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Fixing the Global

Nitrogen Problem
Humanity depends on nitrogen to fertilize croplands, but growing global use is
damaging the environment and threatening human health. How can we chart
a more sustainable path? By Alan R. Townsend and Robert W. Howarth

illions of people today owe their lives to a extent, as a by-product of the fossil-fuel combus-
single discovery now a century old. In tion that powers our cars and industries — does
1909 German chemist Fritz Haber of the not end up in the food we eat. Rather it migrates
University of Karlsruhe figured out a way to into the atmosphere, rivers and oceans, where it
transform nitrogen gas — which is abundant in makes a Jekyll and Hyde style transformation
Key Concepts the atmosphere but nonreactive and thus un- from do-gooder to rampant polluter. Scientists
available to most living organisms— into ammo- have long cited reactive nitrogen for creating
■■ Nitrogen pollution from
nia, the active ingredient in synthetic fertilizer. harmful algal blooms, coastal dead zones and
smokestacks, tailpipes
The world’s ability to grow food exploded 20 ozone pollution. But recent research adds biodi-
and heavily fertilized
croplands creates a years later, when fellow German scientist Carl versity loss and global warming to nitrogen’s rap
host of challenges for Bosch developed a scheme for implementing sheet, as well as indications that it may elevate
the environment and Haber’s idea on an industrial scale. the incidence of several nasty human diseases.
human health. Over the ensuing decades new factories Today humans are generating reactive nitro-
transformed ton after ton of industrial ammo- gen and injecting it into the environment at an
■■ Such ills are mounting
as some countries burn nia into fertilizer, and today the Haber-Bosch accelerating pace, in part because more nations
more fossil fuels and pur- invention commands wide respect as one of the are vigorously pursuing such fertilizer-intensive
sue fertilizer-intensive most significant boons to public health in hu- endeavors as biofuel synthesis and meat produc-
endeavors, such as bio­ man history. As a pillar of the green revolution, tion (meat-intensive diets depend on massive
fuels production. synthetic fertilizer enabled farmers to transform growth of grain for animal feed). Heavy fertil-
■■ Synthetic fertilizer re- infertile lands into fertile fields and to grow crop izer use for food crops and unregulated burning
mains indispensable for after crop in the same soil without waiting for of fossil fuels are also becoming more prevalent
meeting global food nutrients to regenerate naturally. As a result, in regions such as South America and Asia. Not
demands, but the world global population skyrocketed from 1.6 billion surprisingly, then, dead zones and other nitro-
can — and should — do to six billion in the 20th century. gen-related problems that were once confined to
blair bradshaw

more with less. But this good news for humanity has come at North America and Europe are now popping
 —The Editors a high price. Most of the reactive nitrogen we up elsewhere.
make — on purpose for fertilizer and, to a lesser At the same time, fertilizer is, and should be,

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[need to know]

Nitrogen’s Dark Side

Doubled up as N2 gas, the most abundant component of the earth’s atmosphere, nitrogen is harmless. But in its reactive forms,
which emanate from farms and fossil-fuel-burning factories and vehicles, nitrogen can have a hand in a wide range of problems for the
environment and human health.

Air pollution ●
1   The nitrogen produced during fossil-fuel combustion can cause
severe air pollution . . .
Power plant

2   before it then combines with water to create nitric acid in rain . . .

Acid rain ●
3   and joins with nitrogen leaking from fertilized fields, farm animal excrement, human
sewage and leguminous crops.

Human sewage

4   When too much nitrogen enters terrestrial ecosystems, it can
contribute to biodiversity decline and perhaps to increased risk for
several human illnesses.

5   A single nitrogen atom from a factory, vehicle or farm
can acidify soil and contaminate drinking water before
Farm animals entering rivers . . .


Leguminous crops

a leading tool for developing a reliable food sup- living states on land and in both freshwater and
ply in sub-Saharan Africa and other malnour- saltwater and in symbiotic relationships with the
ished regions. But the international community roots of legumes, which constitute some the
must come together to find ways to better man- world’s most important crops. Another small
age its use and mitigate its consequences world- amount of nitrogen gas is fixed when lightning

The world wide. The solutions are not always simple, but
nor are they beyond our reach.
strikes and volcanic eruptions toast it.
Before humanity began exploiting Haber­

is capable
Bosch and other nitrogen-fixation techniques,
Too Much of a Good Thing the amount of reactive nitrogen produced in the
Resolving the nitrogen problem requires an world was balanced by the activity of another
of growing understanding of the chemistry involved and a
sense of exactly how nitrogen fosters environ-
small bacterial group that converts reactive ni-
trogen back to N2 gas in a process called denitri-

more food mental trouble. The element’s ills — and bene-

fits— arise when molecules of N2 gas break apart.
fication. In only one human generation, though,
that delicate balance has been transformed com-

with less All life needs nitrogen, but for the vast majority
of organisms, the biggest reservoir— the atmo-
pletely. By 2005 humans were creating more
than 400 billion pounds of reactive nitrogen

sphere — is out of reach. Although 78 percent of each year, an amount at least double that of
the atmosphere consists of N2 , that gas is inert. all natural processes on land combined [see top
Nature’s way of making nitrogen available for illustration on page 68].
life relies on the action of a small group of bacte- At times labeled nature’s most promiscuous
ria that can break the triple bond between those element, nitrogen that is liberated from its non-
don foley

two nitrogen atoms, a process known as nitrogen reactive state can cause an array of environmen-
fixation. These specialized bacteria exist in free- tal problems because it can combine with a mul-

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embarrassment of riches. Thus, they lose out to fast facts
new species that are more competitive in a nutri-
More than half the synthetic nitrogen
ent-rich world. Often the net effect is a loss of
fertilizer ever produced was applied
biodiversity. For example, grasslands across in the past 20 years.
much of Europe have lost a quarter or more of
their plant species after decades of human-creat- The production of synthetic nitrogen
ed nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere. has skyrocketed 80 percent since
This problem is so widespread that a recent sci- 1960, dwarfing the 25 percent
increase in atmospheric carbon
entific assessment ranked nitrogen pollution as
dioxide over that same period.
one of the top three threats to biodiversity around
the globe, and the United Nations Environment If Americans were to switch to
Program’s Convention on Biological Diversity a typical Mediterranean diet,

7   At any point along this chain, bacteria may
considers reductions of nitrogen deposition to be the country’s fertilizer use would
transform the rogue atom into nitrous oxide, a
potent greenhouse gas that also speeds the loss a key indicator of conservation success. be cut in half.
of protective stratospheric ozone. Only bacteria The loss of a rare plant typically excites little
that convert the atom back to innocuous N2 gas
can halt its ill effects. concern in the general public or among those
who forge policy. But excess nitrogen does not

6   where it can travel to the oceans and help fuel just harm other species—it can threaten our
toxic algal blooms and coastal dead zones.
own. A National Institutes of Health review sug-
gests that elevated nitrate concentrations in
drinking water— often a product of water pollu-
tion from the high nitrate levels in common fer-
tilizers— may contribute to multiple health prob-
lems, including several cancers. Nitrogen-related
air pollution, both particulates and ground-level
ozone, affects hundreds of millions of people, el-
Algal bloom evating the incidence of cardiopulmonary ail-
ments and driving up overall mortality rates.
Ecological feedbacks stemming from excess
nitrogen (and another ubiquitous fertilizer chem-
Dead zone
ical, phosphorus) may be poised to hit us with a
slew of other health threats as well. How big or
titude of chemicals and can spread far and wide. varied such responses will become remains to be
Whether a new atom of reactive nitrogen enters seen, but scientists do know that enriching eco- [The Authors]
the atmosphere or a river, it may be deposited systems with nitrogen changes their ecology in
tens to hundreds of miles from its source, and myriad ways. Recent evidence suggests that ex-
even some of the most remote corners of our cess nitrogen may increase risk for Alzheimer’s
planet now experience elevated nitrogen levels disease and diabetes if ingested in drinking wa-
Courtesy of Alan R. Townsend (Townsend); Courtesy of Roxanne Marino (Howarth)

because of human activity. Perhaps most insidi- ter. It may also elevate the release of airborne al-
ous of all: a single new atom of reactive nitrogen lergens and promote the spread of certain infec-
can bounce its way around these widespread en- tious diseases. Fertilization of ragweed elevates Alan R. Townsend is incoming
director of the Environmental
vironments, like a felon on a crime spree. pollen production from that notorious source,
Studies Program at the University
for instance. Malaria, cholera, schistosomiasis of Colorado at Boulder and is a
Reaping the Consequences and West Nile virus show the potential to infect professor in the university’s Insti-
When nitrogen is added to a cornfield or to a more people when nitrogen is abundant. tute of Arctic and Alpine Research
lawn, the response is simple and predictable: These and many other illnesses are controlled and department of ecology and
evolutionary biology. He studies
plants grow more. In natural ecosystems, how- by the actions of other species in the environ-
how changes in climate, land use
ever, the responses are far more intricate and fre- ment, particularly those that carry the infective and global nutrient cycles affect
quently worrisome. As fertilizer-laden river agent— for example, mosquitoes spread the ma- the basic functioning of terrestrial
waters enter the ocean, for example, they trigger laria parasite, and snails release schistosomes ecosystems. Robert W. Howarth,
blooms of microscopic plants that consume oxy- into water. Snails offer an example of how nitro- who is David R. Atkinson Professor
of Ecology and Environmental
gen as they decompose, leading later to so-called gen can unleash a chain reaction: more nitrogen
Biology at Cornell University,
dead zones. Even on land, not all plants in a com- or phosphorus run-off fuels greater plant growth studies how human activities alter
plex ecosystem respond equally to nitrogen sub- in water bodies, in turn creating more food for ecosystems, with an emphasis on
sidies, and many are not equipped for a sudden the snails and a larger, faster-growing population freshwater and marine locales.

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of these disease-bearing agents. The extra nu- dioxide (CO2) and offset global warming.
trients also fuel an exponentially increasing Reactive nitrogen is an especially worri-
effect of having each snail produce more some threat to climate change when it occurs
parasites. It is too soon to tell if, in gener- HUMAN ACTIVITIES as nitrous oxide (N2O) — among the most
al, nutrient pollution will up the risk of dis- ~400
billion pounds yearly
powerful of greenhouse gases. One mole-
ease— in some cases, the resulting ecologi- NATURAL SOURCES cule of N2O has approximately 300 times
cal changes might lower our health risks.
But the potential for change, and thus the
billion pounds yearly
the greenhouse warming potential of one
molecule of CO2. Although N2O is far less
need to understand how it will play out, is abundant in the atmosphere than CO2 is, its
rising rapidly as greater use of fertilizers current atmospheric concentration is respon-
spreads to disease-rich tropical latitudes in the sible for warming equivalent to 10 percent of
coming decades. CO2’s contribution. It is worth noting that excess
Mounting evidence also blames reactive nitrogen can at times counteract warming—by
Synthetic fertilizer, fossil-fuel
nitrogen for an increasingly important role in combustion, industrial uses of ammonia combining with other airborne compounds to
climate change. In the atmosphere, reactive (plastics, explosives, etc.), cultivation of form aerosols that reflect incoming radiation, for
soybeans and other leguminous crops
nitrogen leads to one of its major unwanted by- example, and by stimulating plants in nitrogen-
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria on land,
products— ground-level ozone — when it occurs lightning, volcanoes limited forests to grow faster and thus scrub
as nitric oxide (NO) or as nitrogen dioxide more CO2 out of the atmosphere. But despite un-

melissa Thomas (pie chart); don foley (map)

(NO2), collectively known as NOx. Such ozone HUMAN ACTIVITIES have tripled certainties regarding the balance between nitro-
the amount of reactive nitrogen
formation is troubling not only because of its gen’s heating and cooling effects, most signs in-
released into terrestrial envi-
threat to human health but also because dicate that continued human creation of excess
ronments and coastal oceans
at ground level, ozone is a significant green­ every year. nitrogen will speed climate warming.
house gas. Moreover, it damages plant tissues,
resulting in billions of dollars in lost crop What to Do
production every year. And by inhibiting growth, Although fertilizer production accounts for
ozone curtails plants’ ability to absorb carbon much of the nitrogen now harming the planet—

[global perspectives]

Shifting Hotspots
Regions of greatest nitrogen use (red) were once limited mainly to Europe and North America. But as new economies develop and
agricultural trends shift, patterns in the distribution of nitrogen are changing rapidly. Recent growth rates in nitrogen use are now
much higher in Asia and in Latin America, whereas other regions — including much of Africa — suffer from fertilizer shortages.


population growth and
industrialization around
Sao Paulo, poor civic sewage
treatment and vibrant sugar
cane production all contribute
to this new South American
nitrogen hotspot. NORTH CHINA PLAIN:
More vigorous application
of fertilizer has produced
stunning increases in maize
and wheat production, but
China now has the highest
fertilizer inputs in the world.

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roughly two thirds of that common crops, a quarter to
fixed by humans — abandon- half immediately runs off the
ing it certainly is not an field with rainwater or works
option. Fertilizer is too its way into the atmosphere.
important for feeding the Precision farming tech-
world. But an emphasis on niques can also help. Apply-
efficient use has to be a part ing fertilizer near plant roots
of the solution, in both the only at times of maximum
wealthy and the developing demand is one example of
nations. methods that are already in
Wealthy countries have play in some of the wealthier
blazed a path to an agricul- agricultural regions of the
tural system that is often ex- planet. By taking advantage
ceptionally nitrogen-inten- of Global Positioning System
sive and inefficient in the use technology to map their
of this key resource. Too of- fields, coupled with remotely
ten their use of nitrogen has sensed estimates of plant nu-
resembled a spending spree trient levels, farmers can re-
with poor returns on the in- fine calculations of how
BIOFUELS FRENZY: Corn-based biofuels and their fertilizer-intensive
vestment and little regard for much fertilizer a crop needs
production may contribute more to global warming than they
its true costs. Elsewhere, a and when. But the high-tech
alleviate in fossil-fuel savings.
billion or more people stand equipment is costly, prohibi-
trapped in cycles of malnu- tively so for many indepen-
trition and poverty. Perhaps best exemplified by dent farmers, and so such precision farming is
sub-Saharan Africa, these are regions where ag- not a panacea.
ricultural production often fails to meet even ba- The solutions are not all high tech. Cheaper
sic caloric needs, let alone to provide a source of but still effective strategies can include planting
income. Here an infusion of nitrogen fertilizers winter cover crops that retain nitrogen in a field
would clearly improve the human condition. Re- instead of allowing a field to lie bare for months,
cent adoption of policies to supply affordable as well as maintaining some form of plant cover
fertilizer and better seed varieties to poor farm- in between the rows of high-value crops such as
ers in Malawi, for example, led to substantial in- corn. Simply applying fertilizer just before spring
creases in yield and reductions in famine. planting, rather than in the fall, can also make a
But this fertilizer does not need to be slath- big difference.
ered on injudiciously. The proof is out there: The world can also take advantages of chang-
studies from the corn belt of the U.S. Midwest es in meat production. Of the nitrogen that ends
to the wheat fields of Mexico show that overfer- up in crop plants, most goes into the mouths of
tilization has been common practice in the pigs, cows and chickens — and much of that is
breadbaskets of the world— and that less fertil- then expelled as belches, urine and feces. Al-
izer often does not mean fewer crops. The sim- though a reduction in global meat consumption
ple fact is that as a whole, the world is capable would be a valuable step, meat protein will re-
of growing more food with less fertilizer by main an important part of most human diets, so
changing the farming practices that have be- efficiencies in its production must also improve.
come common in an era of cheap, abundant fer- It’s Up To You Changing animal diets— say, feeding cows more
tilizer and little regard for the long-term conse- Making certain personal choices grass and less corn— can help on a small scale, as
quences of its use. Simply reducing total appli- will reduce your carbon and nitro- can better treatment of animal waste, which, like
cation to many crops is an excellent starting gen footprints simultaneously: sewage treatment facilities for human waste,
point; in many cases, fertilizer doses are well converts more of the reactive nitrogen back into
above the level needed to ensure maximum yield ■ ■ Support wind power, hybrid cars inert gas before releasing it into the environment
and other policies designed to
in most years, resulting in disproportionately [see “The Greenhouse Hamburger,” by Nathan
reduce fossil-fuel consumption.
large losses to the environment. In the U.S., peo- Fiala; Scientific American, February 2009].
Mark Blinch Reuters

ple consume only a little more than 10 percent ■ ■ Choose grass-fed beef and On the energy side, which represents about
of what farmers apply to their fields every year. eat less meat overall. 20 percent of the world’s excess nitrogen, much
Sooner or later, the rest ends up in the environ- reactive nitrogen could be removed from current
ment. Estimates vary, but for many of our most ■ ■ Buy locally grown produce. fossil-fuel emissions by better deployment of

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NOX-scrubbing technologies in smokestacks should employ sustainable solutions from the
and other sources of industrial pollution. Be- outset— to avoid repeating mistakes made in the
yond that, a sustained global effort to improve U.S. and elsewhere.
energy efficiency and move toward cleaner, re- Promising improvements could occur even
newable sources will drop nitrogen emissions without the regulatory threat of monetary fines
right alongside those for carbon. Removing the for exceeding emissions standards. Market-
oldest and least-efficient power plants from pro- based instruments, such as tradable permits, may
duction, increasing vehicle emission standards also be useful. This approach proved remarkably
and, where possible, switching power generation successful for factory emissions of sulfur dioxide.
from traditional combustion to fuel cells would Adoption of similar approaches to NOX pollu-
all make a meaningful difference. solutions tion are already under way, including the U.S.
Of course, one source of renewable energy— are within Environmental Protection Agency’s NOX Budget
biofuel made from corn— is generating a new de- reach Trading Program, which began in 2003. Such
mand for fertilizer. The incredible increase in the policies could be extended to fertilizer runoff and
production of ethanol from corn in the U.S.— a livestock emissions as well— although the latter
nearly fourfold rise since 2000 — has already had are more difficult to monitor than the smoke-
a demonstrable effect on increased nitrogen stacks of a coal-burning power plant.
flows down the Mississippi River, which car- Other approaches to the problem are also
ries excess fertilizer to the Gulf of Mexico, beginning to take hold, including better
where it fuels algal blooms and creates use of landscape design in agricultural ar-
dead zones. According to a report last April eas, especially ensuring that crop fields
by the Scientific Committee on Problems of near bodies of water are fringed by inter-
the Environment (then part of the Interna- vening wetlands that can markedly reduce
tional Council for Science), a business-as- nitrogen inputs to surface waters and the
usual approach to biofuel production could coastal ocean. Protected riparian areas, such
exacerbate global warming, food security those promoted by the U.S. Conservation Re-
threats and human respiratory ailments in addi- serve Program, can do double duty: not only
tion to these familiar ecological problems. will they reduce nitrogen pollution, but they
■■ Industry can install more also provide critical habitat for migratory birds
How to Get It Done NOx-scrubbing tech­ and a host of other species.
nologies in smokestacks
Society already has a variety of technical tools and other sources
Substantial progress may also require a re-
to manage nitrogen far more effectively, retain- of pollution. thinking of agricultural subsidies. In particular,
ing many of its benefits while greatly reducing subsidies that reward environmental stewardship
the risk. As for our energy challenges, a switch ■■ Farmers can use less can bring about rapid changes in standard prac-
to more sustainable nitrogen use will not come fertilizer. For many crops, tice. A recent not-for-profit experiment run by
easily, nor is there a silver bullet. Furthermore, applying less fertilizer the American Farmland Trust shows promise.
would not sacrifice yield.
technological know-how is not enough: without Farmers agreed to reduce their fertilizer use and
economic incentives and other policy shifts, ■■ Community officials can
directed a portion of their cost savings from low-
none of these solutions will likely solve the ensure that crop fields ered fertilizer purchases to a common fund. They
problem. are fringed by wetlands then fertilized the bulk of the crop at reduced
The speed at which nitrogen pollution is ris- that can absorb nitrogen- rates, while heavily fertilizing small test plots. If
ing throughout the world suggests the need for laden runoff before it such plots exceeded the average yield of the entire
enters streams or lakes.
some regulatory control. Implementing or field, the fund paid out the difference.
strengthening environmental standards, such as ■■ Nations can institute
As one of us (Howarth) reported in a Millen-
setting total maximum daily loads that can en- farm subsidies that nium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005, such pay-
ter surface waters and determining the reactive reward environmental outs would rarely be required, given the current
nitrogen concentrations allowable in fossil-fuel stewardship. tendency to overfertilize many crops. The aver-
emissions, is probably essential. In the U.S. and age farmer in the breadbasket of the upper U.S.
other nations, regulatory policies are being pur- Midwest (the source of the great majority of ni-
sued at both national and regional scales, with trogen pollution fueling the Gulf of Mexico
Philippe Lissac Godong/Corbis

some success [see “Reviving Dead Zones,” by dead zones) typically uses 20 to 30 percent more
Laurence Mee; Scientific American, Novem- nitrogen fertilizer than agricultural extension
ber 2006]. And as much needed policy changes agents recommend. As predicted, farmers who
bring fertilizer to those parts of the world large- participated in this and similar experiments
ly bypassed by the green revolution, those areas have applied less fertilizer with virtually no de-

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Where Fertilizer Shortage Is the Problem

Synthetic fertilizer has been, and will continue to be, critical to meeting world food demands, particularly in malnourished regions,
such as sub-Saharan Africa, where increased fertilizer use is one of the leading strategies for developing a reliable food supply.

H umans already produce more than enough fertilizer to feed the

world, but inequitable and inefficient distribution means that
excessive use is causing problems in some places while poverty-
stricken regions are mired in a cycle of malnutrition. Making
synthetic fertilizer available to those who typically cannot afford
it has clearly played a role in bettering food security and the
human condition in parts of rural sub-Saharan Africa, where wide-
spread malnutrition stems directly from nutrient depletion and
soil erosion.
Fertilizer subsidies are one pillar of the African Millennium Villages
Project, an ambitious proof-of-concept project in which coordinated
efforts to improve health, education and agricultural productivity are
now under way in a series of rural villages across Africa. Launched in
2004, the project was implemented on a national scale in Malawi.
After a decade of repeated food shortages and famine, Malawi created
subsidies that provided poor farmers with synthetic fertilizer and
improved seed varieties. Although better climate conditions played a
role, the approach clearly worked: Malawi went from a 43 percent food
deficit in 2005 to a 53 percent surplus in 2007.  — A.R.T. and R.W.H.
synthetic fertilizer remains critical in Mwandama, Malawi.

crease in crop yield and have saved money as a grown food and eating grass-fed rather than
result, because what they paid into the fund is corn-fed beef all tackle the carbon and nitrogen
less than the amount they saved by buying less problems simultaneously. Individual choices
fertilizer. As a result, such funds grow with no alone are unlikely to solve the problems, but his-
taxpayer subsidy. tory shows they can spur societies to move down
Finally, better public education and personal new paths. The well-known trade-offs between
choice can play critical roles. In much the way climate and energy production that were long ig-
that many individuals have begun reducing their nored as hypothetical now appear everywhere
➥ More To
own energy consumption, so, too, can people from presidential speeches to roadside billboards Explore
from all walks of life learn how to select a less to budding regulatory schemes. Nutrient Management. R. W. How-
nitrogen-intensive lifestyle. Unfortunately, the nitrogen problem is in one arth et al. in Ecosystems and Human
Well-Being: Policy Responses. Millen-
One big improvement would be for Ameri- critical way tougher than the carbon problem.
nium Ecosystem Assessment. Island
cans to eat less meat. If Americans were to switch In solving the latter, it is reasonable to work to- Press, 2005.
to a typical Mediterranean diet, in which aver- ward a future of one day producing energy with-
age meat consumption is one sixth of today’s out CO2-emitting fossil fuels. But it is not pos- Transformation of the Nitrogen
U.S. rates, not only would Americans’ health im- sible to envision a world free of the need to pro- Cycle: Recent Trends, Questions,
and Potential Solutions. James N.
prove, the country’s fertilizer use would be cut duce substantial amounts of reactive nitrogen.
Galloway et al. in Science, Vol. 320,
in half. Such shifts in dietary and agricultural Synthetic fertilizer has been, and will continue pages 889–892; May 16, 2008.
practices could simultaneously lower environ- to be, critical to meeting world food demands.
mental nitrogen pollution and improve public Yet if we stay on a business-as-usual trajectory, Biofuels: Environmental Conse-
health: nitrogen-intensive agricultural practices with nitrogen production continuing to rise, we quences and Interactions with
Changing Land Use. Edited by
in wealthier nations contribute to overly protein- will face a future in which the enormous bene-
R. W. Howarth and S. Bringezu. Pro-
rich, often unbalanced diets that link to health fits of Fritz Haber’s discovery become ever more ceedings of the SCOPE International
concerns from heart disease and diabetes to shrouded by its drawbacks. Biofuels Project Rapid Assessment,
childhood obesity. Still, as we have argued here, nitrogen cycle Cornell University, April 2009.
Making personal choices designed to reduce problems could be significantly reduced with

an individual’s carbon footprint can help—not current technology at relatively affordable costs.
Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultur-
just on the industrial side, as in supporting wind We can and must do better. It will take immedi- al Development. P. M. Vitousek
power and hybrid cars, but on the agricultural ate and ongoing effort, but a sustainable nitro- et al. in Science, Vol. 324, pages
side as well. Eating less meat, eating locally gen future is entirely achievable. ■ 1519–1520; June 19, 2009.

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