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Quiz #___.

Instruction: Write TRUE if the statement is true, and write FALSE if the statement is false.

1. Nouns and pronouns have the same function.

2. Pronouns are used to avoid being repetitive.
3. Infinitely pronouns are one of the categories of pronouns.
4. There are three persons/point of views, the one, two, and three.
5. Personal and possessive pronouns can be used depending on number, person, gender, and

Instruction: Complete the table below.

1. I was talking to her but she didn’t listen.

Number Person Gender Subject Object Pronoun

? third female ? ?

2. His was the best essay.

Number Person Gender Subject Object Pronoun

? ? male ? ? his

3. My day is going better. I hope yours too.

Number Person Gender Subject Object Pronoun

? ? ? ? ? ?

4. She likes him. There’s no doubt about it.

Number Person Gender Subject Object Pronoun

? ? male ? ?

5. It is the best birthday gift.

Number Person Gender Subject Object Pronoun

singular ? ? it ?

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