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Evolution of
Computer Age
(Week 5)
Learning Competency:
Trace the evolution of Computer Age
Ready to Launch!
The first computers were people! That is, electronic
computers were given this name because they performed the
work that had previously been assigned to people. "Computer"
was originally a job title: it was used to describe those human
beings (predominantly women) whose job it was to perform the
repetitive calculations required to compute such things as
navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for
astronomical almanacs. Imagine you had a job where hour after
hour, day after day, you were to do nothing but compute
multiplications. Boredom would quickly set in, leading to
carelessness, leading to mistakes. And even on your best days
you wouldn't be producing answers very fast. Therefore,
inventors have been searching for hundreds of years for a way
to mechanize this task.
Today, we carry more computing power on our
smartphones than was available in these early models. This self
-learning package contains the brief history of how computers
evolved from their humble beginnings to the machines of today
that surf the Internet, play games and stream multimedia in
addition to crunching numbers.

Aim at the Target!

After going through this self-learning package, you are
expected to:
1. Define computer;
2. trace the evolution of computer age;
3. list major milestones in the development of
modern day computers and Internet; and
4. identify person responsible for development of
computer and related technologies.
Try This!
Direction: Match the pictures in Column A to the names in
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on
your separate answer sheet.

Column A Column B
1. A. Abacus
B. Apple I
D. Napier’s Bone
2. E. Slide Rule



Keep This in Mind!
Definition of Computer
Three principles characteristic of computer:
• It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined
• It can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions.
• It can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of data.
Earliest Computer
• Originally calculations were computed by humans, whose job
title was computers.
• These human computers were typically engaged in the
calculation of a mathematical expression.
• The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive,
requiring years of training in mathematics.
• The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613,
referring to a person who carried out calculations, or
computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense
until the middle of the 20th century.
Evolution of Computer Age

Use of counters to aid calculations: 3rd to 6th Century B.C.

Tally Sticks
A tally stick was an ancient
memory aid device to record and
document numbers, quantities, or even
messages. Figure 1: Tally Sticks
• An abacus is a mechanical device used to aid an
individual in performing mathematical
• The abacus was invented in Babylonia in
Figure 2: Abacus 2400 B.C.
• It used to perform basic arithmetic operations.
Simple devices to aid human calculations—16th century
Napier’s Bones
• In 1617, John Napier, a Scotsman invented
logarithms, which are a technology that
allows multiplication to be performed via
• Napier’s Bones allowed the operator to
multiply, divide and calculate square and
Figure 3: Napier’s
cube roots by moving the rods around and
placing them in specially constructed boards.
• Numbers 0 to 9 were marked on a set of ivory sticks in such a
way that the product of any number can be found by placing the
sticks side by side.
Slide Rule
• Invented by William Oughtred in1622.
• Is based on Napier's ideas about logarithms.
• Used primarily for :multiplication, division,
roots, logarithms and trigonometry
Figure 4: Slide
• Not normally used for addition or subtraction.
• Was used for landing man on the Moon. This was used by NASA
engineers in 1960’s for Apollo mission.
Devices with gears and flutes for calculations—16th—17th century
Calculating Clock
• The first gear-driven calculating
• Invented by the German professor
Wilhelm Schickard in 1623.

Figure 5: Calculating Clock

• Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642, as an aid for his father who
was a tax collector.
• It was its limitation to addition and
• It is too expensive.
• Up until the present age when car
dash boards went digital, the
odometer portion of a car's
speedometer used the very same
Figure 6: Pascaline
mechanism as the Pascaline to
increment the next wheel after each full revolution of the prior
Stepped Reckoner
• Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz in 1672.
• The machine that can add,
subt r act, multiply and
divide automatically.
• Instead of gears, it employed
Figure 7: Stepped Reckoner fluted drums having ten flutes
arranged around their circumferences
in a stair-step fashion.
• Leibniz was the first to advocate use of the binary number
system which is fundamental to the operation of modern
Automation with punched cards 18th-19th century
Jacquard Loom
• The Jacquard loom is a mechanical loom,
invented by Joseph-Marie Jacquard in 1881.
• It an automatic loom controlled by punched

Figure 8: Jacquard Loom

• A mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de Colmarin 1820.
• The first reliable, useful and commercially
successful calculating machine.
• The machine could perform the four basic
mathematic functions.
• The first mass-produced calculating
Figure 9: Arithmometer machine.
Mechanical computation Machines—19th Century
Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
• It an automatic, mechanical
calculator designed to tabulate
polynomial functions.
• C onc eiv e d by C ha r les
Babbage in1822 and 1834
• More than a century later,
however, the world’s
Figure 10: Difference
Figure 11: Analytical first computer was Engine
actually built.
First Computer Programmer
• In 1840, Augusta Ada Byron suggests to Babbage that he use the
binary system.
• She writes programs for the Analytical Engine.
Scheutzian Calculation Engine
• Invented by Per Georg Scheutz in 1843.
• Based on Charles Babbage's difference
• The first printing calculator. Figure 12: Scheutzian
Calculation Engine
Tabulating Machine
• Invented by Herman Hollerithin 1890, he also established a
company that would ultimately become IBM.
• To assist in summarizing information and accounting.
• Calculate the 1880 census, accomplishing
the task in just three years and saving the
government $5 million.
Analog Computers– First General Purpose
Computers—first half of 1900—1940
1936 - Alan Turing regarded to be the father o f
modern Computer Science provided a
formalization for the concept of algorithm and
Figure 13: Tabulating computations.
Machine 1937 - J.V. Atanasoff, a professor of physics
and mathematics at Iowa State University,
attempts to build the first computer without gears, cams, belts or
1939 - Hewlett-Packard is founded by David Packard and Bill
Hewlett in a Palo Alto, California, garage, according to
the Computer History Museum.
1941 - Konrad Zuse inventor of the program-controlled computer,
built the first working computer. This computer was based on
magnetic storage.
1942 - Atanasoff-Berry computer which used vacuum tube, binary
numbers, was non programmable.
1943 - Colossus a secret British computer with limited
programmability built using vacuum tubes, was built to
break the German wartime codes. It was the first computer to
read and decipher the codes using cryptography.
Havard Mark 1
• Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
(ASCC). Invented by Howard H. Aikenin 1943 and the first electro
-mechanical computer.
1943-1944 - Two University of Pennsylvania professors, John
Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, build the Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC). Considered the grandfather
of digital computers, it fills a 20-foot by 40-foot room and has
18,000 vacuum tubes.
1946 - Mauchly and Presper leave the University of Pennsylvania
and receive funding from the Census Bureau to build the
UNIVAC, the first commercial computer for business and
government applications.
1947 - William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain of Bell
Laboratories invent the transistor. They discovered how to
make an electric switch with solid materials and no need for a
1953 - Grace Hopper develops the first computer language, which
eventually becomes known as COBOL. Thomas Johnson Wat
son Jr., son of IBM CEO Thomas Johnson Watson Sr.,
conceives the IBM 701 EDPM to help the United Nations keep
tabs on Korea during the war.
1954 - The FORTRAN programming language, an acronym for
FORmula TRANslation, is developed by a team of
programmers at IBM led by John Backus, according to the
University of Michigan.
1958 - Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the integrated circuit,
known as the computer chip. Kilby was awarded the Nobel
Prize in Physics in 2000 for his work.
1964 - Douglas Engelbart shows a prototype of the modern
computer, with a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI).
This marks the evolution of the computer from a specialized
machine for scientists and mathematicians to technology that
is more accessible to the general public.
1969 - A group of developers at Bell Labs produce UNIX, an
operating system that addressed compatibility issues. Written
in the C programming language, UNIX was portable across
multiple platforms and became the operating system of choice
among mainframes at large companies and government
entities. Due to the slow nature of the system, it never q uit e
gained traction among home PC users.
1970 - The newly formed Intel unveils the Intel 1103, the first
Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip.
1971 - Alan Shugart leads a team of IBM engineers who invent the
"floppy disk," allowing data to be shared among computers.
1973 - Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox,
develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other
1974-1977 - A number of personal computers hit the market,
including Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair, IBM 5100, Radio Shack's
TRS- 80 — affectionately known as the "Trash 80" — and the
Commodore PET.
1975 - The January issue of Popular Electronics magazine features
the Altair 8080, described as the "world's first minicomputer kit
to rival commercial models." Two "computer geeks," Paul Allen
and Bill Gates, offer to write software for the Altair, using the
new BASIC language. On April 4, after the success of this first
endeavor, the two childhood friends form their own software
company, Microsoft.
1976 - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start Apple Computers on April
Fool's Day and roll out the Apple I, the first com-
puter with a single-circuit board, according
to Stanford University.
1977 - Radio Shack's initial production run of
the TRS- 80 was just 3,000. It sold like
crazy. For the first time, non-geeks could
Figure 14: Apple I write programs and make a computer do
what they wished.
1977 - Jobs and Wozniak incorporate Apple and show the Apple II at
the first West Coast Computer Faire. It offers color graphics and
incorporates an audio cassette drive for storage.
1978 - Accountants rejoice at the introduction of VisiCalc, the first
computerized spreadsheet program.
1979 - Word processing becomes a reality as MicroPro International
releases WordStar.
1981 - The first IBM personal computer, code-named "Acorn," is
introduced. It uses Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system. It has
an Intel chip, two floppy disks and an optional color monitor.
Sears & Roebuck and Computerland sell the machines, marking
the first time a computer is a v a i l a b l e through outside
distributors. It also popularizes the term PC.
1983 - Apple's Lisa is the first personal computer with a GUI. It also
features a drop-down menu and icons. It flops but eventually
evolves into the Macintosh. The Gavilan SC is the first portable
computer with the familiar flip form factor and the first to be
marketed as a "laptop."
1985 - Microsoft announces Windows, according to Encyclopedia
Britannica. This was the company's response to Apple's GUI.
Commodore unveils the Amiga 1000, which features advanced
audio and video capabilities.
1985 - The first dot-com domain name is registered on March 15. The
Symbolics Computer Company, a small Massachusetts
computer manufacturer, registers More than
two years later, only 100 dot-coms had been registered.
1986 - Compaq brings the Deskpro 386 to market. Its 32-bit
architecture provides as speed comparable to mainframes.
1990 - Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at CERN, the high-energy
physics laboratory in Geneva, develops HyperText Markup
Language (HTML), giving rise to the World Wide Web.
1993 - The Pentium microprocessor advances the use of graphics
and music on PCs.
1994 - PCs become gaming machines as "Command & Conquer,"
"Alone in the Dark 2," "Theme Park," "Magic Carpet,"
"Descent" and "Little Big Adventure" are among the games to
hit the market.
1996 - Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine
at Stanford University.
1997 - Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple, which was struggling
at the time, ending Apple's court case against Microsoft in
which it alleged that Microsoft copied the "look and feel" of
its operating system.
1999 - The term Wi-Fi becomes part of the computing language and
users begin connecting to the Internet without wires.
2001 - Apple unveils the Mac OS X operating system, which provides
protected memory architecture and pre-emptive multi-tasking,
among other benefits. Not to be outdone, Microsoft rolls out
Windows XP, which has a significantly redesigned GUI.
2003 - The first 64-bit processor, AMD's Athlon 64, becomes
available to the consumer market.
2004 - Mozilla's Firefox 1.0 challenges Microsoft's Internet Explorer,
the dominant Web browser. Facebook, a social networking site,
2005 - YouTube, a video sharing service, is founded. Google acquires
Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system.
2006 - Apple introduces the MacBook Pro, its first Intel-based,
dual- core mobile computer, as well as an Intel-based iMac.
Nintendo's Wii game console hits the market.
2007 - The iPhone brings many computer functions to the
2009 - Microsoft launches Windows 7, which offers the ability to pin
applications to the taskbar and advances in touch and hand
writing recognition, among other features.
2010 - Apple unveils the iPad, changing the way consumers view
media and jumpstarting the dormant tablet computer
2011 - Google releases the Chromebook, a laptop that runs the
Google Chrome OS.
2012 - Facebook gains 1 billion users on October 4.
2015 - Apple releases the Apple Watch. Microsoft releases Windows
2016 - The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created.
2017 - The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is
developing a new "Molecular Informatics" program that uses
molecules as computers. "Chemistry offers a rich set of
properties that we may be able to harness for rapid,
scalable information storage and processing," Anne F i s c h e r ,
program manager in DARPA's Defense Sciences Office, said in
a statement. "Millions of molecules exist, and each molecule
has a unique three-dimensional atomic structure as well as
variables such as shape, size, or even color. This richness
provides a vast design space for exploring novel and multi-
value ways to encode and process data beyond the 0s and 1s of
current logic-based, digital architectures."

Computer Generations
There are five generations of computer:
1. First generation–1946 -1958
These computers were named Eniac, Edvac, and Univac. These
computers were made of vacuum tubes way back in 1945-55. They
were huge in size and very costly to maintain.
2. Second generation–1959 -1964
These computers developed after 1955, had transistors in the
place of vacuum tubes. Transistors were more reliable, much
cheaper and smaller. This generation had more computing power,
were smaller in size, easier to maintain and were more affordable
than the previous generation.
3. Third generation–1965 -1970
These computers developed in the 1960’s, used integrated
circuits. The transistors were miniaturized and kept on silicon chips
called the semiconductors which drastically increased the speed and
efficiency of computers.
4. Fourth generation–1971 -today
These were developed in the 1970’s and used microprocessors
or chips. The microprocessors were smaller than a postage stamp
and had tremendous computing capabilities.
5. Fifth generation–Today to future
These were developed in 1980’s and used the concept of
Artificial intelligence. The different types of fifth generation
computers are Desktop, notebook or laptop, palmtop, server,
Mainframe and Super Computer.
• Desktop computers are based on IC’s.
• Notebook or laptop computer is same as desktop but can be carried
• Palmtop is a miniature version of notebook with limited capabilities.
• Server is a powerful version of desktop capable of catering to various
applications in a network environment.
• Mainframe is a powerful version of server and is capable of handling
huge applications and data processing.
• Super computer has multiprocessors to perform typical scientific
applications that need trillions of information per second while

Evolution of Computer Age

Identify some major events in the Evolution of Computer.
1. Read the evolution of computer age.
2. In a short sized bond paper create a timeline that
demonstrates your understanding of how computer
have developed over time.
3. Choose moments in the history that you think are the
most important in the development of computer.
4. Write the year and a couple of sentences to describe the
Rubric for Timeline

Category 4 3 2 1

Quality of Included Most of the Some events Many major

Content events are included events included are events are
important and are important trivial, and excluded, and
interesting. No or interesting. major events too many
major details One or two are missing. trivial events
are excluded. major events are included.
may be
Quantity The timeline The timeline The timeline The timeline
of Facts contains at contains at contains at contains fewer
least 8-10 least 6-7 events least 5 events than 5 events.
events relat- related to the related to the
ed to the topic topic being topic being
being studied. studied. studied.
Sequence Events are Almost all Most (~75%) Most events
of Con- placed in events are of the events are incorrectly
tent proper order. placed in are placed in placed on the
proper order. proper order. timeline.
Mechan- Events are Events are Events are Events are not
ics clearly described well not described described and
described and and well and there are
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, many
spelling and spelling and spelling, and punctuation,
capitalization capitalization capitalization spelling and
are correct are mostly cor- some are capitalization
throughout. rect. correct. errors.

1. Explain the factors which resulted in the inventions of devices
like Napier’s Bones, Slide Rule in the 16th century.

2. List some advantages of fifth generation computers compared to

the other generation computers.
Abstraction and Generalization
Direction: Here is a diagram which tells about the evolution of
computer age. Study the picture and answer the
following questions in your answer sheets.

are categorized

Integrated circuit

1. What technology was used in the first, second, third and fourth
generation computers?
2. Name two first generation computers.
3. Which invention resulted to the evolution of second generation
4. Give two example of fifth generation computers.
Direction: Given are some of the devices used for calculation. Can
you arrange them in the sequence of which appeared first?
Write the answer in the separate sheet of paper.
Palmtop Abacus ENIAC
Pebbles Napier’s Bones Punched card reader
Desktop Laptop Apple I

Direction: Among the event on the history of computer,
choose only one whom you think you appreciated most
and brought impact to your life. Make a short essay why
you appreciate the event most.
Reinforcement & Enrichment
Direction: Select one of the following and write a short note on
your separate sheet of paper about the history of the
development. Rubric for grading as follow.
Cellphone Television Internet Email Social networking
The following questions would help you:
1. When was it invented and by whom?
2. For what purpose was it invented?
3. Is the purpose for which it is used today different from what it
was initially designed for?

Assess Your Learning

Direction: Fill in the blank. Write the answer in you answer sheets.

1. _________ is the main electronic part use in the first generation

2. _________ improved the Pascaline who was invented by Blaise Pascal.
3. _________ designed the automatic mechanical calculating machine
called the difference engine.
4. _________ develops the first computer language known as COBOL.
5. _________ leads a team of IBM engineers who invents the floppy disk.
6. _________ develops Ethernet.
7. _________ is the first portable computer with a familiar flip form
factor and the first marketed as a laptop.
8. _________ considered the first computer
9. _________ the first female programmer.
10. ________ the name of the secret code breaking computer used to
decode German messages.

References & Photo Credits
Napier’s bones, Slide Rule, Apple I

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