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Precast Concrete - Precast Building System Solutions

Presentation · December 2018


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1 author:

Hussam Ali Mohammed

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University


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Precast Concrete
Precast Building System

Dr. Hussam Ali Mohammed

PhD Structural Engineering
Combining architectural and structural precast concrete
components can provide the entire building envelope.
The system can take several forms,
forms including precast
columns and beams with panelized cladding or load-
b i
bearing precast walls
ll andd d bl
or hollowcore flooring. It provides a significant number
of advantages, including:
S d to Market:
Speed k
Ap precast concrete structural system
y can save a pproject
six to eight weeks compared to steel and even more
when compared with cast-in-place concrete,
concrete according
to a survey of developers. That savings can be critical in
b i i a new building
bringing b ildi into
i t a competitive
titi market
k t or to
meet a tenant’s need for occupancy on a specific date.
As permitting and decision-making processes slow, total
precast system’s
p y speed
p helps
p keep pp
j on track.
The scheduling advantages result from several factors
that grow through the process:
•One-stop shopping secures much of the building’s
h ll in
i one efficient
ffi i contractuall relationship.
l i hi
•Designers find precast systems easier to design than
masonry or other building materials thanks to aid from
the precaster
precaster’ss engineering staff.
•The ability to begin fabrication while permitting and
site work are completed allows precast concrete to
begin erection as soon as foundations are complete.
P t components t can be b erected
t d ini winter
i t
conditions, maintaining tight schedules.
The With total precast systems, speedy erection allows
the contractor to enclose the building quickly, giving
interior trades faster access.
Precast s inherent fire resistance eliminates the messy
and time-consuming work of fireproofing a steel
structure and then repairing it as other trades finish.
L Maintenance
Low M i
Precast concrete panels require less maintenance than
other materials, typically only occasional recaulking,
usually every seven to 10 years.
years As sealants improve,
that timetable will lengthen. Incorporating the
hit t l design
d i i t the
into th structure
t t enlarges
l panell
sizes, minimizing the number of joints. This significantly
reduces the chance for water penetration that can weaken
a structure and cause unsightly
g y stainingg and mold
High Quality
PCI-Certified precast concrete fabricators must undergo
two annual, unannounced inspections that review more
than 120 pproduction and q quality-assurance
y pprocesses.
The tight control ensures components are produced with
uniform consistency,
consistency finish and size.
size This minimizes
concerns over the building’s final appearance and reduces
site work required to achieve the final designer and
owner approvals.
Effective Pricingg
Because of precast concrete’s tightly controlled and
h t production
d ti process, costs t can beb more accurately
t l
estimated earlier in the process. Parallel effort by precast
engineering ensures estimates remain stable, assuring the
contractor,, owner and designg team that the budget g is
Plant casting keeps the site cleaner and eliminates trades
from th construction
the t ti zone, improving
i i l i ti andd
enhancing worker safety. The ability to provide a clean
site is particularly vital on existing campuses and in
dense urban areas,, where adjacent j businesses can
maintain near-normal activities.
Interior Design Flexibility.
Precast concrete systems help buildings adapt to
changing client needs.
needs Double-tee
Double tee spans of 45 to 50 feet
match typical composite-steel framing and minimize the
needd for
f interior
i i columnsl required
i d with
i h cast-in-place
i l
systems. Precast spans can reach as much as 70 feet,
providing unique opportunities for challenging interior
requirements. Precast also p provides high
g floor-loadingg
capability with little added cost.
Green Design
Precast concrete offers a number of environmental
benefits It requires fewer chemicals to keep it clean over
its long lifetime, and it offers a high thermal mass. It can
b produced
be d d locally
l ll and d creates
t no job
j b waste.
t Cement
C t
reducers such as fly ash and other admixtures also aid its
environmental friendliness. And its high durability gives
it a total service life that far outpaces
p designs
g usingg other
building materials.
g Floor-To-Floor Heights
Precast concrete systems sometimes fit within
alternative system depths but shouldn
shouldn’tt add more than
approximately 8 inches to each floor level, creating an
i t 5-percent
5 t increase
i i exterior
in t i wall ll material.
t i l
This slight addition is easily overcome by working with
the precaster to make effective use of the overall floor-
plan shape
p p and using g the benefits pprecast pprovides in
repetition of component fabrication.
All In One Components
Total precast concrete systems allow the architectural
l to serve structurall functions,
f i li i i the
limiting h needd to
incorporate multiple materials and trades. For instance,
spandrel panels can support floor systems and windows
while p
providingg final exterior finishes. Or sill ppanels can
be used as grade beams to retain soil, support windows
and provide the architectural exterior finish,
finish avoiding
complex cladding systems. Combining exterior
d l intoi t the
th structural
t t l system t provides
id deeper
elements, limiting deflections and the complexities of
designing for relative movements between frame and
claddingg system.
Lateral Design Flexibility
Combining architecture and structure provides
efficiencies in many buildings’ lateral support systems.
External elements, typically cladding on steel or
concrete framing systems, can become laterally stiff and
resist wind and earthquake forces. Parallel efforts by the
precast engineer can provide the structural engineer with
specific input ahead of final construction document
ti li iti
limiting shop-drawing
h d i review
i effort
ff t andd
Comprehensive Drawings
A total precast concrete system provides one-stop
shopping for the building envelope.
envelope Having one source
design and supply the entire system produces a better
di d set off drawings
d i that
h allows
ll construction
i to
proceed more efficiently. It eliminates the added effort
needed to coordinate various trades when using mixed
systems controlled by different suppliers.
Low-Cost Option
This combination of benefits creates cost savings that
begin with the design process and last throughout the life
of the building. When all of these hidden and long-term
t are included,
i l d d precastt concrete
t offers
ff the
th best
b t value
and the highest return on investment.
View publication stats

1. PCI Mid-Atlantic
Mid Atlantic -
2. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Experimental and Nonlinear Analysis of Non-
Prismatic Double Tee Prestressed Concrete Beams", PhD Thesis, Baghdad
y, 2005.
3. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Nonlinear Analysis of Flanged Reinforced Concrete
Beams Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model", MSc Thesis, Saddam
University, 2000.
4. Hussam Ali Mohammed, Ihsan A. Shaarbaf, Khild S. Mahmod, " Finite Element
Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Double Tee Beams", Journal of Babylon
University for Engineering Science, Vol.12, No.5, 2006.
5. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Non-Prismatic
Double Tee Beams", Journal of kerbala University, Vol.8, No.1, 2010.
6. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Finite Element Analysis of Non-Prismatic Prestressed
Concretet D
bl TTee BBeams"" JJournall off Kerbala
K b l University,
U i it V
l 8 No.1,
N 1 2010.
7. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "The Effect of Web Opening on Prestressed Concrete
Double Tee Beams under Flexure", The Second Annual Scientific Conference
of the College of Engineering /Babylon
/Bab lon UniUniversity,
ersit Iraq,
Iraq 24-25
24 25 March 2010.
8. Hussam Ali Mohammed, " Analysis and Design of Precast Concrete
Structures”, Book, 1st Addition , ISBN: 978-9922-20-146-7, 2018.
9 Hussam Ali Mohammed,
9. Mohammed " Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete
Structures”, Book, 1st Addition , ISBN: 978-9922-20-145-0, 2018.
10. Hussam Ali Mohammed, Khalid S. Mahmood, Ihsan A. Al-Shaarbaf, “THE
presented to University of Baghdad, No.11, 2010

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