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I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds the best answer.
1. Which of the following statements describes performance-based assessment?
I. Evaluates complex learning outcomes.
II. Encourages the application of learning to real life situation.
III. Measures broad range of contents.
A. I only B. II only C. I and II D. I, II, and III
1. At the end of the school year, all third year students presented their portfolio for the English
subject. Teachers, students, parents, and office staff were allowed to view and give their evaluation
on the presentation. Which authentic assessment was used in the process?
A. Program B. seminar C. exhibit D. conference
2. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?
A. Emphasizes only on the process. C. Essay test is an example of performance-based
B. Stresses on the process and the product. D. Emphasizes on doing, not on knowing.
3. Assessment is said to be authentic when a teacher
A. Gives a valid abd reliable test C. Gives students real life tasks to accomplish
B. Includes other stakeholders in the assessment procedures . D. Involves students in the
formulation of the test
4. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?
A. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment.
B. Assessment should stress on the reproduction of knowledge.
C. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score.
D. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score.
5. Which of the following are characteristics of a good assessment instrument?
I. Objectivity II. Validity III. Fairness IV. Reliability
A. I, II, IV B. II, IV C. I, II, III D. I, II, III, IV
7. A portfolio assessment requires a presentation of a collection of student’s work. What is the purpose
of the said activity?
I. To showcase the current abilities and skills of the learners.
II. To show growth and development of the learners.
III. To evaluate the cumulative achievement of the learners.
6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about rubrics?
I. Rubrics are not developmental.
II. Rubrics can be used for summative and formative assessments.
III. Rubrics can provide both grade and detailed feedback to improve future
IV. Students should not be involved in the rubric construction.
A. I only B. II, III C. I, IV D. IV only
7. An admission officer of a certain university conducted a four-batch entrance examination for
scholarship. The results are the following: Batch I: average=85.75 with 10 examinees; Batch II :
average=90.25 with 15 examinees; Batch III=average=88.75 with 20 examinees; and Batch IV:
average=89.95 with 5 examinees. What is the overall average of the examinees?
A. 88.65 B. 88.50 C. 88.80 D. 89.00
8. Most of the students got scores above the mean. What would be the graphical representation of
their scores?
A. Normally distributed B. Skewed to the right C. Negatively skewed D. Positively
9. Which is true when the standard deviation is large?
A. Scores are concentrated B. Scores are not extreme C. Scores are spread apart D. The bell
shape is steep
10. The computed r for the scores in Math and Science is 0.89. What does this mean?
A. Math score id positively related to Science scores.
B. The higher the Math score, the lower the Science scores.
C. Math score is not in anyway related to Science scores.
D. Math scores is highly related to Science scores.
12-14 Study these groups of tests that were administered to a class where James belongs, then answer
the following questions.
Subject James’ score Mean score Standard deviation
Math 88 86 1.5
English 90 88 2.0
Music 92 91 0.75
11. In which subject/s did James perform most poorly?
A. Math and English B. Math C. English D. Music
12. What type of learner is James?
A. Musical B. logical C. linguistic D. bodily kinesthetic
13. In which group scores are most spread?
A. Math and Music B. Math C. English D. Music
14. Which is the most important about portfolio and performance –based assessment?
A. Authentic assessment B. Numerical grading C. Letter grading D. Scoring rubric
15. Teacher Carlos found out that there is a negative correlation between the scores in English and in
Mathematics tests. What does this mean?
A. Students’ scores in English test are inversely related to their test scores in Mathematics.
B. Students’ scores in English test are directly related to their test scores in Mathematics.
C. Students’ who are good at English are necessarily good at Mathematics.
D. Students’ who are good at Math are necessarily good at English.
16. What does a positively skewed score distribution mean?
A. The mean, median, and mode are equal. C. The scores are normally distributed.
B. Most scores are low. D. Most of the scores are above the mean.
17. Which of the following statements best describes the performance of the students when their
scores are negatively skewed?
A. Most students got very high scores. C. The scores are equally distributed.
B. A few students performed above the mean. D. Most students did not perform well.
18. Teacher Vinci wants to test his students’ ability to speak extemporaneously. Which of the following
is the most valid assessment tool?
A. Let his students construct a speech.
B. Give a written test on the guidelines in delivering an extemporaneous speech.
C. Let them make their portfolio on speeches delivered.
D. Prepare a performance test in extemporaneous speakins.
19. “Group the following items according to order”, is akind of instruction given when
A. Evaluating B. Generalizing C. classifying D. inferring
20. Which of the following measures of central tendency can be determined by mere inspection?
A. Median B. Mean C. Mode D. Mode and Median
21. Which of the following statements is TRUE when standard deviation is large?
A. Scores are concentrated around the mean. C. Scores are widely spread around the mean.
B. The scores are normally distributed. D. The mean and the median are equal.
22. Which of the following statements is TRUE when standard deviation is small?
C. Scores are concentrated around the mean. C. Scores are widely spread around the mean.
D. The scores are normally distributed. D. The mean and the median are equal.
23. Which of the following items represents norm-referenced grading system?
A. Peter was able to get 90 items out of 100 items in a Mathematics test.
B. Fitch performed better in the test in Mathematics than 88% of his classmates.
C. Ritz was able to solve 88% of the problems correctly.
D. Glenn solved 9 problems out 0f 15 problems correctly.
24. Teacher Jhonson gave a test in English. Most of the students got scores above the mean. What is the
graphical representation of their scores?
A. Skewed to the right B. Skewed to the left C. Mesokrutic D. Normally distributed
25. If the computed range is small, this means that
A. The students performed very well in the test.
B. The difference between the highest and the lowest score is high.
C. The students performed very poorly in the test.
D. The difference between the highest and the lowest score is low.
26. Given the following scores: 94, 83,83,91,94,86,80,82,81,83,85, what does the score 83 indicates in
the distribution mean?
A. Median B. Mean and Mode C. Mode only D. Median and Mode
27. Which of the following statements is TRUE about portfolio assessment?
A. It can determine the growth and development of the students.
B. It is valid and reliable traditional assessment.
C. It considers the suggestions of students in assessment.
D. It involves students in developing test questions.
28. Which of the following can diagnose more weaknesses of the students?
A. Portfolio assessment B. Traditional assessment C. Analytic rubric D. Holistic
29. Which of the following groups of score distribution is less spread?
A. Sd=1.25 B. sd=1.50 C. sd=1.75 D. sd=2.00
30. Scores of 8 students were: 86,78,89,90,88,98,95,88, what is the mean value?
A. 87 B. 88 D. 89 D. 90
32-34 Study this group of test scores, administered to a class to whom Angel belongs.
Subject Mean SD Angel’s score
Mathematics 78 7 75
English 80 7.3 82
Music 90 7.2 89
PE 88 7.5 90
31. In which subjects/s did Angel perform most poorly in relation to the groups mean performance?
A. English B. PE C. Music D. Mathematics
32. From the scores, we can assume that Angel is what type of learner?
A. Bodily-kinesthetic B. logical C. linguistic D. musical
33. Which group of scores is most widespread?
A. English B. PE C. Music D. Mathematics
34. Which type of assessment is more suitable when measuring or assessing mastery of learning?
A. Formative assessment B. Objective assessment C. Aptitude assessment D. Diagnostic
35. Which of the following is NOT a factor of errors in assessment?
A. The practice may increase a student’s score. C. The student may take the test for granted.
B. The test questions may get outdated. D. Administering the test twice may measure a different
36. Which assessment tool will be most authentic?
A. Portfolio B.Completion test C. True-false test D. Multiple-choice test
37. Which is indispensable with the current emphasis on pportfolio and performance-based
A. Numerical grading B. Authentic assessment C. Scoring rubric D. Letter
38. Teacher Vinci wants to test his student’s ability in formulating ideas. Which type of test should he
A. Problem solving type B. Essay question C. Completion test D. Matching type
39. Teacher Marie wanted to teach her pupils the skills in dancing folkdance. Her check-up test was a
written test on the steps of dancing folkdance. What characteristics of good test does it lack?
A. Objectivity B. Comprehension C. Validity D. Reliability
40. Teacher Angelo used a table of specifications when he constructed his periodic test. The students
can be assured that the test has _________________.
A. Clarity B. Validity C. Relevance D. Reliability
41. Which is the most reliable tool for seeing the development in your pupils’ ability to sing?
A. Performance assessment B. Self-assessment C. Scoring rubric D. Portfolio
42. The criterion of success in teacher H objectives is that “the students must be able to get 85% of the
items correctly.” Abigail and 29 others got the 36 items correctly out 0f 50. This means that teacher
A. Attained his objective because of his teaching method.
B. Failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the 30 students are concerned.
C. Attained his lesson objective.
D. Did not attain his lesson objective because the students’ failed to study the amterial.
43. Which of the following describes norm-referenced testing?
A. Constructing test items in terms of instructional objectives.
B. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance.
C. Determining task that reflects instructional objectives.
D. Identifying average performance of a group.
44. Which is true about norm-referenced statement?
A. Mark performed better in Spelling than 60% of hid classmates.
B. Mark was able to spell 90% of the words correctly.
C. Mark was able to spell 90%,of the words correctly and spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly.
D. Mark spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly.
45. Which measure of central tendency is most appropriate when the score distribution is skewed?
A. Mode B. Mean and median C. Median D. Mean
50. What is a simple frequency distribution? A graphic representation of _________.
A. means B. standard deviations C. raw scores D. lowest and highest
51. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10?
A. 8.5 B. 6 C. 7.5 D. 8
52. Teacher C of cases and 1 over 2 to obtain ___________.
A. mode B. median C. median and mode D. mean
53. Which measure(s) of central tendency can be determined by mere inspection?
A. median B. mode C. mean D. mode and median
54. Teacher M wants to make use of the most stable measure of variability. Which one should be
A. external range and quartile range B. standard deviation C.quartile range D.
external range
55. What is the mode in the following score distribution: 96, 96, 98, 97, 93, 90 89, 97, 81, 80?
A. 96 B. 98 C. 97 D. 83
56. What criteria/criterion is/are applied by a principal who evaluates teachers based on the result of
the achievement tests of the pupils?
A. Product and Attitude B. Process C. Product D. Attitude
57. The sum of all the scores in a distribution always equals
A. the mean times the interval size C. the mean times N
B. the mean divided by the interval size D. the mean divided by N
58. Median is to point as standard deviation is to ____________.
A. area B. volume C. distance D. square
59. Which of the following could produce more than one value?
A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. Range
60. You give a 100-point test, three students make scores of 95, 92 and 01 respectively, while the other
22 students in the class make scores ranging from 33 to 67. The measured central tendency, which is apt
to best describes for this group of 25 students is __________________.
A. the mean B. the mode C. an average on the median and mode D. the median
61. Given the scores 1,3,3,3,5,5,6,6,6 and 10, the mode(s) is /are _____________.
A. 3 B. 3 and 6 C. 5 D. 6
62. Which statement on test result interpretation is correct?
A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
B. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability.
C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupils’ scores.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflects teacher’s effectiveness.
63. Which may work about standard deviation is CORRECT?
A. The lower the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
B. The higher the standard deviation the less spread the scores are.
C. The higher the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
D. It is a measure of central tendency.
64. Which one of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency?
A. Median B. Mean C. Variance D. Mode
65. What is an advantage of point system of grading?
A. It does away with establishing clear distinctions among students. C. It is precise.
B. It is qualitative. D. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring.
66. To have a test with a coverage and with power to test analytical thinking and case scoring. Which
type should the teachers use?
A. Alternative response B. Short-answer C. Completion D. Multiple
67. I want my students to master the concept of social justice. Which series of activities will be most
A. Review-pretest-teaching-posttest
B. Pretest-teaching-posttest
C. Pretest on social justice-teaching-posttest-reteaching for unlearned concept-posttest
D. teacing-posttest
68. Research tells that teachers ask mostly content questions. Which of the following terms does NOT
refer to content-question?
A. closed B. direct C. concept D. convergent
69. Which one can best evaluate student’s attitudinal development?
A. Essay test B. Portfolio C. Observation D. Short-answer test
70. Which has a broad sampling of topics as strength?
A. Objective test B. Short-answer test C. Essay test D. Problem type
71. Student’s cores on a test were: 72,72,73,74,76,78,81,83,86. The score 76 is the _________________.
A. mode B. mean C. range D. median
72. Which measure(s) of central tendency separate(s) the top half of the group from bottom half.
A. Median B. Mean C. Median and mean D. Mode
73. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to _______________.
A. Measures of Dispersion B. Correlation C. central tendency D. Variability
74. Teacher B is researching on family income distribution, which is quiet symmetrical. Which
measure(s) of central tendency will be most informative and appropriate?
A. Mode B. Mean C. Median D. Mean and Median
75. What measures of central tendency does the number 16 represents in the following data: 14, 15, 17,
16, 19, 20,16,14,16?
A. Mode B. Mode and median C. Median D. Mean
76. Teacher A discovered that pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have helped him
discover his pupils’ strength?
A. Portfolio assessment B. Performance test C. Journal Entry D.
Paper-and-pencil test
77. The mode of a core distribution is 25. This means that
A. Twenty-five is the score that occurs least. C. Twenty-five is the score that occurs
B. Twenty-five is the average of the score distribution. D. There is no score of 25.
78. The variance, standard deviation, and range are all measures of ________________.
A. variability B. central tendency C. grouping D. partition values
79. If teacher gets the difference between the highest score and the lowest score, he obtains the
A. range B. standard deviation C. mean D. index of difficulty
80. Which applies when the score distribution is concentrated on the left side of the curve?
A. bell curve B. positively skewed C. bimodal D. negatively skewed
81. The scores of the students in a tutorial class are as follows: 82, 82, 85, 86, 87 94, 98. The score 86 is
the _______
A. mean B. mode C. mean and median D. median
82. Which statement is true when the value of standard deviation is small?
A. The scores are found at the extremes of the distribution.
B. The scores are spread out from the mean value.
C. The scores are concentrated around the mean value.
D. The shape of the distribution is a bell curve.
83. What is true about normal distribution?
A. The mean, the median and the mode are equal. C. The mode is high.
B. Most of the scores are high. D. Most of the scores are low.
84. Most of the students who took the examination got scores above the mean. What is the graphical
representation of the score distribution?
A. normal curve B. mesokrutic C. positively skewed D. negatively skewed
85. Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution?
A. Most examinees got scores above the mean. C. The value of mode corresponds to a
low score.
B. The value of median and mode are equal. D. The value of the median is higher than the
value mode
86. Mean is to Measure of Central Tendency, as ______________ is to measure of variability.
A. quartile deviation B. quartile C. correlation dD. skewness
87. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely ____________.
A. normally distributed C. skewed to the right
B. skewed to the left D. leptokurtic
88. Which is correct about MEDIAN?
A. It is a measure of variability.
B. It is the most stable measure of central tendency.
C. It is the 50th percentile.
D. It is significantly affected by extreme scores.
89. Skewed score distribution means:
A. The scores are normally distributed.
B. The mean and the median are equal.
C. The mode, the mean, and the median are equal.
D. The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end.
90. What does a negatively skewed score contribution imply?
a. The scores congregate on the left side of the normal distribution curve.
b. The scores are widespread.
c. The students must be academically poor.
d. The scores congregate on the right side of the normal distribution curve.

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