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Original Article Ann Clin Biochem 1998; 35: 624-632

Multianalyte serum analysis using mid-infrared spectroscopy

R Anthony Shawl, Steven Kotowich ', Michael Leroux- and Henry H Mantsch!
From the I Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council of Canada, 435 Ellice Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 1Y6, Canada; and the 2Department of Clinical Chemistry, Health Sciences
Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

SUMMARY. This study assesses the potential for using mid-infrared (mid-IR)
spectroscopy of dried serum films as the basis for the simultaneous quantitation of
eight serum analytes: total protein, albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, urea,
creatinine and uric acid. Infrared transmission spectra were acquired for 300 serum
samples, each analysed independently using accepted reference clinical chemical
methods. Quantitation methods were based upon the infrared spectra and reference
analyses for 200 specimens, and the models validated using the remaining 100
samples. Standard errors in the IR-predicted analyte levels (Sy/x) were 2,8 gil (total
protein), 2·2 gil (albumin), 0·23 mmol/L (triglycerides), 0·28 mmol/L (cholesterol),
0-41 mmol/L (glucose) and 1·1 mmol/L for urea, with correlation coefficients (IR vs
reference analyses) of 0·95 or better. The IR method emerged to be less suited for
creatinine (Sy/x = J.lmol/L) and uric acid (Sy]» = 140 J.lmol/L) due to the relatively low
concentrations typical of these analytes.

Additional key phrases: clinical chemistry analyses. urea, glucose, protein. albumin

Recent years have witnessed an explosion in differentiation of leukaemic from normal lym-
analytical applications of infrared (IR) spectro- phoid cells."
scopy. The IR spectral range extends from 780 to The promise of IR-based analysis is instru-
25000nm (I2800cm- 1 to 400cm- l ) and is mentation that can rapidly and simultaneously
commonly subdivided further into regions in- quantitate several constituents without using
cluding the near-IR (4000--12 800 em -I) and mid- specific reagents. In contrast to common enzym-
JR (40Q--4000cm- I ) . The potential of this atic and colorimetric methods, which rely upon
technique has been realized by combining the unique chemical agents to recognize and
ever-improving sensitivity of modern spectro- quantify dissolved species, the method proposed
meters with powerful multivariate quantitation here is founded upon the unique absorption
and classification methods that permit essentially patterns that characterize the analytes them-
all of the relevant information latent in the selves. While previous studies based upon the
spectrum to be usefully extracted. These ad- mid-IR 9 and near-IR lo . 11 spectra of native serum
vances have spurred a number of clinical and have demonstrated promising results, neither
diagnostic applications including the quantita- has been adopted for routine clinical use. This
tion of urine constituents, 1 the differential may be due to the fact that although both have
diagnosis of arthritis based upon the JR shown potential in trials carried out on
spectrum of either synovial fluid? or the residue individual spectrometers, the long-term stability
left upon drying synovial fluid to a film,3.4 and transferability of the methods are unclear.
estimation of faecal fat content.! microspectro- The objective of this work was to evaluate a
scopy of osteonal bone," the IR measurement of new approach to quantitation of serum con-
the lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (an indicator of stituents using mid-IR spectroscopy. Based
foetal lung maturity) in amniotic fluid," and the upon transmission spectroscopy of dried serum
films, this approach eliminates the very strong
water absorptions that otherwise complicate
Issued as NRCC publication No. 3479\.
Correspondence: R Anthony Shaw. transmission mid-IR measurements for native
E-mail: serum. The potential of the method was assessed

Infrared serum analysis 625

by developing optimal quantitation models for compensated for by adding equal amounts of
eight serum analytes; total protein, albumin, this ion to all of the serum samples, and
triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, urea, creati- subsequently normalizing all of the spectra to
nine and uric acid. The accuracy of the predicted equal intensities for the SCN- absorption at
concentrations confirmed the suitability of the 2060cm- l .
method for the simultaneous determination of Prior to measuring the infrared spectrum,
six (total protein, albumin, triglycerides, choles- I mL of serum was diluted with an equal volume
terol, glucose, urea) of these eight analytes. of 4 g/L aqueous potassium thiocyanate (KSCN)
solution. All spectra were measured within 24 h
MATERIALS AND METHODS of the reference analyses. In order to assess the
precision of the derived analyte concentrations,
Clinical chemistry two replicate samples were prepared from each
A total of 300 serum samples was analysed for serum specimen by spreading 7/-lL of the diluted
total protein, albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol, serum evenly on the surface of circular
glucose, urea, creatinine and uric acid using (13 x 2 mm) BaF 2 windows. All films were air
accepted reference clinical chemistry methods. dried for 30 min prior to measuring the infrared
All samples were selected randomly from a spectra.
service laboratory. Analyses for triglycerides,
cholesterol and uric acid were carried out using a
Spectral measurements
Kodak Ektachem DT-60 analyser (Eastman
Transmission spectra were measured using a
Kodak Co., Rochester NY, USA). Analyses
Digilab FTS-40 Fourier transform infrared
for albumin (bromcresol purple), creatinine
spectrometer (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Cam-
(Jaffe-rate reaction), glucose (hexokinase), total
bridge MA, USA) equipped with a liquid-
protein (biuret) and urea (urease) were per-
nitrogen -cooled mercury-cadrnium-telluride
formed using a Hitachi 717 analyser (Boehringer
Mannheim, Indianapolis IN, USA) with re- (MCT) detector. A total of 256 scans (2 min
collection time) were co-added at a resolution of
agents from Boehringer Mannheim.
4 em -I (no apodization), using a clean BaF 2
window for the background.
Infrared spectroscopy
Sample preparation
The foundation of the proposed analytical Calibration models
method is the infrared absorption spectrum of Methods
the film left after evaporation of water from The analytical method used here is a secondary
serum. In principle, the sample could be method. Independent reference analyses were
prepared by spreading a small volume of serum therefore carried out for all of the serum
onto an IR-transparent material, allowing it to specimens, using accepted clinical chemistry
dry, and measuring the absorption spectrum of methods and instrumentation. Eight calibration
the film. In practice, however, the accuracy of models were then derived to yield relationships
this method would be compromised by any between the IR spectra and the various analyte
variability in the amount of serum successfully concentrations. These models were derived using
deposited on the window, particularly with only a subset of the IR spectra-the 'training
manual sample preparation. In order to com- set'-in combination with the corresponding
pensate for this variability, and to assess its reference analyte levels. Each model was then
impact upon the overall accuracy of the method, validated by predicting analyte levels for a
we have added an internal standard to each separate 'test set' of IR spectra and comparing
serum sample. It is worth stressing that this step the predicted values to the reference analyses.
could be dispensed with for an automated The calibration models were developed for
sample preparation system, and is only included each of the eight analytes using the partial-least-
here to estimate the accuracy that might be squares (PLS) method. A full account of this
achieved using a completely automated analyser. method is beyond the scope of this report,
The IR absorption spectrum of the thiocya- however excellent descriptions are in the litera-
nate ion (SCN -) includes an absorption at ture. 12•13 The practical aspects of the procedure
2060 em -I, in a spectral region that contains have some parallels to multiple point linear
no absorptions due to the serum itself. Impreci- regression, in that both judgement and many
sion in the film preparation was therefore trial calibrations are required to determine:

Ann Clin Biochem 1998: 35

626 Shaw et al.

(a) what (if any) data pretreatment is required istic of each distinct molecular species. The
(e.g., baseline/offset correction, smoothing, spectra of creatinine, uric acid, urea, albumin,
derivation, etc.) cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose are all
(b) which spectral region(s) should be included distinct from one another, which provides the
in the model (in contrast to linear regres- basis for the selectivity in IR-based serum
sion, the analytical information is derived analysis. The quantitative information is carried
from patterns over spectral regions rather by the relative intensities of the various con-
than from the intensities at individual stituent spectra contributing to the unique
frequencies) absorption profile of each serum specimen.
(c) how many PLS factors should be included in A representative I R absorption spectrum is
the model (the analogous decision in multi- displayed in Fig. I. Not surprisingly, the general
ple point linear regression would be how appearance of this and all serum spectra is
many frequencies to include in the model) dominated by the absorptions of the protein
constituents. For example, the major features at
An PLS calibration models were derived by 1540 ern -1 and 1655 em -I correspond to the
systematically exploring these three choices until
protein amide II (N-H bending) and amide I
no further improvements in accuracy could be (C = 0 stretching) vibrations respectively, while
achieved. Spectral manipulations and PLS the high frequency band at 3300 cm - \ corre-
calibrations were carried out using the commer- sponds to the amide A (N-H stretching) mode.
cial software packages GRAMS/32 (Galactic The feature at 2060 cm -I is the C N stretching
Industries, Salem NH, USA) and Win-IR (Bio-
absorption of the KSCN internal standard.
Rad Laboratories, Cambridge MA, USA). While species of lower concentration also
Derivation of calibration models: an overview contribute to the overall absorption profile,
The first step in the workup of the IR spectra their contributions are much weaker than the
was to normalize all of the spectra to a common major protein absorptions. In addition, the
absorption intensity for the C - N stretching absorptions from the various, relatively minor.
mode of the KSCN internal standard. An constituents may be so closely spaced that they
interim PLS calibration model was then derived cannot be distinguished in the absorption
for each analyte using a training set comprised spectra of Fig. I. For this reason, infrared
of the averaged replicate spectra. The same analytical models often benefit from mathema-
model was then used to predict concentrations tical pretreatment of the spectra to enhance the
for the individual replicate spectra in the effective resolution of closely spaced bands;
training set; outliers that could thereby be traced further details of the procedure used here are
to imprecision in the spectral measurements outlined in the Appendix.
were removed and the calibration models
optimized. The eight resulting calibration mod-
els, based upon the averaged replicate spectra Initial calibration models
for 200 serum specimens, where then validated We illustrate here the development of calibration
by predicting the analyte concentrations for the models for each of the analytes, using glucose as
remaining 100 samples. an example.
Finally, in order to address the question of The ultimate goal of this procedure is to
whether spectral normalization is necessary, a derive an optimal relationship (calibration
parallel set of PLS calibration models was model) relating the IR spectra in the training
evaluated using the IR spectra without normal- set to the corresponding known reference
ization. analyte concentrations, using the PLS method
as the basis for deriving this relationship. To this
end, a number of provisional models were
tested, varying both the choice of spectral
Infrared spectra region(s) and the number of PLS factors. It is
The infrared spectrum is, in essence, a reflection important to note that at this stage the models
of the infrared 'colour pattern' characteristic of were tested using only the spectra/analyte levels
the sample. The basis of quantitation is that each for the samples in the training set. The accuracy
constituent contributes a unique absorption of these provisional models was therefore
pattern to the overall spectrum, governed by estimated using cross-validation, as described
the unique set of molecular vibrations character- in the Appendix.

Ann Clin Biochem 1998: 35

Infrared serum analysis 627

.c o

i I I i I I i I I
BOO 1200 1600 2000 2400 2BOO 3200 3600 4000
Wavenumber (crn")

FIGURE I. Representative infrared absorption spectrum for a film obtained hy drying 7 J.lL of a 50:50 mixture of
serum and aqueous KSCN (4 giL) onto circular BaF] windows (/3 mm diameter). The highlighted KSCN absorption
at 2060cm- 1 lVa.l· used as an intemal standardfor spectral scaling (see text).

Once relationships between the model accu- where 'i' is the sample number, C, the concen-
racy and choice of spectral range became tration predicted for one of the two replicate
apparent, the spectral region was varied system- measurements for sample 'i', ciave the average of
atically until it was clear that no further the two measurements and N the number of
improvements in the model accuracy were likely. samples in the training set.
Occasionally, it became apparent that two (or
more) separate regions were required, thereby Concentration and spectral outliers
eliminating superfluous spectral information One spectrum was unique in that it gave rise to
(i.e., 'noise') contained between the two regions. particularly severe outliers in seven of the eight
calibrations. In all cases, the large analytical
errors could be attributed to spectral features
Precision and outlier detection
that were not modelled by PLS (part of the PLS
Precision outliers
regression is a reconstruction of the infrared
Manual sample preparation unavoidably leads
spectra; these spectra emerged as clear outliers in
to some imprecision in the spectra, and hence
scatterplots of spectral residual vs sample
the analytical results. Since replicate spectra
number). This sample was therefore removed
were measured for all specimens, it was
from all calibration trials. Standard statistical
straightforward to identify and remove the
tests'? identified very few additional samples as
specimens whose spectra were most seriously
outliers; one such specimen was removed from
affected. Concentrations were predicted for the
the training set for total protein, one for
replicate spectra and compared in pairs. The five
albumin, one for triglycerides, none for choles-
pairs showing the worst agreement were identi-
terol, two for glucose and two for urea. With the
fied, and the corresponding specimens removed
spectra giving no indication of unusual chemical
from the calibration set.
interference, these outliers may correspond to
The replicate spectra were also used to gauge
atypically large errors in the reference analyses.
the role that imprecision in the IR method plays
in governing the overall accuracy. The contribu- Final model optimization and validation
tion to the total variance that may be attributed After removing the outliers identified above, the
to this source was estimated as: final glucose calibration model was derived by
(cr; p,,,,;,;on)2 = ~(C, - C; "vc)2 IN fine-tuning the initial model. Small adjustments

Ann cu« Biochem 1998: 35

628 Shaw et al.

to the choices of spectral region were explored, 2·0

and the appropriate number of PLS factors ---- SEP
c::- -0- SEC
determined, as outlined in the Appendix. For llJ
rn 1·6
glucose, the PLS calibration model that proved t5
most accurate used only the frequency range llJ
~ 1·2
925-l250cm-l, which is not surprising since the
mid-IR spectrum of glucose includes several very ~
strong absorptions in this region. The optimal 'E 0·8
spectral region(s) for glucose and the seven other "C
species are summarized in Table 1. .l!1
The role that the number of PLS factors plays
rn 0-4
in the calibration model is illustrated in Fig. 2. o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
The standard error of calibration (SEC) for
Number of PLS factors
glucose decreased rapidly as the early factors
were added and reached a stable plateau as FIGURE 2. Trends in the standard errors of calibration
additional factors were included in the model; (SEC) and validation (SEP) with increasing factors in
the addition of factors beyond the tenth resulted the partial-least-squares (PLS) model. The SEC and
only in a marginal improvement. In contrast, SEP (see Appendix) are the root mean square (RMS)
while the standard error of prediction (SEP) for deviations between the JR-hased and reference analyses
for the samples in the training set and the samples in the
the test set was nearly identical to the SEC for test set.
models of up to 10 PLS factors, the two began to
diverge at 11 factors. This behaviour was typical
of all of the analytes and reflects a balance
between underfitting the data in the training set,
thereby failing to extract all of the relevant
information that is available from the spectra,
and overfitting, in which case the SEC is
artificially low.
Figure 3 compares the IR-predicted glucose
levels to the corresponding reference analyses
Q) 5
for both the test and training sets. This figure Ul
graphically illustrates the fact that the lO-factor ::::I

PLS model provides virtually identical accuracy Cl

for the training set and for the test set-a finding "5l
common to all of the IR-based methods
presented below. This is perhaps the clearest
¥c. Training set
possible indicator that the underlying calibration a: 20

TABLE 1. PLS models 15

Spectral region( s) No. of
Analyte (cm- I ) . factors·· 10

Albumin 1100-1800 12 5
Cholesterol 1100-1300,1700-1800, II
Glucose 925--1250 10 0
Total protein 900-1800 13 0 5 10 15 20 25
Triglycerides 900-1500, 1700-1800, 7 Reference glucose (mmoI/L)
Urea 1400-1800 13 FIGURE 3. Comparison ofglucose levels as provided by
Total CO2 900-1500 14 the reference analyses and as predictedfrom the infrared
Creatinine 800-1600, 2800-3500 7 (JR) spectra using a Ill-factor partial-least-squares
Uric acid 800-1800, 2800-3500 9 (PLS) model. Separate plots for the training set (i.e.,
the samples used to calibrate the method) and the test
• = Spectral regions included in the optimized PLS set (i.e., the samples used to validate the method)
calibration model; •• = number of PLS factors in the illustrate that the method is equally accurate for both
optimized model. data sets. The line of identity is included for reference.

Ann cu« Biochem 1998: 3S

Infrared serum analysis 629

models are soundly based, and therefore that the confirm that imprecision in the IR measure-
methods would be equally accurate for routine ments is not the limiting factor in the overall
analysis. performance of any of the IR methods (see
Table 2).
Summary of PLS analytical models
The accuracy of the IR method is illustrated by
Internal standard and normalization
the difference plots in Fig. 4, comparing the
It was not clear a priori whether the overall
IR-predicted analyte levels for the 100 specimens
accuracy of the serum analysis would be
in the test set to the corresponding reference
improved by normalization to the KSCN
internal standard. Having based the optimiza-
The overall performance of the mid-IR/PLS
tion of calibrations on spectra that were normal-
quantitation models for albumin, cholesterol,
ized to the C N stretching mode of the KSCN
glucose, total protein, triglycerides and urea
internal standard, a second set of calibrations
suggests that all six of these analytes may
was derived following exactly the same proce-
potentially be assayed using rnid-IR spectro-
dure but using spectra that were not normalized.
scopy. For uric acid and creatinine, the IR-based
While the normalized spectra provided equal
method is markedly less accurate relative to the
or better agreement in all cases, the differences
comparatively low mean concentrations for
were often insignificant (see Table 3). However,
these analytes.
in certain cases, notably for glucose, the normal-
ization step provided a marked improvement. It
Precision of IR-based methods compared to
seems likely that the need for normalization
reference methods
would be obviated if the film preparation itself
Both the calibration and the validation of the
were better 'normalized', i.e., through auto-
IR-based analyses have been carried out with
mated rather than manual sample preparation.
reference to the same accepted reference clinical
chemistry methods. Scatter in the plots pre-
sented in Fig. 4 therefore reflects both uncer- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
tainties in the IR method and uncertainties in
the reference analyses; even if the IR-based This study has demonstrated the potential of a
method were to be perfect, there would remain novel infrared spectroscopic method for serum
scatter in the difference plots reflecting differ- analysis. For six of the eight analytes studied
ences between the reference analyses and the (albumin, cholesterol, glucose, total protein,
true analyte levels. We term the corresponding triglycerides and urea), the analytical results
standard deviation in the reference analyses are probably precise and accurate enough to
'SDD ref' . confirm the potential of the method for use in
There is no way to determine the absolute routine clinical analyses.
accuracy of the IR method without resorting to The effective implementation of this method-
more fundamental reference analyses. We can, ology into the clinical laboratory would require
however, estimate the role that imprecision in the development of automated sample prepara-
the IR measurements plays in the overall tion methods, the deposition of 5-10 J.lL sample
performance of the IR-based analyses. This aliq uots onto infrared-transparent substrates,
imprecision might arise from non-uniformity in and drying to a film. Automation of these steps
the thickness of the dried serum films, impreci- would improve the rate of sample throughput as
sion in the dilution step, focal precipitation of well as improving the overall precision of the
non-protein solutes as the film dries, incomplete method. It is also likely that standardized,
drying of the films or from noise in the IR reproducible film preparation would lead to
spectra. The contribution of these factors was uniformity of film drying for native serum; the
gauged by the term 'uprccision" defined earlier, internal standard/dilution approach demon-
which reflects the extent to which analytical strated here is largely a means to compensate
results differ for replicate films. for the inevitable imprecision that arises in
Comparison of the SDD (SD of the IR manual sample preparation. Calibration to more
method relative to the reference method) to accurate reference methods would undoubtedly
uprecision (SD of IR-predicted values for indivi- improve the accuracy of at least some of the IR-
dual measurements relative to the mean values based analyses. The results reported here there-
for replicate measurements) is sufficient to fore represent upper limit estimates of the

Ann Clin Biochem 1998: 3S

630 Shaw et al.

600 5·0
400 __________ -::-__0- _ a
2·5 ------o-----..Q'O,",o,,""---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - --
200 a a a oooQlCP ~ ° ~~ a
8 qJ0go fJ °

~ 0 ~~
8, g~o 0~'O 00
°° ° a
-200 ____ ~ 000 0 0
~__~ ?_~~ 9 _ -- ----------------------- - - -aa - - - - -e- - - - ---
-600 -I----.---,------r------r---, -5·0 ~---.,.-,.---._____._-_r___,-_,
o 200 400 600 800 1000 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Uric acid (~moI/L) Urea (mmoI/L)

1·5 10
--------·----------------0-0---------------- °
5 ------0------0------------------
a ------------
° 0 0 0 a 0
0 0 0°
°ooog a
° 0° gOoOgoo
0.0 J-----<>-.....;r--;p\lQ..,.q~_;o__=:--:~
0°0 00 0 a 08S8 0
______________________~ oo__~.QB~~o a _
-5 Boo a
-1·5 -'---,------.----.,....-----, -1 0 +--.,....--,.---..---..---~~
2 4 6 8 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cholesterol (mmoI/L) Albumin (gIL)
1·5 300

1·0 ~------------------------------- 200

0.5 00 0 0 100 a
o 0
0·0 00
-0·5 -100
-1·0 a -200
-1·5 +----.-----.,.--,.-----r----, -300 +---.---__,r---r--~-~
o 5 10 15 20 25 o 100 200 300 400 500
Glucose (mmol/L) Creatinine (~moI/L)

12 1·0

8 -------------------o----------------oP------- 0·5 ____________o. .o .q,_ Cf---- - - - - --

00 ° 00.0'0
4 ~ oeD OJ a 00 ° 8 6 ' 00 8 CO 0

o o 0 ° '" a
000°0' _.Q
° "0"0 0 a
!7& 0 eoCO 00 00
-4 ---------------------O"----------o-a.--o------ ____o__8.._J:J.. 0 __ -- - - CP - '!
o -0·5 ° 0 °
-12 .l...--.-_ _.---_---.--_ _, . - - _ - - , -1·0 +---.---__,r---r--~-~
40 50 60 70 80 o 2 3 4 5
Protein (gIL) Triglycerides (mmoI/L)

Average (reference + IR predicted analyte level)/2

FIGURE 4. Difference plots comparing the infrared (IR)-based analyses to the reference analytical results. Solid
horizontal lines indicate the average difference between the two methods, and dashed lines indicate 95% confidence

Ann Clin Biochem 1998: 3S

Infrared serum analysis 631

TABLE 2. Summary of the comparison of reference to infrared (IR)-based analyses

Median Average
concentration" difference" SOD aprecision

Albumin (g/L) 32 0.3 (0'22) 2.2 0.75

Cholesterol (rnmol/L) 4.8 0.08 (0'03) 0.28 0.10
Glucose (rnmol/L) 6.3 0.06 (0'04) 0.41 0.20
Total protein (giL) 64 I (0'3) 2.8 1.1
Triglycerides (rnrnol/L) 1·8 0.02 (0'03) 0.23 0.05
Urea (mmoI/L) 7·9 -0.1 (0'1) 1.1 0.39
Creatinine (JlmoI/L) 100 II (7) 70 12
Uric acid (JlmoI/L) 380 -8 (15) 140 3S

"Median concentration for samples in the test set; "mean difference between reference and IR-based analyses
(reference method-IR method). The standard error of the mean difference is in parentheses; SDD=standard
deviation of differences (reference method -I R method); up"ci'i"n = estimated contribution of imprecision in
replicate measurements to the overall standard errors (see text).

TABLE 3. Comparison of standard deviations (IR 3 Eysel HH, Jackson M, Mantsch HH. Method for
versu.\' reference methods) for models using I R spectra diagnosing arthritic disorders by infrared spectro-
with and without normalization scopy. United States Patent 5,473,160.
4 Eysel HH, Jackson M, Nikulin A, Somorjai RL,
SOD Thomson GTO, Mantsch HH. A novel diagnostic
test for arthritis: Multivariate analysis of infrared
Analyte Spectra Spectra not spectra of synovial fluid. Biospectroscopy 1997; 3:
normalized" normalized 161-7
5 Franck P, Sallerin JL, Schroeder H, Gelot MA,
Albumin (giL) 2·2 2·7 Nabet P. Rapid determination of fecal fat by
Cholesterol (rnrnol/L) 0·28 0·43 Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR) with
Glucose (rnmol/L) 0-41 0·65 partial least-squares regression and an attenuated
Total protein (giL) 2·8 ]A
total reflectance accessory. Clin Chem 1996; 42:
Triglycerides (rnmol/L) 0·23 0·24 2015-20
Urea (mmol/l.) 1·1 1·4 6 Paschalis EP, DiCarlo E, Betts F, Sherman P,
Creatinine (JlmoI/L) 70 110 Mendelsohn R, Boskey AL. FTIR microspectro-
Uric acid (umol/L) 130 160 scopic analysis of human osteonal bone. Calcif
Tissue Int 1996; 59: 480-7
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7 Liu K-Z, Ahmed MK, Dembinski TC, Mantsch
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HH. Prediction of fetal lung maturity from near-
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Obstetrics 1997; 57: 161-8
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Study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by FT-
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analysis. 9 Heise HM, Marbach R, Koschinsky Th, Gries FA.
Multicomponent assay for blood substrates in
human plasma by mid-infrared spectroscopy and
Acknowledgement its evaluation for clinical analysis. Appl Spectrosc
We gratefully acknowledge the role of Jim Graf, 1994; 48: 85-95
10 Hall JW, Pollard A. Near-infrared spectrophoto-
who carried out the reference analyses.
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II Hall JW, Pollard A. Near-infrared spectroscopic
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Ann cu« Biochem 1998: 3S

632 Shaw et al.

APPENDIX analyte level is predicted for the sample left out.

The process is repeated N times, and the root
Pretreatment of the IR spectra
mean square (RMS) error in the predicted
A number of pretreatment options are available
analyte levels taken as an estimate of the model
to convert the spectra to a form that is optimal
accuracy. This is referred to as the standard
for quantitation. For example, fluctuations in
error of cross-validation, or SECV.
the baseline and slope are easily removed by
evaluating the second derivatives. This proce-
dure also effectively enhances the resolution of Standard error of calibration and validation
closely spaced absorptions, which in turn The standard error of calibration is the RMS
permits better discrimination of features due to error in analyte levels predicted for the speci-
the various species. The second derivative mens in the training set, i.e., for the set of
spectra were adopted initially for all quantita- specimens used as the basis for deriving the
tion models, and trial and error testing of a calibration model. The SEP is the RMS error in
number of alternatives (deconvolution, first analyte levels predicted for the specimens in the
derivatives, no pretreatment) verified this to be test set, i.e., for the independent set of specimens
the optimal choice. that was not used in deriving the calibration
Partial-least squares. Definitions and model
Cross-validation, standard error of cross- Optimization of the number of PLSfactors
validation Typically, the SECV decreases regularly as the
Cross-validation is a method for evaluating the first few PLS factors are included in the
accuracy of a PLS model without resorting to an calibration model. As additional factors are
independent set of test spectra. The predictive included, the SECV reaches a minimum, signal-
accuracy of a model derived using 'N' specimens ling that the inclusion of additional factors will
(the spectra and corresponding reference ana- be of no benefit to the model. The number of
lyses) is estimated by evaluating N-I new PLS factors is therefore limited to the number
models, leaving out one of the spectra in each required to bring the SECV to, or close to, a
case. For each of these subsidiary models, the minimum value.

Ann Clin Biochem 1998: 35

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