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The Goblin

Goblins are small, black-hearted, selfish humanoids that lair in

caves, abandoned mines, despoiled dungeons, and other dismal
settings. Individually weak, the goblin gather in large and
sometimes overwhelming numbers. The goblin craves power and
regularly abuse whatever authority they obtain.

Maglubiyet the Mighty One, the Lord of Depths and Darkness, is the greater god of goblinoids.
Envisioned by most goblins as an eleven foot tall battle - scarred goblin with black skin and fire
erupting from his eyes, he is worshiped not out of adoration but fear itself.

Goblins are rules by the strongest or smartest among their tribe. The goblin boss may command a
single lair or rule several hundred goblins over several lairs. The goblin also has a knack for
making traps for alerting their lair for any intruders. (D&D 5e Monster Manual)

Goblin Traits
Ability Score Increase - The goblin gains one Dexterity, one Wisdom, and one Charisma.
Age - The goblin can live up to fifty years of age.
Average Height - A goblin's average height is three to four feet tall.
Average Weight - The average weight for a goblin is forty to fifty-five pounds.
Size - Small
Speed - Base walking speed is twenty-five feet.
Alignment - The goblin is primarily evil and worships the goblinoid god Maglubiyet.
Languages - The goblin can speak both goblin and common.
Darkvision - The goblin can see in darkness as if it were daylight up to sixty feet.
Goblin Proficiency - The goblin is proficient with the scimitar.
Stealthy - The goblin gains proficiency with all stealth checks.
Nimbleness - The goblin can take Disengage as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Not So Fast Mishter! - When a creature the goblin can see targets it with an attack, as a
reaction, the goblin chooses another ally that is within five feet of it and switches places with this
ally. That ally then becomes the target and takes all damage from that attack that was originally
intended for the goblin. This class feature can be used only once and then needs a short or long

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