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Nama: IRMA KOMARIAH (858424908)

Jurusan: PGSD (SEMESTER 1)

Nama tutor: DWI INDAH WIDIYASTUTI (01000073)
Tugas 1:

Answer: B

Mrs. Ida Mr. Sonirin

Mr.apandi Mrs Eka. Mrs. Juriah Mr.ardi. Mr.anton Mrs uum

Bambang Irma fajar. Ririn

Rendy sindi

introduce this is my family the first is my grandfather and grandmother named mr. sonirin and
mrs. ida, then there is my father and mother named mr. apandi and mrs eka, my father has 2
sisters and a brother, my aunt is named juriah and my uncle is named anton. I have brothers
and sisters named Bambang and Fajar, my father is Javanese and mother is Dayak. My aunt
juriah is married to Ardi and has one child named Ririn while my uncle Anton is married to Uum
and has 2 children. named rendy and sindi.

Answer: A. The wallins famliy

jim is son of sonia wallin and bill, jane is jim's sister and tony is jim's younger brother. their
grandparents are mrs. wallin and mr. wallin. Their mother has 2 brothers named James Wallin
and Roby Wallin his uncle Jim. James Wallin is married to Merry and is now Jim's aunt. they
have two children, julia and johan, and they are jim's cousins. while Robby Wallin's uncle
married Joanne and became Jim's aunt. They also have three children, Joan, Mario, Susie who
become Jim's cousins.

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