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ELEC 4010 Capstone 1 Weekly Status Report

Project Name: Flight Control Unit for AURA ULI Rocket

Choi, John jzc0086
Coleman, Jordan jzc0197
Han, Seokhee szh0123
Harris, Jordan jkh0032
Howard, Jacob jah0147
Kuban, Andrew aek0045
Lan, Jinrui jzl0222
Nance, Robert rwn0006
Team Members:
Date to be presented: 10/22/21
Website link:

Project description in plain language, approximately 25 words:

Design the PCB and sensors for the flight control unit for the Auburn University Rocketry Association’s 2022 Competition Rocket competing in NASA’s University
Launch Initiative.
(1) Show the updated Gantt Chart or similar
Accomplishments since last status report:

Successfully compiled the sensor library for BMX 160, and partially compiled library for MS5607. A prototype board has been created with the two sensors and a
RAspberry Pi 0 for testing the I2C communication cheme between the devices. We have successfully completed writing our section of the PDR as well.

Obstacles encountered since last status report:

● Testing has shown that there is a remote I/O error during I2C read operations, meaning that the computer cannot successfully log data from the sensors.
Troubleshooting has begun from both a software and hardware approach. We are lagging in development of a communication protocol for the radio and
GPS. The software for the MS5607 altimeter has several bugs which are difficult to interpret.

Risks facing the project:

Our project is dependent on the completion of other phases of the rocket. Other sub-teams of AURA will need to complete their work in order for us to complete
our own.

With eight people, we cannot find a consistent meeting time for us all. Scheduling is difficult.

Objectives for the next week:

● Complete software construction for data logging for test launch on November 6th

o Implement and test libraries

▪ Altimeter
▪ Radio
o Build flight-ready prototype board using RaspberryPi Zero, two sensors and power supply soldered into robust perforated boards
● Complete design for typical PCB for full-scale launch
o Altimeter + IMU + Pi Zero + Radio + GPS + Power Supply
● Reporting
o Complete video assignment (John Choi, Jordan Harris, Jinrui Lan)
o Complete weekly report (Jordan Coleman, Robert Nance)


AURA will be funding this project nearly in its entirety.

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