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Name: Andrea Colleen R.

Glova Date Due: October 15, 2021

Year and Section: BSN 2 ND Date Submitted: October 14,2021
Professor’s Signature: Score:

Video Link:

A. Prepare a Normal Diet and modify it into a diet for an individual suffering
from rickets. Prepare a sample menu plan for lunch
Normal Diet Diet for individual with Rickets
Breakfast Rice, corned beef, banana, Rice, Bacon, egg, Papaya, Milk
Lunch Rice, Ham and Egg, Fried Rice with egg and margarine,
Mango, Water Fish and Mushrooms, Orange,
Orange Juice
Dinner Rice, Fried Chicken, Rice, Tuna, Mushrooms, Cheese,
Banana, Pineapple Juice Orange Juice
Snacks Spaghetti and Pineapple Whole grain bread, Ham and Egg with
Juice Cheese, Orang juice

B. Vitamin Related diseases

Diseases Symptoms Causes Prevalence Dietary

Rickets Bones tend to Rickets are Rickets is more Eating a diet that
be become caused by common in includes vitamin
soft and bend low vitamin D regions of Asia D and calcium,
intake and where there is spending some
sun exposure pollution and a time in sunlight,
and/or low lack of sunlight and if
calcium and/or low necessary,
intake. intake of meat taking vitamin D
due to a supplements.
vegetarian diet.
The Middle East
is a region
where Vitamin
D deficiency
rickets is
prevalent due to
lack of
exposure to the
sun because of
Osteomalacia Weakens Osteomalacia The incidence Eat foods high in
bones and can caused by of osteomalacia vitamin D. Foods
cause them to inadequate is approximately naturally rich in
break more sun exposure 1 in 1000 vitamin D
easily , you or a diet low people. include oily fish
might develop in vitamin D (salmon,
bone pain and which results mackerel,
muscle in bone sardines) and
weakness. breaking egg yolks.
down faster
than it can
multiple Common early Low blood The estimated Vitamin D is
sclerosis signs of levels of number of especially
multiple vitamin D are people with MS beneficial for
sclerosis (MS) associated worldwide has people with MS.
include: vision with an increased to 2.8
problems, increased million in 2020.
tingling and number of The 2020 global
numbness, brain lesions prevalence is
pains and 35.9 [95% CI:
spasms, 35.87, 35.95]
weakness or per 100,000
fatigue people.

Hypertension high blood Low levels of Globally, an You can reduce

pressure can vitamin D estimated 26% your risk of heart
happen may be a of the world's disease by
without feeling cause of high population (972 maintaining a
any abnormal blood million people) healthy weight,
symptoms. pressure, has exercising
Moderate or according to hypertension, regularly, and
severe a new study. and the eating a diet rich
headaches, prevalence is in lean meat,
anxiety, expected to nuts, and fruits
shortness of increase to 29% and veggies.
breath, by 2025, driven
nosebleeds, largely by
palpitations, or increases in
feeling of economically
pulsations in developing
the neck are nations. The
some signs of high prevalence
high blood of hypertension
pressure. exacts a
public health
diabetes The three when vitamin Prevalence: In Vitamin D
most common D is deficient, 2018, 34.2 supplementation
symptoms of many cellular million may help lower
undiagnosed processes in Americans, or average blood
diabetes the body 10.5% of the sugar levels in
include: begin to population, had people with type
Increased break down, diabetes. 2 diabetes; and
thirst and this sets Undiagnosed: is especially
Increased the stage for Of the 34.2 effective in
urination, the onset of million adults people who also
Increased diseases with diabetes, have a vitamin D
hunger such as 26.8 million deficiency, and
diabetes. were are non-obese
diagnosed, and and deficient.
7.3 million were Supplementation
undiagnosed. for more than 12
weeks at ≥ 1000
IU/day may be
most beneficial.

1. Enumerate the ways in which vitamins can be preserved in food

The methods in which we store, prepare and cook our foods can affect the level
of vitamins and minerals available to our bodies. Many vitamins are susceptible
to damage through heat, air, moisture and light. Minerals are generally more
stable, but can also be diminished through cooking processes.

 Frozen fruit and vegetables retain their vitamins and minerals well due to
the freezing process.
 Steaming, stir-frying and microwaving are all excellent cooking methods,
which are used to retain vitamins.
 Canning procedures have also become much more efficient in recent
years, and a higher percentage of nutrients are now retained.
 Avoid allowing cut vegetables to be exposed to air, heat or light for an
extended period of time-and do not soak them before cooking, as water
may leach important vitamins and minerals. t is also helpful to avoid
peeling wherever possible, as the level of vitamins tends to be highly
concentrated under the skin. 
 It is important to avoid sun exposure to milk products, as sunlight destroys
the B vitamin riboflavin.
 It is best to cook vegetables for the minimum amount of time required to
reduce the amount of nutrients lost. 
2. How are vitamins destroyed?

The many vitamins are sensitive and are easily destroyed when exposed to heat, air,
water, or fats (cooking oils). Water-soluble vitamins are easily destroyed or washed out
during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can
minimize vitamin loss. To reduce vitamin loss, always refrigerate fresh produce, keep
milk and grains away from strong light, and avoid boiling vegetables with the exception
of soups where the broth is eaten. The longer they remain in storage, the more their
nutritional value may gradually decrease. Using of bicarbonate of soda to keep
vegetables green will completely destroy vitamin C.

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