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Travel Setbacks

Personal, physical and natural occurrences on the road.

Many things can happen on the road, are you prepared?

Writer: James John
Twitter: @GravityFail87
Play-testers: Eugene & Springfield Dungeons There are many things that can happen
and Dragons group. on the road, from pirates, mercenaries,
traveling troupe, and wild animals. In this
documents are the occurrences that are
not innately combat oriented with optional
activities that a group can perform while
traveling and your DM may choose to reward
for participation in.
Outside the physical dangers of other
creatures there are the dangers of nature,
human error and the slow creep of isolation
on the mind. It is important to keep these
elements as frequent as your players can
handle, or as viscous as you would like them
to be. Many of the checks and rolls within
this document are low due to the number of
times that a party should be making these
checks. It is not about making a player
Art by WOTC free resources. fail, but failure happens even to the best
of us when we are under constant stress
Was this helmet a remnant from a battle out in the
I hope you enjoy some of the notes
forests, or was it simply left behind as the party had
and tables I have used from my own home
to hastily evacuate their campsite. Do you follow the
games and figure out a method to integrate
finders-keepers mindset, or will you try and return
them into your own home games. These
this helmet? are merely suggestions and a starting point
for you to create your own hindrances and
challenges on the road.

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Table of Contents
Travel pg. 3
Travel setbacks table pg. 3
Mental Setbacks pg. 4
Mental setbacks table pg.4
Inclement Weather Conditions pg. 5
Inclement Weather Conditions Table pg. 5
Local Lore pg. 6
Local Lore Table pg. 6
Hobby Checks pg. 7
Hobby Checks Table pg. 7
The Bizarre pg. 8
Meteor pg. 8
The Awakened pg. 8
Saucer pg. 8
Statuette pg. 9
Birthing pg. 9
Ringing pg. 10
Cursed Icosahedron pg. 10
Jabbering Blade pg. 11
Related Material pg. 12
Natural Features Table pg. 12
Ghost Perception pg. 13
Injuries pg. 14
Items pg. 15
Cell Phone pg. 15
Cursed Icosahedron pg. 15
Cursed Icosahedron Table pg. 16
Cursed Spear pg. 17
Jabbering Blade pg. 17
Pure Water pg. 17
Snow Glasses pg. 17
End pg. 18
Contact pg. 18
Other Works pg. 18

Page 2
While traveling from one point to another
there can be a plethora of unseer events
that can set you back. These small events
don’t have to deter you from your journey,
but sure as hell are annoying when you
are not properly prepared for these small
I would suggest rolling random
occurrences or picking multiple features
for your players to have to play through.
Combining a drought-like condition with
thunderstorms can create a deadly wildfire,
or strong snow and winds will cause
potential snow blindness and make passage
Personal Setbacks Table
D10 Setback
1 You smell, you are to the point where others are having a hard time of not mentioning your
odor, and even the stickiness is beginning to ruin your mood unless you shower soon your
odor will ruin your stealth, and comfort you must make a Constitution save when trying to
sleep to try and fall asleep, on failure you get no rest and suffer one level of Exhaustion.
2 While donning your armor you notice part of it is torn, or broken. Unless you can mend it
the armor may break during combat. DC to repair with tools is equal to AC, and if you take
a critical hit your armor is broken and you do not get the AC bonus. (Additional crits per
+1. I.e. a +3 armor needs 4 crits to break.)
3 You stub your toe or twist your ankle to the point of a severe setback, your movement
speed is halved until you take another long rest (healing does not fix this, only a medicine
check DC15 will help restore your speed)
4 All your food is spoiled and you need to find new food or suffer Exhaustion each day you
do not eat.
5 Foraged food, or water you collected was tainted and you need to make a DC 17 constitu-
tion check; on failure you have a lingering sickness that through one method or another
causes you to become dehydrated requiring you to drink twice the amount of water per
day for 2d4 days.
6 Unless your gear was secured the night before a long rest, you forget one random item in
your inventory during clean up of your campsite. (up to DM if the item is still there when
you return to look for it. If it’s shiny a raccoon or crow may have taken it).
7 Nothing happens
8 One item of clothing or tool breaks or tears (shoes, pants, shirt, hammer, or even a tool
kit). This can either slow your movement by 5ft a turn, or gets rid of protection from the
elements and makes you susceptible to the elements needing to make a DC13 Constitution
saving throw each hour in inclement weather.
9 Your back hurts from poor sleep, all strength checks for the next 24 hours have disadvan-
tage. You can mend this with at least 1 hour of stretching and yoga will cut your healing
time in half by 12 hours. During this time any critical failure in Strength checks will pull a
muscle in your back and reduce your speed to 5 ft. per turn. Until you can rest for a full
24 hours.
10 A wild animal poops on your or your gear. Until you can wash yourself or the gear off you
smell like dung.
Page 3
Mental Setbacks
With these checks you do not have to tell the play-
ers what they are afflicted by but instead describe to
them what they feel and see. Let them believe that
what they hear, see and feel is real. Additionally make
sure to treat these with care and don’t use them if the
players wish for them not to be used.
Mental setbacks should come from the iso-
lation and natural effects of traveling in isolation on
a journey, even if the party has good report the lack
of conversation and creature comforts can lead any
member of the party to have difficulty traveling on
the road. These are a few starting setbacks for your
players, but I encourage you to push your players into
conversation with each other and role playing while
traveling on the road (no one travels in silence for
100 miles).

Mental Setbacks Table

D8 Setbacks
1 Minor madness. DC 13 Wisdom Saving throw, on a failure you begin to hear the whispers
of distant voices behind trees, or corners. You doubt your perception checks. Talking
with your peers for hours and sharing stores will mediate this minor madness.
2 Bad Food. You ate some bad food, DC 15 Wisdom save as you struggle to distinguish
visual hallucinations from reality. You see shadows move, and random spots of light
where there should be none. It feels like you are constantly being watched.

3 Restlessness. The urge to move and do something spurs you to create, or find
something in the local area. You need to do anything, until then you cannot sleep and
will have disadvantage on the constitution save if you stay awake all night.

4 Irritable. The lack of creature comforts makes you irritable and easily agitated. You
may physically attack or berate an ally even if they are trying to help you.

5 Desire for a vice. The long time without a drink, or other creature comfort leads you to
hunt out anything in the local area that will scratch that itch.
6 Itchy. DC 13 intelligence saving throw, on a failure you feel like there are small bugs
crawling all over your body causing you to twitch and jitter all your dexterity checks
are made with disadvantage until you can shower, or get your mind off your phantom
7 Nothing happens.
8 Sadness. Make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, on a failure Sadness sets in, we all
have moments of sadness for no reason. While saddened you have disadvantage
on wisdom checks and saves. Talking with your peers and sharing stories will help
alleviate your sadness symptoms.
Additional mental effects. While on the road may result in cannibalism (if food runs out
for a series of days), Personal Isolation from the group (wandering off from the party), or
even purposefully setting the party back from anxiety around the upcoming journey. Please
talk with your players first and include them in some of these decisions.

Page 4
Inclement weather conditions
These should be rolled when trying to change the feeling of your journey or increase the
natural world around. Pick the most likely weather for your setting or roll randomly to
decide, you can use multiple features to push your players to use their skills in battle
and combat to avoid the forces of nature.

Weather Conditions Table

D10 Weather Conditions
1 Moderate Rain. This rain can lead to muddy roads and paths becoming flooded requiring
the party to either make an alternative route or wait for the path to clear.
2 Excessively Hot. The temperature has risen to an unusual heat and anyone wearing metal
armor may take 1d4 hp of damage per hour while in the sun. Additionally, everyone must
drink more water, if they don’t they must roll a DC 13 Constitution save or suffer one level
of Exhaustion.
3 Drought. This area that the party is traveling through is easily susceptible of fire, if
the party lights a campfire, or uses fire spells increases the likeness of setting the
surrounding area on fire is extremely high (even if not directly attacking the location).
Each time a spell or campfire is set there is a 75% chance of fire. A random area within
30 feet of the source of fire will set a 10 ft. square on fire and spread an additional 10 feet
on each side each turn until put out.
4 Limited Resources. The local area has limited resources due to poor growth from the last
year. Edible plants and animals are scarce and require a DC 20 survival check to find any
useful resources outside firewood. If resources are found there is only enough food and
water for one person.
5 Moderate Snow. It begins to snow and over the course of an hour there is already a
few inches of snow. If the party does not have proper attire they will need to make an
additional Constitution save before sleeping or suffer from one level of exhaustion.
(Huddling together and having ample firewood can prevent these effects).
6 Heavy Rain. Movement speed is halved and any vehicles traveling on dirt roads will get
stuck along the path. Heavy pools of water settle along the side of the road and party
members may suffer negative effects from the cold rain. Each hour they are in the rain,
wet and not covered forces the players to make DC 13 Constitution saving throws, on
failure the creature suffers from an illness that causes disorientation (disadvantage on
attack rolls) and one level of exhaustion for 1d4 days unless properly treated (up to DM).
7 Heavy Mist. A thick fog and mist has obscured your path not allowing you to see further
than 5 ft in front of you, even a source of bright light only increases your view by another
5 feet. A member of the party must make a DC 20 survival check while traversing this
area to maintain course; on a failure the party veers off course and loses a half day of
travel... If the party notices.
8 High Wind. Powerful winds sweep through the area that slow your speed of travel by
5 ft per turn. Ranged attacks have a chance of being diverted. Ranged attacks have
disadvantage on ranged attacks, or every 10 ft., moves the ranged attack 5ft. In the
direction of the wind.
9 Lighting. While camping when a thunderstorm begins to roll in, a DC 15 nature check will
allow the party to know when the lightning storm will be over head (in 1d4 hours). This
lighting storm acts as a 9th level casting of Call lighting. Any tree or object struck by this
lightning will catch fire, these fires will not spread unless this region is also in a drought.
10 Low Hum. There is a low hum coming from the surrounding hills. This sound has no
source of this hum, but some areas are stronger in this sound then others. If the players
search out this sound it will only lead them in circles.
Page 5
Local Lore
Each area you go to you most likely have created lore and special areas for your players
to acknowledge and play through. Use these prompts to inspire your own local lore to
entice your players off the beaten path and toward a small treasure or natural discovery.

Local Lore Table

1D10 Lore
1 Treasure. Performing a DC 13 history check, one party member remembers a tale
about the local area and remembers there being hidden treasures in the local
area. If the party wants to search out this treasure there will be 3d4 skeletons
and at least 1 pit trap in a simple cave that protect a treasure chest with 2d8x100
silver, 1d4x10 (50gp) gems, 2d6x100 gold, and one item from table A in the DMG.
2 Cursed Spear. While completing a Survival check in the area one party member
finds a spearhead. This spear head is a cursed item that as long as it is in the
possession of the person holding it, they will not want to part with it and have
terrible dreams of killing their other party members. Each night while dreaming
they need to make a DC13 Wisdom saving throw; on a failure they are compelled
to attack one party member thinking that only their death will stop these dreams
(the spear has no additional benefits).
3 Geology. In the surrounding area there is a rare geological feature, (painted hills,
singing wind valley, geysers, etc) the area itself also has a small monetary fea-
ture.*(Related Material)
4 Random Creature. A rare creature has been seen in the local area. This creature
would fetch a high price dead or alive. (Pick a random creature from MM)
5 Magic Stones. At the top of a ridge off the path your players can see a circle of
stones. The innate magic of this location can be felt by the party, if the party stays
till nightfall they will stumble upon a Fey wedding party that is completing their
celebration at these magical stones as they return to the Feywild.
6 Ghost. A local ghost has been known to haunt the woods, it cries and screams
keeping all who try to pass away. It will run away from the party if they attack,
but will defend itself until it can get away. *(Ghost Perception).
7 A Hand. A sentient crawling claw will wander into your camp. It will try to get
your attention to lead you to a loosely buried body. It will use a series of taps and
single hand gestures to bring you to its body so that it may lay to rest with its host
corpse. You will be able to see that the soil above the corpse is stretched as the
claw had attempted to dig into the soil, but proved too hard to complete on its own
(corpse has a silvered sword).
8 Naked Bard. A traveling bard is trodding along the road with no clothes and no
gear aside from a walking stick and scraps of cloth they were able to steal along
the way. This bard knows of an additional local lore point. They lost all their pos-
sessions gambling and heading home. They will be forever in your debt if you can
grant them some clothes and food.
9 Battlefield. Just a few meters off the path there is a great battle where a local
hero fought an invading force and stood their ground. Some say that if you stand
silent you can still hear the battle cry being sung from the hills themselves. DC 17
investigation check of the area will find old arrowheads protruding from the soil
(limited value, more of a trinket).
10 Gravity Break. There is an area nearby that has a unique magical ability to re-
verse gravity (reverse gravity spell). In this area there are pockets of anti-gravity
that creatures can play in. Typically squirrels and other ground rodents will spend
time playing in these fields and use them to escape enemies.
Page 6
Hobby checks
While traveling your players may want to create items, or work on projects that they
typically would not have time for while actively adventuring. Here are a few activities that
your players may want to perform while traveling. Additionally rewarding your players
to create their own side intentions and hobbies is suggested. When a player is adding
to their character rewarding them with inspiration, or the item itself can spur them to
continue this kind of play.

Hobby Check Table

D8 Hobbies
1 Create a Spell Scroll. Wizards and other spell-casters may want to use their spells
during the day to create an item that can be used to backup their power.
2 Tinker. Use your tinker tools each day to create a simple weapon or customize an
existing object to better suit your needs.
3 Write a Song. Possibly a bard will create a short work or new song that can be played at
a local tavern to gain additional coins.
4 Daily Practice. Practicing maneuvers, or abilities while on the road will allow your
players to stay ready for battle. Adversely you could reward or penalize them for not
staying limber before combat. Not stretching or practicing can cause injuries.
5 Painting. Using the down time to work on a portrait or piece of art that can be sold later.

6 Journaling. Using the down time to write important lore information about what is about
to happen and check notes.
7 Crafting a Disguise. This could be tailoring an outfit, or creating the perfect mask for an
upcoming invasion.
8 Collecting. This could be precious stones, herbs, or plant samples as it pertains to the
players backgrounds.

Additional Suggestions
You may reward the players by allowing them to have advantage on a set period of time
with the skill that they are practicing, below are a few possible suggestions for when you
players practice their hobbies.
Song. Have a player write a song parody, or create a limerick that they may use in battle
and has advantage to distract enemy forces who can hear. Or inspire a tavern to enjoy
the rivalry and drink (tips from the tavern).
Attack. Practicing a trick-shot or series of moves that the player can use in battle and
create a new fighting style that others may want to learn down the road.
Craft a spell. Use the DMG to help the player create a low level spell (cantrip-3rd level)
that is unique to their character and can thus be named after.
Craft a new Hustle. Your character may want to create a new game that they can show
others to gain additional coin on the streets of a city, or in taverns as they challenge and
bet other NPC’s.

Page 7
power core of the ship that is progressively
The Bizarre speeding up and will explode in 1d10
On the road there are many strange and minutes as soon as the party enters the
unique experiences that can happen. area. The explosion will cover a 60 foot
Sometimes there will be events that cre- radius and deal 78(12d12) radiant damage
ate stories no one will believe. These are a to the blast area around.
few example stories that will hopefully not
derail your story, only add to the grander The Awakened
workings of the cosmos and how insignifi- An awakened animal follows your party at
cant your players characters are. a distance and observes them. Once the
awakened animal trusts the party, or finds
The Bizarre Table
it peaceful, it will ask to join their party and
D8 Events ask nonstop questions about the world.
1 Meteor. There is a meteor that crashes Questions
Q: “What are the lights in the evening sky? Why
do they shine?
2 The Awakened. An awakened animal Q: “Where does the Sun go each day?”
follows your party at a distance and
observes them. Q: “Why do you walk on two legs instead of
3 Saucer. A flying saucer flies over head
and abducts a cow from a field then Q: “Why does everything taste like chicken,
flies away. when chicken says everything tastes like food?”
Q: “What sounds do you like?”
4 Statuette. A gold statuette sits in the
middle of the road (Estimated value Q: “What makes you happy?”
5,000 gp).
5 Birthing. On the side of the road there Saucer
is a wagon with a broken wheel. A A flying saucer flies over head and abducts
man is attempting to make repairs but a cow from a field then flies away. 1d4 days
is unable to, inside the party can hear later it drops the cow off in a violent splat of
the screams of a woman in birthing meat on the ground just a few meters away
pangs. from the party.
6 Ringing. In the distance a phone rings. This Saucer is a classic alien space
craft that flies without sound and has a
7 Cursed icosahedron. You find a lime faint prismatic glow around the hull of the
sized D20. ship, that illuminates like a bright star as it
flies away.
8 Jabbering Blade. You find a sentient
When the cow returns you have the
speaking sword stuck into the ground.
option of it being mutilated, or awakened
(The Awakened).
There is a meteor that crashes nearby. If the
party investigates there will be the ruined
remains of a ship, the metal frame buried
halfway into the ground with bits of metal
scattered around the local area. There is the
corpse of 3(2d4) Giph with their gear still
The surrounding area still has bits
of unknown metal that could be fashioned
into a set of armor, this metal is light like
mythril, but strong like adamantine (AC 19).
Additional dangers are the still active
Page 8
Statuette Birthing
A gold statuette sits in the middle of the On the side of the road there is a wagon
road (Estimated value 5,000 gp). If the party with a broken wheel. A man is panicked and
picks it up or interacts with the statuette attempting to make repairs but is unable to,
the day will repeat until they break the inside the party can hear the screams of a
statue and find the scroll on the inside that woman in birthing pangs.
talks about the ritual to banish the statue The Man. He will attempt to placate you
to a different dimension. and have the party leave. His presence is
jittery and does not want you around as
“Bury the statuette, inscribe a special he is hiding a secret. (DC 15 wisdom check
sigil on the ground over it and all the party to perceive through his disguise self, His
members stand equidistant from each true form is a standing squid like creature,
other and chant “groundhogs day is over.” Kraken priest.)
The Woman. She has the stats of a Kraken,
but is not evil. Her power and abilities are
Each day they wake up at the hidden as she is attempting to live a peaceful
beginning of the previous day and find the life near a lake (preferably) with her family.
statuette in the same location, even if they
do not pick it up this statuette will effect Helpful Wanderers
them until they perform the ritual. If the party attempts to help the
Family as they give birth, they will have
I advise murdering the party or setting up to dodge and survive the reflexive flails of
crazy shenanigans on how to murder each a woman giving birth. She will need things
player. to crush and hold onto as she delivers her
While she gives birth she will fling
the party around until an octopus child is
born (taking 1d10 rounds). When the child
is finally just about to be born one of the
players must assist the Man in catching the
baby as they are projected from the mother
during birth.
The first person to hold the baby aside
from the mother or father will be puked on.
If the party helps the Male figure will thank
them and give them a bizarre pearl as they
make their way in the opposite direction of
the party (pearl is a pearl of power).
Run Away
The party is free to run for their lives and
live to fight another day.
If the players choose to attack the mother
and man, then they will fight with the
strength of a Kraken and her priest.
Pearl of power, and 50 (1d10 x 10) gp, 10
(1d4x5) pp, Squid family portrait (25 gp),
humanoid clothes and 3 magical necklaces
that allow the wearer to have a permanent
disguise self spell, two adult sized, one made
for a child (these are programed to look like
the same commoners, you can’t change.)
Page 9
Ringing Cursed Icosahedron
In the distance a there is the sound of a While resting or scavenging for materials for
ringing bell the source is a small box. This the evening camp one party member finds a
box is a flat piece of plastic and metal that small wooden box with random letters and
has a moving image on one side. runes etched into the sides. Inside the box
there is a clear crystal icosahedron (D20),
Phone once a party member touches it the inside
The screen reads “ANONYMOUS becomes a swirling cloud of green and black
CALLER” this phone will ring again and smoke with silver flecks.
again until the players either are out of the
area or pick up the phone. Checks on the Box
The voice on the other side. Says the Arcana (DC 15). The runes on the box are
following: sealing and imprisonment runes commonly
One Sided Conversation used to keep something locked in.
“(Name of player) did you get out… I’m waiting History (DC 15). There is lore around
for you.” (There will be no response to the people finding unique and strange boxes in
characters words). the wilds, or in random locations, that were
cursed. In fact (insert NPC name) once told
“You don’t have to be rude (insert name here), me about their uncle who found a box like
I am just worried. Why wont you talk to me… this and it was both kind of good and bad.
where did you even go, this isn’t like you to Religion (DC 15). There was once an
just up and vanish.” ancient religion that prayed to all forms of
polyhedrons and had their one unique game
“Fine I’ll do this by myself.” and religion based around these shapes.
Religious scholars say that only high priests
Corpse had access to magical polyhedrons that
If the players search the area (DC 13 could change fate.
Survival, or Perception checks) around the Checks on the D20
phone they will find a skeletal body wearing
what appears to be a space suit that has Arcana (DC 20). This is a cursed magical
decayed to the passage of time (unusable) item that has the aura of a trickster deity
there will be a small medallion on the suit that each side must have a different effect
that looks to be a gold star inside a silver when rolled.
pentagon. History Check (DC 20). This icosahedron
Speak with the dead was once owned by a group of travelers
whose story tells that once they came into
If one of your party members has the ability possession of an icosahedron similar to this
to speak with the dead the corpse will have their fates changed and they lost their way.
this as the following information:
• They come from the year 20xx (xx is 15 Religion Check (DC 20). This must be a
years in the future of todays date) magical icosahedron of ancient priests. The
• They where working on a time travel coloration and magical aura coming of the
device (briefcase) and got lost in the far item must be from a trickster deity (Enter
past. Deity from your Pantheon).
• They lived in this world for a number of
years, before losing everything and trying
to go home. Died when the machine
The party can lay this spirit to rest by
burning the remains on a funeral pyre.

Page 10
Jabbering Blade
While resting the party can hear the faint
singing, and talking of someone in the
distance. This weapon will have been left on
the ground, or buried partially in the ground
with its mouth exposed.
This weapon will talk about its magical
abilities and all the marvelous owners it
has had over the years. This weapon only
knows what it has seen and heard since
its creation, it does not have any mystical
knowledge of how to create another form of
itself and largely has been a nuisance to its
previous owners. The weapon itself has a
perpetually cheerful attitude and is an ever
optimist even during the darkest of times.
The weapon has the intelligence, wisdom
and charisma of a commoner.
Checks on the Weapon
Arcana (DC 20). This weapon was not
forged per se, but instead was created
from the baring of one’s soul into a weapon
and having a unique and mystical bond
over years of travel. The weapon itself has
enough material to hold magical energy, but
it does not appear to have been purposefully
crafted for its current purpose.
History (DC 20). There was a warrior
centuries ago who was known for having a
talking weapon (insert relevant NPC or lore
here). The tales of this weapon are that it
was a great boon to the warrior and the two
were great friends even to the warriors dying
day. Personality Types
You may pick whatever personality you want
for the weapon. I suggest having a personality
that the character would actually dislike.
Grumpy. Dislikes everything and everyone.
Sad. Always pining over the loss of their last
Deceitful. Will lie to the party about what it
knows and sees.
Riddles. Speaks in only vague metaphors and
Happy. Nothing can ever make this weapon
sad, and always sees the silver lining.
Indifferent. This weapon does not seem to
care about you or anything going on around it.
Dismissive. The weapon always finds a way to
disregard what you are saying.

Page 11
Related Material
“Painted hills, broken legs, and spectral
ghosts running away from the party
as creatures strive to exist instead of DM to DM
engagement in life threatening combat.” Use these related material at your discretion,
-Rando, the Bard many of these features were used, and
modified during game play. Thunderstorm end
In this section there is related material for early, or fog lifts if the players have convincing
the previous sections. The material within arguments and successful rolls.
is a starting point for additional story
elements. Including geological features,
ghost story telling functions, and possible
injuries on the road.
Natural Features Table
D8 Features
1 Precious Gems. High occurrence of valuable opals. These gems range from 1gp to 50 gp
per stone based on coloration, clarity, and size.
2 Precious Stones. High deposits of building materials (gneiss, slate, and other ore) that
locals may want to know, could be sold for a price.
3 Amber Deposits. Location is well known for having bugs, and other creatures encased
in amber. A collector may buy these at a high price.
4 Pure Water. Water in this area has natural healing abilities, soaking in the water allows
any creature using hit dice to heal max Hit points. Adding this water to a potion allows
you to re-roll half the dice used, and must use new rolls. Water can sell for 5-10 gp per
5 Iron Wood. Location holds a rare tree (iron wood, or other tree) that a single branch can
sell for a hefty price as weaponers and armorers are constantly in search of valuable
6 Fossils. Embedded in the local stone walls there are the protruding remains of fossilized
creatures. The bones may be sold to the right person for an exorbitant fee.
7 Nothing. The special feature is lost, either burned, collapsed or destroyed by local
inhabitants. What was once special is now lost.

8 Tarasque. The bones of an ancient creature (tarasque) are a natural playground for the
flora and fauna that grow on and around these remains. A DC 25 survival check will
allow the party to find a few petrified Tarasque scales, bone or claw fragments. The
magical minerals leached into the local soil has caused the fauna of the area to grow
larger and stronger than others of their same species.

Page 12
Unusually Hot
Ghost perception A long day and cloudless sky has left the area
When trying to find and hunt a ghost it can baked from the days sun, as you investigate
be difficult as they phase in and out of the the area the heat from the ground and
material world, making it hard to perceive. air makes everything uncomfortable. All
Instead of a standard perception check, Roll Constitution based DCs have +1 for living
a D20 as the DM and the player who is within creatures, unless they have fire resistance.
2 points of the D20 roll for a perception
check will be able to see the ghost.
As the night progresses thunderstorm
Example Ghost Perception Check clouds form overhead and streaks of lighting
DM roll: 7 illuminate the surrounding hills, this storm
has left a lingering charge in the air that has
Player#1 rolls: 14 left everything on edge. Ghosts heals 2 hit
Player #2 rolls: 5 points per round until the storm ends.
Player #3 rolls: 21 Exceptionally Cold
Player #4 rolls: 13 Clouds and rain have kept the day an a
mild temperature but as night falls the
Player #2 actually ends up perceiving the
temperature continues to drop and ice has
location of the Ghost instead of the player that
begun to form. Intelligence based DCs have
has the highest perception check. This allows
+1 against all living creatures, unless they
players who are do not have high perception
have cold resistance.
checks to see a ghost.
Trusting your eyes when searching for a
A persistent and heavy rain washes away
ghost, may lead you to your own peril as other the energy and makes every task outside
specters and undead may play tricks on your that much more difficult and bringing a
perceptions. sense of melancholy. All Charisma checks
have a -1 penalty for all creatures.
Death is not the end Humid
Ghosts have unfinished business, The heat and moisture in the air makes
with the above prompt (Local Lore, Ghost) if a thick sheet of humidity every surface
you can not fight and talk to the ghost they leaving it sticky. All Wisdom Saving throw
will tell you about how they died and where DCs have +1 for all living creatures.
their body is held. This ghost will never die, Foggy
only fade away for a day if fought. For you A dense fog rolls onto the fields surrounding
to rid the local area of the ghost you must the sanitarium. This fog functions the same
retrieve the body and give it a proper burial. as the Fog Cloud spell but covers the entire
As long as you deny this ghost’s grounds of the sanitarium and any creatures
request it will play small pranks on you and outside a building will hear whispers and
moan throughout the night making it hard distant chatter. A Banshee lives in this fog
to sleep. (Up to DM to gauge how your party and the echoing screams.
forces themselves to sleep).
Ghosts do not die, instead they lose
enough power to maintain their material Increasing DC
form. While not in combat and traveling their
If a feature hear increases the DC of a creature
local haunt, they will siphon the life force
or areas DC then the Difficulty increases by +1.
from living creatures and the environment
itself. Example. A ghost has a spell-like ability
and the DC for this ability is 15. With these
Ghosts & Weather Environmental changes the DC increases to
Weather, stone, and crystals influence the 16.
amount of paranormal activity in a given
location. To add another layer of difficulty as
your adventurers explores travel the road.

Page 13
Minor Injuries DM to DM
As your adventurers travel they are sus- Only break, sprain and injure your party as
ceptible to small injuries outside of battle. much as they can handle, heck use these
These minor injuries can cause severe features outside of travel as well while
setbacks, if the players do not take care of they are fighting. Let them know that their
their characters. Below are a list of simple characters are not immortal and they can feel
injuries and remedies for these injuries. pain.

Minor Injury Table

1D10 Injuries
1 Sprained Ankle. You lose 10 ft. of movement and making dexterity saves have -2. Moving
at half your travel pace or being able to stay off your feet for a full day will help remedy
this condition.
2 Pulled Muscle. Strength checks have disadvantages and if you pulled a muscle in your
upper back you may have disadvantage on attack rolls as well.
3 Concussion. It’s hard to keep track of time and remember things. Intelligence based
checks are at a disadvantage and you are easily distracted. Bright lights cause you
discomfort and can limit your perception.
4 Sunburn. Your skin burns as you have spent too much time out in the sun and attacks
made against you deal an extra +1 damage as your skin is tender to the touch. Using
healing herbs such as aloe can mitigate these effects.
5 Minor Cuts. These small cuts do not cause any significant damage but can become
infected. Each day that you do not wash these cuts, or travel through mud or disgusting
materials can lead you to get an infection. Each day you must make a DC 13 constitution
save, on a failure you get an infection that reduces your max hit points by 1d6 each day
you have your infection.
6 Dehydration. This can come from being sunburned, not having resources to water
or illness. While dehydrated you must drink twice the amount of water a day and are
suffering from a level of exhaustion. Additionally you become easily stunned and each
time you run or make quick movements you must roll a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw, on failure you are stunned for 1 min.
7 Bug Bites. You get itchy and have small rashes all over your body. You will scratch and
itch periodically as these bug bites flare up throughout the day. (DM can set a draw
back, also 5% chance of getting a deadly illness that reduces your max hp by 1d10 per
day to avoid players must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw.)
8 Broken Blister. Blisters require wraps or bandages applied to the area. Depending on
the area you may have difficulty walking, or even holding a weapon. (severity to up to
9 Broken Bones. Bones can be set with a Medicine check DC 15, and will recover within
a month. Setting the Bone then using Healing magic will expedite the recovery, but
will not heal the bone completely requires 2d4 days of healing to speed. While bone is
broken (arm), cannot use two-handed weapons, and disadvantage on attacks, (legs)
movement is halved and all Dexterity checks are at disadvantage, (Rib) disadvantage
on Constitution checks.
10 Snow Blindness. If the party travels by day through snow then they are susceptible to
developing snow blindness. Unless they can create snow glasses, or cover their eyes
adequately for daytime travel they need to make a DC 13 constitution save each hour
traveled through the snow. Requires a full 8 hours of rest with eyes closed to recover.
Page 14

Cell Phone Cursed Icosahedron

Legendary, wondrous (Cellphone) Legendary, Wondrous, item (dice)
This item alone has no special purpose and This item was created by a trickster demi-
is generally shaped like a small flat rectangle god who thought it funny to pair gains and
made out of metal and other unique setbacks in one item. This magical item
materials. This item has a limited charge brings both benefit and detriment, it is not a
and unless connected to a wireless network sentient being, but can will itself to be rolled
has no ability to call other phones. On the 3 times a day unless a player rolls this dice
phone itself there tends to be a collection one a day. Again it is cursed and will stay
of pictures of food, and a singular person in the possession of its owner requiring a
making a series of duck faces, occasionally 5th level remove curse to separate its hold
there will be a Not safe for work picture on the poor mortal who holds this item.
(NSFW, up to DM). The physical appearance of these cursed
icosahedron’s may vary, but most are opaque
or clear with various pigments. Additionally
this Cursed item will return when thrown or
used as a projectile, if used in combination
with a sling it acts as a +1 ammunition and
is indestructible.

“Some sick deity must have created this

for those pesky rogues who attempt to
steal anything that is not bolted down.”

The DM should keep this list and let the

players know the outcomes as they roll,
once all the numbers have been rolled the
D20 may fade away and you can always
re-roll effects until all numbers have been
(Table Next page)

Page 15
Cursed Icosahedron Table
D20 Effects
1 Shoe laces are tied together
2 A 1lb bag of copper is thrown at you from a random location, DC 13 dexterity saving throw;
on failure you take 4(1d6+1) bludgeoning damage and all the coins scatter in a 10 ft. square.
3 You gain advantage on your next ability score.
4 You lose the ability to use one language, tool, or skill for the next hour.
5 You are unnaturally persuasive for 10 min and others find it interesting to talk to you.
6 A loud random noise plays behind you.
7 You learn one new language and can only speak in that language for the next 10 min.
8 You have gout for 1 min, it is painful to walk and you have disadvantage on dexterity checks
and saving throws.
9 You grow a foot of hair, and it looks magnificent.
10 You lose 5 gp worth of money, where does it go? No one knows.
11 You grow one size larger (effects of enlarge spell) for 1 min.
12 You are invisible, but your gear and clothes do not gain this feature for 1 min.
13 You heal 2d4 hit points, if you are at max hit points this healing becomes temporary hit
points (these do not stack with other temp hit points), effects fade after 24 hours if un-
14 All food and water tastes like your least favorite food for 1 hour.
15 You shrink one size (reduce spell) for 1 minute.
16 Your memory is great for the next 10 minutes (+3 in history checks), but forget all proper
nouns for the duration.
17 A random NPC within the next 48 hours is compelled to tell your character that they are
not that clever.
18 You learn the spell stink cloud, but can only cast it from your but for the next 6 hours then
forget the spell.
19 Only you see the specter of death and they follow you around for the duration of the day,
silently judging you. (Dm can decide if they are helpful or not)
20 For 1 day you have advantage on one death saving throw.

DM to DM
In your games it is up to your discretion to use
chaotic items like this one. Tailor it to your play
style and your parties follies, Id even suggest
creating a D4, D6, D8, D10 or D12 with some of
these features as well.

Page 16
Cursed Spear Snow Glasses
Very rare, Weapon (spear/short sword) Common, gear (glasses)
This magical spear holds a curse that any- An opaque glasses or a visor with small
one who touches it will want to hold into holes cut for vision. These glasses help de-
it. Each night the holder must make a DC fend against snow blindness; however, they
13 Wisdom saving throw; on a failure they
also reduce your perception skills to directly
are compelled to attack one party member what is in front of you. (-3 to passive per-
thinking that murdering them is the only ception, and disadvantage on perception
way to stop their dreams. checks)
To remove the spear requires a remove
curse spell. Without this the holder will do
whatever they can to find, or maintain own- Robes of Comfort
ership of this cursed item. The spear can Very Rare, Wondrous item
deal 1d6 damage and counts as magical,
but has no additional benefits. These robes are made from the finest of
materials and lined with the rarest of fabrics
or Furs. This magical robe will change its
Jabbering Blade scent to accommodate your mood while
Very Rare, Weapon (any)
allowing you to maintain your ideal body
This weapon emits a magical aura and temperature.
counts as magical damage to overcome Only a few skilled tailors and arcanists
resistances. Additionally this is a magi- are able to make this item. These robes offer
cal weapon that anyone within 60 feet can you protection from incredible heat and
hear as it is always talking, even when it is cold. Additionally these Robes will dry you
sheathed it still attempts to talk about reg- off to your preferred dryness.
ular and mundane topics (favorite weather, Once per day these robes will magically
types of clouds and events in its surround- fill a cup with your beverage of choice. The
ings; this is a cursed weapon and you can Robes of Comfort regain this ability at dusk
only remove it with a remove curse spell. .
Some say that this blade was created
as a companion weapon for a lonely war-
rior who traveled the world in search of an
equal, and part of their internal Id was in-
fused into this blade to help save their mind
from the prolonged isolation.
This can be any weapon, the only
unique feature that passes from weapon
to weapon is a singular eye embedded into
the hand guard or the weapon and a mouth
along the back/spine of the weapon.

Pure Water
Rare, Item (Water)
This mystic water can be added to a potion
vial that will allow you to re-roll half the dice
rolled (you must use new rolls), additionally
if drunk by itself it can heal a person 1d4
hit points.

Page 17
Thank you for downloading this document.
I this is just a quick selection of notes from
my home games that I like to use when
players are traveling between locations and
I do not want to include battles or com-
plex maps, instead I like to use these fea-
tures above to implement ideas, toys, and
concepts that require my players to work
through events outside of their control.

Additionally I like to view all my titles and
works as living documents, so if there is an
addition to this you feel is missing or if you
would like to offer or suggest any additions
or what notes I may have on other aspects
of TTRPG’s, please feel free to follow me on:

Twitter: @GravityFail87
Instagram : @GravityFail87

Other works
Check out my crafting guide
Object crafting Guide (5e)

Companion Guide
How To Train Your Companion (5e)

And other titles on and

Page 18

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