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Skill 7: Using Relative Pronouns

In the newTOEIC test, you may need to determine which relative pronoun correctly completes a
sentence. Relative pronouns are words used to introduce subordinate clauses. The relative
pronouns are that, which, who, whose, and whom.

Sample TOEIC Test Question

1 . Mr. Wang spoke witl1 the man ___ called yesterday.

(A) which
(B) who
(C) whose
(D) why

Answer TEST T I P
Choice (B) is the correct answer. The sentence should read, M1� Wang spoke Who can be used only
with the man who called yesterday. The relative pronoun who replaces the man. for people, and which
in the subordinate clause the man called yesterday. Choice (A) is incorrect can be used only for
things. However, that
because which is not used for people. Choice (C) is incorrect because you do can be used for both
not need to show possession. Choice (D) is incorrect because why is not a people and t h ings.
relative pronoun.

Ski l l Focus

Relative pronouns replace nouns. We can combine sentences with a relative pronoun to avoid
repeating a noun. Study how the relative pronouns in the following sentences replace the
repeated nouns.
1. Ms. Ling signed for the package. The package arrived this morning.

Ms. Ling signed for the package which (that) arrived this morning.
2. This line is for the passengers. The passengers bought their tickets
in advance.
This line is for the passengers who (that) bought their tickets in advance.
3 . Ms. Riad received some letters. The letters were mailed last week.

Ms. Riad received the letters that (which) were mailed last week.
4. The message is on your desk. I took the message for you.
The message thnt (which) I took for you is on your desk.
5. The director interviewed an applicant. The applicant's computer skills
are strong.
The director interviewed an applicant whose computer skills are strong.

68 Rea di ng
Skill 7: Exercise
Choose the correct relative pronoun for each sentence.

1 . Herc is the report ___ you wanted to read.

(A) that TEST T I P
(B) it A nonrestrictive relative
clause, which provides
2. Mr. Peri is the chef ___ created this dish. additional information
(A) which about the subject,
(B) who begins and ends with a
comma. It can use who,
3. The person computer is still on must be working late. whose, whom, and
which, but it cannot use
(A) whose
(B) why
4. The plants, are rare and exotic, require meticulous care. These chairs, which do
(A) they not match the desks,
must be replaced.
(B) which
The speaker, who lives
5. The tables ___ are by the window are the most popular. far away, arrived late.
(A) who
(B) that

6. That is the woman ___ daughter won the competition.

(A) who
(B) whose

7 . The conference call ___ was scheduled for today has been canceled.
(A) that
(B) whom

8. The new store, ___ is having a big sale, was opened last week.
(A) which
(B) that

9. My brother, is named Joe, will be arriving next week.

(A) which
(B) who

10. The book ___ you want is on the table.

(A) that
(B) whose

Incomplete Sentences 69

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