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Nama : Loura Exlesia

NIM : 858613114
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Mrs. Wallin Mr. Wallin

Sonia Wallin + Bill Merry +James Wallin Joanne + Roby Wallin

Julia Johan
Joan Mario Susie
Jane Jim Tony

This is family tree of The Wallins. Mr. and Mrs. Wallin have three children,
Sonia, James and Roby. Sonia Married Bill, and they have three children, Jane, Jim
and Tony. James married Merry, they have two children, Julia and Johan. Roby
married Joanne and they have three children, Joan, Mario and Susie. James and Roby
are Sonia’s younger brothers. Sonia is the eldest. Bill is Mr. and Mrs. Wallin’s son-in-
law. Bill is James and Roby’s brother-in-law. Merry and Joanne are Sonia’s sister-in-
law. Merry and Joanne are Mr. and Mrs. Wallin’s daughter in law. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallin have eight grandchildren, Julia, Johan, Joan, Mario, Sandy, Jane, Jim and
Mrs. Johnson Mr. Johnson

Loura + Heri Purnama + Teguh Laras Tegar


Wiguna Willan

This is my family. Now, i would like to introduce to you all, my family root. Mr.
and Mrs.Johnson are my parents. My father, Mr.Johnson is a blacksmith. My mother,
Mrs.Johnson is a teacher at elementary school. We are four siblings. I have two younger
brothers, Teguh and Tegar. I have one younger sister, Laras. I’am (Loura) the Eldest. I
married Heri eight years ago. I have two children, Wiguna and Willan. Wiguna is still
four years old, Willan is still a baby. He was born six month ago. My husband is official
employee at Wing’s Company and i’am a teacher at elementary school like my mother.
Heri is My Father and Mother’s son-in-law. Heri is Teguh, Laras and Tegar’s brother-in-
law. Teguh married Purnama two years ago. Teguh is Pamong Praja’s Policeman in our
city and Purnama is a teacher at junior high school. They have one children, Gideon.
Gideon is still a baby. He was born eight month ago. Purnama is My Father and Mother’s
daughter-in-law. Purnama is Our (Laras, Tegar and I) sister-in-law. Laras and Tegar are
still single. Laras is a Nurse at Hospital. Tegar is in University. Gideon is My first
Nephew. Wiguna, Gideon and Willan are Cousins. Teguh live with his family at his
father-in-law’s house. Laras, Tegar, my family and i live with my parents. We live in a
little village in North Borneo. Well, those are all about my family. Thank you very much.

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