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-Between Subject experiment-

Hypothesis Testing Of Several Groups
Between-Subject Experiment Within-Subject Experiment
❑ Membandingkan 2 atau lebih rata- ❑ Membandingkan 2 atau lebih rata-
rata kelompok berdasarkan rata kelompok berdasarkan paired
independent data data
❑ Misal: Data yang diukur dari ❑ Misal: Data yang diukur dari
kelompok orang yang berbeda kelompok orang yang sama dengan
dengan treatment yang sama treatment yang berbeda
❑ Between Subject ANOVA ❑ Within Subject ANOVA
Why ANOVA? Hypothesis in ANOVA
❑ T-test hanya bisa membandingkan rata-
rata 2 kelompok. What if we want to
compare three means?
❑ Comparing means one by one is a bad idea
❑ In this case, we should use ANOVA to
compare several means at once
❑ ANOVA is an omnibus test
1. Menguji perbedaan secara keseluruhan
antara kelompok
2. Memberitahukan bahwa kelompok itu
3. ANOVA tidak memberitahu secara tepat
kelompok mana yang berbeda
Between-Subject ANOVA
The data must meet the following requirements:
✓ Dependent variable that is continuous (i.e., interval or ratio
✓ There is no relationship between the subjects in each sample.
Random sample of data from the population
✓ Normal distribution (approximately) of the dependent variable
for each group
✓ The variances of all the populations are homogenous
Steps of ANOVA
❑ We calculate how much variability there is between scores — Total
Sum of squares (SST).
❑ We then calculate how much of this variability can be explained by the
model we fit to the data — Model Sum of Squares (SSM)...
❑ … and how much variability cannot be explained by model — Residual
Sum of Squares (SSR).
Steps of ANOVA
❑ We compare the amount of variability explained by the Model (SSM) to
the error in the model (SSR). This ratio is called the F-ratio.
❑ If the model explains a lot more variability than it can’t explain, then the
experimental treatment has had a significant effect on the outcome.
Suppose we want to see whether how well people perform a task depends upon
how difficult they believe the task will be.
We give 15 easy math problems to 3 groups of 5 subjects
Before we give them the test, we tell group 1 that the problems are easy, group 2
that the problems are of medium difficulty, and group 3 that the problems will be

Measure # of correctly solved problems within an allotted time

Descriptive Statistic
01. SS Total
the total amount of variation within our
data that can be calculated from the
difference between each observed data point
and the grand mean. We then square these
differences and add them together to give us
the total sum of squares (SST):
01. SS Model
the model sums of squares tell us how
much of the total variation can be
explained by the fact that different
data points come from different group
01. SS Residual
the residual sum of squares (SSR) tells
us how much of the variation cannot be
explained by the model. This value is the
amount of variation caused by
extraneous factors such as individual
differences in weight, hormone or
Find F Table

-Within Subject experiment-
Tes Hipotesa pada beberapa Grup
Between-Subject Experiment Within-Subject Experiment
➤ Compares two or more means based ➤ Compares two or more means
on independent data based on related/paired data.
➤ Ex: Data measured from different ➤ Ex: Data from the same people
groups of people with the same measured with different
treatment. treatment.
➤ Between Subject ANOVA ➤ Within Subject ANOVA
Contoh :
Ketika kita tertarik pada pengaruh kenyamanan pakaian yang kita pakai pada saat
seseorang dalam kondisi sosial tertentu. Dalam 3 hari berturut-turut, peneliti meminta
partisipan menjadi seorang “penyambut(orang yang menyapa)” dalam beberapa
experimen yang berbeda. Pada hari pertama, partisipan mengenakan pakaian
kasual; hari kedua, semi-formal; hari ketiga, pakaian formal. Pada akhir di setiap
harinya, partisipan mengisi kuisionair untuk mengukur variabel dependan
kenyamanan dalam menyambut/ menyapa orang.
Data yang diperoleh :

Peneliti ingin melihat apakah ada perbedaan antara jenis pakaian yang
dikenakan responden.
Contoh :
Hipotesis :
H0 : µcasual = µsemi = µformal
Ha : Not all µ are equal
Untuk melakukan pengetesan hipotesis, perlu penghitungan SS, df, MS & F
Step 1: menghitung keseluruhan parameter
Contoh :
Contoh :
Contoh :
Contoh :
Step 5: menghitung SSr
Variability of individuals’ scores about their treatment/measure mean
(unsystematic/unexplained variance)
Contoh :
Step 6 : Membuat tabel ANOVA
Contoh :
Step 6 : Membuat tabel ANOVA

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