the number of squares it teleported.
Immunity – The First Guardian cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Fated Removal - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+22 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+7 damage and you and the First Guardian may shift half their speed.
Coronal Loop - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 5; +22 vs. AC, three attacks. Target: One, two, or three creatures. Hit: 2d8+7 fire damage and you may deal 1d10+2 fire
damage to all enemies adjacent to you.
Green Sunburst - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 5 Target: One, two or three creatures; +21 vs. Fortitude, three attacks. Hit: 3d10+6 radiant damage and the target
is blinded (save ends). Miss: You regain 15 hit points and gain a +2 bonus to AC against the next attack targeting you.
Correct Timeline - (Immediate Reaction - Recharge |5||6|)
Trigger: An enemy makes a successful attack roll against you. Effect: You become invisible until the beginning of your next turn.
If you end your turn adjacent to an enemy before the end of this turn, you may make a melee basic attack against them without
losing invisibility.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: The First Guardian gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Mass-Entropic Teleport (Standard Action - Recharge |5|) ♦ Verdant Solar Flare
Ranged 15; +21 vs. Will Hit: 4d10+7 damage, and the target is teleported six squares and takes Ongoing 5 force damage (save
ends). The square that the target previously now occupied is now occupied by a wall. Special: The First Guardian loses their
Move action on their next turn.
Molecular Fluctuation (Minor Action - Recharge |6|) ♦ Verdant Solar Flare
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Fortitude Effect: The target takes Ongoing 5 damage which cannot be removed by any means. The effect
must be sustained with a Minor action or it ends at the beginning of your next turn. This attack can only be used against one
target at a time. Sustain: Spend a Minor action to sustain this effect.
Quantum Entanglement (Standard Action - Encounter) ♦ Verdant Solar Flare
Close Burst 5; +21 vs. Will Target: Two creatures Effect: You entangle both targets together. Whenever one takes damage, the
other takes the equivalent amount of damage. Whenever one target bears a status condition, the other also bears the same
status condition. Any effect, positive or negative, that happens to one target happens to the other for the remainder of the
encounter. Miss: If you miss against one or both targets, this power does not count as expended and can be performed again
next turn.

Verdant Solar Flare Opening

You are blinded by the triumphant sight of the shimmering Green Sun, channeled through the power of one of its First Guardians. A flash of
blinding green fire burst forth and engulfs everything around it.
Verdant Solar Flare (No Action - Recharge at 150 and 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. All enemies within 3 squares are pushed 2 squares away, take Ongoing 5
radiant and fire damage (save ends), and are immobilized until the start of this monster's next turn. For the next four rounds, this
monster can use any power with the keyword “Verdant Solar Flare” and may use Uranium Anemone traps as a point of origin for
all of its attacks.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Verdant Solar Flare Opening:
Hold Ground: (DC 25) You gain proper footing and brace yourself against the extreme force of the Green Sun’s flare. Skill:
Athletics or Nature. You are not moved from your position and are not immobilized.
Screen: (DC 26) You use your experiences in the Medium to protect yourself from the fire and light of this blinding fire. Skill:
Mysteries or Skaian Lore. You do not take Ongoing damage.

Lord English
An indestructible green skull monster known as the Lord of
Time, he is the scourge of many universes. Any session marked
with his influence is sure to be ripe with misfortune and
tragedy, much of which was orchestrated by him. Any players
hoping to even face him will endure great peril upon threat
of that which is far, far worse than death. Moreover, the
players have almost no hope to truly kill him, only harm and
banish him. As stated before, he is indestructible. Were you
even paying attention? But by defeating this demon, they may
weaken his hold on their own universe, and give hope to
paradox space that he may one day be eradicated for good.

[Phase One]
Large Cherub [Humanoid]
Level 20 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 323
AC: 34 Fortitude: 35 Reflex: 32 Will: 34
Perception: +8, Trolling: +10, Skaian Lore: +10
Time Break: Lord English can not be affected by Vulnerability
or Ongoing Damage. If an attack against him would deal either
of these effects, Lord English instead can teleport half his
Indestructible: Lord English has permanent
Regeneration 20
Immunity – Lord English cannot be affected by Stun or Daze

Proper Caning - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+23 vs. AC. Hit: 3d6+8 damage and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Stop Shot - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +23 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+7 damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Time Shenanigans - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in Burst, +21 vs. Fortitude. Effect: The target is slid 2, 3, or 4 squares. Miss: The target falls
prone. Hit: Slid 2 square: 4d12+7; Slid 3 squares: 4d10+7; Slid 4 squares: 4d8+7
Cairo Overcoat (Move Action - Recharge |5||6|)
Effect: You may teleport your speed.
Immortal (Minor Action - Recharge |4|)
Close Burst 2 Target: All allies in burst; Effect: All allies in burst gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: Lord English gets an additional Standard action this turn.

[Phase Two]
Large Cherub [Humanoid]
Level 20 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 323
AC: 34 Fortitude: 35 Reflex: 32 Will: 34
Perception: +8, Trolling: +10, Skaian Lore: +10
Time Break: Lord English can not be affected by Vulnerability or Ongoing Damage. If an attack against him would deal
either of these effects, Lord English instead can teleport half his speed.
Indestructible: Lord English has permanent Regeneration 20
Immunity – Lord English cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Mighty Drubbing - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)

+23 vs. AC. Hit: 3d6+8 force damage and the target is pushed 3 squares.
Magnum Shot - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 15; +23 vs. AC, three attacks. Target: One, two, or three creatures Hit: 2d6+7 damage and the target is marked (save
ends). Special: If the target was already marked by Lord English, the target is dazed (save ends).
How Do You Expect To Outrun Me - (Standard Action - Encounter)
Close Blast 4 Target: Three creatures in blast, +21 vs. Will. Hit: 4d10+7 psychic damage and the target is slowed and gains
Vulnerable 5 to Psychic damage (save ends). Effect: You may teleport up to three spaces as a free action.
Race Against Time (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |6|)
Trigger: An enemy makes an attack roll against you. Effect: Lord English teleports adjacent to one enemy within 10 squares of
you. If that enemy is suffering from a status condition or is granting combat advantage, Lord English may make an opportunity
Indestructible (Minor Action - Recharge |5|)
Effect: You cannot be damaged or receive a status condition from the next attack made against you.
Summon The Felt (Standard Action - Recharge |4|)

Effect: Roll a 1d4+2. Place that number of Leprechaun Gnomes, Leprechaun Elves, and Leprechaun Goblins with 5 squares of
you. You may summon any mix of the three listed monsters, but you must summon at least one of each.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: Lord English gets an additional Standard action this turn.

[Phase Three]
Large Cherub [Humanoid]
Level 20 Solo Brute [Leader] (One of these is equivalent to five regular monsters of its level)
(1400000 Boondollars)
Speed: 6 Initiative: +16
HP: 323 (Target is considered bloodied in this phase)
AC: 34 Fortitude: 35 Reflex: 32 Will: 34
Perception: +8, Trolling: +10, Skaian Lore: +10
Time Break: Lord English can not be affected by Vulnerability or Ongoing Damage. If an attack against him would deal
either of these effects, Lord English instead can teleport half his speed.
Indestructible: Lord English has permanent Regeneration 20
Immunity – Lord English cannot be affected by Stun or Daze effects.

Cause Paradox - (Immediate Interrupt - Recharge |3|)

Trigger: An enemy makes a successful attack roll against you. Effect: Any damage that would be dealt to Lord English is instead
dealt to one enemy with 5 squares. The damage dealt to the enemy is considered psychic damage. Lord English may then
teleport two squares for free.
Killer Clubbing - (Minor Action - At-will, Basic attack)
+23 vs. AC, two attacks. Target: One or two creatures. Hit: 2d6+7 force damage and the target is knocked prone.
Riddle With Holes - (Standard Action - At-will, Basic attack)
Ranged 10; +23 vs. AC, three attacks. Target: One, two, or three creatures Hit: 3d6+8 force damage and if this attack would
bloody the target, the target is knocked prone and is stunned (save ends).
Already Here - (Standard Action - Encounter)
+21 vs. Reflex. Special: This attack may be made as a part of a charge. Hit: 4d12+7 psychic damage and the target is stunned
(save ends). Effect: Lord English gains Resist 5 to all damage from the attack until the end of his next turn, and may immediately
teleport back to his starting square.
Amok Time (Move Action - Recharge |1||2|)
Lord English becomes Insubstantial until the start of his next turn. At the start of his next turn, Lord English may teleport up to half
his speed and make a free basic attack.
Solo Action - (Free action - Encounter)
Effect: Lord English gets an additional Standard action this turn.
Racking Up (Minor Action - Recharge |5|) ♦ Shatter Existence
+21 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next turn.
The Break (Minor Action - Recharge |6|) ♦ Shatter Existence
Close Burst 2 Target: All creatures in burst; +21 vs. Reflex Effect: The target is pushed 2 squares and takes psychic damage
equal to their level + 5. If the target is brought to 0 hit points by this power, the target dies instantly.
Felt Strike (Standard Action - Recharge |4|) ♦ Shatter Existence
Effect: Roll a 1d4+2. Place that number of Leprechaun Gnomes, Leprechaun Elves, and Leprechaun Goblins with 5 squares of
you. You may summon any mix of the three listed monsters, but you must summon at least one of each. If the Leprechauns are
placed adjacent to an enemy, that Leprechaun may make a free melee basic attack.
Pocketing The 8-Ball (Standard Action - Encounter) ♦ Shatter Existence
Effect: You summon three Large-size Time Clones of yourself within 15 squares of you. They have only 1 HP and can only use
At-Will and Recharge powers.

Shatter Existence Opening

You feet tremble beneath you as the very fabric of local space and time is ripped apart by the power of Lord English. Timelines intertwine
and tear apart, space fractures and melds in mind-bending shapes, and nothing around you makes any sense.
Shatter Existence (No Action - Recharge at 150 and 75 hit points) ♦ Worldbreak
Effect: Remove all conditions from this monster. All individuals within the encounter are randomly teleported to a new square in
the encounter and this monster may make an immediate basic attack against them. All enemies gain Vulnerable 15 to psychic
damage (save ends). For the next three rounds, this monster can use any power with the keyword “Shatter Existence”.

Player Characters may make these skill checks at the start of the Grand Finale Opening:
Withstand: (DC 25) By force of will and knowledge about space and time, you withstand
the forces moving you and your friends across the battlefield Skill: Skaian Lore or Science.
You are not moved from your position, and can choose to keep one adjacent ally from
moving as well.
Defend: (DC 26) You arm your mind against the powerful psychic onslaught of your
enemy. Skill: Insight. You do not gain Vulnerability to psychic damage.

Prototyping Templates
When players first begin the game, they unleash a
Kernelsprite from their Cruxtruder. Kernelsprites are the
potential guides of each player, and in their earliest forms are
just shells awaiting an item of significance to alter them and
provide them with a template to function off of. After this
event, the Kernelsprite will divide into Kernel and Sprite, and
the Kernel will travel to Prospit and Derse, where that
prototyping will then immediately begin affecting all portions of
the game, from the types of monsters being faced to the attire
and behavior of the Carapacians that will be met. After an
initial prototyping, the player may choose to prototype them
once more, either before or after entering the Medium.
Ordinarily only the first prototyping will be applicable, but if a
second prototyping is performed before entering the Medium,
the second prototyping will also be included, providing
anything affected by prototyping with another template to work with.

Only monsters in the Monster Manual that bear the [Prototypable] tag or trait have access to the templates presented
here. Underlings will generally only have access to one of these templates, although more powerful Underlings will be able
to utilize more. While the list of templates presented in this book is large, use these options as a base to build new
templates that more appropriately fit the prototypings your players have made, or retool these template to better suit the
choices your players have made.

Healing Presence
(Leader Prototyping)
It would make sense to prototype something in your life that has given you strength and focused
your mind. Unfortunately, this has imbued the Underlings plaguing your land with the same
Defense modifier – Take -1 from the Underling’s AC. Add +2 to Will.
You Can Do It! - (aura 5) Any Underling that is attacked by a creature within this aura gains a +1 to either their next attack roll or the next
defense that is attacked.
Field Medic - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5. Target: One Underling ally in range. Effect: The target gains hit points equal to this Underling’s
level + 5.

Religious Iconography
(Leader Prototyping)
You’re not much of a believer, but you figured it would be funny to throw in some religious
texts and see what would happen. Lo and behold, you’ve got ogres harassing you non-stop, asking
if you’ve heard of the good book while simultaneously trying to beat you with it.
Defense modifiers - Take -1 from the Underling's AC. Add +2 to Will.
Holy Crusade - (aura 5) Any Underling allies within the aura that are currently flanking an enemy may make a free basic attack once during
this Underling’s turn.
Distracting Sermon - (Minor Action; At-will) Close Burst 2. Target: All creatures in burst. Effect: The target may not make opportunity
attacks or shift until the end of this Underling’s next turn.
Sacred Light - (Standard Action; Encounter) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: The target is blinded
(save ends).

Pretty Princess
(Leader Prototyping)
On second thought, this was a terrible idea. Every group of Imps seems to be led by at least
one that is wearing an absurd dress and posturing vainly while its allies attack with the blind
fervor of love-struck Princes Charming. We hope you're happy with yourself.
Defense modifiers - Take -1 from the Underling's AC. Add +2 to Will.
Fanatical Devotion - (aura 5) Any Underling allies within the aura that are reduced to 0 HP may make a Basic attack as a free action
before they die.
Dance for Me, My Courtiers - (Minor; At-will) Ranged 5. Target: One Underling ally. Effect: The target may shift 2 spaces.
Behold Dress!? - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Will. Hit: The target grants combat
advantage to this Underling's allies (save ends).

Distinguished Gentleman
(Leader Prototyping)
With a pipe in mouth and a serviceable hat at the ready, these dashing Liches look passable
enough to make the muster at any country club gathering. Their opinion of themselves has
certainly improved enough for it, anyway.
Defense modifier – Take -1 from the Underling’s AC. Add +2 to Will.
I Do Say! - (aura 10) Any enemy that hits this Underling while within the aura takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of this
Underlings next turn.

Strike Down That Ruffian - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5. Target: One Underling ally in range. Effect: The target makes a Basic attack as a
free action with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Ultra Fighting Teenage Mega Battlers

(Leader Prototyping)
It’s strange enough when the Liches take a pause from kicking your ass just to strike a team
pose in their shiny latex multi-chromatic jumpsuits, but why do the Basilisks always have to
try to join in? It just gets creepy looking.
Defense modifier – Add +1 to Reflex.
Team Strike – This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever the Underling hits with this attack on its
turn, up to one other adjacent Underling may make a Basic attack as a free action.
Delta Attack Formation – (Standard, Encounter) Requirement: At least 2 other Underlings must be adjacent to this one. Target: This
Underling, and one other adjacent ally of its choice. Effect: Each target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of their next
turn, as well as Temporary Hit Points equal to their level + 5.

JPEG Artifact
(Brute Prototyping)
Why. Just… why. What went through your head to make you think that throwing in a SBaHJ comic
would somehow improve your sprite? You can’t get a straight answer out of your supposedly
knowledgeable guide now! At least you can get a good laugh watching all these Imps fall down
all these stairs.
Defense modifier - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Reflex.
Glitch-kind - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target
is pushed one square on a hit. The Underling has a -1 penalty to the attack roll and takes 2 HP of damage, however.
Attack Ruse Distaction – (Encounter; Standard) Effect: This Underling charges a target with a +2 bonus to speed and then makes a
normal melee attack, albeit modified as normal by the effects of Glitch-kind above. If the attack hits, this Underling gains partial
concealment until the end of this Underling’s next turn.
Power Word: STAIRS - When this Underling is adjacent to or on a set of stairs, they immediately fall prone and slide until they are off the
stairs in question.

A Goddamn Dragon
(Brute Prototyping)
I guess you just want to end your life as a crispy fried fuckup, don’t you? Underlings
everywhere are now breathing fire all over everything you ever held dear, all while hoarding as
much as they can, whether it’s valuable or not. I hope you’re happy with yourself.
Defense modifiers - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Reflex.
Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 additional HP for each level it has.
Burning Breath – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling possesses. The attack deals 1d8 extra fire damage, and a hit
target takes Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Dragon Wings - (At-Will, Move) Effect: This Underling gains a Fly speed of 6 until the end of its next turn.
King Under The Mountain - (Encounter, Standard action). Close Burst 2. Effect: All squares in the Burst become Difficult terrain. Any
creatures within the burst take Ongoing 3 fire damage.

Super Saiyan
(Brute Prototyping)
You went and actually prototyped one of 'the animes' with the Kernelsprite, didn't you? We were
all joking about that one, actually...
Defense modifiers - +2 to Fortitude and -1 from AC.
Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 more HP for each level it has.
Burning Fists – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling possesses. The attack deals 1d8 extra damage, and a hit target
takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Ki Fireball - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d8 + level fire damage, and the
target is knocked prone.
Increase Power Level - (Encounter, Standard action). Effect: The Underling gains Resist 10 until the end of its next turn. The next attack
that it makes gains a +1d8 bonus to damage, and dazes the target on a hit.

Heavy Metal
(Brute Prototyping)
For whatever ridiculous reason, somebody thought it would be clever to put a copy of the latest
Iron Warrior album into one of the Kernelsprites. Now your Underlings, while admittedly a whole
lot more kick-ass than before, are beginning to get to you with their constant boozing and
horrendously loud music.
Defense modifiers - +2 to Fortitude and -1 from AC.
Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 more HP for each level it has.
Axekind - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d6 extra lightning damage when it
hits, and the target is also dazed until the end of its next turn.
Mosh Pit - Whenever a chain of at least 3 Underlings with this template are adjacent to each other, they all gain the benefits of an Aura 1
centered on each of them. Any enemy that shifts into or out of the aura takes thunder damage equal to the Underlings Level + 1 (only
triggers once per move).
Pyrotechnics - (Immediate Reaction, Encounter) Trigger: when reduced to 0 HP. Close burst 1. Target: Each enemy in burst. Attack: Level
+ 2 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of its next turn.

Combat Android
(Brute Prototyping)
A transforming alien robot eighteen-wheeler with a gruff yet fatherly voice would make for a
great Sprite Guide, you figured. Well, it also makes for some lousy-tough heavy metal Ogres,
Defense modifiers - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Reflex.
Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 additional HP for each level it has.
Smashing Fists - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d6 extra lightning damage
and the target is knocked prone on a hit. The Underling has a -1 penalty to the attack roll, however.
Laser-Eyes - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d10 + level lightning damage.

Medieval Warrior
(Brute Prototyping)
With all of those Roman Legionnaires and Brick-block Knights you had lying around, you never
thought 'Gee it would be fun to have to fight all of these for real some day'. Well, that's not
exactly what is happening, but getting mauled in the head by a Knight Ogre with a giant mace is
just about as close as you're going to get.
Defense modifiers - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Will.
Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 additional HP for each level it has.
Medieval-kind - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a hit the
attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target is pushed 1 space. The Underling has a -1 penalty to the attack roll, however.
Warrior's Charge – (Encounter; Standard) Effect: This Underling charges a target with a +2 bonus to speed and then makes a normal
melee attack, albeit modified as normal by the effects of Medieval-kind above. If the attack hits the target is also dazed until the end of this
Underlings next turn.

Fat, Nasty Trash

(Soldier Prototyping)
When you absentmindedly tossed that candy wrapper into your Kernelsprite, it left you with a
guide that was missing a few marbles. Nevertheless, it may have been a blessing in disguise,
because these Underlings are complete trash. You just gotta properly hit them through all the
garbage covering them first, which is the real challenge.
Defense modifier - Add +2 to AC, -2 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 more HP per level.
Landfill – This Underling can ignore the effects of Difficult and Hazardous terrain.
Plastic Screen - (Immediate Interrupt - Encounter) Trigger: A creature makes a successful attack roll against this Underling: The attack fails
and the Underling gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of its next turn.
Gunk Shot - (At-will, Standard action) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 4 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8 + level acid damage, and
the target is weakened (save ends).

(Soldier Prototyping)
Through some sort of ill-advised time shenanigans you have managed to get your own visage, or
that of a close loved one, on the prototyped Underlings. This would be just weird and not so
inherently bad, were it not for the fact that now all of the creatures seem to be able to
predict your every move with uncanny ability…
Attack and Defense modifiers – When adjacent to the designated prototyped player, this Underling gets +1 to all attacks and all defenses.
Denying Attack – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. On a hit, the target of the attack is incapable of
using an At-Will Aggrievement of the GM’s choice until the end of their next turn.
Can’t Run From Myself – (At-will, Immediate Reaction) Trigger: The adjacent designated prototyped player shifts, teleports, moves, slides,
or flies. Effect: This Underling immediately duplicates the movement mode and speed of the player and must end this movement adjacent
to the triggering player.

Army Men
(Soldier Prototyping)
You gave the Imps a Prototyping of loyalty and discipline, along with actual weapons to use
against you. How considerate! Well, at the very least they now have a curious tendency to want
to stand in neat little rows.
Defense modifiers - Add +1 to AC.
Entrenching Equipment - The Underling gains a skill modifier equal to it's Level + 6 to Athletics.
Squad Formation - If at least two Underling allies are adjacent to it, this Underling gains +1 to all defenses.
Plastic Carbine - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 15, Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10 + level fire damage, and
the target is marked by this Underling until the end of its next turn.

Weapon Master
(Soldier Prototyping)
A cheap piece of shit katana or bo staff is a legitimate upgrade in the fighting power of the
Underlings. Weirdly though, every single Imp you fight now thinks that it is a wizened Ancient
Master fresh off the mountain, somehow.
Defense modifier - Add +1 to AC.
Harsh Tutelage - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack may now be used as an Immediate
Interrupt, triggered when an enemy shifts out of a space adjacent to the Underling. It also gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls with this Basic

Divine Masterstroke - (Standard; Encounter) Melee 1. Target: One adjacent enemy. Attack: Level + 7 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6 + Level damage,
and the target is marked by the Underling until the end of its next turn.

Sharp Pointy Objects

(Artillery Prototyping)
Tossing a whole pile of throwing stars into your sprite out of terror wasn’t a wise idea for a
few reasons. The easiest one to note is that now you have to do battle with spiky imps that
keep shooting spines at you when you least expect it.
Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Spike Shield - (At-will; Immediate Reaction) Trigger: The Underling is hit by an attack. Effect: The triggering enemy takes damage equal to
this Underling’s level + 5. Special: This Underling cannot use its Standard Action next turn.
Spiny Burst - (Encounter, Standard Action) Blast 3. Target: All creatures in range. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d10 + level damage.

(Artillery Prototyping)
Tossing in an action figure of Captain Kirk may or may not have been a good idea. You now have
to deal with all these Liches attempting shitty drop kicks and karate chops before having the
sense to use the phasers they were prototyped with. At least you don’t have to be a participant
to the Gorn fight…
Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Drop Kick - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the
Underling is knocked prone.
Phaser Blast - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d10 + level fire damage.

Wytch-Majjyk Spellecraft
(Artillery Prototyping)
Your meddling with fictional magic items, such as fortune telling balls, shitty wands, and/or
magician statues, has produced Underlings that actually wield defictionalized magical energy
(and wear colorful robes as well, naturally). Call their implements 'Science Wands' all you
want, but prepare for a painful introduction to the ways of the Arcane as punishment for your
Kernelsprite tinkering.
Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 more HP per level.
Movement bonus - The Underling may Hover above the ground as it moves. It has a fly speed of 4, but must end its movement over a flat
surface or it falls.
Esotera of Annihilation - (At-will; Standard) Ranged 20, Burst 1. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6 +
level + 2 necrotic damage.
Dread Word of Unraveling - (Encounter; Standard) Ranged 20. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The
target takes ongoing 10 necrotic damage and is dazed (save ends both). Miss: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage and is slowed
(save ends both).

(Artillery Prototyping)
Basilisks with oversized craniums and bioelectric sparks shooting out of their eyes sounds like
a great idea, and you should congratulate whoever came up with it. Right after you manage to
not die fighting these psionically-gifted freaks off, that is.
Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Mental Assault - (At-will, Standard action) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. Will. Hit: 1d12 + level + 2
psychic damage.
Psionic Shield - (Encounter; Immediate Interrupt) Trigger: The Underling is hit by an attack. The Underling gains a +2 bonus to defenses
against the triggering attack.

Elemental Form
(Artillery Prototyping)
A prototyping that grants the Underlings access to a dangerously volatile harnessed element
can't be all bad, right? Wrong.
Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Elemental Aura - (Aura 1) Any creature that is not another Underling that starts its turn within the aura takes damage equal to this
Underlings level + 1.
Elemental Blast - (At-Will, Standard action) Ranged 15, Burst 1 within range. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 1d8 + level + 2 damage. The damage type should be appropriate to the specific kind of prototyping.

Sexual Anatomy
(Lurker Prototyping)
Look, this is a family game. We’re not describing this. Pervert.
Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.

Writhing Flagellum - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. On a hit, the target of the attack is
incapable of ending its turn adjacent to this Underling until the end of the Underling’s next turn. If the target starts its turn adjacent to this
Underling, they take a -2 penalty to their next attack roll.
*CENSORED* – (Encounter; Standard action) Ranged 5. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is stunned until the end of the
Underlings next turn.

Unthinkable Mistake
(Lurker Prototyping)
Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 4 HP, as well as having -4 fewer HP per level.
Unspeakable Sight - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever the Underling hits a target
granting combat advantage, the target is blinded (save ends).
Induce Vomiting - (Standard, Encounter) Close Burst 1. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target is
weakened and immobilized. Effect: The Underling may spend a Minor action to instead make each target in the burst stunned.

Predatorial Alien Monster

(Lurker Prototyping)
Why on earth you would prototype the Kernelsprite with a ravenous alien brood creature from
fiction is anyone's guess, and the results are predictably horrifying. Watch your back…
Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex and Fortitude, and -1 from Will.
Movement bonus - The Underling gains +1 Speed and a Climb Speed equal to it's Level.
Skill bonus - The Underling gains skill modifiers equal to their Level + 7 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.
Health Siphon - Whenever an attack of this Underlings hits a bloodied target or bloodies a target, it regains Hit Points equal to twice its
Rip and Tear - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever it hits an enemy granting it combat
advantage, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Implant Attack - (Standard; Encounter) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6 + level acid damage
and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Masked Avenger
(Lurker Prototyping)
They are Justice. They are Fear. They are the Night... They are Imps! Also, they are a royal
pain in the ass to fight.
Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Skill bonus - The Underlings gain skill modifiers equal to their Level + 6 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.
From the Shadows - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever they hit a target granting combat
advantage to them with this attack, the target takes 1d10 extra damage and the Underling may shift 3 spaces for free.
Utility Belt Malfunction - (Standard, Encounter) Close Burst 1. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The
target is blinded until the end of its next turn. Effect: The Underling may shift 4 spaces and make a Stealth check if it has cover or

Men in Black
(Lurker Prototyping)
Dark sunglasses and black suits and trench coats really tie together the Underlings into an
ominous-looking force clearly devoted to protecting the oblivious citizenry from things they
aren’t yet ready to know. Unfortunately these Ogres don’t seem to have internalized ‘the public
good’ as part of their agenda just yet, and simply use the fancy devices to terrorize.
Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Stealth Field - The Underling gains skill modifiers equal to its Level + 6 to Stealth. It may make a Stealth check even in areas of normal
concealment and cover, so long as they are adjacent to a wall or other solid obstruction.
Teleporty Ball-Thingy – As a move action, the Underling may teleport 1d6 spaces. Roll every time an Underling tries to move with this
method. If the dice result comes up as a one, then the Underling is instead transported 6 spaces, but in a random direction.
Laser Amnesia Gizmo – (At-will; Standard) Melee 1. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is dazed and blinded until the end of the
Underlings next turn.

Ninja Assassin
(Lurker Prototyping)
The only thing that is totally sweeter than being completely owned by a real Ninja is having
your face ripped off by, like, a sly Ninja Lich, man. Radical.
Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude.
Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level.
Skill bonus - The Underlings gain skill modifiers equal to their Level + 6 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.
Ninja Skillz - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever they hit a target granting combat
advantage to them with this attack, the target takes 1d10 extra damage and the Underling is invisible to them until the end of their next turn.
Shuriken Toss - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5, Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6 + level damage and the
Underling may shift 3 spaces and make a Stealth check if it has cover or concealment.

(Controller Prototyping)
These Ogres are bugging you, and not just in the figurative way. Their superfluous twitching
antennae, poorly formed wings and hideous proboscis make your skin crawl. Goddammit, now you’re
stuck with all these insect puns too.
Defense modifier - +1 to Will.
Revolting - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a Hit the target
must make a saving throw or else be immobilized until the end of this Underling’s next turn.
Grossout - (Immediate Reaction - At-will) Trigger: An attack targeting this creature misses: The Underling may not be the target of a power
from the triggering creature until the end of this Underling’s next turn. Effect: This Underling loses its Standard action on its next turn.
Exoskeleton - (Standard; Encounter) Burst 1 within 5 spaces. Target: All Underlings in burst. Effect: All Underlings in burst gain +2 to all

Psychological Horror
(Controller Prototyping)
Whether a former beloved pet that was preserved all wrong, a creepy Horror Movie poster, the
fully realized form of a Horror-Terror or just some disturbing doll visage, this prototyping is
terrifying to behold when it is translated onto the forms of the Underlings. Just your luck.
Defense modifier - +2 to Will.
Skill modifier - The Underling gains a skill modifier equal to their level + 7 to Stealth.
Mind-Rending - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever the attack hits, the target receives a
-2 penalty to all attack and skill rolls until the end of this Underlings next turn.
Fear Itself - (Encounter, Standard) Close blast 3. Target: Each enemy in blast. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: The target is stunned (save

First Guardian
(Controller Prototyping)
This Imp crackles with green lighting and seems to flicker between this reality and an infinite
Other. As you ready yourself for the coming Strife, you begin to wonder just what could have
gone so wrong for Fate to curse you so.
Defense modifier - +1 to AC, Reflex, Fortitude, and Will.
Half-life Strike - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack now targets Fortitude defense, and
on a hit the target takes an additional 1d10 + level poison damage and is teleported 2 spaces in a direction of the Underlings choosing.
Unstable Gate - The Underling gains a movement mode of Teleport 4. Whenever it teleports, it may choose one ally and teleport it 2
spaces as well.
Warping Defense - (At-will; Immediate Interrupt) Trigger: An attack hits or misses this Underling. Effect: The Underling gains +2 to all
defenses against the attack. If the attack is a miss after the defense bonus, then both the Underling and the triggering attacker are
teleported 5 spaces in a direction of the Underling's choice.

Artificial Intelligence
(Controller Prototyping)
Ever since that iPhone got prototyped it’s been a constant struggle just to play the game!
Every Basilisk has a touch-screen displaying a cackling pixelated visage for a face and an
uncanny ability to wage counter-warfare on your Server player.
Defense modifier - +1 to Will.
Comm Disruption – While on the battlefield during Strife, this Underling has a 25% chance of denying any Communication-range powers
used by players not present in the fight.
Server Static – (At-will – Standard) Target: A single server player. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Will. Hit: The server player is dazed and has a -1 to
attacks until the end of their next turn. Special: Only one Underling may make this attack per turn of combat, regardless of how many are
present in the battle that have this prototyping.
Flickering Screens – (Encounter – Close Blast 3) Target: Every creature in blast. Attack: Level +3 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is immobilized
(save ends).

Prankster's Gambit
(Controller Prototyping)
Prototyping the Kernelsprite with a silly item or cartoon animal may have seemed like a good
idea, but after a few battles you may regret the fact that the Imps always seem to come away
with the better Prankster's Exchange in any encounter.
Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex.
Slippery - (Immediate Reaction - Encounter) Trigger: An attack targeting this creature misses. Effect: The Underling may shift one space.
Gag Weapon - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a Hit the target
is unable to make opportunity attacks until the end of this Underling’s next turn.
Hat Trick - (Standard; Encounter) Burst 1 within 5 spaces. Target: All enemies in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is dazed
(save ends).

(Controller Prototyping)
Sweet dreams, you poor fools.
Defense modifier - +1 to Will.
Tangle! - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a Hit the target is
immobilized until the end of this Underlings next turn.

Don't You Want To Be My Buddy? - (At-will, Minor) Close burst 4, Target: One creature in burst. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: Pull the
target up to 2 spaces.
Let the Squiddles Sleep - (Encounter, Standard) Close burst 3, Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Will. Hit: The target
falls unconscious (save ends). Effect: The Underling that used this power falls unconscious (save ends). Whenever a creature affected by
this power takes damage, it may make an immediate saving throw against this effect.

Pop Idol
(Controller Prototyping)
You think that if you have to listen to this teenybopper Best Hits radio rock piece of garbage
one more time, you’re going to claw your ears out.
Defense modifier - +1 to Will.
Stage Lasers – (At-will, Standard) Ranged 10. Target: One creature. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of
its next turn.
Can’t Get This Song Out of My Head! – (Encounter, Standard) Area Burst 2 within 5 spaces, Target: Each enemy in burst. Attack: Level +
2 vs. Will. Hit: The target can’t make opportunity attacks or shift (save ends).

Undersea Creature
(Skirmisher Prototyping)
Tossing in your recently-dead goldfish may have seemed like a great idea in the past for some
reason, but now you’re paying for it by dealing with the nonstop fishy stink and having to
avoid the now-hostile waters, presently being dominated by a whole pile of Basilisks with
brand-new gills.
Defense modifier - +1 Reflex.
Movement bonus - +3 to Speed while in water.
Aqua Jet - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Upon a successful hit, this Underling and the target
are both pushed one square.
Acid Armor - (At-will, Move action) Requirement: This Underling must be in water. Effect: This Underling gains partial concealment, and a
+1 bonus to its attack rolls this turn.
Hydro Pump - (Encounter, Standard action) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6 + level
damage and the target is knocked prone.

Woodland Critter
(Skirmisher Prototyping)
Your Tiny Pony friends (or your pet cat) don't seem quite as friendly when they have the upper
body of a cackling Basilisk. Best to lay your feelings aside and put these mutant freaks out of
their misery as speedily as possible.
Defense modifier - +1 Reflex.
Movement bonus - +2 Speed.
Critter Scamper - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack gains the Effect: You may shift half
of your speed and make this attack at any point during the shift.
How Could You? - (Encounter, Immediate Reaction) Trigger: when reduced to 0 HP. Target: The triggering enemy. Attack: Level + 3 vs.
Will. Hit: The target is immobilized until the end of its next turn.

Brainless Feathery Assholes

(Skirmisher Prototyping)
You suspect fowl play with this prototyping. You aren’t being a chicken, but these imps are now
hard to hit and pretty unpheasant to deal with. You’re constantly battling on a wing and a
prayer when it comes to these guys. In short, this prototyping was clearly for the birds. But
hey, toucan play at this game.
Defense modifier - +1 Reflex.
Movement bonus - The Underling gains a Fly speed (with Hover) equal to their base Speed.
PSHWOOP - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever this Underling lands after flying at least
half of its speed on its turn, then for the rest of its turn this attack gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll and may push the target 1 space on a
successful hit.
he'ss escapping from above!!? - (Encounter, Immediate Reaction) - Trigger: An enemy hits this Underling with an attack. Effect: The
Underling flies its speed, ignoring opportunity attacks during the movement.

(Skirmisher Prototyping)
Oh yes, perfect. Imps flying through walls and giggling to themselves like they think they are
some kind of tricky Slimer. This can only end well.
Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex and Fortitude.
Movement bonus – the Underling gains Phasing with all movement.
Skill bonus – The Underling gains a modifier to Stealth equal to its level + 6.
Ectoplasmic Phasing – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. On a hit, the Underling shifts 4 spaces
and may shift through enemy spaces and walls during the movement (It effectively gains Phasing).
Phase Out – (Encounter – Immediate Reaction) Trigger: The Underling is hit by an attack. Effect: The attack is ignored and the Underling
gains the insubstantial property until the end of its next turn.

Glossary of Terms
A Boondollar
Boondollars are the currency used throughout the Incipisphere. They are
stored in a piggybank-esque container called a Ceramic Porkhollow. For the
Agent purposes of the Homestuck RPG, Boondollars count as a player's
Agents are high-ranking members of one of the two kingdoms in the
experience points.
Incipisphere fighting over Skaia. They have a variety of ranks, with the
Archagent being directly below the King and Queen. They meddle with the
affairs of their kingdom, and are under the command of the kingdom's
respective Queen. Their special status as an agent is denoted by a symbol
on their clothes, usually a simple pentagon. Captchalogue Card
Captchalogue Cards are cards utilized by the Sylladex, which are used to
Alchemiter contain items. They are also labeled with captcha codes and can be
The Alchemiter is one of three devices that can be created by the Sburb punched through the process of Alchemy.
client immediately after installation. Found within the Phernalia Registry,
Cruxite Dowels can be placed on the pedestal where they will be scanned Carapacian
and an object will be created by the Alchemiter using alchemy. An unaltered Carapacians are a species residing in The Medium, namely on the planets
Cruxite dowel appears to create Perfectly Generic Objects while one that is of Prospit and Derse. They are present in every Sburb session, and are
carved by the Totem Lathe will create an item specific to the pattern in which essential to the players' performance in the game. They comprise the
it was carved. Armies of Light and Darkness, and they are reminiscent of chess pieces.

Alchemy Class
Alchemy is the process of using grist, an Alchemiter and a Cruxite Dowel to A Class is an element assigned to a player of Sburb that dictates their role
create new items. It is first used in Sburb to create an item which transports and powers. It is one part of the player titles, the other being the aspect.
the player to the Medium. At the start of the game, using alchemy would There are 14 known titles (though 2 are extremely rare classes that aren’t
require punching a Captchalogue Card using a Punch Designix. This is included… in this edition), each named after a role or occupation of some
done by checking the code on the back of a Captchalogue Card and sort. Whereas aspects describe what primal force a player has access to,
inputting this into the Designix, then placing a card (whether anything is the class defines what the player does to or with it.
stored on the card is irrelevant, though it will make the item irretrievable if
there is one) into it. This will punch the card, which can be placed, along
with a Cruxite Dowel, in a Totem Lathe to carve the Totem. This can now Client Player
finally be placed in the Alchemiter, which will produce the item at the cost of Client players are one of two types of players in Sburb - eventually, every
Grist. In the Homestuck RPG, this process is streamlined and takes place at player will become both. The Client Player is the one whose house is
each new level. viewable and modifiable by the Server Player. The Server Player deploys
various helpful items, but the Client Player is the one who interacts with
them, makes them go, and uses them to enter The Medium.
Angels are large, limbless dragon-like beings with avian wings. Paradox
Space uses them to usher in the end for doomed universes, but they can Cloning Pad
appear in other situations as well. They flock to Hope players, and they are The Cloning Pad is an item from the Phernalia Registry used for the cloning
terrifying in appearance and strength. of frogs, eventually to be utilized to create the Genesis Frog.

Armies of Light and Darkness Consort

The Army of Light, from Prospit, and the Army of Darkness, from Derse, are Consorts are helpful, talkative, unintelligent, but ultimately friendly
armies composed of the Chess piece-theme Carapacians, though both amphibious or reptilian creatures that populate the many Lands of the
armies wield far, far more "pieces" than any single chess board would have, Incipisphere. They often give players advice and quests pertaining to their
due to the Prototyping of the The Battlefield upon which the fighting takes path through the game.
place. Prospit enters the battle to protect Skaia, while Derse covets its
destruction. It is a war which Derse is always destined to win, in order to Cruxite Dowel
provide the Sburb players with an endgame scenario and a final boss. Cruxite Dowels are large cylinders that are dispensed out of a Cruxtruder.
Using it with a Totem Lathe and then scanning the resulting lathed dowel
Aspect with an Alchemiter is an important step in Alchemizing items, as well as
An Aspect is an element assigned to a player of Sburb that dictates their creating a player's Cruxite Artifact.
role and powers. It is one part of the player titles, the other being the class.
There are 12 known aspects, each seemingly a generalized "element" or Cruxite Artifact
concept that could be considered a primal force of reality.
The Cruxite Artifact is an object created by using a specific kind of Cruxite
Dowel with the Alchemiter. Each artifact is unique to the player in question,
Auto-Parry and is "used" by breaking them it some fashion. Breaking these symbols of
Auto-Parry is a Battle technique used to avoid attacks. The way the Auto- departure facilitates player Entry into The Medium.
Parry is performed is handled differently depending on the character. In the
Homestuck RPG, Auto-Parry is a passive trait that a player can elect to use
depending on how they utilize their weaponry.
The Cruxtruder is a large, squat, square device with a wheeled pipe
extending vertically from the middle. Opening up the pipe using a great deal
B of strength or force causes a Kernelsprite to emerge. It later becomes a
source of Cruxite Dowels to be utilized in the process of Alchemy.
The Battlefield
The planet at the center of Skaia is known as The Battlefield, which hosts
the war between the forces of Prospit and Derse. The Battlefield is
portrayed as a chessboard.
Dead Session
A Dead Session is a subtype of a Null Session where there is only one
Black King player. The game is still technically winnable, but it takes on a completely
The Black King is the King of Derse. He rallies his troops on the Battlefield, different form....
and when he obtains the White Scepter, he initiates the Reckoning.
Black Queen Denizens are extremely powerful monstrous being that are responsible for
The Black Queen is the Queen of Derse. She manages all the Kingdom, the Underlings that plague the Lands of the Incipisphere. One exists on
and attends to the various schemes and day-to-day affairs of Derse.

each Land. Denizens begin the game hidden away sleeping, slowly waking Exile
up as the players progress. Defeating a Denizen allows a player to obtain a Exiles are Carapacians that have been exiled from their Incipispheres to live
large amount of grist, necessary to create the Ultimate Alchemy. However, on the post-apocalyptic planets of the game's players, with the purpose of
defeating does not necessarily mean killing or fighting - some denizens are reintroducing civilization to the planet and assisting the Sburb players from
more sphinx-like, and can give players riddles or impossible choices. structures mysteriously connected to the game, left behind on the planet.
Utilizing Homestuck Interface Devices in these structures, the Exiles
Derse suggest (or command, for those with weaker wills) actions to the players,
A kingdom of darkness sworn to Skaia’s destruction. It orbits just past The helping to advance the timeline in the proper direction.
Veil, on the edge of the Incipisphere. It is ruled by the Black King and
Dream Self Fetch Modi
All players of Sburb have Dream Selves, who sleep on the moons of either Fetch Modi are a means of extracting items from one’s Sylladex. They come
Prospit or Derse. These selves wake when a player sleeps (and vice-versa), in many forms, from games, data structures, wallets, and other abstractions.
and can move around Prospit and Derse, visit Skaia, and a do whatever a Each modi provides the owner with a unique way of storing and removing
player may do when they are awake. Dream Selves are self-idealized forms inventory items.
of the players, and may lack physical traits players do not like in
themselves. Dream Selves are somewhat more carefree and whimsical First Guardian
than the players usually are. Some players, specifically those with the Lucid First Guardians are protectors of a planet, and are the first lifeforms to have
Dreamself template, have been aware of their Dream Self their whole life.
existed in their nearly infinite watch over their world. First Guardians
Most players, however, will only become aware of their Dream Self after generally do not exist within or enter the Medium, and are instead guardians
experiencing some sort of traumatic or exciting event, or by inheriting that
of the home planets of the players of Sburb. First Guardians are nearly
body as an “extra life”. This latter process can only be done if a Dream Self omniscient have a great resources of power rivaling that of omnipotency as
is still alive (they are just as mortal as regular selves), and if a dead player
well. White and green-hued, these beings are often merely benevolent
is kissed by another player. They are then revived in their Dream Self, with protectors, but sometimes have their own (or someones) agendas, and
full control over it. However, this body becomes their “real” body, and
some players may come into conflict with them.
players will no longer have control over it when they sleep.

The Forge
Dream Bubble The Forge is a large volcano that exists somewhere on the Land of the Hero
Dream Bubbles are a kind of afterlife glubbed into being by Horrorterrors.
of Space, and most likely was brought into the Medium in the first place
Dream Bubbles are found dotted around the Furthest Ring, provided some through that players’ Entry. It is used in the process of making the Ultimate
force has struck a deal with or convinced the Horrorterrors to do so. Since
Alchemy, amongst other, more mysterious uses.
they are found in the space between sessions and universes, Dream
Bubbles may be shared and accessed by players from different sessions.
Players in Dream Bubbles must be “woken up” and made to realize they are Frog Temple
dead before they can travel among the Bubbles at will. Frog Temples are large amphibian-themed temples that are found within the
Medium, with useful tools and treasures found inside of them. These

E temples are surrounded by smaller pillars and towers that form a working
model of the Incipisphere, showing the approximate relative location of
planets and moons, with the Frog Temple in the middle representing Skaia.
Echeladder Sometimes, these temples can end up near players’ homes via meteor
A rating or leveling system in Sburb that players can climb by completing shenanigans.
quests and defeating enemies, with names like Cool Buckaroo, Sharkbait
Sparkplug, Blowsack Scallawag, Slapstick Debutante, and Revenge of
Bernie Lomax. In the Homestuck RPG, each rung on the Echeladder is The Furthest Ring
represented by each PC level. The Furthest Ring is an infinite, nearly impossible to navigate expanse of
space and time where neither act as they should. The Furthest Ring acts as
the border between all sessions, as well as the home of the Noble Circle of
Ectobiology Horrorterrors and the Dream Bubbles.
Ectobiology is a science that allows the cloning, breeding, and genetic
modification of an organism via appearification. While it is a complex field to
understand, it is easily automated, and an ectobiologist will likely have
several machines at their disposal to practice ectobiology without needing to
understand exactly how the process is performed. Generally, players of Game Discs
Sburb are paradox clones created through ectobiology, and are sent via Game Discs are what allow one to play Sburb. There are two discs for each
meteors from the Medium back to the point of their 'birth' on their home person playing - one that allows them to be a Server Player, and one a
planet. Client Player. All players will fulfill both roles at some point during their
journey - hopefully sooner rather than later.
Ectobiology Apparatus
An Ectobiology Apparatus is a machine used to intentionally appearify Gates
paradox slime for ectobiology and has a tube that is used to contain the A series of portals that connect players to various locations across the
paradox slime from the target. If appearifying something would result in a Incipisphere.
paradox, a green Paradox Ghost Imprint composed of paradox slime would
instead appear. Ectobiology involves using these piles of ghost slime, which
contains their genetic code. The ectobiology equipment analyzes the slime
Genesis Frog
and extracts the genome, which can be used to produce clones or breed Part of the Ultimate Alchemy, the Genesis Frog, when properly bred by the
new creatures if mixed with other samples of ghost slime. players and set to grow in Skaia’s final form, will grow into an entire
Universe. All instances of that universe, including doomed timelines and
other offshoots reside within that Frog.
Entry involves a Sburb player manipulating their Cruxite Artifact so as to
destroy it, thereby transporting themselves and their immediate
God Tier
surroundings into the Medium. It forms an initial test of sorts, which many The God Tiers are a series of the highest levels of power available to
risk failing should they not complete Entry by the time the timer ticking down players of Sburb. Achieving god tier status provides the beneficiary with
on their Cruxtruder reaches zero. The Cruxite Artifact can take on a large godlike power in their respective aspect, channeled through their respective
variety of shapes, often of some sort of symbolic value, but generally class. Reaching the god tiers allows players to level further up even after
representing a means of departure in some abstract sense. Should Entry be reaching the top of their echeladder, which is the limit under normal
failed by the player, they can expect to be utterly destroyed by a hurtling circumstances. the player in question receives Achievement Badges for
meteor. their Kiddie Camper Handysash, gain the ability to fly, and are granted
conditional mortality.

Green Sun fall under the Hammerkind Abstratus. A Kind Abstratus is necessary to
The Green Sun is a giant sun in the middle of the Furthest Ring, nearly utilize weapons.
twice as massive as Earth's universe. There is only one in existence, and it
is the source of the powers of all First Guardians. Knowledge concerning its King’s Scepter
existence is shrouded in mystery. The King's Scepter is a powerful artifact that bestows the forms, powers,
and abilities of every current prototyping in the session, as well as increased
Grimdark size. There are two, wielded by the Kings. The scepter of the White King,
Grimdark is an uncontrollable and horrifying process described as going when used by a Dersite, instigates the Reckoning. Both scepters’ abilities
completely off the deep end in every way. It is caused by prolonged can be used by any Carapacian, but are useless in the hands of other
exposure to Horrorterrors and artifacts associated with them, and can be creatures.
triggered upon startling realizations concerning their motivations. This
process physically causes individuals to develop darkened skin, glowing
eyes and a thorny black aura reminiscent of horrorterror tentacles. Those L
who are Grimdark begin speaking in an incomprehensible language and Lands
behave aggressively. Lands are specialized planets given to each player of Sburb. They generally
encompass unique traits that define the appearance and qualities of the
Grist realm. Each is home to a race of Consorts, a sleeping Denizen, and a
Grist is a range of resources dropped by Underlings and some objects, multitude of Underlings.
which are used by the Server Player to purchase objects from the Phernalia
Registry as well as to expand their Client Player's home, and by the Client
Player through Alchemy to create unimaginably unique and powerful items.
Lotus Time Capsule
In the Homestuck RPG, Grist is symbolized by the Alchemy Points you A Lotus Time Capsule is a device that can be used to temporarily store
accrue at each level. objects and persons outside of the current time stream and thus "send"
them to the future. It features a time countdown and greatly resembles the
Cruxtruder. The countdown indicates how long it will take the capsule to
Guardian bloom and release its contents back into the normal time stream. The
A Guardian is an individual that watches over players in some form, are Capsule is generally located in the Frog Temple.
related to them Ectobiologically, or both. They all singularly raise and
interact with their respective players without outside help for unknown,
possibly coincidental, reasons. Though most Guardians initially appear to be
bland adult characters with no interest or knowledge of the game their
charge is playing, there are numerous hints scattered about that tie them The Medium
into the very origin of the game in each respective universe. The Medium is a mysterious realm which forms the main body of The
Incipisphere, with a kingdom of darkness outside of it relative to the player's

H planets and one of light within it, terminating at The Veil.

Holopad Meteors are rocky bodies from space. In Sburb, they serve many purposes.
The Holopad is an item available in the Phernalia Registry that allows They form the Veil, and often are the sites of the many laboratories that
players to view previews of items they wish to alchemize. It is ordinarily a produce Carapacians for Prospit and Derse. Meteors deliver players to their
late-game addition to a player's Alchemiter. planets after they have been successfully cloned utilizing ectobiology.
Finally, the meteors of the Veil eventually become weapons during the
Horrorterrors Reckoning, which hurtle towards Skaia and are sent through gates back
towards the players' home planet, caused the apocalypse that sends them
Horrorterrors are mysterious, eldritch creatures that reside within the
directly into the game.
Furthest Ring. They whisper to Derse dreamers, during eclipses, passing
along secrets concerning their paths through the game and attempting to
enlist them for various causes. They have an unknown agenda concerning
Sburb, and may be involved in it's propagation.
Null Session
I A Null Session is any session of Sburb that is doomed to failure. A large
amount of all game sessions are actually null sessions - since the game is
essentially a reproductive system for universes, it tends towards
redundancy. There are several forms of Null Sessions, but most result in
The Incipisphere is the dimension that Sburb transports its players to, and
players failing to meet the expected goals of the game before Skaia is
also where the main gameplay takes place. It contains everything within the
game, including Skaia, Derse, Prospit, the Veil, and the various Lands that
orbit the center.
J Paradox Clone
A Paradox Clone is a clone formed through Ectobiology from a Paradox
Ghost Imprint, which is the result of trying and failing to bring someone
Jujus are a variety of magical objects with a complex system of rules
forward in time by using an Appearifier. The person cannot be brought
governing their use. Jujus lack any sort of traceable origin, and some
through time without creating a paradox, and thus becomes a clone. The
believe they simply appear spontaneously out of nothing. Each juju exists
clone ends up going back in time again to become the original target of the
as a single entity across all realities and cannot be copied or permanently
destroyed. a juju always has an owner, and one can only take someone's
juju if the original owner is killed or willingly gives it away.
Paradox Space
K Paradox Space is the reality in which the Homestuck RPG takes place. It is
composed of numerous universes, Sburb sessions, and the Furthest Ring.
Paradox space is so-named due to the temporal paradoxes which help
Kernelsprite propagate its existence. Universes and sessions can be best defined as
A Kernelsprite is a flashing, glowing colored ball that emerges from a "places that have their own chronology", while the Furthest Ring exists
Cruxtruder once its cap has been removed. It constitutes the unprototyped outside the domain of any universe and lacks a stabilized spacetime.
Sprite, which eventually will provide the player attached to it with guidance
and protection during the early moments of Sburb. Throwing an item into it
Prototypes it.
Phernalia Registry
The Phernalia Registry is a compilation of items available to server players
to place within the homes of their client players. They items are generally
Kind Abstratus bulky machines that facilitate processes such as Alchemy. Some items that
A Kind Abstratus is a family of weapons that all correspond to the same type are located within the Registry are the Alchemiter, the Totem Lathe, the
under the Strife Deck. For instance, a claw hammer and a warhammer both Cruxtruder, the Holopad, and the Punch Designix.

Prospit allowing a second chance for players who saw failure in their future.
A kingdom of light sworn to Skaia’s protection. It orbits just within Skaia, with However, the players will have no memory of their previous failed attempt,
it's moon grazing the tops of Skaia's clouds. It is ruled by the White King and in many cases, their Guardians will instead take their place as the
and Queen. individuals to succeed in bringing about a new universe.

Prototyping Scratch Construct

Prototyping is the process wherein an object is thrown into a Kernelsprite, The Scratch Construct is a structure provided by the Medium that
forming a Sprite that has the qualities of the object that was thrown in. constitutes a sort of 'panic button', allowing players to trigger the Scratch.
These qualities are also transferred to many of the Underlings throughout The Construct is always located on the Land of a Time player, and it derives
the Medium, and affect the Queen’s Ring and the King’s Scepter, but only it's design from it's Land's environment. It is unknown if a post-Scratch
as long as the prototyping is done before the respective player Enters the session bears a Scratch Construct of its own, with this detail depending on
Medium. Subsequent prototypings after Entry grants the Sprite increased more esoteric traits of the session as a whole.
complexity, however.
Pumpkin A Sendificator is a matter transporter device. It teleports an object from the
What pumpkin? platform near it to another point in space and time.

Punch Designix
The Punch Designix is an item found in the Phernalia Registry. It facilitates
Server Player
the punching of captchalogue cards, transforming them into punched cards, Server Players are one of two types of players in Sburb - eventually, every
player will become both. The Server Player views the Client Player’s house,
which are then used in the process of Alchemy. Punched cards no longer
can function as captchalogue cards, but the information for the item is now modifies the house, and deploys a variety of helpful items for the Client
Player to interact with.
preserved and can be used to duplicate it or combine it with other cards.

Q The Seven Gates

The Seven Gates are a series of gates located above a player's house once
they enter The Medium. The first gate leads to a location on the player's
Quest Bed
designated planet, the second leading to the player's server's house on their
A Quest Bed is a powerful bed that allows a player to ascend to the God
planet, the third further into the server's planet, fourth on to the server's
Tiers. Each player has a Quest Bed on their planet, as well as a backup
server's house, and so on. If a player attempts to go through a gate leading
Sacrificial Slab within the core of their dreamer's moon. If a player still has a
to the planet of a player who has not yet entered, the gate skips that planet
living dream self, they may die on their Quest Bed and ascend, taking over
and goes to the next. While they may be called the Seven Gates, the
their Dream Self and becoming God Tier. In the event that their dream self
number may vary wildly depending on the number of players in a session.
is dead, a player may instead die on their Sacrificial Slab and be reborn
Each Land will have two gates, with one leading deeper into the Land and
their as a God Tier. Either way, both structures are difficult to find and often
the other leading to the next Land in server order.
require a significant effort to reach.

Queen's Ring Skaia

Skaia is the world that the players of Sburb must build toward in order to win
The Queen's Ring is an artifact that bestows the forms, powers, and abilities
the game. It is a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. It resides
of every current prototyping in the session. There are two, worn by the
at the core of the Incipisphere, sort of like its "sun". An orbiting light planet,
Queens, though they can be worn and used by any Carapacian. If worn by
Prospit, is charged with its defense, while the distant dark planet of Derse
any other creature, the Ring does nothing.
covets its destruction. The Armies of Light and Darkness duel there in a
perfect stalemate until a player prototypes a Kernelsprite. Then, their real
R battle begins, one that Prospit is destined to lose. The planet at the center of
Skaia is known as The Battlefield, which hosts the war between the forces
The Reckoning of Prospit and Derse. The Battlefield is portrayed as a chessboard. As each
The Reckoning is a 24 hour event, where the Black King successfully player prototypes their Kernelsprite, The Battlefield evolves and grows.
acquires the White King's Scepter, causing all the asteroids of The Veil to Once it reaches full maturity, Skaia becomes able to create and grow a new
rocket towards Skaia. Skaia in turn will activate defensive gates, which universe, fulfilling the objective of the game.
transport those hurtling asteroids back to the players’ home planet, causing
the apocalypse that caused them to escape into the game in the first place. Sprite
These gates will not last forever however, and should the players fail to Sprites are the prototyped forms of Kernelsprites. They function as guides
defeat the Black King in that time, Skaia will be destroyed. and protectors to new players, although they can serve other important
functions throughout the game.
Red Miles
The Red Miles are a distinctive attack which can be utilized through the Strife
Black Queen's Ring. It sends out tendrils of energy outwards from the Ring, Strife is the Sburbian term for a battle between two or more participants. In
which travel everywhere destroying buildings, living things and even entire the Homestuck RPG, Strifes are Combat Encounters.
universes if improperly utilized.

Strife Deck
Return Node Strife Decks are special inventories which utilize captchalogue cards to
Return Nodes are small gates scattered around the many Lands of The store weapons, making them usable in Strife. Each Strife Deck is contained
Medium, which allow players to return to their homes. with a Strife Specibus and a character with multiple Strife Specibi will store
them within a Strife Portfolio. In order for an artifact to be allocated to a
S Strife Deck, it must be the same kind of item as the character's chosen Kind
Abstratus, and there must be a free Captchalogue Card in the Strife Deck.
Sburb is the human name for a sandbox style video game which allows for Sylladex
the propagation of new universes. Sets of players form a session, where The Sylladex is the inventory system in Sburb. Most player-controlled
they battle against forces of darkness to create a universe tailor-made for characters have a Sylladex to store and retrieve artifacts from, which
themselves, where they can live in it as gods. It goes by many names and consists of two decks of cards: the Captchalogue Deck and the Strife Deck.
exists outside of standard chronology, resulting in players being The use of the Decks is not obligatory, it is merely a common way of
predetermined to play. For more information, see the entire book. carrying a lot of different items at once. These cards have codes on their
backs that can be entered on the Punch Designix to create a punched card.
The Scratch
The Scratch is a “reset” for the game. It requires the use of the Scratch
Construct, and some sort of very rare and powerful object, often obtained
from Denizens, to activate it. Invoking a Scratch resets the entire universe,

Totem Lathe
The Totem Lathe is an item found in the Phernalia Registry. It is used to
carve Cruxite Dowels, allowing them to be scanned by an Alchemiter,
facilitating Alchemy.

A Transportalizer is a pedestal-shaped device used to transport people and
objects to other places.

A Transmaterializer is a device which can transport objects across different
instances of the same Universe, functioning as both a Sendificator and
Appearifier. This function comes at the cost of quite a bit of Uranium,
making it somewhat cumbersome to use.

Trickster Mode
Trickster Mode is a powerful powerup that that is temporarily acquired
through the use of unusual jujus. Individuals in Trickster Mode become
disturbingly cheerful and have access to powers that alter reality in a surreal

The Ultimate Alchemy
The Ultimate Alchemy is another term for the process used to create a new
universe and obtain the Ultimate Reward.

The Ultimate Reward

The Ultimate Reward is the end goal in the game of Sburb - the creation of
a brand new universe, to the players’ design, where they may enter and live
as gods.

Underlings are monsters created by the Denizens, and often under the
control of Dersite Agents. Underlings comprise the bulk of the enemies
encountered on player’s planets.

Void Session
A subtype of Null Session where no sprites are prototyped before Entering
the Medium. All Consorts have died long before the players arrive, players
are now known as Nobles, and all Underlings are extremely durable
skeletons that drop almost no grist. The Battlefield does not reach its final
form, so the game cannot be won. Disregarding extraordinary
circumstances, players of a Void Session are doomed to spend the rest of
their life in this session.

White King
The White King is the King of Prospit. He rallies his troops on the Battlefield,
and is destined to lose his White Scepter, whether through theft, capture, or

White Queen
The White Queen is the Queen of Prospit. She manages all the Kingdom,
and attends to the various dealings and day-to-day affairs of Prospit.


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