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Faradina Primarini NS


Link for the movie

Analyzing politeness strategies used by characters in movie “Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride”

1. Simba: Whoah. Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?

Kiara: Daddy! Let go!

The underlined utterance above showed the use of bald on record as politeness strategy by Kiara.

2. Simba: Kiara... are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt, or
Kiara: ...Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost.
Simba: And remember,... I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all (1)
Kiara: At all times, I know. {She's testy at the repetitive warning; she continues reciting}
And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go
now? Please?

The first underlined utterance showed the use of bald on record politeness whereas the second
utterance was negative positive politeness.

3. Simba: Hmm. Very funny.

Nala: Mind your father, Kiara. (1)
Kiara: Yes, Mom.
Simba: And stay away from the Outlands (2)
Zazu: Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders!
Simba: Zazu's right... you can't turn your back on them (3)

The first underlined utterance was positive politeness and second underlined utterances there
showed the use of bald on record politeness strategies. The third utterance was off record since
Simba indirectly wanted Kiara to be cautious.

4. Simba: Mmm... never mind. Just run along now

Kiara: But dad, I….
Simba: You will understand someday. Go on
Kiara: Dad….
Simba: and stay on the path I’ve marked for you!

The first underlined utterance was positive politeness whereas the second and third were bald on

5. Simba: Hey, Timon. Pumbaa. Come here.

Timon: Good morning, mon Capitan
Simba: I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. You know she's bound to run off.

The first and second utterances indicated the use of bald on record as politeness strategies.

6. Timon: No worries, Simba. We're on her like stink on a warthog (1)

Pumba: Hey!
Timon: It's the hard truth, Pumbaa. Live with it. (2)

The first underlined utterance showed the use of off record strategy since it implied that they
would keep a close watch on Kiara as ordered by Simba. Meanwhile, the second one was bald on

7. Timon: Oh, no... ohh... uh... uh... let's see, uh... Gee, Simba. The good news is, we found
your daughter. The bad news is, we dropped a warthog on her. Is... there a problem with
Pumba: Kiara? Kiara?
Timon: Pumbaa! Let me define "babysitting"!

The underlined utterance indicated the use of off record politeness strategy by Timon which it
asked Pumba to get off since he was sitting on Kiara.

8. Timon: Darling... with your complexion, you should stay out of the sun. Whaaat? Do you
wanna wrinkle? (1)
Kiara: Would someone please just listen to me? (2)

The first underlined utterance indicated the use of positive politeness strategy while the second
one was negative politeness strategy.

9. Kovu: Wuhh... waaaahh!

Kiara: Aaaaahhh! Run! This way!

The underlined utterance was the use of bald on record politeness strategy.

10. Kiara: Look out! Move it!

The utterance above showed the use of bald on record where Kiara asked Kovu to be careful
over the crocodile which was trying to catch him.

11. Nala: Zira

Zira: Nala
Timon: Timon, Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other.. GET OUTTA OUR
Zira: Your Pride Lands? These lands belonged to Scar

Simba: I banished you from the Pride Lands! Now you and your young cub... get out

Those underlined sentences showed the use of bald on record strategy.

12. Zira: But the child does not! However... if you need your pound of flesh... here.
Simba: Take him and get out. We are finished here.

The underlined one showed the use of bald on record strategy.

13. Kiara: Circle of life. I know.

Simba: Exactly. And you need to be careful. As future Queen…

The underlined there indicated the use of positive politeness strategy.

14. Zira: I now see the path to our glorious return to power!
Kovu: But I don't want—
Zira: Hush! Hush, my little one. You must be exhausted

The utterance above indicated the use of off record politeness strategy where Zira indirectly told
Kovu to go to sleep.

15. Kiara: Daddy... you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?
Simba: All right…. I promise

The underlined utterance above showed the use of negative politeness by Kiara.

16. Simba: Make sure she does not get hurt.

The underlined utterance above was addressed to Timon and Pumbaa where Simba wanted them
to watch over his daughter. Hence, it showed the use of positive politeness.

17. Kiara: I’ll do this on my own. Away from the Pride Lands.
Timon: Hey! Wait! Come back! Oh... who can keep track of her? Kiara-- come back!
Oh... she's gone again!

Bald on record as politeness strategy was used in the underlined utterance above.

18. Vitani: Grr… come on!

Bald on record was used there since she wanted Nuka to stop laughing and did the plan.

19. Zira: Go!

Bald on record was identified where Zira directly asked Kovu to go and saved Kiara.

20. Zazu: Don’t worry Simba. She will be fine. What could happen?

Simba: No... no! Kiara! Zazu! Fly ahead. Find her!

This utterance indicated the use of bald on record strategy.

21. Kovu: Not from where I'm standing.

Kiara: Then move downwind
Kovu: what are you doing?
Kiara: Kovu?

This underlined sentence showed the use of bald on record strategy.

22. Simba: You saved her? Why?

Kovu: I humbly ask to join your pride.
Simba: No! you were banished with the other outsiders
Kovu: I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am... or am I to
be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?

The first underlined utterance above indicated the use of negative politeness strategy whereas the
second one was bald on record.

23. Kiara: Oh…. And I suppose you could teach me?

Kovu: Heh… yeah

The first utterance above showed the use of negative politeness.

24. Kiara: You could me hear me… huh.

Kovu: Only... a lot. You're still breathing too hard. Relax... feel the earth under your
paws... so it doesn't shift and make noise. Ssshh. Watch the master... and learn.

The underlined utterance there showed the use of bald on record strategy.

25. Timon: Don't eat me! Please! I... I... I never really met your tyrant. I mean, uh-- Scar.
Scar. Oh, heck of a guy. A little moody, but, I...

The utterance above showed the use of bald on record strategy where Timon begged Kovu not to
eat him.

26. Timon: You wanna lend a voice? (posi) Huh? Roar! Work with me!

The utterance above indicated the use of negative politeness where he asked Kovu for help and
the other one was bald on record.

27. Kiara: Like this?

Timon: Wooo hoo! C'mon, do it again! Do it again

Bald on record strategy was used there by Timon.

28. Kovu: Kiara…. I need to talk to you

The utterance above which was addressed to Kiara was identified as positive politeness strategy.

29. Zira: Attack! Get him! Do it now!

This utterance was identified as bald on record which was addressed to other lioness to attack

30. Kiara: Father…. Father! Zazu get help!

Zazu: Oh yes, help… at once, of course.

Bald on record strategy was used by Kiara in that utterance.

31. Kovu: Simba…I had nothing to do with…

Simba: You don’t belong here (1)
Kovu: Please… I ask for forgiveness (2)
Kiara: Daddy, please… listen to him! (3)
Simba: Silence! When you first came here, you asked for judgment... (4)

The first, second, and third utterances there indicated the use of negative politeness while the
fourth utterance was bald on record.

32. Simba: Exile!

Kiara: No…. Kovu! Father please reconsider
Simba: You will not go anywhere without an escort from now on

The utterances above showed 3 different types of politeness strategies particularly bald on
record, negative politeness, and positive politeness.

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