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Pencil Lápiz You can use when you are jotting down quick notes and is convenient because
it allows you to erase easily.
Mechanical Porta minas It has lead that you can replace, so you never have to sharpen it.
Pen Bolígrafo It uses ink and is not erasable.
Marker Marcador To write on surfaces such as cardboard boxes, signs, and whiteboards.
Tape Scotch To attach one piece of paper o another, or to fix a paper that gas been torn.
Glue Cola fria To join together a variety of objects.
Scissors Tijeras To cut paper and other materials
Stapler Corchetera To fasten papers togheter
Paper clip Clips Convenient because it can easly be removed and reused.
Sheet of paper Hoja de papel It can be used to take notes on to write a quick message.
Daily planner Planificador To organize your schedule and write all your appointments in.
Notebook Cuaderno To take notes in during a meeting or during a class.
Folder Carpeta To organize and store your papers in.
White out Corrector To correct any small errors.
Paperweight Pisapapel To hold down loose papers, especially when you want open the windows.
Stamp Sello on a letter or package than you need to mail.
Envelope Sobre You can place your letter in an envelope before you mail it.
Index cards Fichas To write notes on, and to help you organize a presentation.
PC Computer Computador To do office work, it is usually kept on a person’s desk. It includes keyboard.
Laptop Computer Notebook Is portable, so it can easily be taken to business meetings.
Folder / file Documento/archivo You can save several files into a folder.
Floppy disk Disquete To save your files onto so that you can transport them.
Pen drive Pen drive To save information
Disk drive Unidad de disco That reads the floppy disks and CD’s
Fax machine Máquina Fax To send, or fax, paper documents to another fax machine anywhere.
Copy machine Máquina de copiar To make a photocopy, or copy, of a paper document.
Scanner Escáner To copy, or scan, an image of a paper document and convert it into a
computer file.
Printer Impresora To print, or transfer onto paper using ink.
File cabinet Cabina de archivo To organize and store your paper files.
Projector Proyector To project image onto a screen.
Screen Pantalla You can see one of the slides from a Powerpoint presentation.

I have to type lots of letters. I save them, and then I print them out and sign them. After I seal the envelopes, I take to
the post office to mail them.

To type To “write” with a typewriter or computer To save O copy a file from a computer’s main
keyboard memory to a form of storage
To print out To produce an image on paper using an To sign To write one’s signature
electronic or laser printer
To seal To close with an official, deice, such as To mail To send something by mail.

I spend most of the day answering the phone. Sometime people want to leave a message with me, so I have to take
notes. Other times they prefer to leave a voice mail message, in which case I have to put them on hold, and when
transfer the call to voice mail.

To take notes To write or type notes, or a summary of what occurs.

To put someone on hold To use a telephone service to interrupt a call and make a
person wait without.
To transfer a call To move a call from telephone or office to another.

Conducting a meeting

 Good morning, everyone. It looks like everyone is here, so let’s get started.
 But first, I’d like to introduce you all to our newest bank teller, Makenzie Thornton.
 Unfortunately, Jessica won’t be with us today. She is attending a conference in Chicago.
 Mike will be arriving a few minutes late today, because he was giving a presentation this morning.
 Have you all received a copy of the agenda?
 Why don’t we close that item for now?
 I think that takes care of the first item
 Shall we leave the first item?
 Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda.
 Rebeca, can we get your input? Would you like to add anything, Rebecca?
 How do you feel about that, Dan? We haven’t heard from you yet, Dan.
 Let me quickly summarize the main points of the meeting/Let me give you a quick recap.
 Can we ser the date for the next meeting?
 We’re running short of time. Are we ready to make a decision?
 Let’s get back on track.
 I’m afraid we’ve run out of time. Well, that seems to be all the time we have today. Thank you all so much for

Participating in a meeting

 Sorry for interrupting but…

 May I have a word?
 That is an interesting point.
 I'm sorry I missed it that can could you say it again?
 I didn't catch.
 I don't quite follow you. what exactly do you mean?}
 That's not what I meant what I meant to say was that…

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