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General Botany
2nd Year - 2nd Semester (Cycle 2)
Gallardo, Sophia I. II - BS Psychology
2019200062 May 20, 2021

According to Dittmar
(2018), the Philippines, as an
archipelago, was noted for its rich
biodiversity of plants and animals.
And, with over 7500 islands, some
still need to be deeply segmented.
Researchers discovered a new type
of insect-eating blooming plant
blooming in a remote spot
connected with a conflict zone last
year in a mountainous location in
the country's southern Mindanao
province. Experts describe the
pitcher plant as fascinating yet fatal since it is carnivorous and preying on insects and tiny
animals (Fitt, 2020). This newly discovered plant was called Nepenthes cabanae (see figure 1).
However, scientists declared it as a critically threatened species due to habitat disruptions at the
time scientists found it.
In another instance, three weeks ago, 108 orchid species are discovered in the
biodiversity study sites in the Mountains of Busa on Southern Mindanao. According to the
experts, 53 of the species are uncommon and only found in the Philippines, with 12 of them
having only been sighted in Mindanao (Tan, 2021).

These are just a few of the plant discoveries in the history of the country. And I believe there is
still a lot to be discovered as days pass by, and studying botany would be a big help to the
environment and us, humans, as well. Because believe it or not, people cling to biodiversity more
than they cling to people. Botany is the portal to a brighter future with more people generating
research quality materials. In that way, people can maximize resources and recognize species
before they even become extinct. Because plants are not just plants-- they provide food security
to all, prevent fatal calamities, a valuable source of pharmaceuticals, and literally help humans
breathe. Thus, studying plants through botany is the least thing that people can do to save the
environment and humanity.

Dittmar, K. (2018). Division of environmental biology. Retrieved from:
Fitt, E. (2020). From a Philippine conflict hotspot, a new insect-eating plant emerges. Retrieved
Tan, Y. N. (2021). 108 orchid species found on Mt. Busa, Southern Mindanao. Retrieved from:

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