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Sentencing (Subject + Predicate + Object + Complement)

1. The president ___ the election by a landslide.

A. won B. he won C. yesterday D. fortunately

2. ___ are low in cholesterol and often come from corn, soybeans, and olives.
A. There are vegetable oils B. Vegetable oils
C. The oil in vegetables D. While vegetable oils

3. ___ is present in the body in greater amounts than any other mineral.
A. Calcium B. There is calcium C. Calcium, which D. It is calcium

4. Like bacteria, protozoans ___by splitting in two.

A. reproducing B. reproduce C. to reproduce D.

5. ___ main processes involved in virtually all manufacturing: extraction, assembly, and alteration.
A. There are three B. Three C. The three D. Three of the

6. ___, the son of an impoverished farmer, was born on Long Island.

A.The poet was Walt Whitman B.When the poet Walt Whitman
C.The poet Walt Whitman D.That the poet Walt Whitman

7. Pepsin ____ an enzyme used in digestion.

A. that B. is C. of D. being

8. Both longitude and latitude _____ in degrees, minute, and seconds.

A. being measured B. measured C. are measured D. measuring

9. The walls of arteries _____ into three layers.

A. they divide B. dividing C. to be divided D. are divided

10. Once known as the “Golden State” because of its gold mines, _____ .
A. North Carolina today mines few metallic minerals
B. few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today
C. there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today
D. today in North Carolina few metallic minerals aitu di crre mined

11. Candles ___ from bees-wax burn with a very clean flame.
A. are made B. making C. which make D. made

12. Minnesota's thousands of lakes ____ over 4,000 square miles.

A. that cover B. covering C. are covering D. cover

13. Arizona _____ a very dry climate.

A. has B. being C. have D. with
14. _____ range in colors from pale yellow and bright red to bright orange.
A. Canaries which B. Canaries that are C. That canaries D. Canaries

15. From 1946 to 1949, __________ William Henry Hastie served as governor of the Virgin Islands.
A. the lawyer B. he was the lawyer C. the lawyer who D. was the lawyer

16. _____, the outermost layer of skin, is about as thick as a sheet of paper over most of the skin.
A. Is the epidermis B. The epidermis is C. In the epidermis D. The epidermis

17. __________ struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.
A. When is it B. One is C. When it is D. Is one

18. _____ forms a partition between the mouth and nasal passages.
A. The palatable B. The hard palate C. In the hard palate D. The hard

19. Sam Spade in the Maltese falcon and Rick Blaine in Casablanca _____ of Humphrey Bogart's more famous roles.
A. They are two B. Two of them are C. Two of them D. are two

20. The typical grassland dweller of the continent ____, or pronghorn.

A. the American antelope B. the American antelope C. it is the American antelope D. is the American antelope

21. __________ the constitution of the Cherokee Nation provided for a chief executive, a senate, and a house of
A. In 1827 they drafted B. The draft in 1827 C. In 1827 was drafted D. Drafted in 1827

22. Although _____________ some textile products, it imports many as well.

A. the exports of the United States B. exporting of the United States
C. exporter of the United States D. the United States exports

23. ________________ a bicameral, or two-chamber parliament.

A. Canada has B. Having Canada C. Because Canada has D. that Canada is having

24. ____________ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a
A. Saved B. Saves C. To save D. The saving

25. Nutritionists ____________ goat milk to be rich, nourishing, and readily digested.
A. consider B. is considered C. are considered D. considering

26. __________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
A. Its B. Where its C. Since its D. Because of its

27. ___________ a lonely and rugged life, far from home and family.
A. Wherever the early prospector lived B. The early prospector lived
C. Not only did the early prospector live D. The early prospector living

28. Every year Canadian _________ about 75 percent of their exports to the United States.
A. businesses that sell B. selling businesses C. businesses sell D. that sell to businesses

29. As president of New Mexico, Dennis Chavez ________ to the House of Representatives in 1930 and to the Senate in1938.
A. when elected B. elected C. who was elected D. was elected
30. Even at low levels, ____________.
A. the nervous system has produced detrimental effects by lead
B. lead’s detrimental effects are producing the nervous system
C. lead produces detrimental effects on the nervous system
D. the detrimental effects produced by lead on the nervous system

31. __________dates from the end of the eighteenth century.

A. The modern circus that B. That the modern circus C. While the modern circus D. The modern circus

32. _________ were stones piled at intervals.

A. The earliest road markers B. The earliest road markers, which
C. Road markers were the earliest D. Until the earliest road markers

33. __________modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less
severe interiors.
A. If B. But C. With D. Once

34. Great numbers of tiny shelled animals ____ on the ocean floor.
A. Living B. they live C. to live D. live

35. Indian summer is a period of mild weather ___________ during the autumn.
A. occurs B. occuring C. it occurs D. is occuring

36. Many gasses, including the nitrogen and oxygen in air, __________ color or odor.
A. have no B. having C. to have D. has

37. __________images out of clay, stone, and metal.

A. The shaping of sculpture B. Sculpting the shapes C. To shape sculpture D. Sculptors shape

38. Some procedures used for laboratory analysis of archaeological specimens are _________ procedures conducted in crime
A. resemble B. similar to C. same as D. alike

39. ________ in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States.
A. Founded B. Founding C. To found D. Having founded

B. Sentencing (Conjunction – FANBOYS vs non-FANBOYS)

1. Mercury differs from other industrial metals ____________ it is a liquid.

A. whereas B. in that C. because of D. consequently

2. Many small birds use new sites for each nesting _____ large birds often reuse the same nest.
A. by B. how C. within D. whereas
3. ________ conventional black ink costs newspapers about thirty cents a pound, most rub-resistant inks add at least ten
cents more per pound to the bill.
A. Furthermore B. Meanwhile C. Moreover D. While

4. In black verse ____________ of ten syllables, five of which are accented.

A. line consists of each B. consists of each line C. it consists of each line D. each line consists

5. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated,_________ in some literary writing, dots or points
were used to indicate divisions.
A. in spite of B. contrary C. contrast to D. but

6. Ducks have been domesticated for many centuries __________ commercially for their meat and eggs.
A. raised B. and are raised C. raised as D. are raised

7. When water freezes in the cracks of rocks, __________ expands, causing the rocks to break apart.
A. it B. but C. then D. and

8. Uniform acceleration occurs __________the rate of change remains the same over successive and equal intervals of
A. according B. if C. with D. under

9. With x – ray microscopes scientists can see through live insects ______ even through solid pieces of metal.
A. however B. nevertheless C. or D. yet

10. The quantum theory states ___________ , such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or
A. energy that B. that it is energy C. it is energy D. that energy

11. Algebra generalizes certain basic laws ___________ the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of all
A. govern B. that govern C. have governed D. which they govern

12. In 1938, when Benny Goodman’s orchestra presented a concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall, ________ was clear
that jazz had at last been fully accepted.
A. There B. Which C. And D. It

13. The windmill, which has been used for hundreds of years to pump water and grind grains, __________ redesigned to
produce electricity.
A. it is now being B. it now can C. is now being D. now being
14. The spiral threads of a spider’s web have a sticky substance on them __________ insects.
A. traps B. trap its C. which traps D. which it traps

15. ______ a continuous mass of water on the Earth’s surface, all continents are islands in the strictest sense of the word.
A. The form of the oceans B. Since the oceans form C. To form the oceans D. That the oceans

16. __________that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.
A. Anthropologists have discovered B. Anthropologists discovering
C. The discovery by anthropologists D. Discovered by anthropologists

17. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of __________reality.

A. what it is conceived B. what is conceived to be C. that is being conceived of D. that is conceived

18. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867.
A. reforming society B. social reformer C. who reformed society D. her social reform

19. Mushrooms have no vascular tissue, they reproduce by means of spores, and they ________chlorophyll.
A. lack B. no C. not D. not having

20. The kettledrum produces different tones depending on whether ________ with sticks that have felt or sponge heads.
A. to strike B. when struck C. It is struck D. striking it

21. _____ and terrifying coral snakes can grow to four feet or 1.2 m in length.
A. They are extremely poisonous B. The poison is extreme
C. Extremely poisonous D. An extreme amount of poison

22. The fact _____ money orders can usually be easily cashed has made them a popular form of payment.
A. of B. that C. is that D. which is

23. Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes _____ they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth’s surface.
A. due to B. because C. because of D. in spite of

24. In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what __________ the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by
science and technology.
A. he considers B. does he consider C. considers D. considers it

C. Sentencing (Inversion vs Clause)

1. __________ was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.
A. Not until 1866 B. Until 1866, just C. Until 1866 D. In 1866, not until

2. Magnesium has a specific gravity of 1.74, which means that __________ 1.74 times as much as an equal volume of
A. it is weighed B. weighing it C. its weight D. it weighs

3. __________1895 did Cornell University begin to offer a degree in ornithology.

A. Not until B. Not since C. Until D. In

4. In the eastern part of New Jersey _______, a major shipping and manufacturing center.
A. lies the city of Elizabeth B. the city of Elizabeth lies there
C. around the city of Elizabeth lies D. there lies the city of Elizabeth around

5. Not only ____________ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
A. to use seismology B. seismology is used
C. using seismology D. is seismology used

6. Located at the upper end of each________ an adrenal gland, an integral part of the endocrine system.
A. kidney which is B. kidney is C. kidney being D. kidney

7. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum _____ of antique cars dating from 1865.
A. is an exhibit B. an exhibit C. an exhibit is D. which is an exhibit

8. Ronald Reagan had served two terms as governor of California before _________ President.
A. he became B. when becoming C. became D. did he become

9. When _________ to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the dough to rise.
A. is added baking powder B. added baking powder is
C. is baking powder added D. baking powder is added

10. The average level of United States prices grew very little from 1953 until the mid-1960’s when _____________.
A. did inflation begin B. inflation began C. the beginning of inflation D. did the beginning of inflation

11. In 1796 investigations into the chemical nature of diamond concluded _________ a form of purecarbon.
A. that it B. is it C. that it is D. is that

12. Not until the First World War __________ to improve the road system in the United States.
A. a determined effort was made B. made a determined effort C. when a determined effort was made
D. was a determined effort made

13. Because Mars is farther from the Sun than _________, Mars takes longer to complete a revolution.
A. Earth is B. is from Earth C. what is Earth D. is it Earth

14. Not only ____ much bigger than any planet, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material.
A. the Sun is B. the Sun, which is C. is the Sun D. that the sun

15. Scientists think _________helps some tree to conserve water in the winter.
A. when losing leaves B. leaves are lost C. that losing leaves D. the leaves losing

16. GMOs not only_____________ agriculture’s impact on the environment, but also help to protect it.
A. do they reduce B. reduce C. they reduce D. that they reduce

D. Sentencing (Double comparative – The more)

1. The greater the population there is in a locality,__________for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
A. is there great need B. greater need C. the great need D. the greater the
need there is

2. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, _________ to the body.
A. the stress it is greater B. greater is the stress C. greater stress is D. the greater the

3. The lower _____ in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus.
A. the level of lighting B. light level C. leveling of light D. lighting is level

4. ____ technically proficient; it also explores psychological questions.

A. Not only is Barbara Astman’s artwork B. Not only Barbara Astman’s artwork
C. Barbara Astman’s artwork,, which is not only D. Barbara Astman’s artwork not only

5. Hubble’s law states that the greater the distance between any two galaxies, _____ is their relative speed of
A. the greatest B. the greater C. greater than D. as great as

6. The flatter a hair appears under a microscope, __________ wavier it is.

A. although B. which C. and D. The

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